File - Tepeyac Institute, Diocese of El Paso, Texas
File - Tepeyac Institute, Diocese of El Paso, Texas
Instituto Tepeyac Institute Summer Institute 2015 "Read, Study, and Know the Bible" June 8-20, 2015 Instituto de Verano 2015 "Leer, estudiar y conocer la Biblia" Del 8 al 20 de junio, 2015 (915) 872-8420 - 499 St. Matthews St., El Paso, Tx. 79907 Summer Institute 2015/ Instituto de Verano 2015 For 27 years Tepeyac Institute has offered courses in theology, scripture, social justice, and spirituality with local and visiting international faculty from major Catholic Universities. Courses will be offered this summer to Foster spiritual growth, update theology and religious formation, assist you in gaining pastoral skills. In these classes you will meet other ministers throughout the diocese and you will be able to take some classes for re-certification of your ministry. Some Summer Institute classes will be eligible for Ministry renewal. Por 27 años el Instituto Tepeyac ha ofrecido cursos, talleres, y retiros en teología, sagradas escrituras, justicia social y espiritualidad, con presentadores de universidades católicas. Este verano ofreceremos cursos para guiarlos en su crecimiento spiritual, la actualización teológica y formación religiosa, asistirlos en el entrenamiento pastoral. En estas clases tendran la oportunidad de conocer otros ministros diocesanos y podra tomas algunas clases validas para la re-certificación de su ministerio. Week I - Semana I June 8-11 • 10 a.m.—12 noon/ 8-11 de junio • 10 a.m.—12 noon 1. "Catechesis" - Sr. Elizabeth Anne Swartz, SSND. 2. "Be the Sacrament you celebrate" - Manny Barrios, LBSW., MPS. 3. ¿Tienes hambre de la palabra de Dios? - Margarita Armendariz M.A., 4. "PRAY.SERVE.GIVE. Our Faith in Action - Janine Young, Cynthia Trejo, and Martha L. Marmolejo 5. "Apocalipsis" - Rev. Antonio Mena June 8-11 • 7:00 p.m.— 9:00 p.m./ 8-11 de junio • 7:00 p.m.— 9:00 p.m. 6. "The Cross and the Table: Christianity Answer to World Violence" - Fr. Bob Dueweke O.S.A., Ph.D. 7. Haciendo conexión con nuestros hijos - Louise Rauseo, RN., MS. 8. Sacraments of the Church – Origins and Developments - A Survey - James L. Hubbard, MS., MPS. 9. Divorce and Remarriage in the Catholic Church - Fr. Tony Celino, STB., M.DIV., JCL. 10. "Se el Sacramento que celebras" - Manny Barrios LBSW, MPS. 11. REZAR.SERVIR.DAR.- Nestra fe en acción - Janine Young, Cynthia Trejo, and Martha L. Marmolejo Saturday June 13 12. Buscando la salud fisica de nuestras comunidades parroquiales— Salud y Bienstar de Tepeyac 13. Los Sueños y el Duelo - Margarita Armendariz, M.A. 14. Interfaith Dialogue in Islam: Principals and Practice - Ali R. Candir, M.A. 15. “Who are you called to be? Igniting a flame” - Amanda Murillo-Estrada 16. "PRAY.SERVE.GIVE. Our Faith in Action - Janine Young, Cynthia Trejo, and Martha L. Marmolejo 17. Seeking the physical health of our Parish Communities– Ministry Health and Well being 18. Sexual Misconduct and Safe Environment Workshop – Diana Mendez Bulko, MPS Summer Institute 2015/ Instituto de Verano 2015 Week II - Semana II June 15-18 • 10 a.m.—12 noon/ 15-18 de junio • 10 a.m.—12 noon 19."Catechesis" - Sr. Elizabeth Anne Swartz, SSND 20. REZAR.SERVIR.DAR.- Nestra fe en acción - Janine Young, Cynthia Trejo, and Martha L. Marmolejo 21. Are you hungry for God's Word? - Margarita Armendariz M.A. 22. De dioses y de hombres, Secularismos ateos y fanatismos religiosos - Rev. Miguel Angel Serrano June 15-18 • 7:00 p.m.— 9:00 p.m./ 15-18 de junio • 7:00 p.m.— 9:00 p.m. 23. Connecting with Your Children - Louise Rauseo, RN, MS. 24. Daniel and Revelation - Harry Fledderman, Ph.D 25. The Trinity and contemplative prayer - "Teaching spiritual things Spiritually" - Jack Mooney 26. MARIA: "toda de Dios y tan humana" Padre Miguel Angel Serrano 27. "Jesus y las mujeres en el evangelio, Interpretacion biblica desde la perspectiva femenina" - Hna. Enedina Juarez 28. Evangelizar hoy: “Siguiendo los pasos del Papa Francisco”- Padre Jose Moreno de la Helguera 29. "PRAY.SERVE.GIVE. Our Faith in Action—Janine Young, Cynthia Trejo, and Martha L. Marmolejo 30. Introduction to Pastoral Moral Theology - Jean Ponder Soto, Ph.D Saturday June 20 31. "We can do it?": Ways to build trust and make a difference - Beth Riehle 32. The Trinity and contemplative prayer - "Teaching spiritual things Spiritually" - Jack Mooney 33. Grief Dreams - Margarita Armendariz, M.A. 34. Retiro para despedir agradecios a nuestros seres queridos - Rev. Miguel Angel Serrano 35. What Did You Say?....-Dr. Jean Soto, James L. Hubbard MS, MPS & Anthony Castanares BS, MS. 36. REZAR.SERVIR.DAR.- Nestra fe en accion - Janine Young, Cynthia Trejo, and Martha L. Marmolejo Youth and Young Adults Classes Class # 15 “Who are you called to be? “Igniting a flame” 18 Join other 7th and 8th grade students in a morning of worship, prayer and fun!!! Class # 31 “We can do it!” Ways to build trust and make a difference Class # 26 & class # 30 Join other youth leaders to learn new strategies for building rust, enchancing communication and knowing how to work together more effective. Week I - Semana I The Morning Classes – Clases por la Mañana June 8-11 • 10 a.m.—12 noon/ 8-11 de junio • 10 a.m.—12 noon 1. “Catechesis” Students will utilize the General Directory for Catechesis and the National Directory for Catechesis as they explore the fundamental task of catechesis, which is the formation of disciples of Jesus. Course will also explore practical applications for classroom teachers. (Course for certification for teachers in Catholic schools. Monday to Friday) Sr. Elizabeth Anne Swartz, SSND is a member of the Central Pacific Province of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, who holds a Bachelor’s degree from Notre Dame of Maryland University in Elementary Education, a Master’s degree in Teaching from Trinity University in Washington, D.C. and 27 hrs. in post-graduate work in School Administration and Supervision from Texas Woman’s University. She has 16 years experience as an elementary teacher, fourteen years as principal, one year as associate superintendent and 19 years as superintendent of Catholic Schools in El Paso. Dates: Monday-Friday: June 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Classroom: Martyrs of the Americas 2. “Be the Sacrament You Celebrate” (CLASS VALID TO RENEW YOUR MINISTRY) The Eucharist is the ‘source and summit’ for Christian living. Today many people do not believe that the sacraments are necessary. Participants will examine the rituals of the sacraments and how they are connected to everyday life. Required book: K. Hughes, “Becoming the Sign” (Paulist press, kindle version available). Jose Manny Barrios, LBSW, MPS earned a Bachelor of Social Work degree from the University of Texas at El Paso in 1992 and is licensed by the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners. Mr. Barrios also earned a Master of Pastoral Studies from Loyola University New Orleans in 2009. He is currently the Parish Life Coordinator/church Administrator. at Dates: Monday-Thursday: June 8, 9, 10, 11 Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Classroom: San Martin De Porres 3. ¿Tienes hambre de la palabra de Dios? (CLASE VALIDA PARA RENOVAR SU MINISTERIO) En este curso a través del evangelio según San Marcos y la Exhortación Apostólica del Santo Padre Francisco, “La Alegría del Evangelio”, descubriremos de nuevo que Jesús es quien nos busca para alimentarnos, devolvernos la alegría y enviarnos a ser mensajeros alegres de la PALABRA que llena el corazón . Margarita Armendáriz M.A., recibió su maestría de consejería y psicología en el Instituto Graduado de Santa Bárbara, California. Ella lleva a cabo seminarios, retiros y talleres sobre espiritualidad. Fecha: lunes – jueves, 8, 9, 10, 11 de junio Hora: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Salón: Guadalupe 4. PRAY. SERVE. GIVE. – Our Faith in Action Prayer is powerful, service is humbling, and giving unites us. This workshop will focus on the fundamental principles to develop a spiritual stewardship life. The course is beneficial for parish staffs, pastoral and finance councils. Janine Young is the Chief Operating Officer of the Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso, Inc. and has been with the Diocese since 2000. She has more than 25 years of experience in fundraising including grant writing, annual appeals, and promoting Stewardship as a way of life. She is the author of the Centennial History of the Diocese of El Paso. AND Dates: Monday-Thursday: June 8, 9, 10, 11 Cynthia Trejo Development Coordinator Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Martha L. Marmolejo Progress Assistant Classroom: Flores A Week I - Semana I The Morning Classes – Clases por la Mañana June 8-11 • 10 a.m.—12 noon/ 8-11 de junio • 10 a.m.—12 noon 5. “Apocalipsis” (CLASE VALIDA PARA RENOVAR SU MINISTERIO) Presentar una visión global de la temática que presenta el libro del Apocalipsis en una dimensión positiva y alentadora de la historia, proporcionando una lectura crítica del pasado, presente y futuro de la iglesia y de la humanidad. Entre otros temas revisaremos: Panorama general, la manifestación de Cristo el Señor, Las siete cartas de la Iglesia universal, los siete sellos, las siete trompetas, los siete signos, las siete copas, la ramera sentenciada, el fin del mundo, la feliz consumación, la mujer y la serpiente, y la liturgia celestial. Rev. Antonio Mena Es Licenciado en teología y filosofía por la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Colombia UPB (1982) y Licenciado en Antropología Misionera, por el Instituto Misionero de Antropología IMA, adscrito a la UPB (1990) durante 5 años sirvió como misionero en selvas colombianas. Participo como profesor de Teología y Eclesiología en el Instituto Tepeyac (1988- 1989) Tiene 28 años de experiencia sacerdotal en la Diócesis de El Paso, Texas y actualmente es párroco de Corpus Christi, miembro del consejo diocesano presbiteral y director espiritual del Apostolado de la Cruz. Fecha: lunes – jueves, 8, 9, 10, 11 de junio Hora: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 medio día Salón: Pinto Room Week I - Semana I The Evening Classes – Clases por la noche June 8-11 • 7:00 p.m.—9:00 p.m./ 8-11 de junio • 7:00 p.m.—9:00 p.m. 6. “The Cross and the Table”: Christianity’s Answer to World Violence The Cross of Christ captures the violence in today’s world, from domestic violence, to school bullying to wars and terrorism. Christ hanging on the cross poses this question to all peoples: What is the answer to total violence? The answer is the table of the Eucharist. (More information on this course will be posted on the Tepeyac website.) Fr. Bob Dueweke, OSA, PhD. is the Director of Tepeyac Institute . He holds a Ph.D. in theology from the University of St. Paul in Ottawa , Canada. Fr. Bob has been a missionary in Peru, has taught in the seminary and has worked for the Arch-diocese of Chicago. Dates: Monday-Thursday: June 8, 9, 10, 11 Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 pm Classroom: Martyrs of the Americas 7. Haciendo conexión con nuestros hijos Cuatro tardes para explorar las áreas que pueden preocupar a los padres mientras trabajan para construir sólidas conexiones con sus hijos, desde la infancia hasta la edad adulta. 1. familia vida en un mundo ansioso. 2. las edades y etapas de la vida familiar. 3. los valores y las opciones en una cultura 4. las relaciones que construyen la madurez. Louise Rauseo, RN, MS, terapeuta familiar y entrenadora: 1980 hasta el presente. (Annapolis, MD y El Paso), Educadora: sistemas de teoría y práctica familiar Bowen-(centro de familia de Georgetown, Washington, DC y programas en la frontera, El Paso/Cd.Juarez)Directora – programas fronterizos CSNSF – 1994 – 2014. Educadora en enfermería: 1974-1980 (Anne Arundel Community College) Fecha: lunes – jueves, 8, 9, 10, 11 de junio Hora: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 pm Salón: San Martin De Porres Week II -- Semana Semana II Week TheMorning EveningClasses Classes––Clases Clasespor porlalaMañana noche The JuneJune 8-11 8-11 • 7:00 p.m./ 8-11 8-11 de de junio junio •• 10 7:00 p.m.—9:00 • 10p.m.—9:00 a.m.—12 noon/ a.m.—12 noonp.m. 8. Sacraments of the Church – Origins and Developments (CLASS VALID TO RENEW YOUR MINISTRY) The course will briefly trace the origins of the idea of sacrament and then will examine each of the seven Catholic sacraments to identify their origin, history, and how they have evolved to the present day. We will consider official Church teachings and theological opinions to arrive at a better understanding of the sacraments. James L. Hubbard, MS, MPS, earned a Master of Pastoral Studies with a focus on Parish Life and Administration from Loyola University New Orleans. Mr. Hubbard is a parishioner at St Mark Church and has been an Adjunct Faculty member at Tepeyac Institute since 2003. He is the Loyola University Liaison (LIMEX) for Tepeyac Institute. Now retired, he has been a speaker at several local parishes, at a regional St Vincent de Paul Conference and at the El Paso Serra Club. Dates: Monday-Thursday: June 8, 9, 10, 11 Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 pm Classroom: Guadalupe Room 9. Divorce and Remarriage in the Catholic Church Revisiting the debate and disquieting the myths concerning marriage nullity in the Catholic Church. Fr. Tony Celino, STB, M.DIV., JCL is the Vicar General/ Moderator of the Curia of the Diocese of El Paso and Parochial administrator of Santa Lucia Parish. He earned a license in Canon Law from the Catholic University of America in Washing-ton, D.C. Dates: Monday-Thursday: June 8, 9, 10, 11 Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 pm Classroom: Pinto Room 10. “Sé el sacramento que celebras” (CLASE VALIDA PARA RENOVAR SU MINISTERIO) La Eucaristía es la “cumbre y fuente” de la vida cristiana. En estos tiempos, mucha gente piensa que los sacramentos no son necesarios. Los participantes examinarán los ritos de los sacramentos y la forma en que están relacionados con la vida diaria. Jose Manny Barrios, LBSW, MPS Licenciado en Trabajo Social graduado de la Universidad de Texas en El Paso en 1992, y autorizado por el consejo de Trabajo Social y examinadores del Estado de Texas. El Sr. Barrios cuenta también con maestría en estudios pastorales de la Universidad de Loyola en Nuevo Orleans obtenida en 2009. Actualmente es el administrador y Coordinador de la Parroquia de Cristo Rey en el Paso, Texas. Fecha: lunes – jueves, 8, 9, 10, 11 de junio Hora: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 pm Salón: Flores A 11. REZAR. SERVIR. DAR. – Nuestra fe en acción: la oración es poderosa, el servicio es humilde, y dando nos une. Este taller se centrará en los principios fundamentales para desarrollar una vida espiritual mayordomía. Este taller será bueno para los que participan en los equipos y los consejos de la parroquia, como los de la pastoral y de finanzas. Janine Young es la Directora de Operaciones de la Fundación para la Diócesis de El Paso, Inc. y ha estado con la diócesis desde 2000. Tiene más de 25 años de experiencia en la recaudación de fondos, incluyendo redacción de propuestas, apelaciones anuales, y la promoción de la corresponsabilidad como una forma de vida. Ella es el autor de la Historia del Centenario de la Diócesis de El Paso. Y Cynthia Trejo Development Coordinator Martha L. Marmolejo Progress Assistant Fecha: lunes – jueves, 8, 9, 10, 11 de junio Hora: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 pm Salón: Flores B Saturday I - Sabado I June 13 /13 de junio 12. Buscando la salud física de nuestras comunidades parroquiales (Sin Costo) "Tu cuerpo es templó de la naturaleza y del espíritu divino. Consérvalo sano, respétalo, estúdialo, concédele sus derechos"Henry F. Amiel Objetivo: Formar ministerios de salud dentro de las comunidades parroquiales, que ayuden a mejorar la calidad de vida, la salud y el bienestar de nuestros hermanos y sus familias. Los asistentes al taller unificarán la información necesaria que les ayude a establecer el ministerio de salud en la parroquia a la que pertenecen a través de conocimientos, experiencias, etc. Ministerio de Salud y Bienestar de Tepeyac: el Ministerio de Salud y Bienestar del Instituto Tepeyac fue fundada en octubre de 2012. Hoy el ministerio está compuesto por 9 profesionales todos con diferentes conexiones a la salud, la educación y los ministerios. Fecha: sabado, 13 de junio Hora: 9:00 a.m. – 12noon Salon: Flores B 13. Los Sueños y el Duelo La muerte de un ser querido o un cambio de vida importante duele profundamente. Dios nunca nos abandona y está presente en todas las dimensiones de nuestras vidas. Los sueños proveen un puente para sanar y ayudarnos a seguir adelante en la jornada de la vida. También cubriremos otros tipos de sueños que nos retan a crecer y hacer un cambio de corazón. Margarita Armendáriz M.A., recibió su maestría de consejería y psicología en el Instituto Graduado de Santa Bárbara, California. Ella lleva a cabo seminarios, retiros y talleres sobre espiritualidad Fecha: sabado 13 de junio Hora: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00pm Salon: Martyrs of the Americas 14. Interfaith Dialogue in Islam: Principles and Practice Dialogue between the followers of diverse faiths is becoming more important and needed in our rapidly changing societies. This course aims: • To present the principles of interfaith dialogue in Islam, especially with Judaism and Christianity • To explore how Muslims are involved with interfaith efforts in our times, and to provide brief overview about American Muslims. Ali R. Candir, M.A, is the executive director for the Dialogue Institute of the Southwest, a non-profit organization that promotes dialogue, mutual understanding, respect and cooperation among people of diverse faiths. He has a Master of Arts degree in Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim relations from Hartford Seminary in Connecticut. As president of the Gulen Institute at the University of Houston, he has hosted distinguished personalities including Mr. Kofi Annan and President Vicente Fox. He is a Muslim chaplain at St. Luke’s hospital in Houston and speaks English, Turkish, and Spanish. Dates: Saturday, June 13 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 pm Classroom: Pinto Room Saturday I - Sabado I June 13 /13 de junio 15. ‘Who are you called to be? Igniting a Flame” Who are you called to be? How will you use your gifts to change the world around you? Join other 7th and 8th grade students in a morning of worship, prayer and fun as we look at these questions! Come meet other middle school students and discover the amazing adventure that you began at your Baptism. Amanda Murillo-Estrada was born and raised in El Paso, Texas. She received a BS in Mathematics with a supplementary degree in Theology, and also a Masters Degree in Theology from the University of Notre Dame. Upon returning to El Paso she has taught high school theology and currently teach religion for middle school students. She has been married for three years. Dates: Saturday, June 13 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 pm Classroom: Guadalupe Room 16. PRAY. SERVE. GIVE. – Our Faith in Action Prayer is powerful, service is humbling, and giving unites us. This workshop will focus on the fundamental principles to develop a spiritual stewardship life. The course is beneficial for parish staffs, pastoral and finance councils. Janine Young is the Chief Operating Officer of the Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso, Inc. and has been with the Diocese since 2000. She has more than 25 years of experience in fundraising including grant writing, annual appeals, and promoting Stewardship as a way of life. She is the author of the Centennial History of the Diocese of El Paso. AND Cynthia Trejo Development Coordinator Dates: Saturday, June 13 Martha L. Marmolejo Progress Assistant Time: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 pm Classroom: Romero Room 17. Seeking the physical health of our parish communities: (No Fee) "Your body is a temple of nature and the divine spirit. Keep it healthy, respect it, study it, and grant it its rights" -Henry F. Amiel Objective: To foster health ministries within the parish communities to help improve the quality of life, health and welfare of our brothers and their families. Participants will unify the necessary information to help them establish a health ministry in their parish; through knowledge, experience, etc. Ministry of Health and Well being: Tepeyac Institute’s Ministry of Health and Well-Being was founded in October 2012. Today the ministry is composed of 9 professionals all with different connections to health, education and ministries. Dates: Saturday, June 13 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12noon Classroom: Flores A 18. Sexual Misconduct and Safe Environment Workshop (No Fee) These workshops are for all volunteers and employees of the diocese and are necessary for compliance with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. Diana Mendez Bulko, MPS earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Texas at El Paso in 1982. Mrs. Bulko received her Certificate in Theology through Tepeyac in 2008 & earned a Masters in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University New Orleans in 2012. She is also a facilitator for the Limex Program for Loyola University New Orleans. She presents Sexual Misconduct and Safe Environment Workshop for volunteers and employees of the Diocese of EL Paso. Dates: Saturday, June 13 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12noon Classroom: San Martin De Porres Week II - Semana II The Morning Classes – Clases por la Mañana June 15-18 • 10 a.m.—12 noon/ 15-18 de junio • 10 a.m.—12 noon 19. “Catechesis” Students will utilize the General Directory for Catechesis and the National Directory for Catechesis as they explore the fundamental task of catechesis, which is the formation of disciples of Jesus. Course will also explore practical applications for classroom teachers. (Course for certification for teachers in Catholic schools. Monday to Friday) Sr. Elizabeth Anne Swartz, SSND is a member of the Central Pacific Province of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, who holds a Bachelor’s degree from Notre Dame of Maryland University in Elementary Education, a Master’s degree in Teaching from Trinity University in Washington, D.C. and 27 hrs. in post-graduate work in School Administration and Supervision from Texas Woman’s University. She has 16 years experience as an elementary teacher, fourteen years as principal, one year as associate superintendent and 19 years as superintendent of Catholic Schools in El Paso. Dates: Monday-Friday: June 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Classroom: Martyrs of the Americas 20. REZAR. SERVIR. DAR. – Nuestra fe en acción: la oración es poderosa, el servicio es humilde, y dando nos une. Este taller se centrará en los principios fundamentales para desarrollar una vida espiritual mayordomía. Este taller será bueno para los que participan en los equipos y los consejos de la parroquia, como los de la pastoral y de finanzas. Janine Young es la Directora de Operaciones de la Fundación para la Diócesis de El Paso, Inc. y ha estado con la diócesis desde 2000. Tiene más de 25 años de experiencia en la recaudación de fondos, incluyendo redacción de propuestas, apelaciones anuales, y la promoción de la corresponsabilidad como una forma de vida. Ella es el autor de la Historia del Centenario de la Diócesis de El Paso. Y Cynthia Trejo Development Coordinator Fecha: lunes – jueves, 15, 16, 17, 18 de junio Martha L. Marmolejo Progress Assistant Hora: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 medio día Salón: Flores A 21. Are you hungry for God’s Word?: (CLASS VALID TO RENEW YOUR MINISTRY) In this course, through the Gospel according to Mark and the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis, “The Joy of the Gospel,” we will discover again that it is Jesus who seeks to feed us, to restore our joy, and to send us into the world to be joyful messengers of the WORD that fills the heart. Margarita Armendariz has a Masters in Counseling and Psychology from the Pacific Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, California. She conducts seminars, retreats, and workshops on spirituality Dates: Monday-Friday: June 15, 16, 17, 18 Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Classroom: Guadalupe 22. De dioses y de hombres: “Secularismos ateos y fanatismos religiosos” Vive el cristiano, en el tiempo presente, un gran reto: dar razón de su esperanza en un mundo dividido entre una cultura que ha sacado a Dios y un tipo de religión que se arriesga a volverse fundamentalista, fanática y deshumanizante. Taller donde se analizarán dos procesos vinculados a nuestra fe cristiana católica: ateísmo práctico y el fanatismo religioso. Padre Miguel Ángel Serrano Gerardo: Sacerdote ordenado desde 2005 en la diócesis de Hermosillo, Sonora. Realizó un diplomado, en el Instituto Centroamericano de Espiritualidad de Guatemala, sobre acompañamiento y formación para acompañantes en el 2007. Actualmente coordina la formación permanente del presbiterio de su diócesis. Fecha: lunes – jueves, 15, 16, 17, 18 de junio Hora: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 medio día Salón: Pinto Week Semana III Week II I -- Semana TheMorning EveningClasses Classes––Clases Clasespor porlalaMañana noche The JuneJune 15-18 8-11 • 7:00 p.m./ 8-11 15-18de dejunio junio• 10 • 7:00 p.m.—9:00 • 10p.m.—9:00 a.m.—12 noon/ a.m.—12 noon p.m. 23. Connecting with Your Children Four evenings that will explore the areas that can trouble parents, while working to build solid connections with our children, from childhood through adulthood. 1. Family life in an anxious world. 2. Ages and stages of family life. 3. Values and choices in a changing culture. 4. Relationships that build maturity. Louise Rauseo, RN, MS, Family Therapist and Coach: 1980 to present. (Annapolis, MD and El Paso), Educator: Bowen Family Systems Theory and Practice -since 1980 (Georgetown Family Center, Washington, DC and programs at the border, El Paso/Cd.Juarez)Director – CSNSF Border Programs – 1994 – 2014 (Center for the Study of Natural Systems and the Family, Programs at the Border…El Paso/Cd. Juarez). Educator in Nursing: 1974-1980 (Anne Arundel Community College) Dates: Monday-Friday: June 15, 16, 17, 18 Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 pm Classroom: San Martin De Porres 24. “Daniel and Revelation” (CLASS VALID TO RENEW OUR MINISTRY) An apocalypse is a form of revelatory literature in which a human being receives a supernatural revelation through an angelic being. The revelation discloses a transcendent world where humans encounter final judgment which rewards the faithful and punishes the unjust. Two apocalypses Daniel in the Old Testament and Revelation in the New Testament, made it into the biblical canon. This course will explore the literary form of an apocalypse and probe the rich theology the apocalypses articulate. Harry T. Fleddermann Ph.D graduated with a doctorate in biblical studies from the Graduate Theological Union in 1978. He served as Professor of Religious Studies at Alverno College in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for twenty-five years. Now retired, he continues to do research and to write on the gospels. Dates: Monday-Friday: June 15, 16, 17, 18 Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 pm Classroom: Martyrs of the Americas 25. The Trinity and contemplative prayer - “Teaching spiritual things spiritually” (1cor 2:13) (CLASS VALID TO RENEW OUR MINISTRY) We will explore the central mystery of Christian faith and life, the trinity, integrating the Christian contemplative tradition with emphasis on the practice of contemplative prayer. Jack Mooney is former El Paso Diocesan Director of Adult Religious Formation. He has a Certificate in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University, New Orleans with a Specialty in Spirituality and is Faculty at Tepeyac Institute and Faculty at John Paul II Institute, Diocese of Ft. Worth. Jack has presented throughout the country retreats, parish renewal programs and teachings and workshops on Evangelization, spirituality and Liturgy. Dates: Monday-Friday: June 15, 16, 17, 18 Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 pm Classroom: Guadalupe Week Semana III Week II I -- Semana TheMorning EveningClasses Classes––Clases Clasespor porlalaMañana noche The JuneJune 15-18 8-11 • 7:00 p.m./ 8-11 15-18de dejunio junio• 10 • 7:00 p.m.—9:00 • 10p.m.—9:00 a.m.—12 noon/ a.m.—12 noon p.m. 26. “MARIA: toda de Dios y tan humana” (CLASE VALIDA PARA RENOVAR SU MINISTERIO ) Necesario es realizar una reflexión seria, profunda y actualizada sobre el lugar de María en la existencia cristiana, tomando en cuenta los temas sobre Cristo, el ser humano, y la espiritualidad a fin de realizar las aplicaciones adecuadas a los problemas cruciales de la fe, de la Iglesia, de nuestra sociedad en crisis y la época de cambio actual. Padre Miguel Ángel Serrano Gerardo: Sacerdote ordenado desde 2005 en la diócesis de Hermosillo, Sonora. Realizó un diplomado, en el Instituto Centroamericano de Espiritualidad de Guatemala, sobre acompañamiento y formación para acompañantes en el 2007. Actualmente coordina la formación permanente del presbiterio de su diócesis. Fecha: lunes – jueves, 15, 16, 17, 18 de junio Hora: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 medio día Salón: Flores A 27. “Jesús y las mujeres en el evangelio. Interpretación bíblica desde la perspectiva femenina” Abordaremos algunos pasajes de los Evangelios para que, releyéndolos desde los aportes de las mujeres teólogas y hermeneutas, seamos introducidos a la fascinante riqueza bíblica, siempre nueva, ayudándonos a profundizar sensiblemente la fe cristiana. Hna. Enedina Juárez, Religiosa de la Congregación de Las Hermanas de San José de Lyon. Licenciatura en Psicología por la Universidad de Guanajuato, México. Licenciatura en Teología por la Universidad Iberoamericana de la Ciudad de México. Colabora en la formación bíblica teológica para las comunidades en español en la Catedral de San Patricio. Fecha: lunes – jueves, 15, 16, 17, 18 de junio Hora: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 medio día Salón: Flores B 28. Evangelizar hoy: “Siguiendo los pasos del Papa Francisco” (CLASE VALIDA PARA RENOVAR SU MINISTERIO ) 1. “La alegría de vivir y anunciar el evangelio” 2 “Salir con la iglesia hacia los hombres y el mundo” 3. “La alegría de caminar con Jesús entre los hombres” 4. “El anuncio del evangelio, fuente de alegría. Presentador José Moreno de la Helguera, nacido en Cuba, después de cursar estudios universitarios de Química en la Universidad de Oviedo (España), ingreso en el Instituto Secular Acies Christi. Es ordenado sacerdote del mismo en 1955 y obtiene la licenciatura en Teología por la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (España). Durante muchos años ha desempeñado diversos cargos en el citado Instituto, incluida su Dirección General. Ha dedicado sus esfuerzos, en particular, a la formación de la juventud, al trabajo entre matrimonios cristianos y al estudio de la condición de los laicos dentro de la Iglesia. Padre José Moreno de La Helguera: Fecha: lunes – jueves, 15, 16, 17, 18 de junio Hora: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 medio día Salón: Madre Teresa, 2400 E. Yandell Week Semana III Week II I -- Semana TheMorning EveningClasses Classes––Clases Clasespor porlalaMañana noche The JuneJune 15-18 8-11 • 7:00 p.m./ 8-11 15-18de dejunio junio• 10 • 7:00 p.m.—9:00 • 10p.m.—9:00 a.m.—12 noon/ a.m.—12 noon p.m. 29. PRAY. SERVE. GIVE. – Our Faith in Action Prayer is powerful, service is humbling, and giving unites us. This workshop will focus on the fundamental principles to develop a spiritual stewardship life. The course is beneficial for parish staffs, pastoral and finance councils. Janine Young is the Chief Operating Officer of the Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso, Inc. and has been with the Diocese since 2000. She has more than 25 years of experience in fundraising including grant writing, annual appeals, and promoting Stewardship as a way of life. She is the author of the Centennial History of the Diocese of El Paso. AND Cynthia Trejo Development Coordinator Martha L. Marmolejo Progress Assistant Dates: Monday-Friday: June 15, 16, 17, 18 Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 pm Classroom: Romero 30. Introduction to Pastoral Moral Theology This course is a hybrid: 4 classes are scheduled at night during the Summer Institute followed by 4 classes that are on line. This course provides participants with knowledge of the foundations of moral theology. Course Goals: To grasp the methods, role and function of pastoral moral theology, to realize pastoral moral theology in the context of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to apply pastoral moral theology in the context of our lives. Topics to be covered are: • Human anthropology • Sources of moral knowledge in the Magisterium, Scriptures, human reason and experience • Conscience formation and moral decision making • Sin, personal and social • Types of conversion • Virtues and values • Moral theology and spirituality. The class will examine moral issues on the environment and the report for the Synod of Bishops on the Family. Participants will choose a topic of their choice on which to demonstrate moral issues and decision- making. The online portion of the class is scheduled for the weeks of June 20, 28, July 5 and 12. By July 17, which is the end of the online portion, the participants will have completed 20 hours. Successful completion of this course qualifies for CEU credits. Jean Ponder Soto, PhD is a native of El Paso. For over 30 years she has been involved in lay ministry, social justice work, and adult faith formation in the U.S., Mexico, and Europe. She received an M.A. in Philosophy from Boston College and a Ph.D. in Theology from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA. Jean is the mother of four daughters, and the grandmother of 10 grandchildren. She is adjunct faculty at Santa Clara University, CA, and Tepeyac Institute Dates: Monday-Friday: June 15, 16, 17, 18 Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 pm Classroom: Pinto Saturday II - Sabado II June 20 /20 de junio 31. “We can do it!” Ways to build trust and make a difference (class has a limited of 20 participants) The course will teach you new strategies for building trust, enhancing communication, and knowing how to work together more effectively as groups. These strategies use group games and other initiatives. This course is valuable for youth leaders, catechists and teachers. (A brochure is available.) Beth Riehle has conducted these workshops at schools and colleges for more than 20 years. As a missioner in El Salvador she facilitated community building events and trainer workshops for catechists and teachers. Dates: Saturday, June 20 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 pm Classroom: Flores A 32. The Trinity and contemplative prayer - “Teaching spiritual things spiritually” (1cor 2:13) (CLASS VALID TO RENEW YOUR MINISTRY ) We will explore the central mystery of Christian faith and life, the trinity, integrating the Christian contemplative tradition with emphasis on the practice of contemplative prayer. Jack Mooney is former El Paso Diocesan Director of Adult Religious Formation. He has a Certificate in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University, New Orleans with a Specialty in Spirituality and is Faculty at Tepeyac Institute and Faculty at John Paul II Institute, Diocese of Ft. Worth. Jack has presented throughout the country retreats, parish renewal programs and teachings and workshops on Evangelization, spirituality and Liturgy. Dates: Saturday, June 20 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 pm Classroom: San Martin De Porres 33. Grief Dreams Death and loss are part of our lives and our hearts hurt profoundly. God never abandons us and is present in every dimension of our lives. Dreams can provide a bridge for healing and moving forward in the journey of life. We will also cover other types of dreams that challenge us to grow and make a change of heart. Margarita Armendariz has a Masters in Counseling and Psychology from the Pacific Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, California. She conducts seminars, retreats, and workshops on spirituality Dates: Saturday, June 20 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 pm Classroom: Martyrs of the Americas 34. Retiro para despedir agradecidos a nuestros seres queridos (CLASE VALIDA PARA RENOVAR SU MINISTERIO) Retiro en donde podrán los participantes realizar algunos ejercicios sensibles que les ayuden a mejorar sus procesos de duelo por la pérdida de un ser querido. Con elementos teológicos que nos permitan poner en manos de Dios con esperanza a nuestros seres queridos difuntos. Padre Miguel Ángel Serrano Gerardo: Sacerdote ordenado desde 2005 en la diócesis de Hermosillo, Sonora. Realizó un diplomado, en el Instituto Centroamericano de Espiritualidad de Guatemala, sobre acompañamiento y formación para acompañantes en el 2007. Actualmente coordina la formación permanente del presbiterio de su diócesis. Fecha: sábado, 20 de junio Hora: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00pm Salon: Pinto Room Saturday II - Sabado II June 20 /20 de junio 35. What Did You Say? What Does It Mean? Our Surveys Results from the Bishops’ Synod on the Family: Did you take the surveys–-or not? In either case, you will find in this workshop an interesting snapshot of what a sample of us believe, think and need concerning family life. In this workshop we explore how laypersons in the Diocese of El Paso responded to the two surveys that were presented to the Bishops’ Synod on the family. This is a workshop–and so we will work together to discover what our responses could mean about us as Catholics and how we live our faith within our families. How do we compare with other dioceses? To find out we examine the reports from other dioceses. Jean Ponder Soto, Ph.D. is a native of El Paso. For over 30 years she has been involved in lay ministry, social justice work, and adult faith formation in the U.S., Mexico, and Europe. She received an M.A. in Philosophy from Boston College and a Ph.D. in Theology from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA. Jean is the mother of four daughters, and the grandmother of 10 grandchildren. She is adjunct faculty at Santa Clara University, CA, and Tepeyac Institute. James L. Hubbard, MS, MPS earned a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Physics from the University of Texas at El Paso in 1974. He earned a Master of Science in Computer Science from The Johns Hopkins University in 1983 and a Master of Pastoral Studies with a focus on Parish Life and Administration from Loyola University New Orleans in 2009. Mr. Hubbard is a parishioner at St Mark Catholic Church and has been an Adjunct Faculty member at Tepeyac Institute since 2003. He is the Loyola University Liaison for Tepeyac Institute. Now retired, he has been a speaker at several local parishes, at a regional St Vincent de Paul Conference and at the El Paso Serra Club. Anthony Castanares earned a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science degree in Computer Science from the University of Texas at El Paso in 2001 and 2003 (respectively). He is currently enrolled in the Tepeyac theology program, has taken various short courses in theology and special topics offered at Tepeyac Institute and is a parishioner at the Cathedral of St. Patrick. Anthony is employed as a Computer Scientist at the US Army Research Laboratory. Dates: Saturday, June 20 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 pm Classroom: Guadalupe 36. REZAR. SERVIR. DAR. – Nuestra fe en acción la oración es poderosa, el servicio es humilde, y dando nos une. Este taller se centrará en los principios fundamentales para desarrollar una vida espiritual mayordomía. Este taller será bueno para los que participan en los equipos y los consejos de la parroquia, como los de la pastoral y de finanzas. Janine Young es la Directora de Operaciones de la Fundación para la Diócesis de El Paso, Inc. y ha estado con la diócesis desde 2000. Tiene más de 25 años de experiencia en la recaudación de fondos, incluyendo redacción de propuestas, apelaciones anuales, y la promoción de la corresponsabilidad como una forma de vida. Ella es el autor de la Historia del Centenario de la Diócesis de El Paso. Y Cynthia Trejo Development Coordinator Martha L. Marmolejo Progress Assistant Fecha: sábado, 20 de junio Hora: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00pm Salon: Romero Room REGISTRATION & FEES Some classrooms have limited seating. The fee is $20 per course. Payment must accompany registration. Please make checks payable to: TEPEYAC INSTITUTE. Tepeyac will mail a confirmation receipt of your registration. We accept donations which are placed in the scholarship fund. REFUNDS: We will refund your money if the course is cancelled. We cannot apply refunds to future programs. No refunds after June 8, 2015. RENEWAL PROGRAM: Persons who will be renewing their certification in the year 2015 may attend some of the classes and receive partial credit towards certification. Please consult with Tepeyac for your ministry re-certification process. INSCRIPCION Y CUOTA Algunas clases tienen cupo limitado. La cuota es $20 por curso. La cuota debe acompañar su inscripción. Haga su cheque a nombre de INSTITUTO TEPEYAC. Les enviaremos recibo de su inscripción por correo. Aceptamos donativos para incrementar el fondo de becas. REEMBOLSOS: Le regresaremos su dinero si se cancela el curso. Los reembolsos no podrán ser aplicados a otros programas en el futuro. No podremos ofrecer reembolsos después del 8 de Junio 2015. PROGRAMA DE RENOVACION: Personas que estarán renovando durante el año 2015 pueden asistir a algunos de los cursos para recibir crédito parcial. Por favor consulte con Tepeyac acerca de la re-certificación de su ministerio. HEALTH FAIR 2015 FERIA DE SALUD JOIN US FOR A DAY OF HEALTHY FUN FOR ALL AGES!! Free Screenings!! Glucose, Glaucoma, Vision, Blood Pressure, Hearing, Health Education, Vaccinations and More!! Saturday June 27, 2015, 9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. Martyrs of the Americas Building, 8330 Park Haven Rd. Brought to you by the Tepeyac Ministry of Health & Well-Being. For more information please contact Lucy Murillo (915) 525-1846 Visit us Follow us on Twitter @TepeyacEP Like us on Facebook “Tepeyac Institute” Phone No. (915) 872-8420 Summer Institute 2015 Instituto de Verano 2015 Courses $20.00 Cursos $20.00 Date/Fecha: _________________ [Please Print] Name/Nombre: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Address/ Dirreccion: ________________________________Zip Code/Codigo Postal ___________________________ Phone Number/Numero de Telefono ______________________________ Email Address/ Correo Electronico: _________________________________________ Parish/ Parroquia: _________________________________________________ Are you a Teacher in a Catholic School? Yes No If yes, which school? _________________________ Fee: $20.00/per course Course #/ # de curso__________ Course title/ titulo de Curso: ______________________________________________ Course #/ # de curso__________ Course title/ titulo de Curso: ______________________________________________ Course #/ # de curso__________ Course title/ titulo de Curso: ______________________________________________ Course #/ # de curso__________ Course title/ titulo de Curso: ______________________________________________ I'll take this course to renew? Tomare este curso para renovar? YES NO Which Ministry are you Renewing?___________________________________________________________ PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION Parish will pay full amount Student will pay full amount Parish will pay half amount Student will pay half amount _________________________________ Priest Signature ___________________________________ Participant’s Signature