Sp.1.A conocer Texas_WebquestVersion


Sp.1.A conocer Texas_WebquestVersion
Nombres: ____________________________________________________________________ Fecha: __________ A Conocer Texas…
Visita los sitios de web para contestar las siguientes preguntas. (10 puntos) (Read the information on Texas and answer the following questions) 1. List 2 famous cities in Texas and tell why they are important: 2. How did “El Parque Nacional Big Bend” get its name? 3. What two countries does the Río Grande separate? 4. What type of sculpture is “Vaquero” and who created it? 5. Where does “Conjunto” music come from? 6. You are developing a menu of Texas inspired foods for an upcoming fiesta. What types of foods would you include? (List at least 2 based on the reading) 7. La Capilla de San Elceario is a good example of the Spanish mission architectural style. Read the first few paragraphs of this site. What does the Spanish term 'presidio' mean? 8. Look at the painting “Tamalada” by Carmen Lomas Garza. Based on the painting, name three things that you think are important in Mexican culture. 9. How many countries have ruled over Texas and which countries are they? 10. Of the places in Texas discussed, which one would you most like to visit? Why? ¡A escribir! (10 puntos) ~ fecha de vencimiento: viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013 →Now imagine you and your partner are on a trip to Texas! Using this guide, write an 8-­‐sentence postcard to a friend in which you talk about what city you are visiting, why you like that city, and what foods you have tried on your visit. Use the space provided below to write your postcard. Frase 1 (sentence 1): Greet your friend in Spanish and ask how they are doing. Frase 2 (sentence 2): State how you are doing. Example: Estamos ____________________. (insert adjective) Frase 3 (sentence 3): Tell your friend where you are (choose a city in Texas): Example: Estamos en ____________________. (We’re in ________________________.) Frase 4 (sentence 4): Tell your friend why you like this city. Example: Nos gusta _____________________________ (insert city) porque es ____________________, ________________________, y __________________________.(look up 3 Spanish adjectives to describe the city) (We like -­‐city name-­‐ because it’s _________, __________, and _________.) Frase 5 (sentence 5): Tell your friend about the food in Texas. Example: La comida en Texas es _______________ y _______________. (look up 2 Spanish adjectives to describe the food) Frase 6 (sentence 6): Tell your friend what foods you tried today. Example: Hoy nosotros comimos ____________ y _______________. (choose 2 Texan foods) (Today we ate ____________ and _____________.) Frase 7 (sentence 7): Tell your friend what city you will visit tomorrow. Example: Mañana, vamos a visitar la ciudad de _____________________. (insert city name). (Tomorrow we’re going to visit the city of ____________.) Frase 8 (sentence 8): Choose a way to say good-­‐bye to your friend in Spanish. Write your final postcard message below: Querido/a ______________________________, _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Un abrazo, ___________________________________________