Mar 27 - St.Teresa of Avila
Mar 27 - St.Teresa of Avila
St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church 11600 Atwood Rd., Auburn, Ca. Rev Michael A. Carroll, Pastor Easter 2016 March 20, 2016 Easter Sunday Page 2 Easter Sunday March 27, 2016 To him all the prophets bear witness, that everyone who believes in him will receive forgiveness of sins through his name. — Acts 10:43 DRAWN INTO THE STORY “We are witnesses!” The scripture readings for Easter Sunday concentrate on details reported by eyewitnesses. Listen carefully and you will be drawn into the stories yourself. Peter reports the good works Jesus did, his death on the cross, and his resurrection. The passage from John’s Gospel has us running to the empty tomb with Peter and John and peering inside to see the cloths used to cover Jesus’ body. Psalm 118 sums up our response: “It is wonderful in our eyes!” What resurrection details do we see in our lives today? How have we died to our old lives and been raised up again with Jesus? Let us pay attention to the new life around us. It is wonderful in our eyes. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. MASS INTENTIONS March 26 – April 3, 2016 Saturday Sunday 3/26 HOLY SATURDAY 3/27 THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 3/28 3/29 3/30 3/31 4/01 4/02 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am + + No Mass Request Patricia Wilkoff Floyd Fischer Rebecca & Jessica Fenner + John Parsons For The Faithful We wish our parish community a very Blessed and Happy Easter! ~ The Parish Office TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Peter is an eyewitness: The Lord is risen (Acts 10:34a, 37-43). Psalm — This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad (Psalm 118). (1) Second Reading — All who are baptized, set your hearts in heaven (Colossians 3:1-4) or (2) Second Reading — Christ our Passover is sacrificed; therefore let us celebrate (1 Corinthians 5:6b8). Gospel — Three witnesses, Mary, Peter, and John; each responds to the empty tomb (John 20:1-9) or Luke 24:1-12 (or, at an afternoon or evening Mass, Luke 24:13-35). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-21; Mk 16:9-15 Sunday: Acts 5:12-16; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31 March 27, 2016 Page 3 LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE Week of April 3 , 2016 Altar Servers Saturday, 4/2/16, 5:00pm Paetyn Collins, Zoe Moeller, Sofia Czerwinsky Sunday, 4/3/16, 8:00am Anthony & Ben Manley Sunday, 4/3/16, 10:30am Keegan McManus, Ali Minz, Alex Mendonsa Sunday, 4/3/16, 5:30pm Kyle Decker, Garrett & Gavin Lewis SCRIPTURE CLASS CONTINUES WITH SR. MAURA POWERS Tuesday, April 5, 2016, Sr. Maura Powers will continue her Scripture Classes at 9:30am and 7:15pm. Class will be on The Resurrection. Eucharistic Ministers Saturday, 4/2/16, 5:00pm Angie & Larry Franzoni, Michael Percoski, Margie Vielbig, Isabelle Gaultier Sunday, 4/3/16, 8:00am Mary Jo & Jennifer Buettner, Margaret Scheller, Duane & Helen Voges, Tom Epperson, Nancy Taylor Sunday, 4/3/16,10:30am Theresa Anderson, Joan Orban, Mary Studebaker, Mike Krieger, Renee Galleo Sunday, 4/3/16, 5:30pm Justin & Shannon Lafaille, Ken Silva, Drew Oaks, Carol Stryker Lectors Saturday, 4/2/16, 5:00pm Jim & Kathryn Shelton Sunday, 4/3/16, 8:00am Sandy Amara, Marty Gouvea, Porter Elliott Sunday, 4/3/16 10:30am Ryan Cruz, Mary Rydzik, Megan Towne Sunday, 4/3/16, 5:30pm Jennifer Adams, Erick Baumeister, Gabe Barnes Greeters Saturday, 4/2/16, 5:00pm Sharon Dunkel, Carol & Bob Thomas, Kathy & Quentin Russo Sunday, 4/3/16, 8:00am Kate Sabins, Marcia Kitchell, Sharon Hane, Joan Thompson, Betty Mathews Sunday, 4/3/16, 10:30am Maureen Spencer, Bobbie Cairns, Ruth Wright, Micheline Turner, Bernice Ambrose, Elizabeth Morales, Ben & Jack Niece Sunday, 4/3/16, 5:30pm Not Filled Ushers Saturday, 4/2/16, 5:00pm, Not Filled Sunday, 4/3/16, 8:00am Bill Clark, Terry Noziska, Rich Testa, Mike Bane Sunday, 4/3/16, 10:30am Gary Crockett, Tom Huckins, Paul Law Sunday, 4/3/16, 5:30pm, Not Filled Sacristans Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday 4/2/16 4/3/16 4/3/16 4/3/16 5:00pm 8:00am 10:30am 5:30pm Jim McKevitt Julia Eggert Joe Offer Not Filled FRIDAY, APRIL 29th St. Joseph School Gold Tournament Auburn Valley Golf Club 8800 Auburn Valley Road A u b u r n, C A 95602 ,$ April 299 : 0 0 a m Registration 11:00am Start $16 5 P e r G o l f e r PersonShotgunScramble 4 18 Holes of Golf with Cart + Range Balls, Lunch and Beverage Stations, Exciting Games with Dinner Included! For Additional Registration / Sponsorship Information, Contact SJCS Tournament Coordinators: Linda Wuelfing at (530) 210-1208, Bobbi Obenchain at (530) 305-2950, or [email protected] COMPLETE D REGISTRATION FORM MUST BE RETURNED TO SCHOOL OFFICE BY APRIL 15TH Easter Sunday The Resurection of the Lord Page 4 EASTER (Touched by the Life of Christ) There is a story told about three trees that grew up side by side in a forest. The first tree said, “My dream is to become part of a beautiful palace where people will admire my beauty and the color of my wood.” The second tree said, “My dream is to become part of a large sailing ship that journeys to all parts of the world.” The third tree said, “I want to be the top part of a tower from which people can view the surrounding countryside.” The trees grew to maturity and were cut down. The first tree did not become part of a palace but did become part of a manger in Bethlehem. The second tree did not become part of a a sailing vessel, but did become St. Peter’s fishing boat on the sea of Galilee. The third tree did not become part of a tower, but did become part of a cross beam used for the crucifixion overlooking Jerusalem. Rerouted dreams find glory when touched by the Life of Christ. All of us grew up having dreams. Some were fueled by the movies, literature, music, good role models and environment. I grew up influenced by the movies of the fifties and sixties. I loved Irish, American, and English literature. My first L.P. was by Buddy Holly and my second was by Elvis. My role models were my parents, priests and sports stars. My environment was being the son of a builder in Ireland, with lots of uncles and aunts visiting from America and England. What influenced my life the most was my father’s death when I was seventeen. He had a great faith in Christ and in the Mass. While visiting him in the hospital I found him answering the Mass in Latin for the priest. It took courage and faith as a grown man to step forward and serve Mass in the environment of the time. Irish men would belittle a weak person and make fun of him in the weeks following. But they knew better with my dad and maybe they also saw his faith which I always did. Those in the RCIA who are joining the Catholic Church for the first time may have different dreams for their lives. Those who are returning to the Catholic Church may also have had other plans for their lives. But their lives have been touched by the Living Presence of Christ in His Church, in His people. We celebrate the Risen Presence of Christ during Easter, but we do not know the day nor the hour He will walk into our dreams and say, “Come Follow Me.” When I was a younger priest I would often return from North Tahoe via Auburn. I would say to myself, “Why am I going down to Sacramento to smog city?” Ten years ago Easter time, I got the opportunity to apply for an Auburn parish. You never know the promptings of God. Happy Easter & God Bless, Fr. Mike ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Notice In Church Bulletin: Catholic women’s group annual sale of unwanted items, April 1st. Bring your husbands. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Catholic Dictionary Church Bulletin: Your receipt for attending Mass. Poverty: A vow taken by religious and clergy to keep the church in the black. Pew & Kneelers: Medieval devices to keep Catholics awake during Mass. Practicing Catholic: I am not a very good Catholic, so I have to practice. End of the World: When the Chicago Cubs win the world series. Sinner: Someone who is not allowed to cast the first stone. Final Blessing (Benediction): The start of the race to the parking lot. March 27, 2016 Page 5 Congratulations & Welcome Each year our lives and our faith are strengthened by new people joining our Catholic Church. Their lives and ours are touched by the Risen Christ. A special welcome to the following Catechumens/ Candidates who were Baptized, received First Communion and Confirmed at the Easter Vigil. Gianna Al-Shaikh * Nicholas Al-Shaikh * Noah Al-Shaikh * Tiffany Al-Shaikh * Guy Alvarado * David Barley * Richard Cerruti * Cindy Conahan * John Dryden * Duncan Elledge * Anthony Haswell * Riley Haswell * Nina LaMothe * Joel Newton * Kim Pellow * William Pellow * Frank Robinson * Mark Sassarini * Pam Sparks * Julie Vasquez Domingo de Pascua 27 de marzo de 2016 El testimonio de los profetas es unánime: que cuantos creen en él reciben, por su medio, el perdón de los pecados. — Hechos 10:43 CAPTURADO POR LA HISTORIA “¡Somos testigos!” Las lecturas bíblicas del Domingo de Pascua se centran en detalles reportados por testigos oculares. Escucha detenidamente y sentirás que la historia te captura. Pedro reporta las buenas obras hechas por Jesús, su muerte en la cruz, y su Resurrección. El pasaje del Evangelio de san Juan nos hace correr a la tumba vacía con Pedro y Juan, y dar una mirada adentro para ver el lienzo usado para cubrir el cuerpo de Jesús. El Salmo 118 resume nuestra respuesta: “¡Es un milagro patente!” ¿Qué detalles de resurrección vemos hoy en nuestra vida? ¿Cómo hemos muerto a la vida vieja y resucitado de nuevo con Jesús? Tengamos bien en cuenta la nueva vida que nos rodea. Es un milagro patente. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Pedro es un testigo: el Señor ha resucitado (Hechos 10:34a, 37-43). Salmo — Este es el día del triunfo del Señor. Aleluya (Salmo 118 [117]). (1) Segunda lectura — Todos los bautizados, eleven su corazón al cielo (Colosenses 3:1-4) o (2) Segunda lectura — Cristo nuestra Pascua fue sacrificado; por tanto celebremos (1 Corintios 5:6b-8). Evangelio — Tres testigos, María, Pedro y Juan; cada uno responde a la tumba vacía (Juan 20:1-9) o Lc 24:112 (o en Misas de la tarde o la noche, Lc 24:13-35). Salmo responsorial: Leccionario I © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Hch 2:14, 22-33; Sal 16 (15):1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Martes: Hch 2:36-41; Sal 33 (32):4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Miércoles: Hch 3:1-10; Sal 105 (104):1-4, 6-9; Lc 24:13-35 Jueves: Hch 3:11-26; Sal 8:2, 5-9; Lc 24:35-48 Viernes: Hch 4:1-12; Sal 118 (117):1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 Sábado: Hch 4:13-21; Sal 118 (117):1, 14-21; Mc 16:9-15 Domingo: Hch 5:12-16; Sal 118 (117):2-4, 13-15, 2224; Ap 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31 March 27, 2016 Page 6 St. Teresa of Avila Parish 11600 Atwood Road Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 889-2254, fax (530)889-2643 Confidential Registration Form Welcome to St. Teresa of Avila Parish Community! In order for us to best serve you and your needs, please provide us with the following information. Last Name: Address: City/State: E-Mail Address: Occupation: First: Zip Cpde: Date of Birth _______ __ Phone #: __________ __ Cell #_________________________ ________________ Work #: ________________ Baptized: Yes [ ] No [ ] In What Religion: First Communion: Yes [ ] No: [___ Confirmation: Yes [ ] No [ ] Married in the Catholic Church: Yes [ ] No [ ] If No, Please Explain: __ __________ Spouse Name: Maiden Name: Date of Birth: Occupation: Cell #: Work #: Baptized: Yes [ ] No [ ] In What Religion: ______ First Communion: Yes [ ] No [ ] Confirmation: Yes [ ] No [ ___ __________ __________ __ __ Child Name: Baptized: Yes [ ] No [ ] First Communion: Yes [ ] No [ ] Date of Birth: In What Religion: Confirmation: Yes [ __________ __ __________ Child Name: Baptized: Yes [ ] No [ ] First Communion: Yes [ ] No [ ] Date of Birth: In What Religion: Confirmation: Yes [ __________ __ __________ Child Name: Baptized: Yes [ ] No [ ] First Communion: Yes [ ] No [ ] Date of Birth: In What Religion: Confirmation: Yes [ __________ __ __________ Child Name: Baptized: Yes [ ] No [ ] First Communion: Yes [ ] No [ ] Date of Birth: In What Religion: Confirmation: Yes [ __________ __ __________ Are there any Sacraments you need help with as an Adult? Interested in placing your children in our Catholic School? Yes [ ] Youth Group 14-18? Yes [ ] No [ ] ] No [ ] ] No [ ] ] No [ ] ] No [ ] __________ No [ ] Religious Education? Yes [ ]__ No [ ]