St. Aloysius of Gonzaga (St. Louis) Parish
St. Aloysius of Gonzaga (St. Louis) Parish
ST. ALOYSIUS OF GONZAGA St. Louis Church 48 West Hollis Street Nashua, N.H. 03060 Phone: 603-882-4362 * Fax: 603-886-8923 A COMMUNITY OF WORD, WORSHIP, FELLOWSHIP AND SERVICE IN THE ROMAN CATHOLIC TRADITION Rev. Marcos Gonzalez-Torres [email protected] ................. Pastor Parish Council Members: Susan Simard, Linda Paradise, Carmel Pawlowski, Liliana Pontoni, Jhoanny Marte, Karen Deoleo, Rolande Suchocki, Jean-Paul Archambault, Ludis Salazar Finance Council Members: Mrs. Rolande Suchocki - Chairperson, Mr. Leo Simard, Mr. Douglas Pratt, Mr. Rafael Ruiz, Mrs. Denise Barnett Faith Formation Team: Jennyfher Villar ...........................................Faith Formation [email protected] Director Giselle North ........................................... Director of [email protected] Confirmation Carmen Dussault ...........................................Religious [email protected] Education and Pastoral Care Monica Quiñones .......................................... Youth Minister [email protected] Office Staff: Anna Townsend ......................................... Office Manager [email protected] Hilariza Villar ......................................... Administrative [email protected] Assistant Jennifer McInerney ................................. Bookkeeper [email protected] Rafael Peña ............................................. Property [email protected] Maintenance Bulletin Editor / Social Media [email protected] Misioneras Servidoras de la Palabra Sister Sara Grimaldo ................................... Convent: 603-882-0893 Cemetery Office: Lareine Marquis ...........................................St. Louis, 603-886-1302 St. Francis, [email protected] St. Stanislaus OFFICE HOURS: Monday- Thursday 8am - 4pm Closed on Fridays MASS SCHEDULE: Weekdays: Monday- Friday: 8:30am Wednesday: 7:00pm (Español) Weekends: Saturday: 4:00pm - 6:00pm (Español) Sunday: 9:00am (Français & English) -11:00am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: In the Church English & Spanish Saturday: 3:00pm Wednesday: 6:00pm - 6:45pm & by appointment EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 12 noon to 8:00 p.m. at Corpus Christi Chapel 43 Franklin St Nashua, NH Adoration on Wednesdays at St. Aloysius Church from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (If there is a Funeral Mass, adoration will commence after Mass.) Closed if no school NH CATHOLIC CHARITIES: 261 Lake St. Nashua, NH 03060 * 603-889-9431 CORPUS CHRISTI FOOD PANTRY: Contact: Kay Golden * 603-882-6372 Emergency Assistance: 603-598-1641 Welcome to our Church family! We’re glad you came to join with us in our worship time today. We hope you come again! Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Sunday, March 31, 2013 Our Lady Queen of Peace Homily Reflection Ivan Dragicevic of Medjugorje, will speak at St Joseph’s Church on Saturday evening, April 13th. Ivan Dragicevic, one of the six visionaries of Medjugorje who continues to receive daily apparitions of Our Lady, will be at St Joseph’s Church on Tarbell St. in Pepperell, MA. Since June 24, 1981, a truly astonishing phenomenon has been taking place in Medjugorje, a village in a mountainous region of Bosnia-Hercegovina. It is claimed that the mother of Jesus, Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary, has been appearing to six young people and giving “messages” to the world. In Our Lady’s words: “I have come to tell the world that God exists. He is the fullness of life and to enjoy this fullness and peace you must return to God.” Our Lady exhorts everyone to convert and to pray always, to have a continuous awareness of the presence of God through reconciliation with Him and with one’s neighbor, through fasting, works of charity, reading the Scriptures and partaking in the sacraments—particularly the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist. There will be, Rosary at 6 p.m. followed by a Time of silence at 6:40 , Holy Mass at 7pm, and a talk presented by Ivan at 8pm. The activity will be held at the St Joseph’s Church 28 Tarbell St. Pepperell, MA 01463. Many people in our community watch soap operas regularly. Everyone knows that, no matter how tragic the story of evil, misfortune, lies, and injustice endured by the heroes and heroines, the end will be favorable for those who are good. The ending is always happy for those who are innocent and the result for the villains is always catastrophic. Even though such an ending is always known, soap opera viewers follow them faithfully, day after day, suffering and rejoicing with the characters. Somehow, the knowledge that good will triumph gives viewers the trust that, no matter how difficult their own situation is currently, good will triumph. Christians know this as well when we contemplate the Resurrection of Christ. Only in the case of Christ, victory and triumph are more definitive and powerful than in any soap opera. The victory and triumph of Christ declare, not that the evils of the present life are conquered, but that all evil, all inner personal slavery, and all collective will be defeated. In the end of soap operas, perhaps the characters will be happy after a long period of suffering. But we also know that this won’t last because inevitably sickness and death will come. However, the victory of Christ assures us that there is another life that has no end, that is abundant and eternal, where all tears and suffering will be eliminated, and where death is conquered. Mass for the Healing of Those Affected by Child Abuse Our Wish For You... In recognition of Child Abuse Prevention Month in April, the Diocese of Manchester cordially invites all those people affected by or concerned about child abuse to join in celebration of a special Mass at St. Joseph Cathedral Chapel on Thursday, April 11, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. The Mass will be followed by a brief reception in the Cathedral parish hall. For more information, please contact Joseph P. Naff, LICSW, Director, Office of Healing and Pastoral Care, at [email protected] or 603-668-0014, ext. 233. One of the greatest pleasures we have is to extend our thoughts and prayers to those whose friendship and goodwill we value so highly. Fr. Marcos, and the Staff at St. Louis join in wishing you all a very Blessed Easter. May the gift of faith, the blessing of hope and the peace of God’s love be with you and yours always. Divine Mercy Sunday [tÑÑç XtáàxÜ4 Next Sunday, April 7th, 2013 is the Divine Mercy Sunday. We will have Holy Hour and confessions from 2-3pm (bilingual) and the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy sung from 3-4pm (bilingual). Come and join us in this amazing celebration of our Divine Mercy. Jesus I Trust You! Mass and Healing Service A Mass and Healing Service will take place at 7:00 p.m., on Friday, April 5th, at St. John Neumann Church, 708 Milford Rd. (Rte.. 101A) in So. Merrimack, presided by Fr. Chris Martel, Pastor. At the conclusion of Mass, Fr. Chris will anoint everyone present, and prayer teams from the Rivier Prayer Community will be available to pray with individuals for physical, emotional or spiritual healing. Everyone welcome! For more information call 603 889-3483, or e-mail at [email protected]. “ In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ ”Then they remembered his words.” Luke 24: 5-8 Sunday, March 24, 2013 Struggling in your marriage? You are not alone! Marriage is about beautiful weddings, romance, love and candlelight anniversary dinners, but marriage is also about dirty laundry, confrontations, balancing budgets, and hanging in there with teens. Retrouvaille (pronounced re-tro-vy) is a peer ministry led by married couple who have struggled to make their marriages work to provide concrete assistance to other struggling couples who are undergoing difficulties in their marriages, for those who are hurting in brokenness and loneliness. Retrouvaille has proven helpful as well to couples who are separated or divorced. The 2013 New England Retrouvaille marriage renewal weekends will be held on: • April 5-7, 2013 • September 20-23, 2013 To register for the weekend or for more information, call 1-800470-2230 or visit All inquiries are confidential. Cookies for Sale We are excited to announce that we will be holding a cookies for Sale Fundraiser starting next week to raise money for our Youth Group. Thank you all for doing your part to make this fundraiser a fantastic success! Evaluation of Parish Lenten Mission 2013 No Greater Love: Encountering Christ during Lent Please, take your time to fill out the evaluation of the Parish Lent Mission so we can take everything into consideration for next year. Feel free to email your answers to [email protected] Thanks!!!!! You can find the questionnaire in our website under Lent Parish Mission. We gladly appreciate your time and help in answering these questions. God bless you! Are you sleeping? Early in my marriage I had the horrible habit of becoming extremely drowsy whenever my wife wanted to deal with a difficult issue. It was a highly inappropriate psychological coping mechanism, and I had the hardest time overcoming it. Try as I might to appear alert and interested, I kept falling asleep. Needless to say, that did little to endear me to my wife. And so I have a bit of sympathy for the apostles who accompanied Jesus to the Mount of Olives and promptly fell asleep. Jesus expressed his tremendous sorrow and asked them to keep watch. But time and again they dozed. I imagine it wasn’t only the wine from the Passover meal, nor the lateness of the hour that had them dropping off to sleep. I suspect that fear had a lot to do with it. Here was the person they could most count on in any difficult situation—the one who stood up to the temple officials and who calmed the stormy seas—and he was clearly in great turmoil. I think we all can tend to snooze—literally or figuratively—when fear strikes. We can give in to the urge to hide in bed with the covers pulled up over our heads when life gets uncertain or scary. But time and again Jesus tells us, “Fear not.” On Good Friday, Jesus walks head-on to face humanity’s greatest fear—suffering and death. If we don’t sleep through his passion, we’ll be awake for his resurrection. -Tom McGrath Mass Intentions: Monday, April 1st 8:30am Thelma Wyrrwich Tuesday, April, 2nd 8:30am Rita Forrence by John & Linda Sproule Wednesday, April, 3rd: 8:30am For all souls in purgatory and sinners in our world. 7:00pm (Spanish Mass) Thursday, April, 4th 8:30am For all our parishioners Friday, April, 5th 8:30 am Claire Blais Saturday, April 6th: 4:00pm Rita Forrence by Jerry & Doris Chiasson Ralph Desrosiers by Adrian & Yvonne Pelchat Lionel Gagne by Adrian & Yvonne Pelchat Lionel DuBois (19th anniv.) by his wife and daughters 6:00pm Spanish Mass Sunday, April, 7th: 9:00am Annette Dufour by her children Julienne Dube (37th anniv.) by her family Sulvio & Elizabeth St.Amour by their daughter Lucille Arthur Demanche by his mother Cecile 11:00am Ann & Al Pinette by their family Leo J. Dionne by his family David Hayward (35th anniv.) by his wife Lionel Laine (6th anniv.) by his family Celebration Of the Daughters of Isabella they will bring up the gifts. Sanctuary Lamps Church: David Hayward by his wife and family Chapel: Rita Forrence A Very Special Ministry We are looking for people that want to participate in the ministry of the sick. Visiting with them and bringing them communion at home. If you feel that you have a calling upon your heart to serve your Christian community in this way please call Carmen Dussault at the Rectory office, 603-882-4362. St. Aloysius Parish The Week Ahead: Monday, April 1st: Rectory & Cemetery Offices Closed 7:55am - 8:20am: pray the rosary for the unborn (church) 8:30am Mass 12:00pm - 8:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration in the Chapel 5:30pm RCIA for children Milette Manor lower level 6:30pm Bell Choir practice in the church 6:00-8:00pm Adult Confirmation Class 7:00pm Cub Scout meeting in the church hall. 7:00pm RCIA at Milette Manor lower level Tuesday, April 2nd: 7:55am - 8:20am: pray the rosary for the unborn (church) 8:30am Mass 10:00am RCIA Lower Level of Milette Manor 12:00pm - 8:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration in the Chapel Religious Education In English Gr. K-4—4:30 - 5:45pm, Gr. 5-8—6-7:15pm lower level classrooms Milette Manor. Wednesday, April 3rd 7:55am - 8:20am: pray the rosary for the unborn (church) 8:30am Mass 9:00am - 7:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration in our Church 11:00am - 12noon Holy Hour with music in the church 3:00pm Divine Mercy Chaplet in church in Spanish 5:30pm: Spanish Bible Study at Milette Manor 5:30pm: Religious education in Spanish Milette Manor. 5:30pm Sr. Sara meeting with parents of CCD children in the church hall Thursday, April 4th 8:30am Mass 12:00pm - 8:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration in the Chapel 5:30-7:00pm RCIA Milette Manor lower level. 7:00pm Bible Study in English lower level of Milette Manor. Friday, April 5th Cemetery & Rectory Offices Closed 8:30 Mass San Damiano House of Prayer 333 Pawtucket St. Lowell MA, is now sponsoring a Spiritual Support Group for parents who are grieving the loss of a child. They meet the last Saturday of each month from 10AM to 11:30AM. The Emmaus Ministry Retreat for parents who have lost a child will be held twice this year; June 22, 2013 and October 26, 2013. For more information please call Sr. Linda Greenwood OSF @ 978 441-0988. “Finding God in Your Dreams", a one day seminar presented by Sr. Caroline Smith,SSMN on June 8, 2013 @ Franco American School, Lowell MA. Booster Club News March 25th Lucille M. Soucy is the winner of $47. The parish revenues were boosted by $70 Thank you to those who participate each week. Your Weekly Contributions March 23rd & 24th Offertory: $3573.00 Loose: $3108.65 Total: $6681.65 Catholic Education : $322.00 We greatly appreciate the great generosity you showed for our Christian Community. May you be richly blessed for all that you do. First Saturday Devotions Starting Saturday April 6th All are invited to participate in a time of great Grace and Mercy in the main Church, beginning with Eucharistic Holy Hour at 2pm and a mini-conference from the spirituality of the Families of Nazareth Movement followed by Benediction at 3pm. Confessions will proceed from 3pm until Holy Mass at 4pm with the recitation of the Holy Rosary at 3:30pm. Come with all of the cares and concerns of your hearts and open them all to Christ, who will be awaiting you with His unconditional Love and Mercy. This time of First Saturday Devotion will continue each month through the end of the year (except for July). Readings for the Week of March 31, 2013 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/Jn 20:1-9 or Lk 24:1-12 or Lk 24:13-35 Acts 2:14, 22-33/Mt 28:8-15 Acts 2:36-41/Jn 20:11-18 Acts 3:1-10/Lk 24:13-35 Acts 3:11-26/Lk 24:35-48 Acts 4:1-12/Jn 21:1-14 Acts 4:13-21/Mk 16:9-15 Acts 5:12-16/Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 1719/Jn 20:19-31 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. Domingo de Pascua de la Resurrección del Señor Sábado 30 de marzo de 2013 Esta misa es ofrecida por: Servicios Domiciliares Todos los feligreses de nuestra comunidad parroquial. El primer viernes de cada mes, a partir de diciembre, tendremos visitas domiciliarias para los enfermos. Si usted está enfermo(a), conoce a alguien que esté enfermo(a), si alguien está en un asilo o conoce a alguien que esté en un asilo y necesite de visitas para hacer oración o recibir la comunión, favor de comunicarse con Carmen Dussault al (603)882-4362. Avisos Importantes Les recomendamos a todos llevar el boletín a su casa para que lo lean y se informen de las actividades de nuestra comunidad. Domingo de Pascua de la Resurrección del Señor Hoy la Iglesia se viste de gala; la fiesta de cincuenta días pascuales ha comenzado y nuestros catecúmenos participan con toda la comunidad en su alegría. Mediante el bautismo de estos, se nos recuerda lo que el profeta Ezequiel en sus tiempos anunciaba a su pueblo, el cual había vivido acciones impuras y su corazón endurecido escuchaba estas palabras de consuelo: "Los rociaré con agua pura y quedarán purificados; los purificaré de todas sus inmundicias e idolatrías".Estas palabras de la lectura de la vigilia penetran y alegran los corazones de todos los bautizados. Todos los que hemos vivido en el pecado somos lavados con el agua viva mientras renovamos nuestras promesas bautismales y nos rocían con el agua santa. Jesús ha resucitado de la muerte. Las mujeres no habían removido la piedra, pero sí removieron la incredulidad. El Evangelio nos dice que dos hombres con ropas fulgurantes les preguntaron cuando más asustadas estaban: ¿Por qué buscan entre los muertos al que está vivo? Las mujeres creyeron, pero a la vez no les creyeron a ellas cuando fueron de prisa a compartir su experiencia con los discípulos. Ellas ya estaban envueltas de la Resurrección, pero a ellos les faltaba creer para estarlo. ¡Qué contraste! Ellas fueron apóstoles de los apóstoles. La Pascua es vida nueva para todas aquellas personas que se sienten menos apreciadas, inadecuadas y despreciadas. Es por eso que la Iglesia celebra la Nueva Evangelización. Es decir, el mensaje del Evangelio debe ser nuevo en nuestros corazones. ¿Creemos esto? Entonces celebrémoslo junto con los recién bautizados: ¡Aleluya! ©2013 Liturgical Publications Inc. Venta de Galletas Estamos muy contentos de anunciar que estaremos realizando una venta de galletas para recaudar fondos para nuestro grupo de jóvenes a partir de la próxima semana Gracias a todos por hacer su parte para que esta recaudación de fondos un éxito fantástico! Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento ~Adoración en la capilla de Corpus Christi todos los lunes, martes y jueves desde las 12pm hasta las 8pm. La capilla está ubicada en el 48 Franklin St. Nashua, NH. ~Adoración todos los miércoles en nuestra Parroquia, San Luis de Gonzaga, desde las 9am hasta las 6:45pm. Todos los miércoles durante la Adoración en la parroquia tendremos, Hora Santa con música de 11am – 12 del mediodía y a las 3 de la tarde tendremos la coronilla a la Divina Misericordia. ~ El segundo sábado de cada mes tenemos Adoración Nocturna desde las 10pm hasta las 5am en la Parroquia San Luis de Gonzaga. El próximo sábado de Adoración Nocturna será el 13 de abril del 2013. ¡Están todos invitados! ¡Tener la Adoración al Santísimo es una gran bendición, vengan todos a visitar a nuestro Señor! Una Nueva Luz Alcohólicos Anónimos en Español Día: Todos los Sábados Hora: 7:30 – 9:30pm Lugar: Milette Manor ¡Bienvenidos! ¡¡¡Invitamos a todos a los Nuevos Cursos Bíblicos!!! Recuerden que es necesario aprender a alimentarnos de la palabra del Señor. Para más información por favor de comunicarse con la Hermana Sara al convento. Lecturas para la semana del 31 de marzo de 2013 Domingo: Hch 10, 34. 37-43/Col 3, 1-4 o 1 Cor 5, 6-8/Jn 20, 1-9 o Lc 24, 1-12 o Lc 24, 13-35 Lunes: Hch 2, 14. 22-33/Mt 28, 8-15 Martes: Hch 2, 36-41/Jn 20, 11-18 Miércoles: Hch 3, 1-10/Lc 24, 13-35 Jueves: Hch 3, 11-26/Lc 24, 35-48 Viernes: Hch 4, 1-12/Jn 21, 1-14 Sábado: Hch 4, 13-21/Mc 16, 9-15 Domingo siguiente: Hch 5, 12-16/Ap 1, 9-11. 12-13. 17-19/Jn 20, 19-31 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. Bautismos y fechas: *Requisito indispensable, traer los certificados de Confirmación de los padrinos antes de fijar la fecha. Para más información favor de llamarnos a la oficina. *Los proximos bautismos serán, domingo a las 12:30pm: 14 de abril y 28 de abril de 2013 Fechas de proximas charlas bautimales: *Sábados en el Milette Manor a las 2pm: 13 de abril de 2013 y 11 de mayo