2014 Program - Carolina Conference for Romance Studies


2014 Program - Carolina Conference for Romance Studies
Barbara Spackman
Twentieth Annual Carolina Conference
on Romance Literatures
Conference Coordinators:
Mary Greenwood, Tessa Gurney, Carlos Abreu Mendoza
Special recognition is given to the following for their support:
The Graduate School, Graduate and Professional Student Federation, The Department of
Romance Languages, The Institute for the Arts and Humanities, Student Congress, Center for
Global Initiatives, UNC-Chapel Hill/Duke Abya Yala Working Group, Carolina Latina/o
Collaborative, Program in Latino/a Studies at UNC, Program in Latino/a Studies at
Duke, Program in Medieval and Early Modern Studies, The Department of Religious
Studies, Institute for the Study of the Americas, Carolina Center for the Study of the Middle East
and Muslim Civilizations, Duke-UNC Consortium for Middle East Studies, African Studies
Thank you to the following individuals for their invaluable help:
Logan Brackett, Tom Smither, Sheena Melton, Dr. Federico Luisetti, Dr. Samuel Amago, Dr.
Frank Domínguez, Emilio del Valle Escalante, Dr. Marisa Escolar, Antonio Balsón, Maria Fellie,
Stella Kim, Julián Díez, Francisco Brignole, Emiliano Guaraldo Rodriguez, Daniela Dal Pra,
Daria Bozzato, Monica Scovell, Angela Ritter, Anna Bernard-Hoverstad, & Emma Monroy
We would also like to thank all panel organizers and chairs, the participants, and the graduate
students and faculty of the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures who volunteered
to help when it was needed.
2014 CCRL poster design by Simone Bozzato
Special Presentations at the 2014 CCRL
Thursday April 3th, 6:00-7:00pm: Nathalie Debrauwere-Miller
Keynote Address: “Mohamed Kacimi ou le temps du désabusement”
Friday, April 4th, 5:30-6:45pm: film screening of La prima neve
Dey Hall, Room 305
Friday, April 4th, 6:30-7:30pm: Horacio Castellanos Moya
Keynote Address: “La novela corta en Latinoamérica: auge, aciertos, limitaciones”
Saturday, April 5th, 11:30-12:30pm
Invited Artist Address: Andrea Segre
Saturday, April 5th, 2:00-3:0pm: Arturo Arias
Keynote Address: “Recuperando las huellas perdidas: el surgimiento de narrativas
indígenas contemporáneas en Abya Yala”
Saturday, April 5th, 4:30-5:30pm: Barbara Spackman
Keynote Address: “Accidental Orientalists: The Ethnomasquerade of Leda Rafanelli”
Saturday, April 5th, 9:30-11:00am: Sol Miguel-Prendes, “Dorothy Ford Wiley Visiting
Invited Panelist in Panel 36: “Otra frontera de la ficción sentimental”
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Thursday, April 3, 2014
10:00 am - 3:30 pm
Registration: Student Union 2511 (coffee available until 3:30pm)
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
1. Caged Women: Expressions of Emerging Feminism in 19th Century Hispanic
Chair: Carmen Pérez, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 2422
Emily Joy Clark, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“The Caged Bird and the Female Writer: a Recurring Metaphor in Women’s Prose from
the Mid-Nineteenth Century Hispanic World”
Kate Good, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Beating Huevos: Cooking, Community, and an End to Domestic Violence in Emilia
Pardo Bazan’s ‘Los huevos arrefalfados’”
Noah Myers, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“La construcción de la masculinidad en los Cuadros de Josefa Acevedo de Gómez”
2. Dictadura y Postdictadura: memoria, trauma y nuevos rumbos narrativos en
la novela contemporánea del Cono Sur
Chair: Francisco Brignole, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 2424
Euisuk Kim, University of West Georgia
“Fase del espejo en Cambio de armas de Luisa Valenzuela”
Jonathan Tittle, North Carolina A&T State University
“Intimacy and Innovation in the 21st Century: The Fiction of Alejandro Zambra”
3. Transatlantic Connections in Francophone Literature
Chair: Ellen Welch, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3407
Emma Monroy, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Reading text and image: Re-evaluating Corps Perdu by Aimé Césaire and Pablo
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Viviane Koua, Auburn University
“Le mariage interracial et les dérives de la polygamie dans l’œuvre Juletane de Myriam
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Lunch Break
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
4. Cultural Practices in Transnational Context: Opium, Tango and
Chair: Emily Clark, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 2422
Johanna Rodríguez, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
“It takes a Community to Tango: the Role of Translators in Creating Social Spaces in the
Advent of Globalization”
Philip Hollingsworth, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“El opio y la amenaza amarilla: Opium and Chinese Immigration in Early 20th Century
Spanish American Short Story”
Martha Alexander, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“¡¡SEÑORAS!!: Gender and Advertisement in Early 20th Century Spanish Newspaper”
5. Narrative Voice and the Novel
Chair: Julián Díez, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 2423
Antonio Balsón, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Técnicas narrativas en el Día Grande de Navarra del Padre Isla”
María Villodré, Roberts Wesleyan College
“Ser/Parecer y la nueva concepción narrativa en El casamiento engañoso y El Coloquio
de los perros”
Pedro J. Lopes, Lander University
“Miguel Sousa Tavares on Eça de Queiroz’s Footsteps with Equador”
6. Representing and Translating Violence across the US/Mexico Border
Chair: Oswaldo Estrada, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 2424
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Gillian Price, University of Virginia
“Webs of Complicity: Carlos Carrera and Sabina Berman’s Portrayal of Femicide in
Juarez in Backyard/TrasPatio”
Lauren Reynolds, University of Virginia
“Tijuana’s Mythical Past: Writing Identity for the Border City of Vice”
Adrienne Erazo, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Elena Poniatowska’s Las soldaderas: Lost in Translation?”
7. Bitches, Jews and Princesas: Representations of Otherness in Contemporary
Spanish Film
Chair: Cristina Carrasco, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3411
Cristina Casado Presa, Washington College
“More Bitching than Witching?: Las brujas de Zugarramurdi de Alex de la Iglesia”
Constantin C. Icleanu, University of Kentucky
“Aranoa’s Double-Edge Solution to Immigration in Princesas: How to Bring Together
and Put them in their Place”
Harry Karahalios, Duke University
“‘Esta familia de tarados’: Postnational Spanish Identity in Seres queridos (2004)”
8. Reading Spain in the Conflicts of Modernity
Chair: Maria Fellie, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3102
Carlos Barriuso, Wofford College
“Vírgenes patrias, tensiones urbanas: representaciones libidinales de la nación en
Unamuno y Ganivet”
Elizabeth Smith Rousselle, Xavier University of Louisiana
“The Female Protagonist as a Personification of Spain’s Conflicted Relationship with
Modernity in Fernán Caballero’s La gaviota”
Juan Herrero-Senés, University of Colorado at Boulder
“La literatura española de la edad de plata a través del modernismo mediterráneo”
3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
9. Best Practices and Recent Research in the Italian and Spanish Classroom
Chair: Amy Chambless, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 2422
Thursday, April 3, 2014
April Weintritt, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“The Practicality of Processing Instruction in the Italian Communicative Classroom”
Michael Clark, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Teaching Process-Oriented Writing: The Role of the Foreign Language Classroom in
Writing Across the Curriculum”
Silvia Vilar-González, University of Barcelona
“Nocillas, pistos y pipirranas: el desarrollo de la competencia simbólica en la clase de
10. Discourses of Identity in Contemporary Hispanic Narrative
Chair: Encarni Cruz Jiménez, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 2423
Sergio Salazar, Emory University
“Urban Space, Postmodernity and the Constitution of Identity in two Colombian Novels”
Francesca Minonne, University of Michigan
“From Italian to Argentine: Two Assimilation Narratives”
Sarah Lowman, University of Georgia
“La estrategia de Chochuca de Rita Indiana Hernández: un análisis amoderno de la
composición de la identidad dominicana”
Natalia Pelaz, Belmont University
“De retornos y exilios: la figura del indiano en la literatura de los exiliados españoles en
11. Different Lenses: Interdisciplinary Approaches to French Literature
Chair: Dominique Fisher, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3407
Kathleen Rizy, University of Georgia
“Monkey See, Monkey Do: An Ecocritical Approach to Marie Darrieussecq’s
‘Connaissance des singes’”
Dwight Page, Bryan College
“The Sociological Aspects of Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary: An Interdisciplinary
Christopher Olivares, The University of Arizona
“Rabelais microbiologiste et l’astrobiologie de Voltaire: Ou la littérature comme force
motrice des découvertes scientifiques”
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Danielle Walters, University of Georgia
“Hemmingway, Maupassant, and the Anxiety of Influence: ‘La Maison Tellier’ and ‘The
Light of the World’ from a Bloomian Perspective”
12. From the Non-Modern to the Postmodern in Contemporary Spanish Prose
and Film
Chair: Martha Alexander, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3515
David J. Martínez, University of Georgia
“Lo no-moderno en Generación Tch! de Benjamín Escalonilla”
Kendall Aycock, Auburn University
“Carmen Martín Gaite’s Entre visillos pulls back the curtains of gender-based
pedagogical inequalities in Franco’s Spain”
Alain-Richard Sappi, Wesleyan College
“José María Merino y Enrique Vila-Matas: ¿Dos escritores antagonistas del realismo
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Toy Lounge, Dey Hall
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Toy Lounge, Dey Hall
13. Keynote Address, French:
“Mohamed Kacimi ou le temps du désabusement”
Speaker: Nathalie Debrauwere-Miller, Vanderbilt University
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
John Lindsey Morehead II Lounge, Graham Memorial Building
(see campus map in participant folder for location)
Welcome Reception: Hors d’oeuvres provided.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Friday, April 4, 2014
8:00 am - 10:00 am
Continental Breakfast: Student Union 2510
8:00 am - 3:45 pm
Registration: Student Union 2510 (coffee available until 3:30)
9:00 am - 10:30 am
14. Hybrid Textualities in Contemporary Cuba
Chair: Rosa Perelmuter, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 2422
Julia C. Hernández, University of Georgia
“Obrero-poetas y producción híbrida según Nancy Morejón: La metáfora de poesía en
With Eyes and Soul: Images of Cuba”
Ingrid Brioso-Rieumont, Smith College
“‘La mano’ y ‘La familia se retrata’ o El estar sin ser de las cosas”
David Vila-Dieguez, Vanderbilt University
“Mecanismos de transmisión ideológica en la canción de Carlos Puebla Para una
regeneración identitaria hacia el ‘hombre nuevo’ cubano posrevolucionario”
David S. Cross, Charlestown Southern University
“The Role of the Trickster Figure and Four Afro-Caribbean Meta-Tropes in the
Realization of Agency in Autobiografía de un esclavo”
15. Locura, placer y poder: sexo y género en la novela hispánica contemporánea
Chair: Juan Carlos González Espitia, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 2423
Leda Carolina Lozier, University of Georgia
“Descifrando el triángulo queer en Rosario Tijeras”
Jaime Chávez, Morehouse College
“El placer sexual y el poder de la palabra en El viajero del siglo de Andrés Neuman
Friday, April 4, 2014
Sarah Booker, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“The Performance of Illness in Cristina Rivera Garza’s Nadie me verá llorar”
16. De Benito P. Galdós a Álvaro Tato: hipertextos, hiperespacios, autoría
colectiva y cibersexo
Chair: Alicia López Operé, University of Richmond
Student Union 2424
Gabrielle Miller, University of Virginia
“Remapping Madrid: Fortunata y Jacinta in the age of Ipads and Ereaders”
Alejandra Gutiérrez, Florida State University
“El autor somos todos en la ficción progresiva de Leonardo Valencia”
Zachary R. Ludington, University of Virginia
“HTTP: Hipertextos, transferencias y el protocolo geométrico de Agustín Fernández
Mallo en Carne de píxel”
Alicia López Operé, University of Richmond
“Sexo 10.0, la parodia de la deshumanización y cibersexo en la era del chat”
17. Monsters, Plagues and Illness in Early Modern Spain
Chair: Sarah Apffel, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 2511
Randal Garza, The University of Tennessee at Martin
“Plagues throughout History: Yesterday and Today”
Víctor Rodríguez Pereira, Indiana University
“Monstrosity and Ethnicity in Montalvo’s Amadís and Espandián”
Elena Casey, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“The Essential Crisis of Illness in the Novelas amorosas y ejemplares by María de Zayas
y Sotomayor”
18. Lieux de mémoire: Exploring Francophone Spaces
Chair: Jessica Tanner, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3407
William G. Allen, Furman University
“Flight vs. Fight: A Geography of Suite française”
Ophélia Claudel, Université de Toulon
“De l’évocation à l’évasion vers l’ailleurs, l’ambiguïté de Carthage, entre mythe et
Friday, April 4, 2014
Lucia Florido, University of Tennessee at Martin
“Of Land and Women: the Tahitian Paradox in Words and Images”
Nathan D. Brown, University of Virginia
“A Digital Creole : Re-presenting Eighteenth Century Louisiana and Hybrid Identities in
Assassin's Creed 3, Liberation”
19. Literary Change, Geocriticism and Cultural Studies Through the Spanish
Chair: Neil Anderson, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3411
Andrew Anderson, University of Virginia
“Models of Literary Change”
Paul Begin, Pepperdine University
“American Culture, Philosophy, and Religion Through the Spanish Lens: The Curious
Case of George Santayana”
Christopher Kozey, Johns Hopkins University
“Once More Into the Crypt Space: A Geocritical Approach to Luis Buñuel’s Las Hurdes:
Tierra sin pan”
10:45 am - 12:15 pm
20. Tendiendo puentes entre realidad y ficción: prótesis, virtualidad y memoria
en Lágrimas en la lluvia de Rosa Montero, Planeta hembra de Gabriela Bustelo
y El mundo de Yarek de Elia Barceló.
Chair: Juan Carlos Martín, Stonehill College
Student Union 2422
Angela Moskwa, Stonehill College
“Desde la ficción a la realidad tecno-científica: entes híbridos artificiales en Lágrimas en
la lluvia y Planeta hembra”
Dale Pratt, Brigham Young University
“Los mundos de Yarek: creatividad y autonomía en las realidades virtuales”
Juan Carlos Martín, Stonehill College
“Subjetividades poshumanas en Lágrimas en la lluvia y Planeta hembra: la creación
tecnológica de un sujeto femenino”
Jacob Brown, Southwestern University
“Male Models: American Mass Culture and Constructions of Masculinity in Rosa
Montero’s Amado Amo”
Friday, April 4, 2014
21. Poéticas de lo urbano y lo cotidiano en México y España
Chair: Verónica Gossi, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Student Union 2423
Verónica Grossi, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
“La influencia de Baudelaire en Los Contemporáneos”
Jessica Bennett, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
“Owen a través de Los ingrávidos”
Sarah Blanton, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Federico García Lorca and the Stimulus Shield”
Berna Muñoz, Vanderbilt University
“La ausencia en Y todos estábamos vivos (2006) de Olvido García Valdés”
22. Rewriting Spanish History through Literature and Criticism
Chair: Joaquín Rodríguez Barberá, Sam Houston State University
Student Union 2424
Joaquín Rodríguez Barberá, Sam Houston State University
“Inés de Castro en el Siglo de Oro”
Robert Barnes, East Carolina University
“Spain’s Baroque Values and Hispanic Philology”
23. Blindness, Dyslexia and the Mind: Manifestations of the Gaze in
Contemporary Film and Theater
Chair: Stella Kim, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3407
Daniel Zimmerman, University of Virginia
“The Fictional Representation of the Silenced Intersex in Lucía Puenzo’s XXY”
Eduardo Ledesma, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
“The Blind Directors’ Gaze: Visual Impairment Behind the Camera in Recent Film”
Matthew J. Marr, Pensylvannia State University
“Seeing emotional and Ethical Dyslexia in Pedro Amodovar’s Hable con ella/Talk to Her
Steven Mills, Buena Vista University
“La Mordaza’s Minds: Sastre’s (Mis)Connections Amid Oppression in Postwar Spain”
Friday, April 4, 2014
24. Medieval and Early Modern Afterlives: Building Connections Across Time
and Space
Chair: Tessa Gurney, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3411
Scott Millspaugh, Dartmouth College
“Teaching the Divine Comedy with Dante Lab: Social Media and the Commentary
Meredith Ringel-Ensley, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Subversive Self-Censorship in Alessandro Marchetti's Translation of the De Rerum
Elizabeth Zegura, University of Arizona
“Bradamante’s Legacy: The Extraordinary Afterlife of an Early Modern Feminist Icon”
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Lunch Break
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
25. Giovanni Pastrone to Paolo Sorrentino: One Hundred Years of Italian
Cinema (1913-2013)
Chair: Michele Sguerri, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 2422
Alyssia Miller, University of Alabama
“From Adversity to Opportunity: A Critique of Italian Film”
Katherine Greenburg, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Imagined History: Departing from Neorealism in Marco Bellocchio’s Buongiorno,
Tessa Bullington, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Warped Idealism: The Influence of Ideology as Depicted in Bellocchio’s Buongiorno,
Alessia Martini, Florida Atlantic University
“A spasso per la capitale: Roma protagonista del cinema italiano dal neorealismo ad
Friday, April 4, 2014
26. The Recent Past and the Near Future: Interdisciplinary Perspectives to
Recent Central American Literature
Chair: María del Carmen Caña Jiménez, Virginia Tech
Student Union 2423
William Badillo, University of Central Florida
“Trazando el mapa religioso en la Guatemala Contemporánea: en la mirilla del jaguar de
Margarita Carrera”
María del Carmen Caña Jiménez, Virginia Tech
“Vida resurgida y neoliberalismo en Tikal Futura de Franz Galich”
Humberto López Cruz, University of Central Florida
“Un capítulo novelado de la historia de Panamá: Entre el honor y la espada, de Juan
David Morgan”
Vinodh Venkatesh, Virginia Tech
“Towards an Ethical Madness in Rodrigo Rey Rosa’s Los sordos”
27. Identidades globales en la España Contemporánea
Chair: Ana Corbalán, University of Alabama
Student Union 2424
Adina Pascalau, University of Alabama
“Ucrania de Pablo Aranda: un discurso en contra de los estereotipos en la inmigración”
Sarah Langcuster, University of Alabama
“Women in Limbo: A look at Latin American Immigrants in Spanish Cinema”
Elizabeth Grassmann, University of Alabama
“La marginalidad de las figuras femeninas extranjeras en los filmes En la puta vida
(2001) y Princesas (2005)”
Toloo Riazi, University of Alabama
“Inmigración y violencia, una combinación trágica”.
28. Representing Women and Violence in the Transatlantic Baroque
Chair: Grant Gearhart, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 2511
Jason M. Stinnett, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
“Catalina the Conquistador: A Legitimate Phallus-Free Masculinity”
Paula A. Thomas, Brigham Young University
“Quien calla otorga: violación femenina como acto de sumisión en la comedia del Siglo
de Oro”
Friday, April 4, 2014
Rhi Johnson, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Written in their flesh: Sexual Violence and Honor Rhetoric as Strategies of Narrative
3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
29. Italian Film and the Social Landscape
Chair: Andrea Segre
Student Union 2423
Bernadette Luciano, University of Virginia
“The Dis/located Migrant as an Agent of Transposition: Borensztein's Un cuento chino
and Segre’s Io sono Li”
Emiliano Guaraldo Rodriguez, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Visions of Agonizing Bioregions: Proto-environmentalist Discourse in the Early Works
of Olmi, Antonioni, and De Seta”
Daniela Dal Pra, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
“La Prima Neve: Challenging Integration of an Immigrant in Italy”
30. Navigating Duplicity, Multiplicity and Intertextuality in Spanish Golden Age
Chair: Shaun Stone, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Student Union 2511
Emily Kristoff, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
“Cervantes's Leonela: The provocative maid of ‘El curioso impertinente’”
Gabriela Rivero, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
“Intertextualidad en el marco del barroco: La representación mesiánica en El burlador de
Sevilla (1617) y The Joker of Seville (1978) de Derek Walcott”
Chayree Santiago Thomas, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
“Los refranes y la matización de la novela picaresca”
Estefanía Tocado-Orviz, Georgetown University
“El Olvido de los Sueños en La Vida es Sueño y Abre los Ojos”
31. New Technologies and Digital Humanities in Romance Studies
Chair: Alain-Philippe Durand, The University of Arizona
Student Union 3407
Patricia Sagasti-Suppes, Ferrum College
“Online Conversation: Extending Language Development Beyond the Classroom”
Friday, April 4, 2014
Sarah Glasco, Elon University
“How Scrapbooking Millennials Breathe Life into French History”
Alain-Philippe Durand, The University of Arizona
“Mondialisation et humanités numériques chez Jean-Philippe Toussaint”
32. El uso de la parodia como crítica en la narrativa transatlántica
Chair: Shelly Hines-Brooks, University of Alabama
Student Union 3409
Shelly Hines-Brooks, University of Alabama
“Otra maldita re-escritura del pasado español: la parodia como crítica en una metanovela
historiográfica de Isaac Rosa”
Seth Roberts, University of Alabama
“Cruz de olvido (1999) de Carlos Cortés: la parodia y la búsqueda incesante de los
Valencia Tamper, University of Alabama
“Parodia, choteo y lenguaje en La guaracha del Macho Camacho de Luis Rafael
33. Reading Indigenous Textualities in Latin America: Orality, Subjectivity and
Chair: Andrew Stewart, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Student Union 3515
Blanca Aranda, Western Washington University
“Textualidad e identidad. Reconstrucción de una red intertextual en el contexto de las
culturas orales en los Andes”
Giulia Ricco, Duke University
“Language, Pronouns, and Subjects in the Making of Testimonio: A Case Study of I,
Rigoberta Menchú”
Alicia Buckenmeyer, University of Virginia
“U k’aay ch’I’ibal / El canto de la estirpe: Self-Translation and the Negotiating of Selves
in the Poetry of Wildernain Villegas”
5:45 pm - 6:30 pm
Toy Lounge, Dey Hall
Friday, April 4, 2014
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Toy Lounge, Dey Hall
34. Keynote Address, Spanish:
“La novela corta en Latinoamérica: auge, aciertos, limitaciones”
Speaker: Horacio Castellanos Moya
8:00 pm
Reception at Professor Frank Domínguez’s House. All are welcome!
(Directions in Participants’ Folders)
(Hors d’oeuvres will be served.)
Saturday, April 5, 2014
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Continental Breakfast: Student Union 2510
9:00 am - 3:45 pm
Registration: Student Union 2510 (coffee available until 3:30)
9:30 am - 11:00 am
35. When Words Travel: Italian Literature Without Borders
Chair: Emiliano Guaraldo Rodriguez, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 2420
Suzanne Wazzan, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, KSA
“Tradition and Evolution in Italian American Poetry”
Hiromi Kaneda, Rutgers University
“La Diana: punto di incontro tra occidente e oriente”
Rosina Martucci, Università di Salerno
“Mary Melfi, Giose Rimanelli: scrittori italo-canadesi a confronto”
36. Penitential Fictions, Autobiography and Gender Reversal in the Literature of
the Iberian Middle Ages
*With Invited Panelist Sol Miguel-Prendes
Chair: Frank Domínguez, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3411
Sol Miguel-Prendes, Wake Forest University
“Otra frontera de la ficción sentimental”
Holly Sims, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Juan Ruiz’s “Yo”: Autobiography and Narrative Structure in the Libro de buen amor”
Mario Antonio Cossío Olavide, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola
“Gender Reversal in the Letter from Doña Cuaresma to Don Carnal (LBA, s. 1075)”
37. Identidad y género en textos hispanos decimonónicos
Chair: María Salgado, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 2423
María Salgado, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Las muchas personas de Tula; y un solo yo”
Nicholas Wolters, University of Virginia
“Men of the Cloth: Ecclesiastical Fashion and Masculinities in La Regenta”
Matthew Stephen Stuckwisch, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
“La gallina vieja y el castizo asturiano: las lecciones de Enriqueta González Rubín”
38. (Dis)connection Across Three Centuries of Peninsular Literature: Literary
Negotiations of Economic, Sociopolitical, and Ecological Issues in Spanish
Chair: Morgan Fisher, University of Virginia
Student Union 2422
Davina Buivan Kotanchik, University of Virginia
“Shaken to Its Foundations: Society, Anxiety and the Construction of Economic
Infrastructure in Nineteenth-Century Spanish Theater”
Alison Atkins, Wake Forest University
“The Carnivalesque Feast in Manuel Vázquez Montalbán’s Los alegres muchachos de
Atzavara: A World Turned Upside Down?”
Morgan Fisher, University of Virginia
“Natural Aliens in an Ecological Dystopia: Re-imaging Nature and Our Relationship with
the Natural World in Montse de Paz’s Ciudad sin estrellas”
39. Psychological Crises in Chaotic Societies: The Unknowability of Truth in
Latin American Crime Novels from 1994-2013
Chair: Patricia Reagan, Randolph-Macon College
Student Union 2424
Eunice Rojas, Lynchburg College
“The Dirty War Did Not Happen: The Madness of Doubles, Copies, and Simulacra in
Juan José Saer’s La Pesquisa”
Lori Oxford, Western Carolina University
“Intersections of Time, Space, and Truth in Padura’s La neblina de ayer
Patricia Reagan, Randolph-Macon College
“Fertile Ground: Esteban’s God Complex in Juan Carlos Aldir’s Asesino de muertos”
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
40. Invited Artist, Italian: Andrea Segre
Introduced by Federico Luisetti,
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Toy Lounge, Dey Hall
Refreshments & coffee provided.
12:45 pm - 2:00 pm
Lunch Break
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
41. Keynote Address, Spanish:
“Recuperando las huellas perdidas: el surgimiento de narrativas
indígenas contemporáneas en Abya Yala”
Speaker: Arturo Arias
Toy Lounge, Dey Hall
Refreshments & coffee provided.
2:15 pm - 3:45 pm
42. Negotiating Identities and New Subjectivities in Twentieth-Century Italian
Chair: Danila Cannamela, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 2420
Giuliano Migliori, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Materic Body: A New Subject in Marinetti’s Zang Tumb Tumb?”
Emiliano Guaraldo, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Eternal Futurism and the legacy of Marinetti in Contemporary Cinema”
Nourit Melcer-Padon, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
“Six Characters in Search of a Performer: Luigi Pirandello’s Opposing MaskCommunities”
43. L’image fantôme: Text and Image in 20th and 21st century France
Chair: Hassan Melehy, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3407
Anna Bernard-Hoverstad, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“From Maternal to Modern in Text and Image: the 1927 Postcard Campaign of La Ligue
d’action féminine pour le suffrage”
Jordan Bessette, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Colonial Representations in French Travel and Recruitment Posters”
Valerie Hastings, The University at Buffalo
“Le principe du chacun chez l’autre dans l’œuvre Alférienne”
Monica Scovell, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Creating Icons: Paris-Match’s photographic coverage of mai ‘68”
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Toy Lounge, Dey Hall
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
44. Keynote Address, Italian:
“Accidental Orientalists: The Ethnomasquerade of Leda Rafanelli”
Speaker: Barbara Spackman, University of California, Berkeley
Introduced by Marisa Escolar,
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
7:30 pm Hors d’oeuvres
8:00 pm Dinner
Banquet at the Weathervane
Hwy 15-501 @ Estes Drive
University Mall (next to A Southern Season)
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Panel Number
Alexander, Martha...............................4, 12
Allen, William G.........................................18
Anderson, Andrew......................................19
Aranda, Blanca..........................................33
Arias, Arturo..............................................41
Atkins, Alison.............................................38
Aycock, Kendall.........................................12
Badillo, William.........................................26
Balsón, Antonio............................................5
Barnes, Robert...........................................22
Barriuso, Carlos..........................................8
Begin, Paul.................................................19
Bennett, Jessica..........................................21
Bernard-Hoverstad, Anna..........................43
Bessette, Jordan.........................................43
Blanton, Sarah...........................................21
Booker, Sarah............................................15
Brioso-Rieumont, Ingrid............................14
Brown, Jacob.............................................20
Brown, Nathan...........................................18
Buckenmeyer, Alicia..................................33
Buivan Kotanchik, Davina.........................38
Bullington, Tessa.......................................25
Caña Jiménez, María del Carmen.............26
Casado Presa, Cristina................................7
Casey, Elena..............................................17
Castellanos Moya, Horacio.......................34
Chávez, Jaime............................................15
Clark, Emily.............................................1, 4
Clark, Michael.............................................9
Claudel, Ophélia........................................18
Cossío Olavide, Mario Antonio.................36
Cross, David S...........................................14
Dal Pra, Daniela........................................29
Debrauwere-Miller, Nathalie....................13
Durand, Alain-Philippe..............................31
Erazo, Adrienne...........................................6
Fisher, Morgan..........................................38
Florido, Lucía............................................18
Garza, Randal............................................17
Glasco, Sarah.............................................31
Good, Kate...................................................1
Grassmann, Elizabeth................................27
Panel Number
Greenburg, Katherine................................25
Grossi, Verónica........................................21
Guaraldo Rodgriguez, Emiliano....29, 35, 42
Gutiérrez, Alejandra..................................16
Hastings, Valerie........................................43
Hernández, Julia C....................................14
Herrero-Senés, Juan ...................................8
Hines-Brooks, Shelly..................................32
Hollingsworth, Philip...................................4
Icleanu, Constantin C..................................7
Johnson, Rhi...............................................28
Kaneda, Hiromi..........................................35
Karahalios, Harry........................................7
Kim, Euisuk..................................................2
Koua, Viviane ..............................................3
Kozey, Christopher....................................19
Kristoff, Emily............................................30
Langcuster, Sarah......................................27
Ledesma, Eduardo.....................................23
Lopes, Pedro J. ...........................................5
López Cruz, Humberto...............................26
López Operé, Alicia...................................16
Lowman, Sarah..........................................10
Lozier, Leda Carolina................................15
Luciano, Bernadette...................................29
Ludington, Zachary R. ..............................16
Marr, Matthew...........................................23
Martín, Juan Carlos...................................20
Martínez, David J.......................................12
Martini, Alessia..........................................25
Martucci, Rosina........................................35
Mercer-Padon, Nourit................................42
Migliori, Giuliano......................................42
Miguel-Prendes, Sol...................................36
Miller, Alyssia............................................25
Miller, Gabrielle........................................16
Mills, Steven...............................................23
Millspaugh, Scott.......................................24
Minonne, Francesca..................................10
Monroy, Emma ............................................3
Moskwa, Angela.........................................20
Muñoz, Berna.............................................21
Myers, Noah.................................................1
Olivares, Christopher................................11
Oxford, Lori...............................................39
Page, Dwight..............................................11
Pascalau, Adina.........................................27
Pelaz, Natalia.............................................10
Pratt, Dale..................................................20
Price, Gillian................................................6
Reagan, Patricia........................................39
Reynolds, Lauren ........................................6
Riazi, Toloo................................................27
Ringel-Ensley, Meredith............................24
Ricco, Giulia..............................................33
Rivero, Gabriela........................................30
Rizy, Kathleen............................................11
Roberts, Seth..............................................32
Rodríguez, Johanna.....................................4
Rodríguez-Barberá, Joaquín......................22
Rodríguez Pereira, Víctor..........................17
Rojas, Eunice.............................................39
Sagasti-Suppes, Patricia............................31
Salgado, María..........................................37
Salazar, Sergio...........................................10
Sappi, Alain-Richard..................................12
Scovell, Monica..........................................43
Segre, Andrea.......................................29, 40
Sims, Holly.................................................36
Smith Rousselle, Elizabeth...........................8
Spackman, Barbara....................................44
Stephen Stuckwisch, Matthew....................37
Stinnett, Jason M........................................28
Tittle, Jonathan............................................2
Thomas, Chayree Santiago........................30
Thomas, Paula A........................................28
Tocado-Orviz, Estefanía............................30
Venkatesh, Vinodh......................................26
Vila-Dieguez, David...................................14
Vilar-González, Silvia..................................9
Villodre, María............................................5
Walters, Danielle.......................................11
Wazzan, Suzanne........................................35
Weintritt, April.............................................9
Wolters, Nicholas.......................................37
Zegura, Elizabeth.......................................24
Zimmerman, Daniel...................................23
Chairs (only):
Anderson, Neil…........................................19
Apffel, Sarah..............................................17
Brignole, Francisco.....................................2
Carrasco, Cristina.....................................7
Cannamela, Danila ...................................42
Chambless, Amy ..........................................9
Corbalán, Ana............................................27
Cruz Jiménez, Encarnación.......................10
Díez Torres, Julián....................................5
Domínguez, Frank...................................36
Estrada, Oswaldo.......................................6
Fellie, Maria..............................................8
Fisher, Dominique...................................11
Gearhart, Grant.......................................28
González Espitia, Juan Carlos.................15
Gurney, Tessa..........................................24
Kim, Stella................................................23
Melehy, Hassan........................................43
Perelmuter, Rosa.....................................14
Pérez Muñoz, Carmen................................1
Sguerri, Michele…………………………….25
Stewart, Andrew.........................................33
Stone, Shaun...............................................30
Tanner, Jessica..........................................18
Tamper, Valencia.......................................32
Welch, Ellen ................................................3