Bless Me, Ultima Study Guide
Bless Me, Ultima Study Guide
Name:______________________________ Bless Me, Ultima Study Guide Chapter 11, 106-121 1) Why is Tony reluctant to believe in the Golden Carp?__________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2) What makes Tony feel sick on page 111?____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 3) How does Cico explain the boys‘ behavior?__________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4) Why can Tony and Chico see the Carp, but some others cannot?__________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 5)How is the prophecy of the Carp like the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 6) The struggle in Tony‘s last dream of this chapter is really between _______________ ________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 12, pp. 122-135 1) Why do Tenorio and his men want to hurt Ultima?____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2) Why can‘t a bruja (witch) pass the sign of the cross?___________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 13, pp 136-142 1) What does Tony question about God on page 137?____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2) How do the people of El Puerto know that the Trementina sister is a witch?_________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3) What do Tony‘s uncles ask of his parents?___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 14, pp. 143-176 1) What do some of the kids tease Tony about when he returns to school? ________________________________________________________________________ 2) Why do Tenorio and Narciso continue to fight?_______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3) Why is Tony shocked when he follows Narciso to Rosie‘s?_____________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 4) What happens to Narciso?________________________________________________ 5) What does Tony do for Narciso?___________________________________________ Chapter 15, pp. 177-185 1) Why do things change between Tony and his brother Andrew at this point?_________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2) Why are Leon and Eugene particularly embarrassed about what happened to their car? _______________________________________________________________________ 3)What fact about his sons has Gabriel Marez come to accept?____________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Chapter 16, pp. 186-189 1) Why does Tony begin to have some doubts about his faith?______________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2) What does Tenorio mean when he says to Tony, —Your curse is that you know too much!・?_________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 17, pp. 190-202 1) How does Tony feel about his upcoming Holy Communion?____________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2) Describe Florence’s views on religion. Why do these thoughts trouble Tony?_______ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Chapter 18, pp. 203-216 1) Of what fact of existence does Ash Wednesday remind Tony?___________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2) Why is Tony upset by the —confession game?_________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3)Why do all the kids become angry with Tony at the end of this scene?_____________ ________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 19, pp. 217-221 1) What is Tony‘s reaction to his first communion?_______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 20, pp. 222-235 1) What is the reason for the curse on the Agua Negra ranch and the Tellez family?_____ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Chapter 21, pp. 236-242 1) Why don’t Cico and Tony tell others about the golden carp?_____________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2) What do they decide about Florence?_______________________________________ 3) What happens to Florence?_______________________________________________ Chapter 22, pp. 243-262 1) About which three people does Tony have a nightmare?_________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2) What advice does Ultima give to Tony on page 245?___________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3)What advice does Gabriel Marez give to his son on page 246?___________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4) Why does Tenorio kill the owl?____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 5)Why does Tony ask Ultima to bless him?___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 6) What last piece of Ultima’s advice does Tony remember?_______________________ ________________________________________________________________________ C h a p t e r 1 2 3 Spanish English llano plains curandera healer Está sola, ya no queda gente en el pueblito de Las Pasturas. She is alone, there are no people left in the small town (village) of Las Pasturas. vaquero(s) cowboy(s) tejano(s) texan(s) sala living room big rancheros big ranchers compadres comrades/cronies crudo hungover Ave María Purísima Bless me Mother Mary la Grande the Great one (honorific used by the Marez family to refer to Ultima) Es verdad That's true bruja(s) witch(es) cuentos stories Está bien That's good conquistador(es) conqueror(s) atole cereal/drink made of blue corn meal Nuestra casa es su casa. Our house is your house. farol lantern ¡Andale hombre, andale! Hurry man, hurry! Ya vengo I'm coming mis hijos my sons (my children) ¿qué pasa? what's wrong? ¡Madre de Dios! Mother of God! la llorna weeping woman (refers to the legend of La Llorona) ¿Pero qué dices, hombre? What are you saying, man? Buenos dias le de Dios May God give you a good morning Ya las campanas de la iglesia estan doblando Now the church bells are tolling Por la sangre de Lupito, todos debemos de rogar For the death of Lupito, we should all pray Que Dios la saque de pena y la lleve a descansar. That God rescues him from his pain and carries him to rest. Ven aca, Antonio. Come here, Antonio. cabroncitos/cabritos Term of endearment (literally, little goats) Es una mujer que no ha pecado She is a woman who has not sinned Una mujar con un diente, que llama a toda la genta. A women with one tooth who calls all the people (folk saying referring to the church bell) La campana de la iglesia esta doblando The church bell is tolling Arrímense vivos y difuentos Come here living and dead 4 5 6 7 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 chingada Expletive cabrón Expletive los vatos the boys in the neighborhood ¡Hijola! Wow! ¡A la vecca! Exclamation yerba del manso herbal medicine orégano oregano osha herbal medicine ¡Mira! Qué suerte, tunas. See! What luck, pears. Hijito Term of endearment for a male child (literally, little son) Manzanilla chamomile mollera crown of the head (colloquial, used to refer to the soft spot on a baby's head) muy sabrosos very tasty ristras string (usually of dried chiles) Si, tio Yes, uncle ¡Vamos! ¡Vamos! Let's go! Let's go! ¡Bueno! ¡Bueno! Okay! Okay! suerte good luck la tristesa de la vida the sadness of life ¡Jesús, María Purísima! Jesus, Mother Mary Ay Díos mio Oh my God Perdón Excuse me chango monkey el encanto the curse (spell, enchantment) el Diablo the Devil Buenos días le de Dios, tio May God give youa good morning, uncle ¡Gracias a Dios! Thanks be to God! ¡Jesús, María y José! Jesus, Mary and Joseph Médica Healer Abuelo Grandfather la muerte death vieja old woman el hombre volador the flying man ¡Cuidado! !Saludos a papa, y a todos! Be careful! Say hello to Father and everyone else! Gracias por mi vida. Thank you for my life. bosque woods, forest ¿Quién es? Who is it? ¡La mujer que no ha pecado es bruja, le juro a Dios. The woman who has not sinned is a witch, I swear to God. ¿Qué pasa aqui? What's going on here? ¡Madre de Dios! Mother of God! ¡Mira! Look! campo santo graveyard mitote gossip Qué Dios te bendiga. May God bless you. Te voy a matar I am going to kill you ¡Basta! ¡Basta! Enough! Enough! ¡Por la madre de Dios! For the Mother of God! ¡Aye que Diablo! Oh what a devil! ¿Quién? Who? la misa de gallo midnight mass (literally, mass of the rooster) posole Mexican stew bizcochitos sugar cookie (flavored with anise) empanaditas turnovers (meat and/or fruit) Hi, Jefa Respectful term for a female (literally chief) Hi, Jefe Respectful term for a male (literally chief) 1 6 entremetido meddler 1 7 Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos-purga Our Father who art in heaven--laxative ¿Cómo estás, Tellez? How are you, Tellez? abrazo hug bulto form, shape, ghost Gracias a Dios que venites Thank God you've come Benditos sean los dulces nombres Bessed be the sweet names yerba de la vivora herbal medicine grillos crickets pesadilla nightmare te doy esta bendición en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo, y el Espíritu Santo I give you this blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit acequia irrigation canal or ditch ¡Espíritu de me alma! Spirit of my soul! velorio wake 1 4 1 5 2 0 2 2