

Curriculum Fit: Spanish Key Stage 5 (A Level)
Lesson title: La moda y la juventud – 1/6
Length: 2 x 50 minutes
Intended Learning Outcomes:
Students will
develop and practise language for discussing youth culture and fashion
practise using language for analysis and expression opinions
develop techniques for conducting issue-based interviews in the target language
make two short collaborative videos in the target language
Spanish KS5
Betsy Morrison and Rebeca Fernandez Lopez
Curriculum Fit: Spanish Key Stage 5 (A Level)
Learner activity
Language / Skills development
10 min
Discutimos: La moda y la juventud
Project or display a selection of fashion images from British and Spanish style
magazines or websites. Include some advertisements for well-known youth
fashion brands.
¿Cuál es el/la favorito/a?
¿En qué se diferencian los estilos Británicos con los estilos Españoles?
¿Cuáles son las influencias de cada estilo? ¿Hay estilos que dan una
perspectiva más internacional?
¿Cuales son vuestros estilos favoritos?
¿Que os influye a la hora de elegir ropa?
Take a class vote on the most popular looks.
10 min
Practise stating opinions
Practise stating agreement/disagreement
Develop analytical skills
Pienso que… Creo que…
A mí me parece que… En mi opinión…
Yo diría que… A mi parecer…
Opino lo mismo
A mi entender…
Estoy de acuerdo contigo/de tu misma opinión
Sí, estoy totalmente de acuerdo
No estoy de acuerdo…
Opino lo contrario…
No pienso/no creo que…
No estoy de acuerdo con…
Introducción a Trans-lingual Express
Introduce the Trans-lingual Express website. Based on the TLX model,
students are going to create their own short documentary films in Spanish, on
the theme of fashion and youth culture. Their films will be 5-6 minutes long
and aimed at young Spanish speakers.
Screen the film The Shoe on the Spanish section of the TLX website.
To give an insight into Spanish teenagers and their views/approaches, you can
screen the Madrid-made film Madrid Fashion.
¿Cómo se aproximaron los estudiantes al tema? ¿Cómo se puede lograr un
lugar de rodaje más interesante? ¿Cómo lograron reunir diferentes
opiniones/puntos de vista? ¿Cuáles fueron los puntos fuertes del film? ¿Qué
harías diferente?
Spanish KS5
A mí me parece que…
Yo prefiero la parte cuando…
Aprecio el hecho que…
Es más autentico que…
Es importante que…
Yo hubiera usado… preguntado … enseñado…
Betsy Morrison and Rebeca Fernandez Lopez
Curriculum Fit: Spanish Key Stage 5 (A Level)
5 min
Estilo de realización
Re-play clips from the film to demonstrate the use of different shot styles.
Ask students to reflect on the way the film has been constructed.
¿Qué os pareció el sonido? ¿Qué tipos de tomas usaron los estudiantes?
¿Como usaron los subtítulos?
Distribute the list of Film Terms.
Students can view clips several times until they
are satisfied that they have identified shot types
and film language correctly.
Screen the TLX 1-minute film on shot types.
Ahora deberíais de ser capaces de reconocer e identificar las tomas diferentes
en The Shoe.
Os acordáis de:
¿La toma de primer plano? ¿La toma de perfil?
¿Como usaron las diferentes tomas?
10 min
Introducción a la realización
Students work in groups of 4 or 5 (depending on the number of cameras
available). Each group is given a camera and try out the camera functions.
Invite a student from each team to demonstrate and talk through one function
to the whole class.
Spanish KS5
Students are able to apply technical vocabulary in
the target language
Betsy Morrison and Rebeca Fernandez Lopez
Curriculum Fit: Spanish Key Stage 5 (A Level)
15 min
The One Minute Film challenge
Each group has 15 minutes to experiment with different shot types and to
create a 1-minute film, on any subject, using only the space, objects and
people available to them in the classroom.
Students are given the opportunity to immediately
apply what they have learned and to explore
possibilities within a limited timeframe, working as
a team
The mini films must include a shot of each member of their team and students
only speak Spanish when being recorded. Their films will be edited ‘in camera’,
so they will need to watch back each take and re-record over any errors to get
the sequence they want.
10 min
The class views the ‘finished’ one-minute films and feed back to each group.
Students responses can encompass the new
language in context
¿Cuales métodos son útiles para que un sujeto sea más fácil de seguir?
¿Retratado más interesante?
¿Cuáles fueron los retos más grandes a la hora de intentar tramitar una idea
en un minuto?
15 min
Planning techniques
Groups can now brainstorm ideas for the content of their films.
Teams take 15 minutes to write up a list of issues they would like to explore
within their project theme of La moda y la juventud, and to brainstorm some
ideas for presenting the issues in their film.
Students are encouraged to explore the theme of
youth culture and fashion through cross-curricular
subjects and a diversity of issues
Apart from a focus on music to explore fashion and youth culture, other topics
might include:
La moda en nuestra ciudad
La moda y la igualdad social
La moda y el cine
Spanish KS5
Betsy Morrison and Rebeca Fernandez Lopez
Curriculum Fit: Spanish Key Stage 5 (A Level)
La moda y el deporte
La moda juvenil en la prensa inglesa/internacional
La moda y la influencia de la publicidad
La moda y los estereotipos / la diversidad
Las culturas del mundo y la moda callejera
La moda juvenil en el mercado Europeo
Como aproximarse a un sujeto:
• Preguntas clave
• ¿De quién necesitamos opiniones?
• ¿Como podemos retratar diferentes puntos de vista de una manera
• ¿Como podemos mejorar la influencia visual y sonora?
20 min
Interview techniques
The 8-line interview challenge will help students prepare for scripting their films
and develop their interview techniques in the target language.
If possible, allow students to use a space / spaces
other than the classroom to film their practise
Groups take 5 minutes to create 8 questions around the theme of la moda y la
juventud. They then use these to make a filmed interview with another group eg group A will interview group B, then exchange. (With an odd number of
groups, group A can interview groups B and C together.) They can film their
interviewee group all together or individually. The finished interviews must last
no longer than 3 minutes.
Play back the interviews to the whole class.
¿Qué tomas funcionan mejor en una entrevista?
¿Qué tipo de preguntas resultan en las respuestas más interesantes?
¿Como se puede trasmitir el sujeto durante la entrevista? (a medio de
imágenes y/o sonido?)
Spanish KS5
Betsy Morrison and Rebeca Fernandez Lopez
Curriculum Fit: Spanish Key Stage 5 (A Level)
Next lesson:
Prepare an outline and Assign Team Roles
Storyboarding – making a visual plan and
Students now have the opportunity to apply what they have learned to
the planning of their documentaries. Having experimented with how much
can be conveyed in one minute of film and how to plan and record an
interview, the students next need to look at the issues they would like to
explore and think in greater detail about how their short film will be
constructed, taking into account:
- Cuantos días/lecciones tienen para la realización
- Cuantos lugares de rodaje serán posibles
- Cuanto tiempo tienen para editar la película y la banda sonora
Students bring to the next lesson a written outline of their group’s
documentary, including the specific issues/questions they will explore
and how they will gather the material they need within the project
To support their preparation of a detailed script,
students can create a visual plan of their film
using the storyboarding tool on the TLX website.
Invite students to start by thinking about how to
the visual (and audio) style of their film might
correspond with the issues they have chosen to
focus on.
Ask students to refer to the Film Terms list and
the brainstormed list of issues they wish to
Assign Team Roles
Refer students to the TLX Film Terms list. The next part of their planning
is to decide roles and responsibilities within their teams. While each
student will ideally get to do some filming and sound recording, it can be
practical to assign certain roles to one member of the group. Ask
students to think about who will manage what tasks while they produce
their film, and if they are to share roles, who will take the lead to ensure
each area is well managed (equipment, tapes, music, props etc).
Spanish KS5
Betsy Morrison and Rebeca Fernandez Lopez