Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Fourth Sunday of Advent MASS SCHEDULE Sunday: ENGLISH 6:30 am, 8:00 am, * 9:30 am, 11:30 am, 5:00 pm ESPAÑOL * 1:30 pm, * 7:00 pm * Children’s Liturgy of the Word Saturday: 8:15 am Liturgy of the Word 5:00 pm (Vigil) Week Days: Morning Prayer: 7:55 am Morning Mass: Monday - Friday 8:15 am Rosary recited after the Morning Mass OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA Every Thursday after the Morning Mass FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH Eucharistic Adoration: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Benediction: 5:30 pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday (bilingual): 3:45 pm - 4:45 pm 1st and 2nd Sunday of Month (bilingual): 6:00 pm - 6:50 pm December 20, 2015 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday – Thursday: 8:30am - 7:00 pm Fridays: 8:30am - 4:30 pm Saturday: 8:30am - 7:00 pm Sunday: 9:00am - 3:00 pm 10727 So. Downey Ave. Downey, CA. 90241 Phone: (562) 923-3246 Fax (562) 862-7020 Email: [email protected] www.olphdowney.org Information and requirements about Baptisms, Marriages, Anointing of the Sick, and Quinceañeras, see page 8. December 20, 2015 Page 2 PASTOR’S COLUMN Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I saw this reflection in Living Faith published by Creative Communications for the Parish and wanted to share it with you. T H E MA RV E L O F G O D ’ S G R ACE “Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth” Luke 1:39 In the strikingly beautiful story of Mary’s visit to Elizabeth, Mary’s utter thoughtfulness stands out. Though she is in the early stage of her own pregnancy, Mary forgets herself and tends to her cousin Elizabeth, already in her sixth month. Mary has reason for concern, Elizabeth is “elderly” and this is her first baby. By human standards, both women are “nobodies.” After all, not only are they “just” women in a patriarchal society, they are poor and possess no economic leverage. And they live in a country subjugated by a foreign military power. So they have no political clout either. We could also label one of them as “too young.” The other we could dismiss as “too old.” Yet it is precisely through these two women, these two “nobodies,” that salvation comes into the world. Isn’t it amazing what God can do through the weak and lowly! Imagine what God can do through you and me! Mary and Elizabeth, thank you for reminding me of God’s ability to work marvels through anyone – including me. On behalf of myself, Fr. Pako, our OLPH Family, Dn. Charles and Olivia Denisac, Dn. Carlos and Betty Origel, I want to wish you and your family a very Blessed, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Peace, Fr. Joseph From the Servant’s Heart Fourth Sunday of Advent Page 3 ChristMass "First things first!" Please take a bulletin with you and see which Mass you will attend. If there's a gift we can give to Jesus, it's our time and our presence by coming to church on His Birthday. "Let There Be Peace on Earth" "And let it begin with me..." It's Christmas. Whatever else has happened, make sure your family comes together to celebrate Christmas. Share that Christmas meal together as one family. As we live The Year of Mercy, let us begin with ourselves as we share the forgiveness and peace of Jesus with others. "Happy Birthday, Jesus!" Kids, I pray that Santa will grant your wish on Christmas Eve as you're tucked in bed. If not, that's ok. After all, we have already received "The Greatest Gift" who is Jesus whose birthday we once again celebrate this Christmas Day. Whether Santa comes with his gift or not, let us celebrate "The Joy of Man's Desiring." Be sure to greet Jesus with "Happy Birthday!" He is "The Reason of the Season." Christmas Gift idea for yourself or someone special Living Faith Living faith.com $12.25 For daily spiritual reading and praying with the Holy Scriptures The Word Among Us Wau.org $23.70 Living with Christ Livingwithchrist.us $23.99 Words of Grace Allsaintspress.com $8 Give Us This Day Giveusthisday.org $39.95 Catholic Digest Catholicdigest.com $26.95 "I'll Do My Praying for the Rain" Weather experts have predicted an El Niño. Even so, let us continue to pray that God will indeed bless us with rain to end this long period of drought. Let us also pray at the same time for our homeless brethren who will suffer inconvenience from El Niño. And if it does pour heavily, let’s sing "I'm singing in the rain!" “ LPH with a HEART” Fr. Joseph PAPAL INTENTIONS FOR DECEMBER General Intention: That all may experience the mercy of God, who never tires of forgiving. Missionary Intention: That families, especially those who suffer, may find in the birth of Jesus a sign of certain hope. December 20, 2015 Page 4 FAITH BUILDING FINDING A BIRTHDAY GIFT FOR JESUS Christians believe that our God and creator became human to save us from sin and selfishness. But sometimes we can be contradictory people. We’ve spent centuries perfecting ways to prepare for Jesus’ birth, and we transform our surroundings to celebrate it. We clean, cook, shop, wrap, decorate, sing and give gifts. We take great care to forget nobody, but sometimes we can forget the One whose birthday we celebrate! If we were to hang a stocking with Jesus’ name on it and fill it with gifts, what would they be, and what would they cost? SAVE THE DATE ANNUAL RESPECT LIFE MASS AND CEREMONY OF LIGHT ONE LIFE, ONE LIGHT REQUIEM FOR THE UNBORN SATURDAY, JANUARY 23 ~ 5PM CATHEDRAL OF OUR LADY Come as a family; come as a parish; ALL are encouraged to attend. Some are born great, others have greatness thrust upon them, and others are unborn; their destiny in our hands. Together let us commemorate and celebrate these lives so brief, yet so precious. Information at: www.olacathedral.org www.la-archdiocese.org Let’s consider the coming year’s main Gospel (Luke) for some gift ideas and what they might cost us. Scripture Gift Cost Luke 6:37-38 Personal Reconciliation Sincere humility, forgiveness Luke 19:8-10 Generosity Personal resources, need for recognition Luke 6:29 Loving enemies Judgmental nature, obeying popular opinion Luke 11:1-4 Regular prayer Time, some less important activities Luke 6:30 Sharing with others Selfishness, personal priorties Luke 22:39 Doing God’s will Self-indulgence, impatience Luke 6:31 Living the Golden Ego, selfRule righteousness Taking the time and making the effort to give Jesus just the right birthday gift will be both rewarding and priceless. Fourth Sunday of Advent Page 5 KIDS CORNER SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given” HELP KIDS UNDERSTAND BOUNDARIES DURING THE HOLIDAYS Christmas is a time for families, and extended aunts, uncles, and cousins gather to celebrate the season together. Your children should be comfortable around their family members, but they should also know the limits of their comfort zones, and what to do if someone crosses a line – too many hugs and kisses, or inappropriate tickling. Your children should be comfortable saying “NO” whenever things cross their lines, and they should know that you’ll back them up. For a copy of the VIRTUS® article “Know the Warning Signs: Just Where Is the Boundary Line?” email: [email protected]. For more information, call our Parish Contact Theresa Nicholas at 562) 862-7268. Isaiah 9:6a RE CONGRESS 2016 FEBRUARY 25 - 28 "BOUNDLESS MERCY" Baby King Bethlehem Joseph Jesus Census Mary Inn Stable Worship Manger Herod Birth Luke Bible HOLY HUMOR A holiday miracle would be still fitting into my clothes after the holidays. Donkey Angel Shepherds Star Hay The three-day weekend is open to adults and young adults and offers more than 200 speakers presenting over 300 workshops, in addition to lunchtime entertainment, evening concerts, Liturgy in a variety of characters, the Exhibit Hall and much more. You may access the book online and register by visiting www.RECongress.org or call the RECongress information line at 213) 637-7348 to request your own copy of a Registration Guidebook. Fee is $70 per person. $80 after January 8 Cuarto Domingo del Adviento Página 6 MINISTERIO HISPANO Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo, Vi esta reflexión en Exploring the Sunday Readings publicada por Twenty-third Publications y quiero compartirla con ustedes. LA MARAVILLA DE LA GRACIA DE DIOS “Por esos días, María partió apresuradamente a una ciudad ubicada en los cerros de Judá, donde entró a la casa de Zacarías y saludó a Isabel” Lucas 1:39 La belleza de esta historia de la visita de María a Isabel, se destaca la seriedad absoluta de María. Aunque ella está en la etapa temprana de su embarazo, María se olvida de sí misma y atiende a su prima Isabel, ya en su sexto mes. María tiene razón para preocuparse, Isabel es "mayor de edad" y este es su primer bebé. Para los estándares humanos, ambas mujeres son un "don nadie." Después de todo, no "sólo" son mujeres en una sociedad patriarcal, son pobres y no poseen ninguna influencia económica. Y viven en un país subyugado por una potencia militar extranjera. Por lo que no tienen ninguna influencia política. Podríamos también decir que una de ellas es "demasiado joven". La otra es "demasiado vieja". Sin embargo, es precisamente a través de estas dos mujeres, esta dos "don nadie," que la salvación viene al mundo. ¡No es increíble lo que Dios puede hacer a través de los débiles y humildes! ¡Imagina lo que Dios puede hacer a través de ti y de mí! María e Isabel, gracias por recordarnos la habilidad de Dios para hacer maravillas a través de cualquier persona-incluso de mí. De mi parte, del Padre Pako, de nuestra familia de OLPH, de Diácono Charles y Olivia Denisac y Diácono Carlos y Betty Origel, quiero desearles a ustedes y a su familia una muy bendecida, Feliz Navidad y un Feliz y Próspero Año Nuevo. Paz, Padre Joseph 20 de diciembre, 2015 Página 7 PROTEGIENDO LOS NIÑOS Ayude a los niños a entender los límites durante las fiestas navideñas La Navidad es un tiempo en que las familias, las tías, tíos y primos se reúnen para celebrar la temporada juntos. Sus hijos deben sentirse cómodos alrededor de sus familiares, pero también deben saber los límites de las zonas de comodidad y qué hacer si alguien cruza la línea: muchos abrazos y besos, o caricias inapropiadas. Sus hijos deben sentirse cómodos de decir “NO” cuando las situaciones crucen la línea, y deben saber que usted los respalda. Para una copia del artículo de VIRTUS® “Know the Warning Signs: Just Where Is the Boundary Line?” (Conozca las señales de aviso: ¿Hasta dónde llegan los límites?) envíe un email a: [email protected]. CONGRESO 2016 25 - 28 DE FEBRERO "MISERICORDIA INAGOTABLE" El fin de semana de tres días es para adultos y jóvenes adultos y ofrece más de 200 oradores que presentan más de 300 talleres, además de entretenimiento, conciertos, Liturgia de una variedad de caracteres, una sala de exposiciones y mucho más. Puede acceder y reservar en línea y registrarse visitando www.RECongress.org o puede llamar a 213) 637-7348 para más información o para solicitar su propia copia de libro de registro. HORARIO DE MISAS Noche Buena - 24 de diciembre 4:00 pm misa (inglés) 5:30 pm misa para niños (inglés) 10:00 pm misa (inglés) 12:00 am Misa de Gallo (español) Día de Navidad - 25 de diciembre 9:30 am (inglés) 11:30 am (inglés) 1:30 pm (español) HORARIO DE LA OFICINA jueves, 24 de diciembre La oficina se cerrará a las 3:00 pm viernes, 25 de diciembre Horario de oficina: cerrada EL GRUPO DE ORACION Lunes, 28 de diciembre ~ 7pm Auditorio de la Escuela Jesús dice: “Vengan a mi los que se sientan cansados y agobiados, porque yo los aliviaré.” Te invita a finalizar este año y recibir el año nuevo con alegría y gozo en el Señor. Estelita Villegas estará a cargo de la alabanza y predicación. DIRECTORIO DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO RESPONSABLES: Rev. Francisco G. Adame Diácono Carlos Origel COLABORADORES: Maria Bertieri • Rosa Bulnes • Emma Romo Teresa Morales • Higinio y Olimpia Cosio • Aaron Lugo CORO: 1:30 pm y 7 pm ENSAYOS DE LOS COROS jueves 7 pm GRUPO DE ORACIÓN lunes 7 pm GRUPO DE JOVENES ROSARIO martes 6 pm APOSTOLADO DE LA CRUZ viernes 7 pm ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL miércoles 7 pm CURSILLOS DE CRISTIANDAD DIVORCIADOS Y SEPARADOS Efrain Andrade (323) 560-9195 Maria Bertieri Alejandra Rivera Aaron Lugo Rosa Bulnes Higinio y Olimpia Cosio Miguel y Teresa Vela Maria Paredes 923-8294 382-3077 806-9823 417-6624 923-6839 879-9516 397-6444 December 20, 2015 Page 8 DIRECTORY MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, December 19 8:15 am Msgr Patrick Carey (RIP) Pastor of OLPH 1941-1972 Sunday, December 20 6:30 am Mr & Mrs Roberto Noel (RIP) 8:00 am Greg Gardner (RIP) 9:30 am Yvonne Navar (RIP) 11:30 am Lawrence Gamboa (RIP) 1:30 pm Pro Populo (parishioners of OLPH) 5:00 pm Mr & Mrs Panfilo Tura 7:00 pm Jesusita Miranda Maldonado (RIP) Monday, December 21 8:15 am Jose Reyna (RIP) Tuesday, December 22 8:15 am Candido Espiritu Jr (RIP) Wednesday, December 23 8:15 am Ivonne Navar (RIP) Thursday, December 24 8:15 am 4:00 pm { Pro Populo (parishioners of OLPH) 5:30 pm 10:00 pm 12:00 am Friday, December 25 9:30 am { Pro Populo (parishioners of OLPH) 11:30 am 1:30 pm Saturday, December 26 5:00 pm Ricardo Ruelas Sr. (RIP) Sunday, December 27 6:30 am Arturo Rodriguez Montalbo (RIP) 8:00 am Maria Aurora Antonio (RIP) 9:30 am Carlos Gutierrez (RIP) 11:30 am Mr & Mrs Ben Danganan 1:30 pm Abel Fletes (RIP) 5:00 pm Pro Populo (parishioners of OLPH) 7:00 pm Marco Herrera (RIP) WE PRAY TO THE LORD For those suffering illness, infirmity, and those in need of our prayers. For those who have gone before us, Life has changed, not ended. Marlene Taylor Alice Kobzeff Jose & Martha Alonso Terry Lambros Charles Denisac Peter Nadell Maria Angeles Herrera Antonio Rodriguez Marcello Bisarelo Lord, Hear Our Prayers Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families. We ask this in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen Adminstrator Pro-Tem: STAFF Rev. Joseph Magdaong Associate Pastor: Rev. Francisco Garcia Adame Regular Sunday Supply: Bishop Joe Sartoris - Retired Rev. Celso Marquez, MSpS Deacon Couples: Charles and Olivia Denisac Carlos and Betty Origel Parish Business Manager: Betty Origel - ext. 205 [email protected] Secretary: Maria Ariza - ext. 201 [email protected] Bulletin Editor: Erika Sanchez - ext. 221 [email protected] Family Life Director: Olivia Denisac - ext. 204 Liturgy Coordinator: Julie Bosdachin - ext. 211 [email protected] Development/Facility: Hector Perez - ext. 220 Director of Music: Amy Brent - ext. 211 Pastoral Council: Chair: John Saavedra Co-Chair:Nancy Egizii Finance Council: Chair: Ray Brown Vice-Chair: Debbie Hale Regional Vocations Director: Rev. Angel Castro - St. Helen’s (562) 563-3522 [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday (3:30pm - 8:30pm) (562) 862-7268 [email protected] Director: Theresa Nicholas Secretary: Mary Rogers Confirmation Coordinator: Daniel Rodriguez Sunday Coordinator: Sara Ponce Communion Coordinator: Maria Estevez RCIA/RCIT Coordinator: Ruby Gaytan [email protected] OLPH SCHOOL 10441 Downey Ave., Downey 562-869-9969 Principal: Gina Aguilar PARISH MINISTRIES & ORGANIZATIONS Catholic Women’s Guild: 3rd Wednesday of month at 10 am School Hall Armida Lugo 715-6142 Paula Mayfield 923-3518 Knights of Columbus John Kirschner 923-1932 Little Rock Bible Study Richard Ching 382-3360 Paul Lamotte 869-1234 Sunday Scriptures Study Gino Bosdachin 688-3836 Respect Life Committee Linda Malme 869-6491 Los Padrinos Detention Ministry Sr. Teresa Doherty 940-8711 SACRAMENTS Baptism: Pre-baptismal Preparation Classes required for parents and godparents prior to scheduling Baptism. It is highly recommended parents and godparents attend classes BEFORE the child is born. Marriage: Call the parish office at least six (6) months (strongly recommend one (1) year) in advance to make arrangements. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the parish office. To schedule a visit by a priest, we highly recommend that you call early in the illness. Quinceañeras: Call the parish office at least six (6) months in advance to make arrangements. The young lady must have received the Sacraments of Baptism and First Eucharist. It is highly recommended that the young lady be enrolled in Confirmation. FOR MORE PARISH INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE www.olphdowney.org Fourth Sunday of Advent December 20, 2015 Page 12 Christmas Eve - December 24 4:00 pm Christmas Eve Vigil 5:30 pm Children’s Mass & Choir 9:30 pm Christmas Carols 10:00 pm Adult Choir 12:00 am Misa de Gallo (Spanish) Christmas Day - December 25 9:30 am Cantor and Pianist 11:30 am Cantor and Pianist 1:30 pm Spanish Choir (Spanish) CHRISTMAS OFFICE HOU RS Thursday, December 24 Office closed at 3:00 pm Friday, December 25 Office hours: closed 2016 CALENDARS $1 donation A big thank you to Tacos Gavilan for their generosity in sponsoring our 2016 calendars MASS SCHEDULE New Year’s Day - January 1 10:30am HOLIDAY OFFICE HOURS Thursday, December 31 Office closed at 3:00pm First Friday Eucharistic Adoration moved to January 8 Friday, January 1 Office Closed Church Closed after Mass END OF THE YEAR TAX WRITE OFF IDEAS If you are looking for a tax write-off, please consider a donation to any of the following: OLPH tuition scholarships OLPH Building fund Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall Together in Mission Campaign 2015
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