St. Clement of Rome Catholic Church


St. Clement of Rome Catholic Church


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St. Clement of Rome Catholic Church

St. Clement of Rome Catholic Church 9:00 am St. Anthony Ministry (Padua) 4:45 pm Liturgy Committee (Conference Room) 6:00 pm Mass 7:00 pm 7th Grade Promotion Mass (Church) 7:00 pm Cancer Survivors Support Group (Drexel) 8:00 pm 7th G...

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St. Clement of Rome Catholic Church

St. Clement of Rome Catholic Church And there is a time for healing / Y hay un tiempo para sanar Those who are sick are asking the Lord that they may regain their strength. May they find comfort as a result of our prayers, especially:

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St. Clement of Rome Catholic Church

St. Clement of Rome Catholic Church 9:00 am St. Anthony Ministry (Padua) 6:00 pm MASS 7:00 pm Bible Class (Vosbein Hall) 7:00 pm Co-Op / Jazz Band Concert (Gym) Friday/Viernes, May 15 8:15 am MASS 3:00 pm Girl Scouts (Padua) 6:00 pm ...

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