SAINT JOSEPH CATHOLIC ! PARISH! APRIL 27, 2014 SUNDAY OF DIVINE MERCY! 134 Prince Ave. Athens Georgia 30601 ◆ 706-548-6332 ◆ 706-354-1783 (Fax) ! Sacramental Emergency: 706-461-6331 ! www.stjosephathens.com ◆ [email protected]! Office hours Mon.-Fri. 9:00am-4:00pm! Clergy Rev. David McGuinness, Pastor! Rev. Gaurav Shroff, Parochial Vicar! Rev. Mr. Jim Gaudin, Deacon! Rev. Mr. Scott Medine, Deacon! Sacramental Emergency: 706-461-6331 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Office Hours Monday - Friday, 9:00am-4:00pm! Parish Center: 958 Epps Bridge Parkway! ! ! ! ! ! ! Eucharistic Adoration/ Adoración Thursdays: Hora Santa, 7:00 pm, Sanctuary Fridays: Silent Adoration 9:00 am - 6:00 pm, Sanctuary First Fridays: Silent Adoration 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Sanctuary ! Reconciliation/Confesiones English: Saturday at 9:00am or by appointment at Prince Avenue Español: Después de las misas el sábado y domingo celebradas por el Padre Gaurav, o con cita.! Mass Schedule! ! Monday - Friday: 8:30am First Friday: 8:30am, 12:00pm Saturday: 8:30am, 5:30pm (Vigil), ! 7:30pm (Español) Sunday: 8:15am (nursery available), 10:00am (nursery available), 11:45am, 1:30pm (Español), 6:00pm Holy Days of Obligation: 8:30 am, ! 12:00pm, 6:30pm, 8:00pm (Español) ! All Masses are held at 134 Prince ! Avenue, with the following exceptions, which will be held at our new building, 958 Epps Bridge Parkway:! • 1:30pm Sunday Mass! • 6:00pm Sunday Mass! • First Friday Noon Mass! ! Thank you for worshipping with us! ! Registration forms are in the Narthex, and can be returned to the church office or placed in the collection basket. We welcome you as part of our Church family and hope you will find a home here at St. Joseph. We welcome all those interested to our “Exploring Catholicism” class held Mondays at 6:30. Please contact the Parish Office for more information.! ! Contact Information St Joseph Charities/ Caridades de San José: (706) 549-4208 Call ONLY Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 10:00am-12:00pm./ Llamar solo Lunes, Martes, y Miércoles entre las 10:00am y las 12:00pm" ! ! ! ! ! St. Joseph School: (706) 543-1621 Charles J. Martin, Principal" WEEKLY READINGS Monday: ACTS 4:23-31; PS 2:1-3, 4-7A, 7B-9; JN 3:1-8 Tuesday: ACTS 4:32-37; PS 93:1AB, 1CD-2, 5; JN 3:7B -15" Wednesday: ACTS 5:17-26; PS 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9; JN 3:16-21" Thursday: ACTS 5:27-33; PS 34:2 AND 9, 17-18, 19-20; JN 3:31-36 " Friday: ACTS 5:34-42; PS 27:1, 4, 13-14; JN 6:1-15" Saturday: 1 COR 15:1-8; PS 19:2-3, 4-5; JN 14:6-14" Sunday: ACTS 2:14, 22-33; PS 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11; 1 PT 1:17-21; LK 24:13-35" SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES" Monday: Monday of the Second Week of Easter" Tuesday: Memorial of Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church" Wednesday: Wednesday of the Second Week of Easter" Thursday: Thursday of the Second Week of Easter" Friday: Memorial of Saint Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor of the Church" Saturday:Feast of Saints Philip and James, Apostles" Sunday: Third Sunday of Easter !! ! Monday, April 28/Lunes 28 de Abril 8:30am Steve Damm (D)" Tuesday, April 29/Martes 29 de Abril 8:30am Vincent Aurigemma (D)" Wednesday, April 30/Miércoles 30 de Abril 8:30am Paul Shore (I)" Thursday, May 1/ Jueves 1 de Mayo" 8:30am Fr. Paddy Donoghue (D)" Friday, May 2/Viernes 2 de Mayo" 8:30am Cristina Jacinto (D)" 12:00pm Ralph Renneker (D)" Saturday, May 3/ Sábado 3 de Mayo" 8:30am The Fuqua Family (I)" 5:30pm Tony Hrestak (D)" 7:30pm Jorge Eduardo Ponce and Jorge Ponce (I)" Sunday, May 4/Domingo 4 de Mayo 8:15 am " 10:00am Allison Hillary (I)" 11:45am Kenneth Chamberlin (D)" 1:30pm Alfonso Alanis-Garcia (D)" GiftShop: (706) 296-3498, Laura Griffith. The gift shop will be open the third weekend of the month with extra weekends during Holiday/Sacrament times." Bulletin Announcements: [email protected] Please send bulletin entries via e-mail, 10 days before publication by 12:00pm." Archdiocese of Atlanta Catholic Center: (404) 920-7800" Archdiocese of Atlanta 24-Hour Abuse Reporting Hotline: (888) 437-0764 or (404) 920-7550 or (404) 920-7315 Weekly Offering April 19-20 Collection Holy Thursday….…$1,129.86 Saturday 7:30 pm….$3,368.00 Saturday 10:00 pm...$1,120.00 Sunday 8:15 am .......$5,209.00 Sunday 10:00 am .....$3,411.00 Sunday 11:45 am .....$3,212.00 Sunday 1:30 pm .......$1,550.00 Sunday 6:00 pm ..........$886.00 Misc................................$55.00 Total ........................$19,940.86 Weekly Budget .......$14,300.00 Difference ................($5,640.86) Spanish Cap Camp ..$1,412.19 Improvement Fund ..$5,924.09 ! Total (Offertory & Improvement Fund)…………………..$27,277.14 he : to t e and ber n m o e i cat ed! ut Rem trib o edu n ne o t s rc s in You h help hioner is par st paris i s a s la ar da: n a educ uer ó i c c e a R ribu yuda ont a Tu c oquia, greses r li r e a f P istir s. y as sitado e c e n Online giving IS available on the church website! www.stjosephathens.com Sacramental Information Baptism/Bautizos: Parents are required to attend Baptism preparation class. Please call the Parish Office for class dates/times. Parents must verify that they are registered in St. Joseph Parish prior to attending baptismal preparation class. Para español, registrarse después de las misas, sábados 7:30PM y domingos 1:30PM Marriage/Matrimonios: Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. Please contact the parish office for an appointment./Llamar a la oficina 6 meses antes. Sick Shut-In: Please notify the parish office of any Catholic unable to attend Sunday Mass because of illness or advanced years. The pastor will be happy to visit and arrange for subsequent visits by a deacon or Extraordinary minister. Parish News & Activities Congratulations to all who became full members of the Church on Easter! Gift Shop The Gift Shop will be open May 3rd and 4th, not the third weekend. Come and shop for Confirmation, First Holy Communion, Graduation, and Mother's Day. June will return to the normal third weekend schedule." This week’s altar flowers from Petals On Prince were given by ! Terri & Jim Maudsley in ! wedding anniversary. Funeral Planning Committee Volunteers are needed. Fore more information, please call the Parish Office." celebration of their 45th Blood Drive - April 28" The Red Cross will be accepting blood donations on Monday, April 28th from 3pm to 7pm in the gym at the Epps Bridge campus. Please contact Paul for an appointment at 706-340-4963. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus." ! Baby Bottle Boomerang The Columbiettes thank all the generous parishioners who take home a Baby Bottle today to benefit the Athens Pregnancy Center with change, cash or check. Please remember to return it next weekend, May 4th & 5th. Look for collection baskets in the Narthex at St. Joseph on Prince and in the hallway at the Epps Bridge facility." ! Men’s CHRP Team Organization On Thursday, May 1 7:00 - 9:00 PM in room 253 at the Epps Bridge Parish Center there will be an initial meeting of men to begin organizing for an "Anglo" men's CRHP to be held in September or October. Men who are CRHP alumni who would be willing to serve on the team, please come to the meeting May 1 and/or pray for the success of this effort." ! Father/Daughter Dance" On Saturday May 3rd from 7:00-9:00 there will be a Father / Daughter Dance held at St. Joseph Catholic Parish School. All fathers and daughters of St Joseph Parish are invited to attend. Tickets are $20 per couple with each additional daughter $5, and can be purchased at the gymnasium entrance the night of the dance. " ! ! Archdiocesan News 2014 Eucharistic Congress: Each year the Eucharistic Congress brings together Catholics from across the Archdiocese and the country to celebrate the visible, living presence of Jesus. Archbishop Gregory, along with Bishop Talley and Bishop Zarama, ask that you join them for this year’s Eucharistic Congress at the Georgia International Convention Center, June 20th and 21st. The theme of the 2014 Eucharistic Congress comes from the Gospel of Matthew 28:19 “Go and make disciples”. Take this opportunity to reconnect with friends, spend quiet time in prayer and listen to powerful testimonials from Fr. Dwyer, Mother Delores Hart and Jeff Cavins. http:// www.archatl.com/congress. Call 706 354-8775 to sign up for June 22nd bus transportation from Athens and to order your “2014 St. Joseph, Athens, Eucharistic Congress” T-Shirts." South Atlanta Catholic Homeschool Conference You are invited to our free South Atlanta Catholic Homeschool Conference, sponsored by Regina Caeli Academy Fayetteville Campus, Saturday, May 3, 2014, 10am-3pm, at our new location for the 2014-2015 school year: North Fayette United Methodist Church, 847 New Hope Rd, Fayetteville, GA 30214. Please join us!" ! Religious Education Job Opening - Director of Religious Education St. Joseph Catholic Parish, Athens, Georgia " A Director of Religious Education (DRE) is needed at St. Joseph Catholic Parish in Athens, Georgia. Our Parish has approximately 1,500 multicultural families, a Parish School (Pre K-8) with 225 students enrolled, and a Catechetical program with 550 students enrolled.We are currently seeking an active, practicing Catholic DRE to lead our Religious Education Programs. " " The DRE will coordinate with the Pastor to develop and maintain catechesis in the Parish. The DRE will also coordinate with the Coordinator of Religious Education (RE), the RE Office Manager, the Youth Ministers, and the Principal and staff of the Parish School to carry out curriculum, catechesis, scheduling, collaboration and Sacramental celebrations." " Applicants should have leadership, management and supervisory skills. Also, the ability to work effectively with parents, students, teachers, clergy, parish lay leadership and staff, and Archdiocesan staff is a must.This position is PartTime, at 29 hours per week, with office hours Monday through Thursday. Evening and weekend events, meetings and programs occur often and are part of the DRE’s duties. Summer hours are reduced, but the office is open in the summer months. Salary and benefits commensurate with education and experience. A strong candidate will have a Bachelor’s Degree, preferably a Catechetical and/or Theology background, and being Bilingual is preferred." " Applicants interested in this position should send a cover letter and a resumé to [email protected] NO LATER THAN APRIL 30, 2014. No phone calls, please. Interviews will take place the week of May 5-9, training to take place the week of May 19-22 and a start date of June 2 is ideal." ! SAVE THE DATE: Catholic VBS is coming this June! Set Sail with St. Patrick and the Holy Trinity June 23 to 27 from 9:00am to 12:00pm. Students entering Pre-K through entering 6th Grade are welcome to participate. Cost is $10 per child with a maximum of $30 per family. Registration begins May 3-4 after all Masses. Pick up your registration form in the church office, find it online or request it by email. Watch for more information about this exciting ministry event! If you have questions or want to volunteer, please contact the Religious Education office at 706-548-6332 [email protected]. Our first Volunteer Meeting is May 15 at 6:00 pm at the Epps Bridge campus." ! VBS NEEDS YOU! Volunteer Needs: 4 Lesson Leaders, 1 Music Leader & 1 Music Helper, 1 Craft Leader & 1 Craft Helper, 1 Snack Leader & 1 Snack Helper, 1 Field Day Leader & 1 Field Day Helper, 1 Service Project Leader, 1 Child Care Support Leader, 1 Photo/Video Leader, 1 Closing Ceremony Leader **Child care will be provided for volunteers!" ! Youth Group meets every Sunday from 7:00-9:00pm in the Youth Room at Epps Bridge. All rising 9th graders - 12th graders are invited. Also - if you are an adult interested in helping out next school year, please contact us at [email protected] so we can get in touch before summer. !! Religious Education Administration Joni Hubbard, Director of Religious Education Dorota Rzucidlo, Coordinator of Religious Education Gloria Valencia-Martin, Office Manager Justin & Megan Estes, Youth Ministers Office is located at the Epps Bridge Campus Phone: 706-548-6332 Fax:706-354-1783 Website: www.stjosephathens.com OFFICE HOURS Monday: 9:00am-4:00pm Tuesday: 9:00am-4:00pm Wednesday: 9:00am-12:00pm; 5:00pm-8:00pm! Thursday: 9:00am-4:00pm Friday: CLOSED *Any correspondence needing to be dropped off when the office is closed can be brought to the Parish Office and placed Oficina de Educación Religiosa Joni Hubbard: Director de Educación Religiosa Dorota Rzucidlo: Coordinador de Educación religiosa Gloria Valencia-Martin, Gerente de Oficina Justin & Megan Estes, Ministros de Juventud La oficina está ubicada en el edificio de Epps Bridge. Teléfono: 706-548-6332 Fax: 706-354-1283 Pagina Web www.stjosephathens.com HORARIO DE OFICINA Lunes: 9:00am-4:00pm Martes: 9:00am-4:00pm Miércoles: 9:00am-12:00pm; 5:00pm-8:00pm Jueves: 9:00am-4:00pm Viernes: CERRADA *Cualquier documento o correspondencia que requiera ser entregada a nuestra oficina fuera de horario, puede ser dejada en la oficina parroquial. Ministerio Hispano Parroquia de San José Misa! Sábado, 7:30 pm ! ! Domingo, 1:30 pm! Confesiones: Después de las misas celebradas por el Padre Gaurav! Actividades en la Iglesia: Martes: Grupo de Oración ! Carismática, 7:30 pm Jueves: Hora Santa, 7:30 pm; Viernes: Tierra Fértil, Grupo ! Jóvenes Adultos, 7:30 Reflexión de la Semana Pasada Durante el curso de nuestras vidas " experimentamos muchas pérdidas y decepciones." Esto nos demuestra además lo grácil que son nuestras" esperanzas, y lo quebradizos que son nuestros sueños." Señor, que el esplendor de tu resurrección" disipe las tinieblas de la muerte," y nos permita caminar en la esperanza radiante" hacia el reino donde no hay más esperanzas " o sueños destrozados." Noticias Congreso Eucarístico 2014 ¡Qué maravilloso regalo el que nos da la Arquidiócesis nuestro propio Congreso Eucarístico cada año! El Arzobispo Gregory les invita a todos que participen el 20-21 de junio en el Georgia International Convention Center en College Park. El tema de este año viene del Evangelio de Mateo 28:19 “Vayan y hagan discípulos.” Para mayor información: http://www.archatl.com/ congress. Para pedir las camisetas “St Joseph, Athens Congreso Eucarístico” favor de llamar a Rosemary al 706-354-8775 (también para hacer su reserva en el autobús). Anuncios en ! el Boletín! ! Envía tus comentarios y eventos 10 días antes de circulación para que sean publicados en el boletín al correo electrónico " [email protected]" Estaremos felices de compartir tus buenas nuevas con toda nuestra comunidad parroquial. Confesiones: Fr. Gaurav oirá confesiones los sábados (6:45 - 7:20) cuando está celebrando la Misa de 7:30. Oirá confesiones después de la Misa de 7:30 si no estará celebrando la Misa de 8:15am la próxima mañana. (= 2 veces por cada mes después da la Misa de 7:30) ! Colección de Sangre: La Cruz Roja estará aceptando donaciones de sangre lunes, el 28 de abril de 3:00-8:00pm en el gimnasio de Epps Bridge. Esta campaña está patrocinado por los Caballeros de Colón." ! WHERE TO GO: The following rooms are located at the Prince Ave Campus (134 Prince Ave.): Sanctuary, Parish Hall, Conference Room, and Basement." The following rooms are located at the Epps Bridge Campus (958 Epps Bridge Pkwy.): Gym, Fellowship Hall, Youth Room, Chapel, and all numbered rooms. Week at a Glance Mo n , 4/ 2 8 Tues , 4 /2 9 Wed, 4/30 T h u, 5 /1 8:10am Liturgy 8:10am Liturgy of 8:10am Liturgy of 8:10am Liturgy 8:10am Liturgy 8:10am Liturgy of 7:50am Liturgy of the Hours the Hours the Hours of the Hours of the Hours the Hours of the Hours Sanctuary! Sanctuary! Sanctuary" Sanctuary" Sanctuary" Sanctuary" Sanctuary" 10:00am St. 6:00pm SJS Self 10:00am St 9:00am Altar 9:00am 9:00am Rosary 11:00am Joseph Charities Defense Class Joseph Charities. Society Exposition of The Sanctuary" Misioneros #105/ Conference Room! Gym! Conference Room! Sanctuary! Blessed 3:00-8:00pm 7:00pm 11:45- 1:00pm Craft 6:30pm KOC Blood Choir Rehearsal Guild Conference Knights of Drive Gym! Sanctuary! Room! Columbus 9:30am Scripture Meeting Chapel/ Study Conference #255! Room! 5:00pm Wedding Sanctuary" 6:30 pm RCIA/ Exploring Catholicism #253" 7:00 pm Boy ! ! ! ! ! ! 6:00pm 10:00Choir Rehearsal Sanctuary! 6:30pm RE Classes Epps Bridge Property! 7:00pm CRSP Men’s Meeting Scout Troop 326 Basement! MDCHS Donovan’s Den. 8:00pm RCIA/ RICA " ! ! ! ! ! " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Sacrament Samctuary" 7:00pm CRSP 1:00pm Young at #17 Formation Heart Luncheon Meeting Fellowship Hall! Basement! 7:00pm CRHP Men’s Planning Meeting #253! ! ! 5:00pm Wedding Sanctuary! 7:00pm Grupo Carismático Basement (adults)! 7:00pm RE Retreat for FHC Gym/Fellowship Reception Fellowship Hall ! Fr i, 5 /2 Hall/ Chapel! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Sat , 5/ 3 9:00am Su n , 5/ 4 Chapel" Confessions 1:00pm Conference Room! Columbiettes 10:00am Spanish Baptisms Sanctuary! 6:00pm SJS Father-Daughter Dance Gym! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! BOD Meeting Conference Room" 3:00pm Liturgy Meeting (Esp) #105/Chapel" 4:00pm Praise Band Rehearsal Gym" 7:00pm HS Youth Group Youth Room! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Last Week’s Reflection ! During the course of our lives" we experience many losses and disappointments." This brings home to us how fragile are our hopes," and how brittle our dreams." Lord, may the splendor of your resurrection" scatter the shadows of death," and enable us to walk in radiant hope" towards the kingdom where there are" no more shattered hopes or broken dreams."