Date: Tuesday, October 18 Classroom: 10 Teacher: Ms. Laurie
Date: Tuesday, October 18 Classroom: 10 Teacher: Ms. Laurie
Date: Tuesday, October 18 Classroom: 10 Teacher: Ms. Laurie Reading: 2 cut and paste worksheets 1 building sight words, 1 science Teacher's note: Please return the signed field trip slip, along with the $10 fee by this Friday. Homework Report room 19 Lunes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Traza las líneas inclinadas Usa tu dedo para trazar las líneas inclinadas en las letras y en los números. Círculos hacia delante: Haz tu propio dibujo de círculos Escribe círculos hacia delante. Martes: 1. 2. Identifica la vocal Aa, remarca y colorea. Traza las letras Aa. Colorea las letras Aa. Traza y escribe la Aa (2 hojas) Miércoles: 1. 2. Encuentra las letras Aa en la ardilla y coloréalas. Después traza y escribe las letras Aa. Encuentra las letras Ii y colorealas. Tacha las letras que no son Ii (que no pertenece). Jueves: 1. 2. Ayuda a Imelda a encontrar el incendio. Traza y escribe la letra Ii (2 hojas). Homework: Date: 10/20/16 Room: 14 Grade: 1 Teacher: Mrs. Labecki Reading: Reading Log Math: Topic 1 Reteaching HOMEWORK REPORT (Grades K – 5) (Please return this completed form to the office by 1:00 each day for posting on our website) Grade: _4___Room: _24___Teacher: Ms. Dorazil Homework for Friday: October 21, 2016 Reading (English): Read for 15 minutes Language Arts: Math: Page 38: Round and Round STmath : 15 minutes Practice mult/div facts Science: Social Studies: Page 8: Scattered State Symbols Other: Raz-Kids password (neumanjm) Complete your gym journal entries Check Google Classroom, Think Central for assignments. Special Instructions from the Teacher: All students should come everyday with a chapter book to class. Make sure you check on your email. Homework Ms. Frankowiak Grade 6 Math- B, C, D, pg 47 Science- finish 1-3 Reading- ALL students should have a minimum of 5 AR points Reading_ take notes with text codes (see bookmark) on next 3 chapters of literature circle book NO GRAMMAR homework Grade 7 ELANo grammar tonight. Work on "The Bat" story and finish Story Board DUE MONDAY (purple book) Grade 8 ELA- have six notecards from Artificial Intelligence videos citations done and ready to turn in Monday (see Google Classroom for directions (orange book)