XVII INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON PAEDIATRIC ORTHOPAEDICS Seville, 26-27 October 2012 ERNA (SEFEX) • Chairmen: - David Farrington Hospital Virgen del Rocio. Sevilla. - Jesús González Herranz. Hospital Virgen de Valme. Sevilla. - Julio de Pablos Hospital de Navarra y Hospital San Juan de Dios. Pamplona. • SECRETARIAT MaiteValencia, Idiazábal 02-04 November C/ Beloso Alto, 3 31006 Pamplona Tel: +34 948 290702 Fax: + 34 948 233621 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.juliodedepablos.com 2011 Organization: SOTI´ 90 www.juliodepablos.com 1 Pamplona, January 2012 Dear friends, Once again, we would like to present to you with this year’s programme for the annual Pediatric Orthopaedic Seminar, which will take place in Seville, from October 26-27, 2012. As you can see, this year we will have the honour of hosting some truly exceptional figures in international paediatric orthopaedics. We believe that this unique opportunity will allow you to appreciate the diversity of approaches which can be taken in our discipline; and will surely enrich the work of us all. There will also be a considerable and distinguished Spanish delegation among the lecturers. Together with the aforementioned representatives, they will ensure that this seminar maintains the scientific interest and standards of the previous ones. As in previous years, the afternoon before the seminar will be dedicated to developing a topic in the form of a brief course with an essentially practical approach. The topic will be announced in the forthcoming weeks. We would like to thank all of you who have helped us and who continue to help us organise these seminars with such enthusiasm. We sincerely hope that the preliminary information attached will pique your interest and encourage you to come to Seville at the end of October In closing, may everyone learn a lot from each other. Best wishes, Dr. Julio de Pablos Co-Director Dr. J. González Herranz Co-Director Dr. D. Farrington Co- Director 2 NATIONAL FACULTY M. Aguirre, Barcelona J. L. González López, Madrid. P. González Herranz, A Coruña. F. Soldado, Barcelona. J. González Herranz, Sevilla. D. Farrington, Sevilla. J. de Pablos, Pamplona INTERNATIONAL FACULTY Ch. Glorion, Paris S. Kozin, Philapelphia (USA) 3 E. Lee, Singapur “Pancho” Lucero, Buenos Aires (Arg.) V. Mosca, Seattle (USA) K. Noonan, Madison (USA) C. Turriago, Bogota (Colombia) M. Vitale, New York (USA) 4 XVII Seminario Internacional de ORTOPEDIA INFANTIL XVII International Seminar on PAEDIATRIC ORTHOPAEDICS Sevilla, 26-27 Octubre / October, 2012 VIERNES, 26 Octubre 2012 / FRIDAY, October 26th, 2012 08:00 – 08:15 INTRODUCCIÓN / INTRODUCTION J. González Herranz/ D. Farrington/ J. de Pablos I - PARTE GENERAL / GENERAL PART Medición de calidad de vida en Ortopedia Infantil / Measuring Quality of Life in Pediatric Orthopedics M. Vitale Infecciones / Infections K. Noonan Reumatología/Rheumatology Ch. Glorion Análisis de la marcha: Conceptos y controversias/ Gait Analysis: Concepts and Controversies C. Turriago CEREMONIA INAUGURAL- PAUSA/OPENING CEREMONY-BREAK Displasias óseas / Bone Dysplasias Eng Lee Tumores benignos y lesiones paratumorales / Benign Tumors and Paratumoral lesions F. Lucero Tumores malignos / Malignant Tumors F. Lucero II- MIEMBRO SUPERIOR / UPPER LIMB Problemas ortopédicos en EESS / Upper Extremity Orthopedic Problems S. Kozin /X. Soldado COMIDA / LUNCH Problemas ortopédicos en EESS (Cont.) / Upper Extremity Orthopedic Problems (Cont.) S. Kozin /X. Soldado III– COLUMNA / SPINE Escoliosis de comienzo temprano/ Early Onset Scoliosis M. Vitale Escoliosis Idiopática del adolescente / Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis M. Vitale PAUSA / BREAK Cifosis / Kyphosis J.L. González Espondilolisis-listesis / Spondylolysis-lysthesis M. Vitale Dolor de espalda/ Back Pain D. Farrington 19:15 FIN DE SESIONES/END OF SESSIONS 5 SÁBADO, 27 de Octubre de 2012 / SATURDAY, October 27th, 2012 III - MIEMBRO INFERIOR / LOWER LIMB 1. General / General Soluciones lógicas a los problemas de la marcha patológica / Logical Solutions to the Problems of Pathologic Gait C. Turriago Dismetrías / Limb Length Discrepancies Ch. Glorion Deformidades Angulares y rotacionales constitucionales / Physiologic Angular & Rotational Deformities K Noonan 2. Pie / Foot Principios de valoración de deformidades y malformaciones del pie/ Principles-based assessment of foot deformities and malformations. V. Mosca Principios del manejo de deformidades y malformaciones del pie/ Principles-based management of foot deformities and malformations. V. Mosca PAUSA / BREAK Coaliciones Tarsales. No es solo un problema de tamaño/ Tarsal coalitions: It’s not just about the size of the coalition. V. Mosca 3. Rodilla y Pierna / Knee and Leg Pseudoartrosis Congénita de Tibia y otras Alteraciones Congénitas de la Pierna / Congenital Pseudoarthrosis of the Tibia and other Congenital Disorders K. Noonan Rodilla dolorosa/ Knee Pain J. González Herranz Principios de Valoración y Toma de Decisiones de Deformidades Angulares en EEII / Principles of Assessment and Decision Making on Angular Deformities of the Lower Limbs J. de Pablos CONFERENCIA INVITADA/ GUEST LECTURE Investigación en Ortopedia Infantil / Reseach in Pediatric Orthopedics Eng Lee COMIDA / LUNCH 4. Cadera / Hip Fémur Corto Congénito / Congenital Short Femur K. Noonan Displasia de Desarrollo (Luxación Congénita) / Developmental Hip Dysplasia S. Kozin Enfermedad de Perthes y Sinovitis Transitoria / Perthes Disease and Transient Synovitis P. González PAUSA / BREAK Epifisiolisis / Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis Ch. Glorion Pecados en el tratamiento de la Parálisis Cerebral / Mistakes in the Management of CP C. Turriago La cadera problemática en la madurez / The Adolescent Problematic Hip M. Aguirre Presente y futuro en la ortopedia pediatrcia / New development in Pediatric Orthopedics E. Lee 19:30 DESPEDIDA / ADJOURN 6 • GENERAL INFORMATION SEMINAR OBJECTIVES The Annual Seminar on Paediatric Orthopaedics aim to inform the attendees about concepts, controversies, and the current state of the main issues concerning the pathology of the locomotive system in infancy and adolescence. FORMAT The Seminar is a review of the speciality, broken down by topic, and presented by well-known international authorities on the subject. Following is an open, comprehensive discussion among the attendees. Poster presentation by the audience is also encouraged. AUDIENCE The Seminar is directed at residents in orthopaedic surgery and traumatology and related specialities (rheumatology, rehabilitation, paediatrics, etc) as well as specialist doctors with particular interest in continuing education in paediatric orthopaedics and traumatology. VENUE AULA MAGNA PABELLÓN DE GOBIERNO HOPITAL UNIVERSITARIO VIRGEN DEL ROCIO Avda. Manuel Siurot s/n 41013 Sevilla. LANGUAGE Spanish-English A simultaneous translation service will be provided for the entire Seminar. LINKS OF INTEREST Website City of Seville www.sevilla.org Website Dr. de Pablos: www.juliodepablos.com Website of Virgen del Rocio University Hospital: www.huvr.es • POSTER PRESENTATION Those who will attend the XVII International Seminar on Paediatric Orthopaedics are invited to send summaries of scientific posters to be presented during the seminar. Please send them from April 15th to 15th September 2012 so they can be judged. The summaries must not exceed 250 words in length and will only be sent by electronic means in order to speed up their processing and publication in the conference book. Measurements: 90 cm (width) 110 cm (height). POSTER SUBMISSION OPENS APRIL 2012 7 • REGISTRATION Registration will open April 15th, 2012. • LODGING A block of rooms have been booked in the following hotels. Your reservations should be made directly with the hotel at the addresses listed below. Please mention you are attending the Seminar to the hotel managers. AC HOTEL CUIDAD DE SEVILLA Avda. Manuel Siurot, 25 41013 Sevilla Tfno: + 34 954230505 Fax: + 34 954238539 Mail: [email protected] Web: www.hotelacciudadsevilla.com - Fares: Double room single use: 100 € Double room: 110 € Hotel NH CONVENCIONES Avda. Diego Martínez Bariio, 8 41013 Sevilla Tfno: + 34 954 548500 Fax: + 34 954 426450 Mail: [email protected] Web: www.nh-hotels.com - Fares: Double room single use: 95 € Double room: 105 € Prices include breakfast and VAT. IMPORTANT DEAD-LINES - Poster Abstracts submission: 15 September 2012. - Pre-registration: 10 October 2012. 8