Cuban Research Institute Florida International University 11200 SW


Cuban Research Institute Florida International University 11200 SW
Cuban Research Institute
Florida International University
11200 SW 8 t h St., DM 445  Miami, FL 33199
Tel. (305) 348-1991
Email: [email protected]
Ph.D. in Latin American Studies, University of California, Berkeley, May 1985. Major
field: Anthropology. Minor fields: History and Literature.
M.A. in Social Sciences, University of Chicago, June 1979. Major field: Psychology.
Minor field: Anthropology.
B.A. (Magna Cum Laude), Columbia University, New York, May 1978. Major:
Psychology. Minor: French.
Other Courses
Advanced French Institute, Reid Hall in Paris, August-December 1977.
Pre-Medical Research and Educational Program, Barnard College, New York, JulyAugust 1975.
Visiting Appointments & Fellowships
Scholar in Residence, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, University of
Connecticut, Storrs, spring semester, 2010.
Wilbur Marvin Visiting Scholar, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies,
Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., fall semester, 2009.
Visiting Scholar, Havens Center for the Study of Social Structure and Social Change,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, April 2009.
Bacardí Family Eminent Scholar in Latin American Studies, University of Florida,
spring semester, 2007.
Research Scholar, Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños, Hunter College, 2004-5.
Visiting Professor of Latino Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, fall semester,
Senior Fellow in Latino Studies, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 1999-2000.
Visiting Scholar, Population Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
summer 1999.
Visiting Scholar, Dominican Studies Institute, City University of New York, summer
Research Grants & Other Funding
Research grant, Cultural Resources Division, Southeast Region, National Park Service,
Atlanta, Georgia, 2013-14.
Interdisciplinary Research Group Grant, Miami Consortium, University of MiamiFlorida International University, 2012-13.
Academic release time for research, Department of Sociology and Anthropology,
University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, 2010-11; 2008-9; 2000-4; 1994-99.
Sabbatical leave, University of Puerto Rico, 2009-10.
CUNY-Caribbean Exchange Program, Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños, Hunter
College, July-September 2008.
Center for the New Economy/Ford Foundation, 2006.
CUNY/UPR Academic Exchange Program (with Gina Pérez, 2001).
Travel grant, Latin American Studies Association, 2000.
Sabbatical leave, University of Puerto Rico, 1999-2000.
Academic Exchange with the Caribbean, Proyecto Atlantea, University of Puerto Rico,
Research Planning Grant, International Migration Program, Social Science Research
Council, 1996-97.
Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language Program, U.S. Department
of Education (with Emilio Pantojas-García), 1993-95.
Academic release time for research, Academic Research Center, University of the Sacred
Heart, 1991-94.
Puerto Rican Foundation for the Humanities, 1991, 1989.
Puerto Rico Public Foundation, 1991.
Center for Survey Methods Research, Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of
Commerce, 1990-91.
Puerto Rico Community Foundation, 1989.
Cultural Anthropology Program, National Science Foundation, 1987-88.
Travel grants, Tinker Foundation, 1983, 1981.
Graduate Minority Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley, 1979-82.
Columbia University grant, 1975-78.
Pre-Medical Research and Educational Program Scholarship, New York, 1975.
Other Honors
South Florida 100 (a forum of leaders from Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties),
Sun-Sentinel, 2013.
Awarded tenure at Florida International University, September 2012.
Bolívar Pagán Prize in Journalism, Institute of Puerto Rican Literature (awarded for
work published in 2009), June 2011.
Dedication, Puerto Rico Week, for research on immigration in Puerto Rico, Colegio San
José, Caguas, P.R., November 17, 2010.
Invited participant, Rockefeller Study and Conference Center, Bellagio, Italy, October
Invited monthly columnist, El Nuevo Día, San Juan, 2003-present.
Guest writer, Diálogo newspaper, University of Puerto Rico, January 2001.
Award from the General Consulate of the Dominican Republic in San Juan, for research
on the Dominican community in Puerto Rico, 2000.
Writer of the Month, Carnegie Library, San Juan, November 1998.
Awarded tenure at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, July 1995.
Admitted to the Graduate Studies Faculty, University of Florida, 1988.
Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award, University of California, Berkeley, 1983.
Passed Ph.D. Qualifying Exams with Distinction, University of California, Berkeley,
Mobil Poetry Contest, Honorable Mention, San Juan, 1982.
Isabelle de Wyzewa Prize in French Composition, Barnard College, 1977.
Juegos Florales, Second Place in Short Story and Honorable Mention in Essay, San
Juan, 1975.
Professor, Department of Global & Sociocultural Studies, Florida International
University, Miami. Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in anthropology and
sociology, especially on Cuba, Latin America, and the Caribbean. (8/12-present)
Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Puerto Rico, Río
Piedras, P.R. Taught undergraduate and graduate courses in anthropology and
sociology. (7/99-8/12)
Adjunct Professor, Graduate Program, Department of History, University of Puerto
Rico, Río Piedras. (1-5/12; 1-5/03)
Guest Professor, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, University of
Connecticut, Storrs. Co-taught a seminar in Latino studies. (3-4/10)
Visiting Professor, Department of Sociology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
Taught a graduate seminar. (9-12/09)
Adjunct Professor, Center for Advanced Studies of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean, San
Juan, P.R. Taught graduate courses in history and anthropology. (8-12/11; 1/08-6/09;
6/07; 7/04)
Visiting Professor, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida, Gainesville.
Taught a graduate seminar and an undergraduate seminar in Latino studies, as well as
coordinated the Bacardí Family Lecture Series on “The State of Latino Studies.” (1-5/07)
Visiting Professor, Program in American Culture and Department of Anthropology,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Taught graduate and undergraduate courses in
Latino studies. (9-12/01)
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Puerto
Rico, Río Piedras, P.R. Taught anthropology and sociology. (7/94-6/99)
Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, University of the Sacred Heart,
Santurce, P.R. Taught anthropology, psychology, and social sciences. (7/94-8/94)
Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, University of the Sacred Heart,
Santurce, P.R. Taught anthropology, psychology, and social sciences. (8/88-7/90)
Assistant Professor, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida,
Gainesville. Taught interdisciplinary courses in Latin American studies. (7/87-8/88)
Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, University of the Sacred Heart,
Santurce, P.R. Taught anthropology and psychology. (7/85-5/87)
Teaching Assistant, Department of Afro-American Studies, University of California,
Berkeley. Assisted Dr. Michel S. Laguerre in a course on the Caribbean. (1-5/85)
Lecturer, Department of Behavioral Sciences, University of the Sacred Heart, Santurce,
P.R. Taught psychology. (8/83-12/84)
Lecturer, Department of Behavioral Sciences, Inter-American University, Río Piedras,
P.R. Taught anthropology. (6-8/84; 8-12/83)
Teaching Assistant, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California,
Berkeley. (10/80-6/83)
Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences, University of the Sacred Heart, Santurce, P.R.
Taught psychology. (6-8/80)
Instructor, Department of Social Studies, Colegio San Ignacio, Río Piedras, P.R. Taught
U.S. history. (6-8/80; 6-8/79)
Principal Investigator, “Ethnographic Overview and Assessment of the San Juan
National Historic Site.” Leading a research team to identify, document, and assess
ethnographic resources within or near the San Juan National Historic Site in Puerto
Rico. (9/2013-10/2014)
Visiting Scholar, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard
University, Cambridge, Mass. Began to write a book-length manuscript on transnational
migration from the Hispanic Caribbean. (9-12/2009)
Researcher, “The Transnational Origins of the Puerto Rican Diaspora: Revisiting the
Farm Workers Program, 1947-1977.” Reviewed the Historical Archives of the Puerto
Rican Diaspora to trace the origins of the first transnational communities and circular
migration among Puerto Rican contract workers. Funded by the CUNY-Caribbean
Exchange Program, Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños, Hunter College. (7-9/2008)
Director, Research Project on “A Migrant Crossroads: Puerto Rico’s Dual Role as a
Recipient and Sender of Remittances,” Center for the New Economy, San Juan, P.R.
Designed and conducted the first fieldwork project on money sending and receiving
among Puerto Ricans and Dominicans in Puerto Rico. Funded by the Ford Foundation.
Co-Principal Investigator (with Félix V. Matos-Rodríguez), Centro de Estudios
Puertorriqueños, Hunter College, N.Y. Collected and analyzed demographic and
socioeconomic data on Puerto Ricans in Central Florida. Sponsored by the Orlando
Regional Chamber of Commerce. (8/2004-5/05)
Consultant, Rockefeller Foundation, North America Regional Office, New York.
Prepared a research report on “Dominican Transnational Migration” (with Peggy Levitt
and Rubén Silié). (3-9/2003)
Consultant, law offices of Manuel de San Juan, San Juan, P.R. Wrote an academic report
on the impact of ethnic humor on Dominican immigrants in Puerto Rico. (12/2000)
Senior Fellow in Latino Studies, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Conducted
archival research on the public representations of Puerto Rican culture at the National
Museum of American History, the National Anthropological Archives, and Hunter
College. Sponsors: Marvette Pérez and Miguel Bretos. (8/99; 6-7/2000)
Visiting Scholar, Population Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania. Analyzed
survey data on Puerto Rican migration to the United States. Funded by the National
Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Washington, D.C. Sponsor: Douglas
S. Massey. (6-7/99)
Consultant, Latin American Migration Project, University of Pennsylvania. Collaborated
in a survey of three Puerto Rican communities and their migration patterns to the
United States. Funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development, Washington, D.C. Project Co-Directors: Douglas S. Massey and Jorge
Durand. (7-8/98)
Director, Research Project on “Two Wings of the Same Bird? Contemporary Puerto
Rican Attitudes Toward Cuban Immigrants.” Designed and conducted a public opinion
poll for the law office of María H. Sandoval. (8-10/97)
Director, Research Project on “The Dominican Community in Washington Heights:
Ethnic Identity, Popular Culture, and Everyday Life.” Conducted ethnographic fieldwork
in a neighborhood within the largest Dominican settlement in the United States. Funded
by the Dominican Studies Institute, City University of New York. (6-12/93)
Consultant, Research Project on “Closing the Gap: The School and the Community,”
University of the Sacred Heart, Santurce, P.R. Participated in the design of a study of
formal and informal learning strategies in Puerto Rico. Funded by the Puerto Rico
Council of Higher Education. Project Director: Prof. Ileana Quintero. (6/93-6/94)
Principal Investigator, Research Project on “The Informal Sector and Undocumented
Migration: The Case of Dominicans in Puerto Rico,” University of the Sacred Heart,
Santurce, P.R. Directed a study of the behavioral causes of the Census undercount,
supported by the Center for Survey Methods Research, Bureau of the Census, U.S.
Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. (11/89-7/91)
Director, Research Project on “The Impact of Dominican Migration in Santurce, Puerto
Rico,” University of the Sacred Heart, Santurce, P.R. Conducted the first fieldwork on
this topic, supported by the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. (8/87-1/89)
Researcher, Pilot Project in Gerontology, University of the Sacred Heart, Santurce, P.R.
Designed, produced, and pilot tested an instructional module on the impact of
retirement upon the aged. Supported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, Washington, D.C. Project Coordinator: Dr. Blanca Villamil-Forastieri. (1/865/87)
Research Assistant, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley.
Conducted historical research on the Day of the Dead festival in Mexico and Spain.
Project Director: Dr. Stanley Brandes. (1-5/85)
Research Assistant, School of Education, University of California, Berkeley. Conducted
fieldwork with Mexican American students for the project “Learning English through
Bilingual Education.” Duties included translation, language assessment, participant
observation, and data analysis. Project Director: Dr. Lilly Wong Fillmore. (1-12/81)
Research Assistant, National Opinion Research Center, Chicago, Ill. Interviewed
members of Hispanic interest groups for the project “High School and Beyond.” Project
Director: Dr. James Coleman. (2-6/79)
Director, Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University, Miami. Leading an
internationally recognized center for interdisciplinary research and academic programs
on Cuban and Cuban-American issues, with more than 45 faculty affiliates. (8/12present)
Acting Dean, College of Social Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras.
Supervised ten undergraduate programs, six graduate programs, four research
institutes, and a computer center. (7/11-6/12)
Director, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Puerto Rico, Río
Piedras. Supervised two undergraduate programs in sociology and anthropology, and a
graduate program in sociology, including 14 full-time and 24 part-time faculty
members, and three administrative staff members. (8/04-1/08)
Director, Revista de Ciencias Sociales, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras. Duties
included presiding over the editorial board; seeking and editing manuscripts;
coordinating the peer review of submitted manuscripts; and overseeing all aspects of the
production and distribution of the Island’s leading academic journal in the social
sciences. (2/95-2/01)
Co-Director, Consortium for Undergraduate Studies on Latin America and the
Caribbean, University of the Sacred Heart, Santurce, P.R. Directed a proposal to create
an interdisciplinary program in Latin American and Caribbean studies in collaboration
with the State University of New York at Albany. Funded by the U.S. Department of
Education. Co-Director: Dr. Emilio Pantojas-García (until 10/93); Dr. Christine Bose
(after 11/93). (8/91-8/94)
Director, Academic Research Center, University of the Sacred Heart, Santurce, P.R.
Promoted, evaluated, and coordinated university-wide research projects; organized
symposia and colloquia; edited an occasional paper series; supervised a research
assistant program; and advised researchers on their projects. (8/88-6/91)
Co-Director, Research Project on “Community Economic Development Programs in
Puerto Rico,” University of the Sacred Heart, Santurce, P.R. Supervised project
administration and served on its Steering Committee. Funded by the Puerto Rico
Community Foundation. Principal Investigator: Dr. Edwin Meléndez. (1-12/91)
Assistant Director, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida, Gainesville.
Advised undergraduates, organized the colloquium series, wrote grant proposals, edited
the Center newsletter, and assisted in daily management of the Center. (7/87-8/88)
Acting Director, Department of Social Sciences, University of the Sacred Heart,
Santurce, P.R. Recruited new faculty members, evaluated academic and administrative
personnel, designed course schedules, wrote the annual report, and represented the
Department in all University activities. (4-6/87)
Assistant Director, Department of Social Sciences, University of the Sacred Heart,
Santurce, P.R. Duties included advising undergraduates, managing staff, organizing
academic activities, promoting programs, and revising the curriculum. (8/86-4/87)
Books & Monographs
1. Un pueblo disperso: Dimensiones sociales y culturales de la diáspora cubana. [A
Dispersed People: Social and Cultural Dimensions of the Cuban Diaspora.]
Edited volume. Valencia, Spain: Aduana Vieja (forthcoming).
2. Diáspora, migración y transnacionalismo. [Diaspora, Migration, and
Transnationalism.] Edited volume. Thematic issue of Op. Cit.: Revista del
Centro de Investigaciones Históricas 20 (2011-2012). Pp. 322.
3. La diáspora cubana en el siglo XXI (with Uva de Aragón, Juan Antonio Blanco,
Jorge Domínguez, Orlando Márquez, and Carmelo Mesa-Lago). [The Cuban
Diaspora in the Twenty-First Century.] Miami: Cuban Research Institute,
Florida International University, 2011. Pp. 172.
4. Blurred Borders: Transnational Migration between the Hispanic Caribbean
and the United States. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2011. Pp.
5. Puerto Rican Florida (edited with Patricia Silver). Thematic issue of CENTRO:
Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies 22, no. 1 (2010).
6. La nación en vaivén: Identidad, migración y cultura popular en Puerto Rico.
[Nation on the Move: Identity, Migration, and Popular Culture in Puerto Rico.]
San Juan: Callejón, 2010. Pp. 251. Reprinted in 2011.
7. How the United States Racializes Latinos: White Hegemony and Its
Consequences (edited with José A. Cobas and Joe R. Feagin). Boulder, Co.:
Paradigm Publishers, 2009. Pp. 254.
8. A Transnational Migrant Crossroads: The Circulation of People and Money in
Puerto Rico. San Juan: Center for the New Economy, 2007. Pp. 59.
9. Puerto Ricans in Orlando and Central Florida (with Félix V. Matos-Rodríguez).
Policy Report 1, no. 1. New York: Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños, Hunter
College, CUNY, 2006. Pp. 39.
10. Un pueblo puertorriqueño, by Morris Siegel. [A Puerto Rican Town.]
Introduction, revision, and translation (with María de Jesús García Moreno and
Noelia Sánchez Walker). San Juan: Publicaciones Puertorriqueñas, 2005. Pp.
11. The Puerto Rican Nation on the Move: Identities on the Island and in the United
States. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2002. Pp. 342. Chosen as
one of “the books that left their mark in the decade” in Puerto Rico and one of the
best books of 2002 by El Nuevo Día. Reprinted in 2003 and 2004.
Partly translated as La cultura puertorriqueña en movimiento: Identidades
nacionales en la Isla y en los Estados Unidos, by Verónica Toro Ruiz. M.A.
thesis, Graduate School of Translation, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras,
12. Cubans in Puerto Rico: Ethnic Economy and Cultural Identity (with José A.
Cobas). Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1997. Revised English version of
Los cubanos en Puerto Rico. Pp. 156.
13. El Barrio Gandul: Economía subterránea y migración indocumentada en
Puerto Rico (with Luisa Hernández Angueira and César A. Rey). [Barrio Gandul:
The Underground Economy and Undocumented Migration in Puerto Rico.]
Caracas: Nueva Sociedad, 1995. Pp. 164. Selected as one of the best books of 1995
by El Nuevo Día.
Excerpted in Ciencias sociales: Sociedad y cultura contemporáneas, edited by
Lina M. Torres Rivera, pp. 205-207. 3rd ed. Mexico City: International Thomson
Editores, 2004.
14. Los cubanos en Puerto Rico: Economía étnica e identidad cultural (with José A.
Cobas). Río Piedras: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1995. Pp. 252.
Out of print. Selected as one of the best books of 1995 by El Nuevo Día.
15. Quisqueya on the Hudson: The Transnational Identity of Dominicans in
Washington Heights. Dominican Research Monograph No. 1. New York:
Dominican Studies Institute, City University of New York, 1994. 2nd ed., with a
new preface, 2008. Pp. 70.
Excerpted in Caribbean Connections: Moving North, edited by Catherine
Sunshine and Keith Q. Warner, pp. 179-182. Washington, D.C.: Network of
Educators on the Americas, 1998.
16. La vejez: Conceptos básicos y aplicaciones prácticas (edited with Blanca
Villamil-Forastieri). [Aging: Basic Concepts and Practical Applications.] Hato
Rey, P.R.: Publicaciones Puertorriqueñas, 1991. 2nd ed., 1994. Pp. 313.
17. Los dominicanos en Puerto Rico: Migración en la semi-periferia. Edited volume.
[Dominicans in Puerto Rico: Migration in the Semi-Periphery.] Río Piedras:
Ediciones Huracán, 1990. Pp. 132.
18. El retiro: Su impacto psicosocial. [The Psychosocial Impact of Retirement.]
Santurce: University of the Sacred Heart, 1987.
Reprinted in La vejez: Conceptos básicos y aplicaciones prácticas, edited by
Blanca Villamil-Forastieri and Jorge Duany, pp. 47-116. Hato Rey, P.R.:
Publicaciones Puertorriqueñas, 1991.
Articles in Professional Journals
1. “Rozmyte granice: Diaspora kubańska w kontekście hiszpańskich Karaibów.”
[“Blurred Borders: The Cuban Diaspora in a Hispanic Caribbean Context.”]
Ameryka Łaciñska (Poland) 76, no. 2 (2012): 74-83.
2. “Presentación: Diáspora, migración y transnacionalismo.” [“Introduction:
Diaspora, Migration, and Transnationalism.”] Op. Cit.: Revista del Centro de
Investigaciones Históricas 20 (2011-12): 11-31.
3. “Anthropology in a Postcolonial Colony: Helen I. Safa’s Contribution to Puerto
Rican Ethnography.” Caribbean Studies 38, no. 2 (2010): 33-57.
4. “A Transnational Colonial Migration: Puerto Rico’s Farm Worker Program.” New
West Indian Guide (The Netherlands) 84, nos. 3-4 (2010): 225-251.
5. “Las diásporas de las Antillas hispánicas: Una comparación transnacional.” [“The
Hispanic Caribbean Diasporas: A Transnational Comparison.”] Revista del
CESLA (Poland) 13, no. 1 (2010): 219-240.
Reprinted in En la alteridad del mainstream americano: Estudios acerca de lo
latino en los Estados Unidos, edited by Antonio Aja and Ana Niria Albo Díaz, pp.
27-47. Havana: Fondo Editorial Casa de las Américas, 2011.
Reprinted in Trans(it) Areas: Convivencias en Centroamérica y el Caribe. Un
simposio transareal, edited by Ottmar Ette, Werner Backenbach, Gesine Müller,
and Alexandra Ortiz Wallner, pp. 68-91. Berlin: Edition Tranvía, 2011.
6. “The ‘Puerto Ricanization’ of Florida: Historical Background and Current Status.
Introduction” (with Patricia Silver). In Puerto Rican Florida, edited with Patricia
Silver. Thematic issue of CENTRO: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican
Studies 22, no. 1 (2010): 4-31.
7. “The Orlando Ricans: Overlapping Identity Discourses among Middle-Class
Puerto Rican Immigrants.” In Puerto Rican Florida, edited with Patricia Silver.
Thematic issue of CENTRO: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies 22,
no. 1 (2010): 84-115.
8. “To Send or Not to Send: Migrant Remittances in Puerto Rico, the Dominican
Republic, and Mexico.” In Continental Divides: International Migration in the
Americas, edited by Katharine M. Donato, Jonathan Hiskey, Jorge Durand, and
Douglas S. Massey. Special issue of Annals of the American Academy of Political
and Social Science 630, no. 1 (2010): 205-223.
9. “Cómo representar a los nuevos sujetos colonizados: John Alden Mason y los
comienzos de la antropología estadounidense en Puerto Rico.” [“Representing
Newly Colonized Subjects: John Alden Mason and the Beginnings of U.S.
Anthropology in Puerto Rico.”] La Torre: Revista de la Universidad de Puerto
Rico (Third Series) 14, nos. 53-54 (2009): 1-21.
10. “Enviar o no enviar migradólares: Migración y remesas en Puerto Rico, República
Dominicana y México.” [“To Send or Not to Send Migradollars: Migration and
Remittances in Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and Mexico.”] Camino
Real: Estudios de las Hispanidades Norteamericanas (Spain) 1, no. 1 (2009): 2752.
11. “Diasporic Dreams: Documenting Caribbean Migrations.” Caribbean Studies 36,
no. 1 (2008): 184-195.
12. “La nación en la diáspora: Las múltiples repercusiones de la emigración
puertorriqueña a Estados Unidos.” [“The Nation in the Diaspora: The Multiple
Repercussions of Puerto Rican Emigration to the United States.”] Revista de
Ciencias Sociales (New Series) 17 (2007): 118-153.
Reproduced in El Caribe y sus diásporas: Cartografía de saberes y prácticas
culturales, edited by Anja Bandau and Martha Zapata Galindo, pp. 49-84.
Madrid: Verbum, 2010.
Translated into French as “La nation dans la diaspora: Les multiples
répercussions de l’émigration portoricaine aux États-Unis.” L’Ordinaire Latinoaméricain (France) nos. 208-209 (2007-2008): 63-92.
Abridged and updated English version in Governance in the Non-Independent
Caribbean: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century, edited by Peter
Clegg and Emilio Pantojas-García, pp. 182-202. Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle
Publishers, 2009.
13. “Racializing Ethnicity in the Spanish-Speaking Caribbean: A Comparison of
Haitians in the Dominican Republic and Dominicans in Puerto Rico.” Latin
American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies 1, no. 2 (2006): 231-248.
Abridged version in How the United States Racializes Latinos: White Hegemony
and Its Consequences, edited by José A. Cobas, Jorge Duany, and Joe R. Feagin,
pp. 214-227. Boulder, Co.: Paradigm Publishers, 2009.
Translated into Spanish as “La racialización de la etnicidad en el Caribe
hispanohablante: Haitianos en República Dominicana y dominicanos en Puerto
Rico,” in Cruzando fronteras: Convergencias entre la sociedad civil y la
academia en el Caribe, edited by Karin Weyland-Usanna, Sara Benítez-Delgado y
Liliana Cotto-Morales, pp. 173-208. Santo Domingo: Instituto Tecnológico de
Santo Domingo, 2010. Reprinted in Revista Jurídica Universidad
Interamericana 46, 4 (2012): 739-758.
14. “Más allá de El Barrio: La diáspora puertorriqueña hacia la Florida.” [“Beyond El
Barrio: The Puerto Rican Diaspora to Florida.”] Nueva Sociedad 201 (Argentina,
2006): 73-89.
15. “Colonial Migrants: Recent Work on Puerto Ricans on and off the Island.” New
West Indian Guide 79, nos. 3-4 (2005): 273-279.
16. “The Rough Edges of Puerto Rican Identities: Race, Gender, and
Transnationalism.” Latin American Research Review 40, no. 3 (2005): 177-190.
17. “¿El país de cinco pisos? La diversidad étnica en el Puerto Rico contemporáneo.”
[“The Five-Storied Country? Ethnic Diversity in Contemporary Puerto Rico.”] El
Sol 49, no. 2 (2005): 4-7.
Reprinted in Cultural Diversity: An Asset in the New Global Work Scenario, by
Milagros Guzmán, pp. 286-291. San Juan: Institute for Productivity of Puerto
Rico, 2006.
18. “La migración cubana: Tendencias actuales y proyecciones.” [“Cuban Migration:
Current Trends and Projections.”] Encuentro de la Cultura Cubana 36 (Spain,
2005): 164-179.
19. “Dominican Migration to Puerto Rico: A Transnational Perspective.” CENTRO:
Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies 17, no. 1 (2005): 242-269.
20. “Entre la Isla y la diáspora: Los estudios sobre la migración en Puerto Rico y la
Revista de Ciencias Sociales.” [“Between the Island and the Diaspora: Migration
Studies in Puerto Rico and the Social Sciences Review.”] Revista de Ciencias
Sociales (New Series) 12 (2003): 102-119.,%20Jorge.p
21. “Nation, Migration, Identity: The Case of Puerto Ricans.” Latino Studies 1, no. 3
(2003): 424-444.
Revised and abridged version: “Nation and Migration: Rethinking Puerto Rican
Identity in a Transnational Context” in None of the Above: Puerto Ricans in the
Global Era, edited by Frances Negrón-Muntaner, pp. 51-63. New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2007.
22. “Puerto Rican, Hispanic, or Latino? Recent Debates on National and Pan-Ethnic
Identities.” CENTRO: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies 15, no. 2
(2003): 256-267.
23. “La migración caribeña hacia Puerto Rico: Su impacto demográfico,
socioeconómico y cultural.” [“Caribbean Migration to Puerto Rico: Its
Demographic, Socioeconomic, and Cultural Impact.”] Revista del Instituto de
Cultura Puertorriqueña (Second Series) 7, no. 4 (2003): 3-13.
Reprinted in América Latina con razón y corazón, edited by Francisco
Rodríguez, pp. 167-178. Warsaw: Center for Latin American Studies, University
of Poland, 2003.
24. “Ein nasjon i rørsle.” [“A Nation on the Move.”] LatinAmerika (Norway) 3
(September 2002): 8-9.
25. “Nación, migración, identidad: Sobre el transnacionalismo a propósito de Puerto
Rico.” [“Nation, Migration, Identity: About Transnationalism Apropos the Case
of Puerto Rico.”] Nueva Sociedad (Venezuela) 178 (2002): 56-69.
Reprinted in Ir y venir: Procesos transnacionales entre América Latina y el
norte, edited by Sonia Báez Hernández, Anadeli Bencomo, and Marc
Zimmerman, pp. 223-234. Santiago, Chile: LACASA/Bravo y Allende, 2007.
Translated into French as “Nation, immigration et identité: Repenser le
colonialisme et le transnationalisme à propos du cas de Porto Rico.” In
Dynamiques migratoires de la Caraïbe, edited by GÉODE Caraïbe, pp. 221-238.
Paris: Karthala, 2007.
26. “Portraying the Other: Puerto Rican Images in Two American Photographic
Collections.” Discourse 23, no. 1 (2001): 319-353.
27. “Redes, remesas y paladares: La diáspora cubana desde una perspectiva
transnacional.” [“Networks, Remittances, and Family Restaurants: The Cuban
Diaspora from a Transnational Perspective.”] Nueva Sociedad 174 (2001): 40-51.
Translated into English in Cuba: Idea of a Nation Displaced, edited by Andrea
O’Reilly Herrera, pp. 161-175. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2007.
28. “Exiliados, indocumentados y diásporas: Las migraciones contemporáneas en
Puerto Rico.” [“Exiles, Undocumented Migrants, and Diasporas: Contemporary
Migrations in Puerto Rico.”] Del Caribe (Cuba) 31 (2000): 13-20.
29. “Nation on the Move: The Construction of Cultural Identities in Puerto Rico and
the Diaspora.” American Ethnologist 27, no. 1 (2000): 5-30.
30. “Two Wings of the Same Bird? Contemporary Puerto Rican Attitudes Toward
Cuban Immigrants.” Cuban Studies 30 (1999): 26-51.
31. “Cuban Communities in the United States: Migration Waves, Settlement
Patterns, and Socioeconomic Diversity.” Pouvoirs dans la Caraïbe (Martinique)
11 (1999): 69-103.
32. “Académico pionero y activista frustrado: El primer estudio antropológico de una
comunidad puertorriqueña por Morris Siegel.” [“A Pioneering Scholar and
Frustrated Activist: Morris Siegel’s First Anthropological Study of a Puerto Rican
Community.”] Revista de Ciencias Sociales (New Series) 6 (1999): 244-255.
33. “Después de la modernidad: Debates contemporáneos sobre cultura y política en
Puerto Rico.” [“After Modernity: Contemporary Debates on Culture and Politics
in Puerto Rico.”] Revista de Ciencias Sociales (New Series) 5 (1998): 218-241.
34. “On Borders and Boundaries: Contemporary Thinking on Cultural Identities.”
Gestos: Teoría y Práctica del Teatro Hispánico 13, no. 25 (1998): 15-33.
35. “Reconstructing Racial Identity: Ethnicity, Color, and Class among Dominicans
in the United States and Puerto Rico.” Latin American Perspectives 25, no. 3
(1998): 147-172.
Excerpted in Latino/a Thought: Culture, Politics, and Society, edited by
Francisco H. Vázquez and Rodolfo D. Torres, pp. 274-289. Lanham, Md.:
Rowman & Littlefield, 2002. 2nd ed., 2008, pp. 439-456.
Reprinted in Perspectives on the Caribbean: A Reader in Culture, History, and
Representation, edited by Philip W. Scher, pp. 94-110. New York: WileyBlackwell, 2009.
36. “La migración en Puerto Rico de cara al siglo XXI.” [“Migration in Puerto Rico on
the Eve of the Twenty-First Century.”] Estudios Sociales (Dominican Republic)
30 (1997): 7-39.
37. “Transnational Migration from the Dominican Republic: The Cultural
Redefinition of Racial Identity.” Caribbean Studies 29, no. 2 (1996): 253-282.
38. “Rethinking the Popular: Recent Essays on Caribbean Music and Identity.” Latin
American Music Review 17, no. 2 (1996): 176-192.
39. “Imagining the Puerto Rican Nation: Recent Works on Cultural Identity.” Latin
American Research Review 31, no. 3 (1996): 248-267.
40. “Counting the Uncountable: Undocumented Immigrants and Informal Workers
in Puerto Rico.” Latino Studies Journal 7, no. 2 (1996): 69-107.
Excerpted in Caribbean Connections: The Dominican Republic, edited by Anne
Gallin, Ruth Glasser, and Jocelyn Santana, with Patricia R. Pessar, pp. 83-85.
Washington, D.C.: Network of Educators on the Americas, 2005.
41. “Common Threads or Disparate Agendas? Research Trends on Migration from
and to Puerto Rico.” Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños Bulletin 7, no. 1 (1995):
42. “La transculturación de los estudios de administración en el Caribe.” [“The
Transculturation of Administration Studies in the Caribbean.”] Caribbean
Economic Bulletin (New Series) 1, no. 1 (1995): 79-91.
43. “Einwanderung de luxe? Die cubanische Einwanderung in USA.” [“A Golden
Exile? Cuban Immigrants in the United States.”] In Karibik: EndStation
Hoffung: Dossier. Latinamerika (Germany) 180 (1994): 18-19.
44. “El impacto de la inmigración extranjera en el mercado laboral de Puerto Rico.”
[“The Impact of Foreign Immigration on Puerto Rico’s Labor Market.”] Homines
17, nos. 1-2 (1993-94): 241-252.
45. “Quisqueya en el Hudson: La comunidad dominicana de Washington Heights.”
[“Quisqueya on the Hudson: The Dominican Community in Washington
Heights.”] Ciencia y Sociedad (Dominican Republic) 18, no. 4 (1993): 369-428.
46. “Neither Golden Exile nor Dirty Worm: Ethnic Identity in Recent CubanAmerican Novels.” Cuban Studies 23 (1993): 167-183.
Translated into Spanish as “Ni ‘exiliado dorado’ ni ‘gusano sucio’: La identidad
étnica en recientes novelas cubano-americanas.” Temas: Cultura, Ideología,
Sociedad (Cuba) 10 (1997): 22-30.
47. “Más allá de la válvula de escape: Tendencias recientes en la migración caribeña.”
[“Beyond the Safety Valve: Recent Trends in Caribbean Migration.”] Nueva
Sociedad 127 (1993): 80-99.
Reprinted in Caribea: Revista Cultural Caribeña 1, no. 2 (1993): 6-16; and in El
Caribe y Cuba en la posguerra fría, edited by Andrés Serbín and Joseph Tulchin,
pp. 215-234. Caracas: Nueva Sociedad, 1994.
Revised English translation published in Social and Economic Studies (Jamaica)
43, no. 1 (1994): 95-122.
Reprinted in Caribbean Sociology: Introductory Reader, edited by Christine
Barrow and Rhoda Reddock, pp. 861-877. Oxford: James Currey Publishers,
48. “¿Se han asimilado los cubanos a Puerto Rico?” Actas Latinoamericanas de
Varsovia (Poland) 14 (1992): 59-82.
49. “Las relaciones interétnicas en Puerto Rico: Implicaciones para la educación y la
cultura.” [“Interethnic Relations in Puerto Rico: Implications for Education and
Culture.”] Pedagogía 28 (1992): 50-58.
50. “Caribbean Migration to Puerto Rico: A Comparison of Cubans and Dominicans.”
International Migration Review 26, no. 1 (1992): 46-66.
51. “Cultura, estado y nación en el Caribe hispano.” [“Culture, State, and Nation in
the Spanish Caribbean.”] Plural 9-10, nos. 1-2 (1991-92): 157-170.
52. “El sector informal y la migración internacional: El caso de los dominicanos en
Puerto Rico.” [“The Informal Sector and International Migration: The Case of
Dominicans in Puerto Rico.”] Nueva Sociedad 113 (1991): 16-27.
Reprinted in two parts in Claridad, February 14-20, 1992; and February 21-28,
53. “Salsa, Plena, and Danza: Recent Materials on Puerto Rican Popular Music.”
Latin American Music Review 11, no. 2 (1990): 286-296.
54. “Hacia un marco teórico de la migración caribeña.” [“Toward a Theoretical
Framework on Caribbean Migration.”] El Caribe Contemporáneo (Mexico) 21
(1990): 63-78.
Reprinted in La Cruz de los Pueblos [Special Issue on Caribbean Migration] 21
(1991): 5-15.
Reprinted in Síntesis: Revista Documental de Ciencias Sociales
Iberoamericanas (Spain) 17 (1992): 63-75.
55. “The Caribbean Diaspora: The View from Miami and New York.” Caribbean
Studies 23, nos. 3-4 (1990): 160-165.
56. “La emigración dominicana a Puerto Rico: Una entrevista” (with César A. Rey).
[“Dominican Emigration to Puerto Rico: An Interview.”] Homines 13, no. 2/14,
no. 1 (1989-90): 194-199.
57. “The Cuban Community of Puerto Rico: A Comparative Caribbean Perspective.”
Ethnic and Racial Studies 12, no. 1 (1989): 36-46.
58. “Hispanics in the United States: Cultural Diversity and Identity.” Caribbean
Studies 22, nos. 1-2 (1989): 1-35.
59. “Ethnic Identity and Socioeconomic Adaptation: The Case of Cubans in Puerto
Rico.” The Journal of Ethnic Studies 17, no. 1 (1989): 109-127.
60. “Cultura y personalidad en Puerto Rico: Para una psicología de la identidad
nacional.” [“Culture and Personality in Puerto Rico: Toward a Psychology of
National Identity.”] Homines 12, nos. 1-2 (1988-89): 180-185.
Reprinted in Puerto Rico: Sociedad, cultura y educación. Antología de lecturas,
edited by Carlos Di Núbila and Carmen Rodríguez Cortés, pp. 29-37. San Juan:
Isla Negra, 1997. 2nd ed., 2003.
61. “Los dominicanos indocumentados en Santurce: Su inserción a la sociedad
puertorriqueña.” [“Undocumented Dominicans in Santurce: Their Incorporation
into Puerto Rican Society.”] Punto y Coma 1, no. 1 (1988): 105-115.
Reprinted in Los inmigrantes indocumentados dominicanos en Puerto Rico:
Realidad y mitos, edited by Juan E. Hernández Cruz, pp. 63-76, San Germán,
P.R.: Centro de Publicaciones, Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, 1989.
Reprinted in Actas Latinoamericanas de Varsovia (Poland) 5 (1988): 151-168.
Excerpted in Última Hora (Dominican Republic), October 5, 1991, pp. 16-17.
62. “The Significance of Puerto Rico for Latin American Studies.” LASA Forum 19,
no. 3 (1988): 1, 9-10.
63. “After the Revolution: The Search for Roots in Afro-Cuban Culture.” Latin
American Research Review 23, no. 1 (1988): 244-255.
64. “La antropología organizacional: Una visión interdisciplinaria de la
administración pública” (with Mayra Rosario). [“Organizational Anthropology:
An Interdisciplinary View of Public Administration.”] Revista de Administración
Pública 20, no. 1 (1987): 145-161.
65. “Imperialistas reacios: Los antropólogos norteamericanos en Puerto Rico, 18981950.” [“Reluctant Imperialists: American Anthropologists in Puerto Rico, 18981950.”] Revista del Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña 26, no. 97 (1987): 3-11.
66. “Buscando ambiente: Estratificación social y minorías étnicas en San Juan,
Puerto Rico.” [“Social Stratification and Ethnic Minorities in San Juan, Puerto
Rico.”] Revista de Ciencias Sociales 26, nos. 1-4 (1987): 105-138.
67. “Ethnicity in the Spanish Caribbean: Notes on the Consolidation of Creole
Identity in Cuba and Puerto Rico, 1762-1868.” Ethnic Groups 6, no. 2 (1985): 99123.
Reprinted in Caribbean Ethnicity Revisited, edited by Stephen Glazier, pp. 15-39.
New York: Gordon and Breach, 1985.
68. “Popular Music in Puerto Rico: Toward an Anthropology of Salsa.” Latin
American Music Review 5, no. 2 (1984): 186-216.
Reprinted in Salsiology: Afro-Cuban Music and the Evolution of Salsa in New
York City, edited by Vernon W. Boggs, pp. 69-89. New York: Greenwood, 1992.
69. “Stones, Trees, and Blood: An Analysis of a Cuban Santero Ritual.” Cuban
Studies/Estudios Cubanos 12, no. 2 (1982): 37-53.
Book Chapters
1. “Introducción: Del exilio histórico a la diáspora contemporánea.” [“Introduction:
From Historical Exile to the Contemporary Diaspora.”] In Un pueblo disperso:
Dimensiones sociales y culturales de la diáspora cubana, edited by Jorge Duany.
Valencia, Spain: Aduana Vieja, forthcoming.
2. “Mickey Ricans: The Recent Puerto Rican Diaspora to Florida.” In La Florida:
Five Hundred Years of Hispanic Presence, edited by Viviana Díaz-Balsera and
Rachel A. May. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, forthcoming.
3. “¿Analfabetos bilingües? Prácticas lingüísticas de los puertorriqueños en la Isla y
en la diáspora.” [“Bilingual Illiterates? The Language Practices of Puerto Ricans
on the Island and in the Diaspora.”] In El futuro del español en Estados Unidos:
La lengua en las comunidades de inmigrantes hispanos, edited by José Antonio
Alonso Rodríguez, Jorge Durand, and Rodolfo Gutiérrez. Barcelona: Ariel,
4. “Puerto Rico, nación de dos banderas.” [“Puerto Rico, a Nation of Two Flags.”] In
Invasión 98: Ser o no ser, edited by Héctor Méndez Caratini, pp. 169-173. San
Francisco: Blurb, 2013.
Reprinted in Héctor Méndez Caratini, Videos y fotografías de Puerto Rico y
5. “Puerto Ricans, Racial Identity and Self-Determination of.” In Encyclopedia of
Race and Racism, edited by Patrick L. Mason, pp. 351-356. 2nd ed. New York:
Macmillan Reference USA, 2013.
6. “Puerto Rico, Migration, 1868 to Present.” In Encyclopedia of Global Human
Migration, edited by Immanuel Ness. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
7. “Una colonia poscolonial: Seis décadas del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto
Rico.” [“A Postcolonial Colony: Six Decades of the Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico.”] In Historia de Puerto Rico, edited by Luis E. González Vales and María
Dolores Luque, pp. 723-741. Madrid: Doce Calles, 2013.
8. “Población y migración desde 1815 hasta la actualidad.” [“Population and
Migration from 1815 to the Present.”] In Historia de Puerto Rico, edited by Luis
E. González Vales and María Dolores Luque, pp. 61-87. Madrid: Ediciones Doce
Calles, 2013.
9. “The Puerto Rican Diaspora to the United States: A Colonial or Postcolonial
Migration?” (Japanese translation.) In Human Migration and the 21st Century
Global Society, edited by Katsunori Yamazato, Masahide Ishihara, and Masaaki
Gabe, pp. 127-171. Ryukyus, Japan: Faculty of Law and Letters, University of the
Ryukus, 2013.
10. “The Puerto Rican Diaspora to the United States: A Postcolonial Migration?” In
Postcolonial Migrants and Identity Politics: Europe, Russia, Japan, and the
United States in Comparison, edited by Ulbe Bosma, Jan Lucassen, and Gert
Oostindie, pp. 193-226. New York: Berghahn, 2012.
Translated into Spanish as “La diáspora puertorriqueña: Una migración colonial
transnacional.” Forthcoming in an anthology on Latino studies to be published in
Cuba, edited by Antonio Aja Díaz.
11. “Cuban Thought and Cultural Identity: Populism, Nationalism, and Cubanía.” In
Cuba: People, Culture, History, edited by Alan West-Durán, pp. 109-117. New
York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2011.
12. “Diasporas: Introduction.” In Cuba: People, Culture, History, edited by Alan
West-Durán, pp. 143-145. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2011.
13. “Diasporas: Cubans Abroad, Post-1959.” In Cuba: People, Culture, History,
edited by Alan West-Durán, pp. 160-164. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons,
14. “Foreword: The Visual Representation of Diasporic Identities.” In The Writing on
the Wall (Soul): Puerto Rican Murals and Social Representations in New York
City, by Elsa B. Cardalda, pp. 11-16. San Juan: Publicaciones Puertorriqueñas,
15. “La diáspora cubana desde una perspectiva transnacional.” [“The Cuban
Diaspora from a Transnational Perspective.”] In Cuba 2009: Reflexiones en
torno a los 50 años de la revolución de Castro, edited by Andrzej Dembicz, pp.
189-207. Warsaw: Center for Latin American Studies, University of Warsaw,
Reproduced by Otrolunes: Revista Hispanoamericana de Cultura 3, no. 8
16. “Introduction: Racializing Latinos—Historical Background and Current Forms”
(with José A. Cobas and Joe R. Feagin). In How the United States Racializes
Latinos: White Hegemony and Its Consequences, edited by José A. Cobas, Jorge
Duany, and Joe R. Feagin, pp. 1-15. Boulder, Co.: Paradigm Publishers, 2009.
17. “Becoming Cuba-Rican.” In The Portable Island: Cubans at Home in the World,
edited by Ruth Behar and Lucía M. Suárez, pp. 197-208. New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2008.
18. “Población y sociedad: Panorama general.” [“Population and Society: A
Panoramic View.”] In Enciclopedia de Puerto Rico, edited by Fundación
Puertorriqueña de las Humanidades, 2007.
19. “Migración extranjera hacia Puerto Rico.” [“Foreign Migration to Puerto Rico.”]
In Enciclopedia de Puerto Rico, edited by Fundación Puertorriqueña de las
Humanidades, 2007.
20. “Inmigración de cubanos y dominicanos.” [“Immigration of Cubans and
Dominicans.”] In Enciclopedia de Puerto Rico, edited by Fundación
Puertorriqueña de las Humanidades, 2007.
21. “La diáspora boricua.” [“The Puerto Rican Diaspora.”] In Puerto Rico en el
mundo, edited by Roberto Gándara Sánchez, pp. 9-10. English translation, p. 115.
San Juan: Fundación Puertorriqueña de las Humanidades/Centro de
Investigación y Política Pública, 2007.
Reproduced by Enciclopedia de Puerto Rico, edited by Fundación Puertorriqueña
de las Humanidades, 2007.
22. “Puerto Rico: ¿Sociedad del postrabajo?” [“Puerto Rico: A Post-Work Society?”]
In Puerto Rico en el mundo, edited by Roberto Gándara Sánchez, pp. 22-24.
English translation, pp. 119-120. San Juan: Fundación Puertorriqueña de las
Humanidades/Centro de Investigación y Política Pública, 2007.
Reproduced by Enciclopedia de Puerto Rico, edited by Fundación Puertorriqueña
de las Humanidades, 2007.
23. “La diáspora dominicana en Puerto Rico: Sus persistentes exclusiones por etnia,
raza y género.” [“The Dominican Diaspora in Puerto Rico: Its Persistent
Exclusions by Ethnicity, Race, and Gender.”] In La diversidad cultural:
Reflexión crítica desde un acercamiento interdisciplinario, edited by Rosalie
Rosa Soberal, pp. 363-391. San Juan: Publicaciones Puertorriqueñas, 2007.
24. “La migración dominicana hacia Puerto Rico: Una perspectiva transnacional.”
[“Dominican Migration to Puerto Rico: A Transnational Perspective.”] In
Globalización y localidad: Espacios, actores, movilidades e identidades, edited
by Margarita Estrada Iguíniz and Pascal Labazée, pp. 397-430. Mexico City:
Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, 2007.
25. “Fifty Years of Commonwealth: The Contradictions of Free Associated Statehood
in Puerto Rico” (with Emilio Pantojas-García). In Extended Statehood in the
Caribbean: Paradoxes of Quasi Colonialism, Local Autonomy, and Extended
Statehood in the USA, French, Dutch, & British Caribbean, edited by Lammert
de Jong and Dirk Krujit, pp. 21-58. Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers, 2005.
Abridged version in the Okinawan Journal of American Studies (Japan), no. 3
(2006): 7-27.
26. “Más allá de las balsas: Tendencias recientes y proyecciones de la migración
cubana.” [“Beyond the Rafters: Current Patterns and Projections of Cuban
Migration.”] In Cuba, el Caribe y el post embargo, edited by Alejandra Liriano de
la Cruz, pp. 405-432. Santo Domingo: Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias
Sociales, 2005.
27. “Migration from the Spanish-Speaking Caribbean.” In In Motion: The AfricanAmerican Migrant Experience, edited by the Schomburg Center for Research in
Black Culture, 2005. page=1.
28. “Revisiting the Cuban Exception: A Comparative Perspective on Transnational
Migration from the Hispanic Caribbean to the United States.” In Cuba
Transnational, edited by Damián J. Fernández, pp. 1-23. Gainesville: University
Press of Florida, 2005.
29. “Prólogo.” In Arte social crítico, sentido y preocupación última: Reflexiones
teóricas y metodológicas sobre ciencias humanas e interpretación del fenómeno
religioso-cultural en la sociedad global contemporánea, by Héctor López Sierra,
pp. 1-8. Caguas, P.R.: Tamarind Hill Press, 2005. 2nd ed. San Juan: Editorial
Situm, 2007.
30. “Dominicans in Puerto Rico: A Look at Barrio Gandul,” “Dominicans in New
York: Quisqueya on the Hudson,” and “Image and Identity.” In Caribbean
Connections: The Dominican Republic, edited by Anne Gallin, Ruth Glasser,
Jocelyn Santana, with Patricia R. Pessar, pp. 81-87, 89-94, and 175-176.
Washington, D.C.: Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies, Yale
University, and Teaching for Change, 2005.
Translated into Spanish as “Los dominicanos en Puerto Rico: Una mirada al
Barrio Gandul” and “Los dominicanos en Nueva York: Quisqueya en el Hudson.”
In Conexiones caribeñas: La República Dominicana, edited by Anne Gallin,
Ruth Glasser, Jocelyn Santana, with Patricia R. Pessar, pp. 5-16. Washington,
D.C.: Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies, Yale University, and
Teaching for Change, 2005.
31. “Dominicans.” In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United
States, edited by Suzanne Oboler and Deena J. González, pp. 520-530. New York:
Oxford University Press, 2005.
32. “Race and Racialization.” In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in
the United States, edited by Suzanne Oboler and Deena J. González, pp. 535-544.
New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Revised and abridged version in Encyclopedia of Latino/a Politics, Law, and
Social Movements, edited by Suzanne Oboler and Deena J. González. New York:
Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
33. “¿Modernizar la nación o nacionalizar la modernidad? Las ciencias sociales en la
Universidad de Puerto Rico durante la década de 1950.” [“Modernizing the
Nation or Nationalizing Modernity? The Social Sciences at the University of
Puerto Rico during the 1950s.”] In Frente a la torre: Ensayos del Centenario de
la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1903-2003, edited by Silvia Álvarez Curbelo and
Carmen I. Raffucci, pp. 176-207. San Juan: La Editorial, Universidad de Puerto
Rico, 2005.
34. “Neither White nor Black: The Representation of Racial Identity among Puerto
Ricans on the Island and in the U.S. Mainland.” In Neither Enemies nor Friends:
Latinos, Blacks, Afro-Latinos, edited by Anani Dzidzienyo and Suzanne Oboler,
pp. 173-188. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
35. “Puerto Ricans in the United States.” In Encyclopedia of Diasporas: Immigrant
and Refugee Cultures Around the World, edited by Melvin Ember, Carol R.
Ember, and Ian Skoggard, Vol. 2, pp. 1055-1068. New York: Kluwer/Plenum,
36. “Los países: Transnational Migration from the Dominican Republic to the United
States.” In Dominican Migration: Transnational Perspectives, edited by Ernesto
Sagás and Sintia E. Molina, pp. 29-52. Gainesville: University Press of Florida,
Reproduced by Migration Dialogue.
Excerpted in Caribbean Connections: The Dominican Republic, edited by Anne
Gallin, Ruth Glasser, Jocelyn Santana, with Patricia R. Pessar, p. 78. Washington,
D.C.: Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies, Yale University, and
Teaching for Change, 2005.
37. “Puerto Rico—Between the Nation and the Diaspora: Migration to and from
Puerto Rico.” In Migration and Immigration: A Global View, edited by Maura I.
Toro-Morn and Marixsa Alicea, pp. 177-195. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 2004.
Short version in Desde la orilla: Hacia una nacionalidad sin desalojos, edited by
Silvio Torres-Saillant, Ramona Hernández, and Blas R. Jiménez, pp. 449-468.
Santo Domingo: Manatí/La Trinitaria, 2004.
38. “Areíto,” “Balseros,” “Brigada Antonio Maceo,” “Cubans in Puerto Rico,”
“Freedom Flights,” and “Mariel Boat Lift.” Entries for Encyclopedia of Cuba:
People, History, Culture, edited by Luis Martínez-Fernández, D. H. Figueredo,
Louis A. Pérez, and Luis González, Vol. 2. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press,
39. “Irse pa’ fuera: The Mobile Livelihoods of Circular Migrants between Puerto Rico
and the United States.” In Work and Migration: Life and Livelihoods in a
Globalizing World, edited by Ninna Nyberg Sørensen and Karen Fog Olwig, pp.
161-183. London: Routledge, 2002.
Reprinted as “Mobile Livelihoods: The Sociocultural Practices of Circular
Migrants between Puerto Rico and the United States.” International Migration
Review 36, no. 2 (2002): 355-388.
Translated into Spanish as “‘Irse pa’ fuera’: Los modos de vida móviles de los
migrantes circulares entre Puerto Rico y los Estados Unidos.” Temas: Cultura,
Ideología, Sociedad (Cuba) 26 (2001): 39-49.
40. “Reconstructing Cubanness: Changing Discourses of National Identity on the
Island and in the Diaspora during the Twentieth Century.” In Cuba, the Elusive
Nation: Interpretations of National Identity, edited by Damián J. Fernández and
Madeline Cámara Betancourt, pp. 17-42. Gainesville: University Press of Florida,
41. “The Fear of Illegal Aliens: Caribbean Migration as a National and Regional
Security Threat.” In Security in the Caribbean Basin: The Challenge of Regional
Cooperation, edited by Joseph S. Tulchin and Ralph H. Espach, pp. 97-118.
Boulder: Lynn Rienner, 2000.
42. “Santos.” In Contemporary American Religion, Vol. 2, edited by Wade Clark
Roof, pp. 642-643. New York: Macmillan Reference, 2000.
43. “Making Indians Out of Blacks: The Revitalization of Taíno Identity in
Contemporary Puerto Rico.” In Taíno Revival: Critical Perspectives on Puerto
Rican Identity and Cultural Politics, edited by Gabriel Haslip-Viera, pp. 31-56.
New York: Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños, Hunter College, 1999. 2nd ed. Pp.
55-82. Princeton, N.J.: Markus Wiener, 2001.
44. “La población y la migración en Puerto Rico de cara al siglo XXI.” [“Population
and Migration in Puerto Rico on the Eve of the Twenty-First Century.”] In Futuro
económico de Puerto Rico: Antología de ensayos del Proyecto Universitario
sobre el Futuro Económico de Puerto Rico, edited by Francisco E. Martínez, pp.
219-254. Río Piedras: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1999.
45. “La religiosidad popular en Puerto Rico: Reseña de la literatura desde la
perspectiva antropológica.” [“Popular Religiosity in Puerto Rico: A Review of the
Literature from an Anthropological Perspective.”] In Vírgenes, magos y
escapularios: Imaginería, etnicidad y religiosidad popular en Puerto Rico,
edited by Angel G. Quintero Rivera, pp. 163-185. San Juan: Centro de
Investigaciones Sociales, UPR/Centro de Investigaciones Académicas,
USC/Fundación Puertorriqueña de las Humanidades, 1998. 2nd ed., 2003, pp.
46. From the Cuban Ajiaco to the Cuban-American Hyphen: Changing Discourses of
National Identity on the Island and in the Diaspora. Occasional Paper Series,
Vol. 2, No. 8, Cuban Studies Association, University of Miami, 1997. Pp. 32.
47. “From the Bohío to the Caserío: Urban Housing Conditions in Puerto Rico.” In
Self-Help Housing, the Poor, and the State in the Caribbean, edited by Robert B.
Potter and Dennis Conway, pp. 188-216. Knoxville: University of Tennessee
Press/Kingston: The Press University of the West Indies, 1997.
48. “The Recent Cuban Exodus in Comparative Caribbean Perspective.” In Cuba and
the Caribbean: Regional Issues and Trends in the Post-Cold War Era, edited by
Joseph Tulchin, Andrés Serbín, and Rafael Hernández, pp. 141-161. Washington,
D.C.: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 1997.
49. “The Creation of a Transnational Caribbean Identity: Dominican Immigrants in
San Juan and New York.” In Ethnicity, Race, and Nationality in the Caribbean,
edited by Juan Manuel Carrión, pp. 195-232. San Juan: Institute of Caribbean
Studies, University of Puerto Rico, 1997.
50. “Cuban Immigration.” In The Latino Encyclopedia, edited by Richard and Rafael
Chabrán, pp. 420-424. New York: Marshall Cavendish, 1996.
51. “Dominican Americans.” In The Latino Encyclopedia, edited by Richard and
Rafael Chabrán, pp. 497-500. New York: Marshall Cavendish, 1996.
52. “La guagua aérea o la migración circular entre Puerto Rico y los Estados Unidos.”
[“The Flying Bus and Circular Migration between Puerto Rico and the United
States.”] In La guagua aérea: A Symposium on Migration between Puerto Rico
and the United States, edited by Christine Bose and María de F. Barceló-Miller,
pp. 12-15. Albany: Center for Latino, Latin American and Caribbean Studies,
State University of New York, 1995.
53. “Migración desde y hacia Puerto Rico: El caso cubano.” [“Migration from and to
Puerto Rico: The Cuban Case.”] In Tendencias actuales del proceso migratorio
cubano: Memorias del Primer Taller Internacional, edited by Consuelo Martín
and Antonio Aja, pp. 41-46. Havana: Centro de Estudios de Alternativas Políticas,
Universidad de La Habana, 1995.
54. “Presentación del libro Corrientes migratorias en Puerto Rico/Migratory
Trends in Puerto Rico, de Juan Hernández Cruz.” Working Paper No. 68, Centro
de Investigaciones del Caribe y América Latina, Universidad Interamericana de
Puerto Rico, San Germán, 1995.
55. “Ethnicity, Identity, and Music: An Anthropological Analysis of the Dominican
Merengue.” In Music and Black Ethnicity: The Caribbean and South America,
edited by Gerard Béhague, pp. 65-90. Miami: North-South Center, University of
Miami, 1994.
56. The Census Undercount, the Underground Economy, and Undocumented
Migration: The Case of Dominicans in Santurce, Puerto Rico. Ethnographic
Evaluation of the 1990 Decennial Census Report Number 17, Center for Survey
Methods Research, Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C., 1992.
57. “La importancia de los indicadores y las estadísticas para la mujer y el
desarrollo.” [“The Significance of Statistics and Indicators for Women and
Development.”] In Mujer y estadísticas: Memorias del primer seminario, edited
by Evelyn Otero, pp. 1-2. Cayey, P.R.: Pro Mujer, 1992.
58. Más allá de la docilidad: La antropología psicológica en Puerto Rico. [Beyond
Docility: Psychological Anthropology in Puerto Rico.] Occasional Paper No. 9,
Academic Research Center, University of the Sacred Heart, 1991. Pp. 24.
59. “De la periferia a la semi-periferia: La migración dominicana hacia Puerto Rico.”
[“From the Periphery to the Semi-Periphery: Dominican Migration to Puerto
Rico.”] In Los dominicanos en Puerto Rico: Migración en la semi-periferia,
edited by Jorge Duany, pp. 26-46. Río Piedras: Huracán, 1990.
Reprinted in Punto 7 Review: A Journal of Marginal Discourse 2, no. 1 (1989):
60. “La fuerza laboral dominicana en Santurce: El impacto de la inmigración en un
mercado de trabajo segmentado” (with César A. Rey). [“The Dominican Labor
Force in Santurce: The Impact of Immigration on a Segmented Labor Market.”]
In Los dominicanos en Puerto Rico: Migración en la semi-periferia, edited by
Jorge Duany, pp. 47-67. Río Piedras: Huracán, 1990.
61. “La identidad y el exilio.” [“Identity and Exile.”] In Horizontes culturales y
literarios, edited by Graciela Gilman and Marian Z. Sugano, pp. 190-191. New
York: Harper and Row, 1984.
Book Reviews
1. Latino Urban Ethnography and the Work of Elena Padilla, edited by Mérida M.
Rúa. New West Indian Guide (The Netherlands) 88, nos. 1-2 (forthcoming).
2. Puerto Rican Citizen: History and Political Identity in Twentieth-Century New
York City, by Lorrin Thomas. New West Indian Guide 85, nos. 3-4 (2011): 301304.
3. “Historias antillanas.” [“Antillean Histories.”] (Review of Historia de Cuba,
edited by Consuelo Naranjo Orovio, and Historia de la República Dominicana,
edited by Frank Moya Pons.) Revista de Occidente (Spain) 365 (2011): 130-134.
4. The Cubans of Union City: Immigrants and Exiles in a New Jersey Community,
by Yolanda Prieto. New West Indian Guide 85, nos. 1-2 (2011): 125-127.
5. Encountering American Faultlines: Race, Class, and Dominican Incorporation
in Providence, by José Itzigsohn. Social Forces 81, no. 3 (2011): 1071-1073.
6. Reggaeton, edited by Raquel Z. Rivera, Wayne Marshall, and Deborah Pacini
Hernández. Caribbean Studies 38, no. 1 (2010): 182-185.
7. Caribbean Migration to Western Europe and the United States, edited by
Margarita Cervantes-Rodríguez, Ramón Grosfoguel, and Eric Mielants.
International Journal of Comparative Sociology 51, no. 3 (2010): 233-235.
8. Caribbean Diaspora in the USA: Diversity of Caribbean Religions in New York
City, by Bettina E. Schmidt. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
(United Kingdom) 16 (2010): 413-414.
9. Mainland Passage: The Cultural Anomaly of Puerto Rico, by Ramón E. CrespoSoto. The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Inter-American Cultural History 66,
no. 3 (2010): 421-423.
10. Orbis/urbis latino: Los “hispanos” en las ciudades de los Estados Unidos, edited
by Cardenio Bedoya, Flavia Belpoliti, and Marc Zimmerman. Revista de Ciencias
Sociales 21 (New Series, 2009): 159-163.
11. “Una antropología poética del mar.” [“A Poetic Anthropology of the Sea.”]
(Review of La marejada de los muertos: Tradición oral de los pescadores de la
costa norte de Puerto Rico, by Irizelma Robles.) Centro de Investigaciones
Sociales, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, 2009.
12. Nuyorican Dream, by Laurie Collyer [film review]. CENTRO: Journal of the
Center for Puerto Rican Studies 21, no. 2 (2009): 291-293.
13. “La historia de Cuba: ¿Un caso excepcional?” [“The History of Cuba: An
Exceptional Case?”] (Review of Historia de Cuba, edited by Consuelo Naranjo
Orovio.) Nuevo Mundo/Mundos Nuevos (France) (September 2009).
14. “El ‘exilio histórico’: Política, religión y paternidad.” [“The ‘Historic Exiles’:
Politics, Religion, and Paternity.”] (Review of El exilio en invierno: Miguel
Figueroa y Miranda. Diario del destierro, by Javier Figueroa.) Encuentro de la
Cultura Cubana (Spain) 51/52 (2008/2009): 256-259.
15. “La isla y la diáspora: Una historia transnacional.” [“The Island and the Diaspora:
A Transnational History.”] (Review of Puerto Rico in the American Century: A
History since 1898, by César A. Ayala and Rafael Bernabe.) Diálogo Digital,
March 30, 2009.
16. The “New Man” in Cuba: Culture and Identity in the Revolution, by Ana Serra.
New West Indian Guide 83, nos. 1-2 (2009): 161-163.
17. “César, bróder, esto está difícil.” [“César, brother, this is difficult.”] (Review of El
reto de la gobernabilidad en la educación pública en Puerto Rico, by César Rey.)
Diálogo Digital, February 27, 2009.
18. Political Disaffection in Cuba’s Revolution and Exodus, by Silvia Pedraza. Latino
Studies 6, no. 4 (2008): 480-482.
19. “El antitrujillismo ante los ojos de la mujer.” [“The Anti-Trujillo Movement from
Women’s Point of View.”] (Review of Mujeres dominicanas, 1930-1961:
Antitrujillistas y exiliadas en Puerto Rico, by Myrna Herrera Mora.) Diálogo
Digital, November 2008.
20. The Columbia History of Latinos in the United States since 1960, edited by David
G. Gutiérrez; and Latinos in a Changing Society, edited by Martha MonteroSieburth and Edwin Meléndez. Latino Studies 6, nos. 1-2 (2008): 236-240.
21. “Canadá, país de dos naciones.” [“Canada, A Country with Two Nations.”]
(Review of The Other Quiet Revolution: National Identities in English Canada,
1945-71, by José E. Igartua.) La Revista, El Nuevo Día, February 3, 2008, p. 27.
22. Racial Transformations: Latinos and Asians Remaking the United States, edited
by Nicholas De Genova. CENTRO: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican
Studies 19, no. 2 (2007): 255-258.
23. The Devil Behind the Mirror: Globalization and Politics in the Dominican
Republic, by Steven Gregory. Journal of Latin American Studies (United
Kingdom) 39, no. 4 (2007): 905.
24. Caribe Two Ways: Cultura de la migración en el Caribe insular hispánico, by
Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel. Sargasso I (2006-2007): 106-110.
25. “Puerto Rico, nación transnacional.” (Review of Emotional Bridges to Puerto
Rico: Migration, Return Migration, and the Struggles of Incorporation, by
Elizabeth M. Aranda.) La Revista, El Nuevo Día, May 13, 2007, p. 34.
Expanded English version: “Transnationalizing the Puerto Rican Diaspora.”
Latino(a) Research Review 6, nos. 1-2 (2006-2007): 178-181.
26. “El creciente deterioro de la sociedad puertorriqueña.” [“The Growing
Deterioration of Puerto Rican Society.”] (Review of Puerto Rico:
¿Autodeterminación huracanada? El engaño de EE.UU. a la ONU,
expansionismo militarista, modelo colonial y rezago económico.) La Revista, El
Nuevo Día, March 18, 2007, p. 35.
27. Spanglish America: Les enjeux de la latinisation des États-Unis, by James
Cohen. Latino Studies 4, no. 4 (2006): 476-478.
28. “Nuyoricans, borinkis y diasporicans: La creciente dispersión de la población
boricua en Estados Unidos.” [“Nuyoricans, Borinkis, and Diasporicans: The
Growing Dispersal of Puerto Ricans in the United States.” (Review of The Puerto
Rican Diaspora: Historical Perspectives, edited by Carmen Teresa Whalen and
Víctor Vázquez-Hernández.) La Revista, El Nuevo Día, November 26, 2006, p.
Reproduced by Casa de América (Spain).
29. “El otro también soy yo: Reflexiones sobre la crisis de la representación
etnográfica.” [“I Am Also the Other: Reflections on the Crisis of Ethnographic
Representation.”] (Review of El fin del reino de lo propio: Ensayos de
antropología cultural, by María Isabel Quiñones.) Umbral, College of General
Studies, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, 2006.én%20soy%20yo.pdf.
30. Black Puerto Rican Identity and Religious Experience, by Samiri Hernández
Hiraldo. Journal of Latin American Studies (United Kingdom) 38, no. 4 (2006):
Abridged version published as “La creciente diversidad religiosa en Puerto Rico.”
[“The Growing Religious Diversity in Puerto Rico.”] La Revista, El Nuevo Día,
July 23, 2006, p. 35.
31. “Una mirada feminista al éxodo dominicano.” [“A Feminist Approach to the
Dominican Exodus.”] (Review of Negociando la aldea global “aquí” y “allá”: La
diáspora femenina dominicana y la transculturalidad como alternativa
descolonizadora, by Karin Weyland.) La Revista, El Nuevo Día, October 15,
2006, p. 34.
32. The Puerto Rican Diaspora: Historical Perspectives, edited by Carmen Teresa
Whalen and Víctor Vázquez-Hernández. Journal of Latin American Studies 39,
no. 2 (2006): 439-440.
33. “El segundo piso de la cultura puertorriqueña.” [“The Second Story of Puerto
Rican Culture.”] (Review of Race and Labor in the Hispanic Caribbean: The
West Indian Immigrant Worker Experience in Puerto Rico, 1800-1850, by Jorge
Luis Chinea.) Letras, Revista Domingo, El Nuevo Día, April 16, 2006, p. 10.
34. What Women Lose: Exile and the Construction of Imaginary Homelands in
Novels by Caribbean Writers, by María Cristina Rodríguez. Sargasso 2 (20042005): 103-107. [Published in 2006.]
35. “Silenciar la raza.” [“Silencing Race.”] (Review of Tuning Out Blackness: Race
and Nation in the History of Puerto Rican Television, by Yeidy Rivero.) Letras,
Revista Domingo, El Nuevo Día, January 8, 2006, p. 10.
Reproduced by Cubarte (Cuba).
36. Travestismos culturales: Literatura y etnografía en Cuba y Brasil, by Jossianna
Arroyo. Cuban Studies 36 (2005): 183-186.
37. Lydia Cabrera and the Construction of an Afro-Cuban Cultural Identity, by
Edna M. Rodríguez-Mangual. Caribbean Studies 33, no. 1 (2005): 320-325.
38. Witchcraft and Welfare: Spiritual Capital and the Business of Magic in Modern
Puerto Rico, by Raquel Romberg. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
(United Kingdom) 10, no. 2 (2004): 469-470.
39. The Legacy of Exile: Cubans in the United States, by Guillermo J. Grenier and
Lisandro Pérez. Latino Studies 2, no. 2 (2004): 272-274.
40. Reproducing Empire: Race, Sex, Science, and U.S. Imperialism in Puerto Rico,
by Laura Briggs; and National Performances: The Politics of Class, Race, and
Space in Puerto Rican Chicago, by Ana Y. Ramos-Zayas. American Ethnologist
31, no. 2 (2004).
41. Random Family: Love, Drugs, Trouble, and Coming of Age in the Bronx, by
Adrian Nicole LeBlanc. Revista Domingo, El Nuevo Día, July 18, 2004, p. 14.
42. On Becoming Cuban: Identity, Nationality, and Culture, by Louis J. Pérez, Jr.
American Historical Review 105, no. 5 (2000): 1778.
43. Popular Expression and National Identity in Puerto Rico: The Struggle for Self,
Community, and Nation, by Lillian Guerra. Revista de Ciencias Sociales (New
series) 8 (2000): 214-220.
44. Bridges to Cuba/Puentes a Cuba, edited by Ruth Behar. Cuban Studies 29
(1999): 130-133.
45. Havana USA: Cuban Exiles and Cuban Americans in South Florida, 1959-1994,
by María Cristina García. Cuban Studies 28 (1998): 163-165.
46. Cubans and the Mass Media in South Florida, by Gonzalo R. Soruco. Cuban
Studies 27 (1997): 277-280.
47. Merengue: Dominican Music and Dominican Identity, by Paul Austerlitz. Latin
American Music Review 18, no. 2 (1997): 320-326.
48. Puerto Rico: Culture, Politics, and Identity, by Nancy Morris. Revista de
Ciencias Sociales (New Series) 2 (1997): 209-214.
49. The Cuban American Family Album, by Dorothy and Thomas Hoobler.
Caribbean Studies 29, no. 2 (1996): 319-323.
50. The Commuter Nation: Perspectives on Puerto Rican Migration, edited by
Carlos Antonio Torre, Hugo Rodríguez-Vecchini, and William Burgos. Revista de
Ciencias Sociales (New Series) 1 (1996): 225-230.
51. De lo afrocubano a la salsa: Géneros musicales de Cuba, by Olavo Alén
Rodríguez. Latin American Music Review 16, no. 1 (1995): 93-95.
52. The Exile: Cuba in the Heart of Miami, by David Rieff. Cuban Studies 24 (1994):
53. In Search of a Better Life: Perspectives on Migration from the Caribbean, edited
by Ransford W. Palmer. The Latin American Anthropology Review 4, no. 2
(1993): 79-80.
54. Images of History: Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Latin American
Photographs as Documents, by Robert M. Levine. The Latin American
Anthropology Review 4, no. 1 (1992): 50.
55. Between Two Islands: Dominican International Migration, by Sherri Grasmuck
and Patricia R. Pessar. American Anthropologist 94, no. 4 (1992): 957-958.
56. Visa for a Dream, by Sonia Fritz. American Anthropologist 93, no. 4 (1991):
57. Magia e historia en los “Cuentos negros,” “Ayapá” y “Por qué” de Lydia Cabrera,
by Sara Soto. Cuban Studies 20 (1990): 209-211.
58. Taso, trabajador de la caña, by Sidney W. Mintz. Punto y Coma 1, no. 2 (1989):
59. La otra ciencia: El vodú dominicano como religión y medicina populares, by
Martha Ellen Davis. American Anthropologist 90, no. 4 (1988): 1009.
60. Cuban Studies 17, edited by Carmelo Mesa-Lago. Caribbean Studies 20, nos. 3-4
(1988): 105-107.
61. Images and Identities: The Puerto Rican in Two World Contexts, edited by Asela
Rodríguez de Laguna. Hispanic American Historical Review 68, no. 1 (1988):
62. El exilio cubano en Puerto Rico: Su impacto político-social, 1959-1983, by
Himilce Esteve. Cuban Studies/Estudios Cubanos 15, no. 1 (1985): 75-78.