Identifying Methods of Development and Patterns of Organization
Identifying Methods of Development and Patterns of Organization
Realidades Nombre Fecha Lectura, pp. 238–240 Identifying Methods of Development and Patterns of Organization Good readers understand the tools and techniques of authors. To identify the methods of development used by an author in a text, good readers must first determine the author’s purpose by asking, “Why was this text written?” After determining the author’s purpose, readers next ask, “What techniques did the author use to achieve his or her purpose?” These techniques are known as methods of development and could include, among other things, the organization pattern, the word choice, or the sentence structure used in the text. One common type of writing in many cultures is the folk tale. Told in a simple style with characters that often symbolize large ideas, folk tales almost always teach a lesson. The lesson that a story teaches is sometimes known as the moral or theme of the story. This moral or theme is often a truth about the world we live in. In trying to determine the theme of a folk tale, you must often think symbolically or figuratively. This often requires you to pause in your reading and ask, “What larger idea could this part of the story represent or symbolize?” 1. Review the Lectura, La pobreza on pages 238–240, in your textbook. For each story event, explain what larger significance it might have if interpreted figuratively. What larger idea could this represent or symbolize? Así pasaron muchos años y la Muerte no llegaba a nadie, aunque se enfermara la persona. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ¡Vengan aquí –dijo el doctor— la Muerte está en mi poder, vengan a verla! ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ El señor de la Muerte le dijo a la vieja, —Vieja Pobreza, por dejarme bajar del árbol, ahora tengo mucho trabajo y no te puedo llevar… ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Sample question: 2. What is the moral or theme of the folk tale “La Pobreza”? A Rich people are not as clever as poor people. B Poverty will always exist in our world. C Doctors are the only mortals who can control death. D Old poor people are capable of tricking death. 10 Capítulo 5 © Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Event