Fastlane Calendario de formaciones 2015
Fastlane Calendario de formaciones 2015
fast lane . . . training from the experts 2015 FAST LANE >TRAINING FROM THE EXPERTS Fast Lane Computer Consultancy SL Calle Anabel Segura 11 > 28108 Alcobendas, Madrid TEL: +34 911846427 [email protected] > fast lane . . . quality training from the experts Soporte a tu futuro profesional a través de la formación. Fast Lane te ofrece todo un portafolio de productos de formación para complementar tu carrera profesional. Entregamos formaciones en diferentes partes del mundo, diferentes idiomas- Ahora es tu turno de formarte! Este catalogo esta diseñado para darte una descripción de nuestros cursos enfocados en los fabricantes: Cisco Systems, Aruba Networks, Netapp. Nuestra oferta completa de cursos la puedes encontrar directamente en nuestra pagina web: o también puedes contactarnos para más información al correo: [email protected] Ofrecemos planes especiales con descuentos para formar grupos de personas dentro de la misma compañía. Formaciones personalizadas y a medida adaptadas a las necesidades del cliente. Fast Lane dispone de Centros de exámenes Person Vue Test Center, para ayudarte a adquirir las certificaciones que estés necesitando. Esperamos contactarte próximamente y darte la bienvenida a uno de nuestros cursos! FAST LANE TEAM An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest! Benjamin Franklin fast lane CISCO CAREER CERTIFICATIONS Los programas de certificación de Cisco Systems proporcionan un reconocimiento profesional en el sector a técnicos, ingenieros y a directivos. Fast Lane ofrece los programas de formación para preparar a los asistentes a obtener las certificaciones de Cisco Systems. fast lane . . . quality training from the experts ¿Quiénes somos? Ayudamos a su compañía a obtener y desarrollar todas las habilidades tecnológicas que necesita para alcanzar altos retos. Después de todo, la tecnología es una herramienta, y sólo aquellos que la dominan puede aprovechar sus beneficios. Fast Lane ofrece la red de conocimientos que usted necesita. Voz y comunicaciones unificadas, seguridad y VPN, Data Center, Storage Networking, Wireless, Tecnologías ópticas – para cualquier formación y consultorías que necesite Fast Lane tiene el experto adecuado para ayudarle. Fast Lane, con sus Partners Networks está a su disposición en todo el mundo. Nuestros instructores forman y asesoran en diferentes idiomas Las oficinas de fastlane se encuentran en: Viena, España, Dubai, South Africa, Sydney y Singapur. AU THORI ZED TRAINING CENTER fast lane Las formaciones y certificaciones de Aruba preparan a los ingenieros de redes para resolver una serie de desafíos técnicos complejos que se extienden mucho más allá de la infraestructura cableada. Al completar los cursos obtendrá la experiencia técnica y el conocimiento necesario para superar nuevos e inesperados obstáculos creados por la afluencia de los dispositivos móviles en redes empresariales. Aruba Networks es el proveedor líder de gestión de acceso de próxima generación , la infraestructura de red y soluciones de aplicaciones de movilidad para redes empresariales móviles . Fast Lane, es un Centro Autorizado de Formaciones desde el 2013, orgullosos de incrementar nuestro portafolio de formaciones y ofrecer una variedad de Vendors. Certificaciónes Aruba Aruba Certified Mobility Associate (ACMA) ratifica su conocimiento técnico sobre el despliegue de las redes WLAN en entornos empresariales con un único controlador de movilidad. Aruba Certified Mobility Professional (ACMP) La certificación abarca los conceptos de onbording de dispositivos y la implementación de soluciones de voz y video sobre wireless.cubre diseño WLAN, aprovisionamiento de dispositivos, gestión de aplicaciones y seguridad de la red. Aruba Certified Solutions Professional (ACSP) ratifica su conocimiento de las WLAN con configuraciones de red más complejas en entornos con múltiples Mobility Controllers. Aruba Certified ClearPass Professional (ACCP) esta certificación verifica su conocimiento y habilidad para administrar y mantener el ClearPass Policy Manager y ClearPass Guest system, Aruba Wireless Mesh Professional (AWMP) a través de esta certificación verificará su capacidad para diseñar y desplegar outdoor Wireless Mesh Networks que ofrecen Wifi y backhaul. Aruba Certified Design Expert (ACDX) valida su capacidad técnica en: architect large, extended campus y WLANs remotas. ACMP es un requisito para esta certificación. Aruba Certified Mobility Expert (ACMX) Pone a prueba su experiencia técnica en la implementación y solución de problemas de redes WLAN de gran escala. ACMP es un requisito previo para esta certificación. AU THORI ZED TRAINING CENTER fast lane ARUBA LEARNING PATHS Fast Lane as a certified Pearson Vue Testcenter, is glad to support you with the planning and realization of your certification. AU THORI ZED TRAINING CENTER AR-MBC Aruba Mobility Boot Camp Duration: 5 Days fast lane Who should attend: Network engineers with more than a single controller in the network Prerequisites Students are expected to come to the class with knowledge of Aruba’s products. A conceptual knowledge of VLANs and network data flow & control helps frame the specifics of Aruba’s network architecture. Students taking this class must complete the following self-paced online courses available to view at no charge on the Aruba Web Site. • Networking Fundamentals (Required for non CCNA capable students) • Introduction to Aruba Technology (Required) Course Content This class combines the IAW and SWDI classes into a single 5-day class. Students registering for this class should be prepared for an accelerated format of the IAW and SWDI classes. A prerequisite understanding of wireless fundamentals is mandatory, as well as VLAN fundamentals, data flow and control in a network, and basic routing principles. Course Outline • Aruba Architecture and Features • Mobility Controller initial setup and licensing using ArubaOSwizards • RFProtect •Rogue classification and containment • Implementing Roles and Firewall Policies • Advanced Firewall Functions • Using WLAN policies to create a Secure Employee WLAN with 802.1X • Using WLAN policies to create a Secure Guest WLAN with Captive Portal authentication • Aruba WLAN Configuration • Create ‘VisualRF’ plans to place access points and air monitors • Use Visual RF Plan to determine your pre-deployment placement of Aps • Import Visual RF Plan to AirWave • Using ArubaOSRF Plan to monitor access points and air monitors • Adaptive Radio Management (ARM) • Using the integrated Spectrum Analyzer to monitor RF environment • Provisioning Aruba thin APs using wizards and the GUI • Remote Access Point (RAP) using AP125 and RAP2′s zero touch • RAP Uplink Bandwidth Reservation • Virtual Internet Access (VIA) • Content Security Service (CSS) • Secured Wired Access • Master/local benefits • Mobility / Roaming • Site to site VPN • Master redundancy • Local redundancy • AP redundancy • Mesh solutions AU THORI ZED TRAINING CENTER AR-CPE Aruba Clear Pass Essentials Duration: 5 Days This course replaces the Clear Pass Boot camp. fast lane Who should attend: Network Administrators and IT Staff: • who’s network must support “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) provisioning and onboarding. • who configure and manage guest and visitor WLAN access. • responsible for reporting and compliance of WLANs Prerequisites • Familiarity with network standard and terminology, VLANs and IP protocols including routing and switching. • Basic WLAN terminology and concepts • Knowledge of wired and wireless networking design and operations • Knowledge of Radius server configuration, 802.1X authentication, AAA, LDAP and active Directory experience. Course Content The “ClearPassEssentials (CPE)” training course provides you with a foundation in Network Access Control using ClearPass6.0 system. This course covers in depth configuration of ClearPasspolicy manager with a focus on Enforcement and Device Profiling. The course also includes setup and configuration details of primary application of ClearPassGuest like guest web login pages, guest self-registration, device provisioning using OnBoardand client posture analysis using OnGuard. Course Outline • Introduction to ClearPass, ClearPassLicensing • Introduction to Security -An Overview of RADIUS TACACS • Introduction to Network Access Devices (NAD) -Configuration of Aruba Devices • ClearPassPolicy Manager Roles, Role Assignments • Integration with Active Directory (AD) • Overview of Policy Model, Configuration of a Policy Service, building a Policy Service • Need for Enforcement Policies -Enforcement Profiles • Need for Posture Checks -Posture Configurations • OnGuard• • EndPointProfiler -Profile Configuration • Advanced Enforcement • Monitoring • Troubleshooting • Introduction to ClearPassGuest Application • ClearPassGuest Manager • Need for WebloginPages -Customisingthe WebloginPage • Network Configuration • Introduction to Self-Registration -Configuration of Self-Registration, Backend Processing • ClearPassOperations • Admin Users • Introduction to Onboard Application • Onboard as Root Certificate Authority (CA) vs Intermediate CA • ClearPassGuest Configuration for Onboarding – • Network Configuration for Onboarding, Onboard Client Experience • HotSpot • ClearPassInsight • ClearPassClustering • QuickConnectApplication • Integration of non-Aruba Devices with ClearPass • Introduction to AirGroup AU THORI ZED TRAINING CENTER AR-MBC Aruba Advanced Troubleshoot Duration: 5 Days fast lane Who should attend: This course is designed for individuals responsible for the provisioning and configuration maintenance of an Aruba based network. This course is not a hardware troubleshooting oriented class. Rather it focuses on the commands and screens necessary to diagnose network and wireless related issues. Prerequisites Knowledge level at the ACMP level. Students must be comfortable with provisioning profiles for various aspects of the Aruba Controller. The labs are written as objectives and are not documented in a step by step manner. Therefore, the student must know how to provision a controller without reliance upon detailed lab instructions. Course content The “Advanced Troubleshooting (ATS)” course is a instructor-led course provides an overview of methodologies and tools for troubleshooting Aruba based networks. Labs are designed to inject problems into the student networks in a controlled fashion to demonstrate how various symptoms appear. Therefore, when problems are seen in a production environment, they will be more quickly identified and remedied. The course is based on ArubaOS6.1. Course Outline • Troubleshooting Philosophies • Overview of Troubleshooting tools - Debug - Logs • AP Boot Issues • RF Issues - Spectrum Analysis • IPSec • Remote AP • Client Issues; Connectivity & authentication • Captive Portal • Role Derivation • Infrastructure Issues • Master-Local Communications • VRRP • Radius & DHCP Contact Info: [email protected] ARUBA NETWORKS TRAINING SCHEDULE 2015 ARUBA MBC (Mobility Bootcamp) TRAINING Fecha 23/02/15-‐27/02/15 18/05/15-‐22/05/15 21/09/15-‐25/09/15 23/11/15-‐27/11/15 Duración 5 Días 5 Días 5 Días 5 Días Precio 2.400 € 2.400 € 2.400 € 2.400 € Ciudad Barcelona Madrid Madrid Madrid ARUBA ATS (Advance Troubleshooting) TRAINING Fecha 09/03/15-‐12/03/15 01/06/15-‐05/06/15 14/09/15-‐17/09/15 16/11/15-‐19/11/15 Duración 4 Días 4 Días 4 Días 4 Días Precio 2.200 € 2.200 € 2.200 € 2.200 € Ciudad Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid ARUBA CPE (Clearpass Essentials) TRAINING Fecha 23/03/15-‐27/03/15 22/06/15-‐26/06/15 05/10/15-‐09/10/15 14/12/15-‐18/12/15 Duración 5 Días 5 Días 5 Días 5 Días Precio 2.500 € 2.500 € 2.500 € 2.500 € Ciudad Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid ARUBA AIRWAVE TRAINING Fecha 13/07/15-‐17/07/15 Duración 5 Días Precio 2.650 € Ciudad Madrid fast lane Teniendo en cuenta el programa Autorizado Learning Partner de NetApp , estamos en condiciones de ofrecer cursos oficiales estándar como también cursos personalizados. Fast Lane ha realizado una inversión en equipamiento de laboratorio de NetApp y sólo utiliza instructores certificados, altamente experimentados. La certificación de Netapp le permitirá destacarse como profesional y demostrar que tiene las habilidades necesarias para gestionar y desplegar tecnologías de Netapp. Nuestro programa de certificación ofrece a los profesionales de Storage una base sólida y una completa gama de especialidades para elegir. NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer (NCIE-B&R) EXAM NS0-510 - Backup & Recovery Specialist NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer (NCIE-SAN) EXAM NS0-504 EXAM NS0-502 OR SAN Data ONTAP 7-Mode SAN Clustered Data ONTAP NA-SAN PW - SAN Implementation Workshop NetApp Certified Data Administrator (NCDA) EXAM NS0-156 - Clustered Data ONTAP Administrator OR Professional NA-ANCDA - NCDA Power Workshop NA-DCADM - Clustered Data ONTAP Administration NA-D7ADM - Data ONTAP 7-Mode Administration EXAM NS0-155 - Data ONTAP 7-Mode Administrator NetApp Certified Storage Associate (NCSA) EXAM NS0-145 - NetApp Certified Storage Associate NA-BCNA - Basic NetApp Configuration and Administration NetApp Certified Storage Associate (NCSA) NCSA is the foundational NetApp certification. NetApp Certified Storage Associates demonstrate a basic understanding of NetApp storage systems and Data ONTAP administration and management solutions. They understand the features and functions of 7-Mode and clustered Data ONTAP, and are able to perform basic administration of NetApp storage controllers running the Data ONTAP® operating system in NFS and Windows® (CIFS) multiprotocol environments. NetApp Certified Data Management Administrator (NCDA) NetApp Certified Data Administrators have proven skills in performing in-depth support, administrative functions, and performance management for NetApp storage controllers running the Data ONTAP® operating system in NFS and Windows® (CIFS) multiprotocol environments. They are able to implement high availability controller configurations. They also have detailed knowledge of SnapMirror®, SnapRestore®, and SnapVault®, which they use to manage and protect mission-critical data. Requirements: HA controller configurations, SyncMirror for rapid data recovery, or clustered Data ONTAP solutions with either single- or multi-node configurations. NetApp Certified SAN Implementation Engineer / NetApp Certified Backup and Recovery Implementation Engineer NetApp Certified SAN Implementation Engineers have proven skills in understanding customer storage requirements, implementing Fibre Channel and iSCSI SAN solutions, and integrating different operating systems and applications such as Microsoft® Exchange, Microsoft SQL Server™, DB2®, and Oracle®. Requirements: either the Data ONTAP 7-Mode administrator exam (NS0-155) or the Clustered Data ONTAP administrator exam (NS0-156). fast lane . . . training from the experts FAST LANE >TRAINING FROM THE EXPERTS Fast Lane Computer Consultancy SL Calle Anabel Segura 11 > 28108 Alcobendas, Madrid TEL: +34 911846427 [email protected] >