
Curriculum Vitae
20th February, 2013
Surname / First name
Date of birth
0034 954557808
[email protected]
1995 - Present
Department of Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology,
University of Sevilla
2004 - 2007
Faculty of Psychology, University of Sevilla
1991 - 1995
Department of Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology,
University of Sevilla
1982 - 1991
Childhood Special Education Center “CIES-ATUREM”
1982 - 1988
Day Care Unit for the Assistance and Training of the Severe and
Profound Mentally Handicapped “CAYDA-ATUREM”
Level in national
or international
PhD. Thesis: “Social representation of the psychiatric patient”
Department of Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology,
University of Sevilla (Spain)
Curriculum Vitae
20th February, 2013
Faculty of Philosophy and Education Science, University of
Sevilla (Spain)
“Community cultural competence: Competent professionals for diverse communities”
Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
National Plan I+D+i (Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation)
Ref. PSI2011-25554
Position: Principal investigator
Participating institutions: (1) Department of Social Psychology, Department of
Experimental Psychology, Department of Nursing and Department of Human Geography,
University of Sevilla, Spain; (2) Department of Nursing, University of Cádiz; (3) Centre for
Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-IUL), University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL),
Lisbon, Portugal
Number of researchers: 12
Duration: 2012-2014
Funding: 44.000 €
“Adapting European health systems to diversity” (ADAPT)
Funded by COST, European Cooperation in Science and Technology; Action IS1103
Position: Researcher, PhD.; Proposal participant as expert in community psychology and
migrant health; member of working groups
Coordinator: Prof. David Ingleby (Centre for Social Science and Global Health, University
of Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Participant institutions: Research centres, universities and institutions in the field of
migration and health in 26 European countries
Number of researchers: 51
Duration: 2011-2015
Funding (first year): 130.000 €
“Health and social care for migrants and ethnic minorities in Europe” (HOME)
Funded by COST, European Cooperation in Science and Technology; Action IS0603
Position: Researcher, PhD. (member of working group)
Coordinator: Prof. David Ingleby (ERCOMER, Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
Participant institutions: Research centres, universities and institutions in the field of
migration and health in 29 European countries (around 120 experts)
Number of researchers: 120
Duration: 2007-2011
Funding: 500.000 €
“Curriculum development project – Health and social care for migrants and minorities”
Funded by the Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency. Erasmus Unit / Jean
Monnet / Study Centers.
Position: Researcher, PhD.
Coordinator: David Ingleby (ERCOMER, Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
“Integrating new migrants in the new Europe: A challenge for community psychology”
Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science
Curriculum Vitae
20th February, 2013
National Plan I+D+i (Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation),
Complementary action
Ref.: SEJ2006-28026-E
Position: Principal investigator
Participating institutions: (1) University of Sevilla, (2) University of Almería
Number of researchers: 8
Duration: 2007-2008
Funding: 3.000 €
"The community integration of Moroccan immigrants in Andalusia: Community survey"
Funded by the Andalusian Ministry of Governance, Spain
(Consejería de Gobernación, Convocatoria de Subvenciones a Universidades, 2007)
Expt. Nº 2007/87
Position: Principal investigator
Participating organizations: (1) University of Sevilla, (2) University of Almería, (3) AMAL:
Association of Moroccan Women in Andalusia, (4) CODENAF: Association for the
Cooperation and Development of the North of Africa (Morocco-Spain), (5) RIM: Sociocultural association for the integration of immigrants in Almería
Number of researchers: 8
Duration: 2007-2008
Funding: 15.000 €
“Community integration of Moroccan immigrants in Andalusia. Predicting factors and
lines of action”
Funded by the I+D+I National Plan.
Ref.: SEJ2006-14470
Position: Principal investigator
Duration: 2006 – 2009
Funding: 39.000 €
"The community integration of Moroccan immigrants in Andalusia: Indicators of wellbeing, adaptation and acceptance"
Funded by the Andalusian Ministry of Governance, Spain
(Consejería de Gobernación, Convocatoria de Subvenciones a Universidades, 2006)
Expt. Nº 2006/30; Ref.: SUBCG-001/2006
Position: Principal investigator
Participating organizations: (1) University of Sevilla, (2) University of Almería, (3) AMAL:
Association of Moroccan Women in Andalusia, (4) CODENAF: Association for the
Cooperation and Development of the North of Africa (Morocco-Spain), (5) RIM: Sociocultural association for the integration of immigrants in Almería
Number of researchers: 8
Duration: 2006-2007
Funding: 18.000 €
“Promoting civic participation of women in an urban area of social transformation”
Funded by the Gender Equality Office of Sevilla, Junta de Andalucía.
Position: Principal investigator
Duration: 2004 - 2005
“Analysis of psychosocial factors associated with Burnout syndrome prevention in hospital
Funded by the Junta de Andalucía.
Position: Researcher, PhD.
Curriculum Vitae
20th February, 2013
Principal investigator: Mª Jesús Albar Marín.
Duration: 2003 - 2005
“Evaluation of the transnational project EQUAL Arena. Socio-labor integration of
immigrants in Andalusia”
Funded by the European Social Fund
Position: Principal investigator
Duration: 2002 – 2004
“Motivational, empowerment and participation factors in volunteering organizations in
Funded by the Social Care Services of Sevilla, Junta de Andalucía.
Position: Principal investigator
Duration: 2001 -2002
“Evaluation of the European transnational project Integra Diversidad. Socio.labor
integration of immigrants”
Funded by the European Social Fund.
Position: Researcher, PhD.
Principal investigator: Manuel Martínez García
Duration: 2000 - 2001
“Social integration of the immigrant population. Empowerment strategies through social
Funded by the European Social Fund
Position: Researcher, PhD.
Principal investigator: Manuel Martínez García
Duration: 1999 – 2002
“Social integration of immigrants in Marbella”
Funded by the City Hall of Marbella.
Position: Researcher, PhD.
Principal investigator: Manuel Martínez Gacría
Duration: 1998 – 1999
“Evaluation of the European transnational project Horizon: Socio-labor integration of
foreign immigrants”
Funded by the European Social Fund
Position: Researcher, PhD.
Principal investigator: Manuel Martínez García
Duration: 1997 - 1998
“Integration and adaptation of the Mughrabi and Peruvian immigrant women in
Andalusia. An analysis from the ecological and psychosocial perspective”
Funded by the I+D National Plan. Inter-Ministerial Commission of Sciencia and Technology.
Ref.: Sec. 95-0234
Position: Researcher, PhD.
Principal investigator: Manuel Martínez García
Duration: 1995 – 1996
“Needs and resources assessment for the social integration of African immigrants in
Funded by the Social Care Services of Sevilla, Junta de Andalucía.
Curriculum Vitae
20th February, 2013
Position: Researcher, PhD.
Principal investigator: Manuel Martínez García
Duration: 1993 -1995
“Contribution of social support to the welfare of geriatric population”
Funded by the Andalusian Institute of Social Services. Junta de Andalucía.
Position: Researcher, PhD.
Principal investigator: Manuel Martínez García
Duration: 1993 – 1994
Hernández-Plaza, S., García-Ramírez, M., Herrera, I., Luque-Ribelles, V., & Paloma, V.
(2013). De la opresión al bienestar. Explorando poder, opresión y bienestar entre
inmigrantes Marroquíes en España / From oppression to wellbeing. Exploring
power, oppression and wellbeing among Moroccan immigrants in Spain. Global
Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 3, 528-540.
Balcazar, F.E., Suarez-Balcazar, Y., Adames, S.B., Keys, C.B., García-Ramírez, M., &
Paloma, V. (2012). A case study of liberation among Latino immigrant families who
have children with disabilities. American Journal of Community Psychology, 49,
283-293. doi: 10.1007/S10464-011-9447-9
Albar, M.J., García-Ramírez, M., López, A., Garrido, R. (2012). Spanish adaptation of the
scale of psychological empowerment in the workplace. The Spanish Journal of
Psychology, 15, 793-800. doi:10.5209/REV_SJOP.2012.V15.N2.38891
García-Ramírez, M., De la Mata, M., Paloma, V. & Hernández-Plaza, S. (2011). A
liberation psychology approach to acculturative integration of migrant
populations. American Journal of Community Psychology, 47, 86-97.
Suarez-Balcazar, Y., Balcazar, F.E., Taylor-Ritzler, T., Portillo, N., Rodawoski, J., GarcíaRamírez, M., & Willis, C. (2011). Development and validation of the cultural
competence assessment instrument: A factorial analysis. Journal of
Rehabilitation, 77, 4-13.
Lopera, G., Albar, M.J., García-Ramírez, M., & Fernández Garrido, C. (2011). Factores
explicativos de la aplicación de la ley de autonomía del paciente por personal
médico y de enfermería del área quirúrgica / Explanatory factors on the
implementation of patient´s autonomy law by the medical and nursing staff of the
surgical area. Gaceta Sanitaria, 25, 461-467. doi:10.1016/J.GACETA.2011.04.011
Bocchino, A., García-Ramírez, M., & Acosta-Mosquera, M.E. (2011). Integrazione
acculturativa e psicologia della liberazione: Un modello per la salute degli
immigrati. Rivista di Psicología di Comunità, 13, 15-23.
Paloma, V., García-Ramírez, M., De la Mata, M., & AMAL-Andaluza. (2010). Acculturative
integration, self and citizenship construction: The experience of Amal-Andaluza, a
grassroots organization of Moroccan women in Andalusia. International Journal of
Curriculum Vitae
20th February, 2013
Albar, M.J., Camacho, C., García-Ramírez, M., El Jebari, T., El Karkri, M., HernándezPlaza, S., Luque-Ribelles, V., Paloma-Castro, O., Paloma, V. & Sevillano, J.S.
(2010). Contribuciones de la psicología de la liberación a la integración de la
población inmigrante / Contributions of liberation psychology to the integration of
immigrant population. Psychosocial Intervention, 19, 223-234.
García-Ramírez, M., Albar, M.J., & Paloma, V. (2010). Migrant liberation psychology:
Coalition for the Study of Health, Power and Diversity. The Community
Psychologist, 10, 5-6.
Morano-Baez, R., Albar, M.J., García-Nieto, A.A., García-Ramírez, M., & Prieto-Guerrero,
M.M. (2009). Afrontamiento del estrés ocupacional entre profesionales de
enfermería hospitalaria desde la investigación acción participativa / Coping with
occupational stress among hospital nursing professionals from a participatory action
research. Enfermería Clínica, 19, 240-248. doi:10.1016/J.ENFCLI.2009.06.005
García-Ramírez, M., Paloma, V., Balcázar, F.E., & Suárez-Balcázar, Y. (2009). Building
international collaborative capacity: Contributions of community psychologists to a
European network. American Journal of Community Psychology, 46, 116-122.
doi:10.1007/S10464-009-9247Paloma, V., Herrera, I., García-Ramírez, M. (2009). Psychopolitical validation of health
promotion research for migrant Populations: Conceptualizing well-being among
Andalusian Moroccan immigrants. International Journal of Migration, Health and
Social Care, 5, 25-33.
García-Ramírez, M., & Hatzidimitriadou, E. (2009). User involvement and empowerment in
health care practices with ethnic minority groups: A community approach.
International of Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 5, 2-4.
García-Ramírez, M. (2008). Integrating new migrants in the new Europe: A challenge for
community psychology. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care,
4, 42-44.
García-Ramírez, M., Martínez, M., Balcazar, F.E., Suarez-Balcazar, Y., Albar, M.J.,
Domínguez, E., & Francisco, J. (2005). Psychosocial empowerment and social
support factors associated with the employment status of immigrants welfare
recipients. Journal of Community Psychology, 33, 673-690.
Albar, M.J., García-Ramírez, M. (2005). Social support and emotional exhaustion among
hospital nursing staff. The European Journal of Psychiatry, 19, 96-106.
García-Ramírez, M. (2004). Strangers in strange lands. From Seville to Chicago: A
Community psychologist’s view of the windy city. The Community Psychologist, 37,
Curriculum Vitae
20th February, 2013
García-Ramírez, M., Suárez-Balcazar, Y., & Martínez, J. (2003). The role of community
psychologists in a European model of support services for immigrants. The
Community Psychologist, 26, 42-43.
Suárez-Balcazar, Y., & García-Ramírez, M. (2003). Internet y cambio comunitario en un
barrio empobrecido de Chicago. Implicaciones para Andalucía / Internet and
community change in an impoverished neighborhood of Chicago. Implications for
Andalusia. Apuntes de Psicología, 21, 533-548.
García-Ramírez, M., Balcazar, F.E., & Suárez-Balcazar, Y. (2003). Investigación-acción
participativa. Una herramienta útil para entender la diversidad humana /
Participatory action research. A useful tool to understand human diversity. Apuntes
de Psicología, 21, 409-417.
García-Ramírez, M., Martínez, F., Albar, M.J., Dugo, I., Grimaldi, V., & Santolaya F.J.
(2003). Retos de la red de servicios sociales comunitarios de Andalucía: El empleo
de la IAP para evaluar las necesidades de sus profesionales / Challenges of the
community social services network of Andalusia: The use of PAR to assess the needs
of its professionals. Apuntes de Psicología, 21, 549-566.
García-Ramírez, M., Martínez, M.F., Albar, M.J., & Santolaya, F.J. (2002). Inmigrantes y
recursos sociales naturales. La aplicación del modelo del convoy social al proceso
de aculturación / Immigrants and natural social resources. The implementation of
the social convoy model to the acculturation process. Migraciones, 11, 83-111.
Martínez, M.F., & García-Ramírez, M. (2002). Introducción: Diversidad humana e
intervención social / Introduction: Human diversity and social intervention.
Psychosocial Intervention, 11, 136-142.
García-Ramírez, M., Martínez, M.F., & Albar, M.J. (2002). La elección de fuentes de apoyo
social entre inmigrantes marroquíes y filipinos de la Costa del Sol / The election of
social support sources among Moroccan and Filipinos immigrants in Costa del Sol.
Psicothema, 14, 369-374
Martínez, M.F., García-Ramírez, M., & Maya, I. (2002). Social support and locus of control
as predictors of psychosocial wellbeing in Moroccan and Peruvian immigrant
women. International Journal of Intercultural Relationships, 26, 287-310.
Martínez, M.F., García-Ramírez, M., & Maya, I. (2001). El efecto amortiguador del apoyo
social sobre la depresión en la población inmigrante / The buffering effect of social
support on depression in the immigrant population. Psicothema, 13, 605-610.
Martínez, M.F., García-Ramírez, M., & Maya, I. (2001). El rol del apoyo social y las
actitudes hacia el empleo en el emplazamiento laboral de inmigrantes / The role of
social support and employment attitudes in the labor context of immigrants.
Anuario de Psicología, 32, 51-66.
Martínez, M.F., Villalba, C., & García-Ramírez, M. (2001). Programas de respiro para
cuidadores familiares / Respite for caregrivers programs. Psychosocial Intervention,
10, 7-22.
Martínez, M.F., García-Ramírez, M., & Maya, I. (2001). Una tipología analítica de las redes
de apoyo social de los inmigrantes africanos en Andalucía / An analytical typology
Curriculum Vitae
20th February, 2013
of the social support networks of African immigrants in Andalusia. Revista Española
de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 95, 99-125.
Villar, C., Maya, I., Martínez, M.F., & García-Ramírez, M. (2000). Evaluación de las
necesidades, problemas y recursos sociales de los socios de la Asociación Andaluza
de Ataxias Hereditarias / Assessment of needs, problems and social resources of
the Hereditary Ataxia Andalusia Association´s partners. Psychosocial Intervention,
9, 379-392.
Martínez, M.F., García-Ramírez, M., & Maya, I. (1999). El papel de los recursos sociales
naturales en el proceso migratorio / The role of natural social resources in the
migration process. Psychosocial Intervention, 8, 221-232.
Maya, I., Martínez, M.F., & García-Ramírez, M. (1999). Cadenas migratorias y redes de
apoyo social de las mujeres peruanas en Sevilla / Migration chains and social
support networks of Peruvian women in Seville. Demófilo, 29, 87-105.
Maya, I., Martínez, M.F., & García-Ramírez, M. (1997). Análisis bibliométrico de la
investigación reciente en Psicología sobre inmigración/ Bibliometric analysis of
recent research in Psychology on immigration. Psicología Social Aplicada, 7, 69-83.
Martínez, M.F., García-Ramírez, M., & Mendoza, I. (1995). Estructura y características de
los recursos naturales de apoyo social en los ancianos andaluces / Structure and
characteristics of the natural resources of social support in the Andalusian elderly.
Psychosocial Intervention, 11, 44 60.
Martínez, M.F., & García-Ramírez, M. (1995). La perspectiva psicosocial en la
conceptualización del apoyo social / The psychosocial perspective in the
conceptualization of social support. Revista de Psicología Social, 1, 61-74.
Martínez, M.F., & García-Ramírez, M. (1994). La autopercepción de la salud y bienestar
psicológico como indicadores de calidad de vida percibida en la vejez / Health and
psychological wellbeing self-perception as indicators of perceived quality of life in
the elderly. Revista de Psicología de la Salud, 6, 56- 75.
Martínez, M.F., García-Ramírez, M., & Mendoza, I. (1990). Consideraciones sobre el
abordaje psicosocial de la vejez / Considerations on the psychosocial approach in
the elderly. Apuntes de Psicología, 34, 83-90.
Suarez-Balcazar, Y., Balcazar, F., García-Ramírez, M., & Taylor-Ritzler, T. (in press).
Ecological Theory and Research in Multicultural Psychology: A Community
Psychology Perspective. In F.T.L. Leong (Ed.), APA Handbook of Multicultural
Psychology. Washington DC: APA.
García-Ramírez, G., Hernández-Plaza, S. Albar, M.J., Luque-Ribelles, V. & SuárezBalcázar, Y. (2012). Building healthcare stakeholder coalitions: A community
psychology approach to user involvement for migrant populations. In D. Ingleby,
A. Chiarenza, W. Devillé and I. Kotsioni (Eds.), Inequalities in Health Care for
Migrants and Ethnic Minorities. COST Series on Health and Diversity, Volume II
(pp. 188-204). Antwerp/Apeldoorn: Garant.
Curriculum Vitae
20th February, 2013
Hernández-Plaza, S., García-Ramírez, M., Camacho, C. & Paloma, V. (2010). New
settlement and well-being in oppressive contexts: A liberation psychology
approach. In S. Carr (Ed.), The psychology of global mobility. Series:
International and Cultural Psychology (pp. 235-256). New York: Springer.
De la Mata, M.L., García-Ramírez, M., Santamaría, A. & Garrido, R. (2010) La integración
de las personas migrantes: El enfoque de la psicología cultural y de la liberación /
The integration of migrants: The approach of cultural and liberation psychology. In
L. Melero (Ed.), Manual de intervención psicosocial con personas migrantes (pp.
115-146). Valencia: Fundación CeiMigra.
García-Ramírez, M., Camacho, C.; Hernández-Plaza, S., Albar, M.J., Manzano, V. &
Paloma, V. (2009). Psicología de la liberación e integración comunitaria:
Identificando las condiciones de opresión de inmigrantes Marroquíes del sur de
España / Liberation psychology and community integration: Identifying the
conditions of oppression of Moroccan immigrants in Southern Spain. In C. Vázquez
Rivera (Ed.), Psicología Comunitaria Internacional: Agendas compartidas en la
diversidad (pp. 212-235). San Juan: CIREC. ISBN: 978-9843809-0-9.
Luque-Ribelles, V., García-Ramírez, M., & Portillo, N. (2009). Gendering peace and
liberation: A participatory-action approach to critical consciousness acquisition
among women in a marginalized neighborhood. In M. Montero & C. Sonn (Ed.),
Psychology of Liberation (pp. 277-294). New York: Springer.
ISBN: 978-0-387-85783-1.
García-Ramírez, M., Albar, M.J., Morano-Báez, R., & Paloma, V. (2007). Metodología de la
intervención social: Implicaciones para la investigación y la práctica de la
psicología comunitaria / Methodology of social intervention: Implications for
research and practice of community psychology. In I. Maya Jariego, M. GarcíaRamírez & F.J. Santolaya Soriano (Eds.). Estrategias de Intervención Psicosocial.
Casos Prácticos (pp. 45-75) Sevilla: Pirámide. ISBN: 978-84-368-2144-4.
García-Ramírez, M., Albar, M.J., Morano Báez, R., & Paloma, V. (2006). Buenas prácticas
comunitarias. Introducción a la metodología de la psicología de la intervención
social / Good community practices. Introduction to the methodology of social
intervention psychology. In I. Hombrados Mendieta, M.A. García Martín, & T. López
Espigares (Eds.). Intervención Social y Comunitaria (pp. 69-88). Málaga: Ediciones
Martínez-García, M.F., García-Ramírez, M., & Martínez-García, J. (2005). Procesos
migratorios / Migratory processes. Aplicando la Psicología Social (pp. 255-276).
España: Pirámide S.A. ISBN: 84-368-1948-9
García-Ramírez, M, Martínez, M.F., & Santolaya, F.J. (2003). Participación ciudadana de
inmigrantes en Andalucía. Algunas reflexiones sobre el papel de las organizaciones
comunitarias / Civic participation of immigrants in Spain. Some reflections on the
role of community organizations. Inmigración, Sociedad y Estado. Una Cuestión
Abierta (pp. 43-59). Sevilla: Junta de Andalucía. ISBN: 84-688-3165-4.
Martínez-García, M.F., García-Ramírez, M., & Martínez-García, J. (2003). La inmigración
como conflicto intergrupal / Immigration as intergroup conflict. Inmigración,
Sociedad y Estado. Una Cuestión Abierta (pp. 61-86). Sevilla: Consejería de Asuntos
Sociales. Junta de Andalucía. ISBN: 84-688-3165-4
Curriculum Vitae
20th February, 2013
García-Ramírez, M. (2002). Métodos y estrategias de integración laboral en inmigrantes /
Methods and strategies for the labor integration of immigrants. In P. Almoguera
Sallent (Ed.), De sur a sur. Análisis multidisciplinar del fenómeno migratorio en
España (pp. 95-116). Universidad de Sevilla. ISBN: 84-472-0689-0.
Martínez, M.F., & García-Ramírez, M. (1992). Técnicas y procedimientos para el estudio de
las representaciones sociales / Techniques and procedures for the study of social
representations. In M. Clemente (Comp.). Psicología Social. Métodos y Técnicas de
Investigación (pp. 390-400). Madrid: Eudema. ISBN: 84-7754-106-X
Maya Jariego, I., García-Ramirez, M.; y Santolaya F. J. (2007). Estrategias de intervención
psicosocial. Casos prácticos / Psychosocial intervention strategies. Case Studies.
Madrid: Pirámide. ISBN 978-84-368-2144
García-Ramírez, M., Martínez, M.F., & Santolaya F.J. (2002). Integración social y empleo
de inmigrantes en Andalucía / Social integration and employment of immigrants in
Spain. Sevilla: Junta de Andalucía. ISBN 84-699-7421-1.
Martínez, M., García-Ramírez, M., & Maya, I. (2000). Inserción socio-laboral de
inmigrantes / Socio-labor integration of immigrants. Sevilla: Universidad de
Sevilla/Junta de Andalucía. ISBN 84-699-2497-4
Martínez, M., García-Ramírez, M., Maya, I., Rodríguez, S., & Checa, F. (1996). La
integración social de los inmigrantes Africanos en Andalucía. Necesidades y
recursos / Social integration of African immigrants in Spain. Needs and resources.
Sevilla: Junta de Andalucía. ISBN 84 7936 096 8
García-Ramírez, M. (1990). El enfermo psiquiátrico y los profesionales de la salud. Un
análisis de representaciones sociales. Sevilla: Diputación Provincial. ISBN: 84-7798044-6.
García-Ramírez, M., Hernández-Plaza, S., Albar, M.J. & Luque, V. (2012, June). Building
empowering healthcare stakeholder coalitions: A community psychology approach
to user involvement for migrant populations and other vulnerable groups.
Symposium: Promoting equity in healthcare. Policies and practices that support
good work. Paper presented at the IV International Conference of Community
Psychology, Barcelona (Spain).
Hernández-Plaza, S., García-Ramírez, G. & Albar, M.J. (2012, June). Community cultural
competence: Professionals ready for diverse communities in dire straits.
Symposium: Cultural competence. Cross-cultural perspectives and emerging
paradigms. Paper presented at the IV International Conference of Community
Psychology, Barcelona (Spain).
García-Ramírez, M., Albar, M.J., & Sevillano, J.M. (2011, July). Defining and assessing
community cultural competence. Presented at the 7th Biennial Conference:
Leadership in the Multicultural World: Exploring New Frontiers of Leadership
Curriculum Vitae
20th February, 2013
Theory, Method and Practice. Organized by the International Academy for
Intercultural Research, Singapore.
García-Ramírez, M., & Paloma, V. (2011, July). The role of NGO´s in building inclusive
neighborhoods. The experience of AMAL. Presented at the 7th Biennial Conference:
Leadership in the Multicultural World: Exploring New Frontiers of Leadership
Theory, Method and Practice. Organized by the International Academy for
Intercultural Research, Singapore.
Paloma, O., García-Ramírez, M., & Albar, M.J. (2011, June). Empowering multicultural
hospitals to prevent health disparities among migrant populations: The "Hospital
Punta Europa" experience. Presented at the 13th Biennial Conference: New
Pathways Toward Community Change and Transformation. Organized by The
American Psychological Association Division 27: The Society for Community
Research and Action, Chicago, IL (USA).
García-Ramírez, M., Albar, M.J., & Sevillano, J.M. (2011, June). Defining and assessing
community cultural competence. Presented at the 13th Biennial Conference: New
Pathways Toward Community Change and Transformation. Organized by The
American Psychological Association Division 27: The Society for Community
Research and Action, Chicago, IL (USA).
García-Ramírez, M. (2011, June). Migrant liberation psychology: A global endeavor.
Presented at the 13th Biennial Conference: New Pathways Toward Community
Change and Transformation. Organized by The American Psychological Association
Division 27: The Society for Community Research and Action, Chicago, IL (USA).
García-Ramírez, M., Camacho, C., Hernández-Plaza, S. & Paloma, V. (2010, June).
Integration, acculturation and power. A predictive model of local integration
amongst Moroccans in Southern Spain. Paper presented at the 3rd International
Conference on Community Psychology, Puebla (Mexico).
Perkins, D., Siankam, B., García-Ramírez, M., Camacho, C., Hernández-Plaza, S. &
Paloma, V. (2010, June). Migration and Community Psychology. Paper presented
at the 3rd International Conference on Community Psychology, Puebla (Mexico).
Paloma, V., García-Ramírez, M., de la Mata, M., & El Jabary, T. (2009, June).
Acculturative integration and community activism among Moroccan women in
Spain. Presented at the 12th Biennial Conference: Realizing Our New Vision: Values
and Principles for Practice, Research and Policy.Organized by The American
Psychological Association Division 27: The Society for Community Research and
Action, Montclair, NJ (USA)
García-Ramírez, M., Albar, M.J., & Acosta Mosquera, E. (2009, June). An European vision
of cultural competence: Difference sensitivity and health literacy. The Hospital
Virgen Macarena experience in Sevilla (Spain). Presented at the 12th Biennial
Conference: Realizing Our New Vision: Values and Principles for Practice, Research
and Policy.Organized by The American Psychological Association Division 27: The
Society for Community Research and Action, Montclair, NJ (USA).
Paloma, V., García-Ramírez, M., de la Mata, M. (2008, June). Gender, community activism
and integration: The experience of Amal, a Moroccan women organization.
Curriculum Vitae
20th February, 2013
Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Community Psychology: Building
participative, empowering & diverse communities, Lisbon (Portugal).
García-Ramírez, M., Luque, V., Hernández-Plaza, S., & Paloma, V. (2008, June).
Immigrant psychological well-being in oppressive local conditions. Presented at the
2nd International Conference on Community Psychology: Building participative,
empowering & diverse communities, Lisbon (Portugal).
Hernández-Plaza, S., García-Ramírez, M., Paloma, V., Almorabiti, F., Manzano, V.,
Camacho, C., Albar, M.J., Herrera, I., Sevillano, J.M. & De la Mata, M. (2008).
The role of oppressive conditions in the integration of Moroccan immigrants in
Southern Spain. Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Community
Psychology: Building participative, empowering & diverse communities, Lisbon
Hernández-Plaza, S., García-Ramírez, M., Camacho, C., Manzano, V., Paloma, V., Luque,
V., Albar, M.J., & Morano, R. (2007, September). Merging ecological and
psychopolitical validities in migrant community research. The “Community
integration of Moroccans in Andalusia” project. Paper presented at the 2nd
European Community Psychology Association Seminar: “Integrating new migrants
in the new Europe: A challenge for Community Psychology”, Sevilla (Spain).
Camacho, C., García-Ramírez, M., Hernández-Plaza, S., Manzano, V., Paloma, V. Albar,
M.J., Luque, V. & Morano, R. (2007, September). The community context role in
the acculturative integration of Moroccans in Spain. Presented at the 2nd European
Community Psychology Association Seminar: “Integrating new migrants in the
new Europe: A challenge for Community Psychology”, Sevilla (Spain).
Fryer, D., García-Ramírez, M., Sánchez, A., Watters, C. (2007, September). Critical
reflexivity in the round ideological and ethical issues in relation to community
psychology research and action in relation to "Integrating New Migrants in the New
Europe". Presented at the 2nd European Community Psychology Association
Seminar: “Integrating new migrants in the new Europe: A challenge for
Community Psychology”, Sevilla (Spain).
Balcazar, F.E., Watts, R., Trickett, E., García-Ramírez, M., & Harrell, S. (2007, June).
How does cultural competence impact community research? Presented at the 11th
Biennial Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action, Pasadena,
García-Ramírez, M. (2006, June). Psicología de la liberación: Su influencia en la Psicología
Comunitaria / Liberation Psychology: Its influence in Community Psychology.
Presented at the 1st International Conference on Community Psychology: Shared
Agendas in Diversity, San Juan (Puerto Rico).
García-Ramírez, M. (2006, June). Integration, Assimilation and Acculturation: What do
they Really Mean?. Presented at the 1st International Conference on Community
Psychology: Shared Agendas in Diversity, San Juan (Puerto Rico).
Suarez-Balcazar, Y., Sharma, A., García-Ramírez, M., (2005, June). Evidence-based
culturally appropriate services for minorities. Presented at the 10th Biennial
Conference: Community Psychology in Global Perspective. Organized by The
Curriculum Vitae
20th February, 2013
American Psychological Association Division 27: The Society for Community
Research and Action, Urbana-Champaingn, IL (USA).
García-Ramírez, M., & Camacho, C. (2005, June). Adaptation and satisfaction among
Moroccans in Spain: The community context role. Presented at the 10th Biennial
Conference: Community Psychology in Global Perspective. Organized by The
American Psychological Association Division 27: The Society for Community
Research and Action, Urbana-Champaingn, IL (USA).
García-Ramírez, M. (2012). Policies as social innovations. Healthcare stakeholder
coalitions as multicultural empowering settings. Paper presented at the scientific
meeting: Measuring adaptation to diversity. COST Network for European
Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research. Action: Adapting
European Health Systems to Diversity (ADAPT). Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
Lizana, T., García-Ramírez, M., & Cooper, R. (2012). Recent moves by the Spanish
Government to deny irregular migrants access to healthcare. Paper presented at
the scientific meeting: Human rights, law and irregular migration. COST Network
for European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research. Action:
Adapting European Health Systems to Diversity (ADAPT). Athens (Greece).
García-Ramírez, M. (2012). Proposals to develop COST ADAPT’s User Involvement Project
(SP8). Paper presented at the scientific meeting: Bringing migrant and ethnic
minority users’ perspectives into health policy and health care - Strategic planning
meeting for SP8 (User involvement). COST Network for European Cooperation in
the field of Scientific and Technical Research. Action: Adapting European Health
Systems to Diversity (ADAPT). Lisbon (Portugal).
Casado, R., Ruiz, E., Albar, M.J., & García-Ramírez, M. (2011). The domestic care of older
people by immigrant women in Andalusia. From adversities to strengths. Paper
presented at the scientific meeting: Health of migrant and ethnic minority women
and girls. COST Network for European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and
Technical Research. Action: Health and social care for migrants and ethnic
minorities in Europe (HOME). Lisbon (Portugal).
García-Ramírez, M., Albar, M.J., & Sevillano, J.M. (2010). Community Cultural
Competence. Definition, measure and test of its mediating role in the
strengthening of community workers. Paper presented at the scientific meeting:
Redefining Cultural Competence. COST Network for European Cooperation in the
field of Scientific and Technical Research. Action: Health and social care for
migrants and ethnic minorities in Europe (HOME). Reggio Emilia (Italy).
Acosta, M.E., Albar, M.J., Aguilera, A., García-Ramírez, M., & CESPYD (2010). The
leadership role of nurses in building empowering multicultural health care settings.
Paper presented at the scientific meeting: Community-based research. COST
Network for European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research.
Action: Health and social care for migrants and ethnic minorities in Europe (HOME).
Sevilla (Spain).
Paloma, V., García-Ramírez, M., & AMAL (2009). Moroccan women grassroots organizations
as empowering community settings. Paper presented at the scientific meeting: The
Curriculum Vitae
20th February, 2013
role of NGO´s and CSO´s in health care for migrants and ethnic minorities. COST
Network for European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research.
Action: Health and social care for migrants and ethnic minorities in Europe (HOME).
Lisbon (Portugal).
De la Mata, M., García-Ramírez, M., & Paloma, V. (2009). Acculturative-integration and
Well-being: A Cultural-Community Approach. Paper presented at the scientific
meeting: Integrating health and social care delivery for migrants and ethnic
minorities: A transcultural approach. COST Network for European Cooperation in
the field of Scientific and Technical Research. Action: Health and social care for
migrants and ethnic minorities in Europe (HOME). Inssbruck (Austria).
Paloma, V., García-Ramírez, M., De la Mata, M., & El Jebary, T. (2008). Gender, Selfintegration &Psychopolitical Development. The narratives of Moroccan women of
AMAL a grassrooted organization. Paper presented at the scientific meeting:
Migrants' Health and Gender. COST Network for European Cooperation in the field
of Scientific and Technical Research. Action: Health and social care for migrants
and ethnic minorities in Europe (HOME). Nicosia (Cyprus).
Co-Supervision of the PhD. Thesis: “Contributions of liberation psychology to the study of
acculturation among Moroccan immigrants in Andalusia. An analysis from grounded
theory” (2008-2011). Violeta Luque Ribelles. Co-supervised with Profs. Sonia
Hernández-Plaza and Isabel Herrera, Department of Social Psychology, Faculty of
Psychology, University of Sevilla (Spain). Unanimous Outstanding.
Co-Supervision of the PhD. Thesis: “A liberation psychology approach to responses of
immigrant populations in oppressive settlement contexts: Determinants of
wellbeing in the Moroccan population in Southern Spain” (2008-2012). Virginia
Paloma Castro. Co-supervised by Prof. Carlos Camacho, Department of Social
Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Sevilla (Spain). Unanimous
Co-Supervision of the PhD. Thesis: “Cultural Competence in Nursing. Comparing Two
Realities: Caserta and Seville” (2010). Anna Bocchino. Co-supervised by Prof.
Caterina Arcidiacono. Dipartimento di Scienze Relazionali, Facoltà di Lettere e
Filosofía, Università di Napoli Federico II, Napoli (Italy). Unanimous Outstanding.
Co-Supervisio of the PhD. Thesis: “Power and Burnout Syndrome on Nurses: an explanatory
model from the psychopolitical” (2009). María Jesús Albar Marín. Co-supervised by
Ana Mª López Jiménez. University of Sevilla. Department of Social Psychology,
Faculty of Psychology, University of Sevilla (Spain). Unanimous Outstanding.
Supervision of the DEA Thesis “El Entrenamiento en Competencia Cultural de los
profesionales de la unidad de urgencias del distrito Macarena: Un proceso de
empoderamiento psicopolítico” (2010-2011). Mª Eugenia Acosta Mosquera.
University of Sevilla. Unanimous Outstanding.
Curriculum Vitae
20th February, 2013
Supervision of the DEA Thesis “Relación entre la Aplicación de la Ley de Autonomía del
Paciente por Personal médico y de enfermería y su acceso al poder organizacional”
(2009-2010). Gloria Elena Lopera Uribe. University of Sevilla. Unanimous
Supervision of the DEA Thesis “Acculturative-Integration, Self and Citizenship
Construction: The Experience of a Grassroots Organization of Moroccan Women in
Andalusia” (2008-2009). Virginia Paloma Castro. Master program: Social
Intervention in the Community. University of Sevilla. Unanimous Outstanding.
Supervision of the DEA Thesis “Empowerment y afrontamiento del estrés en profesionales
de enfermería hospitalaria / Empowerment and coping with stress
in hospital nurses” (2006-2007). Rocío Morano Báez. Master program:
Social intervention in the community. University of Sevilla. Unanimous Outstanding.
Supervision of the DEA Thesis “La adquisición de conciencia crítica en las mujeres de los
barrios marginados. Propuesta de una práctica comunitaria de base local / The
acquisition of critical consciousness among women in slums. Proposal for a local
base community practice.” (2004-2005). Violeta Luque Ribelles. Master program:
Social intervention in the community. University of Sevilla. Unanimous Outstanding.
Supervision of the DEA Thesis “El Efecto amortiguador del apoyo social en el estrés
laboral” (2002-2003). Mª Jesús Albar Marín. University of Sevilla. Unanimous
Supervision of the DEA Thesis “Contribución de las características psicosociales a la
empleabilidad de los usuarios de los programas europeos HORIZON e INTEGRADIVERSIDAD” (2001-2002). Mª Eugenia Domínguez Orozco. University of Sevilla.
Unanimous Outstanding.
Supervision of the DEA Thesis “Resultados Evolución de Diversidad” (2000-2001). Francisco
J. Santolaya Soriano. University of Sevilla. Unanimous Outstanding.
March - April (2010) Utrecht University. ERCOMER: The European Research Centre on
Migration and Ethnic Relations. Invited by David Ingleby as Visiting
June – August (2005) University of Illinois at Chicago. Department of Psychology and
Department of Disability and Human Development. Invited by Tamar
Heller as Visiting Professor.
Sept – Dec (2002)
University of Illinois at Chicago. Department of Psychology and
Department of Disability and Human Development. Invited by Tamar
Heller (Chair) and Fabricio Balcazar as Visiting Professor.
2011- Present
Member of the American Psychological Association
Curriculum Vitae
20th February, 2013
2010 – Present
Member of the International Academy of Intercultural
2010 - Present
Co-editor of the journal Intervención Psicosocial.
Member of the Organizing Committee of the Third International
Conference on Community Psychology, held in Puebla (Mexico)
in September 2010.
Member of the Organizing Committee of the scientific meeting:
Community-based research. COST Network for European Cooperation
in the field of Scientific and Technical Research. Action: Health and
social care for migrants and ethnic minorities in Europe (HOME).
In Sevilla (Spain).
2009 – Present
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Apuntes de
2000 - Present
Coordinator of CESPYD: Research Group, Coalition for the
Study of Power, Health and Diversity. Code HUM 873, belonging
to the Andalusian Research Plan.
Member of the Organizing Committee of the Second
International Conference on Community Psychology in Lisbon
(Portugal) in September 2008.
Organizing Committee member of the international seminar
"Integrating new migrants in the new Europe: a Challenge for
Community Psychology", held in Seville on 19, 20 and
September 21, 2007.
2005 - 2009
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Psychosocial
2003 - Present
Member of the European Community Psychology Association.
2000 - Present
Member of the Society for Community Research and Action:
The Division of Community Psychology of the American
Psychological Association.
1995 - Present
Member of the Social Psychology Research Health. Code HUM
0119, belonging to the Andalusian Research Plan.
“Management of Cultural Diversity” Master in Anthropology. University of Sevilla.
Academic year: Present.
“Dropout prevention in minorities and immigrants” Master in Educational Psychology,
University of Sevilla. Academic years: 2010/11-Present.
Curriculum Vitae
20th February, 2013
“Conceptual foundations on Social and Community Intervention” Master in Psychology of
Social and Community Intervention, University of Sevilla. Academic years: 2011/12Present.
“Cultural diversity, Intergroup relations, Immigrants, Regufees, and Minorities” Master in
Psychology of Social and Community Intervention, University of Sevilla. Academic years:
“Practicum” Master in Psychology of Social and Community Intervention, University of
Sevilla. Academic years: 2011/12-Present.
“Master Thesis” Master in Psychology of Social and Community Intervention, University of
Sevilla. Academic years: 2011/12-Present.
“Master Thesis” Master in Educational Psychology, University of Sevilla. Academic years:
“Introduction to Social and Community Intervention” Master in Psychology of Social and
Community Intervention, University of Sevilla. Academic years: 2010/11-2011/12.
“Mediation and Preservation Strategies” Master in Psychology of Social and Community
Intervention, University of Sevilla. Academic year: 2010/11.
“Liberation Psychology: Good Practices Based on Validity Psychopolitical Models” PhD.
Program “Social Intervention with the Community”, University of Sevilla. Academic year:
“Community Intervention and Liberation Psychology” PhD. Program “Social Intervention
with the Community”, University of Sevilla. Academic year: 2006/07.
“Psychosocial Intervention in Migratory Process” PhD. Program “Social Intervention with
the Community”, University of Sevilla. Academic year: 2001/02.
“Final Project” Degree in Psychology, 4th course, University of Sevilla. Academic year:
“Social Intervention in Formal Contexts: Social Services” Degree in Psychology, 4th course,
University of Sevilla. Academic year: Present.
“Psychology of Social and Community Intervention” Degree in Psychology, 3rd course,
University of Sevilla. Academic years: 2011/12-Present.
“Practicum” Degree in Psychology, 5th course, University of Sevilla. Academic years:
1998/99; 2004/05-2008/09; 2010/11-Present.
“Psychosocial Research, Intervention, and Evaluation Techniques” Degree in Psychology,
elective course, University of Sevilla. Academic years: 2009/10-2010/11.
“Models and Strategies of Psychosocial Intervention” Degree in Psycgology, 3 rd course,
University of Sevilla. Academic year: 1997/98-2010/11.
Curriculum Vitae
20th February, 2013
“Community Psychology” Degree in Psychology, 4th course, University of Sevilla. Academic
years: 1997/98-2001/02.
“Applied Social Psychology” Degree in Philosophy and Education Sciences (Section of
Psychology), 5th course, University of Sevilla. Academic years: 1997-1998.
“Social Psychology” Degree in Philosophy and Education Sciences (Section of Psychology),
3rd course, University of Sevilla. Academic year: 1995-1996.
“Applied Social Psychology” Degree in Philosophy and Education Sciences (Section of
Psychology), 5th course, University of Sevilla. Academic years: 1992/93-1996/97.