Curriculum - Ramon y Cajal Abogados


Curriculum - Ramon y Cajal Abogados
Carlos Melón
Government and Regulated Sectors
[email protected]
+34 91 576 19 00
Member of the Firm since 2007, Carlos’s experience is especially focused on advising public and private clients in
all types of government and public sector law matters as well as on economic activity as it relates to public law.
He is particularly versed in public sector procurement and in public-private partnerships (PPPs) and in the
regulation of certain sectors, including insurance, transport, energy, infrastructure (motorways, ports, airports),
gambling and pharmaceutical law.
He is involved in all types of administrative and governmental proceedings and represents clients before the
contentious-administrative courts.
Law Degree, University of Sevilla, 2005.
Preparation for the public (competitive) entrance exams for Counsel to the Spanish Government
(Abogado del Estado), 2005-2007.
Executive Masters Degree in Infrastructure and Energy Finance, Nebrija Business School, 2010.
Almagro, 16-18
28010 Madrid
T +34 91 576 19 00
F +34 91 575 86 78
Caravel•la La Niña, 12, 6ª planta
08017 Barcelona
T +34 93 494 74 82
F +34 93 419 62 90
Emilio Arrieta, 6 1º Derecha
31002 Pamplona
T +34 94 822 16 01
He has authored numerous publications, both in collaboration with other professionals and on his own. Examples
of his publications include the following:
Collaborative works:
La morosidad del sector público en el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones [Delay in payment obligations
undertaken by the public sector], Civitas
Memento Experto Colección Sectores Regulados [Expert focus collection on regulated sectors], Ediciones Francis
1000 Preguntas de Derecho Administrativo [1000 questions on governmental and regulated sector law],
Ediciones Francis Lefebvre
Memento Haciendas e Impuestos Locales [Focus: local tax authorities and taxes], Ediciones Francis Lefebvre
Formularios Prácticos Administrativo y Contencioso Administrativo [Practical formulae for administrative and
contentious-administrative law], Ediciones Francis Lefebvre
Memento Sucesiones y Transmisiones [Focus: inheritance and transfers], Ediciones Francis Lefebvre
Memento Procesal Civil [Focus: civil procedure], Ediciones Francis Lefebvre
Régimen jurídico de la construcción y la explotación de obras públicas [Legal regime for the construction and
operation of public works], DAPP Publicaciones Jurídicas
Individual works:
Compraventa y arrendamiento operativo de bienes de equipo para la prestación de servicios públicos de
transporte colectivo de viajeros [Sale and purchase and operational leasing of equipment and goods for the
provision of public services consisting of the collective transport of passengers], Ed. La Ley, Anuario Mercantil
for Abogados 2009
Restablecimiento del equilibrio económico de negocios jurídicos de suministro, mantenimiento y explotación
publicitaria de mobiliario urbano [Reestablishment of economic equilibrium in legal business matters involving
the supply, maintenance, and publicity-related use of urban moveable assets], Ed. La Ley, Anuario Mercantil for
Abogados 2011
Acerca de la naturaleza jurídica de los suelos destinados a sistemas generales [On the legal nature of land
intended for general systems], Actum Inmobiliario y Urbanismo 2009
Valoración expropiatoria del suelo destinado a la ejecución de infraestructuras lineales supramunicipales:
fundamentos e incidencia sobre el modelo concesional [Exproprietary valuation of land intended for the
construction and operation of supramunicipal lineal infrastructures: fundamental principles of and issues arising
from the concessionary model], Actum Inmobiliario y Urbanismo 2010
Almagro, 16-18
28010 Madrid
T +34 91 576 19 00
F +34 91 575 86 78
Caravel•la La Niña, 12, 6ª planta
08017 Barcelona
T +34 93 494 74 82
F +34 93 419 62 90
Emilio Arrieta, 6 1º Derecha
31002 Pamplona
T +34 94 822 16 01
Atribución y reparto de riesgos en el seno de la colaboración público privada para la ejecución de
infraestructuras inmobiliarias [Attribution and distribution of risks in PPP situations involving the construction
and operation of real estate and urban development infrastructures], Actum Inmobiliario y Urbanismo 2011
Apuntes sobre la legitimación activa de los miembros de las agrupaciones de empresas que optan a la
adjudicación de contratos de obras de urbanización [Notes on the active legitimisation of members of company
clusters submitting tenders for urban devleopment procurement contracts], Actum Inmobiliario y Urbanismo
Madrid Bar Association (Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid).
Almagro, 16-18
28010 Madrid
T +34 91 576 19 00
F +34 91 575 86 78
Caravel•la La Niña, 12, 6ª planta
08017 Barcelona
T +34 93 494 74 82
F +34 93 419 62 90
Emilio Arrieta, 6 1º Derecha
31002 Pamplona
T +34 94 822 16 01