conference registration form


conference registration form
Mexican Internacional Conference on Artificial Intelligence
MICAI 2004
April 26-30, 2004 Mexico City, México
Please fill in this form with the required information and return it by email together with proof of
payment to:
Dr. Alvaro de Albornoz
Computer Science Department
ITESM Campus Ciudad de México
Pone: 01 55 54-83-2020 Ext. 1462 Fax: +52 55 5864-5751
[[email protected]]
Last name (family name) _________________________ First name________________________
Title: Prof Dr Eng Mr Mrs Miss Ms Student
City _______________________________ Province/State _______________________________
Country____________________________ Postal/Zip Code_______________________________
Tel________________________________ Fax ________________________________________
RFC (for México only) ____________________________________________________________
SMIA membership number: __________________SMCC membership number: ______________
Registration Fee
MICAI Conference fee
Workshop on Intelligent Computing WIC'04 fee
One Tutorial fee
For Professionals
$ 1,100
$ 1,100
$ 350
For Students
$ 500 M/N
$ 500 M/N
$ 220
The MICAI Conference fee will include exclusively : Access to all Keynote Addresses and Paper
sessions, Access to the Workshops and electronic version of the Workshop proceedings, One
Tutorial and Coffee Breaks.
The Workshop on Intelligent Computing WIC'04 fee will include exclusively: Access to all the
tracks and sessions of Workshop, electronic and paper versions of the Workshop proceedings, and
Coffee Breaks during the Workshop.
The Tutorials fee will include exclusively: One Tutorial.
TOTAL USD: $ ___________________
Tutorial Name
Modelling and Solving with Constraint Programming
Artificial Immune Systems
Intelligent Tutoring Systems:Interface Design Using
IAC Neural Networks
Introduction to Knowledge Management
Diseño y Rediseño de Procesos Petroleros y
Químicos Usando Técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial"
Redes Neuronales Artificiales
Invited Speaker
Toby Walsh, University College Cork,
Dispankar Dasgupta, University of
Memphis, USA
Fernando Mendes de Azevedo,
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina,
Alexander Smirnov, SPIIRAS, Russia.
René Bañares, Oxford University, U.K.
Juan José Flores Romero, Universidad
Michoacana, México.
Introducción al Tratamiento Automático del Lenguaje Luis Villaseñor-Pineda, INAOE, México.
Introducción a los Algoritmos Evolutivos
Angel F. Kuri, Instituto Tecnológico
Autónomo de Mexico, México.
Sistemas Difusos: Fundamentos y Aplicaciones"
Carlos Alberto Reyes, INAOE, México.
Method of payment:
By bank transfer, made payable to Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (in
Mexico, deposit should be in Mexican pesos, please consider the current exchange rate)
Name of Account:
Account #:
Branch Office (sucursal)
Branch Office Name
Transfer code (ABA)
Pagos en sitio: No se aceptan pagos en efectivo. Se aceptan pagos con tarjeta de crédito y
cheque certificado.
You must attend the conference in order to receive the proceedings.
Date_____________________________ Signature ___________________________________