Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas extranjeras University of
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas extranjeras University of
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas extranjeras University of South Alabama LG 334: Gramática avanzada y composición. 3 créditos Sección: 101 Aula: HUMB 314 T–Th 11:00AM–12:15PM Otoño 2015 Instructor: Dr. Roberto Robles–Valencia Oficina: 328 correo electrónico: [email protected] teléfono: 251-461–1461 Horas de consulta: Martes y Jueves 10:00–11:00AM & 4:00–5:00PM y por cita previa. Objective: As an extensive study of the major aspects of Spanish grammar with a focus on increasing proficiency in the four skills Advanced Grammar and Composition (W) works most specifically on honing the students’ proficiency in written Spanish. Special emphasis is placed on descriptive and narrative writing in the course including extensive vocabulary expansion. Text: Bleichmar & Cañón. Taller de escritores. Grammar and Composition for Advanced Spanish. Second Edition. Vista. Higher Learning. Boston, 2012. Description: This course is designed to review and increase knowledge of both simple and complex grammatical structures and vocabulary in order to be able to express oneself in writing in Spanish in an increasingly polished manner. The course emphasizes three components: reading literature, vocabulary acquisition and grammar usage. By focusing on these activities, the student will be able to enhance the four basic language skills: comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. The focus of the course is the pursuit of a marked improvement in Spanish syntax usage, grammatical fluency, vocabulary use and proper orthography. The ultimate goal is to be able to write Spanish with accuracy, flexibility and precision. Course Goals: By end the semester the student will have consolidated his/her knowledge of Spanish grammar and will be able to write in Spanish with accuracy and fluidity. The student will also improve: a. comprehension b. reading ability c. interpretation of short texts of Spanish literature d. speaking ability e. critical thinking Grade Distribution: Class participation / homework / quizzies…………...10% Compositions...............................................................30% Exams (5) ....................................................................30% Diarios.........................................................................10% Escritura creativa…………………………………….10% Final Exam …………………………………………. 10 % Description of Evaluation of Compositions: Compositions will be graded according to the following criteria: content (30%), grammar (40%) and overall structure (use of vocabulary, proper introduction and conclusion, paragraph development, syntax etc.) (30%). Students will select TWO compositions and will hand in a second draft of it incorporating the suggestions made by the instructor on the first one. Although no one is to help you with the first draft of the composition, you may receive assistance from the professor, the teaching instructors or other native speakers in order to correct the second draft. It will still be your original work but you can receive general suggestions on the content, organization or the grammar. The final grade for the composition will be the one for the second draft grades. Remember that if there are little changes on the suggestions made by the instructor there will be little change in the grade. Feel free to consult with the instructor on those suggestions. Additional information on the Compositions: 1. Typed using Times New Roman 12 point font. 2. Double-space, 1" margins 3. 1 or 1 ½ page with all appropriate typed accents, tildes, and punctuation. 4. Late compositions will not be accepted. 5. You are not allowed to get help in writing the compositions. Remember: the use of another’s ideas or words constitutes plagiarism. (See Academic Integrity, below) 6. Make sure the compositions are carefully edited prior to turning them in. 7. Please make use of Dictionaries and Grammar Books while writing the compositions. 8. Do not make use of internet translation devices. It will be considered as plagiarism as presenting others’ work as if it were yours. The grade of the composition will be determined by its content and by its grammatical and structural accuracy according to the following rubric: A Well organized, few spelling and grammatical errors, theme well thought out. B Well organized, some spelling and grammatical errors, theme well thought out. C Well organized, many spelling and grammatical errors, theme not well developed. D Unorganized, too many spelling and grammatical errors, theme not developed. F Unorganized, impossible to understand from the many spelling and grammar errors. Academic Integrity The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures is committed to the fundamental value of academic honesty. The Lowdown defines plagiarism as one form of academic misconduct which is “subject to investigation and disciplinary action through appropriate university procedures. (138)” Plagiarism is using somebody else’s ideas and/or words in your writing without correctly identifying the sources. The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures will take appropriate measures as spelled out in The Lowdown in the event that plagiarism is suspected or discovered. The first offense receives an F on the paper. The second may mean expulsion from the course. Class participation: You are required to participate every day. Before coming to class you should be fully prepared to participate and have assignments completed, that means having read and studied the pages to be covered that day. Regular attendance is not participation. If you miss more than three classes 10% per day missed will be deducted from your participation grade. Arriving late to class is not encouraged. Three late arrivals will be considered one day absent. Remember, you are responsible for all assignments and work done while you are absent. Exams: Exams are given at the assigned date. There will be no make-up. The exams will include vocabulary and grammar items, a writing component and may include questions about the literature readings. Diarios: You will need a notebook for this activity. In it you will TWO entries a week in the form of a long paragraph. The purpose of the journal is for you to engage through writing with the process of learning. You can write in it about just anything (as a regular journal). Take advantage to write about the assigned reading, the grammar, vocabulary or other aspects of the interaction between you and the material presented in class. There might be suggestions made by the instructor about topics to write about. The journal is to be turned in every two weeks but it should be written on a daily basis. The instructor can check on the completion of the journal on a daily basis at any time. You will receive a global grade for this activity. The grade will reflect the seriousness of your engagement with the material of the class. Escritura creativa: The instructor will propose a subject/theme to write about these creative pieces of writing. The idea is to work collaboratively in some pieces of original creative writing (different genres). The instructor will give you instructions on how to do it but it is supposed to be an ONGOING WRITING PROJECT that lasts the whole semester. It will require working in groups, editing, proofreading and collaborating critically on other students’ writing. The grade will reflect the seriousness of your engagement with the topic suggested. Completion with a minimum of seriousness will be granted full credit. STUDENT ACADEMIC CONDUCT POLICY --in accordance with the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures will define plagiarism as “a form of cheating that involves two kinds of wrongs: 1) intellectual theft – using another person’s ideas, information, or expressions without acknowledgement of the person’s work and 2) fraud – proclaiming someone else’s ideas, information, or expressions as your own.” Violations of academic integrity will be reported to the Dept. Chair for departmental action. This will include copying homework assignments. Additionally, University policy is published in The Lowdown. ACADEMIC DISRUPTION POLICY--- Students are expected to be cordial, courteous, and respectful of faculty members and fellow students. See The Lowdown for the University of South Alabama’s policy. Common examples of disruptive student behavior include: -Sleeping in class. -Routinely entering class late or departing early. Leaving class during class time. -Repeatedly talking in class without being recognized, talking while others are talking, or dominating class discussion. -The use of cell phones. The use of laptops, except when allowed by instructor and related to the subject matter of the class. -Tampering with equipment, altering computer software or hardware, or damaging furnishings in any academic setting. _______________________ In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, students with bona fide disabilities will be afforded reasonable accommodations. If you have a disability that qualifies you for academic accommodations, please notify your instructor and provide certification from Disability Services (Office Special Student Services). The Office of Special Student Services is located the Student Center, Room 270, Phone: 460-7212 Waiver: Changes in this syllabus due to unforeseen circumstances may occur. Students will be notified of any modifications in advance, whenever possible. Escala de Evaluación A- 90 y más Excelente B- 80-89 Notable C- 70-79 Regular D- 60-69 Pasable F- 0-59 Fracaso LG%334 LIBRO Otoño%2015 CONTENIDO ASSIGNMENTS ACTIVIDADES Págs. 1,#2################### 1–1 3–6,#### 7–10 1,#2###### 1–1,#2,#3########## Elige#uno 11–13 14–18########### . Semana#1 17 13#Octubre Introducción#al# M curso Programa#de#estudio.#Horario. Lectura.################## Platero(y(yo.#Juan#Ramón#Jiménez.#### J Léxico. Descripción,#percepción. Composición#1 Semana#2 M Estructuras. PresenteK#Ser#y#estar.################## Estructuras.############## Preposiciones–#AdjeQvos.############################### J Taller#escritura Taller#escritura #DIARIO# Semana#3 M Repaso. Composición#2 J EXAMEN%1 Semana#4 Lectura.################## La#siesta#del#martes.#García#Márquez############## Escritura#creaQva# M Léxico# Ser,#estar,#haber….K#Tiempo 1. J Estructuras.# Pasados DIARIO Semana#5 Estructuras.############## Oraciones(adjeQvales############################################### M Taller#escritura .######## J Repaso. Composición#3 Semana#6 M EXAMEN%2 Lectura.################## Hernán(Cortés.#Carlos#Fuentes.######## J Léxico# Conjunciones,#genQlicios,#toponimos DIARIO Semana#7 Escritura#creaQva# M Estructuras Pasiva. 2. Futuro#y#condicional.##########################Taller# J Estructuras.# escritura Semana#8 M Repaso Composición##4 J BREAK Semana#9 M EXAMEN%3 DIARIO 18 15#Octubre J 1 18#Agosto 2 20#Agosto 3 25#Agosto 4 27#Agosto 5 1#SepQembre 6 3#SepQembre 7 8#SepQembre 8 10#SepQembre 9 15#SepQembre 10 17#SepQembre 11 22#SepQembre 12 24#SepQembre 13 29#SepQembre 14 1#Octubre # 15 6#Octubre 16 8#Octubre # Lectura.############## Léxico # La#generación#de#los#mil#euros.#Jiménez# Barca.###Expresiones#de#transición.#Sufijos. Semana#10 22–31 1,#2,#3################1,# 32–41### 2,#4#–#1,#2,#3 42–45 1,#2 46–49 1,(2(((((((((((((((Elige( 50–52### uno. 58–70 1,#2,#5,#6############# 71–76####### 1,#2–1 77–80 1,#2,#3 1,#2################## Elige#uno 1,2,3##################1,# 103–110### 2–1,#2,#3 111–115 20 22#Octubre Escritura#creaQva# M Estructuras.# SubjunQvo.# 3. 1,2,3 Entrega#de# Estructuras.############## InfiniQvos#y#parQcipios.###################################Composición# 1,2,3############### J Taller#escritura Taller#escritura corregida Elige#uno 22 27#Octubre 23 29#Octubre M Repaso J 24 3#Noviembre Semana#12 Mariposas(de(Koch.#A.#Di#Benede`o.###### Lectura##################### Cognados#falsos.#Prefijos.#Verbos#y# M Léxico. preposiciones. 19 20#Octubre 81–84 85–87###### 92–102 116–121 122–125### 130–140 # # EXAMEN%4 Composición#5. DIARIO.#### 1,#2############### 141–144#### 1,2,3K1,2K1,2,3,4 145–151 29 24#Noviembre Escritura#creaQva# Otros#usos#del#se.# 4. Semana#13 Estructuras.######## Oraciones#de#SI.################################################ M Taller#escritura Taller#de#escritura DIARIO.########## J Repaso Composición#6 Semana#14 M EXAMEN%5 Cri>ca(Literaria.(Mario#Vargas#Llosa.########### Lectura.############################### Verbos#de#cambios.###############Anglicismos,# Escritura#creaQva# J Léxico.############################### Leng.#Académico.########### 5. Semana#15 M Estructuras. Perífrasis#verbales.#Modales. 30 26#Noviembre J 31 1#Diciembre 32 3#Diciembre DIARIO#######Entrega# Estructuras.#################EsQlo#indirecto###################################################de#Composición# 1,3################Elige# 190–193##### M Taller#escritura Taller#de#escritura corregida#2. uno# 196–207 J Repaso Composición#7. Entrega#escritura# Tuesday,%December%8%%10:30–12:30 creaQva. T EXAMEN%FINAL% 24 5#Noviembre # 25 10#Noviembre 26 12#Noviembre # 27 17#Noviembre 28 19#Noviembre # # 33 8#Diciembre J Estructuras.# 1,2,3 152–154 1,#2,#3,#4######### Elige#uno. 155–157## 160–170 1,2,3##################1,# 171–177### 2#/#1,#2#/#1####### 178–185#### 1,2# 186K189 THANKSGIVING Semana#16