11th Annual New Mexico Family Leadership Conference
11th Annual New Mexico Family Leadership Conference
Program 11th Annual New Mexico Family Leadership Conference April 16 - 17, 2015 Crowne Plaza Albuquerque, New Mexico 11th Annual New Mexico Family Leadership Conference Parents Reaching Out (PRO) is a statewide non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that works with parents, caregivers, educators, and other professionals to promote healthy, positive, and caring experiences for New Mexico families and children. Founded in 1981, we have been serving families for 30 years. Our Mission The mission of Parents Reaching Out is to enhance positive outcomes for families and children in New Mexico through informed decision making, advocacy, education, and resources. Parents Reaching Out provides the networking opportunities for families to connect and support each other. This mission supports all families including those who have children with disabilities, and others who are disenfranchised. Parents Reaching Out achieves this by: • Developing family leadership • Connecting families to each other • Building collaborative partnerships • Providing families knowledge and tools to enhance their power Parents Reaching Out offers no cost: • Support and Guidance - We offer individual help for parents who have concerns about their children’s special education programs or need help navigating the health care system. Our parent-to-parent matches provide peer support for families going through similar situations. “Thank you for providing support and a caring attitude to families like ours. We can’t tell you how much this means to us.” – Parent • Information and Resources - We provide publications and workshops on early intervention, special education, and health care topics for parents and professionals. “All the information you provide is priceless to parents.” - Parent • Leadership Opportunities for Parents - We mentor parents as they share their family stories with policy makers and future teachers, doctors, and health care professionals. Our parent leaders make a difference in communities throughout the state. “Thank you for all you do for our community to advocate for our families and students with special needs.” Professional 11th Annual New Mexico Family Leadership Conference Parents Reaching Out es una organización sin fines lucrativos al nivel estatal que trabaja con padres, el personal del cuidado de salud, educadores, y otros profesionales para promover experiencias saludables, y positivas para las familias y los niños de Nuevo México. Fundada en 1981, hemos estado servido a las familias de Nuevo México por 30 años. Nuestra Misión La misión de Parents Reaching Out es de aumentar los resultados positivos para las familias y los niños de Nuevo México a través de la toma de decisiones informadas, abogacía, educación y recursos. Parents Reaching Out ofrece la oportunidad de formar redes de contacto para que las familias se conecten y apoyen unas a otras. Esta misión apoya a todas las familias incluyendo aquellos padres que tienen niños con discapacidades, y otros padres que están en desventaja. Parents Reaching Out logra esto al: • Desarrollar el liderazgo en la familia. • Conectar a las familias unas con otras. • Construir asociaciones de colaboración. • Les proporciona a las familias el conocimiento y las herramientas para que aumenten su poder. Parents Reaching Out ofrece servicios sin ningun costo: • Apoyo y Guía - Nosotros ofrecemos ayuda individual para los padres que tienen preocupaciones acerca de los programas de educación especial de sus niños o que necesitan ayuda para navegar en el sistema del cui- dado de la salud. Nuestro empate de padres con padres proporciona ayuda de personas que están pasando por situaciones similares. “Gracias por proporcionar una actitud de apoyo y de cuidado para familias como la nuestra. No podemos expresar todo lo que significa para nosotros.” – padre de familia • Información y Recursos - Nosotros proporcionamos publicaciones y talleres en la intervención temprana, educación especial, educación, clases para padres, y cuidado de la salud para padres y profesionales. “Toda la información que nos proporcione no tiene precio para los padres.” - padre de familia •Oportunidades de Liderazgo para Padres - Nosotros asesoramos a los padres para que compartan sus historias familiares con los legisladores y futuros maestros, doctores y profesionales del cuidado de la salud. Nuestros padres que son líderes hacen la diferencia en las comunidades a través del estado. “Gracias por todo lo que hacen por nuestra comunidad al abogar por nuestras familias y estudiantes con necesidades especiales.” - profesional 11th Annual New Mexico Family Leadership Conference Agenda Thursday, April 16, 2015 H Jueves, 16 de abril 2015 8:00 am– 9:30 am Registration and Breakfast H Registro y Desayuno 9:30 am – 9:45 am Welcome H Bienvenida Naomi Sandweiss H Executive Director, Parents Reaching Out Caroline Enos H Board President, Parents Reaching Out 9:45 am – 10:45 am 10:45 am – 11:00 am Keynote H Orador Principal 11:00 am – 12:15 p.m. Concurrent Breakout Sessions H Sesiones Concurrente Keeping Both Eyes on The Road: Navigating School to Work Transition Part 1 H Texas New Mexico School to Jail Pipeline H Colorado Michael Bailey H Immediate Parent Preside, National Disability Rights Network Break H Visit Exhibitors H Visita Expositores Tanya Baker-Mccue H Center for Development and Disability, Jill Tatz H Parent, Amy Nance H Parent, Scoot Benson H Young Adult Transition from youth to adulthood is challenging for almost every young person. This is particularly true for young people with disabilities. This session will explore strategies in which families of youth with disabilities can consider the support needs of their youth during transition planning process. This information will also be helpful to professionals seeking strategies to effectively partner with families, and to advocates looking to empower families in the transition process. Joan Curtis H Disability Rights New Mexico Many students have behaviors in school directly related to their disabilities. These behaviors often lead to suspensions, expulsions from school, and sometimes referrals to the justice system. Learn about your rights as a student and/or parent when behavior related to your child’s disability triggers referrals to the juvenile justice system. Pathways to Gifted and Talented Referrals for ALL students H Arizona Billie Mathews H Albuquerque Public Schools Cultural and linguistic minority students have .historically not been referred for programs in gifted education. This presentation encourages parents and educators .to work as advocates for the referral of bilingual students for gifted and talented programs, because pathways to gifted and talented referrals are for all students. 11th Annual New Mexico Family Leadership Conference Agenda Challenging Behaviors in Young Children H Nevada Melanie Waller H Charlotte’s Place Preschool Challenging behaviors are witnessed in most young children and the .root of the behavior will determine the strategy necessary to decrease the challenging behavior. In this .workshop, you will learn positive strategies to help learn what your child’s behaviors mean and how to best .encourage positive outcomes through day to day activities. ¿Qué Hay De Comer? H Parlor AB (Spanish H Español) Jan Winslow H Lo que comemos nos puede dar fortaleza o nos puede enfermar. Enseñando a nuestros niños como hacer decisiones sanas comienza con nuestras costumbres y hábitos. Vengan a aprender que son las decisiones saludables y que se debe evitar en respecto a la nutrición. En esta .sesión interactiva e informativa recibirán varios recursos y datos sobre nuestra alimentación. Want to See Kids Learn and Behave? Let ‘em Move! H Parlor CD Marcia Lee H Kids Focus Let ‘em move! Experience firsthand how movement can ignite your c. hild’s ability to focus and learn and improve their behavior, naturally. Find out how movement switches on .the brain to promote concentration and self-regulation. Learn how to channel ADD/ADHD type behavior .into positive learning without the use of medication and receive free materials on how to advocate for .movement in your child’s classroom so that your child can love learning. Sibshop H Garden Room Sibshop Part 1 Shannon Maxwell H Parents Reaching Out Sibshops will provide brothers and sisters of children with special needs an opportunity to meet other siblings in a relaxed, recreational setting. Brothers and sisters will have opportunities to discuss common joys and concerns with other siblings of children with special needs. Sibshops will provide siblings with an opportunity to learn how others handle situations commonly experienced by siblings of children with special needs. Sibshops will also provide siblings with an opportunity to learn more about the implications of their sibling’s special needs. This sibshop is limited to children ages 8-13. Sibshops proporcionarán a los hermanos y hermanas de niños con necesidades especiales la oportunidad de conocer a otros hermanos en un ambiente recreativo y relajado. Hermanos y hermanas tendrán .la oportunidad de discutir las alegrías y preocupaciones con otros hermanos de niños con necesidades especiales. Sibshops proporcionarán hermanos con la oportunidad de aprender cómo otros .manejan situaciones comúnmente experimentados por los hermanos de niños con necesidades especiales. 11th Annual New Mexico Family Leadership Conference Agenda Sibshops también proporcionará a los hermanos la oportunidad de aprender más acerca de las implicaciones de las necesidades especiales de su hermano . Este Sibshop se limita a niños de 8 a 13. 12:15 – 1:15 p.m Lunch H Almuerzo 1:15p.m – 2:30 p.m. Concurrent Breakout Sessions H Sesiones Concurrente Keeping Both Eyes on The Road: The Game of Life- Transition to Adulthood Part 2 H Texas Tanya Baker-Mccue and Phyllis Shingle H Center for Development and Disability, Jill Tatz H Parent, Amy Nance H Parent, Scoot Benson H Young Adult Participants will be invited to play a Life Course board game especially adapted to include school to work transition issues. As participants work their way through the game board, each person’s roll of the dice will identify real life transition issues that either push down or lift up their overall life journey. The game will conclude with each player rolling the dice a final time to determine their school to work transition outcome. A discussion will follow for participants to share their experiences with the Transition issues and strategies identified in the game. Running Your Own IEP H Colorado Daniel Ekman, Adam Shand and Cynthia Berkheimer H The Center for Self Advocacy/ New Mexico Developmental Disabilities Planning Council The IEP Module has information and tips for individuals about how to run your own meeting. It also has information on how to make choices that benefit you and how to voice your concerns both within and .beyond the meeting itself. The module has self help tips on how to create an IEP that reflects your real needs. Several activities help engage the audience and give a better understanding of how an IEP should be self directed using real life examples. Easy Science Activities for New Mexican Families: The Incredible Egg! H Arizona Diane Walker H New Mexico Highlands This hands-on workshop from Dr. Egg, an infamous egg lover, will provide 2 or 3 dozen .cheep and eggciting lessons that parents or teachers can easily eggsperience with children of all ages. The Egg .Professor will provide take-home recipes for some of the activities and a copy of the Standards for Happiness in Teaching and Learning will also be available. Crossing the Bridge from Early Intervention to Special Education H Nevada Katie Gordon H Disability Rights New Mexico This is a training designed for parents with .young children who are preparing to enter the Special Education services system. We’ll focus on the legal r. ights that protect children with special needs when they turn 3 years old. We’ll also talk about practical tips .like preparing for school, choosing an educational environment, and navigating resolutions to conflict. Bring your questions! 11th Annual New Mexico Family Leadership Conference Agenda Transición a la Vida Adulta H Parlor AB (Spanish H Español) Mariela Pijem H Parents Reaching Out Una visión global de cómo prepararnos para que nuestros jóvenes con discapacidad tengan una transición a la vida adulta efectiva. En esta presentación abarcaremos las diferentes transiciones que un joven con discapacidad debe lograr para alcanzar una alta calidad de vida y bienestar completo y la manera en que mejor los podemos apoyar. Las áreas de transición incluye: 1) Que quiero para mí – escuchando a nuestros hijos, apoyando sus sueños- crear planes centrados en la persona2) La casa- como promover destrezas de auto-suficiencia, auto determinación y auto-abogacía en nuestros hijos con discapacidad; 3) Educación- ¿cuáles son las opciones después de la escuela? Educación postsecundaria, entrenamiento y empleo (desde .el empelo sostenido al negocio propio); 4) comunidad- opciones en nuestra comunidad para personas con d . iscapacidad; 5) Salud –del cuidado pediátrico al cuidado médico general; 5) Custodia –tipos de custodia. Yoga H Parlor CD Sean Kehoe H Vivify Hot Yoga Vivify - to endow with life; renew life; animate. Vivify hot yoga is a Rio Rancho based yoga and fitness studio born out of the passion to share the amazing physical and mental benefits that are achieved through a consistent and well taught yoga practice. We are firm believers in the life changing ability that yoga inspires, and our goal is to provide you with the tools needed to unify oneself. Sibshop H Garden Room Sibshop Part 2 Shannon Maxwell H Parents Reaching Out 2:30 p.m.– 2:45 p.m. Break H Visit Exhibitors H Visita Expositores 2:45p.m – 4:00 p.m. Concurrent Breakout Sessions H Sesiones Concurrente Transitions in Healthcare H Texas Lisa Rossignol H Parents Reaching Out This presentation will be an introduction to Parents Reaching Out and to Transitions in Healthcare for Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs (CYSHCN). This session is designed for healthcare professionals or others who work with families with CYSHCN. Presenters provide participants with tools and timelines to support families through transition from pediatric to adult care. 11th Annual New Mexico Family Leadership Conference Agenda Autism: A Dad’s Journey H Colorado Luis Bayardo H Parent and Author Luis Bayardo, author of Autism: A Dad’s Journey, shares his unique perspective from a father’s point of view on parenting and advocating for his two sons living with Autism. Come and join him as he shares his strategies as a father, the lives of his sons, and how he has had to learn to advocate for them through the many different phases of their lives. Luis hopes to help everyone understand the internal struggles that fathers often endure as they come to accept their child’s diagnosis. Reading at Home with Your Kids! H Arizona Mario Vigil, Alicia Hatch, Shelly Buzard, Denise Koscielniak and Greg Fostad H New Mexico Public Education Department New Mexico Real Results (NMRR) and ASSETS projects are funded through NMPED and works with 39 schools and 30 districts through-out the state. NMRR has partnered with Parents Reaching Out (PRO) to assist schools with increasing reading performance of students with disabilities. Attendees will be provided strategies and activities for helping their child with reading at home. . Attendees will receive a kit with tools to implement t. he strategies/activities learned during the session at home. Parents Reaching Out: Parent Match Program H Nevada Shirlee Cohen H Parents Reaching Out Parent to Parent Match Program is the heart of Parents Reaching Out. Through Parent to P . arent bonds of mutual support and sharing of information are created. Families are connected with .other families and become empowered as they journey through all phases of their lives armed with .resources available for their child(ren). This workshop will describe the program and the opportunities for .volunteer families, and the process required to participate in the Parent Match Program. Proporcionar servicios psiquiátricos para niños en el espectro autista mientras que proveen crianza y abogan por sus propios niños con Autismo H arlor AB (Spanish H Español) Cynthia King MD, and Dr. Ramirez-Moya H UNMSOM Un panel de discusión con dos psiquiatras psiquiatras que también son padres de niños con ASD. Hablaran de los desafíos que enfrentan a diferentes edades, incluyendo la búsqueda de recursos para el diagnóstico y tratamiento, la escuela, los retos sociales y el estrés familiar. El hijo del Dr. Ramírez-Moya tiene 5 años y el de la Dr. King tiene 13 años de edad. Dr. Ramírez-Moya es originaria de Costa Rica, bilingüe en Inglés y Español, y ve a muchas familias hispanas. Ella puede hablar acerca de ASD y la cultura .hispana 11th Annual New Mexico Family Leadership Conference Agenda Zumba! H Parlor CD Bentley Laaksonen H Studio in Nob Hill. Zumba is a group fitness, dance workout and classes are typically 50 to 55 minutes long including a warm-up .and cool down portion. A given song may have two to five movement patterns that are learned by doing them-- by the e. nd of a song students can anticipate the next movement based on the music and gain .confidence and have fun with it. All movements can be adapted to personal fitness levels and range of motion constraints, so get up and Zumba! Sibshop H Garden Room 4:00 p.m.– 4:15 p.m. Break H Visit Exhibitors H Visita Expositores 4:15p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Concurrent Breakout Sessions H Sesiones Concurrente Sibshop Part 3 Shannon Maxwell H Parents Reaching Out Barbara Ibanez H NM Young Disability Leaders New Mexico Young Disability Leaders (NMYDL) will conduct this interactive presentation which features practical strategies that every person can apply to their daily lives. These strategies reduce stress and increase quality of life. In addition, real-life stories will be shared by Young Disability Leaders that encourage and motivate the audience to juggle priorities effectively, including work, play, and disability issues. The presentation includes facilitated small group discussions. Brain Injury 101 H Colorado Janelle Groover H New Mexico Brain Injury Resource Center Brain injury can happen to anyone at anytime, and it does. New Mexicans living with brain injuries are all ages and come from diverse cultural backgrounds. They also share common feelings and experiences as they cope with the challenges of living with their injuries. This presentation will take you down a journey of a brain injured person and what it means to care, support and advocate for them. We will also discuss what services are available in New Mexico for people and caregivers dealing with brain injury. Balancing Life Priorities and Reducing Stress H Texas ChildCare Programs and the ADAAA H Arizona Cindy Lafon and Amanda Barrett H Parents Reaching Out Participants will learn about how the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendment Act applies to child care programs, a child’s rights to non-discrimination, and the responsibilities of child care programs to accommodate children with disabilities. 11th Annual New Mexico Family Leadership Conference Agenda Thrift Stores, Couches and Keys H Nevada Ilene Mutchnick H N35 C Toy Occupational Therapy Services Private Contractor .This workshop will remove the myth that parents and therapists require special toys and expensive .equipment to do therapy or follow up on home programs. It will introduce the ideas that the use of household items such as furniture and spoons, can be effective along with thrift stores and imagination can b . e the most fun and functional way for parents and children to be able to follow home programs or recommendations by a therapist or another parent. Before you come to this workshop think of, or bring an item that y. ou would find in your home and by the end there will be at least 5 suggestions from the participants about how to use that item to encourage your child. Hermanos de Individuos con Diiscapacidad- Nosotros también contamos H Parlor AB (Spanish H Español) Mariela Pijem H Parents Reaching Out Los hermanos de individuos con discapacidad, por su naturaleza son los enlaces más duraderos de la vida de la persona con discapacidad. Estos hermanos crecen y se desarrollan de manera distinta a otras personas que no tiene un hermano con discapacidad y eso incluye una serie de preocupaciones y asuntos especiales que muchas veces pasan desapercibidos por la familia. Esta presentación muestra una visión global de la problemática de los hermanos de individuos con discapacidad a través de las diferentes edades, además de maneras y recursos para entenderles y apoyarles. Meditation H Parlor CD Tammy Blea H Tammy’s Edge & Glow Meditation is to make our mind calm and peaceful. If our mind is peaceful, we will be free from worries and mental discomfort, and so we will experience true happiness. Eventually, we will be able to stay happy all the time, even in the most difficult circumstances. Friday, April 17, 2015 H Viernes, 17 de abril 2015 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. Registration and Breakfast H Registro y Desayuno 8:30 – 9:00 a.m. Welcome H Bienvenida 9:00 – 10:00 a.m Keynote H Orador Principal Naomi Sandweiss H Parents Reaching Out, Executive Director Shannon Maxwell H Parents Reaching Out, Director of Programs Hector Balderas H Attorney General of New Mexico 11th Annual New Mexico Family Leadership Conference Agenda 10:00 – 10:15 a.m 10:15am – 11:30 p.m. Break H Visit Exhibitors H Visita Expositores Concurrent Breakout Sessions H Sesiones Concurrente Advocacy Tools from the CDD Information Network H Parlor GH Phyllis Shingle and Jeanne Favret H Center for Development and Disability Learn how the CDD Information Network’s website and Information Specialists can help find disability related information, resources, books, DVDs, and E-books about topics such as health and nutrition, IEP strategies, literacy, behavior management, etc. This sessions will provide a demonstration on how to access the online CDD Library catalog, as well as E-books and activities showing how to utilize the Disability Resource Directory to find resources for families in New Mexico. Also a discussion and demonstration of the Medical Home Portal and how families and health professionals can find useful information in multiple languages, an overview of the CDD Information Network website, and the Informational Tip Sheets and videos. Participants will be able to sign up for a CDD Library card on site. Let’s Communicate! Strategies for Parents to Increase Language Skills at Home H Parlor EF Laurel Rogers H Albuquerque Speech and Language Hearing Center This session is for parents of young children with speech and language delays. It will provide a variety of strategies for parents to use at home to build their child’s communication in addition to any speech and language their child may be receiving. Further information will be provided about therapy services available at Albuquerque Speech Language Hearing Center and other parent training opportunities. Strategies for Maximizing Participation in Highly Emotional Meetings H Parlor CD This workshop will provide an overview of the proven communication skills that support positive, productive engagement in all types of family, school based/ IEP, and workplace meetings. The strategies for maximizing participation in high conflict mediation/facilitated meetings will be explored. The presenters will utilize audience participation, exercises, and small group activities. This workshop will include effective .tips for any participant, including parents, attorneys, social workers, therapists, and mediators working with families or individuals in emotionally charged settings. How to Help Your Child Find Good Employment H Parlor AB Through the use of Evidenced Based and Customized Employment techniques, Ms. Cetera Jines will .demonstrate three effective job search tools that parents can easily use to help create good employment outcomes for their child. 1. Skills Identification – transferable and self- management skills, 2. Job Shadowing Susane Melone and Susan Laughlin H Andrea Cetera Jines H Advanced Employment 11th Annual New Mexico Family Leadership Conference Agenda 3. Task Lists Utilizing these proven processes effectively, and parents will understand the value of Skills .Identification, Job Shadowing and the creation of specific Task Lists in choosing and finding the right job/ employment. By incorporating these simple and easy techniques, parents can be active participants in their child’s job search, develop an in depth understanding and knowledge of employment, what’s required to succeed on the job and can assist in determining what could be their best job. La primera infancia, estrategias para los padres y recursos comunitarios H Garden Room (Spanish H Español) Rocio Perales H Inspirations El propósito de este taller es proporcionar a las familias información sobre el desarrollo típico para sus hijos. Además de proporcionar estrategias para los padres para apoyar el desarrollo de sus hijos en cada rutinas diarias ; y proporcionar a las familias con recursos en la comunidad donde pueden obtener ayuda si sus hijos se están quedando atrás en su desarrollo. 11:30 – 12:45 p.m. Lunch H Conference Wrap-up H Raffle Shannon Maxwell H Director of Programs, Parents Reaching Out Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors! H ¡Gracias a nuestros patrocinadores! 11th Annual New Mexico Family Leadership Conference Keynote Speakers Michael T Bailey Keynote H Orador Principal April 16, 2015 Michael T. Bailey of Portland, Oregon is immediate past president of the National Disability Rights Network, the world’s largest cross disability advocacy organization. He is the first person not employed by a Protection and Advocacy Office. He is the father of a 26 year old young woman with Down syndrome and credits her for whatever he may know about disabilities. Michael has worked as a lobbyist, community organizer and is a former Partners in Policy Making Coordinator for Oregon. He is a member of ADAPT and participated in many nonviolent civil disobedience actions. He is author of “Special Education: A Parent’s Guide to a Child’s Success” and has spoken at conferences in thirty seven states in the past few years. He is currently writing a book on American history and intellectual disabilities. PRO is honored to have Mr. Bailey as our Keynote speaker. H Michael T Bailey with Lois Curtis, the plaintiff in the Olmstead Case. Michael T Bailey, de Portland, Oregon, es ex presidente de la Red Nacional de Derechos de los Discapacitados, organización de defensa de la discapacidad más grande del mundo . Él es la primera persona no empleada por una Oficina de Protección y Defensa . Él es el padre de una joven de 26 años con Síndrome de Down y la acredita por lo que él puede saber acerca de las discapacidades . Michael ha trabajado como cabildero , organizador de la comunidad y es ex Coordinador de formulación de políticas en Oregon . Es miembro de ADAPT y participó en muchas demostraciones de desobediencia civil no violenta . Es autor de “La educación especial: Una guía para padres para el éxito de un niño “, y ha dado conferencias en treinta y siete estados en los últimos años . Actualmente está escribiendo un libro sobre la historia de América y discapacidad intelectual. 11th Annual New Mexico Family Leadership Conference Keynote Speakers Hector Balderas Keynote H Orador Principal April 17, 2015 After law school, Attorney General Balderas followed his passion for public service, working as an assistant district attorney for Bernalillo County and as a special prosecutor for domestic violence cases in New Mexico’s Fourth Judicial District. He served as a state representative from 2004 to 2006, and during his first legislative term, was elected state auditor. When he was elected auditor, at the age of 33, he became the youngest Hispanic statewide elected official in the nation. Attorney General Balderas has been recognized by the State Bar Association for his efforts to reform the criminal justice system, and was honored by Carolyn Kennedy as the recipient of the 2010 John F. Kennedy New Frontier Award. In addition to being licensed to practice law in New Mexico, he is a Certified Fraud Examiner. Attorney General Balderas lives in Albuquerque with his wife and three children. H A native New Mexican, Hector Balderas was raised by a single mother in the small village of Wagon Mound. Growing up in public housing and on food stamps, he learned the importance of compassion and respect, and gained the conviction that everyone – no matter their background – deserves the same opportunities to succeed. He was the first person from his community to earn a law degree, which he received from the University of New Mexico School of Law. Un nuevo mexicano nativo, Héctor Balderas fue criado por una madre soltera en el pequeño pueblo de Wagon Mound. Crecer en la vivienda pública y en los cupones de alimentos, aprendió la importancia de la compasión y el respeto, y ganó la convicción de que todo el mundo - sin importar sus antecedentes - merece las mismas oportunidades para tener éxito. Él fue la primera persona de su comunidad para ganar el título de abogado, que recibió de la Universidad de Nueva Facultad de Derecho de México. Después de la escuela de derecho, el Procurador General Balderas siguió su pasión por el servicio público, trabajando como asistente del fiscal del Condado de Bernalillo y como fiscal especial para casos de violencia doméstica en el Cuarto Distrito Judicial de Nuevo México. Se desempeñó como representante Estado desde 2004 a 2006, y durante su primera legislatura, fue elegido auditor estatal. Cuando fue elegido auditor, a la edad de 33 años, se convirtió en el más joven de todo el estado oficial hispano elegido en la nación. Fiscal General Balderas ha sido reconocido por la Asociación de Abogados del Estado por sus esfuerzos para reformar el sistema de justicia penal, y fue honrado por Carolyn Kennedy como el destinatario del reconocimeinto John F. Kennedy Premio New Frontier 2010. Además de tener licencia para practicar leyes en Nuevo México, esta certificado para examinar fraude. Fiscal General Balderas vive en Albuquerque con su esposa y tres hijos. 11th Annual New Mexico Family Leadership Conference Exhibitors Conference Exhibitors Beaded Jewelry and Fleece Animals Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico (BCBS) Center for Development and Disability (CDD) CHI St. Joseph’s Children Children’s Medical Services (CMS) Continuum of Care (COC) Dale’s Acoma Pottery Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (DDPC) Disability Rights New Mexico (DRNM) Education for Parents of Children with Special Needs (EPICS) Family Infant Toddler Program (FIT) Growing in Beauty (GIB) Learning RX MCH Family Outreach Mesa View Mobile Gift Shop Native American Professional Parent Resources Early Head Start (NAPPR) Parents Reaching Out (PRO) Public Education Department (PED) Sally Davis- Author of Jimmy: Toughest. Dog. Ever The Arc of New Mexico YMCA of Central New Mexico LearningRx is proud to attend and help sponsor the 11th Family Leadership Conference! Our Students Include: • Struggling students • Children and adults with dyslexia or reading struggles • Children and adults with ADHD • Children and adults on the autism spectrum • Victims of strokes or traumatic brain injuries LearningRx-Albuquerque 7120 Wyoming Blvd. NE, Ste. 16 (505) 856-1596 www.learningrx.com Stop by our booth to see how we can help your student, and receive a special offer available only at the Family Leadership Conference! Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid 5151 San Francisco Rd Breakfast & Lunch Provided Free Event! Meet Elsa from FROZEN Massage Yoga Nutrition APRIL 25, 2015 9 – 4PM COMMUNITY HEALTH & WELLNESS FAIR Eye Screening Healthy Kids Healthy Families Our vision is to promote good health awareness and encouraging participants to assume responsibility for their own health as well as their families. An interactive and informative fair to enhance knowledge in healthy decision making. While creating an event for parents, children, teachers and providers to experience a positive, caring and healthy experience. “Your Happiness is a MARMIJO@PARENTSREACHI NGOUT.ORG Speaker: Tara Arellano ParentsHealth” Reaching Out Brought to you By: Sponsored By: Organic Products PLEASE RSVP: reflection of your 1920 Columbia Dr. SE Albuquerque NM 87109 505-247-0192 Parentsreachingout.org Las Cruces – Farm & Ranch Museum 4100 Dripping Spring Rd Free Entry Free Event! Breakfast & Lunch Provided Massage Yoga MAY 16, 2015 9 – 4PM COMMUNITY HEALTH & WELLNESS FAIR Nutrition Care Van Healthy Kids Healthy Families Our vision is to promote good health awareness and encouraging participants to assume responsibility for their own health as well as their families. An interactive and informative fair to enhance knowledge in healthy decision making. While creating an event for parents, children, teachers and providers to experience a positive, caring and healthy experience. Speaker: DeAnna Armijo Brought to you by: Sponsored by: Organic Products PLEASE RSVP: MARMIJO@PARENTSREACHING OUT.ORG “Your Happiness is a Parents Reaching Out reflection of your Health” 1920 Columbia Dr. SE Albuquerque NM 87109 505-247-0192 Parentsreachingout.org 11th Annual New Mexico Family Leadership Conference Notes __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 11th Annual New Mexico Family Leadership Conference Notes __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 11th Annual New Mexico Family Leadership Conference Notes __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 11th Annual New Mexico Family Leadership Conference Hotel Map and Agenda Thursday, April 16, 2015 8:00a 9:30a Breakfast – Registration Open – Exhibits Open (Provided) 9:30a 9:45a Welcome 9:45a 10:45a Keynote: Michael Bailey– General Session- NM Ballroom 10:45a 11:00a Break (Visit Exhibitors) Texas 11:00a 12:15a 12:15a 1:15p Colorado Arizona Nevada New Mexico School to Jail Pipeline Pathways to Gifted and Talented Referrals for ALL Students Challenging Behaviors in Young Children Colorado Arizona Nevada Running Your Own IEP Easy Science Activities for New Mexican Families: The Incredible Egg! Part 1- Keeping Both Eyes On the Road: Navigating School to Work Transition Lunch (Provided) Texas 1:15p 2:30:p 2:30p 2:45p 2:45p 4:00p Part 2- Keeping Both Eyes On the Road: Navigating School to Work Transition 4:15 4:15p 5:30p Garden Room Want to see kids learn and behave? Let ’em move! Sibshop Parlor AB Parlor CD Garden Room Transición la Vida Adulta Yoga Sibshop Parlor AB Parlor CD Garden Room Zumba Sibshop Parlor CD Garden Room ¿Qué hay de comer? Break (Visit Exhibitors) Texas Colorado Transitions in Healthcare 4:00p Crossing the Bridge from Early Intervention to Special Education Parlor CD Parlor AB Autism: A dad’s Journey Arizona Reading at home with your kids! Nevada Parents Reaching Out: Parent Match Program Proporcionando servicios psiquiátricos para niños con Autismo durante la crianza y la defensa de nuestros propios niños con Autismo Break (Visit Exhibitors) Texas Balancing Life Priorities and Reducing Stress Colorado Brain Injury 101 Arizona Child Care Programs and the ADAAA Nevada Thrift Stores, Couches and Keys Parlor AB Hermanos de Individuos con DiscapacidadNosotros También contamos Mediation Friday, April 17, 2015 7:30a 8:30a Breakfast – Registration Open – Exhibits Open (Provided) 8:30a 8:45a Welcome 8:45a 10:00a Keynote: Hector Balderas – General Session NM South/North 10:00a 10:15a Break (Visit Exhibitors) Parlor GH Parlor EF Let’s Communicate! Strategies for Parents to Increase Language Skills at Home 10:15a 11:30a Advocacy Tools from the CDD Information Network 11:30a 12:45p Lunch (Provided) - Conference Wrap Up -Raffle Parlor CD Strategies for Maximizing Participation In Highly Emotional Meetings Parlor AB How To Help Your Child Find Good Employment Garden Room La primera infancia, estrategias, para los padres y recursos comunitarios Thank you for Coming! 1920 Columbia Dr SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 247-0192 or (800) 524-5176 www.parentsreachingout.org