PROGRAMA 3º MEDIO y 4º MEDIO: TALLER DE INGLÉS “WORKSHOP: TALKING SCIENCE” Profesor: Dra. Eugenia Díaz G. Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile Profesora Ayudante: Paulina González Horario: 09:00 a 10:30 horas Lugar: Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Beauchef 850, Santiago Duración: 12 de abril al 2 de agosto de 2014 (Exceptuando fines de semana largo y vacaciones de invierno) Abstract From its very beginning, the development of the human society has been strongly dependent on communication, which is the sharing of information by speaking, writing and various other methods. From beating drums and smoke signals, the inkpress, the telegraph, the telephone, satellites and e-mails, human communication has developed nowadays in order to face the demands of a fast-running world, by means of tools such as Internet, Facebook, Youtube and the social networks in general. In our present day, worldwide communications are characterized by their immediacy and unrestricted access to social interactions. In an overwhelming percentage this communication occurs in English. As communications are no longer confined to our local environment, but open to the whole world, to be able to communicate in this language has become a most valuable skill. This workshop offers you an amiable space where you will develop and improve this skill. The weekly activities will be centered on interesting scientific articles, written for public outreach. Through task such as reading, understanding, presenting, discussing and answering questions in English, you will improve your speaking capabilities, your vocabulary and will become a confident and more fluent English speaker. Study Units Session 1: Introduction to the workshop. Getting to know each others. Session 2: Commenting some interesting news Session 3: Talking about biological topics Session 4: Talking about astronomical topics Session 5: Talking about environmental topics Session 6: Talking about physical topics Sessions 7, 8, 9 and 10: To be defined Session 11: Conference Myths and Realities about the Brain Session12: Practical evaluation Calendario de Clases Abril 9:00 a 10:30 Mayo Junio Julio Agosto 12 26 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 2 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 CC C= Laboratorios CC=Ceremonia de Cierre * Horario referencial sujeto a cambios *Dirigido a alumnos que posean un dominio adecuado del idioma inglés y que deseen adquirir práctica y fluidez en un ámbito de divulgación del conocimiento científico