048lJune 26.pub - our lady of lourdes


048lJune 26.pub - our lady of lourdes
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 25-26
The Family: The Sanctuary of Life. The family is the
“Sanctuary of Life” and the basic and vital cell of society. The
Holy Family, of course, is unique. One member is God, another is sinless, and the third is a saint. But the great lesson of
today is that although God could have come into the world in
any way he pleased, he chose to become a member of a famiTODAY’S READINGS: 1 Kgs 19:16-21; Ps 16:1-11; Gal 5:1- ly, obedient to his earthly parents, and yet totally devoted to
18; 1 Sam 3:9, John 6:68; Luke 9:51-62
the Heavenly Father’s will, as we all must be. He also shared
NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS: Isa 66:10-14; Ps 66:1the vulnerability that comes with being a member of a human
20; Gal 6:14-18; Col 3:15-16; Luke 10:1-20
family. “Herod is going to search for the child in order to destroy him.” St. Joseph here plays the unbelievable role of proMEL ALLEN HALL
tecting God. His readiness to do so speaks to every father
June 28 YLI meeting at 7pm
about the role of protector, and to our whole society about the
July 2-3 Fr. Richard Sedlacek’s welcoming
need we have for good and faithful fathers. The culture of life
depends just as much on fathers making the
Inland Northwest Retrouvaille Marriage saving Weekend right choices as on mothers doing so. Strong
Even Diamonds Start as Coal - Is your marriage or that of a
families are an integral aspect of the Culture
relative or friend heading for divorce? Do you know how to
of Life. It is precisely the breakdown of
save that marriage? Or do you feel helpless? Retrouvaille is
family structure that increases the temptation to abort, or to resort to euthanasia or a
designed to help troubled marriages regain their health. It
helps spouses uncover or awaken the love, trust and commit- lack of proper care for the elderly..
ment that originally brought them together. The program is
Thank You Fr. David !
highly successful in saving hurting marriages, even bringing
Lets all thank Fr. David for being
reconciliation to couples who have already separated or dihere with us at Our Lady of Lourdes
vorced. Retrouvaille is for any couple who would like to rechurch. He has been a
discover their marriage and improve communication. Visit
great priest and a good friend to
www.Retrouvaille.org for emotional testimonials. For confi- everyone. Farewell and may the
dential information or to register for the September 9-11,
Lord Bless You and keep you on
2016 Spokane weekend call (509) 520-4118 or (800) 470your new parish assignments.
2230 or visit the web site at www.Retrouvaille.org.
Welcome Visitors!
7 Day Pilgrimage Our " SPECIAL" 7 Day Pilgr image to
Fatima Portugal will be offered from the 3 Airline Gateways
of Newark NJ, New York JFK, and Boston MASS. The Price
of $1599.00 is the all inclusive price which includes airfare, 4
Star hotel, 2 meals per day, Tour Guide and deluxe bus and
more. Price is the same from all three airports and we can assist you in securing air from your home city to one of the 3
gateways listed above. We will also be flying from Miami
International but the pilgrimage will be one day longer and
the all inclusive price will be $1699.00. The travel dates from
Newark, JFK and Boston will be November 14-20, 2016 and
the travel dates from Miami will be November 14-21,
2016. Brochures and reservation forms are available at the
Catholic Tour. Please call 1-877-627-4268 toll free. You may
also email: [email protected]
Jeff & Junie Heil
John & Nancy Probst
Ed & Karen Thill
Mike & Kathy Wangler
Jerry & Eileen Kappenman
David & Anne Burkett
June 25 Cooper Quigley
June 26 Jeff Heil, Jonathon Rice, Tammy Ripperger
June 27 Carlos Torres, Carmela Baez, Mike T. Beksinski, Terry
June 28 Gustavo Larios, Sandra Collins, Victor Luna
June 29 Calvin Paulus, Joan Stai, Kate Chen
June 30 Juan Guerrero Chavez
July 1 Lorena Flores
Please call the Parish Office to remove or add a
name: 697-4633 Thank You!
June 25
5:30 PM Benner/Chalupa
June 26
8:00 AM Lantz
12:00 PM
Record/Collins/Lockbeam Record
Arturo .G, Yaritza Berenice Y Luz .R, LiM.,Cecilia .C
dia .I (David & Rosa)
Felipe y
Kristin & Maggie Ballew LaBissoniere Ballew
July 3
8:00 AM Lantz
Doherty/Lindsay & Cayli
Allison Conger
Record/Collins/Lockbeam Strand
12:00 PM
Jose Luis .P, Laura Blanca .S, Maria H.
Palacios, Lorenzo (Jaime & Yolanda)
Christina / Kay / Paul
Kevin, Aracely, Noe y Gloria .V, PetroniDavid, Diego la .V , Lidia .C
5:30 PM Irbys
Cayli Conger
July 2
Arnie & Ruth/Paul/Rippergers
Kevin, Aracely, Antonio .S , Jose luis Y Laura
David, Diego Palacio,Petronila .V
Gracias Padre David!
Vamos todos Agradecer al Padre. David por
estar aquí con nosotros todos estos años en la
iglesia Nuestra Señora de Lourdes. Ha sido un gran sacerdote y
un buen amigo para todos. Adiós y que el Señor lo bendiga en
sus nuevas misiones parroquiales.
“No one who sets a hand to the plow, and looks to what was left
behind is fit for the Kingdom of God.” Jesus was fond of using
agricultural terms and images when teaching His Apostles and
His followers, and this quote, which comes at the end of our Gospel Reading from Luke today, is an excellent example of that.
In fact, you almost have to have had experience with farming and
plowing to understand what it means. It is important for the
health and sustenance of crops that the furrows made by a plow,
and in which the seeds will be planted, are straight. Whether
plowing in Jesus’ time either by hand or with a plow pulled by
oxen, in order to plow straight rows, someone had to focus on
where he was going, not on where he had been. It has not
changed with our modern farm equipment today.
In other words, the secret is to look forward, and to assure that
you are going in a straight line. Looking back invariably made
the person plowing
lose focus. That is
Jesus’ point to us.
As good stewards
we must keep our
focus on Him, on
following Him,
and on being His
disciple. That allows us to move
toward our goal of
holiness and of being the kind of disciple He wants us to be.
(from catholicstewardship.org)
St. Paul Cathedral School Summer Camps: Kids ages 6-13
come join us at St. Pauls Summer Camps this summer! They
include: Disney: June 13-17,Animal Adventure: June 20-24,
Cooking up Science: Aug 1-5, and Drama: Aug 8-12. The cost is
$100 per week. Camps run Monday-Friday from 8:30am to
11:30am. For more information please call the school at 5755604 or email [email protected].
The Complete Bible Catholic Bibles contain seven more Old
Testament (46) books than Protestant Bibles (39). Catholics refer
to these seven books as the “deuterocanon” (second canon),
while Protestants refer to them as “apocrypha,” a term used pejoratively to describe non-canonical books. Protestants also have
shorter versions of Daniel and Esther. Why are there differences?
Catholic Bibles contain all the books that have been traditionally
accepted by Christians since Jesus’ time. Protestant Bibles contain all those books, except those rejected by the Protestant Reformers in the 1500’s. The chief reason Protestants rejected these
biblical books was because they did not support Protestant doctrines, for example, 2 Maccabees (12:44) supports prayer for the
dead. Sirach, supports the Doctrine of free will (15:11-20), and
Tobit demonstrates the efficacy of good works (4:10) The term
“canon” means rule or guideline, and in this context means
“which books belong in the Bible (and, by implication, which do
not).”© Evangelization Station, 2010
LA 1 PM. Comenzando el Domingo 10 de Julio la misa en
español se va cambiar a la 1 de la tarde debido a los
compromisos de los sacerdotes de la iglesia de La
Sagrada Familia que van a venir a celebrar la misa
de español en esta parroquia.
Estamos buscando maestro/a para dar clases de 56 y 7- 8 grado. Si esta interesado/a por favor de
llamar a la oficina al 697-4633 o mandar email a
[email protected]
Registraciones para Primera Comunión apar tir de
Julio. Traer copia del certificado del bautismo, llenar la
aplicasion que esta en la entrada de la iglesia. Y pagar $25.
Si tienen preguntas llamen al 697-4633
Los MISIONEROS DE LA PALABRA van venir a la parroquia este domingo. En el mundo actual existe una actitud anticatólica manifiesta, de modo que quien desee manifestarse abiertamente como católico, recibirá constantemente críticas y
oposiciones, que pueden llegar a verdaderas persecuciones. Por
todo ello, es preciso que los católicos convencidos se pongan de
pie, propaguen su fe, especialmente con su vida, y den testimonio
ante el mundo actual de que vale la pena ser católicos. Ser católico es tener la seguridad de estar en la verdad, que Dios mismo
nos enseñó por medio de Jesucristo. La verdad, que en el amor a
Dios y al prójimo, da sentido a nuestra vida y nos llena de alegría
y felicidad. Pero también supone ser signo de contradicción y
recibir ataques de aquellos que hablan mucho de tolerancia, pero
no toleran la fe católica. Ser católicos de verdad en un mundo
anticatólico es difícil, porque supone luchar contra una mayoría
que, por maldad o por ignorancia, atacan nuestra Iglesia y nuestra
La Familia: El santuario de la vida
La familia es el "santuario de la vida" y la célula básica y vital de
la sociedad . La Sagrada Familia , por supuesto, es única. Uno de
los miembros es Dios, otra es sin pecado concebida, y el tercero
es un santo . Pero la gran lección de hoy es que, aunque Dios
pudo haber venido al mundo de cualquier forma que quisiera, él
optó por convertirse en miembro de una familia, obediente a sus
padres terrenales, y sin embargo, totalmente dedicado a la voluntad del Padre celestial, como todos deben ser. También compartió
la vulnerabilidad que involucra ser miembro de una familia humana. "Herodes va a buscar al niño para matarlo." San José juega
aquí el papel increíble de la protección de Dios. Su disposición a
hacerlo habla a cada padre sobre el papel de protector, y a toda
nuestra sociedad acerca de la necesidad que tenemos de padres
buenos y fieles. La cultura de la vida depende tanto de los padres
que toman las decisiones correctas como de las madres que lo
hacen. Las familias de gran fortaleza
son un aspecto integral de la cultura
de la vida. Es precisamente la ruptura
de la estructura familiar lo que aumenta la tentación de abortar, o la de
recurrir a la eutanasia o la de la falta
de atención adecuada a las personas