help center - North Texas Food Bank
help center - North Texas Food Bank
SNAP MYTHS WHAT WE NEED to complete your application MITOS de SNAP I don’t want to take benefits away from someone who can use it more. Picture ID Social Security Cards Everyone that qualifies for benefits is entitled to receive them. There are currently $1.7 billion of unclaimed benefits. At least two pay stubs Proof of Income Proof of Address Yo no quiero quitarle los beneficios a alguien quien los necesita mas que yo. . Todos los que califican recibrán beneficios. Hay $1.7 billiones es de beneficios sin reclamar. It’s not worth all the paperwork for only $15 of assistance. Even with only $15/month, you would receive $180/year. Think about the food you could buy with almost $200! No vale la pena recibir solo $15 de asistencia. Pero con $15/mes, puede recibir $180/año. Piense lo que puede hacer con casi $200. HELP CENTER LO QUE NECESITAMOS para completar su solicitud Identificación Seguro social Dos talones de cheques Comprobante de ingresos Comprobante de domicilio Social Services Assistance North Texas Food Bank NEED HELP WITH FOOD? 4500 S. Cockrell Hill Rd. Dallas, TX 75236 ¿Necesita asistencia This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This project has been funded at least in part with Federal funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. 214-269-0906 con comida? 1 of 5 people in your community are eligible for SNAP ELIGIBLE FOR SNAP? ¿Usted puede calificar para recibir SNAP 1 de cada 5 personas es elegible para recibir SNAP Our Mission Our mission is to bridge the gap between community need and available benefits through community outreach and education. We strive to connect with clients that do not have access to or knowledge about available government assistance. Nuestra Mision Nuestra mision es cerrar la brecha entre las necesidades de la comunidad y beneficios disponibles a traves de la educacion relaciones con la communidad. Nos esforzamos para conectar con los clients que no tienen acceso o conociemiento sobre la asistencia gubernamental disponible. FAMILY MONTHLY INCOME 1 $1,619 2 $2,191 3 $2,763 4 $3,335 5 $3,907 +1 additional +572 North Texas Food Bank Social Services Assistance Help Center can help you: APPLY for SNAP, Medicaid, TANF, CHIP over the phone. FIND a pantry, hot meals or produce distribution near you. GET information about social services that may benefit you and your family! LOCATE the NTFB mobile pantry near you! Quick. Easy. Confidential. CALL TODAY! ¡LLAMENOS HOY! 214-269-0906