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NAME _______________________________________ USE FOR 1-25 ON PROJECT _____ 1. Absolutism _____ 2. Agrarian HOMEWORK DUE FRI. SEPT 9 Directions: Match each vocabulary word with its correct definition. A. Right to rule from god (EUROPE) B. Living & non living objects have spirits (Spirits of nature) C. Chinese philosophy based on social order & filial piety (respect for family D. Spread of goods, ideas & technology from one people to another _____ 3. Alexander the Great E. The process of arable (fertile) land becoming arid (dry) _____ 4. Animism _____ 5. Archaeology F. Political system in which a monarch (king/queen) has supreme power & control over the lives of the people and country G. Study of cultures _____ 6. Anthropology H. Chain or group of islands _____ 7. Archipelago I. Conquered Greece, Egypt, Persia and parts of India; his legacy is the _____ 8. Buddhism spread of Hellenistic culture J. Holy wars between Christians & Muslims (1096-1292); deemed a _____ 9. Bushido “Successful Failure” because of cultural diffusion & the fact that the _____ 10. Charlemagne Christians did not take back the holy land _____ 11. Christianity _____ 12. Confucianism K. System of forced labor in Latin America (New World/ Age of Exploration) L. Difference; many different cultures M. Samurai code of conduct (similar to knights’ chivalry) _____ 13. Copernicus, Nicolaus N. Frankish (France) king that unified the 1st great Western European empire after the fall of Rome _____ 14. Crusades O. Farming/agriculture _____ 15. Cultural Diffusion _____ 16. Democracy _____ 17. Desertification P. Began in India & later moved to China; 4 Noble Truths; Eightfold Path; nirvana; REJECTS the caste system; dharma; karma; reincarnation; nonviolence Q. Belief that one’s own ethnic group is superior to others _____ 18. Diversity R. Study of artifacts _____ 19. Divine Right S. Monotheistic; based on teachings of Jesus Christ; 10 Commandments & _____ 20. Encomienda System _____ 21. Ethnocentrism _____ 22. Feudalism _____ 23. French Revolution _____ 24. Geography _____ 25. Golden Age Bible serve as ethical codes of conduct T. Period of peace & prosperity within a culture U. Decentralized system of government based on land & rigid class structure during the Middle Ages V. Study of land formations & how people adapt to their environment W. Political system (government) in which rule is in the hands of the people X. Revolution against the monarchy due to social inequality of the three Estates; led to the rise of Napoleon & inspired European nationalism Y. Heliocentric theory; Scientific Revolution USE FOR 26-50 ON PROJECT _____ 1. Hammurabi’s Code Directions: Match each vocabulary word with its correct definition. A. More than enough _____ 2. Heliocentric Theory B. People that move from place to place in search of food _____ 3. Hinduism _____ 4. Interdependence _____ 5. Islam _____ 6. Isolationism _____ 7. Judaism _____ 8. Locke, John _____ 9. Louis XIV _____ 10. Luther, Martin _____ 11. Machiavelli, Niccolo _____ 12. Magna Carta _____ 13. Mandate of Heaven _____ 14. Manorialism _____ 15. Matriarchy _____ 16. Patriarchy _____ 17. Mercantilism _____ 18. Nationalism _____ 19. Neolithic Revolution _____ 20. Nomads _____ 21. Polytheism C. Belief in more than one god D. A country’s policy to stay out of foreign affairs E. 1215 document signed by King John; limited the power of the monarchy in Britain F. 1st written code of laws; emphasized stability & order; “an eye for an eye” G. Monotheistic; worship Allah; based on the prophet Muhammad; Koran & the Five Pillars serve as ethical codes of conduct H. Belief in one god I. Producing just enough food to survive J. Pride in one’s country K. German monk & leader of the Protestant Reformation who wrote the 95 Theses, which opposed the abuses of the Roman Catholic Church (i.e., sale of indulgences); new branches (sects) of Christianity formed L. Sun is the center of the universe M. Enlightenment philosopher; all people born with 3 natural rights of life, liberty & property N. Right to rule from god (ASIA) O. Period of “rebirth” of art, literature, philosophy and culture in Europe P. “the ends justify the means”; an Italian philosopher who wrote of how to rule and maintain power (The Prince) Q. Economic system in which the colony exists to benefit the mother country R. Polytheistic; origin = India; caste system; NO SOCIAL MOBILITY; rigid class structure S. Self-sufficient economic system used during the Middle Ages T. Change from nomadic herding to settled farming U. Ancestry is traced through the mother’s family line _____ 22. Monotheism V. Family organized with the father at the head of the household _____ 23. Renaissance W. Absolute monarch in France from 1643 to 1715; “Sun King”; exercised _____ 24. Subsistence Farming _____ 25. Surplus unlimited power; put down revolts; built extravagant Versailles Palace; His lavish court & endless foreign wars left France almost bankrupt. X. Oldest monotheistic religion; Abraham & Moses are prophets; 10 Commandments and Torah/Talmud serve as ethical codes of conduct Y. When 2 or more countries rely on each other goods, resources & services