Date: November 2, 2016 Classroom: 10 Teacher: Ms. Laurie Writing


Date: November 2, 2016 Classroom: 10 Teacher: Ms. Laurie Writing
Date: November 2, 2016
Classroom: 10
Teacher: Ms. Laurie
Writing: A 2 sided "Riddle Me a Riddle" worksheet - First
think of 4 things that begin with the letter of the week.
Write (with someone's help) and illustrate each of the 4
words. Pick your favorite 1 and on the other side write 3 or 4
hints to help the rest of the class guess what it is. Make sure
to write and illustrate the word again on the bottom of that
side also.
It is white.
It is a liquid.
It is healthy for you.
It comes from a mom cow.
It is milk. (Draw the picture.)
Teacher Note: Our trip to the Fire Station was cancelled
today due to the weather. It has been rescheduled for
Friday, November 4th.
Tarea del salón 19
Semana del 31 de octubre al 4 de noviembre
Escribe la palabra de uso frecuente un.
2. Escribe la palabra un o una de acuerdo al dibujo.
3. Lee y practica la palabra de uso frecuente un y una.
Escribe la letra Pp ( 2 hojas)
Practica de líneas circulares hacia delante.
Usa el dedo para trazar los círculos hacia delante en
las letras y en los números.
Practica las cuatro clases de líneas (2 hojas).
Ayuda al perro a que encuentre a su dueña.
Traza y escribe el número 1 y 2.
Traza y escribe el número 3 y 4.
Traza y escribe el número 5 y 6.
Traza y escribe el número 7 y 8.
Homework: Date: 10/26/16
Room: 14
Grade: 1
Reading: Reading Log
Math: Lesson 2-2
Teacher: Mrs. Labecki
Grade: _4___Room: _24___Teacher: Ms. Dorazil
Homework for Wednesday; November 2, 2016
Reading (English): Read for 15 minutes
Language Arts:
Page 24: Multiply
STmath : 15 minutes
Practice mult/div facts
page WB229: Concept Review
Social Studies:
Power Point: Region project due: 11/7/16
Information on Google Classroom
Other: Raz-Kids password (neumanjm)
Complete your gym journal entries
Special Instructions from the Teacher: All students should
come everyday with a chapter book to class. Make sure you
check on your email.
Homework Ms. Frankowiak
Grade 6
Math- page 75:1-6
Science- Be sure to have lightening bolt and 5 facts ready to hand in.
Reading- for literature circles : WORK ON GROUP PROJECT: plot and summary of book
(diorama, poster display, or powerpoint)
Grade 7
ELA- complete Drug Awareness work: expository poster and personal response (3-5 paragraphs)
Grade 8
ELA- complete Drug Awareness work: expository poster (include a citations section) and
personal response (5 paragraphs)