September 30, 2012 (Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost)
September 30, 2012 (Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost)
INSTITUTE OF CHRIST THE KING SOVEREIGN PRIEST At Holy Family Catholic Church: 338 W. University Blvd., Tucson NE Corner of University Blvd. and Main, I-10 exit Speedway Blvd. Contact information see below. Daily Mass & Confession times see inside. Visit our website with the extended version of our weekly bulletin. Reverend Canon Richard P. von Menshengen, Veritatem Facientes in Caritate Live the Truth in Charity Parish Administrator and Rector September 30 A.D. 2012 The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest is a Society of Apostolic Life in Canonical Form of Pontifical Right. Founded in Gabon, Africa in 1990, the Institute has its Motherhouse and International Seminary in Florence, Italy and works currently in over fifty dioceses worldwide. In the United States it comprises thirteen apostolates and has its U.S. Headquarters in Chicago. Having been invited to Tucson in 2008 by His Excellency The Most Reverend Gerald F. Kicanas, Bishop of Tucson, the Institute celebrates the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Liturgy at St. Gianna Oratory according to the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI. Effective August 6, 2010 Bishop Kicanas has entrusted the Parish Administration of Holy Family Parish to the Institute which conducts the Religious Education Program and provides parish management, while priests from within the Diocese are charged with the celebration of the Ordinary Form of the Roman Liturgy at Holy Family Parish. Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux: Secondary Patroness of the Institute Wednesday, October 3 … O Heart of Jesus, wealth of tenderness! My joy Thou art, in Thee I safely hide. Thou, Who my earliest youth didst charm and bless, Till my last evening, oh! with me abide, All that I had, to Thee I wholly gave, To Thee each deep desire of mine is known. 'Whoso his life shall lose, that life shall save; — Let mine be ever lost in Thine alone!... To see Thee in Thy glory face to face, — I know it well, — the soul must pass through fires. Choose I on earth my purgatorial place, — The flaming love of Thy great Heart’s desires! So shall my exiled soul, to death’s command, Make answer with one cry of perfect love; Then flying straight to heaven its Fatherland, Shall reach with no delay that home above. Taken from her poem “To the Sacred Heart” Oct. 1895 Institute of Christ the King Canon Richard von Menshengen, Administrator of Holy Family Parish and Rector of St. Gianna Oratory Cell: (520) 303-8859 [email protected] Holy Family Parish: 338. W. Univ. Blvd, Tucson, Az 85705 Tel: (520) 623-6773 Fax: (520) 623-3578 [email protected] Office hours: Mon & Fri. 11a.m. to 5 p.m. and Wed. from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. St. Gianna Oratory: Mail: Priory of Our Lady of Guadalupe P.O. Box 87350, Tucson, AZ 85754 Tel: (520) 883-4360 Fax: (520) 578-6076 [email protected] 2012 Presidential Debate Schedule TV Channels – Each debate will be broadcast live on ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC, as well as all cable news channels including CNN, Fox News and MSNBC among others. All debates are sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates. Presidential Debates 1. October 3, 2012 (Wednesday) Topic: Domestic policy Air Time: 9:00-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time (6:00-7:30 p.m. Tucson time) Location: University of Denver in Denver, Colorado Participants: President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney Moderator: Jim Lehrer (Host of NewsHour on PBS) The debate will focus on domestic policy and be divided into six time segments of approximately 15 minutes each on topics to be selected by the moderator and announced several weeks before the debate. The moderator will open each segment with a question, after which each candidate will have two minutes to respond. The moderator will use the balance of the time in the segment for a discussion of the topic. 2. October 16, 2012 (Friday) Topic: Town meeting format including foreign and domestic policy Air Time: 9:00-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time (6:00-7:30 p.m. Tucson time) Location: Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York Participants: President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney Moderator: Candy Crowley (CNN Chief Political Correspondent) The second presidential debate will take the form of a town meeting, in which citizens will ask questions of the candidates on foreign and domestic issues. Candidates each will have two minutes to respond, and an additional minute for the moderator to facilitate a discussion. The town meeting participants will be undecided voters selected by the Gallup Organization. 3. October 22, 2012 (Monday) Topic: Foreign policy Air Time: 9:00-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time (6:00-7:30 p.m. Tucson time) Location: Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida Participants: President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney Moderator: Bob Schieffer (Host of Face the Nation on CBS) The format for the debate will be identical to the first presidential debate and will focus on foreign policy. Vice Presidential Debate Oct. 11, 2012 (Thursday) Topic: Foreign and domestic policy Air Time: 9:00-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time (6:00-7:30 p.m. Tucson time) Location: Centre College in Danville, Kentucky Participants: Vice President Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan Moderator: Martha Raddatz (ABC News Chief Foreign Correspondent) The debate will cover both foreign and domestic topics and be divided into nine time segments of approximately 10 minutes each. The moderator will ask an opening question, after which each candidate will have two minutes to respond. The moderator will use the balance of the time in the segment for a discussion of the question. The Liturgical Calendar for St. Gianna Oratory (Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite) Sun. 09/30 Mon. 10/01 Solemnity of St. Therese of the Infant Jesus Low Mass w/organ at 8:30 a.m. For the Staff and Students at Thomas Teich and Desert Springs Academy Mac Copeland from Mrs. Lydia Capara Virgin, Doctor of the Church, Secondary Patroness of the Institute of Christ the King II Class, White Comm. of the 18th Sun. after Pentecost High Mass with organ and Gregorian Chant at 1:00 p.m. followed by a public procession In honor of St. Therese Alan, Chris, Raul, Joshua, Frank and Thomas Votive Mass of the Most Holy Trinity Low Mass at 8:00 a.m. Special Intention Alan Aversa and Frank de la Ossa Low Mass w/organ at 8:00 a.m. For Teri Gauger (birthday on Oct. 3) Alan Aversa and Frank de la Ossa IV Class, White Comm. of St. Remigius, Bishop and Confessor Tue. 10/02 Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels III Class, White Wed. 10/03 St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, Low Mass w/organ at 8:00 a.m. Followed by Benediction and Virgin and Doctor of the Church Rosary in honor of the Most Seconday Patroness of the Pure Heart of St. Joseph and of Institute of Christ the King St. Therese of the Child Jesus II Class, White For Mickie Roudebush (birthday) Alan Aversa and Thomas Yee Thur. 10/04 Votive Mass of Our Lord Jesus Christ Sovereign and Eternal Priest Low Mass w/organ at 7:00 p.m. followed by Benediction For Faith Karasch (birthday on September 18) Vincent Teich and Mac Copeland III Class, White Comm. of St. Francis of Assisi, Confessor (Confession from 5:00-6:50 p.m.) Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Low Mass at 8:00 a.m. For Raymond Cardinal Burke from St. Gianna Oratory Special Intention Alan Aversa and Frank de la Ossa In reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Alan Aversa and Chris Gauger For Pope Benedict XVI from St. Gianna Oratory Clement Teich and George Stypa In honor of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Alan, Chris, Raul, Joshua, Frank and Thomas First Thursday Fri. 10/05 First Friday III Class, White Comm. of St. Placid and Companions, Martyrs Sat. 10/06 First Saturday Sun. 10/07 Votive Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary III Class, White Comm. of St. Bruno, Confessor Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary II Class, White Commem. of the XIX Sunday after Pentecost Low Mass w/organ at 7:00 p.m. Low Mass w/organ at 8:00 a.m. Preceded by Adoration & Benediction from 7:00 to 7:50 a.m. Low Mass w/organ at 8:30 a.m. High Mass with organ and Gregorian Chant at 1:00 p.m. followed by a public procession. Chris Gauger Clergy, volunteer staff and lay apostolates at St. Gianna Oratory: Canon Richard von Menshengen, Rector of St. Gianna Oratory, cell: (520) 303-8859, e-mail: [email protected] Fr. David Reinders, Chaplain at the V. A. Hospital, Tucson, assistant priest, cell: (520)240-9537, e-mail: [email protected]. Don Perkins and Richard Karasch, Sacristans; Marie Hackert, Choir Director (520) 298-8451; Jesus Vega, Head Usher; Teri Gauger and Deborah Brunner, Office Management .(520) 883-4360. Saint Gianna Oratory Choir: Please contact our Choir Director Ms. Marie Hackert for more information at (520) 298-8451. Lay apostolates: Society of the Sacred Heart, Seminary Society, Holy Name Society, Altar & Rosary Society, Marian Catechism, Saint Gianna Oratory Choir, Altar Server Guild. St. Gianna Beretta Molla pray for us! Solemnity of St. Therese of the Child Jesus Come from Libanus, my spouse, come from Libanus, come; thou hast wounded my heart, my sister, my spouse, thou hast wounded my heart. (Psalm) Praise the Lord, ye children: praise ye the name of the Lord. Glory be to the Father. Come from Libanus... INTROIT: Cant. 4: 8-9; Ps. 112:1 COLLECT: O Lord, Who hast said: Unless you become as little children you shall not enter into the Kingdom of heaven: grant unto us, we beseech Thee, so to follow in humility and simplicity of heart the footsteps of Saint Therese, the Virgin, that we may obtain everlasting rewards: Who livest and reignest. EPISTLE: Is. 66: 12-14 Thus saith the Lord: Behold I will bring upon her as it were a river of peace, and as an overflowing torrent the glory of the Gentiles which you shall suck; you shall be carried at the breasts, and at the knees they shall caress you. As one whom his mother caresseth, so will I comfort you: and you shall be comforted in Jerusalem. You shall see and your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like an herb, and the hand of the Lord shall be known to His servants. Deo Gratias. GRADUAL: Mt. 11: 25; Ps. 70:5 I confess to Thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them to little ones. My hope, O Lord, from my youth. ALLELUIA: Ecclus. 39: 17-19 Alleluia, alleluia. Bud forth as the rose planted by the brooks of waters: Give ye a sweet odor as frankincense. Send forth flowers as the lily, and yield a smell, and bring forth leaves in grace, and praise with canticles and bless the Lord in his works. Alleluia. GOSPEL: Mt. 18: 1-4 † Continuation of the holy Gospel according to St. Matthew At that time, the disciples came to Jesus, saying: Who, thinkest Thou, is the greater in the kingdom of heaven? and Jesus calling unto Him a little child, set him in the midst of them, and said: Amen I say to you, unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, he is the greater in the kingdom of heaven. Laus tibi Christe. My soul doth magnify the Lord: and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior: because He hath regarded the humility of His handmaid. He that is mighty hath done great things to me. OFFERTORY: Lk. 1: 46-48, 49 May the holy prayers of Saint Therese Thy Virgin, we beseech Thee, commend our sacrifice to Thee, O Lord: in her honor we solemnly offer it: in view then of her merits do Thou accept it. Through Our Lord. SECRET: He led her about and taught her, and He kept her as the apple of His eye. As an eagle He has spread His wings and hath taken her on His shoulder. The Lord alone was her leader. COMMUNION: Deut. 32: 10-12 May the heavenly mystery, O Lord, inflame us with the fire of that love by which Saint Therese, Thy Virgin, offered herself to Thee as a victim of charity for mankind. Through Our Lord. POSTCOMMUNION: The Liturgical Calendar for Holy Family Parish (Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite) Vigil Mass at 4:00 p.m. For the repose of the soul of Alfred Tellez Sun. Sept. 30 7:00 a.m. Holy Mass in English For Santo Nino de Celebrant: Atocha Special Intention Rev. Abram Dono Sun. Sept. 30 10:00 a.m. Holy Mass in English For the repose of the soul of Fiona Corn Vigésimo Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 11:30 a.m. For Parishioners of Holy Celebrant: Family Church Rev. Henry Dauphinais Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time/Vigésimo Séptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Vigil Mass at 4:00 p.m. Sat. Sept. 29 Sun. Sept. 30 Sat. Oct. 6 and Sunday Oct. 7 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Santa Misa en Español For the repose of the soul of Salome W. Bayly; Sunday Masses at 7:00 a.m. & For the repose of the soul of Jerry White; 10:00 a.m. (English); In honor of St. Michael the Archangel; For Parishioners of Holy at 11:30 a.m. (en Español) Family Church Celebrant: Rev. John Coady Celebrant: Rev. Msgr. Gerald Walsh Celebrant: Rev. John Coady Rev. Abram Dono Rev. Msgr. Gerald Walsh Rev. Henry Dauphinais Weekend collection September 22/23, 2012: $1,250 HOLY FAMILY PARISH STAFF: LAY APOSTOLATES at Holy Family Church: Mrs. Sylvia Cordova, Office Manager and SEP Compliance Officer [email protected] KNIGHT S OF COLUMBUS Council 12737 Mrs. Jackie Case, Finance Officer [email protected] bi-weekly. Monthly meetings for continued formation for all graduates of this program on the First Thursday of each Month. Please contact Mrs. Sylvia Cordova (DRI). Mrs. Irene García, Secretary [email protected] parish territory. Mr. Stewart Smith, President. [email protected]; Food donations and volunteers are always welcome. For more information please contact the Parish Office at (520) 623-6773 or visit our website. BAPTISMS: Please call the Parish Office for more details. MARRIAGES: Please call the Parish Office six months prior to any arrangements. Call us @ (520) 623-6773 Mon., Wed., Fri. from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Meets on First and Third Tuesdays of each month at 7:00 p.m. in church. MARIAN CATECHISM for beginners and advanced on Wednesday evenings ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: Helping the needy and poor in our TIMON DE FE, our Hispanic outreach committee, meets every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in Our Lady of Guadalupe Hall in the church basement. Charismatic Prayer Group in English and Spanish: Please call the Parish Office for more information: (520) 623-6773. SAN MARTIN DE PORRES MEAL PROGRAM at Holy Family Church to serve the needy and poor in Tucson. Free sack lunches on Sun. 3 pm, and Mon. to Wed. at 4:00 pm. Volunteers to help are very welcome! Please call the Parish Office to sign up to help: (520) 623-6773. Vigésimo Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario (B) Lecturas: Numeros 11: 25-29 Salmo 19: 8, 10, 12-13, 14 Santiago 5: 1-6 Evangelio: Marcos 9: 38-43, 45, 47-48 Jesús puso muchos ejemplos para hacer entender a sus seguidores el costo del discipulado, hasta llegar a la cruz con Él. Les previno acerca del peligro de la ambición personal, del daño que causa el rechazar a los demás por envidia o intolerancia y del grave pecado del escándalo y de incitar a otros al pecado. ¡Qué importantes son las palabras de Cristo para nosotros hoy! En estos tiempos modernos, se exalta a la persona humana por sobre todas las cosas. Se nos urge a propugnar nuestras propias opiniones, y a veces a hacerlas prevalecer sobre las enseñanzas de Dios. Defender las preferencias propias es visto como firmeza de personalidad, y no hacerlo es consi-derado como flaqueza o timidez. Sin embargo, parte de nuestra entrega a Jesús es aceptar la cruz y someternos a su doctrina. Por eso se nos enseña a tolerar a todos los que invocan el nombre de Jesús, aunque no formen parte de “nuestro grupo”. Tambien se nos manda despojarnos de todo lo que pueda conducirnos a la perdición. Muchas veces vemos que esto es contrario a la manera humana de pensar y sentir; pero, en realidad, ¡qué necesario es hacerlo si queremos caminar con Jesús! ¿Nos parece que las palabras del Señor contradicen lo que pensamos? Quizás lo veamos así al principio, porque nos cuesta ajustar nuestros puntos de vista a los de Jesús, debido a que somos discípulos débiles. Pero no nos desesperemos. La gracia de Dios y su palabra están allí para reconfortarnos y ayudarnos a crecer en la fe en Cristo. A medida que nos empeñemos por imitar al Señor, comenzaremos a experimentar el gozo que produce la obediencia a los mandamientos de Dios. La luz de la Palabra nos capacitará para aceptarlos más aún, e infundirá en nuestro interior un gran deseo de obedecer a Dios. “Señor, queremos conocer y experimentar las delicias de la vida nueva que ganaste para nosotros en tu santa cruz, una vida de discipulado, que sí tiene un costo, pero que nos llenará de fe y regocijo.” Source: WELCOME TO ST. GIANNA ORATORY! WELCOME TO HOLY FAMILY PARISH! We celebrate Holy Mass in Latin daily. Confessions 30 minutes prior to each Mass. We celebrate Masses in English and Spanish on weekends and Holy Days of Obligation. Missals in both English/Latin and Spanish/Latin may be borrowed for Mass attendance. Our Religious Education Program offers First Holy Communion and Confirmation Classes as well as RCIA. Canon Richard von Menshengen also holds a monthly Conference Program on the Liturgy. Please have a look on our credenzas in the back of the church. Our weekly bulletins and religious materials may be taken for free. Registration forms, Mass donation and collection envelopes are also available on the credenzas. Send us your e-mail address to receive our weekly online-bulletin. Write us at [email protected]. All are welcome! Todos son bienvenidos¡ Our Religious Education Program offers sacramental preparation for children and adults. We also offer ongoing education in our Catholic Faith. Classes are offered in English and Spanish. Marriage and Baptism classes are offered by Canon Richard von Menshengen for both Holy Family Parish and St. Gianna Oratory. Send us your e-mail address to receive our weekly online-bulletin. Write us at [email protected]. The Knights of Columbus Council at Holy Family Church offers a Pancake Breakfast in the church basement hall usually on the third Sunday of the month. TIMON, our Hispanic outreach committee, offers Hispanic cuisine usually on the first Sunday of the month. All are welcome! Todos son bienvenidos¡ Holy Family Catholic Church is one of Tucson’s historic landmarks. Built in the Mission style in 1913 in the Hispanic Dunbar Springs neighborhood and close to the University of Arizona, it was consecrated on Jan. 14, 1915 by Msgr. Henry R. Granjon, third Bishop of Tucson (1900-1922). Holy Family Parish is Tucson’s oldest Catholic church. Its first pastor Fr. Lucas of St. Joseph O.C.D. and his successor Fr. Eduardo of the Child Jesus O.C.D. were beatified by Pope Benedict XVI on October 28, 2007, the Feast of Christ the King. Since September 2008, Holy Family Catholic Church is the home of both Holy Family Parish and St. Gianna Oratory with the Traditional Latin Liturgy. Both communities are under the care of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. Blessed Lucas and Blessed Eduardo, pray for us! DAILY CONFESSIONS at Holy Family Catholic Church On Sunday before the 8:30 a.m. Latin Low Mass and during the 1:00 p.m. Latin High Mass. On weekdays Mon. through Sat. 1/2 hour before the 8:00 a.m. Latin Mass except Thursday 2 hours before the 7:00 p.m. Latin Mass. On First Fridays of the Month 1/2 hour before and also after the 8:00 a.m. Latin Mass. On First Saturdays of the Month 1 hour before and also after the 8:00 a.m. Latin Mass. On Saturday after the Parish 4:00 p.m. Vigil Mass (English). By appointment: Please call Canon R. von Menshengen on his cell: (520)-303-8859. ¡BIENVENIDOS AL ORATORIO DE SANTA GIANNA! ¡ BIENVENIDOS A LA PARROQUIA DE LA SAGRADA FAMILIA! Celebramos Santa Misa en Latin diariamente. Ofrecemos confesiones diariamente 30 minutos antes de la Misa. Celebramos Misas en inglés y español los fines de semana y días de precepto. Misales en inglés /latin y espanol/latin están disponibles para su uso en nuestras misas. Nuestra programa de educación religiosa ofrece preparación para los sacramentos para niños y adultos (CCD y RCIA). Tambien ofrecemos educación continua en la fe católica. Ofrecemos clases en ingles y en espanol. Por favor visite las credenzas en la parte posterior de la iglesia. Allí encontrará nuestros boletines semanales y material religioso disponibles para su uso. Todos los materiales son gratis. Clases de matrimonio y bautizo para Santa Gianna y Sagrada Familia son ofrecidas por Canon Richard von Menshengen. Envíenos su dirección de correo electrónico para recibir nuestro boletín en linea. Envíenos su dirección de correo electrónico para recibir nuestro boletín en linea. Escríbanos a [email protected]. Los domingos, nuestros acomodadores esperan ayudarle con sus preguntas y necesitades. Escríbanos a [email protected]. Tenemos reuniones sociales mensuales. Clases de catecismo para niños y adultos (CCD y RCIA) son ofrecidas por Canon Richard von Menshengen. Canon von Menshengen también ofrece una conferencia mensual sobre la liturgia. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! All are welcome! Los Caballeros de Colón de la Parroquia Sagrada Familia ofrecen un desayuno de panqueques en el salón por lo general el tercer domingo del mes. TIMÓN, nuestra comisión hispano, ofrece comida mexicana por lo general el primer domingo del mes. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! All are welcome! La Parroquia de la Sagrada Familia es una de los lugares de interés histórico de Tucson. En el ano 1913, la iglesia fue construida en el estilo de las misiones en el barrio hispano Dunbar Springs cerca a la universidad de Arizona. Fue consagrada el 14 de enero 1915 por Monseñor Henry R. Granjon, tercer obispo de Tucson (1900-1922). Parroquia de la Sagrada Familia es la más antigua parroquia de Tucson. Su primer párroco, el Padre Lucas de San José O.C.D., y su socio Fr. Eduardo del Niño Jesús O.C.D., fueron beatificados por el Papa Benedicto XVI el 28 de octubre, 2007 - la Fiesta de Cristo Rey. Hoy la iglesia católica de Sagrada Familia es el hogar de ambos Parroquia de la Sagrada Familia y Santa Gianna Oratorio que ofrece la liturgia latina tradicional.Ambas comunidades están bajo el cuidado del Instituto de Cristo Rey Soberano Sacerdote. Bl. Lucas y Bl. Eduardo, ruega por nosotros! CONFESIONES DIARIOS EN LA IGLESIA CATOLICA DE LA SAGRADA FAMILIA Domingos - 1/2 hora antes de la misa en latin de las 8:30 a.m. Durante de la semana - lunes, martes, miercoles, viernes, y sabado - 1/2 hora antes de la misa en latin de las 8:00 a.m. Jueves dos horas antes de la misa en latin de las 7:00 p.m. El primer viernes del mes - 1/2 hora antes y despues de la misa de latin de las 8:00 a.m. El primer sabado del mes - una hora antes y despues de la misa de latin de las 8:00 a.m. Sabados - inmidiamente despues de la misa en ingles de las 4:00 p.m. Con cita previa: Por favor llame a Canon R. von Menshengen en su celular: (520) 303-8859. INVITATION TO THE LATIN MASS With the Church document “Summorum Pontificum” (2007) Pope Benedict XVI invites us all to discover the treasure of the Latin Mass, of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Liturgy, which is the Liturgy of Rome, of the Popes and subsequently the Liturgy of most of Christendom. Over the centuries the Holy Ghost, Who is the Spirit of Jesus Christ and Who is the Soul of the Catholic Church and the Sanctifier, has created the marvelous Catholic Liturgy, and especially the Roman Rite which is considered the Mother of all Catholic liturgical rites. The Liturgy is like the most beautiful artwork and setting for the gem of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and of the sacraments. All theological depth of expression, all beauty of art, all devotion and sense for the sacred has been gathered by the Holy Spirit in the elaboration of the Catholic Liturgy in which our Lord and High Priest Jesus Christ gathers us in the spirit of adoration, praise, thanksgiving, petition and atonement before God the Father. The Latin language is a bond of unity that unites us to the Chair of St. Peter and lets us pray in the same words as our parents, grandparents, and ancestors worshipped. Jesus spoke Latin, St. Peter and St. Paul lived in Rome and spoke Latin, the Popes speak and write in Latin; Latin is not the language of a foreign nation but the first language of our Holy Mother the Church. Latin is used both in the Novus Ordo/Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite as well as in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. Latin is an integral part of the papal Liturgy. From Pope John XXIII and the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) to Pope Benedict XVI the Magisterium of the Church has insisted on the importance of Latin for the daily celebration of the Liturgy. We invite you to discover the Latin Mass and to start a spiritual journey into the heart of the Church’s Liturgy. Booklets in English/Latin and Spanish/Latin are available on the credenzas in the back of the church. Latin is a language without borders; the Liturgy of the Latin Mass goes back to the first centuries of Christianity. Latin is an open language that belongs to you and to me, to our ancestors and to future generations. It is the same Mass, it is the first language of the Church, it brings you through its depth of faith and beauty of expression enumerable blessings! It lets you breath the living faith of twenty centuries to conquer the twenty-first century for Christ! Participation at the Latin Mass is very easy: Just come and let the Liturgy of the Church charm, nourish, and edify your heart: At the Low Mass the servers answer for the congregation so that the faithful do not even need to know any answers and may follow the Liturgy either in the Missal, or by watching it prayerfully, or by meditating upon the Mysteries of Christ. At the High Mass the choir sings the answers and the faithful in the congregation may join in if they wish to do so. In order to attend a Latin Mass you don’t need to have any pre-knowledge. Your knowledge will deepen at each Latin Mass that you attend. In addition, you will learn more about the theological meaning of its rites and prayers in catechism classes, conferences and sermons which we have been offering. Just come and see and everything else will follow. Missals for the faithful are available. We also have books about the Latin Mass for sale if you wish to deepen your knowledge about the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven. In the Sacrament of Baptism we receive an indelible mark on our soul, the so-called character– which enables us to spiritually participate in the Catholic Liturgy in the celebration of the Divine Mysteries.. Our vocal prayer and our exterior expressions of kneeling, sitting, standing, folding of hands, singing etc. are an outward expression of our interior faith which is the Faith of the Holy Catholic Church. Come and see and let the Holy Spirit pray in your heart!
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