stop — walk on the side walk or next to the fence!


stop — walk on the side walk or next to the fence!
Lisa’s List!
Winter is Here!!! Bundle Up!!!
Nov/Dec 2014
Important Dates –November –ANTI-Bullying Month
Wednesday’s 12:30– 3:00 Civics Class -Childcare Provided
(All Year Long)
Fridays—Eating Smart/Being Active 12:30—2:00 Spanish & 2:00 –3:30 English—Childcare provided (7 weeks)
November 25—Kindergarten Registration Informational Meeting—FSP provided 11:00—12:30
November 26—1/2 day for students (NO PM Class)
November 27 & 28—Happy Thanksgiving—NO school
December 2—Sandy’s Class to the Library
December 8—FSP Outreach Job Center 10:00—12:00
December 10—FSP Outreach—WIC—1:00—3:00
December 15—Policy Council 4:30—5:30
December 16– FSP KCHC Outreach 9:00—11:00
December 18 - Head Start Family Holiday Night—
December 22—January 4—Winter Break
January 5—School Resumes See you in 2015!
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Tips for Parents!
Children learn best when routines and daily schedules have been established. Along with providing opportunities to learn about order, sequencing, and concepts of time, children also learn that
routines allow for responsibility, decision making, and sharing. Established routines make for
smoother transitions and help children to prepare mentally for the day and what is to come,
while providing frameworks in which creative learning can occur.
And remember, you don’t have to buy expensive toys to have a creative learning environment at
home—the most important ingredient is your own imagination. Your love and your time are
the greatest gifts you can give your child.
Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD) puts student safety first when determining whether to close schools due to extreme weather. Several factors are taken into consideration, including:
Is there a sustained wind chill of -34° or lower? (automatic closure)
Is there a sustained temperature of -20° or lower? (automatic closure)
Will the wind chill stay that low for an extended period of time?
Is there blowing and driving snow with winds of 20 miles per hour?
Is there or will there be a heavy accumulation of snow, especially during the typical travel times to and from school?
Are streets and sidewalks clear?
Are buses unable to run due to extreme cold or unplowed streets?
Are driving conditions hazardous?
Are there power or phone outages?
In the event our schools are closed or the arrival/dismissal time is changed due to severe weather, an announcement will be made
via: local television stations, radio stations, KUSD website (, KUSD Channel 20,,, 359-SNOW (7669).
If schools are to be closed for the day, KUSD will make every effort to release this information via the aforementioned avenues by
5:30 a.m. If school is closed, all after school activities in the district, including sports and evening events, will also be canceled. Also,
when KUSD schools are closed, no transportation will be provided to private and parochial schools.
Please instruct your child in what to do, who to contact, and where to go if school is dismissed early. School personnel will not leave
buildings until all students are transported home and walkers are dismissed.
Unless notified otherwise, Procedure 1 is in effect.
PROCEDURE 1: All schools in KUSD will be open today. Students and personnel are expected to attend.
PROCEDURE 2: All schools in KUSD will open two hours late, and buses that transport students will be running approximately two hours late. There will be no AM or PM Early Childhood, Speech Impact or Four-Year-Old Kindergarten classes. Personnel
are expected to report as normally scheduled. Dismissal will be at the regular time.
PROCEDURE 3: All schools in KUSD will be closed and no students are expected to report. The Senior Citizen Center
will be closed. KUSD employees required to report to work are: full-time custodial employees; full-time food service workers;
maintenance personnel; carpenters and painters; warehouse personnel; administrative, supervisory and technical staff. Two potential school closings are built into the academic calendar for: teachers, education support professionals, interpreters, 10-month and
12-month secretaries and miscellaneous employees.
If there are more than two school closings, 10-month secretaries will have the school year extended for the purpose of making up
the day(s). Twelve (12) month secretaries, education support professionals, interpreters and miscellaneous employees may report to
work, use vacation or personal time, or take unpaid time (deduct).
GENERAL GUIDELINES: 10° and below; wind chill factor of 0° or below; and rain/drizzle/blizzard = indoor recess, indoor noon recess, and early entrance to door areas/hallways.
The principal is responsible for the timely implementation of the guidelines; reasonable supervision of students under all circumstances; and informing parents each year of the district’s expectations regarding indoor periods due to weather conditions. Student
handbooks should contain a statement in this regard.
El Distrito Escolar de Kenosha (KUSD) pone la seguridad del estudiante primer al determinar si deben cerrar las escuelas debido al clima
extremo. Hay varios factores que se toman en cuenta, incluyendo:
¿Hay una sensación térmica sostenida de -34° o menos? (cierre automático)
¿Hay una temperatura constante de -20° o menos? (cierre automático)
¿Permanecerá la sensación térmica baja, durante un largo periodo de tiempo?
¿Hay movimiento constante de nieve con vientos de 20 millas por hora?
¿Hay o habrá una gran acumulación de nieve, especialmente durante los tiempos de viaje a o de la escuela?
¿Están las calles y banquetas limpias?
¿Los autobuses no pueden correr por causa del frio extremo o porque las calles aún no están limpias?
¿Están las calles peligrosas para manejar?
¿Hay cortes de luz o líneas telefónicas?
En el caso de que nuestras escuelas estén cerradas o el tiempo de llegada/despido se cambien debido al mal tiempo, el anuncio se hará
a través de las: estaciones locales de televisión, emisoras de radio, página de internet de KUSD (, canal 20 KUSD,,, 359-SNOW (7669).
Si las escuelas deben ser cerradas por el día, KUSD hará todo lo posible para dejarles saber a través de las vías antes mencionadas para
las 5:30am. Si la escuela está cerrada, todas las actividades después de la escuela en el distrito, incluyendo los deportes y eventos por la
tarde, también serán canceladas. Además, cuando las escuelas están cerradas, no se proporcionara transporte a las escuelas privadas y
Por favor, enseñe a su hijo(a) que hacer, a quien contactar, y a donde ir si despiden la escuela temprano. El personal escolar no se irán
de los edificios hasta que todos los estudiantes estén en sus casas.
Amenos que se les deje saber lo contrario, el primer procedimiento está en vigor.
Todas las escuelas del Distrito Escolar de Kenosha estarán abiertas hoy. Se espera que los estudiantes y personal esten presente.
Todas las escuelas del Distrito Escolar de Kenosha abrirán dos horas más tarde, y los autobuses de transporte van a correr aproximadamente dos horas tarde. No habrá clases por la mañana o por la tarde de la primera infancia, impacto del habla o clases de kínder para
niños de 4 años. Se espera que el personal se presente en su horario normal. La salida será a la hora regular.
Todas las escuelas del Distrito escolar de Kenosha van a estar cerradas no esperamos que ningún estudiante se reporte. El Centro de
Personas de la Tercera Edad estará cerrado. Solo el Personal de KUSD que debe reportarse a trabajar hoy son: los conserjes de tiempo
completo; los trabajadores del servicio de comida de tiempo completo; personal de mantenimiento; carpinteros y pintores; personal de
la bodega; y administradores, supervisores y personal técnico. Dos posibles cierres de escuelas se integran en el calendario académico
para: maestros, educadores profesionales de apoyo, intérpretes, secretarias de 10 y 12 meses y empleados misceláneos.
Si hay más de dos cierres de escuelas, las secretarias de 10 meses tendrán el año escolar extendido para recobrar los día (s) secretarias
de (12) meses educadores profesionales de apoyo, interpretes, y empleados de misceláneos podrían reportarse a trabajar, utilizar vacaciones, tiempo personal o tomar tiempo sin sueldo (deducido).
PAUTAS GENERALES: 10° o menos, la sensación térmica de 0° o menos, y la lluvia/llovizna/tormenta de nieve = recreo
adentro, recreo de mediodía adentro, y entrada temprana a la zonas de las puertas/pasillos.
RESPONSABILIDADES DE LOS ADMINISTRADORES: El director es responsable de la aplicación oportuna
de las directrices, la supervisión prudente de los estudiantes en todas las circunstancias e informar a los padres cada año de las expectativas del distrito. Con respecto a los periodos interiores por causa de las condiciones del clima. Los manuales de los estudiantes deben
contener una declaración sobre esto.
Meet Lusiana Hernandez!
Lu served as a Family Service Provider for 9 years with Head Start.
Lu is a Gateway Technical College
Graduate and has her Family Service Credential. Lu is married and
has 3 children. She translates all of
our newsletters, keeps our website
up to date as well as serve as interpreter/translator for KUSD.
Lu still works with Just Kid Inn
Families as their FSP.
Welcome Lu!
Meet Mark Hargrove!
Mark joined us this year as a
Family Service Provider! He
just finished his training and assumed all the families from EBSOLA that Lu had covered.
Mark is a University of Wisconsin Whitewater graduate and attended Lakeview Technology
Academy during his high school
years. He is working on his Masters in Social Work through Loyola University and Carthage College.
Welcome Mark!