Editorial - Revistes científiques


Editorial - Revistes científiques
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Ana María Delgado García
Published in: June 2016
Ilssue 22 of Internet, Law and Politics E-Journal focuses on the single theme of cybercrime and cybervictimization, dealing with some of the issues related to the transformation of crime as a consequence
of the impact of information and communication technologies on social relations.
Specifically, this single-themed edition includes the following articles: “Factores de riesgo asociados
al sexting como umbral de diversas formas de victimización Estudio de factores correlacionados con
el sexting en una muestra universitaria” (J. R. Agustina and E. L. Gómez Duran); “Factores de riesgo en
el cyberbullying: revisión sistemática a partir del modelo del triple riesgo delictivo (TRD)” (A. González);
“Actividades cotidianas de los jóvenes en internet y victimización por malware” (N. Guilabert); “Taxonomía
de la comunicación violenta y el discurso del odio en internet” (F. Miró); and “Cibercriminalidad social
juvenil: la cifra negra” (I. Montiel).
Meanwhile, also published in this issue is the article “Breach of information duties in the B2C e-commerce:
adequacy of available remedies”, by Z. Bednarz. The article tackles the obligations that both European and
national legislation imposes on the framework of electronic commerce between the contracting parties,
and the problems resulting from the application of general private law in the event of these duties being
breached. Moreover, one the one hand, there is an analysis of various solutions to these problems (such as
the duty to advise or extra-judicial mechanisms that restrict the amount of pre-contractual information)
and, on the other hand, the right of withdrawal is examined. In addition, an article is included entitled
“Mercado único digital y concepto de consumidor” (‘Digital single market and the consumer concept’),
in which, in view of the recent European proposals designed to regulate the digital single market, Blanca
Torrubia proposes distinguishing between the concept of consumer and non-consumer user.
Lastly, this issue brings together all of the latest regulatory developments, prepared by Jordi García
Albero, as well as an overview of all of recent legal rulings, drafted by Patricia Escribano Tortajada. In
addition, there is a summary of the latest academic dissemination activities organized by the Department
of Law and Political Sciences of the UOC, such as the 7th Conference on Law Teaching and Information and
Communication Technologies, the 6th Conference on Criminology and the 4th Conference on Virtual Law.
Dr. Ana María Delgado García
Director of the Journal
Professor of Finance and Tax Law
Director of Law and Political Science Studies
Director of the Master in Taxation
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
IDP no. 22 (June 2016) I ISSN 1699-8154
Ana María Delgado García
Journal promoted by the Law and Political Science Department