August 9, 2015 - St. Norbert Catholic Church


August 9, 2015 - St. Norbert Catholic Church
August 9, 2015 | Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
300 East Ta Avenue • Orange, CA 92865
Telephone: (714) 637-4360 • Fax: (714) 637-4311
Rev. Patrick Rudolph, Pastor
Rev. Fredy Mancilla, Parochial Vicar
Rev. John Duy Nguyen, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Antonio Zapata, In Residence
Deacon Dave Blake
Deacon Joseph Esparza
Deacon Juan Espinoza
Deacon Quyen Truong
Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m.,
12 noon, 2 p.m. (Spanish), 5:30 p.m.
and 7 p.m. (Spanish)
Monday - Friday: 6:15 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.
Wednesday: 7 p.m. (Spanish)
Saturday: 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.
(Sunday Vigil)
Holy Days of Obliga on: as announced
Ahl Agus n, Chris an Service
Irene Ahedo, Office Manager
Joseph Ciccoianni, Principal, St. Norbert
Catholic School
Charlene Dumitru, Adult Faith Forma on
John Erhard, Music Ministry
Carmen Estrada, Hispanic Ministry
Janine Kilgore, Liturgical Ministries
Kirsten King, Youth Faith Forma on &
Confirma on
Maria Mar nez, Business Manager
Robin Mayes, School of Religious Educa on
Saturday: 3:30 to 4:45 p.m.
First Friday of each month: 9:30 a.m.
to 10:30 a.m.
Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Sunday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
First Friday of each month beginning at 9 a.m.
and concluding at 8 a.m. on Saturday with
Benedic on.
Please call the Parish Office for informa on
and to schedule Bap sm Prepara on.
Programs are available in English or in Spanish.
Please call the Parish Office for informa on.
Six months advance no ce is required.
Marriage Prepara on is available in English or
in Spanish.
Kindly call the Parish Office to make
At the me of death, kindly call the Parish
Office for assistance in making arrangements.
St. Norbert Parish is a dynamic community of disciples of Jesus Christ striving
to continue His ministries of prayer, love and service.
Reflecting on God’s Word
Nineteenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
The Passover bread that the Israelites
made when leaving Egypt had no leaven
in it so that it would not spoil and could
con nue to provide nourishment to them
on the road. Thus it is some mes called
bread for the journey. Of course manna
also sustained them on their journey
through the desert. And so did the Torah.
So deliciously nourishing is the Word of
God that some young Jewish children
begin learning the Hebrew alphabet by
licking honey placed on each le er so that
the Torah should always be “sweet on the
The story of Elijah being nourished in the
desert beau fully epitomizes the many
ways in which God provides bread for the
journey. For Chris ans, Jesus’ words,
works, and life given for us are the bread
we crave. He alone gives us the strength
and courage to “be kind . . . [forgive] one
another . . . and live in love” (Ephesians
4:32, 5:2). And, oddly enough, we can find
this ample nourishment from the
Eucharist when all we taste is a sip and a
—Virginia S llwell
Copyright © 2014, World Library Publica ons. All rights
R.C.I.A. for Children
Forma on sessions for children ages 7 – 14 preparing for Bap sm will begin on September
10. If you have a school-age child who has never been bap zed and who wishes to receive
their sacraments, please call Charlene at (714) 637-4360 x114 for a registra on packet.
A er comple on of the two-year process, the children will be bap zed, confirmed and
receive Eucharist at the Easter Vigil.
At least one parent or godparent is expected to a end weekly with the child. Parent
sessions will be offered in Spanish and English, the children are instructed in English.
Students in the first and second years of prepara on will be in separate groups, but both
groups will have a mixture of ages and grade levels.
Registra on must be received before August 20, so that sufficient classroom materials
may be purchased.
Christian Service Food Collection
During the month of August we are collec ng cans of spaghe sauce (no jars,
please). Kindly leave your dona ons in the bins in the Ministry Center any me
during the month. Thank you for your con nued assistance in helping us feed
those who are hungry.
St. Norbertfest Needs You!!
We’re gearing up for St. Norbert’s biggest fundraiser of the
year on September 18-20, and we need your help to make it
happen. As with any large event there is a lot that goes on
”behind the scenes.” Our Core Team is looking for new
members to assist with planning, logis cs and implementa on
to ensure that our parish party weekend runs safely and
seamlessly. Core Team members are mee ng on most Thursday evenings from now
through the St. Norber est weekend. For more details, please contact Michael Stephens
at (949) 374-2837 or Mike Adray at (714) 497-7241.
Sing with Your Choir!!
There is s ll me to sign up for singing with the St. Norbert
Choir on Sunday, September 13, at the 10:30 a.m. Mass. You
don’t have to be a superstar, just be yourself! Those wishing to
par cipate must a end two Thursday rehearsals at 7:30 p.m. on the following dates:
September 3 and 10. Please sign up by sending an e-mail to our Director of Music
Ministry, John Erhard [email protected] or by calling the Office for Music
Ministry (714) 637-4360 x126.
St. Norbert Mothers Group
We are a diverse group of women gathering together for mutual support, fellowship,
service and love. We welcome you to join in our upcoming events and become a part of
this great group of moms. Contact Barbara Brule at (714) 287-9780 or
[email protected] for more informa on.
Weekly Parish Offering
Thank you for your continuing support of St. Norbert Parish. For the fiscal year July 1, 2015,
to June 30, 2016, our parish budget calls for $26,850 to be donated weekly at the Sunday
collection. The collection for Sunday, August 2, was $22,289.02. These collections are not
only for operating expenses each week, but also for any ongoing repair work, upgrades, etc.
to our parish facility. Your regular donations are needed for the good of St. Norbert Parish
and the spread of the Gospel.
Parish Life
Fill a Backpack
Gearing up for school? Help out a student in
need in our community. Chris an Service and
Youth Ministry are partnering up to help supply
students in need with backpacks and supplies.
It's simple—pick up a backpack at the Ministry
Center, refer to the list of supplies inside, purchase the items on
the list, and return the filled backpack to the church a er any
Mass on the weekend of August 15 and 16. We will distribute the
backpacks to the kids on the weekend of August 22. Contact Ahl
Agus n at (714) 637-4360 x113 for any ques ons. Thank you for
your support!
Parish School Celebrates
50 Years!
With the start of the 2015-16 school year,
St. Norbert Catholic School will begin its
50th year of faith-filled instruc on in
Orange! We are very proud of this
milestone and look forward to celebra ng
with the whole community!
Several events are planned for the year and we hope to see many
alumni and their families returning to SNCS to join in the fun.
Keep your eyes and ears open for informa on on:
 Family Movie Night (The Sound of Music!)
 A SNCS Golf Tournament in the fall
 An Alumni Booth at St. Norber est
 The annual Alumni Mass and Open House in late January
 A grand celebra on for our annual auc on in the spring
If you would like to par cipate in this year's celebra ons, please
contact Pa y Bornhop at (714) 637-6822 x204 or pbornhop@
Please share this and future announcements with friends so we
reach as many alumni as possible!
Prayer & Meditation with
Our Tuesday evening prayer group will not
meet this week. We will resume our
weekly gatherings on Tuesday, August 18.
This hour of prayer me is a me to meet with others in quiet and
peace away from the busyness and noise of the world. We gather
for prayer in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at 7:30 p.m.
Noel & Mary Ann Santiago
Married 15 years on August 11, 2015
Spring Cleaning in August
St. Norbert Parish will con nue to minimize
ac vi es next week, August 10-14, to give the
parish buildings and furnishings their annual
“deep cleaning.” To facilitate this process the
Ministry Center will operate on a scaled-back
schedule. Be sure to check the weekly calendar as most groups
will not meet on their regularly scheduled days.
Confirmation Teachers
Our Confirma on program con nues to grow
and therefore we need more help – 10
teachers to be exact! If you love Jesus and
have felt a calling to par cipate in this way,
please contact Kirsten at (714) 637-4360 x210 or kdking@ for more informa on. It is a very reasonable
commitment and is full of incredible grace and joy!
Catechists Needed for Children’s R.C.I.A.
Jesus said “Let the li le children come to me.” If you would like to
be part of the spiritual journey of a school age child seeking
bap sm, please call Charlene at (714) 637-4360 x114. We need
leaders who can work with children 7 – 14 years of age as they
prepare for their Sacraments of Ini a on: Bap sm, Confirma on
and Eucharist. The sessions for these children are on Thursday
evenings from 6 to 7:15 p.m. for sacramental prepara on, and
dismissal during the 10:30 Mass on Sundays to understand the
Scriptures at their level. We team teach on a rota onal basis, so
your commitment would be around 5 hours a month—two
evening sessions and one Sunday morning. We can work the
assignments around your schedule and preference of topics.
Lesson plans and training will be provided. Please pray about this
ministry, and offer a few hours of your me to bring this li le ones
to the Lord.
Solemnity of the
Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
Saturday, August 15
Since the feast falls on a
Saturday this year, the
obliga on is abrogated in the
United States.
St. Norbert will observe the
regular Saturday Mass schedule
with Masses at 8:30 a.m. and
5 p.m. (Sunday Vigil).
Youth & Teen Ministries
School of Religious Education
Register for SRE 2015-2016
Classes are filling up fast and we have limited space. All classes for
Grades 1-6 will be held on Mondays this year. Registra on for
2015-2016 will close on Monday, August. 31. We encourage you a
conscious choice to your children’s faith forma on—to prepare
them for the sacraments of Reconcilia on and Eucharist, and then
con nue to guide their faith journey to live as more commi ed
and joyous followers of Jesus.
Catechist Needed
We are s ll in need of a teacher for Monday 4 to 5 p.m. for a
combo Grade of 4, 5 and 6 that includes sacramental prepara on
for First Reconcilia on and First Communion. The commitment
includes par cipa on in these Sacraments with your students,
seeing them through a retreat, rehearsals and being present at
the First Communion Mass. Classes begin September 28 and
conclude May 9, 2016.
Important Dates for SRE
 Back-to-School Night for the School of Religious Educa on
will be held on Thursday, September 10, at 7 p.m. in the
Family & Youth Center Gym.
 Sunday School (Pre-K and Kindergarten) begins on Sunday,
September 27.
 Faith Forma on Classes for Grades 1—6 begins on Monday,
September 28.
 Children’s Liturgy of the Word will resume at the 9 a.m.
Masses beginning Sunday, September 13.
St. Norbert Catholic School
Companions on the Journey
St. Norbert Catholic School has opened up our
Classroom Sponsor Program for the 2015-16
school year. If you would like to support our
school by sponsoring a classroom or subject ($500 gift to the teacher
for the purchase of enrichment materials), please contact Patty
Bornhop in the school office at (714) 637-6822 x204 or
[email protected] Thank you!
Family Movie Night!
Come one, come all—Nuns, Goat herders and
Baronesses! St. Norbert Catholic School will kick off
its 50th anniversary year with the viewing of the
1965 Academy Award Winning Sound of Music!
Bring your lawn chairs and blankets as we will enjoy
the movie on the field under the stars on Saturday,
August 29. Come for 5p.m. Mass, then enjoy visiting
and food before the movie starts at 7:15. Food trucks
and snacks will be available. There is no charge for this event.
Please share this news with SNCS alumni in your lives!
Youth Ministry & Confirmation
Regular Youth Ministry Summer Office Hours are: MondayThursday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (in addi on to evening and/or
weekend events).
The YM Office will be doing some deep cleaning this week. Come
on by and help if need some service hours!
Registration for Confirmation 2
Year 2015-16
Our FINAL Open House for Re-registra on is coming up fast!
Sunday, August 16, 3:30 to 5 p.m.
The date above is reserved for re-registra ons only for all junior
high and teens already in the program.
New Registra ons: All new Confirma on 1 registra ons must
come to YOUTH MINISTRY during regular business hours to
turn in completed applica ons, which are available online, in
the Ministry Center, or at YM Office. (Applica ons cannot be
accepted without copies of Bap sm and First Communion
cer ficates. We can’t wait to meet you and your teen!
End- of-Summer Youth Group Social for
High School
Join us for Outdoor Movie Night, pizza and movie munchies next
Sunday, August 16, a er Mass from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Bring $5.00
per person for a “funtas c” evening! Bring lawn chairs, blankets
and a friend or two! Meet upstairs in the YM Couch Room for
dinner, followed by movie on the outdoor blacktop.
Junior High Ministry
See above informa on for Registra on for 2015-16.
Our final social for the summer will be this Monday, August 10, at
our End-of-Summer BOND-fire Night from 7 to 9 p.m. at St.
Norbert. Bring a friend! Dinner, S’mores and games! Call April with
ques ons at (714) 637-4360 x212.
Leadership Team
Our third in a series of Confirma on Teachers Forma on summer
classes will be this Tuesday, August 11, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Come
get equipped for the upcoming Confirma on year.
Service Opportunities
All teen volunteers must sign-up in advance for service projects
with Helen via e-mail at [email protected]
 Back to School Drive: Come by the YM Office a er school on
Monday, August 16, from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. to prepare the
backpacks for distribu on to the needy in our community.
Please note date change for this ac vity! We also need some
extra help handing out the backpacks with Chris an Service on
Saturday, August 22.
Faith Formation & Enrichment
We will not have RCIA or Inquiry sessions this Thursday, August 13,
because the Ministry Center rooms will be closed for their annual
deep cleaning. We will resume on Thursday, August 20, when our
topic will be on the Eucharist, presented by Pete Moriarty.
If you are interested in becoming Catholic, or learning more about
our faith you are encouraged to come to the Inquiry session on
August 20. We will meet in the Ministry Center Library at 7:30.
Summer Faith Formation:
Church History
Our series on Church History will not
meet on August 12 because of the
Ministry Center maintenance. We will con nue this study on
Wednesday, August 19. The topics that evening will be The
Germaniza on of Chris anity, and Charlemagne and Feudal Times.
We are using a combina on of DVD presenta ons, and discussion.
The history of our Church is very rich and filled with fascina ng
events and personali es. If you are finding the ar cles about Church
History on these pages interes ng, join us on Wednesday evenings
for a more in depth study of the various centuries, ideas, and
prac ces that have brought the Church from a confused and
frightened group of twelve disciples to the largest religion in the
world with more than 33% of the world’s popula on affiliated with
some tradi on or denomina on of Chris an Faith. We meet in the
Ministry Center Library from 7:30 to 9 p.m.
Monday Morning Bible Study
We will be studying the Gospel of Ma hew this fall, beginning
Monday morning, September 14, at 9:15 a.m. We will be using the
DVD series Ma hew: The King and His Kingdom produced by
Ascension Press and narrated by Jeff Cavins. This study brings the
history of Christ to life through Ma hew’s Gospel. We will see Jesus
as the awaited Messiah who fulfills the promises and prophecies of
the Hebrew Scriptures, establishes the New Law, and inaugurates
the Kingdom of Heaven. There will be twenty-four sessions in which
we will view the DVD and par cipate in discussion. A study binder
with background and discussion ques ons for each session will be
available for $30.00.
We will meet in the Ministry Center Library at 9:15 a.m. (following
the 8:30 Mass), on Monday September 14, and con nue every
Monday morning except holidays. Please join us for this excellent
presenta on. To register for the Bible Study please contact Mary at
(714) 709-3768, Kathleen at (714) 514-8923, or the Office of Adult
Faith Forma on at (714) 637-4360 x114.
What was Happening in the Second
Early Chris anity outside of Pales ne was also challenged by a rising
number of Mystery Cults. These cults a racted devotees who were
abandoning the classical mythology of Greece and Rome. Unlike the
religions of the classical gods who were thought to be distant from
humanity and capricious in their ac ons, these new religious forms
provided a sense of personal communion with a deity, and offered
an opportunity of salva on. Usually these cults involved a prepara on
period, initiation rites, and a sacred communal meal. Most were based
on reimagining other more ancient myths, such as the Cult of Isis
which drew upon the Egyptian mother goddess Isis and her brother/
husband Osiris, the Cult of the Earth Mother Cybele of Anatolia and
her lover Attis, or the Eleusinian Mysteries which was based on the
death and rebirth cycle of the goddess of grain Demeter and her
daughter Persephone who is kidnapped and taken to the underworld.
These and other mystery cults contained concepts of death and
resurrection, based on the natural vegetative cycles of fruitfulness,
harvest and dormancy, and celebrated their most significant festivals
in conjunction with solstices and the equinoxes.
When Chris anity began to spread throughout the Hellenized world,
many people perceived it as another of these mystery cults.
Chris ans also spoke of celebra ng sacred mysteries which were
kept secret from the unini ated. They, too, had stories of death and
resurrec on, ini a on rites, a sacred meal, and a promise of eternal
life to adherents. However, there were also significant differences
between the Chris an Faith and the mystery cults. Chris anity
demanded exclusive loyalty. If one chose to become a Chris an, all
other religious prac ces were forbidden, whereas one could belong
to several of the mystery cults simultaneously if desired. Chris anity
was monotheis c, whereas the cults remained polytheis c. Most
significantly, Chris anity was based upon a real historical person,
Jesus of Nazareth, who lived a real life, performed miracles that had
been witnessed, taught a high level of morality, and who actually,
historically, died and rose again from the dead. The mystery cults
were all based upon mythological figures, whom no one believed to
have been actual living persons.
The most difficult challenge posed to Chris anity was the Cult of
Mithras. Mithraism was very ancient, possibly reaching back to 1500
B.C. in India and Persia, but was growing vastly in popularity in the
first two or three centuries of the Chris an Era. Mithras was a
nature deity, associated with the sun. The se ng and rising of the
sun provided a death/resurrec on mo f. Although Mithras was not
an historical person, the cult s ll had stories about the origins of this
sun-god, who was said to have been born of a virgin, in a cave, on
the 25th of December. He was given the tle of Sol Invictus, the
Unconquerable Sun, and was said to be the Light and the Truth.
Similar tles were a ributed to Jesus, except that Jesus was the
Unconquerable Son (not Sun).
The rituals of Mithraism paralleled that of Chris anity as well.
Ini a on included a ritual bath, however the ini ate was bathed in
blood rather than the water of Chris an bap sm. Ini ates of
Mithraism celebrated a sacred meal together. The primary day of
worship was Sunday, and Mithras was associated with both a lion
and a lamb, some mes depicted carrying a lamb on his shoulders,
just as Jesus is in the Good Shepherd mo fs.
In the second and third centuries of the Chris an era, Mithraism had
spread throughout the Roman Empire from India to Scotland.
Several of the Church Fathers, including St. Jus n Martyr, Tertullian
and Augus ne wrote tracts opposing Mithraism.
But, despite the popularity and spread of Mithraism, the cult
ul mately died out while Chris anity grew and flourished.
And, so the story of the Church con nues . . .
Ministerio Hispano
Reflexionemos sobre la
Palabra de Dios
Decimonoveno Domingo del
Tiempo Ordinario
El pan que hicieron los israelitas para su
pascua al salir de Egipto no contenía
levadura a fin de que no se echara a
perder y pudiera servirles de alimento
durante el camino. Por eso es que a veces
se le llama pan para la travesía. Por
supuesto que el maná también los
alimentó durante su travesía por el
desierto; y lo mismo el Torá. Tan
deleitosa y alimen cia es la Palabra de
Dios que algunos niños judíos comienzan
a aprender el alfabeto hebreo lamiendo la
miel que le han puesto sobre cada letra,
de manera que aprendan que el Torá
siempre debe ser “dulce al paladar”.
La historia de Elías en el desierto pifica
hermosamente las muchas maneras en
que Dios provee pan para el camino. Para
los cris anos las palabras, las obras y la
vida de Jesús, que lo entrega todo por
nosotros, es el pan que ansiamos. Sólo él
nos da la fuerza y el valor para ser
“bondadosos y compasivos los unos con
los otros . . . [perdonándonos, y haciendo]
del amor la norma de [nuestra]
vida” (Efesios 4:32, 5:2). Y, aunque nos
parezca raro, nosotros podemos recibir
este alimento copioso en la Eucaris a con
sólo un sorbito y una miga.
—Virginia S llwell
Derechos de autor © 2014, World Library Publica ons.
Todos los derechos reservados.
Llene una mochila (Back Pack):
¿Preparándose para regresar a la escuela? Ayudemos a estudiantes de
nuestra comunidad. Servicios Cris anos y el Programa de Confirmación
(Youth Ministry) se unieron para apoyar a estudiantes con mochilas y
ú les escolares. Lo que hay qué hacer es lo siguiente: recoger una
mochila después de cualquier Misa el 1 y 2 de agosto, dicha mochila
tendrá adentro una lista de los ú les que se requieren comprar. Necesitan comprar dichos
ú les escolares, guardarlos en la mochila y devolverla el fin de semana del 15 y 16 de
agosto. Estos dos ministerios entregarán las mochilas el fin de semana del 22 de agosto.
Para más información pueden comunicarse con Ahl Agus n al (714) 637-4360 x113.
Gracias por apoyar a un estudiante. ¡Dios les bendiga!
Se recuerda a todos los coordinadores y subcoordinadores de ministerios que durante
este mes no tendremos reunión mensual, para que cada uno pueda diver rse junto con
sus familias antes que los ocupados días de escuela vuelvan nuevamente. El día para
nuestra próxima reunión se ha cambiado para los jueves en lugar de martes, la próxima
fecha será el 10 de sep embre, a las 7:30 p.m. Para más información pueden comunicarse
con Blandina al (714) 403-4666 o con Rita Mejia al (714) 392-6694.
Clases de Formación en la Fe en Inglés
Todas las clases de formación en la fe en inglés para los grados del primero al sexto
tendrán lugar todos los lunes de este año, posiblemente en los horarios de 4 p.m. a 5 p.m.
o 6:30 p.m. a 7:30 p.m. Las clases de pre-kínder y kínder darán inicio el domingo 28 de
sep embre. La reunión de regreso a la escuela para las familias que traigan a sus niños
al programa de formación en la fe en inglés se llevará a cabo el 10 de sep embre, a las 7
p.m. en el Centro Familiar y Juvenil (gimnasio). Para más información pueden comunicarse
con Robin Mayes al (714) 998-1070.
Canta en el Coro por un Día
El coro de San Norberto está invitando a todos los feligreses a cantar con ellos por un día,
este día será el domingo 13 de sep embre, en la Misa de 10:30 a.m. Las personas que
deseen par cipar deben atender a dos ensayos en las siguientes fechas: jueves 3 y 10 de
sep embre, a las 7:30 p.m.
Esta invitación es para tener la oportunidad de experimentar la música y cantar con un
maravilloso coro. Por favor inscríbase enviando un correo electrónico al Director de
Música, John Erhard al [email protected] o llamando al (714) 637-4360 x126.
Ofrenda Semanal Parroquial
Agradecemos su apoyo con nuo a San Norberto para el año fiscal de julio 1, 2015 a junio
30, 2016. Sus donaciones dominicales aportan al presupuesto que nuestra parroquia
necesita para cubrir los gastos de $22,289.02. Se necesita de su donación semanal para el
bienestar de nuestra parroquia y para la promoción del Evangelio.
La parroquia de San Norberto es una comunidad dinámica de
discípulos de Jesucristo que se esfuerza por continuar
sus ministerios de oración, amor y servicio.
¡El Festival de San
Norberto necesita de
San Norberto tendrá su festival anual del
18 al 20 de septiembre. Este es el evento
más grande de recaudación de fondos del
año y necesitamos de su ayuda para que se lleve a cabo sin ningún
contratiempo. Como en cualquier evento, hay muchas cosas que se
organizan “detrás de cámaras”. Nuestro equipo organizador está
buscando nuevos miembros para ayudar con la planeación y
organización de la feria y asegurar que nuestro fin de semana del
festival de la parroquia se lleve a cabo de forma segura y sin
problemas. El equipo organizador se reúne los jueves a partir de
esta fecha hasta el día del festival. Para más información pueden
comunicarse con Michael Stephens al (949) 374-2837, o Mike Adray
al (714) 497-7241.
Días de Limpieza
San Norberto seguirá teniendo ac vidades
mínimas la próxima semana del 10 al 14 de
agosto, para dar a los edificios parroquiales y
mobiliario su “limpieza profunda” anual. Para
facilitar este proceso el Centro de Ministerios
operará con un horario reducido. Asegúrense de checar el
calendario semanal, ya que la mayoría de los grupos no se
reunirán en sus días y horarios regulares.
Parish Calendar
Volvemos de nuevo a Clases
Formación en la Fe, en Español
Demos gracias Dios por habernos permi do tener empo estos
días de verano junto a nuestros niños y descansar algunos días de
la vida tan agitada. También queremos invitar a todas las familias
a que anoten en sus calendarios la fecha de regreso a clases. Para
iniciar alegremente, tomar nuevas energías y estar en comunión
con Jesús, que está esperando gozosamente a su familia. Daremos
inicio con la celebración Eucarís ca el 5 de sep embre, a las 12
del mediodía. Después de haber recibido la bendición iremos al
Centro Familiar y Juvenil (gimnasio), para que conozcan a las
catequistas y asistentes que les apoyarán este año, y para que
conozcan los salones donde traerán a sus hijos la siguiente
semana. Para más información favor de comunicarse con Carmen
o Shyn a al (714) 637-4360 x105 o 106.
Servicio Cristiano
Durante este mes de agosto Servicio Cris ano estará
colectando latas de salsa para espague (no frascos
de vidrio, por favor). Agradecemos su apoyo y les
invitamos a que dejen sus donaciones en los
contenedores que se encuentran en las oficinas del
Centro de Ministerios.
Recordatorio a las Catequistas del
Programa en Español
El retiro anual para Catequistas será el sábado 22 de agosto, en el
Centro de Marywood, antiguas oficinas de la Diócesis de Orange.
Favor de pasar lo antes posible a recoger su formulario de
inscripción pues necesitamos enviar los formularios ya que el cupo
es limitado. Para más información pueden comunicarse con Carmen
Estrada o Shyntia al (714) 637-4360 x105 o 106. Contamos con su
presencia, ya que este día les servirá para ayudarles a planear mejor
sus clases para el próximo año. Dios les bendiga por llevar la “Buena
Nueva” a los niños de nuestra comunidad.
August 9, 2015 ~ August 14, 2015
Sunday, August 9
3:15 p.m. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia
Monday, August 10
Facility Maintenance
9:00 a.m. Divine Mercy Prayer Group
7:00 p.m. Junior High Ministry BOND-fire
Tuesday, August 11
Facility Maintenance
7:00 p.m. Confirma on Teachers Forma on Class
Wednesday, August 12
Facility Maintenance
7:45 p.m. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia
Thursday, August 13
Facility Maintenance
7:00 p.m. St. Norber est Core Team Mee ng
8:00 p.m. Young Adult Ministry (ACTS)
Friday, August 14
Facility Maintenance
7:00 a.m. Men’s Group of Faith
Saturday, August 15
Assump on of the Blessed Virgin Mary
9:00 a.m. Reunion Mensual de Proclamadores de la Palabra
9:00 p.m. Comité Hispano Clases de Módulo
12:00 p.m. Chris an Service Food Distribu on
3:30 p.m. Confessions
Community Life & Groups
Pancake Breakfast
Thank You
The Knights of Columbus and Youth
Ministry would like to extend a very warm
hearted THANK YOU to our parishioners for
their support of and par cipa on in our summer Pancake
Breakfasts. Youth Ministry will receive a por on of the proceeds
to use on their projects.
Young at Heart Casino Trip
Don’t Miss the Bus!
Seats are still available on the bus for the
Pala Casino trip on Thursday, August 27,
sponsored by the Young at Heart Club. We
will depart from the St. Norbert parking lot promptly at 9 a.m. and
return around 4 p.m. All adult parishioners are welcome! The cost is
only $20. Checks may be made out to The Young at Heart Club and
left at the Ministry Center. Reservations should be in by August 17.
Call Elizabeth at (714) 538-6602 or Jeanne at (714) 637-1248 for
more information or to make a reservation.
Men of St. Norbert Church
Come to the mountain. Retreat season
begins on September 11- 13, at Mater
Dolorosa Retreat Center in Sierra Madre.
Enjoy good food and your own private
room with shower. For more informa on and reserva ons call
Tom Kleinbauer at (714) 974-3492.
Protect Your Family from
Mosquito Bites
Take an ac ve role in reducing the threat
of West Nile virus by taking the following
 Eliminate any standing water around your home.
 Ensure swimming pools, spas, and ponds are properly
 Request FREE mosquitofish for placement in ornamental
 Make sure all window and door screens on your property are
in good repair.
 Wear a repellent containing DEET®, Picaridin, Oil of Lemon
Eucalyptus, or IR 3535.
 Contact the Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control
District to report dead birds or neglected swimming pools.
Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District
(714) 971-2424 or (949) 654-2421 or
Pray for the sick . . .
Crystal Beach
Be y Bick
The Burke Family
Giovanni Camponovo
Esther Cocoletzi
Laurence Cruz
Bernard Di Nardo
Grace Di Nardo
Brian Dolan
Lloyd Ekus
The Hall Family
Carroll Howansky
Faraj Joubran
Jim Kucaba
Mark Losi
Chole Maestrejuan
Rafaela Naranjo
Brenda Oswald
Fr. Dennis Robb
Andrew Romberg
Aurora Sánchez
Alex Santacruz
Lynda Schulte
Chris ne Stevens
Robana Stevenson
Janice Taylor
Sheila Utrup
Ma hew Vega
Cris Wong
Jaclyn Zepeda
. . . and for those who have died.
Mary Ventruelli
Mass Intentions
Saturday, August 8, 2015
5:00 p.m. + Michael Rzeznik
Sunday, August 9, 2015
7:30 a.m. + Lee & Delores Cardinale
9:00 a.m. + Sco Engman
10:30 a.m. + Joseph Horn
12:00 p.m. St. Norbert Parishioners
2:00 p.m. + Zaida Fernández
5:30 p.m. + Robana Galuppo Stevenson
7:00 p.m. + Jacobo Ángel Lopez
Monday, August 10, 2015
6:15 a.m. + Frances Derham
8:30 a.m. + Joseph Sperlazzo
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
6:15 a.m.
Charlo e Heiman
8:30 a.m. + Cornelio Meza
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
6:15 a.m. + Frances Derham
8:30 a.m. + Daniel Fogarty
7:00 p.m.
Omar Brito
Thursday, August 13, 2015
6:15 a.m.
Jasmine Aguilar
8:30 a.m. + Jesús de Recinos
Friday, August 14, 2015
6:15 a.m. + Jun Camino
8:30 a.m.
Sr. Gertrude Connolly
Saturday, August 15, 2015
8:30 a.m. + Joe Collins
Our Parish & Beyond
Faustina: Messenger of
Divine Mercy
This moving, live produc on performed by
actress Maria Vargo and directed by Leonardo
Defilippis of Saint Luke Produc ons, returns to
the Freed Theater at Christ Cathedral on Friday,
August 21, at 7 p.m., Saturday, August 22, at 7
p.m., and Sunday, August 23 at 12 p.m. The event is sponsored
by the Diocese of Orange.
Experience firsthand the life and message of Saint Faus na, whose
personal encounters with Jesus have inspired a world-wide
devo on to Christ's Divine Mercy. This drama also brings
audiences a rive ng modern story that makes Divine Mercy
remarkably relevant and urgent for our world today. The program
is filled with all the elements of a professional theater, runs 90
minutes, and is suitable for ages 13 and up.
Admission is $20. For ckets and addi onal informa on, contact
the Diocese of Orange at (714) 282-3045 or visit www.christ More informa on on Christ Cathedral
Drama Series is available at
Do you feel an interior call to grow in
Spiritual Exercises of St.
Ignatius Loyola
Summer Session 2015
beginning August 22-27
(Saturdays, Sundays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays)
These classes, offered at St. Peter Chanel in Hawaiian Gardens and
given over an 11-week period, will greatly intensify your spiritual
life and your desire to go to Heaven. Come and learn the real
purpose of your life, and how to achieve it through selfknowledge, self-discipline, deep prayer, and discernment of
spirits. You will see miracles happen in your life!
There is no charge for the program and all materials are provided.
Dona ons are accepted. Each mee ng lasts 2 to 2.5 hours. To
register online, go to For more informa on,
please contact Fr. Ed Broom, OMV at St. Peter Chanel, Mary
Martorana at [email protected], or Veronica Ayson at
(562) 924-7591.
Casa Teresa
Make a difference. Volunteer.
As a volunteer you can help our residents
break the cycle of homelessness, poverty
and abuse. At Casa Teresa we save lives by
providing a temporary home and on-going
support for pregnant homeless women and
their babies. By providing life skills and educa on programs we
prepare our moms to make loving and informed decisions for
themselves and their family. By volunteering you help provide our
moms with the love, safety, stability and educa on needed to
become independent. If you can, we need help babysi ng, sor ng
dona ons, cooking monthly luncheons, teaching classes and with
campus gardening and maintenance. All opportuni es can be
done individually or as a group.
If you’re ready to help contact: Yvonne Lopez at 714.538.4860 x20
or [email protected], or Kim Self at (714) 538-4860 x61 or
[email protected]
National Survey of Asian &
Pacific Island Catholics
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops invites input
from Asian and Pacific Island Catholics and those who serve in
ministry to them. Your responses will help shape a na onal
Pastoral Plan. You may take the survey online at h p://
NSAPICUS The ques onnaire should only take about 15 minutes
to complete, and your responses are anonymous. Thank you for
your par cipa on!