Color Video Camera
Color Video Camera
Color Video Camera Operating Iristructions Before operating the unit, please read this nianual thoroughly and retain it for future reference Power HAD 3 1996 by Sony Corporation For the customers i n the U.S.A. This equipment has been tested and found to cornply with the limits for a Class A diaital device. Dursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules These ~ i m i are ~ s designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environrnent This equipmerit generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency enarnv and .~ ií not installed and used in accordance with the iristruction manual, may cause harmiul interierence to radio communications Operation of ttiis equipment in a residential area is likelv to cause harrnful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense ~ TO prevent fire or shock tiazard, do not expose the unit t0 rain or moisture. TO avoid electrical shock, do n0t 0 ~ e n the cabinet. Refer servicing t0 quaiified persorinel only. 1-- RISKOFELECTRIC SHOCK DONOTOPEN -- 1 1 DO NOT REMOVE COVER (08 BACI<) S NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE REFER SERVlCING TO OUALIFIEO SERVICE PERSONNEL ., .. . This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated "dangerous voltage" within the product's enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons This symbol 1s intended to alert the user to the preserice of important operating and maintenance (setvicing) rnstruct~onsIn the Iiterature acconlpanying the appliance Owner's Record The model and serial nurnbers are located on the right side Record these numbers in the spaces provided below Refer to them whenever you cal1 your Sony dealer regarding this product Modei No Serial No S, ~~ -. ~ You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved in this manual could void your authority to operate this equipment -- CAUTiON : TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCI< ~ The shielded interface cable recomniended ir1 this manual must be used with this equipment in order to cornply with the lirnits for a digital device pursuant to Subpart 13of Part 15 of FCC Rules ............................................................ Introduction 4 Composition of tlie DXC-327B-series Coloi. Video Caineia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Clioosiiig fioiii NTSC os PAL System . . . . . . . 5 Notes on Using Accessoiies witli tlie UXC-327B Series Canieia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Precautions .................................... ...................6 Oii Usiiig and Stoiiiig tiie Caiiiera . . . . . . . . 6 Maiiagirig Hyper-Sensitivity i i i tlie CCD Iiiiage Seiisoi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 ............................... 1. ocation and Function of Parts 8 DXC-327Bl327BP Caiiiera Head . . . .S CA-5371537P Caiiiera Adaptor (optioiial) . . . 16 VCL-714BX Zooin Lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 DXF-6Ol/601CE Electionic Viewtiiider .......... 20 Accessory Attacliment ..................................... ...2 2 Atiacliing/Detacliii~ga Caiiieia Adaptor ...... .. 22 Atiacliing a Videocassette Recoidei ........ . 2 4 Attacliing tlie Zooiii Lens and Optional Filter 2 5 Attiicliiiig and Acljustiiig tlie Electroiiic Viewfindei ............... . . . 27 Attacliing a Micioplione . . 29 Att;icl~ing/Detacliiiióa Tiipod . . . 31 , , , , , , , , , , , , ........................................................... Connections 32 Coniiectiiig aii S-VHS Foriiint Poriable VTR . . 32 Coiinecting a Portable VTR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Coniiectiiig iiii Externa1 Microplioiie . . . 33 Connecting a Table-lop VTR . . . . 34 Coiinectiiig ri Caiiieia Coiitiol Uiiit . . . 34 Coiinectiiig a Reinote Control Uiiit . . . . . . . . 36 Using tlie Camera with a VTR ......................37 Power Soutces ......................... . . . . ................39 Usiiig a DC Powei Supply . . . . . . . . . . . 3 9 Usiiig a Batteiy Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 . Usiiig P o w e ~Supplied Tliiougli tlie Caniera Adaptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Basic Operations .................................................. 43 Opeiating tlie Cariiera . . . . . .... 4 3 Recoiding witli a Poitable VTR . . . 44 Recoiding witli ii Table-Top VTR . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 4 Monitoring the VTR Pictuie aiid Audio Output 45 , , , , , , , , , Ad.jiistment and Settings ........................................ 46 Reading Iiidicatioiis in tlie Electionic Viewlinder 6 Reading tlie Viewfindei Scieen Display Menu 49 Adjusting the Vie\vfindei Scieen Display . . . 5 0 Adjusting tlie Video Moiiitoi . . . . . . . . . 51 Adjusting the Iris 52 Selecting tlie Filter 54 Adjustiiig tlie Bla . . . . . . . . . 54 Adjustiiig tiie Wliite Balaiice . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Acijustiiig tlie Coiitrast 58 Selectirig tlie Sli~itteiSpeed 59 Advanced Operations .............................................60 Acljusting tlie Sliai.piiessof tlie Pictuie . 63 Selecting tlie Output Level . . . . . . 64 Clieckiiig tlie Video Leve1 . 64 Syncliroiiiziiig Two oi Moie Cnriieras (Without Using a Cnmeia Control Uiiit) . . . . . . . . .65 Title Cliaracters Settiiig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Coiiiiecting a Nuinber o t Camelas (Using a Caiiieia Contiol Unit) . . . . . . . 70 Using tlie Optional Carrying Case ........................71 .. Specifications ........................................................ 72 Caniera Head DXC.327B1327BP . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Caniera Aúaptoi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 73 CA-537/537P (Oprional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Zooiii Leiis VCL-7 14BX . . . . . . . 73 Viewfiiidei DXF-6Oll6Ol CE . . . 73 Carryirig Case LC-47 73 73 Accessories Supplie , , , , , , , Optional Accessories and Reconimended Equipment .................................................. 74 ....................75 Glossary ................................................................... 76 Sample Video Systeni Configuration Composition of the DXC-327B-series Color \/ideo Camera VCT-U14 tripod attachment DXF-6011601CEviewfinder DXC-327BHi3275PH < VCL-714BX zoom lens \ . .. / OXC-32751327BPcamera head Charl foi flanae focal length adjuarneni I Model Composition DXC-327BW327BPK DXC-327BU327BPL DXC-327BHl327BPH DXC-327BFl327BPF Yes DXC-327Bi327BP camera head Y es VCL-714BX zoom lens LC-421 carrylrig case No Yes DXF-601i601CE viewf~nder Yes No Yes No No Y es Yes VCT-U14 tripod attachment Chart for flange focal length adjustment 1 Yes 1 Choosing from NTSC or PAL System Tlie following explaiiis the diffeieiices between tlie NTSC arid PAL systein regardiiig accessoiy selection fOr tlie DXC-327B series cariieia Soiiie PAL coinponeiits cari opeiate oii NTSC eqiiipmeiit aiid vice-veisa In geneial, liowevei, tliis is not ttie case Yo11 iiiust ose the type of eqiiipriient ;irid accessoiies that inatches tlie sigiial systeiii of youi caiiieia Use the DXC-3Z7B-series caineia witliiii tlie NTSC coloi systeiii, and iise rlie DXC-327BP series ciirneia withiii tlie PAL system. Notes on Using Accessories with the DXC-327B Series Camera I S y o ~ iise i tlie CA-5371537P Caiiieia Adaptor (iiot supplied) witli tliis caiiiera. operate tlie cainera ;iccoidiiig io tlie instiuctions i i i tliis iiianual l f ' yoli Iise tlie CA-3271327P Cameia Adapto! (not supplied). operate tlie caineia accoiding to tlie iiistriictioiis tliat come witli tlie adaptor. llyoii use ii zooiii leiis othei tliari tlie VCL-714BX zooiii lens. operate tlie caiiieia accoiding to tlie iiistriictiolis tliat coiiie witli tlie leiis (Foi fiiitliei iiihimaiioii on accessoiies, see "Optioiial Accessories iiiid Recoiiiriieiided Eqiiipiiieiit". on page 74 ) On Using and Storing the Camera Tliis sectioii explains how to safely use, store and clean tlie cameia Wheri setting up the camera a Do not attach tlie zooiii lelis without readiiig "Attacliing ihe Zoom Leiis and Optional Filter" on page 25 Attacliiiig tlie lens incoisectly iuay damage tlie lens, Do not directly connect tlie cameia to aii AC power line Use tlie recoinmended caiiieia adaptor os use a 12 volt DC powei souice D o no1 block air ciiculatioii obout tlie caiiieia lo preveiit inteinal Iieat build-iip When operating ttie camera Avoid iougli Iiaiidliiig o i rnecliiinical sliock Avoid stroiig iiiagnetic lields to pirveiit signiii distortion, Avoid operriting tlie caiiieia i i i enviionineiits tliat exceed tlie tempeiatiise iaiige of -5°C lo +45"C (23°F to 113°F) Do iiot giip tlie caiiieia by the viewfiiidei When using a supplied viewfirider Do not leave tlie viewfindei so tliat siiiilight caii eritei tlie eyepiece leris It is possible 101.sunlight focused by tlie eyepiece to cause veiy Iiigli teriiperatiiies, and iiielt tlie inside ol the viewtindei. When storing arid shipping the camera Coves tlie lens witli tlie supplied leiis cap when yoii do iiot plan to use the video carneia 101. an extended period o í tiiiie. Wlien yoii tianspoit tlie camera, iepack i r as it was oiigiiially sliipped Do not discard tlie packirig caiton Tliis a h i d s iiiaxiiiiurn piotection wlieiievei yoti sliip tlie caiiieia Do not sliip o i transpoit the caineiri in tlie casiyiiig case alone. *Store tlie camera witli tlie viewfindei iiioved lully in tlie tliiection opposite tlie viewfindei baiiel and tlie lock iing tiglitened (See page 28 ) When cleanirig the camera Clean tlie cabiiiet, panel and contiols witli a soft, diy cloth oi a clotli i~ioistenedwitli a niild deteigent solution Do no1 use any type of' solvent, siicli as alcoliol os beiizine wiiicli iiiight darnage tlie fiiiisli 1f you have any qiiestioris about tliis carneia, contact yoiii authoiized Soiiy dealer Managing Hyper-Sensitivity in the CCD lmage Sensor Because of tlie Iiigli seiisitivity of the CCD iiiiage serisors, tlie hllowing phenoiiiena iiiay appear ori tlie iiionitoi scieeii wliile you ase using ttie DXC-327Bseiies coloi caiiiera. Tliese plienoniena do not iiieari that tliere is aiiyttiing wiong with tlie cainera. Vertical smear Siiiear tends to Iiappen wheii ari estieinely biight object siicli as aii electiic liglit, Sluosescent laiiip, suiilight, or strong reflectioii is beiiig shot r- Light bell-like line (smear phenomenon) Video monitor screen A very brigtit object is shot (Such as eleclric liohl. fiuorescent lamo. I sIs;night.stiong reflected light) White dots Wliite dots riiiiy appeai i i i tlie video oiitput if tlie caiiieia is iised at very Iiigli teiiipeiatules Aliasing Aliasing inay occui wlien yoii slioot line stiipes os stiaiglit lines Tlie liiies appear jasged Poor pictures Yoii iiiay no1 get a clear pictiiie if tlie GAIN selectos is set to IS dB wlien you aie iising the electioiiic sliutter. Use tlie electioiiics shuttei iindei ligliting coiiditions wliere yoii can obtain a clens pictuie with tlie GAIN selector se1 to tlie O oi 9 dB positioii Power HADT"SensorCCD Chip design Viewfirider displays The Power HAD"' Seiisoi CCD Cliip desigii eriiploys tliiee '12-incli CCU (Cliaige Co~ipledDeirice) iiniiges eacli liaving a total of about 380.000 (NTSC) 01. 440,000 (PAL) etfictive pictliie eleiiierits Tlie CCD ofleis bettei pict~iieq~ialityovei tube type pick-~ip devices by pioviding: higliei iesoiution aiid sensitivity lo\ver lag, Iiighei. image b~ii,niiigiesistaiice. aiid iio detlection ciistoitioii less vibiatioii and inagiietic lield disloi tioii liigher S/N iatio that allows yo11 to iaise tlie video outpui level by 9 dB o i 18 dB to get ri cleai pictuie iiiidei low liglit coriditioiis So you doii't liave to tiike youieye olí what yoli are sliootiiig, tlie vie\vfiiidei displays ridjustment indicritions ririd waiiiiiig Tlie viewfiiidei shows tlie lollo\virig l b ~ itlisplays: i Cliaracters: Sliow switcli settirigs. wairiiiig iridicatioiis, aiid tlie title cliaiacieis to be s~ipeiiiiiposed, Zel~rapattern: Appeais ori tiie poitioii of tlie scieeii wheie tlie video o ~ i t p ~level i t is about 70 to 80% IRE (lor NTSC) os 490 to 360 iiiV (lo1 PAL) This piitteiii ricts as n releieiice wlieii yo11 iiiaii~iallyacljust tlie iiis, Safety zone inarlier and ceriter niarlier: Iiidiciiie tlie snlkty zoiie loi sliootiiig iind tlie cenier oltlie pict~iie Status indicators: Tlie RECnALLY iiidicatoi llaslies to wain Lhe coniiected VTR riiiilf~inctioiis.ilie BATT iiidicatoi tlie \\teal<power oltlie iiisiiilled batteiy piicli. antl tlie SHUTTER niid GAIN UP indicators sliow the setlirig status of the coiiespoiiding switclies Maximum system versatility By attacliing optioiiiil equipment y o ~ criri i expand tlie ~isabilityof the carileiu: tlie CA-5371537P Caiiieiii Adapto).eiiiibles yoii to coiitiol tlie caineia via a camera contiol uiiit oi VTR tlie CA-323A1325AP or CA-325B eiiables iii~iltiple oiitplits o1 RGB toiiiiat sigrial .a Hi8 loiniat videocrissette iecorder oi ;i Betacam I'oriiiat vidcocrissette iecorder PVV-313P. Pro 7000 series, tliriis yolii ~initinlo a caiiicordei tlie CCU-MSlM5P Caiiieia Coiitrol Unit allow yo11to use tlie caiiiesa as a stutlio cameia tlie vaiio~isliiiids ot powei souices (batteiy, AC nnd DC) allow you to use tlie caiiieia ~inderiiiriny powei. sitliiitioiis Electronic shutter ?he built-iii electionic sliutiei eiisuies betier pictuies ol t'ast riioviiig objects with little bluiring. Automatic adjustment and memory functions Tlie caiiieia autoiiiaiically adjusis wliiteiblack balaiice as well as cameia setliiigs, and stoies tlie adjustiiients toi later use DXC-327Bl327BP Camera Head Tlie DXC-37781327BP Cainera Hend is tlie modular coie of tliis iiiultipurpose carneia systern Depending oii youi puipose, coiiiiect VTRs aiid carnera control Camera head power supply and indications ~initsto it via tlie CA-5371537P oi CA-3271327P Cameia Adoptor @ POWER switcli OFF: Tiiiiis tlie camela off ON SAVE: Select io save Iiowei Wlien yoii piess tlie VTR siart buttoii, theie is a delay befoie iecoidiiig staits, bui ihe amoiiiit of powei coiisuiiied i n tliis mode is less tliaii wlien tlie VTR is iii stand-by inode (STBY) Tliis Euiiction is activated oiily wlieii tlie VTR Iiiis tlie [io\vei saviiig fiinctioii. ON STBY: Select foi a qiiick siaii Wlieii y»u piess tlie VTR st;irt biittoii, iecoidiiig staits iiiiiiiediately f i i tliis iiiode, powei contiiiiies to be consiiiiied while tlie diuiii Iieads rotate @ZEBRA switch ON: Select to tlispl~iytlie zebra piilteiii on tlie viewfiiidei screeii 161iiiriniial iris a~jiistment Tlie zebia patieiii iippeais i i i the pictiiie wlieie tlie video leve1 is aboiit 70 to 80% IRE (foi NTSC) oi aboiit 490 to 560 iiiV (101,PAL). (See page 64.) OFF: Select not lo display tlie zebi~ipattei-n, @ VF MARICER (viewfinder safcty zone inarker andlor center rnaiker) selector Use iliis selecioi to display tlie salety zorie iuail<ei aiidl oi centei iiiaikei on tlie viewtiiidei scieeii. OFF: Indicares neithei of tlie iiiarkeis 1: Iiidicates tlie salety zoiie markei 2: Iiidicates botli 01' tlie iiiaikeis DISP CHG (display cbange) s\vitcli Piish tliis switcli to cliange the cliaiactei display riiode olthe viewfiiider scieeri (See page 49.) @3 Location and Function of Parts - ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ < - > > ~ ~ " ~ ~ - - ~ ~ ~ > 7 ~ Camera head attachments and inputloutput connectors 1 Accessory shoe Lighl receptacle I Handle @ PRO l 50-pin corinector @ Microphone holder attacliment REMOTE corinector VIDEO OUT connector ~ ~ ~ @ PRO 50-piii connector @ Lens niount Coriiiect to tlie 50-pin coiiiiectoi ol tlie cliineizi ndíiptoi oi EVV-900019000P. PVV- 111PII AII AP/7/31' (Sce page\ 77 1 0 74 ) Atracli tlie VCL-7 I4BX Zooiii Leris oi riiiotlici '11" leiis uiid ielaled equipmeiit Iieie @ Cord clanips @ Nlici ophotie Iiolder attacbnient Scc~iiethe viewliiidei coid Atincli uii optioiial CAC- 12 rriiciophoiie Iioldei lier e (Sec pase 79 @ LENS connector (6-pin) Attiicli aii opiioiial uccessoiy siicli as aii DXF-40BI JOBCE, DXF-50B/jOBCE viei\'l'iiitlei Iieie. Coiinecr tlie leiis c«rtl wlien n '1,-iiicli leris is atcacliecl t« ihe caineiii Iieiid iisiiig aii LO-37BklT Leiis Mourit Adapto1 oi wlien ;in MVA-40 Micioscope Adaptoi is atiiiclied to tlie cuiiieio @ Liglit receptacle @ VF connector (S-piii) Attncli aii optioiinl video lifht or oiliei iiccessoiies heie Coiiiieci the viewfiiidei coid heie @ Accessory slioe @ REMOTE connector (10-pin) @ Viewfinder attacllment Attacli tlie DXF-60Il60ICE viewlindei Iieie @ B~iilt-inmicroplione Tlie biiilt-iii iiiicioplione allows yoti to iiiake a sound iecoiding iiloiig witli rlie video recoidiri~, Wlieri aii esteiiinl ~nicioplioiieis coiinectcd to tlie MIC IN coiiiiectoion tlie CA-3371537P Caiiiei;~Adaptoi. ilie biiilt-iri iiiiciophoiie tloes iiot l'iiiiction. We iecominentl you use a iiiii-diiectiorial esteiiial iiiicioplioiie to gel ii betier so~iiidiecoiding wheii a VTR siicli iis a PVV-III P/IA/IAP/3/3P. EVV-90001 9000P. is cliictly ~ittocliedto lliis iinit To opeiate tliis caiiieiii iioiii an RM-M7G Caiiieia Reiiioie Control Uiiit. coiinect tlie camela lo tlie reiiiore coiir101i i i i i r via tliis coniiectoi Make sliie tlie CAMERA SELECT switcli oii tlie bottoiii al' tlie RklM7G is set to "1". tlie kictoiy pieset positioii @ VIDEO OUT (output) coiinector (UNC tgpe) To clieck tlie picruie ol' tlie caiueia you ase sliooliiig. coiiiiect IO tlie iiiput coiinecioi ol a vitleo inoiiitoi~ Also you cnii coiiriect to tlie video iiip~ito l a VT'R Title clioiacters tlisploy oii llie virwl'intlei scieeii oiitput l'ioiii tliis coiinectoi. Location and Function of Parts z,M.*,a7*4,*,*-x<<*ae ,~.*y*<wwl.~,%~.e~ .x<*,7. ><9"z.; :.-,,,r,s,->:..-**,%v,aza.<& *<mxe ,<,-zc4>. <~**>v$ : ~~~,:~~:~r~:~~~<~~~>.-:->~~~:'>~~>.~~"~~~~"~~~-7~~" Camera head switches and controis @ WHlTE BAL seleclor Incide Ihe lid ABL swilch SC PHASE control SC PHASE selector H PHASE conliol a WHITE BtiL (~vliitebalance irieniorp) selectoi @ FILTER selector Selects tlie appiopiiiite liltei accoiding to lightiiig coiiditions. or sunset 2 3 " NO: 5600K Cloudy or rainy Ne~itialdciisity liiter 0 AUTO W/B UAL (autoniatic wliite/blacl< balance aqjustriient ) switcli Select "A" or "B" witli tlie WHITE BAL selectoi aiid pusli tliis swiicli to WI-IT to aiitoiiiatically acijust tvliite biiluiice To aiitoiiiatically adjiist black balarice, piish this switcli 113 BLI< Yo11 can tlo tliis iirespeciive ol' ihe WHITE BAL selectoi settiiig. Thc settiiig vali~eis stoied iri tlie caineia's riieiiioi y Wlie~iY«LI lelease tliis s\\litch, tlie switcli ietiiiiis to tlie ceiitei position iiutoiiiatically A o r B: Select A oi B to iiiake tlie caiiiera iise tlie \vliite balaiice settiiig stosed in nieiiiosy positioii A 01 B PRE: Set to PRE wlieii ilieie is iio tiiiie io adjiist tlie wliite balrince This luiictioii piovides a factoiypsesct wliite baliince value loi n coloi teiiipeiatuie ol37001< foi tlie selected FlLIER selecioi. positioii @ ABl, (aiitornatic blacli level) switcli Wlieii tlie entiie pict~iieis too biighi. siicli 11s diisirig oiiidooi sliooting. ser iliis switcli to ON A \vellcoiitiasted pictiise will be obt:iiried @ SC (subcariier) PHASE control Tiiiii tliis coiitiol to liiie tiiiie tlie SC ]ilinse iisiiig n sinall sciewdiivei Do tliis zillei ioiiglily iidjustiiig the SC phase iisiiiy tlie SC PHASE selectoi. (see page 66 ) Do tliis adjusiiiient wiien yoii aie ~isiiigtwo o i more cariieiiis siiiiultniieously @ S C (subcari~ier)PHt\SE selector @ UPION and DOWNIOFF buttons Piess eitliei oltliese biittoiis witli tlie DlSP CI-IG switcli lo riiake oiie o l tlie lollowiiig six settings to: a Set tlie title chniacteis (see page 67 ) -7uin onloll tlie LOW LIGHT iiidicatioii (see pnge 47 ) Acljiisi tlie iel'eieiice leve1 olthe ;iiitoiiiatic iiis (ser pnge 53 Adjust tlie detail Icvel (see p;ige 61 ) Ailjust tlie Iiiastei pedestal leve1 (see page 58 ) Adjust tlie sliuttei speed (see pase 59 ) . Switch ihis selectoi to O' os 180" to ioiiglily ;icIjtist the SC phiise dillereiice betweeii tlie gen-locli input aiicl tlie video outpiit sigiials when iisiiig iwo o i nioie caiiieins siiiiultaiieously (See piige 66 i @ tf (Iiorizontal) PHASE control Tuin this coiitiol to a~jiisttlie 1-1 phnse tlilleieiice betiveen tlie gen-lock iripiit iiiitl video oiitput sigrials osiiig a siiiiill sciewdrivei (See page 66 ) Location and Function of Parts Camera head output selectors @ VTR button a GAIN seiector I @ S H U n E R switch C @ REC REVIEW button @ VTR button @ BARS (color bar generation) sn'itcll Wheii connectiiig tlie cniiieia to a poitable VTR. press tliis button to sciit aiid stop iecoidirig Wheii coniiectin: tlie caiiieia to a CCU-M71M7P oi CCU-M5/M5P, lieep tliis biitron depiessed to iiioiiitoi. the ietiiiii video pictiiies oii tlie vie\vtindei Release i t to iiionitor tlie caiiieia pictuies. ON: Set to tliis positioii lo display tlie coloi bais o11 @ GAIN selector Seleci ;i liigliei setting to ligliteii datk pictuies @ SHUTTER switcli Flip tliis switcli to coiitiol tlie electioiiic sliiittei. ON: Flip to tliis position to activate Ilie electioiiic sliuttei. To select tlie sliiitiei speed, use the UPI ON oi DOWNIOFF buttori (See page 59 ) OFF: Flip to this positioii to deactiviite the electioiiic sliiittei tlie viewl'iiidei o i video iiioliitoi scieeii wlien adjustiiig its conciast niid biightiiess Tlie coloi ,lis. ,ire . oiitpiit to tlie \~iewl' iiioiiitoi oi. ,,, otliei coiiiiected eqiiipmeiit Iiom tlie l'ollo\virig coiiiiectois. VIDEO OUT corinectoi VF coiiiiectoi REMOTE coiiiiectoi. VTRICCUICMA coiiiiectoi (oii tlie caiiiei:i iidaptoi) OFF: Set lo tliis posirioii 161 iioiiiiiil opeiatioii. @ REC (record) REVIEW button Piess tliis buttoii wlien usiiig a VTR sucli as an EVV900019000P. PVV- 111PII Al1 APl313P. witli tliis canieia to cliecli tlie iecorded pictiiie wliile iecoidiiig (Foi deiails. ielei to tlie opeintions iiianii:il foi tlie cassette iecoidei ) Location and Function of Parts -.z;.*-,"---*-~<-; & ~ > " - ~ # b z ~ ~ x ' : , - x ~ , ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ < ~ CA-5371537P Camera Adaptor (optional) DC IN connector Battery case MIC POWER switch @ EARPHONE jack VTR SELECT switch MIC IN conneclor PRO 50-pin conriector MIC LEVEL switch VTR STARTIRETURN VIDEO button INTERCOM volurne control INTERCOM connector VTRICCUICMA connector GEN LOCK !N conriector Location and Function of Parts VCL-714BX Zoom Lens i @ ~ o c u sring @ ZOOM l selector Manual zoom iever Iris ring Fi adjustment ririg MAGRO ring and button Lens hood FOCUS remote control connector Zoom iemote controi connector IRIS seiector @ RET bulton Instani autonlatic iris adjustment button Motorized zoom swilcti Leris connector (7-pin) @ VTR button 0 Zooiii reniote control coiinectoi Focusing @ Foctis t ing To f»cu\. tiirii tliis iiiig @ Ff (flaiige focal lengtli) arijustnieiit ring To adjiist tlie Ff. ielease tlie sciew aiid t ~ i i i iiIie iiiig @ WIACRO (close-up) ring aiid button Todo close-tip. tiie bulto11 t ~ i i i tIie i (8-pin) To do ieriiote coiitrol zoom wlieii tlie caiiieia is atlaclizd to a tiiliod. coiiiiect aii LO-73 Leris Reiiiote Coiitiol Uiiii (optioiiril) Iieie MACRO iiiig wliile slidiiig @ ' Focus reniote control coiiiiectoi~(3-pin) Not ~ised F O Iiiiotoiized zooiii iictioii. set tIie zooiii selectoi to S Tlien, piess eitliei eiid ol'tlie iiiotoiized zoorii switcli. W Ioi a wide aiigle sliot. iiiid T loi a telephoto sliot Piess tlie switcli down riII tiic \\,ay lor listei zooi11 actioii aiid oiily sliglitly loi slow zooin actioii Recording coritrols @RET (return video) buttoii Wlien a portable VTR is coiinected, keep tliis b~ittoii depiessed to iiioiiiioi tlie E-E pict~ireoii the Iris adjustment 0Iris ring To riiariually aqjusr tlie iiis. selecloi se1 to M @ Wioto~izedzooni snzitcli tiiiii tliis iiiig witli tlie iiis @ IRIS selector A (autoitiatic): Select to acijiist tlie iris autoiiiatically. M (manual): Select to :idjiist tlie iris iriari~ially @ Iiistant automatic iris adjustnient button To autoiiiatically acijiist the iris cluiiiig iiiari~ialiris ridjustiiieiit. keep tliis biittoii depiessetl. Wlieii tlie button is ieleased, tlie iiis will ieiiiaiii at tlie value tliat Iias just been obrairied rind will stay tlirii way iiiitil yoti riiriniirilly adjust tlie iiis agriiii Zoom controls @ ZOOhI selecto1 S (servo): Select loi niotoi ized zooiii actioii WI (manual): Select lo! iiianiial zooiii @ Manual zooiii lever To do iiiaiiual ~ooiii.iiiove tliis levei with tlie ZOOM \elector set to M viewfindei screeii. Release tlie buitori Lo iiioiiitoi~ tlie criiiieia pict~iie When a CCU-M71NI7P or CCU-WIjlWIjP Caiiiera Control Unit is connected, Iieep tliis butioii depiessed ro iiioriitoi tlie ietuiii video pictiiie on tiie viewfiiider scieeii Release tlie biitton to iiionitoi tlie caiiieia pictuie. @ VTR button Wlieri a portable VTR is connected, p i s s tliis b~itton to stop arid stait iecording Tliis biitioii Ii;is tlie saiiie fuiictioii as tlie VTR biitton oii tlie cnmeia Iierid Wlieii a CCU-M71W17P or CCU-NI51M5P Cameia Coritrol Unit is coniiected, keep tliis button depiessed to iiionitor the ietiiili video pict~iieoii tlie vie\vlinciei scieeii Release the biittoii to iiioriiioi. the cariiern pictuie Sta! iiiig niid stoppiiig iecoidirig is coritiolled 011 tlie VTR _ __ Location and Function of PartS _ ,-a z~<*,<,,*,,:>__ :.. e,,.,.,,z*,,.,*_.,,," -:.*<*.,s.,4. ; ; ~ ~ DXF-6011601CE Electronic Viewfinder :* e;;?~s~~,-.<~~A.~ax+,-.-~"-m.- -". 4 .j'. %>zed, e ~ > ~ . ~ - ~ s ' : ~ - ~ - w ~ s ~ ~ @ RECITALLY (recordingítally) indicator (red) *Fioiii tlie tiine wlien yoii piess the VTR buttoii oii tlie leiis o i caiiieia liead. tliis flashes uiiiil iecoidiiig stiiits. tlieii stnys oii contiii~ioiislydiiriiig iecoirliiig Wlieii iising a caiiieia coiitiol iiiiit. this lights wheii tliis carnera is selected T l i i s is also ~isedto iiidicnte ii I'iiult. O Eyepiece release catcli 7'0 view tlie viewíiiideiscieen tlirectly. press tliis catch. aiid liiiige up ilie eyepiece,. @ BRIGHT (briglitriess) control ~ l .,i d.~iisis ~ . . itlie biiglitiiess ~ olilie viewliiidei iiiiiige (See pase 5 0 ) @ UATT (battery) iiidicator (red) @ CONTRAST control Tliis indicates wlieii tlie batieiy capiicity is lo\\$ (See page 41 . ) Tliis acljiists tlie coiitiiist ol ilie viewliiidei iiiiage (See pugc 5 0 ) m @ PEAICING cont~,ol Wheii iisiiig n caiiieia contiol uiiit. tliis iiidic;itoi. tlaslies wlieii yoii operiite tlie contiols, biit tliis is ~iot11 iiiall'oiiction Tliis atijiists tlie outliiie iiitensity ol' tlie viewliiidei iiiiage (See page 50 ) @ GAIN UP indicator (orange) Tliis liglits wheii the gaiii is 3 dB oi iiioie @ SHUTTER indicator (red) Tliis liglits wheii tlie SHUTTER sivitcli is i i i tlie ON positioii @ Eyepiece focusing knob Tuin tliis io acljust tlie viewliiidei l'ocus to inntch yooi eyesight (See page5O @ Accessorg fixing screw Iiole Attacli optioiial video liglits o i otliei accessories Iieie @ Tally l a n ~ p Wlieii tlie TALLY switcli is iri tlie ON positioii. iliis opeiriies i i i tlie saiiie wiiy as the IIECITALLY iiidicatoi. @ TALLY switcli Set tliis switcli to ON positioii lo use tlie tally liiiiip @ Viewfinder connector Coiinect tliis lo tlie VF coiiiiectoi oii ilie camcia Iiead DO 1101 l e i ~ tlie ~ e viewl'indei so tliat s~iiilightcaii entei tlie eyepiece leris 11 is possible Ioisiinlighi locused by ihe eyepiece to cause veiy Iiigli teiiiperatuies. and iiielt tlie iiiside oltlie vie\vSiiidei. - - . .- - . .. . l 1 1 . ! --. d i - -. ~ .,.- , -., ...- f -:,i.:C :L-%?-ho¡.F',i, { - : L -i -, ..., .-. -- , - ...-. . . . .. .,..,. .., ,-.~,l~!~~!~jj?,i~fl.~~~!7.,~ -- , p . --- p . - -..-A-- AttachingIDetaching a Camera Adaptor To tise tlie DXC-377B1377BP caiiieia head as a staiidxilorie c:iiiieia. set up tlie caiiieie Iiead witli a criiiieia c ~ n t i o ~l i i i i toi portable VTR ~isiiig;is inreilace tlie optional Soiiy CA-5371537P or CA-3771327P Cariieia Adaptoi Resel to CA-327/327P opeiatioiis iiiaiiiial Loi iiisu tictioiis oii Iio\v to atluch uiid detucli tlirit uiiit Relei to tlie below pioceduie to attacli tlie CA-j37/j37p Caiiieia Adaptoi. Attaching the CA-537f537P camera adaptor 1 P1:ice tlic caiiicia adaptoi oii tlie crimeia Iiead aligning tlie giiide witli rlie guide Iiole. 2 Pusii the caiileia adaptoi. lbiwaid along tlie giooves unril its 50-pin coniiectoi locks iiito tlie PRO 50-piii coniiectoi ori tlie caiiieia 3 Fis tlie caiileiri adaptoi io the caiiieia Iieatl osiiig tlie two scie\vs Camera head v 4 'iigliteri tlie two sciews at the bottotii ol tlie slioultlei pacl Screws Detaching the camera adaptor To detncli tlie caiiieia adapior, ieveise tlie oitlei ot ihe above pioceduie Note on connection with the CA-3271327P camera adaptor Yo~icaii coiitiect tlie Solio\viii: CA-3271327P series caiiieiii adaptois to tlie DXC-377B1327BP: CA-327: Serial No 1027 1 riiid Iiiglier loi tlie DXC-377B CA-327P: Seiiril No 40 10 1 and liigliei Sor tlie DXC-327BP Attaching a Videocassette Recorder To attncli a11EVV-9000/9000P 1-liS Foiiiiel Vitle«c:issztte Recoitlei io tlie cniiieio Iiead. follow tlie ~~iomdiiies 101;ittacliiiig and detiicliiiig tlie CA-5371 5.37P Ciiiile~~i Ad~ipt~)~ 1 Rer1ioi.e tlir S C I ~ I I 'o1 tIie ; I C C C S S O I ~slioe oii tlie cniiiein Iiend usirig n fliit-liend scie\vdiivei. ;incl ieiiiove tlie plate spi itig l o atcacli n i3et;icnrri 1'oirii;it video c~issetterecorclei. sucli ns n PVV-III P/IAlIAPliI3P, follow tlie piocedule belo\\, Relei to ~lieEVV-900019000P nrid PVV- III PII Al1 AP/ i1lP opeintioiis iiiriiiiinl ioi details Attaching the Zoom Lens and Optional Filter Clieck tliat tlie zooiii lens yoii aie goiiig lo mount is a '12-incli lens A -13-incli leiis cannot be direclly attaciied to tlie lerls iiiount of tbe video cainera Do not tiy to iiiouiit a 21~-i~icli lens diiectly to the video caiiieia's lens inouiit as cloiiiy so will daiiiaye tlie optical block of the caiiiera To mouiit 21 '13-iiicli lens' use aii LO-37BMT Lens Mount Adaptor (optioiial) Preparations Reinove tlie plotective caps froiii tlie mouiits ol tlie camela aiicl tlie lens @ Cap Accessory Attachment . < & . , :. , , . 1-e-u:- ~,.>:e__:? Attaching the zoom lens 1 Tuiii tlie iriouiit cl:iinp levei Ililly couniei clochwi\e to aiigii tlie leris iiotcli aiid tlie red {loiiit Red point Noich -- 2 3 ~~ Aligii ihe ceiiiei piri iii tlie leiis \vitIi tlie iiotch iii tlie lens iiiolini. aiid iiiseii tlie leiis inio tlie 111011111. Moldiiig tlie lelis. piisli d»ir,ii oii tlie leris lisiiig levei to iigliteii tlie riiig aiid secuie tlie leris Attaching ari optiorial filter S c ~ r wtlie liltei oii clocliwise io attacll Wl~eria VCL-714BX Zoonl Lense is used Use ;i filtei wliose ditiiiieiei is 72 piicli is O75 iniii, ~ i i i i arid i f' --===-==~ &:', Attaching and Adjusting the Electronic Viewfinder 1 Loosen tlie locli riiig Aligii üiid giiide tlie viewliiidei ali~ng tlie iiioiint. Lock ring To detacb tlie viemt~ntler, looseii the lock iiiig 'Tlieii \vliile pulliiig up tlie piri. slide tlie viewl'iiidei oHttie rilouiit do 3 Toiii aiid tighteii tlie locli iiiig to I'is tlie \,iewlinclei. Coiiiiect tiie viewliiidei coiiricctoi cable 10 tlie VF coniiectoi oii the caiiieia herid Clamp Ihe cotd lo VF connec or Accessory Attachment .- -. .' ~~#I~s~~~e.rx,~..~J...* *" _ . , _ . .-,_ ~ . _ _ ; I . _ _ " & , L 51___. ,a*21*e**,*7; .a,z<: - w"<*, .$*> , ~ . ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ . - . , 4 ~ ~ > ? ~ ~ % . ;e:<+;*a+T7-**2 . . : ~ , - . ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ Adjusting to the left or right 2 Looliiiig tlirougli tlie eyepiece. slide tlie viewfiiidei sideways to tlie iiiost con\>eiiieiit positioii 3 Tigliteii ilie lock iiiig wlieii tiie vie\vtiiidei is i i i a coriiloitable p0"tion Adjusting the angle Storing the unit in the carrying case Alwiiys store tlie iiiiit wiili tlie eye cup ~>ositioned dowiiwiiitl. tlie viewfiiidei positioried as close to tlie cariieiü body as possible. iiiid tlie lock iing lastened d Attaching a Microphone 111oidet to ati~ichaii ECM-6701672 Estei~ial Micioplioiie (optioiiai). íkst í i t a CAC-17 Miciopiioiie tloldei (optioiial) to tlie cniiiein Iiead b? @Ea Tlle E c ~ - 6 7 (sll»Llld ) be lised wiili a W R 0, ildliptoi wllicli Iins tlie plianioiii-poweriiig Iliiictioii Uslrtg ilic sctcw reinoved iri Step 1. ati;tch the CAC- 12 Miciophone tloldei Washers (supplied wilh the CAC-12) 4 Opei, tiie miciopiioiic holdei Open Accessory Attachment e/r.\~>..2i>- 5 -..,,,;^-=~ *I,~~..,~>> , . < % e X~X.X~X~XXXXXX, liiseik tlie iiiic~opiioiiei i i the iiiictolAioiie lioldei. close tiie lioldei arld iigliteii riie iiiicioplioiie Iioldei bolt Wlien using a bayonet (tliin) type niicroplione, attncli a iiiicioplioiie udalitoi io the rriiciopliorie Wlien tlie ECIbI-670 is used, atiach an iidalitoi suppiied witii tlie ECM-670 :>>,>L7d- <'" . S . . , . , - - , < < , ,~-. AttachingIDetaching a Tripod Attaching the camera to the tripod Detachirig the camera from the tripod Fiist attiicli tlie VCT-U 14 Titpod Adaptoi Lo the ti ipod. tlieii riio~iiittlie ciitiiera oii tlic ti ipod atlaptoi 1 Slide the carnera lorward along Ihe slol, until it cticks firmly inlo place VCT-U14 Tripod Adapior ' :,.m ., ..'. . . Tripod Hold down the red buiton and puil the lever in the direction of [he arrow p~ ~~~ m Aliei ieiiioviiig tlie cairiein. i l tlie tiipod adnptoi piti 1i;is iiot ietuiiied tu its original positioii. Iiold dowii tlie ied b~itroiiiiiid iiiove tlie levei in tlie diiectioii ol tlie iiii«\v to ietiirii tlie piii to its original positioii 11 is not possible to iiiouiit ci cniiieia with tlie piii leli out Make siire tlie power switclies on tlie cameia, V'IR, and otliei eqiiipiiient ase set to OFF Aitach tlie CA-537/537P Caiiieia Adriptoi to tlie caiiieia head bel0i.e attacliing any of tlie below eqiiipiiieiit Consuit tlie "Differences ir1 functions" oii page 38 foi details on tlie fiiiictions available witli diffeient VTRs For tlie geiieial iise ot tlie criinera with n VTR attaclied, see "Basic Opeiations" oii page 43 Connecting an S-VHS Format Portable VTR / - -. When monitoring ihe piciure using a video monitor J Video monitor 'IThe camera cable can be extended up lo 10 nieters (33 leet) Wheii a video iiionitor eqiiipped witli an S-video iripiit coiiiiector. coiiiiect tlie S-video coiinectors on tlie VTR and video iiionitoi Tlien a pictiire wiili higli iesoliition with a Y/C separate signal can be inonitored Wheii an S-VHS foiiiiat VTR is coiinectecl via a CA5371537P Cariieia Adaptoi, set tlie VTR SELECT switcli ori tlie CA-537/537P to "3" Tlien a YIC sepaiaie sigiial is outpiit fiorri the VTR/CCU/CMA connector on tlie CA-5371537P * A coinposite video sigiial is oiitpiit fioiii tlie VIDEO OUT coniiectoi. ~,J.~,S%.OZ. -- -*2: ,>,".*"i..S.,..' r, i a;* ,>.. ; . - :. e..: ...:e<,.,y., .<.,.,e.,\.,.: .z:~., 2,e,. : ,. ,:<. ~ ~ , - - m > ~ : - T > ~ J : " 7 " x - . ~ r , , ~ <:,.a. , ,,,/> . ~ ~ * 7 , ~ 7 v . ~ % Connecting a Portable VTR Poitable VTR 1 Video monitor or CCZ-A camer cable'i (not supplied) I When monitoring the picture using a video monitor '1 The camera cable can be extended up lo 10 meters (33 feet) long Consult vour authorized Sonv dealer Connecting an External Microphone To r i v o i d iccoidili: noise iii;ide w l i i l e h a i i d l i i i g tlie curiierii. c o i i i i e c t ~ i esteilirtl n ~ i i i c i o p h o r i et o t i i e MIC IN W i t l i t l i e b e l o w coriiiectioris. i i o t e tliar tlie b u i l t - i i i i r i i c i o p l i o r i e riutoiii:ttically s l i ~ i t so l l coririecror oii t l i e c n i i i e i a ndaptor ísee I i g ~ i i eb e l o w ) Earphone (not supplied) Externa1 mtcrophorie mlcrophone (not suppited) EARPHONE Connections Connecting a Table-Top VTR Table-top VTR lo video input VIDEO OUTPUT COnneclofm CAMERAICCU CCZO-A carnera cable') Video monitor CA-5371537P The camera cabie can be extended up lo 10 rnelers (33 leel) long Consuli your authorized Sony dealer DXC-327Bl327BP Connecting a Camera Control Unit Connecting the CCU-MSIMSPIM7IM7P camera control unit 1 carnera control unit VTR SELECT switch VTR SELECT DR-100A intercorne headset (no1 supplied) CAMERA ~~ ,?W 1 ') GGL-A camela caD The camera cable can be extended up lo 300 m (990 feel) using Ihe CCZZ-1B or CCZZ-1 E Cable Exterision Adaplor Consult your authorized Sony dealer Gamma and knee controls with the CCU-M71 M7P connected When the caiiiera is coniiected to tlie CCU-M7/M7P, tlie GAMMA controls and I<NEE contrals of tlie CCU-M71M7P do iiot al'fect the video outpitt signal of tlie calriera Hotvever, tlie s e t t i n ~value of'tlie GAMMA arid KNEE leve1 oii tlie iiionitor screen cliange Notes on use with the CCU-M7lM7P or CCU-M51MSP camera control unit Switch setting .Se1 the VTR SELECT switcli on tlie cainera adapto1 to " 1 " Wlien tlie caiiieia is connected to tiie CCU, tlie followiiig switches on tlie caiiieia Iiead do not opeiate: GAIN selectoi WHITE BAL selectoi H PHASE coiitiol SC PHASE control SC PI-IASE selectoi SHUTTER switcli BARS switcli ABL switcli Whitelblack balance adjustment * When tlie W/B BALANCE selector on tlie CCU is ser to PRESET o i MANUAL, tlie CCU adjusts tlie wliite balance and takes prioiity over the setting done oii the caiiiera If tlie W/B BALANCE selectoi is set to AUTO, tlie wliite balance caii be adjlisted usiiig eitliei tlie camera or CCU contiols Do autornatic black balance adjustiiients by setting tlie W/B BALANCE selectoion tlie CCU to AUTO o i PRESET, and tlie AUTO W/B BAL switch on tlie cainera to BLIS. Connections Connecting a Remote Control Unit By coiioecting an RM-bI7G Reinote Coiliiol Unit (optioiial). you cari coiitiol tlie piincipal caiiie1.a l~~iicrioiis at a distarice Foi iiioie tletails oii usiiig tlie ieiiioie coiitrol. cons~ilty o ~ i Soiiy i dealel. camera remote control cable RM-MIG camera remate control unit I CAMERA SELECT switch Set la "1 ' Notes on use with the RM-M7G *Se1 tlie CAMERA SELECT switch oii riie RbILM7G to "1" Wheii rhe caiiier;i is coiiiiected to 11 RM-M7G. rlie GAMMA nnd KNEE cont~olso l the RM-M7G do riot affeci the video outp~itsignal neithei Ihe outp~it sigiial fioiii the 'TEST coiinector o l the ciiriieia *Tlie lollowing switclies 011 tlie cameia do ~ i o t Sunctioil GAlN selectos WHITE BAL selectoi SHUTTER swiicli BARS switcli ABL switch REMOTE - Using the Camera with a VTR Wheii the DXC-377B1377BP is iised witli tlie CA-,5371 537P, tlie lollowi~igVTRs caii be iised wiili tliis caiiieia systeiii, Uepeiitliiig ori tlie VTR co~inecietlto tlie caiiicra, tlie switcli settiiig oii tlie caiiiera adaptoi, tlie iisable cable, aiid the liinctions 01' the caiiieia aiid tlle VTR vaiy (Plense coiisiili youi local outhoiized Sony denlei il yoii wnnt io use a VTR othei. tlia~ithose sliowii in tlie teble below.) ---- setting of the VTR SELECT switch on the 1 B"-3,p50p VO-880018800PS 1 1 (Cornposite) 3 (YIC) 1 60dB -60 dB -20 dB S-VHS forrnat VTR AG-7400 (Panasonic) 3 (YIC) JVC BR-S405 a Wlieii tlie VO-680016800PS poitable V'TR is coiiriected to tlie caiiieia. se1 ilie -20 dB1-60 dB cai11ei.a iiiicioplione iiipi~tselecioi on tlie VTR to -60 dB. Wlieii ii CCU-MjIM5PlM7IM7P Cnmeiii Control Uriit is iised. be suie to set tlie VTR SELECT switcli lo "1" VTR cable from the VTR adapto1 for to the camera the VTR CMA-8AI8ACE Wheii tlie AG-640017400 is iised. riii iridependerit powei souice inusi be piovided lbi the caniera microphone (Output video signal) output level Connected Connecting Powersupply AC power m Setting of the SELECT switch Be suie to use tlie cable aiid AC p»\vei adaptoi iippiopiiate lo tiie coiiiiected VTR (Panasonic) Set tlie VTR SELECT switcli o11tlie CA-5371537P clepeiidiiig on the VTR to be coiiiiected. Il'tlie settiiig is iiot coiiect. video aiid riudio signals rnay not be I ecoided iioiiiially. Connected VTR -- (Panasonic) --. .. ...-. Setting of the VTR - --. Usable camera cables and power sources 1 Connections Differences in functions Available tunctions ditters dependirig on tlie VTR coiiiiected as sliown below Remote Connected VTR RECfJ'ALLY indicator BAST alarm control of VTR REC starustop indication alarm BVW-35/35P/50/50P v0-8800/8800PS AG-6400 (Panasonic) VTR Yes monitor indication (on the camera) Yes Yes NO Audio No Picture shown on the viewfinder During recording During playback (picture from (picture frOm the camera) the VTR) Yes Yes Yes No ) Yes Yes" ii) A pic~iiielsoin a VTR can be seeii only \\,heii yo11press (lis RET buttori o11the zoorii leiis Wheii tlie CA-5371537P Caineia Adapto! 1s atlaclled, tlie DXC-327B1327BP carneia is powered by oiie ot tliiee types oi powei s~ipply:exteinal DC. batteiy UC. or AC power Using a DC Power Supply Connecting to a DC power outlet Coiinect a coiiiiecting cable fioiii tlie UC 1N connector on the caiileia adapto1 oi oii a VTR to tlie exteinal power soliice ol 12 V UC Power Sources av,s.*...,,<,,,., , / _,A". / -.,,, ,,.",*>* , 4 ~ ~ - , ~ 7-., : ~ ~ ~ . ~ - ~ ~ < ~ , ~ ,,*.*,%~6:,~.a..,~%,.6,>,,<>~,.<.:*.,-a%.,-+~&7,?>,.?.,a) ~ ~ , . - % ~ > ~ - . ~ Using a Battery Pack Beloie iising Llie bntiei y pnck. iecliaige ilie bnticiy (see "Clinigiiig llie b;iiteiy" oii ilie iirxt pnge) lnstalling the battery pack 1 Piess ilie biitton iit tlie side ol ilie batieiy cose litl oiid p~i11 opeii ilie lid Press llie bullon Baltery case 2 Slide tlie htteiy iiito tlie butteiy case with tlie iiiiow oii tlie bntteiy pacl; ~>»iiitiiig do\\~nwaiti Continuous battery operation time ! Wlieii a caiiieia sduptoi is attaclied. the Iiilly ilinrged batteiy pncl; con coiitiii~io~isly poivei iIie calilesa and \,iewl'indei 1'01 o ceit~iiiiaiiioiiiit 01 tiriie (see tlie table below). 1-lowevci, witli ihe EVV-900019000P Videocassette Recoides atinclied. bntter y lile is Battery Battery life with CA-5371537P type attached NP-1B About 135 min BP-90P1 b) Battery iife with EVV-9000/9000P attached attacbed About 85 min. About 80 min. About 180 min. About 170 min. ;i VC-500 B:iiici-y i s necessiiry Tlic BP-9Ob\ ciii~iioihc i~sedi\,iili ;i c;iirierB :i<l;iptor b) A VC-500 Biittery C;isi: c;iiiii«i be ;iitaclied to ilie CA537/5.37P/327/327P Ctiiiieis i\dnpioi;i) l o use lhe BP-OOA. Battery life warning Wiien tlic batteiy is iieiiily esliausted. tlie wniiiiiig "BATT XX XV" iippenis o n tlie viewliiidei scieeli sh«wiiig tlie voltage leve1 iii tlie "XX X" I 1 ' ~ ~ o u coiitiii~ieLo opeiiite tlie eq~iipiiieiitwitliout chniigiiig tlie b;itteiy. the BATT iiidicatoi ol rlie viewliiidei also liglits up to indicate tliai the b;itteiy iiiiist be iep1:iced iiiiiiiedi;itely Charging the battery Recliaige tlie bntteiy pack beloie encli use usiiig ilie btitteiy cliaigei slio\\,ii iii tlie table below 11 Battery pack NP-113 BP-9OA Battery chargei BC-lWD, BC-410 BC-410 Charging time About 95 minutes Aboul 160 minutes Power Sources , ~ " 4 ~ ~ w , ~ ~ < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ i , X a- . Using P o w Supplied ~ ~ Through the Camera Adaptor To use tlie lollowing etluipiiient, nialce slire y o ~ Iiave i attaclied a CA-5371537P Caiiieia Adaptoi Using a portable VTR Coniiect ihe V'IRICCUICMA coiiiiector oii tlie caiiieia adaptor and tlie VTR 14-pin Q-type camera coiinectoi. VTR Lising the optional CCZQ c~~~~~~~ cable, Then rlie powei is aiitomatically supplied Siorii tlie VTR to tlie caiiiera. For tlie Dowei source toi [he VTR, iefer to tlie operatioiis iiianual tor tlie VTR. See the coiiiiecting diagram tOi "Coiiiiectiiig a Portable VTR" (page 33) Note on the operating time Tlie continuous operating time depends on tlie o ~ ~ e i a t i ooii n tlie VTR Fast-foiwaiding oi icwiiidiiig tape niay ieduce the opeiatiiig tiiiie Battery life indicatiori Tlie life ol tlie batieiies installed in tlie poi~ableVTR is indicated by tlie BAT'I indicatoi oii tlie \giewfiiidei. If the BATT indicator slarts tlasliing, ieplace the batteiy witli tlie cliarged one If tlie caiiieia contiiiues opei;iting witliout ieplacing a batteiy, the BATI indicatoi will stay lit 011 soiiie VTRs, tlie battery lite is not iiidicated (See page 38 ) Using a CCU-M5lM5P and CCU-M7lM7P camera control unit Coniiect the cameia coiitiol unit and tlie VTRICCUI CMA coniiectoi on tiie caiiieia adaptar using tlie optional cainera cable Tlien tlie powei is autoiuatically s~ippliedto tlie caiiieia (See page 3 4 ) .. .- - .-. -. Usirig a CMA-8Al8ACE camera adaptor C , , l l l l ~ 1~1i1 ~C3l:\-h,\ls:\~:l: ~ ~ ; l l l l, c\ ~~I ~~l l~ ) i O~11111 i ill? VTRICCUICMA coriiiecloioii the cariiera adapioi. usirig tlie optioiial caiiiera cable. Tlien tlie powei is autoiiiatically slipplied to tlie caniera. (See page 34 ) Priority of power sources Wheii two oi tliree powei solirces are siiiiiiltaneously coiiiiectecI to the cariieia, tlie cameiri opeiation oiily uses olie of tlie power supplies accoiding to tlie ii~iiiiericalpiiority listed below (staitiiig with DC porvei first) TIre olhei potveisources ale automaticnlly cut olf Type of power (priority) 1. DC power 2 NP-18 battery 3 AC powei m Beloie operatiiig tlie caiiieia, iiiake siiie thnt tlie powei supplied .. Siorn tlie VTR to tlle caiuera is s~itticieiit 1f tlie powei supply capacity of tlie VTR is not sufficient. the cariiera must be powered iiidepeiidently. - ..-. ~ 1 1 / supplied (on the camera adaptor) via the DC IN connector Battery packCompartment VTRICCUICMA conneclor Wlieii the EVV-9000/9000P HiS tor~iiatVTR or tlie PVV-I/lP/lA/IAP13/3P Betacaiii foriiiat VTR is atiaclied. tlie cameia opeintes oii one ol'tlie two iypes ol power soiiices accoidirig to ilie nuiuerical piioiity listed below 1 Type of power (priority) 1. DC power 2. NP-18 battery 1 supplied (on the VTR) via the DC IN connector Battery pack compartment 1 Tlie following is the basic pioceduie foi opeiating tlie camesa To _oet tlie most o~itof the videotapiiig opeiiition, we iecominend you do tlie adjustiiieiits and settiiigs on tlie following pages Operating the Camera 6 VTR SELECT switch 1 Clieck tliat equipineiit coniiectioiis, sucli as to the VTR, ase correct (see pages 33 to 36) 7 2 Iusn tiie power switches to the caineia aiid tlie al1 tlie coniiected equipmeiit to the ON position 8 Acljust the focus by turiiing tlie focus riiig wliile 3 Set tlie IRIS selectos on tlie zoorn Iens to "A" ísee page 52) 4 Seiect the appropriate position Foi tlie FILTER selectoi tor tlie ambient ligliting (see pase 54) 5 6 Reiiiove tlie lens cap Set the hllowiiig switclies: ABL switch: OFF GAIN selectoi: O dB WHITE BAL selecto¡: A or B (see page 56) VTR SELECT switcli (on tlie camela adaptar): coriesponding to the VTR used Point tlie caineia ~ i an t object tliat is at least one meter (3 '1: feet) ti0111 ttie lens looking at tlie iinage on tlie iiioiiitor o i viewfiiidei scieen - - -Basic Operations Recording with a Portable VTR 'i Tuin tiie powei switches to tlie cameia aiid connccted equipinent to the ON positioii 2 Set the VTR to Recoid Staiidby iiiode 3 Acijiist tlie blacli balaiice aiid wliite Iialiiiice (For details on how to do tliis, see "Adjustiiig tlie B l d i Balaiice." page 55 ancl "Acljusting tlie Wliite Balance." page 5 6 ) 4 Point tlie cameia at a ceteience object aiid adjust ilie lens, Atljust tlie Iiis (see page 5 7 ) Zooiii (see page 6 0 ) Close-Up Functioii (see page 6 7 ) Foc~is 5 To staii recoidiiig, piess tlie VTR buttoii oii tlie caiiieia, tlie VTR STARTIRETURN VIDEO biittoii on tlie cniiieia adaptoi. o i tlie VTR button 011 the lens. Tlie RECITALLY indiciitor iri tlie viewfindei lights up during iecoiding 6 To stop iecoidiiig. pies$ tlie VTR STARTI RETURN VIDEO buttoii or tlie VTR biittori iised iii Step 5 above Recording with a Table-Top VTR To iecord iising a table-top VTR, l'ollow tlie proceduie esplaiiied fbi iecoidiiig with a poirable VTR except lbi ilie following: Stait aiid stop recoidiiig iisirig tlie i'uiictioii buttoiis oii tlie V I R Tlie RECfIALLY iiidicatoi i i i tlie viewfiiidei does iiot Suiictioii Tlie ieiuin video aiid tlie playIi:icli pictiiie c;iiiiiot be iiioiiitoied ori tlie viewfindei scieeii Monitoring the VTR Picture and Audio Output A playback picture (during playback) - - -. You can see tlie follo\viiig tliree types oliiiiages oii tlie viewtiiidei scieen tvlien the criiiieia aiid tlle VTR are coiinected \vith the CCZQ cariiei.ri cable Note. howevei, tlirit witli soiiie types oiVT'Rs, you iiiay iiot be able lo iiio~iitoia pictliie (Foi iiioie tletails oii tlie pictuies whicli can be seeii oii tlie viewiindei screeii. see the "Diiteierices io functions" oii pase 38). A picture picked up by the camera (during recording) Portabie VTR / 1 Noise oti the monitoring Wliile tlie playback pictuie fiorii tlie VTR displays on tlie viewliiidei scieeii, soiiie otthe video signals outpiit Iioiii tlie caiiieia s~iclias tlie sync sigiial. mey i i ~ i xwith tlie playbricl; pict~iieso tlirit stieaks ol'iioise rol1 Iiorizolitally oi veitically acioss tlie scieeii Monitoring the audio output Poriable VTR 1 1 An E-E mode picture from the VTR (when the RET button on the lens is pressed during recording) Poriable VTR 1 You caii iiioiiitor the aiidio signal duiiiig iecoiding aiid ieviewing by coniiectirig an eatpiioiie to tlie EARPHONE jack oii tlie carnera adapto1 Note, Iiowever. llirit witli soirie types oiV'TR. you iuay iiot be able lo iiionitor tlie aiidio output In tlie electioiiic viewfindei, tlie viewfinder screen itselfsliows you tlie settings of switclies sucli as blacW wliite balance and gaiii At tlie periptiery of tlie screeri tlie viewfinder indicatois show tlie status of operations sucli as battery leve1 Reading Indications in the Electronic Viewfinder Viewfinder screen and status indicators Four iiidicators (see illostiation below) coiiespond to tlie status of tlie camera and connected equipiilent RECfiALLY O O SHUTíER ITALLY / BATT 0 O GAlN UP with a CCZQ-A camera cable While using a VTR (equipped with a warning system), which is connected with a CCZQ-A camera cable While using the CCU-M5IM5PIM7IM7P While the can~erais powered by the battery pack Wheri a VTR is connected to the camera / / the standby mode While the VTR is malfunction - 1 1 When this camera is selected - When the battery power becomes weak When the battery power becomes 1 weak li you keep on operating the connected equipment aiter the Readirig warning indications on the viewfinder display When the camera is used with the PVV-31 3P Two iiidications. "LOW LIGHT" arid "BATT 1 0 . 7 V appear on tlie viewtinder screeii Tlie Sollowing explains wliat tliey iiiean and sotiie possible ieiiiedies to tlie piobleius tliey indicate Tlie data al: the PVV-3/3P sucli as rime code, usei's bit. tape counter, etc caiinot be displ~iyedoii tlie viewlindei scieen. Meaning Reniedy Lighting is ins~ifficierit * liiciease tlie ainbieiit liglitiiig, -Open tlie iiis inan~iallyor ;ictivate tlie autoniatic iris S~irictioii * Select aii appiopi-iate Siltei Set tlie GAlN selectoi to 9 dB or 1 S dB S e t tlie SHUTTER switcli to OFF. It is possible to switcli tlie "LOW LIGHT" indication on oi off. On: Press tlie UP/ON buttoii when tlie cliaiactei display is in tlie current caiiiera setting (see next page) iuode Off: Piess tlie UOWNIOFF biitto~i\vIieii tlie clinracter display is in tlie cuireiit caiiieia settiiig (see next page) inode M e ~ n i n g Tlie input voltage to the cninera is abo~it 10 7 volts Rernedy Replace tlie bntteiy witli a f~illycliaiged oiie 11 you coiitiiiue iecoidiiig witli a weali batteiy, tlie cl~ialityol ihe rccoiding will deierioiate Adjustment and Settings ..., ~~>?'~~-.~~,~,~.~.>~z~.~~<~~~:~ ,.. ,-d., * .,'a* ~se, . . . Current settings The viewfindei scieeii sliows yo11 tlie settiiigs o f the switclies o i i tlie caiiiesa Iiead, camela adaptoi. aiid zooiii lens. If iiecessary. cliaiige tlie settings usiiig lile pcoceduies described ir1 tliis sectioii 2nd tlic table below Switch indicators - Piess ihr UISP CHG switcli s c v e ~ atiriies l uiitil tlie l o l l o w i i i g (see i1lustc;ition below) displ;iy appeais ori tlie viewl'iiidei scieeii Tlie tollowiiig titble expliiiiis tlie riie;iiiings o l tlie below scieeii display iteiiis WHlTE BLACK : PRESET : AUTO Setting status SHUnER : OFF Meaning Setting Status Setting the "LOW LIGHT" indication ON Battery voltage L WHiTE BLACK White balance adjustment rnode Meaning "LOW LIGHT" is displayed. OFF "LOW LIGHT" is not displayed. XX.XV The battery voltage leve1 is displayed. PRESET For the faclory preset value AUTOIA or AUTO16 For automatic adjustrnent (The white balance has been adjusted autoniatically using the volurne stored in memory A or B.) MANUAL For manual adjustment using the CCU-M71 M7P, CCU-MSIMSP Carnera Coritrol Uriit, or RM-M7G Carnera Remote Control Unit. AUTO For automatic adjustment For mariuai adjustment using ttie CCU-M71 M7P, CCU-MSIMSP Caniera Control Uriit, or RM-M7G Caniera Remote Control Uriit. Setting the video output level O DB. 9 DB, 18 DB The video oulput leve1 is O dB. 9 dB or 18 dB. Setting the shutter speed OFF The shutter speed canriot be changed. Shutter speed set The set shutter speed is displayed. Black baiance adjustment Reading the Viewfinder Screen Display Menu The following c h a i t s l i o w s how t l i e d i s p l a y cliaiiges oii ttie scieen each t i m e you press the I n al1 inodcs, DISP CHG s\\,itcli Llie b l a c k balance arid w l i i t e balarice c a n b e adjusted autoiiiatically. BA IRIS DETAIL T h e clisplay i i i o d e cliaiiges t o tlie b l a c k haliince tvliite balance a d j u s t m e n t n i o t l e : 00 Autornatic iris reierence leve1 Tille charactor (See page 53 ) The charactois stored in rnernory. ii any. are displayed SHUTTER : OFF TlTLE SET? Press the DISP CHG switch Press the DlSP CHG switch Detail levei M PED : 00 SHUTTER : OFF Flashes Press the DlSP CHG switch 2nd ietilsiis t o tlie selected d i s p l a y a l i e i tlie acljustiiierit i s coriiplete : NORM or duriiig aejustiiieiit '>Theseiecled shutter speed is displayed when ttie SHUTTER switch is se1 lo ON Adjustment and Settings ,z<e>-,*,.r.#+<:. "3. .., 97<<.z.*.~,r,srm<,: Lz<,.>*,,x>ee : v . 9 . , L &s.x*~,,ad~.>j>, - Adjusting the Viewfinder Screen Display Aflei atljiistiiig tlie viewlindei aiid tlie eye cup. inake tlie lollowiiig adjiisiiiieiits so tiiiit tlie viewfindei scieeii c~iiibe seeri coiiilbiiably Note, iiowevei.. tliiit iioiie ol lliesc setiiiigs aflkct tlie video oiitpiit sigiial o l tlie caii1ei.a Adjusting the eyepiece focus Because encli eyesight 1~1e:icliiiidividiial is difleteni. it mny be iiecessniy {o acljust [he diopter wheii n iiew ceiiieia opeiiitoi lises tlie viewliiider 1 Focus tlie leiis 2 Tuin tlie <liolitei iiiig (sec illustiiiiion above) witliiii tlie i.aiige 01'-OD io -3D uiitil tlie view is cleai Tlie :idjiistnble iiinge cnii be c1i:uiged to tliai of-7 to +I D 0 1 - 0 5 to +3D Coiisiilt yolii Soiiy tlealei :,*.*a,>'&., :S,?< -:, e,,>* 7,4,,: - % :.e,>r<..-. ~,>~<<~*,s~>~~.',~~?~r-z~"~-~a<.:.; ,,~~~>'C-S~>-*-X-X~ - - - Adjusting the contrast and brightness on the viewfinder 1 Is? Sei llie BARS switch oii tlie cniiieia to ON Adjust ihe coiitiast nntl biigliitiess iising thti CONTRAST aiicl BRICI-IT contiols oii ilie vie\vfiiidei wliile iefeiiiiig to tlie coloi bai sigiials 011tlie viewlindei scieeii 3 Set tlie BARS \wiicli to OFF altei adjii~tiiieiit Adjusting the outline emphasis Tiiiiiiiig iIie PEAKING coiitiol cliaiiges tlie degiec 01 oiitliiie eiiipliasis i i i tlie vie\vliiidei iruiage. to iii;ilte fociisiiig easiei Adjusting the Video Monitor Wlien you aie usiiig a coloi video rrioiiitoi to iiioiiitoi. tlie video o~itp~it. üdjust tlie coloi oii tlie riloiiitoi usirig tiie pioceduie tliat follows (Sec tlie sectioii, "Connectiiig ü n S-VHS Foiiii:it Poitnbie V ' T R oii page 37 101 iiifoiiiiatioii 011 ho\v lo coiiliect a video iiionitoi aiid a VTRI 2 i\djusr Lhe coloi aiid liue contiols o11 tlie iiioiiitoi \\tilile viewing tlie coloi bais ori the iiioiiitoi scieeri Adjusting the Iris Automatic iris adjustment Set tlie IRIS selecto1 to "A" Tliis is ilie iioiirial settiiig 1 0 1 tlie autoni~iticiris This settiiig inakes the iiis autoiiiatically ocijust ti? tlie brightiiess 01' tlie object beiiig sliot Adjusting the iris manualiy Use riiaiiu;il adjustiiieiit wiien iecoiciiiig riii objeci agriiiist a biiglit sl<yoi a scene witli iiigh contiast Set the IRIS selectoi to "M " Using the zebra pattern for iris adjustrnent Tlie zebia patteiii appeais on tlie portioii 01' the scieeii wliere tlie video outplir is about 70 to 80% IRE (NTSC) or 490 to 560 iiiV (PAL) Tliis patteiii acts as a ielereiice wiien you iiiaii~iallyatljust the iiis (Foi tlie proceduie. see "Cliecltiiig tlie Video Level," prige 6 1 1 Temporary autoniatic adjustment d To n~itoiiiniically;idjust tlie iris wliile tlie IRIS selectoi is ser ro "ivl", lieep tlie 1nst;irit Autoiiiatic Iiis Adj~istiiieiit(IAIA) buttoii depiessed 2 To lis tlie iiis vrilue tiiar was set iii Step l . ielease tlie IAIA biittoii Tlie iiis ieiiiaiiis iised at iliis vnlue i i ~ i i i li t is iiiaiiually adjusied agriiii Selecting the automatic iris reference level Tlie selectable vulues are as lollows: *-lo *-O5 a NORMAL (iefeieiice value) *O 5 -10 Wlieii acljustiiig tlie video leve1 01 ti bac1;-lir subject. yo11c~iiicliaiige tlie a~itoiii;iticiiis ieleieiice leve1 settiiig Wheii yoii m;il;e the settiiig. it is ietained iii tlie riieiiioiy o t tlie caiiiei;i. the autornatic iris Flashes 2 LJPION hutton, DOWNIOFF bution 1 I To select tlie ~iutoiiinticiiis ieleience level. piess rlie DISP CHG swircli several tiines ~intilthe above display appetirs on tlie viewl'iiidei scieeii 2 Seiect the settiiig value (Sioiii -1.0 lo 1.0). To raise ttie valoe: Piess tlie UPION b~ittoii To lo\ tlie valoe: Piess tlie DOWNIOFF buttoii To reset to NORMAL: Piess tlie UPION and DOWNIOFF b~ittoiissirii~iltriiieously m Wheri yo11 coiiiiecr tlie CCU-M7lM7P. CCU-M51M5P Camela Coiitiol Uiiit. oi RIVI-M7G Cariieia Reinore Contiol Unit lo ilie caiiieia. cliaiige rlie aiitoiiinlic iris set'eieiice ievel usiiig tlie coritrols on the CCU-M71 M7P, CCU-M51M5P. oi RM-M7G Tlie coiitiols oii tlie caiiieia do not opeiiire this l'uiiction SHUTTER : I Adjusting black balance Re-adjust the black balance Tlie ndjusted value is stoied oii tlie cnmeia. aiid is kept eveii wlieii tlie powei is tiiined ofl' Noiiually icadjiistiiierit is not icqiiiied except loi tlie tollo\\,iiig ciises "MEMORY N G nppeiiis ori tlie vic\viiridei scieen T l i e c:iiiieta Iias iiot becii ~isedlbi a loiig tiiiie. T l i e ainbieiit teiiiperat~iielins cliaiiged iadically AUTO WIB BAL swiicli Flip tlie AUTO WIB BAL s\\,iicli to tlie BLIi posiiioii. ~indwlien yoit Iie~iia cliclc. ielease tlie switcli "AUTO BLACK -0P-" appeais o n tlie viewl'iiidei scieeii dusirig adjusriiieiir. niid "AUTO BLACIi-OI<-" iippeais oii tlie viewl'iiidei scieeli \r~lieii;idjiistriieiit is coiiiplete If black balance cannot be done Tlie cliaiactcrs sliown below lile displ:iyed o11 tlie viewl'iiitles scieeri AUTO BLACK -NG- IRIS: NOTCLOSED TRY AGAlN When black balarice adjustment is complete During bltick bal;iiice iidjiisiiiieni. tlie iiis is aiitoiiiatically closed Il' tlie IRIS selecto^ is set to "M". yoii iiiiist opeii it ma~iuallyto opeii it agaiii Adjustment and Settings , - . x m - x m m a c * ~ ~ ~ - P > l Adjusting the White Balance Tlie wliite balaiice shoiild be adj~isredso tliat o wliite object is iept.oduced LIS wliiie and lile-like coloi is oblained The wliite balance chnnges depending ori the liglitiiig condiiioiis ?he cniiieia hris two iiiemories. A niid B. iti ivliicli to stoie tlie adjiisted wliite balaiice valiies Yo~icriii stoie two adjitsted values uiidei two dil'feieni liglititig conditioiis riiid secall eitliei o l the values accoitlirig to ambieni coiiditions 1 4 Select tlie positioti ol' tlie FILTER selectos oii tlie caiiiera Iiead riccoidiiig to lighting coiiditions 2 Set tlie WHlTE BAL selectoi lo "A" oi "B" 3 Zooni iip oii a wliite object sucli as a white clotli oi. pripei iviih tlie sariie ligliting coiiditioris ris those fos sliootiiig Tlie iiiiiiirriurn wliite atea ieq~iiied foi adjustiiieiit is as Collows: Center o1 Ihe screen m of ttlis center oval -- Kl l \1. (4 1 /--- Place ~~~ Ihe while ~ object in the ) 1 No other light object should appear inside of the screen height About 80% o1 Ihe screen width 1 Set tlie IRIS selectoi oti tlie letis to "A" 5 Piess tlie AUTO WIB BAL switcli to tlie WHT positioii Wlien you lieai a clicl<,irlease tlie switcli. "AUTO WHITE -OP-" appeass on tlie display screeii dutiiig adjustment. aiid "AUTO WH1T'E OI<-" appeais oii tlie viewtindei scieeri wlieii adjustiiieiit eiids Tlie caiiieia stoies tlie adjusted wliite bnlaiice value i i i tlie selected tiieinory When the white balance cannot be adjusted automatically When you have no time to adjust the white balance 1 Tlie followiiif cliaincieis appeaioii tire scieeii display il wliiie balance caiinot be iidjusied aiitoiiiatically Reiidjust tiie wliite brilarice aliei ialiing ilie riieasoies ieqtiiied in tlie cliuii below wi Select tiie appiopiiiite liitei w i t l i tlie F I L T E R selecioi o n tlie cuiiieia depeiidinf o n tlie iiglitiiig coiidiiioris. 2 Set tlie W t l l T E B A L selecioi to PRE Y o i i caii obtaiii rlie appiosiiiiate wliite biilance, AUTO WHITE Readjustment ,............. 5. ...- - - ....., The adjusted viiiue is kepi everi il'tlie power is tiiined oil So seadjiisti~ientis iiot iequiied, TRY AGAIN Display Causes and measures LOW LlGHT Light is insufficient Add illumination or raise the video output level with the GAlN selector 1 The obiect is not white or verv briatit ?? I grit a&cars .- .... . t i irle piciLre éiianie irle ob,eci !u an üppropriaie one C TEklP LOW Co oi remperalJre CHG FILTER Select the appropriate filter with the FILTER selector. C TEMP HI Color temperature is too high CHG FILTER Select the apropriate filter with the FILTER selector. .S too lovi WHITE: PRESET When ihe WHlTE BAL seleclor is set to the PRE position Set to the A or B position. WHITE: MANUAL Wtien the CCU is connected, and the manual white balance adjustment is selected on the CCU !BARS Seleci lo the aulomaiicul y aa LSI Wiien rne co or bai S gna is O ~ ~ P L I l 1 Set the BARS switch to "OFF posrtion ] Adjustment and Settings Adjusting the Contrast To adjust the coiitiast. chaiige tlie pedestal level. Wheii ilie iiiastei pedestal leve1 is iaised. tlie daik poitioii of tlie pictuie briglireiis. aiid wlien tlie leve1 is loweiecl, tíie coiiespondiiig poitioii darkeiis Yoii c;iii cliniige the leve1 hoiii about -30% to +30% ol' iel'eierice leve1 ( 0 7 V ) i i i incieiiieiits ol' 1% Tlie adjusted iiiastei pedestril leve1 is Itept iri the meinoiy of the camela Current setling value: ihe percenlage of the relerence level DOWNiOFF bulton 1 Piess tlie DISP CIlG switcli seveial tiiiies ~iiitiltlie display above appenis o11tlie viewtiiidei scieeii 2 Cliange tlie iiiastei pedestal To raise tlie level: Piess tlie UPION buttoii on tlie caiueia Iiead To lonaer tl~elevel: Piess tlie DOWNIOFF buttoii 011 the caiiieiri Iiead To reset tlie leve1 to tlie referente leuel: Piess tlie UPION antl DOWNIOFF biittons siiii~iltaiieously, Iltlie CCU-M7lM7P. CCU-MíIMjP Canieia Coiitiol Unit oi RM-M7G Caineia Reiiiote Coiitiol Uiiit is coiiiiected to tlie caiiieia. set tlie iiiastei pedestal level fiorri tlie CCU o i RM-M7G Ii caiiiiot he set oii tlie caiiiera, To clieck tlie master pedestal level oii a wrivel'orni riioiiitoi diiiiiig adjustiiieiit. set tlie ABL switch on tlie ciiiiieia to OFF Wheii the ABL switcli is set to ON. rippropriate waveloiiii will not appeai.on the moiiitoi scisen. Selecting the Shutter Speed TIie shlittei speed is l'actory set lo 11100 Soi N'ISC aiid 1/60 foi PAL You can cliange tlie sli~itieispeed il' necessaiy Select tlie sliutter speed fioiii the lollowiiig: Foi NTSC: 11100. 11750, l1500. 111000. 112000 Foi PAL: 1/60", 11250. 11500. 111000. 117000. Y o ~ iselection i is ietciined in tlie iiiemoiy ol' tlie C:~IIICI a, DOWNiOFF button Current seiting - , , 1 To cliaiige tlie shlitteispeed. set tlie SHUTTER s\\fitch o11tlie caiiicia to ON é? Piess tlie DISP CI-IG switcli sevesal titiles ~ i i i t i ltlie display above appeais oii tlie displciy scieeii. Il' tlie SHUTTER s\\fitcli is set to OFF. ''0FF" appeais ai tlie cliiient settiiig value .,..,.. . . , , , ,. , , .... , 1 ) Wlieii y011 nie usiiig rlic RM-bl7G to control tlie c;iiiiern. tlie lll00 seitiii: oii ilie RM-b17G sets ihe c;itiierii slilirtei speed io 1/60 ;irid "1160" al)lie;iis o11 tlie screeii display i i i tlie viewliiidei Ihis is lo prc\reiii Ilickesing \\~lieiiyou are sliooting a CR7 sci-eeii " 3 Select tlie sii~itteispeed T o increase tlie shutter speed value: Piess tlie UPION button oii tlie caiiieia Iieatl T o decrease tlie value: Piess tlic DOWNIOFF biittoii on tlie caiiieia Iiead T o reset tlie value to 11100 (for NTSC) o r 1/60 (for PAI,): Psess tlie UPION aiid UOWNIOFF b~ittonssiiiiultniieously Mariual zoom Zoom Operation You can go fioiii wide aiigle to telephoto sliots by iisiiig ttie iiiotoiized zooiii oi tloing tlie zooiii iuariurilly Miiiiual zooiii r i l l o ~ siiioie piecise contiol ovei tlie zooiiiing speed Motorized zoom Zooi~iiiiaal a coiistaiit spred is obtiiiiled Telephoto Wide angle 1 Sei ilie ZOOM selccioi to tlie ..M'' (~iiari~~iil) positi«11 2 Positioii tlie Mriiiiial zooiii levei to tlie appiopiiate aiigle 1 Sct tlie ZOOM selecto1 to tiie "S" (seivo) position 2 Press eithei end ol tlie riiotorized zooiii switcli To zooi11 iastei. piess al1 ilie way down on tlie motoiized zooiii switch. Piess tlie switcli li,olitly to zootii riiore slowly. Tips o n using the zoom Correct focusing II' tlie subject is in Iociis iii tlie ieleplioto position, it will reiiiaiii in Locos when yoii zoorii back to wide aiigle For a more stable picture We ircoriiiiiend pliiciiig tlie carneia oii a tiipod wlieri usirig tlie zoom 11you zooiii with tlie cariiein oii your slioulder. staiicl as steadily as possible Positioning the object at the center of the screen For zooiii-iii. ndjust tlie lbciis iri ilie ieleplioto position. and sei to tlie wide aiigle position Tlien stait lo zooiii in. Make siiie tliat tlie object stnys at tlie cenieiol ilie scieeri wliile yoii nie using tlie zooiiiiiig Adjusting Flange Focal Length Tlie proper llange local leiigtli a?jusiiiient eiisliies tliat the object is i n Socos botli rit tlie wicle-arigle aiid teleplioto position wlieii lisirig tlie zooiii Orice yoii Iiave [nade tlie Flaiige local leiigtli adjustiiieni. you do noi have lo E-adjust ilie lelis as long as tlie leris siziys 011 tlie sziiiie cainera 1 To ricljust tlie Socal tlange. set tlie IRIS selecioi to M 2 Sei ilie iris iiiig to 1 4 Positioii tlie supplied clinii loi adjustinent nrid illuiiiiiiaie tlie cliait so tliat tlie proper video leve1 is ieaclied wlieii the iiiig is at 1.4 3 Loosen tlie \ciew oii ilie FI adj~istiiieiitiiiig 4 5 Sei tlie ZOOM selectoi to M T ~ i i i iilie iiiniiiiril zooiii levei to 105. teleplioto 1lO"uoil 6 Tlirii tiie ~ o c uiiiig i uiitii tiie c~iaitis in ~ o c u sat abolit tliiee tncieri (10 leci) Iioin tlie lelis 7 Turii ilie iiiaii~ialrooiii levei to 7 5. wide-aiigle posiiioii 8 T~irnihe FI aclji~stiiientiiiig aiid focus ori tlie cliaii used iii Step 6. Do not t u r i i tlie Sociis iiiig foi. focusiiig 9 Repeat Steps 5 ihiougli S ~intiltlie cliait is in íocus botll at tlie telephoto positiori aiid at tlie {vide-aiigle position 1O Tighten ilie scrcw oii the Ft adlustineni iiiig Advanced Operations Doing Close-Ups Tlie close-up oi iiincio S~inctioiilets you zooni i i i Ilowers. irisects ziiid eveii photogrriplis Tlie miiiiiiiu~ii dist:iiice lioiii tlie leiis to tlie object is 10 111111i i i tlie 7 5 \vide-angle zooiii posiiioii 1 Acijiist tlie distrince beiweei-i tlie leiis niid tlie object to get tlie desiied imziye size 2 Sei tile lbcus iiiig to tiie 3 Tuin the IvlACRO iiiig ~ i i i t i lit stops wliile ptlsliiiig tlie bu~toiiiii tlie tliieciioii ol ilie MACRO aiiow 4 (iiifiiiity) setting Focus o11tlie object by tiiining tlie manual zoolii lever witli tlie ZOOM selectoi set to M, 5 Wlieii tlie close-up opeiatioli is coiiiplcie. retlirii tlie MACRO ring to its oiiginrtl positioii. To reduce the object size on the screen Adjust tlie lbcus lollowiiig steps I tliio~igli4 above, tlien t ~ i i i iilic MACRO iing sliglitly towaid its oiiginal positioii arid zidjust tlie locus witii tlie iiiaii~iulzooiii levei ügaiii Note on the focus ring IIiIie iocils iiiig is set to (iiilinity) wliile the MACRO iiiig is t~i~iied to "MACRO," ilie Sociis can be contin~iallytidjusted Iroiii tlie clase-up position to m (iiifinity) with tlie manual zooiii levei, Adjusting the Sharpness of the Picture Yoii caii inciease (liiiiden) or deciease (softeii) tlie sliaipness ol tlie pictuie Cliaiige tlie val~ieol ilie detail level to inciease oi deciease tlie sliai.piiess Tlie detail level can be set tioiii -99 to 199 01' tlie Iiictoiy-set ief'ereiice leve1 (00) 1 Press tlie DISP CIHG swiicli se\leial tiiiies uiitil tlie tibove display appenis on ilie viewliridei. 2 Ciiniige tlie value ot tlie detail leve1 To iitcrease tlie valiie: Piess ihe UPION biittoii oii the caineia Iie:id To decrease tlie value: Piess tlie DOWN/OIzF bution oii tlie cniiie~aIiead To reset tlie value to tlie referente level: Piess tlie UPION aiid »OWN/OFF biitioiis siiniilianeously m Iiyoii iiiciease tlie video ouipiit leve1 wlien yoti iiiciease tlie detail level. tlie iioise in the pictuie incieases, When using the RM-M7G Wlieii ilie RIvI-M7G C;iiiieiti Reiiiote Coniiol is coiiiiected 10 ilie cáiiieia. ilie det:iil leve1 can he choiiged Iiolii tlie Rivl-M7G, Advanced Owerations Selecting the Output Level If you caiinot get a cleai picuiie because ot'iiisuSSiciriii liglit. se1 the GAIN selector lo a Iiigliei o i lowei. positioii (Tlie GAIN selectoi is iioiiiially set to "O dB" ) Tlie video outpiit leve1 caii be iaised by 9 dB by settiiig tlie GAIN selector LO "9 dB" aiid by 18 dB by settiiig tlie selectoi to " 1 8 dB" Checking the Video Level Use tlie zebia pitteiri (geiieriired by tlie camelo) ns :I ieleieiice wheii adjustiiig tlie iiis iiiariually Tlie zebta patteiii iritlicntes aieas 01' tlie pictiiie wlieie the video leve1 is appiosiiiintely 70 to 80%. IRE (lo1NTSC) oi 490 iiiV lo 560 riiV (Ioi PAL) Wlieii tlie ZEBRA switcli is se1 to ON. a iebia patteiii :I~[)EIIS oii tlie pait ol tlie \ziewliiidei scieei~\\,here tlie vitieo outpiit leve1 is 70 to 80% IRE oi 490 t« 560 iiiV Adjust tlie iiis so tliai ilie zebrn p:irieiii :ippe:iis ovei. tlie sul>jectbeiiig sliot (1'01 esaiiiple. ilie Iace 01' U bncklit peison) I I i t is iiot i1ecessai.y to use tlie zebia piittein to adjust lhe iris, set tlie ZEBRA switcli to OFF 1 : ~1 ZEBRA Synchronizing Two or More Cameras (Without Using a Carnera Control Unit) Wlien a BS or VBS sigiial is conilected to tlie GEN LOCIC IN connectoi oii tlle caiiieia adaptoi. tlie caiiiera syiicliionizes with ilie coiinected signal. Use tlie GEN LOCI< IN con~iectorwheri you ate ~isingtwo 01.ino1.e camelas witliout a crirneia coiitroi unit (Sec tlie illustratioiis below loi sariiple corineciioiis) Connecting two or more cameras to a VTR I (Syncsignal) Connecting two or more cameras and a special-effects generator Catiierri I aiid Caiiieia 2 synchioriize witli a spccialeltects geneiiitoi Camera 1 Video input cannectoi Special eifects generator Sync signal ouiput connecior Camera 2 Video input corinecior Sync signal ouipui connector IN Advanced Operations @7mmL+w, m * a Adjustment of the picture tone for two or more cameras Wlieii two oi inoie caiiieias ale iised siiiiiiliaiieously in coniieclioii witli a speciril-eflects geiierator, siipply eacli crimeia \vitli ilie saiiie iel'eience signal riiid adjust eacli cariieia to get tlie saiiie pictiire toiie Adjust tlie SC (siibcaiiiei) pliase aiid tlie H (lioiizontal) pliase lollowing tlie ~~iocedtiies desciibed below Subcarrier phase adjustment Adjust tlie siibcaiiier pliase ioughly witli tlie SC PHASE selectoi, aiid iiiake fiiie adji~stiiientusirig tlie SC PHASE coiitrol. Use a vectoiscope to inake the acijustiiient easily Horizontal phase adjustment Adjust the Iiotizonial pliase witli tlie H PHASE contiol Use a wavelorni iiioiiitoi oi rin oscilloscope Lo inake tlie acijustinent easily, Title Characters Setting TIiis caiiiero coiitains u buili-iii cliaiactei yeneiiitoi tliat ;IIIOWS y»1110 ~iil~eiiiiipose ch:iiacteis «\,e1 tlie pictiiie beiiig slioi Bol11 tlie pictiiie ;ind ilie supetiiiiposed chaincteis iippeas oii Lhe iimnitoi scieeii II a iecordiiig VTR is coiiiiectetl lo llie c;iiiieiri. tlie supeiiiiiposed cli;iiacteis cuii be iecosded o11tl~eVTR. Preparation 1 Piess tlie VISP CMG switcli seveial tiiiies iintil ilie :ibove iiidicotion appcriis ori tlie viewlindei display scieeii. 2 To 11iii the criiiieia iiito tlie title seitiiiy inode, picss ilie UPION buttoii To clear al1 ttie memorized characters Piess tlie UPION ;ind DOWNIOFF biittoiis at tlie s;iriie tiiiie Advanced Operations Settirig title ctiaracters Setting procedure Set titlc cliaiacters oiie by one clioosiiig thein Sioiii tlir display iisiiig tlie UPION alid DOWNIOFF biittoiis Up to 12 cliaracters can display oii oiie liiie Up Lo 4 lines can be displayed Title cliaiacters, oiice set. ieiiiaiii iri tlie memoiy 01' tlie caniera, and riie ~iot er.ased wheii tlie power is tiiined ofl'. 1 Moving the cursor l Scanning order IA B C D E F G H I J K 7 L . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ~ , -1- l Space The cursor blinks lnitial cursor posilion I 1 To set cliaiacteis aiid letteis iioisi tlie display. piess tlie UPlON biittori iepeatedly i i n t i l the ciiisor Slaslies ori tlie cliaiactei yoti waiit to se! T o cliange tlie cliaracters in reverse alpliabetical order While pressiiis tlie UPION biitton. iiress tlie DOWNIOFF buttoii d? Piess tlie DOWNIOFF biitton to set tlie selected cliaiactei Tlie cuisoi iiioves oiie space to tlle iiglit 3 Repeat tlie above steps 1 to 2 to set al1 tlie T o replace a character Retuiii tlie ciiisoi to tlie position ol tlie cliaiactei yoti \v;int to ieplace. select tlie desiied cliaiacter witli tlie UPION blittoli. aiid piess tlle DOWNIOFF buttoii 71ie chniacteis iiiiist be cliaiiged oiie by oiie as desciibed in tlie ;ibo\,e pi»ceduie T o m o v e t h e c u r s o r to t h e right Piess tlie DOWNIOFF button ieperitedly T o m o v e t h e c u r s o r to t h e left Wliile piessiiig tlie UPION buttoii, piess tlie UOWNI OFF button ie[ieatedly T o c h a n g e t h e position of t h e title c h a r a c t e r s Piess tlie DOWNIOFF buttoii OFF bulion Press !he DOWNI OFF buiton 11 you tire ~isiiign VO-880018SOOP postable VTR, do iiot tise tlie iip[~eicii;iractei display aiea bectiuse the VTR tape reiiitiiriing iiiiie shows Iiere Use only tlie lo\\~escliasnctes display area T o exit c h a r a c t e r settitig mode The next time you use the camera Wheii yo11tiii~ion tlie caiiieia, tlie iiiemoiizetl ciiaiacte,s a,.e disp,ayed oll the ,,iewlinde,. sc,.een step 1 ol' "Piepaiation" (see pase 67) To display tlie cliaracteis o11tlie iiionitoi scseeii aiitl output tlieiii lo tlie VTR, piess tlie UPION buiton Advanced Operations .*,- r. -l b -- .p.e<w/*vA 4 . - ~*z-z,s%" rs,. * > ,. ,.*.,,*;;.,;>,,*. ~ ;,;I,: _;-. ' : .-,.A:'.:..,*,ae:, ,?, -.,::~,*w:~.?e,-~A,Lv:% ,.,.,*, ::,',#m Connecting a Number of Cameras (Using a Camera Control Unit) Wlien using a ti~iiiibetol cniileias iil tlie studio, it iiiay be necessaly to iise a C C U - M ~ I ¡ V ~ ~ P / M Catileia ~/M~P Coiittol Uiiii to provide video atld color syiic beiweeii ca~iieias.aiid special eftects and oiliei devices to ;illow swiiching. wipes aiid so loiili I i i tlie studio it 111;iy :ilso be coriveilietit to use n DXFJOBIJOBCEI5OBIBOBCE Vieivliridet Tlie I'igiiic below sho\\~sa11es;~iiiplestiitlio cotiligti~ntion FOI dL~llll/\,l f l l l \ ~ l /~l f l l l \ll/l,\ l l L ~ ~ l \ l ~ C \ C l l l l (11' l l f \11/1/7/;~1' l~~ DXF-40BI40BCE or DXF-5OBlSOBCE CA-5371537P DXC-327B1327BP INTERCOM VIDEO IN Hheadsel GEN LOCK IN i a t- @ . CCU-MSIMSP ~ -- -- ......~. ... . VBS OUT - .~~ ....... . TALLYIINTERCOM O Cables used O Power cord (supplied) @ CCZ-A Camera Cable O BNC cable @ DIN 4-pin cable lo AC power SUPPIY CL r --i i a 'saiqei eiauiei 'saiiassei d s uieieiag sdeiis i i a i s e l - ( o ~uinw!xew) i 1 I 1 1 11 ioidepv POd!ll PLfl-13A ped i s a w P-3v3. iaploH auoqdoii!w Z l - 3 v 3 ( 3ia ' XBPIL-IDA) suai ~ o o z auoqdoii!w z ~ 9 - w 3 3 1 0 ~ 9 - w 3 3 1 JaPU!iMa!A 331091109-3x0 iapioiay aiiasse3oaP!A dE1EidVlMlldlll-AAd 10 d000610006-AA3 10 ioidepv elame3 ~SZEldVSGEMSZEldLZEILZEldLESlLES-V3 paii!~iuauodwoi waisi(s GU!MOIIO! aqi UI!M paiois aq ue3 s ! q l elawe3 oap!A lo103s a ! ~ a s - ~ ~ z ~ - 3 x a A-...... .. p a i l s v i i i ? S! d~ IEIdV IIVlId 111-AAd al11 uaqhz p - 3 V 3 a l l i iIi!h\ asi?s :ii!K.i.ic~ 1 ¿t;-37 a g i u! p a i o i s a q i o o i i c s iirauit:> a q l . m ase3 0183 aqi !o aseq aqi ~I!Meiauiei aqi u6!lv ---. . .. .... ...-. .- . . . .. . .. -- Z@sfli(iim q.{k3, -. -im . u!.$- . . a . -, Camera Head DXC-327Bl327BP friiage device 1ntei.line-traiisfei CCD, 3-cliip Ellective pict~iieeleineiits 768 x 404 (Iilv) (NTSC) 752 x 582 (Iilv) (PAL) 6 4 iiiiii x 4.8 i i i i i i (eqiiivalerit to Serisiiig aiea a l/?-iiiclipicliup tiibe) Built-iii tilteis 1: 32001S 2: 56001S + '116ND 1: 5600IS Lens mouiit Bayoiiet iiiouiit EIA staiidards, NTSC coloi systerii Signal systeiii (toi DXC-327B) CCIR standaicis. PAL coloi systeiii (toi UXC-327BP) Scaiiiiiiig systeiii 525 lines. 2: 1 iiiteilace, 30 fiai~ieslsec(NTSC) 625 lines. 2:l inteilace, 25 I'iameslsec (PAL) Scaiiiiirig firqiieiicy Horizorital 15 7.34 liHz (N'TSC) 15 625 kl-iz (PAL) Veitical 59 94 Hz (NTSC) 50 00 Hz (PAL) Iritei rial Sync systeiii Esteiiiril witli tlie BS oi VBS sigoal supplied to tlie GEN LOCK IN corinectoi (wheii tlie CA-5371 537P. CA-3271327P is used) oi tlie iefereiice sigiial iiiplit to tlie VTRICCUICMA coiinectoi fioiii [he GEN LOCIS coiiiiectoi o t tlie CCU-M5lM5PIM7IM7P (wheii tlie CA-5371537P is ~ised) 1-Ioiizoiitnl iesolutioii 700 liiies (centei) Miiiiiiiiiiii illiiiiiiiiation 6 0 Is witli F I 4, + 18 dB Serisitivity 2000 1s {vitli F9 O (Typical) at 3200K O dB, 9 dB oi 18 dB. selectrible Gaiii selection Video outp~it Composiie signril I 0 Vp-p. syiic iiegative. 75 oliins, unbalanced YIC sepriiiite sigiial Y: I O VI>-p,sync iiegative, iinbnlaiiced C: biirst leve1 0 286 Vp-p (NTSC) O 3 Vp-p (PAL) -- . --. . .. .. . -. ... .--.. -. sl~11:ll 1 0 i l ~ I l > Cl < I t l O Z 3 N S . I\I I ~ L ; I I I 61 dB (PAL, ~ ~ p k n l ) Registiatioii O 0.5% lar al1 zone (witliout leiis) IripiitsIOiitpiits VIDEO OUT: BNC-type, 75 oliriis, ~iiibalaiiced LENS: ?/;-iiicli lens coiiiiectoi. (6-pin) VF: S-piii REMOTE: 10-pin Powei iequiieiiieiits 12 V DC Powei coiisiiiiiption 8 W Opeiating teiiipeintiiie -5°C to +45"C (23'F to 1 13°F) Stoiage teiiipeiatliie -20°C to +60°C (-4°F to 140°F) Weigiit ziboiit 2 lig (4 lb 6 oz) Diiiieiisioiis See the illtistiations belo\\? Unit: rnrn (inches) Camera Adaptor CA-5371537P (Optional) Foi details, iefei to tlie CA-5371537P operatiiig iiistr uctioiis Inp~itsIOutp~its VTRICCUICMA connectoi: Soriy Z-type, 26-piii DC IN: XLR-type, 4-piii. iiiale MIC IN: XLR-type, 3-pin. feinale GEN LOC1< IN: BNC-type? 75-ohiiis, uiibalanced EARPI-IONE: riiini jack INTERCOM: inini iiiteiroiii Powei ieq~ii~eiiients12 V DC Potver coiis~iinptioii 1 7 W Opeiating teii1pei;ituie -10°C to +4j°C (14°F to 1 13°F) Storage teriipeiature -20°C to +60°C ( 4 ° F to +14O0F) Weight Aboot 1.3 1;g (2 lb 14 oz) Diiiieiisioiis 1 18 x 205 x 1 18 mili (wlhld) (4;k x 8 (1sx 4'14 inches) Zoom Lens VCL-714BX Foca1 lengtli Zooiii 7.5 111111to 105 riim Manual arid motoiized, selecrable Zoomiiig iatio: 14x Maxiinuin apeituie iatio 1:14(7.5 to75nini)to 1:1.8(105 111111) Iris contiol Manual aiid auto, seleciable 1 .4 to 16 aiid C (closed) Riiiige of ohject field (al tlie distaiice of l . L iiieter) W (wide angle) 660 x 880 iiiiii (26 x 34'14 iriclies) 47 x 63 mili ( 2 '14 x 3 iiiclies) T (telephoto) Minimurn object distarice 1 1 iii (3 1' 4 inclies) Filtei thread 72 iiim dia.. 0 75 iiim-pitcli Mount Bayonet iiio~int,'11 inch Weiglit About l . 1 kg (2 lb 10 oz) witli Iiood Diiiieiisioiis Abo~it1 10 miii dia x 186 ni111 (Focus: m ) (4 "S x 7 '12 inches) Viewfinder DXF-6011601CE I 5-incli iiionocliiome RECííALLY indic:itor BATT iiidicatoi SHUTTER iiidicatoi. GAIN UP iridicator Resolution 600 liries Powei iequiieiiients 12 V DC Powei coiisoinptioii 71 W Weiglit About640g(l I b 2 o z ) not including ii inicioplioiie Iiolder. Diiiiensioiis About206 x 79 x 7 19 mili (wlbld) (7 '14 x x 8 '/S inclies) Pict~iiet~ibe Indicatois Carrying Case LC-421 Weiglit Diriierisioris Abo~it7 7 kg (17 lb) About 790 x 440 x 340 rniii (wlhld) (3 1 (1sx 17 '1s x 13 '11 iilches) Accessories Supplied VCL-7 14BX zooiu leiis (supplied witli tlie DXC-327BIU327BPW327BF1327BPFonly) ( 1 ) DXF-6011601CE electioliic viewfindei (supplied with tlie DXC-327BW327BPIU327BL/,327BPL/327BFl 327BPF only) ( 1 ) LC-421 cariying case (supplied witli the DXC-327BFI 327BPF only) ( 1 ) VCT-U14 tripod attacliineiit (supplied with tlie DXC-327B W327BPW327BL1327BPLI327BFI 327BPF oiily) (1 ) Lens cap ( 1 ) Cliait foi tlaiige focal leiigtli adjnstiiient (1) Design aiid specifications are subject to change without notice. Leris arid Accessories Zoorii lens: VCL-714BX Lens reniote contiol ~init:LO-23 Tripod attacliiiient: VCT-U14 Camera Adaptor Cainera adaptor: CA-5371537P. CA-3271327P. CA-325A/325AP/325B, CA-51 115121513 Carneia adaptar: CMA-8AIXACE Cameia rernote contiol unit: RM-M7G VTR Betacaiii torniat video cassette recoider: PVV-111 P/IA/IAP/3/3P HiX torniat video casseite recoider: EVV-900019000P Betacarn SP portable iecoidei: BVW-35/35P/50/50P Battery Pack and Charger Battery pack: NP- IB Battery cliaigei: BC-IWD. BC-410 Microphone and Accessories Condenser iniciophoiie: ECM-672, ECM-670, C-74 Miciophone lioldei: CAC- 12 Miciophone cable: EC-0 3C2 Equipmerit for Studio Use Caniera contiol ~initCCU-M7lM7P Cameia control unit: CCU-M5IM5P Special-effects geiierator: SEG-255012550P Univeisal chroma keyer: CRK-2000 Wipe pattein extender: WEX-200012000P Electionic viewfinder: DXF-50BlSOBCE Electronic viewfiiider: DXF-40Bl4OBCE Eleclronic viewfinder: DXF-60ll60lCE Interconi Iieadset: DR- 1 OOA Camera Cable a r ~ dOthers Cainerri cable with Z-type 26 pin connectors: CCZ-A?, CCZ-A5, CCZ-A 10 CCZ-A25, CCZ-A50, CCZ-A 100 Crimeia cable witli Z-type 26 pin and Q-type 14 piri coniiectors: CCZQ-A?, CCZQ-AS, CCZQ-A 10. CCZQ-A2AM Cainera cable witli Q-type 14-piri connectois: CCQ-2BRS, CCQ-5BRS, CCQ- 1 OBRS Cainera cable witli Q-type 14-pin connectors: CCQ-IOAM. CCQ-25AM, CCQ-SOAM, CCQ- IOOAM Caiiiera cable witli 2-type 76-piii ;ind J-type 10-pin coiiriectors: CCZJ-2 Cable extension adapto!: CCZZ- I B. CCZZ- 1 E C:iii ying case: LC-42 1 Caniera iaiii cover : LCR- 1 (Combined use with a dockable VTR) BVW-35135Pi50150P poriable video cassette recorder microphone CCU-M7lM7PIM5IM5P camera control unil DXF-6011601CE vir?wfinrler microphone LO-23 holder lens remote SVO-5800158OOP CA-3271327P - 1 4 zoom lens CCU-M5IM5P camera control unil (Use lor RGB formal signal output) I l VCT-U14 tripod attachment Ootional lens 0 2 JJ RM-M7G camera remote control unit CMA-8N8ACE camera adaptor adaptor EIVV-515PS video cassette recorder LC-421 cariying case PVV-111PIlAIlAPI3I3P video cassette recorder Black set Black set iiieans tliat tlie R. G and B signals of a video signril ale set to tlie memoiized leve1 io obtain tlie definite black level b r eacli R, G and B signals Wlien tlie black set is acljusted, ttie black pictiire can be avoided horii beiiig coloird by iaising tlie signal level Return video Tlie "ieturn video" is tlie picture fiom a VTR duiiiig iecordiiig. tlie playback picture during playback, or tlie signal fioin a control coiisole such as a video switciiei Using this picture, tlie cainera opeiatoi can check tlie iecordiiig conditioiis Black balance Black baiaiice iiieaiis lo sei tlie black level ol a video signal to that o t n o color wlieii tlie iris is closed. A?just tlie pedestal level 01' eacli R, G or B sigiial so tliat tlie signal level of eacli signal becornes equal Subcarrier Color iiifoiiiiation that is coritained witliin a coinposite video sigiial. Tlie sigiial aiiiplitude is foi coloi satuiatioii (cliioinaticiiy) arid its pliase to coloi biiist is foi hue (color) Color temperature conversion filter Al1 coloi caiiieias are designed to operate on a ceitaiii color teiiipeiatiiie (3200K foi tlie DXC-327Bl327BP ) Howevei. the carnera iiiust also llave tiie cal~abilityof sliooting under color temperatures otliei tliaii 3200K To obtain tlie saiiie color. as at 3200IS, a nuniber ot' selectable filteis wliich convert coloi teiiipeiature ase piovided oii tlie cainera. S-video input connector Tliis coniiectoi accepts 2nd supplies tlie luininance and chioinin;ince signals sepaiately So no interlerence occiiis betuleen tlie luiiiinance aiid chiominance sigiials wliicli allows liigli irsolution pictiiies Color temperature Tlie teiiipeiatuie to wliich a periectly black body inust be heated to inatch the color of'ihe souice beiiig measured Color' tempeiatuie measuremerits are expressed in kelvins (K). Foi esaiiiple, color temperaiiiie of 65OOK iiieans ttie coloi wliicli is obtaiiied by Iieating a peifectly black body ai 6500K E-E picture Ilie video signal iiipiit to tlie VTR passes tlirough tlie VTR aiiiplifiei and outpiits tliiougli tlie video oiitput coiinector williout being iecoided onto tlie tape Pharitom powering system Tlie powei is supplied to a micioplione o~erlaidon an aiidio sigiial Tliis systeiii does iiot iequiie aii optional cable foi siipplying powei White balance Tlie variatioii of coloi teriiperatiire due to tlie type ol' illuiiiinaiit iiiust be coinpeiisated electrically so tliat 21 white object picked up by a cameia caii beeii seeii as cleai white Tliis is \vliite balance adjustiiierit A St;intlliy 9 Sub-c;irricr phase (SC PMASE) ~idjustnieiit 1.3 66 Syncliroriizing !i,iiliout ciiiriern control iiiiit 65 wiili specinl-eflccis generator 70 G GAlN UP indic;iior 21.46 Gaiii 15. 63 Accessorics 4 iimblc a r i i l i DXC-32781327BPseries 5 Aliasing 6 H 1-IAD sciisor 7 Horizontal pli;ise (14 PIIASEI iidiiistriieiit 13.66 B BA I'T indiciitor 2 1 , 46 BAi'1 XX XV iiiilicari«n 47 B:icry c l r i i g 44 life U piick 40 Bl;ick kilancc 54. 76 ailjusting 55 Bliick se1 54. 76 Brighiricss (BRIGI-ITI coiitrol 21, 50 I Iiidic;iiors 2 1 , 46 1nst;int aiitoiiiniic iris ;idiiisinieni Iris rclerencc leve1 53 Iris 19. 52 T I Tzilly (Iniiip. s\i,itcIi) 21 Telephoio sliots 60 Tiile cb;irncicrs 7. 67 Tripod attachiiient 3 1 19.. 52 ~ v Vcrticnl sinczir 6 Videti le\,el 63 Vie\vIiniler 20 - L c Coiiiei-a adapior 16 ntuicliing 22 connections 22 C;imera c;ible 32 io 34 Cariier~coiitrol unit 34. 64. 70 coiinectiri; 34 in stridio 70 inoperiible functions 33 C;imer;i Iicad 8 Carrying case 7 1 CCD iiiwge sciisor 6 Cenei r k r 7 9 Close ups 62 Color b;irs 50, 5 I Color ienipeiaiure 13. 76 tablc 54 Contras1 (CONTRASTI control 2 l 50 LOW LlGHT iiidicali«ii "" IVI klacro 19.62 Master pedestal lci,cI 58 Microplioiie ait;iclii~ig 29 buili-in 1 I coiiiiecting 33 Ff;idjiistriient ririg 19. 61 Filter 13. 54 Color 1eiriper;iture coiiversiori ND 54 Flange focal Icngtli. ;idjosiing 61 Focus 19.43 2 Zebr;i p;ittern 7 9 52. 63 Zooiii lcns 18 itticliir~g 25 Zooiiiing. (niaiiii;il, riiotorized) P REC/TALLY ini1ic;iior 21 46 Reducing. screen objects 62 Rciiiotc coiitrol u~iit 36 Reiiirii video 76 76 Warning indic;itioiis 47 Wliiie úal;ince 56. 76 ldjilsting 56 Wide ;ingle sliots 60 N 9. 49 E-E 45.76 Electric sliiiiier 15. 59 w NTSC sysierri 3 NU filler 54 PAL systein 5 P e k i i g 2 1 , 50. 63 Pli;iiiloin power supply sysicni Dcioil leirel 63 Dioptcr ? l . 50 DlSP CHG switcli t ~ c l i i n g 27 iiidicator 46 settiiig iiidic;iiions 48 warning iiidic;iiioiis 47 47 Safety zone iiiarher 7 . 9 S1i;irpncss 21. 50, 63 SHUTI ER indicnior 21.16 Sliutter speed 59 s!viicli 15, 59 Sriiear plici~oriie~i;~ 6 Spcci;il-elfects generntor 70 17 76 60
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