“Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.”
“Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.”
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church 1701 Poplar Street, Buhl Tel: 208-543-5136, Fax: 208-543-5714 Rectory: 208-543-9878 Office Hours: 9 am – 1 pm Monday – Friday, Email: [email protected] / Website: www.icbuhl.org St. Catherine’s Station 466 North State Street, Hagerman—Tel: 208-837-6592 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin: Jan. 27, 2013 “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” Luke 4:21 Immaculate Conception: Saturdays/Sábados – 5 pm in English/Inglés; Sundays/Domingos – 8:00 am in English/ Inglés; 12:00 pm in Spanish/Español St. Catherine’s-Hagerman: 10:00 am Immaculate Conception: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday – 8:00 am St. Catherine’s: Thursdays – 6:00 pm Thursday/Jueves—5:00—5:30pm - St. Catherine’s Saturdays/Sábados - 3:30 – 4:30 pm -Immaculate Conception By Appointment, call the office/por cito, llame a la oficina Pastor: Father Jorge Garcia; Office : Grace Silva IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH/ST. CATHERINE STATION - page 1 This Sunday’s Readings: Nehemiah 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10 1 Corinthians 12:12-30 Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21 Next Sunday’s Readings: Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13 Luke 4:21-30 Immaculate Conception Last Week’s Collection Offerings Needed Per week: $2,500.00 Last Weekend’s Collection: $1,818.01 *This amount reflects offertory, building and restricted funds. Give generously to Him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to. Deut. 15:10 Upcoming Meetings: BCCW: February 7 at 7pm PC Mtg, February 12 at 6pm KC Mtg: February 13 at 8pm KC Breakfast The KC’s will host a breakfast this Sunday, January 27 after the 8:00 am mass. They will serve breakfast up to and through religious education. Ash Wednesday Schedule 7 am at St. Catherine’s 12 pm at Immaculate Conception—English 6pm at Immaculate Conception—English 7:30 pm at Immaculate Conception—Spanish “Year of Faith” News The Interpretation of the Sacred Scripture “However, since God speaks in sacred Scriptures through men in human fashion, the interpreter of sacred Scripture, in order to see clearly what God wanted to communicate to us, should carefully investigate what meaning the sacred writers really intended, and what God wanted to manifest by means of their words. Those who search out the intention of the sacred writers must, among other things, have regard for “literary forms.” For truth is proposed and expressed in a variety of ways, depending on whether a text is history of one kind or another, or whether its form is that of prophecy, poetry, or some other type of speech. The interpreter must investigate what meaning the sacred writer intended to express and actually expressed in particular circumstances as he used contemporary literary forms in accordance with the situation of his own time and culture. For the correct understanding of what the sacred author wanted to assert, due attention must be paid to the customary and characteristic styles of perceiving, speaking, and narrating which prevailed at the time of the sacred writer, and to the customs men normally followed at the period in their everyday dealings with one another. But, since Holy Scripture must be read and interpreted according to the same Spirit by whom it was written, no less serious attention must be given to the content and unity of the whole Scripture, if the meaning of the sacred texts is to be correctly brought to light. The living tradition of the whole Church must be taken into account along with the harmony which exists between elements of the faith…For all of what has been said about the way of interpreting Scripture is subject finally to the judgment of the Church, which carries out the divine commission and ministry of guarding and interpreting the word of God.” (The Documents of Vatican II, “Dei Verbum” # 12) Lent Workshop During the Lent season a workshop will be offered about the Eucharist. The workshop will be held in the Parish hall every Monday from 7 pm to 8pm on the following days: February 18, February 25, March 4, March 11 More details to follow. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH/ST. CATHERINE STATION - page 2 Comunidad Hispanica Las Lecturas de este Domingo: Nehemías 8,2-4. 5-6. 8-10 San Pablo a los corintios 12, 12-30 Evangelio según san Lucas 1, 1-4; 4, 14-21 El próximo Domingo (lecturas): Jeremías 1, 4-5. 17-19 San Pablo a los corintios 12, 31-13/ 13, 4-13 Evangelio según san Lucas 4, 21-30 Colecta de la Semana Pasada Ofrenda que se necesita por semana: $2,500.00 Ofrenda de la Semana Pasada:$1,818.01 Cuando le des algo a El, se lo has de dar de Buena gana, porque por esto te Bendecirá el Señor, tu Dios, en todas tus obras y empresas. Deut. 15:10 Lectores 27 Enero: Herminia Castro/Miguel Cordova 3 Febrero: : Josefina Williams/Alberto Arizmendiz 10 Febrero: Alica Zavala/Piedadad Velzquez 17 Febrero: Irma Cindo/Josefina Williams Ministros De Eucaristía 27 Enero: Alberto & Noelia Arizmendi 3 Febrero: Francisco & Gloria Hernandez 10 Febrero: Israel & Carmen Prado 17 Febrero: Toni & Alejandro Maya 24 Febrero: Hermina Castro/Maria Guadalupe Castro El Torneo de Basketball empieza Domingos a las 1:30 pm en el 7th Street Gym, cual quier persona intersada comuniquere con Paty Beltran, es para los ninos del grado 6, 7 e 8. Noticias del Año de la Fe Como hay que interpretar la Sagrada Escritura “Habiendo, pues, hablado Dios en la Sagrada Escritura por hombres y a la manera humana, para que el intérprete de la Sagrada Escritura comprenda lo que El quiso comunicarnos, debe investigar con atención que pretendieron expresar realmente los hagiógrafos y que plugo a Dios manifestar con las palabras de ellos. Para descubrir la intención de los hagiógrafos, entre otras cosas hay que atender a “los géneros literarios”, puesto que la verdad se propone y se expresa ya de maneras diversas en los textos de diverso género histórico, profético, poético, o en otras formas de hablar. Conviene, además, que el intérprete investigue el sentido que intento expresar y expreso el hagiógrafo en cada circunstancia, según la condición de su tiempo y de la cultura, según los géneros literarios usados en su época. Pues, para entender rectamente lo que el autor sagrado quiso afirmar en sus escritos, hay que entender cuidadosamente tanto a las formas narrativas usadas de pensar, de hablar of de narrar vigentes en los tiempos del hagiógrafo, como a los que en aquella época solían usarse en el trato corriente entre los hombres. Y como la Sagrada Escritura hay que leerla e interpretarla con el mismo Espíritu con que se escribió para sacar el sentido exacto de los textos sagrados, hay que atender no menos diligentemente al contenido y a la unidad de toda la Sagrada Escritura, teniendo en cuenta la Tradición viva de toda la Iglesia y la analogía de la Fe…Porque todo lo que se refiere a la interpretación de la Sagrada Escritura está sometido en última instancia a la Iglesia, que tiene el mandato y el ministerio divino de conservar y de interpretar la palabra de Dios.” (Concilio Vaticano II, Constitución “Dei Verbum” # 12) IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH/ST. CATHERINE STATION - page 3 Parish and Community News Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors February Eucharistic Ministers: 5pm Mary Nunes, Diana Kaminski 8:00 am Hank Gandiaga, Georgia Tappen Lectors: 5pm Eileen Lawrence, Andrea Hofland 8:00 am Pat Hamilton, Mike Hamilton Life Teen News Talks for January & February 2013 1/27: To the End of the Earth –Sts. Paul & Peter 2/10: The Truth—Church’s Teaching on Homosexuality 2/17: Laser Tag—Social Night 2/24:A body both Suffering & Glorious— Catholicism 6 (Christ’s Body/Church) Hallisey Basketball Practice Fish Dinners Fish Dinners will start on February 15, 2013. We are looking for some volunteers to help with the dinners. If you are interested in helping please contact Mary Iverson at 543-4543 Hallisey basketball practice has started , on Sunday at 1:30 pm at the Buhl 7th Street Gym. If you are a Junior High student attending religious education classes from St. Catherine’s and Immaculate Conception then you are eligible to participate. Please contact Scott Tverdy at 308-6559 for more details. Hallisey Basketball Breakfast Fundraiser There will be a Hallisey basketball breakfast fundraiser on Sunday, February 10th after the 8am Mass and will continue through religious education classes. More details to follow. KC Crab Feed The Annual KC Crab Feed will be on Saturday, February 9 in the parish hall. Doors open at 6pm, dinner starts at 7pm. The KC’s are asking for donations towards a live auction to be held during the dinner. This one of the largest fundraisers of the year, please plan to attend. Tickets are available from any Knight and at the church office. Cleaning of Refrigerators and Freezers We are doing winter cleaning of the freezers & refrigerators, please label all your items in the freezers and refrigerators, and if they need to be tossed out please do so, including the lock up, kitchen and in the basement, should you have any questions please contact John Wasko. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH/ST. CATHERINE STATION - page 4 Parish and Community News Covenant of Love Inviting all married & engaged couples Covenant of Love is a monthly marriage ministry to strengthen and enrich marriages in our parishes. Our next Date Night will be February 9 7–9 pm at Elevation 486 , located at 195 River Vista Place, TF For more information, call Mal or Sandy @ 543-6367. Altar Servers February Saturday, 5:00 pm Natasha Teixeira, Annali Jimenez Sunday, 8:00 am Austin Clancy*, Ethan, Hunter & Jacob Anderson Sunday, 12:00 PM Maurico Velazquez, Ruben Vera *Server in Charge Religious Education News: No Religious Education on Sunday, February 17, 2013. NW Catholic Men’s Conference If you are a Catholic male 15 years or older you are invited to the NW Catholic Men’s Conference, February 22-23, 2013 in Pendleton, Oregon. The Buhl Knights of Columbus will provide bus transportation to the Conference again this year. If you plan to attend, please contact Scott Tverdy or Larry Elford so they know how many will attend from Buhl & Hagerman. Registration information can also be obtained from either of these Knights. February Committee Jean Tverdy Chairperson, Susan Ambrose, Rita Severa, Dorothy Thorsen, Jason & Crystal Tverdy, Scott & Teresa Tverdy, Beverly Wagner, Walter & Ruby Wagner, Mike & Alice Wolf Bible Study Bible study every Sunday in the office at 10:30 am. CAPSTONE MISSIONS BENEFIT CRAB FEAST!!! Capstone Missions will be having their 8th Annual Crab Feast and Benefit Auction at St. Jerome's Catholic Church in Jerome, ID on February 16, 2013. Wine & cheese social will begin at 5:00 pm with a fabulous dinner from 6-7 pm, followed by live, silent, and decedent dessert auction until 9 pm. Tickets are available in advance for $40 per person. Only limited amounts are available and they go fast!! To purchase tickets, make a donation, or donate an auction item, contact Colleen Crozier at 208-324-4257 or Debby Miciak at 208-308-3296. Invite your friends and make an evening out of it! Table reservations are also available. For more information on Capstone Missions, visit our website at www.capstonemissions.org Special Thank You The Buhl High School Drama Department and Phantom Pig Productions, would like to take this opportunity, to thank you for your generous contributions to our dinner theatre production. David A. Blaszkiewicz and the BHS Drama Department. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH/ST. CATHERINE STATION - page 5 Saint Catherine's News Capital Campaign The Capital Campaign for St. Catherine’s is not over. We are still receiving pledges and we welcome any new ones. Our pledge total is now $16,800.00, and we are processing one more pledge that we recently received. The amount our church will receive back up to $5248.00. At they say in the Navy, “Well Done”. KC Breakfast The KC’s will host a breakfast on Sunday, January 27 after the 8:00 am mass. They will serve breakfast up to and through religious education. NW Catholic Men’s Conference If you are a Catholic male 15 years or older you are invited to the NW Catholic Men’s Conference, February 22-23, 2013 in Pendleton, Oregon. The Buhl Knights of Columbus will provide bus transportation to the Conference again this year. If you plan to attend, please contact Scott Tverdy or Larry Elford so they know how many will attend from Buhl & Hagerman. Registration information can also be obtained from either of these Knights. Thank You Thanks to all those who showed up at St. Catherine’s on clean up day it was very appreciated. Hagerman CCW will have their first meeting of the year on January 21st, Monday at 4pm at the church hall. All women of the parish are encouraged to attend, some of the items to be discussed are: Monthly cleaning schedule; budget for the year; the annual yard sale; flowers and the cleaning and organization of basement. KC Crab Feed The Annual KC Crab Feed will be on Saturday, February 9 in the parish hall. Doors open at 6pm, dinner starts at 7pm. The KC’s are asking for donations towards a live auction to be held during the dinner. This one of the largest fundraisers of the year, please plan to attend. Tickets are available from any Knight and at the church office. Ash Wednesday Schedule 7 am at St. Catherine’s 12 pm at Immaculate Conception—English 6pm at Immaculate Conception—English 7:30 pm at Immaculate Conception— Spanish IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH/ST. CATHERINE STATION - page 6 C A L E N DA R OF EVENTS LIFE TEEN JANUARY 27 TIME: 6PM WHERE: LIFE TEEN ROOM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION JANUARY 27 TIME: 10:30 AM WHERE: PARISH HALL KC BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER JANUARY 27 TIME: AFTER 8 AM THROUGH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION WHERE: PARISH HALL KC CRAB DINNER FEBRUARY 9 TIME: DOOR OPEN AT 6PM, DINNER STARTS AT 7PM WHERE: PARISH HALL ST. EDWARD’S CATHOLIC SCHOOL BENEFIT DINNER FEBRUARY 9 COVENANT OF LOVE FEBRUARY 09 TIME: 7PM WHERE: ELEVATION 486, TF HALLISSY FUNDRAISER FEBRUARY 10 TIME: AFTER 8AM MASS THROUGH REL EDUCATION WHERE: PARISH HALL LENT FISH DINNER EVERY FRIDAY DURING LENT, STARTING FEBRUARY 15 TIME: WHERE: PARISH HALL CAPSTONE CRAB FEED FEBRUARY 16 TIME: DINNER FROM 6-7PM WHERE: ST. JEROME’S LENT WORKSHOP ON THE EUCHARIST FEBRUARY 18 THROUGH MARCH 11 TIME: 7PM WHERE: PARISH HALL NW CATHOLIC MEN’S CONFERENCE FEBRUARY 22-23 WHERE: PENDLETON, OR IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH/ST. CATHERINE STATION - page 7 SUPPORT OUR LOCAL BUSINESS Buhl Drug 419 Broadway Ave. S Buhl, ID 543-5353 M-F 8:30 – 6:30; Saturday 9 – 1 Sunday – Closed WE DELIVER, “Your Friendly Hometown Don’s Thriftway, Inc. In store Deli and Bakery 115 9th Ave North, Buhl, ID 83316 208-543-5514 Catering Service good prices Bannquetes para fiestas alos mejores Flores Electronics -Oscar Flores Your Customer Service Guy 208-543-2650 World Wide Shipping FedEx/UPS 125 Broadway Ave, South Buhl, ID 83316 Visit us on Facebook Karleen Dey, Owner 713 US Hwy 30, Buhl, ID 208-543-2138/Fax 208-543-6269 Contamos con 2 salones para eventos de Primera Comunión, Bautizos, cumpleaños o cualquier otro evento. Con capacidad de hasta 80 personas. Tenemos variedad de platillos como El Molcajete Loco, fajitas, carne asada, pescado frito, cocktail de camarones y muchos más. 1003 Main Street, Buhl, ID 208-543-4010 If you would like to advertise in our bulletin please contact our office for details at 208-543-5136 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH/ST. CATHERINE STATION - page 8