Listening. Spoken Interaction


Listening. Spoken Interaction
Listening. Spoken
2º ESO/DBH 2
ACL2ºESO listen spk ing alum 041103
Listening. Spoken interaction
2º ESO/DBH 2
Actividad comunicativa de la lengua. PEL de
DBHko HPErako jarduera eredua
Actividad/Jarduera: ACL2ºESO ing alum 041103
Destreza/Trebetasuna: Listening. Spoken interaction
Nivel/Maila: 2º ESO/DBH 2
Nivel descriptores/Adierazle maila: A2
Duración/Tenporalizazioa: 2/3 sesiones de 50
minutos/ 50 minutuko 2/3 saio
ACL2ºESO listen spk ing alum 041103
Listening. Spoken interaction
2º ESO/DBH 2
Talking About Families
I. Pre-Listening Exercises
1. What five questions could you ask someone about his or her family?
II. Listening Exercises
1. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions
1. Where is Pancho from?
2. How many brothers and sisters does Pancho have?
3. What is his father’s job?
4. What does his mother do?
5. Which thing does Pancho not say?
ACL2ºESO listen spk ing alum 041103
2. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.
1. Where is Pancho from?
A. Paraguay
B. Peru
C. Portugal
2. How many brothers and sisters does Pancho have?
A. 11
B. 12
C. 13
3. What is his father's job?
A. taxi driver
B. dentist
C. police officer
4. What does his mother do?
A. She owns a beauty salon.
B. She runs a small family store.
C. She works at a bread shop.
5. Which thing does Pancho NOT say?
A. His brothers and sisters help his mom.
B. His mom sells food like eggs and sugar.
C. His mother enjoys her job very much.
ACL2ºESO listen spk ing alum 041103
3. Listen to the conversation again as you read the Script
Carl: Hi. My name's Carl. Nice to meet you.
Pancho: Nice to meet you, too. My name is Francisco.
Carl: What?
Pancho: Francisco, but all my friends and family back in Peru call me
Carl: Okay, Pancho. So, tell me about your family?
Pancho: Well, I have seven brothers and six sisters.
Carl: Wow. That is a big family. So are you the oldest, Pancho?
Pancho: No. I'm the second oldest in my family.
Carl: So, what do your parents do?
Pancho: My father is a taxi driver in Lima, Peru. It's a hard job, but he
works hard to support the family.
Carl: How about your mother?
Pancho: She helps run a small family store with some of my older brothers
and sisters.
Carl: What kind of store?
Pancho: We sell food, like bread, eggs, soft drinks, rice, sugar and cookies,
things that people buy everyday
ACL2ºESO listen spk ing alum 041103
4. Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks
Carl: Hi. My name's Carl. Nice to meet you.
Pancho: Nice to meet you, too. My name is Francisco.
Carl: What?
Pancho: Francisco, but all my……………. and family back in Peru call me
Carl: Okay, Pancho. So, ….……….. me about your family?
Pancho: Well, I have ……………. brothers and six sisters.
Carl: Wow. That is a………………. family. So are you the oldest,
Pancho: No. I'm the second oldest in my family.
Carl: So, what do your……………….. do?
Pancho: My father is a………………. driver in Lima, Peru. It's a hard job,
but he works hard to…………………… the family.
Carl: How about your mother?
Pancho: She helps ………………….a small family store with some of my
older brothers and sisters.
Carl: What kind of store?
Pancho: We …………………. food, like bread, eggs, soft drinks, rice,
sugar, and cookies. Things that people ……………………every day.
III. Post-Listening Exercises
1. Ask a partner five questions about their families. Then introduce your
partner to another student using the information you learned about that
2. Interviews. Imagine you are another person ( a person you like, a famous
person: actor, actress, rock star, sportsman/woman…). Find a partner and
take turns to interview each other, talking about your life and personality,
likes and dislikes.
Then act out the interviews in front of the class. The teacher will record
your performances
ACL2ºESO listen spk ing alum 041103
Tabla de autoevaluación/ Autoebaluazio taula ( ACL 2º ESO/ DBH 2)
Nivel / Maila
2º ESO/ DBH 2
Actividad/ Jarduera
Listening. Spoken interaction
Nivel de descriptores/
Adierazle maila
A2 ( MCER)
Descriptores: Escuchar
Can? Objetivo
1. Puedo entender el tema principal de
una conversación si se habla claro y
despacio ( A2)
2. Puedo comprender la información
específica de breves pasajes grabados
sobre temas de la vida cotidiana, siempre
que sean claros y lentos ( A2)
3. Puedo distinguir el acento de un
hablante que no utiliza el inglés estándar
en una grabación
4. Puedo rellenar los espacios de un texto
que acabo de escuchar con vocabulario
previamente estudiado ayudándome del
contexto ( A2)
5. Muestro respeto por culturas, valores y
hábitos diferentes
Descriptores: Hablar
Can? Objetivo
6. Puedo repetir lo que se me ha dicho
para comprobar si he entendido ( A2:1)
7. Puedo preguntar y responder a un
compañero para dar y recibir información
personal sencilla si mi interlocutor habla
claro y despacio( A1)
8. Puedo pedir a mi interlocutor que repita
algo si no he entendido ( A2:1)
ACL2ºESO listen spk ing alum 041103
9. Participo en el intercambio de
información respetando el turno de mi
10. Aclaro lo que quiero decir mediante
gestos si no dispongo de las palabras
adecuadas ( A2)
11. Utilizo fórmulas de cortesía sencillas y
cotidianas para saludar y dirigirme a mi
interlocutor ( A2)
12. Puedo formular preguntas colocando
el verbo auxiliar, el sujeto y el verbo
principal en el lugar apropiado
13. Puedo presentar a un compañero,
reelaborando la información personal
recibida y aplicando las reglas
gramaticales relativas a persona
( pronombres y verbos) con corrección
( A2:1??)
14. Soy capaz de mantener breves
diálogos con los compañeros y con el
profesor; también soy capaz de realizar
juegos de rol sencillos, sobre temas
conocidos ( A2-P)
15. En clase participo en debates,
conversaciones y juegos de rol sobre
temas diversos, de forma espontánea.
Participo activamente en estas
conversaciones: respondo, hago
preguntas, etc...
( B1-P)