Técnicas de Producción de - Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable


Técnicas de Producción de - Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable
Special Session for Spanish-Speaking Employees at the
Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention
Técnicas de Producción de
Frutas y Hortalizas
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Hershey Lodge and Convention Center—Hershey, PA
9:00 Mesa Redonda: Producción de Frutas y
Verduras (Fruit and Vegetable Round Table)
*1:45 Guía de Campo para Desordenes, Plagas y
Benéficos de Arboles Frutales (Field Guide to Tree
Fruit Disorders, Pests, and Beneficials)
Héctor Núñez Contreras, Penn State Extension
Tianna Dupont, Penn State Extension
10:00 Mejor Manejo de Frutas y Verduras para
Buen Éxito Post Cosecha (Meeting the Postharvest
2:15 Una Introducción a la Capacitación
Emprendedores Agropecuarios (Introduction to Ag
Needs of Fruits and Vegetables from Field to Market)
Lee Stivers, Penn State Extension
Business Skills and Entrepreneurship)
Winifred McGee, Penn State Extension
*10:45 Desarrollo de Resistencia a Productos
Químicos en Patógenos de Frutales
2:45 Factores Claves del Éxito de los Líderes en las
Empresas Agrícolas (Key Factors of Leadership
(Development of Resistance to Chemicals in Fruit Pathogens)
Dr. Maria del Mar Jimenez-Gasco, Penn State University
*11:30 Hacer Artrópodos Beneficiosos Parte de un
Programa de MIP en Huertos de Árboles
Frutales (Making Beneficial Arthropods a Part of an
Orchard IPM Program) Armando Rosario-Lebron and Dr.
Cerruti Hooks, University of Maryland Extension
Success in the Agriculture Business)
Miguel Saviroff, Penn State Extension
3:30 Control Operativo y Manejo Seguro de
Tractores (Pre-Operational Check Up and Safe Operation
of a Tractor)
Maria Gorgo-Gourovitch, Penn State Extension
*Category Credit (Credits offered pending approval from PA Dept of Agriculture) For more information contact/Con
cualquier pregunta contactese con Catherine Lara, [email protected] o 717-334-6271 ext. 315
Registration Form for Técnicas de Producción
Pre-Registration Deadline/Fecha Límite de Inscripción — January 17, 2014
Additional persons attending/Participantes adicionales
Address/Dirección ________________________________________ City/Ciudad_____________________________
State/Estado________________ Zip____________________ Email/c.e._____________________________
Phone/Teléfono (day/día)__________________________ (evening/noche) __________________________
Registration Fee/Remuneración: $60 per person* (Includes admission to all educational sessions and trade show/
Incluye la entrada a todos los talleres y a la feria de muestras)
Total Enclosed/Incluydo: $60 x ________ = $_________
Please return registration form and payment to:
Mande el formulario y la remuneración a:
Maureen Irvin, Executive Secretary
State Horticultural Association of Pennsylvania
480 Mountain Road
Orrtanna, PA 17353
Please make checks payable to/Haga cheques a nombre de:
State Horticultural Association of Pennsylvania
*Participant must be a member of one of the sponsoring
organizations, or an employee of a member.
Registrations after 1/17 are $80.
Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of its workforce.
Penn State se suscribe a la acción afirmativa, la igualdad de oportunidad y a la diversidad de sus empleados.