D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building
D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building
Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) D 4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment Due date of deliverable: 31st July 2011 Actual submission date: 29th July 2011 Start date of project: 01/02/09 Duration: 36 months Organisation name for this document: University of Saarland USAAR Revision [1] Project co-funded by the European Commission within the ICT PSP Programme Dissemination Level PU Public PP Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) RE Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) CO Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment x i Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Index of contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Post-retrofit assessment in pilot B1 2.1 Target groups 2.2 Post-retrofit assessment of visitors of B1 2.2.1 The sample 2.2.2 Privacy of personal data 2.2.3 Realization 2.3 Post-retrofit assessment for technicians 2.3.1 The sample 2.3.2 Privacy of data 2.3.3 Realization 2.4 Post-retrofit assessment for employees 2.4.1 The sample 2.4.2 Privacy of data 2.4.3 Realization 2.5 Final impact evaluation with stakeholders 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 3. Post-retrofit assessment in pilot B2 3.1 Target groups 3.2 The sample 3.3 Privacy of data 3.4 Realization 3.5 Final impact evaluation with stakeholders 8 8 9 9 9 10 4. Post-retrofit assessment in pilot L1 4.1 The sample 4.2 Privacy of data 4.3 Realization 12 12 12 12 5. Post-retrofit assessment in pilot L2 5.1 The sample 5.2 Privacy of data 5.3 Realization 14 14 14 14 6. Annexes 16 6.1 Questionnaire for post-retrofit assessment B1Q1.3 (Visitors of Paco Yoldi Sports Centre), Original Spanish version 16 6.2 Questionnaire for post-retrofit assessment B1Q1.3 (Visitors of Paco Yoldi Sports Centre), English translation 21 6.3 Questionnaire for post-retrofit assessment B1Q2.3 (Technicians) Original Spanish version 26 6.4 Questionnaire for post-retrofit assessment B1Q2.3 (Technicians), English version 30 6.5 Questionnaire for post-retrofit assessment B1Q3.3 (Employees), Original Spanish version 34 D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment i Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 6.6 Questionnaire for post-retrofit assessment B1Q3.3 (employees) (English translation) 39 6.7 Questionnaire for post-retrofit assessment for B2 (English & German version) 44 6.8 Questionnaire for post-retrofit assessment for L1 (Spanish version) 55 6.9 Questionnaire for post-retrofit assessment for L1 (English translation) 60 6.10 Questionnaire for post-retrofit assessment for L2 (Portuguese version) 65 6.11 Questionnaire for post-retrofit assessment for L2 (English translation) 70 D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment ii Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 1. Introduction This deliverable presents the questionnaires and interview guidelines for the non-technical post-retrofit assessment in the framework of the project Best Energy for the two pilot buildings (B1- San Sebastian and B2- Braunschweig) and for the two street lighting systems (L1- San Sebastian and L2 - Almada). The post-retrofit assessment is necessary to evaluate the situation after the social interventions took place. The information obtained will be compared with the data obtained before the social interventions by the baseline assessment and during the social interventions by the follow-up assessment, in order to observe changes or to detect or confirm tendencies. The post-retrofit assessment will measure the final impact and the success of the social interventions. The information obtained will be used to extract conclusions of the social intervention strategy to be used in future projects dealing with energy efficiency in public buildings. We are aware that the assessment studies by themselves represent a social intervention, as we will establish contact with interviewees and talk about relevant themes. And we know that there is no causal relationship between intervention and impact, as interventions no cause linear reactions and changes can be provoked by other circumstances than planned interventions. Nevertheless, adequate social interventions should stimulate observable changes of attitudes and habits. This document contains the questionnaires developed for Pilot B1 (Paco Yoldi Sports Centre in San Sebastian), Pilot B2 (Technical University in Braunschweig), Pilot L1 (street lighting in Etxarriene, San Sebastian) and Pilot L2 (street lighting in Almada), in their local language (German, Spanish and Portuguese) how they will be applied, and also an English translation of all. In addition, interview guidelines for the final assessment with local stakeholders are included. Some parts of this deliverable, especially general explanations, are identical as presented in the deliverable D4.3 “Questionnaire for each pilot building for baseline assessment”, in order to provide background information without the need of looking back at the former document. D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 1 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 2. Post-retrofit assessment in pilot B1 2.1 Target groups In pilot B1, the Paco Yoldi Sports Centre, three target groups for the non-technical assessment have been detected: 1. Visitors of the Sports Centre: Customers using actively the installations. The survey will include individual users of both sexes, youth from 14 years on, and adults of all ages. The sample will exclude children and youth who come to the Sports Centre for school activities (e.g. swimming courses, classes of physical education). 2. Technicians: Employees of GIROA, in charge of the maintenance of the Paco Yoldi Sports Centre. 3. Employees: Personal working in the installations of the Paco Yoldi Sports Centre, as receptionists, administrative staff, cleaning personal, monitors and trainers. For each of these three groups, an adapted questionnaire has been developed (B1Q1.3, B1Q2.3, B1Q3.3, see Annexes 1, 2, 3 for original versions in Spanish and Annexes 4, 5, 6 for English translations). The questionnaire form is almost identical to the questionnaire of the follow-up assessment, in order to assure comparability of the results of both inquiries. 2.2 Post-retrofit assessment of visitors of B1 2.2.1 The sample During 2008, 369.173 persons used the installations of the Paco Yoldi Sports Centre. As a high percentage of users visits the sports centre several times a week, the number of individuals (number of users with a member card) is much lower. As the roughly estimated average of visits is about 2,6 times/week, we estimate roughly that 2730 persons are visiting the installations in one week, 390 per day. The administration of the sports centre is asked to confirm these data and to provide the real numbers. We expect to include them in the report on findings. The survey will be realized in two days; we expect to get a minimum of 100 questionnaires per day. Every questionnaire above this mark would be appreciated in order to increase the representativeness of the survey. Getting in total a sample of 200 questionnaires (the minimum) we would get the information of about 25% of the visitors of these two days. If we obtain 400 questionnaires, we would collect the data of about 50% of the visitors of these two days. We consider that with the D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 2 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy minimum of 200 we reach the critical mass in order to assure the representativeness of the survey. 2.2.2 Privacy of personal data The interviewees are asked to provide the following personal data: age, gender and education level. All the obtained data will be treated confidentially. There is no possibility to identify the interviewee through the given information. The data will be introduced in a online database from where University of the Saarland will collect the information and analyse the data. The original information of the questionnaires will not be published. The later published results include the whole sample and will not permit the identification of individuals. All participants can participate in a raffle of free entrances of the spa or of a backpack. In order to keep their anonymity, after answering the questionnaire, they will get a stamped ticket with a number. This number is independent and keeps no relationship with the questionnaire; it will be assigned individually to the person. The copy of all distributed numbers will participate in the raffle and the number of the winners will be published at the blackboard in the entrance hall. The winners can identify themselves presenting the original ticket in order to obtain the prize. There is no need to identify themself presenting personal documents. 2.2.3 Realization The visitors will be invited to participate in the survey announced by spots on the giant screen, posters at the blackboard in the entrance hall, reception and lockers. In order to motivate the visitors to participate, a raffle will be organized where all participants of the survey have the chance to win attractive prices, as free entrances for leisure installations like a Spa. The main part of the survey will be realized during two days by two interviewers who will approach the visitors personally at the reception of the Sports Centre. In order to save time and avoid errors by manual data transfer, we would like to provide the interviewers with electronic equipment (data pad) where to introduce directly the obtained information in a central database. The interviewers will also distribute the ticket for and explain the procedure of the raffle. In order to reduce the consumption of paper and the paperwork, the questionnaire form will be available at the project website www.bestenergyproject.eu and can be filled online. The online form has the advantage that visitors can fill in the questionnaire at their home whenever they want and send it directly back. The data is saved and included in the database without errors, saving time of retyping data in the data base manually. There are programs available that can calculate the basic statistics, saving time of data utilization. D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 3 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy By the questionnaire, we will collect data about the following topics: • General consumption habits (use of the installations, consumption habits of water and electricity) • Level of comfort • Attitudes regarding energy saving in the Sports Centre • Information about the project Best Energy All the data will be collected by University of Saarland and statistically analyzed. The data will be compared with the data obtained during the baseline and follow-up assessment done before, in order to detect changes and tendencies occurred during this period. We will see if energy consumption habits and attitudes regarding energy efficiency have changed, probably in part as a result of the social interventions realized. The results will be shared with the project consortium (report) and some interesting points could be highlighted for the public on the website, as part of the awareness rising campaign. 2.3 Post-retrofit assessment for technicians 2.3.1 The sample There are a total of fifteen technicians working at the Sports Centre. Our objective is to include all of them in the sample of the survey. We consider that ten participants would be the minimum, representing 66% of the whole group. With this number we obtain the critical mass in order to assure the representativeness of the survey. 2.3.2 Privacy of data As the sample is very small and the technicians are asked to give information regarding to their work conditions, the protection of privacy of obtained data is very important and the data must be treated with care. The interviewees are asked to provide the following personal data: age, gender and education level. The technicians will get the questionnaire form and an envelope where to put in the filled form. The close the envelope and hand them over to our partners. The University of the Saarland will collect the closed envelopes with the originals of the questionnaires, introduce the data in the data base and analyse the data. The original information of the questionnaires will not be published or shared with other entities. The later published results include the whole sample and will not permit the identification of individuals. D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 4 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 2.3.3 Realization For the technical and maintenance staff of the Sports Centre one specific questionnaire has been developed (B1Q2.3, see annexes). This questionnaire is dealing with the following aspects: • Responsibilities regarding energy management • Management of ICT-tool • Evaluation of ICT-tool • Energy efficiency at the Sports Centre • Comments All technicians will be invited to participate in the survey. Partners from GIROA and FOMENTO will distribute the questionnaire forms and the envelopes and collect the closed envelopes with the filled questionnaires. The technicians themselves will fill out the questionnaire form. All the data will be collected by USAAR and statistically analyzed. The results will be compared with the data obtained during the baseline and the follow-up assessment some months before, in order to detect changes and tendencies. The results will be shared with the project consortium (report). A feed-back of the results will be given to the interviewees, on the internal website, but also in a final workshop. This final workshop will be used to share experiences of the project, discuss the results of the social interventions and develop ideas of how to go on beyond the project itself. If there have been detected potentials to improve energy efficiency, ideas how to achieve them can be exchanged. 2.4 Post-retrofit assessment for employees 2.4.1 The sample There are a total of twenty non-technical employees working at the Sports Centre. Our objective is to include all of them in the sample of the survey. We consider that fifteen participants would be the minimum, representing 75% of the whole group. With this number we obtain the critical mass in order to assure the representativeness of the survey. 2.4.2 Privacy of data As the sample is very small and the employees are asked to give information regarding to their work conditions, the protection of privacy of obtained data is very important and the data must be treated with care. The interviewees are asked to provide the following personal data: age, gender and education level. D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 5 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy The employees will get the questionnaire form and an envelope where to put in the filled form. The close the envelope and hand them over to our partners. The University of the Saarland will collect the closed envelopes with the originals of the questionnaires, introduce the data in the data base and analyse the data. The original information of the questionnaires will not be published or shared with other entities. The later published results include the whole sample and will not permit the identification of individuals. 2.4.3 Realization For employees of the Sports Centre a special questionnaire have been developed (B1Q3.3, see annexes). The questionnaire is dealing with the following aspects: • Energy consumption behaviour in the Sports Centre • Responsibilities for visitors and their consumption behaviour • Potentials of energy saving energy saving at their working place • Attitudes regarding energy saving at the Sports Centre All employees will be invited to participate in the survey. FOMENTO will distribute the questionnaire forms and the envelopes and collect the closed envelopes with the filled questionnaires. The employees themselves will fill out the questionnaire form. All the data will be collected by University of Saarland and statistically analyzed. The results will be compared with the data obtained during the baseline and the follow-up assessment some months before, in order to detect changes and tendencies. The results will be shared with the project consortium (report). A feed-back of the results will be given to the interviewees, on the internal website, but also in a final workshop. This final workshop will be used to share experiences of the project, discuss the results of the social interventions and develop ideas of how to go on beyond the project itself. If there have been detected potentials to improve energy efficiency, ideas how to achieve them can be exchanged. 2.5 Final impact evaluation with stakeholders After the post-retrofit assessment of the three target groups, the obtained results will be presented to and discussed with the local stakeholders (general management of the sports centre, Municipality, energy management). The perceived efficiency of non-technical and technical measures in order to increase energy efficiency in the building will be compared with results of the measurements, e.g. the amount of saved energy and emissions. The following points will be discussed with the stakeholders in a workshop: • Changes in energy consumption behaviour in the Sports Centre D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 6 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy • Efficiency of non-technical interventions • Detected potentials of energy saving and taken measures • Lessons learned for the energy management of the Sports Centre • Future activities in order to consolidate the energy efficiency of the building It is not decided yet if there will be necessary interviews with the stakeholders. In case that all relevant information or the final impact assessment can be collected during the workshop, there will be no individual interviews. In case we detect potentials of conflicts, difficulties or we consider it necessary for any other reason, individual interviews with some of the stakeholders will be realized. The following interview guideline, adapted to the specific situation, will be applied: 2.5.1 Guideline for interviews with stakeholders 1. What are your tasks, responsibilities regarding the energy supply of the building? 2. Have you been involved directly or indirectly in the activities of the project? 3. How do you evaluate the applied non-technical measures in order to increase energy efficiency of the building? 3.1. Have the non-technical measures been adequate or the specific needs of the target groups? 3.2. Have the non-technical measures been efficient in order to attain the goal of increased energy efficiency? 3.3. How do you evaluate the social impact of the measures (short term, long term)? 4. Would you propose other non-technical measures? 5. If the project would start now, what would you do same and what different? 6. Do you consider that the project’s goals have been attained? (Which ones not?) 7. If the goals have not been attained, what have been the obstacles and how they can be eliminated? 8. What difficulties have had to be faced during the project and how they have been solved? 9. What measures do you propose to consolidate the attainments of the project? D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 7 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 3. Post-retrofit assessment in pilot B2 Most parts of the post-retrofit questionnaire presented here are identical to the baseline and also the follow-up questionnaire presented in the deliverables D4.3 & D4.5. This is necessary in order to compare the results of the baseline, follow-up and post-retrofit assessment. The data of the post-retrofit will be compared with the data obtained during the baseline and the follow-up assessment done before, in order to detect the impact of social interventions in the building realized during the year. 3.1 Target groups In the pilot B2, we detected four target groups: 1. Employees: This will be the main user group of the assessment and evaluation. People working in the University Building are from the research staff of different departments, administrative staff and cleaning personal. The main part of users from this group comes from the research staff. 2.&3. Visitors / Students: Due to the fact that this building is part of the University of Braunschweig, there are only a few visitors and most of the occupants of the building are students. 4. Technicians: Employees of the University in charge of the Building Management. One single questionnaire has been designed for employees and student/visitor groups. Other user groups are so small that they have very little influence in the energy efficiency of the building and therefore they can be excluded from the survey. For the visitor/student group the user group affiliation will be recorded during the assessment for later comparison. Due to the fact that technical staff responsible for the building B2 in Braunschweig also manages all other university buildings, there is only a very small influence the building management staff could take into account. There is no need for the technical staff to fill out a questionnaire, as only a hand of persons working in the building management and mainly from higher management positions, who are involved in the project. These few people will be interviewed personally. The guidelines of the interviews will be presented in section 3.6 in this deliverable. These guidelines are the same as for other stakeholders involved in this project. D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 8 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 3.2 The sample There are a total of about 300 people using the university building constantly. Our objective is to include almost 30% of the total in the sample of the survey. We consider that 60 participants would be the minimum, representing a 20% of the whole group. With this number we obtain the critical mass in order to assure the representativeness of the survey. 3.3 Privacy of data As the sample is very small and the employees are asked to give information regarding to their work conditions, the protection of privacy of obtained data is very important and the data must be treated with care. The interviewees are asked to provide the following personal data: age, gender and education level. The survey form will be completed online by the participants themselves. The University of the Saarland will collect the data in the database and analyse them. The original information obtained from the questionnaires will not be published or shared with other entities. The later published results include the whole sample and will not permit the identification of individuals. 3.4 Realization The questionnaire has been designed and prepared by University of Saarland and with the support of the Best Energy team at the TU Braunschweig. The content of this post-retrofit questionnaire is widely identical to the questionnaire of the baseline assessment applied in the pilot B2 (Technische Universität Braunschweig).This is necessary in order to compare the results of the baseline and the post-retrofit assessment and to detect changes. This postretrofit questionnaire will not be applied in the framework of the project itself, but after. For this purpose, an online version with the same content will be developed later. In the Annex 5.7, the Codebook of the post-retrofit questionnaire is presented. On the left hand side appears the original German language version that will be applied at pilot B2. On the right hand side continues the corresponding English translation of the question. The Codebook contains the complete information to be introduced in the questionnaire form. It lists the questions, their answering format, and the reference code for each question and the corresponding numeric value for the later statistical analysis. The form will be sent by E-mail to all employees working in the University Building. There will be also an online version of the post-retrofit questionnaire available at the website www.unipark.de. As all employees already are using the E-mail system as the official communication channel inside and outside of the University, the online form has the advantage that each participant of the survey can fill in the questionnaire easily at his or her workplace whenever he/she D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 9 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy wants and all introduced data is directly saved on the server. Thereby, errors by mistyping data in the data base can be avoided. The questionnaire will collect data about the following topics: • Self reported energy consumption behaviour at the workplace • Level of users’ comfort • Attitudes regarding energy saving at the university • Information about the project Best Energy The obtained data will be collected and statistically analyzed by University of Saarland. The data will be compared with the data obtained during the baseline assessment one year before, in order to detect changes and tendencies and to evaluate the impact of the social interventions. The results will be shared and discussed with the project team at the University of Braunschweig. The most interesting results will be presented to the participants as feed-back during a workshop. 3.5 Final impact evaluation with stakeholders After the post-retrofit assessment of the three target groups, the obtained results will be presented to and discussed with the local stakeholders (e.g. general management of the university, energy management staff and building management). The perceived efficiency of non-technical and technical measures in order to increase energy efficiency in the building will be compared with results of the measurements, e.g. the amount of saved energy and emissions. The following points will be discussed with the stakeholders in a workshop: • Changes in energy consumption behaviour in the University building • Efficiency of non-technical interventions • Detected potentials of energy saving and taken measures • Lessons learned for the energy management of the University • Future activities in order to consolidate the energy efficiency of the building It is not decided yet if there will be necessary interviews with the stakeholders. In case that all relevant information or the final impact assessment can be collected during the workshop, there will be no individual interviews. In case we detect potentials of conflicts, D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 10 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy difficulties or we consider it necessary for any other reason, individual interviews with some of the stakeholders will be realized. The following interview guideline, adapted to the specific situation, will be applied: 3.5.1 Guideline for interviews with stakeholders 1. What are your tasks, responsibilities regarding the energy supply of the building? 2. Have you been involved directly or indirectly in the activities of the project? 3. How do you evaluate the applied non-technical measures in order to increase energy efficiency of the building? 3.1. Have the non-technical measures been adequate or the specific needs of the target groups? 3.2. Have the non-technical measures been efficient in order to attain the goal of increased energy efficiency? 4. How do you evaluate the social impact of the measures (short term, long term)? 5. Would you propose other non-technical measures? 6. If the project would start now, what would you do same and what different? 7. Do you consider that the project’s goals have been attained? (Which ones not?) 8. If the goals have not been attained, what have been the obstacles and how they can be eliminated? 9. What difficulties have had to be faced during the project and how they have been solved? 10. What measures do you propose to consolidate the attainments of the project? D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 11 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 4. Post-retrofit assessment in pilot L1 In the pilot L1, the street lighting system of Etxarriene, San Sebastian, we will realize a postretrofit assessment between the residents of this area. Etxarriene is a residential area of about 16.000 m2 without any commercial activity. One single questionnaire has been designed for all residents, independent if they are using the area mainly as pedestrians, cyclists or car drivers. 4.1 The sample There are a total of about 300 apartments. The Municipality is asked to provide information about the actualized number of resident families and the total of adults. Our objective is to include almost one member of 50% of the total number of families in the sample of the survey. We consider that 100 participants would be the minimum, representing 33% of the families. With this number we obtain the critical mass in order to assure the representativeness of the survey. 4.2 Privacy of data The protection of privacy of obtained data is very important and the data must be treated with care. The interviewees are asked to provide the following personal data: age, gender and education level. The questionnaire form will be completed by two independent interviewers. The University of the Saarland will collect the data introduced by the interviewers in a data base and analyse them. The original information obtained from the questionnaires will not be published or shared with other entities. The later published results include the whole sample and will not permit the identification of individuals. 4.3 Realization The questionnaire has been designed and prepared by University of Saarland. The content of this post-retrofit questionnaire is widely identical to the questionnaire of the baseline assessment applied in the pilot L1.This is necessary in order to compare the results of the baseline and the post-retrofit assessment and to detect changes. The questionnaire will collect data about the following topics: • Perception of security in the street • Evaluation of light quality and comfort D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 12 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy • Evaluation of esthetical aspects and life quality in the street • Evaluation of resolution of incidences The information obtained by the questionnaire will be compared with criminal statistics, other statistical data provided by the Municipality and technical data provided by the operator of the street lighting system. The obtained data will be collected and statistically analyzed by University of Saarland. The data will be compared with the data obtained during the baseline assessment one year before, in order to detect changes and tendencies and to evaluate the impact of the social interventions. The results will be shared and discussed with the project team and interested entities of San Sebastian. The most interesting results will be presented during a workshop. D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 13 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 5. Post-retrofit assessment in pilot L2 In the pilot L2, part of the currently installed street lighting system of Almada, we will realize a post-retrofit assessment survey of perception and preference of inhabitants and passing by users of this area. The street Avenida 23 de Julho is a residential area of about 16.000 m2 without any commercial activity. One single questionnaire has been designed for all inhabitants and passer-bys who are using this area mainly as pedestrians. Due to the lack of self-reported cycling usage and also usage of the street lighting as a car driver, only the usage as a pedestrian will be taken into account for the post-retrofit assessment. 5.1 The sample There are a total of about 15 apartment buildings located directly at the implemented street lighting area. The Municipality is asked to provide information about the actualized number of apartments, residents and passer-bys. As during the baseline assessment we got a sample of around 500 persons, we would like to obtain a similar number during the postretrofit assessment. We consider that 300 participants would be the minimum. With this number we obtain the critical mass in order to assure the representativeness of the survey and for comparison to the baseline assessment. 5.2 Privacy of data The protection of privacy of obtained data is very important and the data must be treated with care. The interviewees are asked to provide only the following personal data: age, gender and education level. The questionnaire form will be completed by eight independent interviewers collecting the data on the street and going from house to house. The University of the Saarland will introduce the data in a database and statistically analyse them. The original information obtained from the questionnaires will not be published or shared with other entities. The later published results include the whole sample and will not permit the identification of individuals. 5.3 Realization The questionnaire has been designed and prepared by University of Saarland with the support of AGENEAL from Almada. The content of this post-retrofit questionnaire is identical to the questionnaire of the baseline assessment applied in the pilot L2. Only a few questions where dismissed and three new questions are introduced to further refine the survey. D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 14 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Equality of the survey to the baseline survey is necessary in order to compare the results of the baseline and the post-retrofit assessment and to detect changes and tendencies. The questionnaire will collect data about the following topics: • Perception of perceived security in the street • Evaluation of lighting quality and comfort of light • Evaluation of aesthetical aspects and life quality in the street • Evaluation of resolution of incidences The information obtained by the questionnaire will be compared with criminal statistics, other statistical data provided by the municipality and technical data provided by the operator of the street lighting system. The obtained data will be collected and statistically analysed by the Saarland University. The data will be compared with the data obtained during the baseline assessment three months earlier, in order to detect changes and tendencies and to evaluate the impact of the social interventions. The results will be shared and discussed with the project team and interested entities of Almada. The most interesting results will be reported to the municipality the residents in the street lighting area and also presented at an international conference in Eindhoven in September. D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 15 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 6. Annexes 6.1 Questionnaire for post-retrofit assessment B1Q1.3 (Visitors of Paco Yoldi Sports Centre), Original Spanish version Confort y Hábitos Polideportivo PacoYoldi Estimado/a usuario/a del polideportivo, Este cuestionario forma parte del proyecto de investigación “Best Energy”, financiado por la Unión Europea. El proyecto Best Energy supervisa el impacto de tecnologías innovadoras sobre los consumos energéticos en edificios y alumbramiento público. Estas tecnologías se emplean para reducir el consumo energético y por lo tanto, reducir las emisiones de CO2. Le costará unos pocos minutos rellenar el formulario. Sus respuestas serán tratadas de forma completamente anónima. Muchas gracias por su colaboración. Fecha _____._____.2011 Edad ______ Años Género Nivel de Educación Hombre Primaria Secundaria ¿Ha participado en la encuesta hace unos meses? D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment Mujer Universitaria Sí No 16 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q1 A diario 2-3 veces / semana ¿Con qué frecuencia visita el polideportivo? Q2 Una vez ala semana Menos de una vez a la semana ¿Desde cuándo es usuario/a (Año) del polideportivo Paco Yoldi? Q3 ¿Cuántas veces visitó las instalaciones durante última semana? la Q3a Piscina50m veces durante la última semana Q3b Piscina 25m veces durante la última semana Q3c Frontón veces durante la última semana Q3d Gimnasio Balda veces durante la última semana Q3e Gimnasio Aerobic veces durante la última semana Q4 ¿Cuántas veces usa la veces durante la última semana ¿Cuántas veces aprieta el veces ducha? Q4a botón durante una ducha? Q5 ¿Cuántas Q5a ¿Durante cuántos minutos veces secador de pelo? usa el veces durante la última semana minutos aprox. usa el secador de pelo? Q6 ¿Cómo evalúa la TEMPERATURA DEL AIRE en el polideportivo? (Piensa en las instalaciones que usa.) Q6a ESTE MES, la temperatura del aire era Q6a a Me sentí Q6b EN VERANO, la temperatura del aire era D4.4 Demasiado baja Muy incómodo Demasiado baja Demasiado alta Muy cómodo Demasiado alta Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 17 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q6b b Me sentí Q6c EN INVIERNO, la temperatura del aire era Q6c c Q7 Me sentí Muy incómodo Demasiado baja Muy incómodo Muy cómodo Demasiado alta Muy cómodo ¿Cómo evalúa la TEMPERATURA DEL AGUA en las piscinas? (Responda sólo si las usa.) Q7a ESTE MES, la temperatura del agua era Q7a a Me sentí Q7b EN VERANO, la temperatura del agua era Q7b b Me sentí Q7c EN INVIERNO, la temperatura del agua era Q7c c Q8 Me sentí Demasiado baja Muy incómodo Demasiado baja Muy incómodo Demasiado baja Muy incómodo Demasiado alta Muy cómodo Demasiado alta Muy cómodo Demasiado alta Muy cómodo ¿Qué otros aspectos influyen en su bienestar? Cómo los evalúa? Q8a Q8b Q9 Q10 ¿Cómo evalúa el nivel general de confort en el polideportivo? Muy mal Muy bien Muy mal Muy bien Muy mal Muy bien ¿Ha notado algún cambio en Sí el confort comparado con el año anterior? Q10 a D4.4 ¿Cómo está la situación ahora? Mucho peor Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment No Mucho mejor 18 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q11 ¿Ha recibido información sobre el Energy? Q12 proyecto Best Sí No Sí No ¿Ha visto los mensajes sobre ahorro energético (pegatinas, carteles)? Q12 a ¿Considera los mensajes Q13 ¿Ha cambiado algún hábito útiles? Muy útil Nada útil siguiendo los consejos de ahorro energético? Q13 a ¿Qué ha cambiado? Q14 ¿Ha cambiado algún hábito siguiendo los consejos de ahorro de agua? Q14 a ¿Qué ha cambiado? Q15 ¿Qué acciones o medidas Sí No Sí No propone para ahorrar más energía en el polideportivo? Q16 ¿Cómo evalúa la campaña de ahorro energético y de agua en el polideportivo? Q17 Muy exitosa Nada exitosa ¿Está de acuerdo con las siguientes afirmaciones? Q17 a Tengo poca influencia en el consumo energético del polideportivo. Nada de acuerdo Muy de acuerdo Q17 b Yo sé cómo puedo reducir el consumo energético del polideportivo. Nada de acuerdo Muy de acuerdo Q17 c El ahorro energético de la instalación depende del comportamiento de cada usuario. Nada de acuerdo Muy de acuerdo Q17 d No tiene sentido que yo cambié mis hábitos para ahorrar energía mientras los demás no hagan lo mismo. Nada de acuerdo Muy de acuerdo D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 19 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q17 e Para mí es una molestia tener que cambiar de hábitos para ahorrar energía. Nada de acuerdo Muy de acuerdo Q17 f No estoy dispuesto de bajar mi nivel de confort para ahorrar energía en el polideportivo. Nada de acuerdo Muy de acuerdo Q18 ¿Quiere hacer algún comentario? Muchas gracias por rellenar el cuestionario. (Esta encuesta ha sido desarrollada por el Grupo de Investigación de Psicología Ambiental de la Universidad del Sarre. Por cualquier información relacionada contacte con [email protected].) D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 20 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 6.2 Questionnaire for post-retrofit assessment B1Q1.3 (Visitors of Paco Yoldi Sports Centre), English translation [The original contains the logo of Best Energy and USAAR]] Comfort and Habits Sports Centre PacoYoldi Dear visitor of the Sports Centre, This questionnaire forms part of the investigation Project “Best Energy”, financed by the European Commission. The project Best Energy evaluates the impact of innovative technologies in energy consumption of public buildings and lightening. These technologies aim to reduce the energy consumption and in consequence, the emissions of CO2. It will take only few minutes to fill out the questionnaire. Your answers will be treated confidentially. Thank you very much for your collaboration. Date _____._____.2011 Age ______ Years Gender Education level Masculine Primary school Secondary school Have you participated in this survey some months ago? D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment Feminine University Yes No 21 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q1 How often do you visit the Sports Centre? Q2 Daily Once a week 2-3 times / week Less than once a week Since when are you user of the Sports Centre Paco Yoldi? (Year) Q3 How often do you visit these installations? Q3a 50m Swimming Pool times during the last week Q3b 25m Swimming Pool times during the last week Q3c Pelota Playground times during the last week Q3d Gym Balda times during the last week Q3e Gym Aerobic times during the last week Q4 How often do you use the shower? times during the last week Q4a How many times do you press the button for one shower? times Q5 How often do you use the hair dryer? times during the last week Q5a How many minutes do you use the hairdryer approximately? minutes Q6 How do you evaluate the AIR TEMPERATURE in the Sports Centre? (Think in the installations you use.) Q6a Q6aa Q6b D4.4 THIS MONTH, the temperature was air I felt IN SUMMERTIME, the air temperature was Too low Very uncomfortable Too low Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment Too high Very comfortable Too high 22 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q6bb Q6c Q6cc I felt IN WINTERTIME, the air temperature was I felt Q7 How do you evaluate the WATER TEMPERATURE of the swimming pools? (Answer only if you use them) Q7a THIS MONTH, the water temperature was Q7aa Q7b Q7bb Q7c Q7cc Q8 I felt IN SUMMERTIME, the water temperature was I felt IN WINTERTIME, the water temperature was I felt Very uncomfortable Very comfortable Too low Very uncomfortable Too high Very comfortable Too low Very uncomfortable Too high Very comfortable Too low Very uncomfortable Too high Very comfortable Too low Very uncomfortable Too high Very comfortable What other aspects have affected your wellness? How do you evaluate them? Q8a Q8b Q9 How do you evaluate the general comfort level of the Sports Centre? Q10 Have you noticed any change in the comfort comparing with the situation one year ago? D4.4 Very bad Very good Very bad Very good Very bad Very good Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment Yes No 23 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q10a Q11 Q12 How is it now? Much worse Much better Have you got information about the project Best Energy? Yes No Have you seen the messages regarding energy saving (stickers, posters)? Yes No Q12 a Do Q13 Have you changed any of your habits following the hints of energy saving? you consider the messages useful? Q13 a What have you changed? Q14 Have you changed any of your habits following the hints of water saving? Q14 a What have you changed? Q15 What actions or measures do you propose in order to save more energy in the Sports Centre? Q16 How do you evaluate the energy and water saving campaign in the Sports Centre? Q17 Do you agree with the following sentences? Q17 a I have little influence in the energy consumption of the Sports Centre. Very useful Very successful Very useless Yes No Yes No Very unsuccessful Not at all Absolutely Q17 b I know how to reduce the energy consumption of the Sports Centre. Not at all Absolutely Q17 c The energy saving of the installation depends on the Not at all Absolutely D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 24 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy behaviour of every user. Q17 d It makes no sense that I change my habits in order to save energy if others don’t do so. Not at all Absolutely Q17 e For me it’s an inconvenience to change my habits in order to save energy. Not at all Absolutely Q17 f I am not willing to decrease my comfort level in order to save energy in the Sports Centre. Not at all Absolutely Q18 Do you want to add any comment? Thank you very much for your collaboration. (This survey is developed by the Research Group Environmental Psychology at the Saarland University. For any information or inquiry regarding this assessment, please contact [email protected]) D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 25 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 6.3 Questionnaire for post-retrofit assessment B1Q2.3 (Technicians) Original Spanish version [The original contains the logo of Best Energy and USAAR]] Manejo de las tecnologías ICT Polideportivo PacoYoldi Estimado/a técnico/a del polideportivo, Este cuestionario forma parte del proyecto de investigación “Best Energy”, financiado por la Unión Europea. El proyecto Best Energy supervisa el impacto de tecnologías innovadoras sobre los consumos energéticos en edificios y alumbramiento público. Estas tecnologías se emplean para reducir el consumo energético y por lo tanto, reducir las emisiones de CO2. Muchas gracias por su colaboración. Fecha _____._____.2011 Edad ______ Años Género Nivel de Educación Hombre Primaria Secundaria ¿Ha participado en la encuesta hace unos meses? D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment Mujer Universitaria Sí No 26 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q1 ¿Desde cuándo es técnico/a del polideportivo Paco Yoldi? Q2 ¿Cuáles son sus responsabilidades? (Marque todas las opciones aplicables) (Año) Monitoreo Reparaciones Mantenimiento Seguridad Q3 ¿Cuántas veces revisó las instalaciones durante la última semana? Q3a Instalaciones de luz veces durante la última semana Q3b Instalaciones de agua veces durante la última semana Q3c Instalaciones de calefacción veces durante la última semana Q3d Instalaciones acondicionado veces durante la última semana de aire Q3e Instalaciones eléctricas Q4 ¿Ud. trabaja con el Building Management System (tecnología ICT)? veces durante la última semana SÍ No Si no trabaja con el BMS, puede pasar directamente a la pregunta Q20, página 3. Q4a ¿Cuáles son sus tareas? (Marque todas las opciones correspondientes) Q5 Monitoreo & Control Programación Solución de problemas ¿Ha recibido instrucciones cómo utilizar el BMS? Otra SÍ No Q5a Instrucciones por escrito: Muy útil Nada útil Q5b Taller informativo: Muy útil Nada útil Q5c Curso de formación: Muy útil Nada útil Q5d Prácticas: Muy útil Nada útil Q6 Q7 Q7a D4.4 ¿Ha participado en la implementación del BMS? SÍ ¿Para qué aplicaciones utiliza el BMS y cómo le parece? (Marque sólo las opciones aplicables) Electricidad En parte Muy útil Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment No Nada útil 27 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q7b Agua Muy útil Nada útil Q7c Gas Muy útil Nada útil Q7d Fotovoltaica Muy útil Nada útil Q8 ¿Qué módulos utiliza y cómo le parecen? (Marque sólo las opciones aplicables) Q8a Datos Muy útil Nada útil Q8b Gráficos Muy útil Nada útil Q8c Alertas Muy útil Nada útil Q8d Diseños Muy útil Nada útil Q8e Etiquetas Muy útil Nada útil Q8f Usuarios y permisos Muy útil Nada útil Q8g Mensajes Muy útil Nada útil Q8h Instalación y administración Muy útil Nada útil Q9 Q10 ¿Ha recibido instrucciones cómo utilizar los módulos? ¿Cómo estima el ahorro energético en el polideportivo gracias al BMS? SÍ, para todos Para algunos Muy alto No Insignificante Q11 ¿El BMS es fácil de manejar? Muy fácil Nada fácil Q12 ¿Es fácil aprender el manejo del BMS? Muy fácil Nada fácil Q13 ¿Los datos obtenidos son fáciles de interpretar? Muy fácil Nada fácil Q14 ¿Las lecturas de consumos son fáciles? Muy fácil Nada fácil Q15 ¿El diseño de la pantalla es útil? Q16 Q17 D4.4 los ¿El BMS le ayuda a realizar sus tareas? ¿El BMS solucionar le ayuda a cualquier Muy útil Nada útil Mucho Nada Mucho Nada Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 28 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy problema emergente? Q18 ¿Ha detectado función errónea? Q19 ¿En qué aspecto debe mejorar el BMS para que le sea más útil en su trabajo? Q20 ¿Ud. ve potenciales para ahorrar más energía en el polideportivo? ¿Cuáles son? Q21 ¿Ud. ve potenciales para ahorrar agua en el polideportivo? ¿Cuáles son? Q22 ¿Quiere añadir comentario? alguna algún Muchas gracias por rellenar el cuestionario. (Esta encuesta ha sido desarrollada por el Grupo de Investigación de Psicología Ambiental de la Universidad del Sarre. Por cualquier información relacionada contacte con [email protected].) D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 29 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 6.4 Questionnaire for post-retrofit assessment B1Q2.3 (Technicians), English version [The original contains the logo of Best Energy and USAAR]] Management of the ICT-Tool Sports Centre PacoYoldi Dear technician of the Sports Centre, This questionnaire forms part of the investigation Project “Best Energy”, financed by the European Commission. The project Best Energy evaluates the impact of innovative technologies in energy consumption of public buildings and lightening. These technologies aim to reduce the energy consumption and in consequence, the emissions of CO2. It will take few minutes to fill out the questionnaire. Your answers will be treated confidentially. Thank you very much for your collaboration. Date _____._____.2011 Age ______ Years Gender Education level Masculine Primary school Secondary school Have you participated in this survey some months ago? D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment Feminine University Yes No 30 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q1 Since when are you technician of the sports centre? Q2 (Year) What are your responsibilities? (Mark all relevant options) Monitoring Repairs Maintenance Security Q3 How many times have you revised these installations during the last week? Q3a Lighting times during the last week Q3b Water times during the last week Q3c Heating times during the last week Q3d Air condition times during the last week Q3e Electricity times during the last week Q4 Do you work with the Building Management System (BMS)? Yes No If you are not working with the BMS, you can go directly to question Q20, page 3. Q4a What are your tasks? (Mark all relevant options) Q5 Monitoring & Control Problem Solving Have you got instructions how to use the BMS? Programming Others Yes No Q5a Written instructions Very useful Not useful Q5b Information workshop: Very useful Not useful Q5c Training session: Very useful Not useful Q5d Practices: Very useful Not useful Q6 Q7 D4.4 Have you participated in the implementation of the BMS? For what applications do you use the BMS and how Yes Partly No (Mark only relevant options) Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 31 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy do you evaluate them? Q7a Electricity Very useful Not useful Water Very useful Not useful Q7c Gas Very useful Not useful Q7d Photovoltaics Very useful Not useful Q7b Q8 What modules do you use and how do you evaluate them? (Mark only relevant options) Q8a Data Very useful Not useful Q8b Graphs Very useful Not useful Q8c Advise Very useful Not useful Q8d Designs Very useful Not useful Q8e Labels Very useful Not useful Q8f Users and permits Very useful Not useful Q8g Messages Very useful Not useful Q8h Installation administration Very useful Not useful Q9 Q10 and Have you received instructions how to use the modules? Yes, for all For some of them No How do you estimate the energy saving in the sports centre because of the BMS? Very high Insignificant Can you manage the BMS easily? Very easy Very difficult Q12 Is it easy to learn how to manage the BMS? Very easy Very difficult Q13 Is it easy to interpret the obtained data? Very easy Very difficult Q14 Is it easy to read the consumptions? Very easy Very difficult The design of the user Very useful Q11 Q15 D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment Not useful 32 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy interface is useful? Q16 Q17 The BMS supports you in realizing your tasks? The BMS helps you the solve any emerging problem or incidence? Q18 Have you detected malfunction or error? Q19 What aspect of the BMS should be improved in order to be more useful for you? Q20 Do you see any potential to save more energy in the sports centre? Describe it. Q21 Do you see any potential to save more energy in the sports centre? Describe it. Q22 Do you want to add any comment? Very much Not at all Very much Not at all any Thank you very much for your collaboration. (This survey is developed by the Research Group Environmental Psychology at the Saarland University. For any information or inquiry regarding this assessment, please contact [email protected]) D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 33 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 6.5 Questionnaire for post-retrofit assessment B1Q3.3 (Employees), Original Spanish version Confort y Hábitos Polideportivo PacoYoldi Estimado/a empleado/a del polideportivo, Este cuestionario forma parte del proyecto de investigación “Best Energy”, financiado por la Unión Europea. El proyecto Best Energy supervisa el impacto de tecnologías innovadoras sobre los consumos energéticos en edificios y alumbramiento público. Estas tecnologías se emplean para reducir el consumo energético y por lo tanto, reducir las emisiones de CO2. Le costará unos pocos minutos rellenar el formulario. Sus respuestas serán tratadas de forma confidencial. Muchas gracias por su colaboración. Fecha _____._____.2011 Edad ______ Años Género Nivel de Educación Hombre Primaria Secundaria ¿Ha participado en la encuesta hace unos meses? D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment Mujer Universitaria Sí No 34 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q1 ¿Desde cuándo es emplead/a del polideportivo Paco Yoldi? Q2 ¿Cuáles son sus responsabilidades? (Marque todas las opciones aplicables) Q3 ¿Dónde tiene su puesto de trabajo? (Marque todas las opciones aplicables) Q4 Q5 ¿Ud. trabaja cordenador? con Q7c Q7d Administración Limpieza / Mantenimiento Seguridad Recepción Otras Piscinas Gimnasios Duchas / Vestuarios Frontón Recepción / Entrada Oficinas SÍ, a diario A veces ¿Ud. trabaja cara al público? ¿Tiene responsabilidad sobre algunos grupos de usuarios? (Marque todas las opciones aplicables) Q7b Entrenamiento / Monitoreo el Q6 Q7a (Año) ¿Apaga la luz al salir de un ámbito? ¿Cierra las ventanas cuando la calefacción o el aire acondicionado están encendidos? ¿Apaga el ordenador cuando hace una pausa? ¿Apaga todos los aparatos inmediatamente después de usarlos? (No Stand-by) No SÍ No Preescolares Escolares Adolescentes Adolescentes Adultos Tercera edad Público general Sí, siempre A veces Nunca No es necesario, va automático Sí, siempre A veces Nunca No es necesario, va automático Sí, siempre A veces Nunca No es necesario, va automático Sí, siempre A veces Nunca No es necesario, va automático Q7e ¿Recicla el papel, utilizando la segunda cara? Sí, siempre A veces Nunca Q7f c ¿Recicla y separa la basura en su puesto de trabajo? Sí, siempre A veces Nunca ¿Vigila que los usuarios no Sí, siempre A veces Nunca Q7g D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 35 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy derrochen el agua de la ducha? Q8 ¿Ud. ve potenciales para ahorrar más energía en el polideportivo? ¿Cuáles son? Q8a ¿Qué acciones o medidas propone para ahorrar más energía en el polideportivo? Q9 ¿Ud. ve potenciales para ahorrar agua en el polideportivo? ¿Cuáles son? Q9a ¿Qué acciones o medidas propone para ahorrar más agua en el polideportivo? Q10 Q10a Q10aa Q10b Q10bb Q10c Q10cc Q11 Q11a Q11aa Q11b Q11bb D4.4 ¿Cómo evalúa la TEMPERATURA DEL AIRE en el polideportivo? ESTE MES, la temperatura del aire era Me sentí EN VERANO, la temperatura del aire era Me sentí EN INVIERNO, la temperatura del aire era Me sentí (Piensa en los ámbitos donde trabaja.) Demasiado baja Muy incómodo Demasiado baja Muy incómodo Demasiado baja Muy incómodo Cómo evalúa la TEMPERATURA DEL AGUA en las piscinas? ESTE MES, la temperatura del agua era Me sentí EN VERANO, la temperatura del agua era Me sentí Demasiado alta Muy cómodo Demasiado alta Muy cómodo Demasiado alta Muy cómodo (Responda sólo si las usa.) Demasiado baja Muy incómodo Demasiado baja Muy incómodo Demasiado alta Muy cómodo Demasiado alta Muy cómodo Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 36 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q11c Q11cc Q12 Q12a Q13 Q14 EN INVIERNO, la temperatura del agua era Me sentí Muy cómodo Ha notado algún cambio en el confort comparado con el año anterior? Cómo está la situación ahora? Sí Mucho peor No Mucho mejor ¿Ha recibido información sobre el proyecto Best Energy? Sí No ¿Ha visitado la página del proyecto www.bestenergyproject.eu? Sí No ¿Cómo le parece la página web? Q15 ¿Ha visto los mensajes sobre ahorro energético (pegatinas, carteles)? Q15 a ¿Considera los útiles? Q15 b ¿Ha cambiado algún hábito siguiendo los consejos de la campaña? Q15 bb ¿Qué ha cambiado? Q15 c ¿Cómo evalúa la campaña de ahorro energético y de agua en el polideportivo? Q16 ¿Ha participado en algún taller sobre eficiencia energética en el marco del proyecto? D4.4 Demasiado alta Muy incómodo Q14 a Q16 a Demasiado baja mensajes ¿Cómo evalúa el taller? Muy útil Nada útil Sí Muy útil No Nada útil Sí Muy exitosa No Nada exitosa Sí Muy útil Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment No Nada útil 37 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q17 Está de acuerdo con las siguientes afirmaciones? Q17 a Tengo poca influencia en el consumo energético del polideportivo. Nada de acuerdo Muy de acuerdo Q17 b Yo sé cómo puedo reducir el consumo energético del polideportivo. Nada de acuerdo Muy de acuerdo Q17 c El ahorro energético de la instalación depende del comportamiento de cada usuario. Nada de acuerdo Muy de acuerdo Q17 d No tiene sentido que yo cambié mis hábitos para ahorrar energía mientras los demás no hagan lo mismo. Nada de acuerdo Muy de acuerdo Q17 e Para mí es una molestia tener que cambiar de hábitos para ahorrar energía. Nada de acuerdo Muy de acuerdo Q17 f No acepto que baje mi nivel de confort para ahorrar energía en el polideportivo. Nada de acuerdo Muy de acuerdo Q18 Quiere hacer comentario? algún Muchas gracias por rellenar el cuestionario. (Esta encuesta ha sido desarrollada por el Grupo de Investigación de Psicología Ambiental de la Universidad del Sarre. Por cualquier información relacionada contacte con [email protected].) D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 38 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 6.6 Questionnaire for post-retrofit assessment B1Q3.3 (employees) (English translation) Habits & Comfort Sports Centre PacoYoldi Dear employee of the Sports Centre, This questionnaire forms part of the investigation Project “Best Energy”, financed by the European Commission. The project Best Energy evaluates the impact of innovative technologies in energy consumption of public buildings and lightening. These technologies aim to reduce the energy consumption and in consequence, the emissions of CO2. It will take few minutes to fill out the questionnaire. Your answers will be treated confidentially. Thank you very much for your collaboration. Date _____._____.2011 Age ______ Years Gender Education level Masculine Primary school Secondary school Have you participated in this survey some months ago? D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment Feminine University Yes No 39 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q1 Since when are you employee of the Paco Yoldi sports centre? Q2 What are responsibilities? your (Year) Training / Monitoring Administration Cleaning / Maintenance Security Reception Others (Mark all relevant options) Q3 Where place? is your working Swimming pools Gyms Showers / Lockers Pelota play grounds (Mark all relevant options) Reception / Entrance Q4 Are you working with PC? Q5 Are you working in contact with the public? Q6 Are you responsable for users groups? (Mark all relevant options) Yes, daily Q7b Q7c Kindergarten School pupils Youth Adults Q7d Do you switch off lights when leaving the room? Yes, always Do you close the Windows when heating or AC is on? Yes, always Do you switch off the pc during the break? Do you switch off devices immediately after use them? (No Stand-by) Sometimes No Yes Third age Q7a Offices No General public Sometimes Never Not necessary, it’s automatic Sometimes Never Not necessary, it’s automatic Yes, always Sometimes Never Not necessary, it’s automatic Yes, always Sometimes Never Not necessary, it’s automatic Q7e Do you recycle paper, using the second page? Yes, always Sometimes Never Q7fc Do you recycle and separate waste at your working place? Yes, always Sometimes Never Q7g Do you control that users don’t waste water in the shower? Yes, always Sometimes Never D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 40 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q8 Do you see any potential to save more energy in the sports centre? Describe it. Q8a What activities or measures do you propose in order to save more energy in the sports centre? Q9 Do you see any potential to save water in the sports centre? Describe it. Q9a What activities or measures do you propose in order to save water in the sports centre? Q10 How do you evaluate the AIR TEMPERATURE in the Sports Centre? (Think in the installations where you work.) Q10 a THIS MONTH, the temperature was Too low Q10 aa I felt Q10 b IN SUMMERTIME, the air temperature was Q10 bb I felt Q10 c IN WINTERTIME, the air temperature was Q10 cc I felt Q11 air THIS MONTH, the water temperature was Q11 aa I felt D4.4 Very uncomfortable Very comfortable Too low Too high Very uncomfortable Very comfortable Too low Too high Very uncomfortable How do you evaluate the WATER TEMPERATURE of the swimming pools? Q11 a Too high Very comfortable (Answer only if you use them) Too low Very uncomfortable Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment Too high Very comfortable 41 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q11 b IN SUMMERTIME, the water temperature was Q11 bb I felt Q11 c IN WINTERTIME, the water temperature was Q11 cc I felt Q12 Too low Too high Very uncomfortable Very comfortable Too low Too high Very uncomfortable Very comfortable Have you noticed any change in the comfort comparing with the situation one year ago? Yes No Q12 a How is it now? Q13 Have you received information about the Project Best Energy? Yes No Have you visited the Project website www.bestenergyproject.eu? Yes No Q14 Q14 a How do you evaluate the website? Q15 Have you seen the messages regarding energy saving (stickers, posters)? Q15 a Do Q15 b Have you changed any habit following the hints of the campaign? Q15 bb What have you changed? Q15 c How do you evaluate the campaign for energy and water saving in the sports centre? Q16 D4.4 you consider the messages useful? Much worse Much better Very useful Not useful Yes Very useful No Not useful Yes Very successful No Not successful Have you assist to any workshop about energy Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment Yes No 42 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy efficiency in the framework of the project? Q16 a How do you evaluate the workshop? Q17 Do you agree with the following sentences? Q17 a I have little influence in the energy consumption of the Sports Centre. Very useful Not useful Not at all Absolutely Q17 b I know how to reduce the energy consumption of the Sports Centre. Not at all Absolutely Q17 c The energy saving of the installation depends on the behaviour of every user. Not at all Absolutely Q17 d It makes no sense that I change my habits in order to save energy if others don’t do so. Not at all Absolutely Q17 e For me it’s an inconvenience to change my habits in order to save energy. Not at all Absolutely Q17 f I don’t accept a decrease of mi comfort level in order to save energy in the Sports Centre. Not at all Absolutely Q18 Do you want to add any comment? Thank you very much for your collaboration. (This survey is developed by the Research Group Environmental Psychology at the Saarland University. For any information or inquiry regarding this assessment, please contact [email protected]) D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 43 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 6.7 Questionnaire for post-retrofit assessment for B2 (English & German version) BESTEnergy_TUBS Post-retrofit assessment CODEBOOK Explanations: int = integer number // char = text variable Items marked by an X have a NEGATIVE polarity and must be reversed! 1 German English Verhalten am Arbeitsplatz Workplace behaviour Wie häufig tun Sie die folgenden Tätigkeiten an Ihrem Arbeitsplatz? Zum Feierabend den Strom am Arbeitsplatz an der Steckerleiste v_9 v_9 int ausschalten. v_2 v_3 v_4 v_5 D4.4 v_2 v_3 v_4 v_5 How Often you do the following actions at your workplace? Switch off electrical power with a multi way connector at the end of the workday 1 Nie Never 2 Selten Seldom 3 Gelegentlich Sometimes 4 Oft Often 5 Immer Always 6 int Nicht vorhanden Den Bildschirm zum Feierabend ausschalten. Not available Turn off the computer screen at end of the workday 1 Nie Never 2 Selten Seldom 3 Gelegentlich Sometimes 4 Oft Often 5 Immer Always 6 int Nicht vorhanden Die Beleuchtung zum Feierabend ausschalten. Not available Turning off the lights at the end of the workday 1 Nie Never 2 Selten Seldom 3 Gelegentlich Sometimes 4 Oft Often 5 Immer Always 6 Nicht vorhanden Not available int Drucker am Arbeitsplatz ausschalten. Turning off the printer at my workplace 1 Nie Never 2 Selten Seldom 3 Gelegentlich Sometimes 4 Oft Often 5 Immer Always 6 int Nicht vorhanden Den Kopierer zum Feierabend ausschalten. Not available Turning off the copier at the end of the day 1 Nie Never 2 Selten Seldom 3 Gelegentlich Sometimes 4 Oft Often 5 Immer Always Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 44 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 6 v_6 v_7 v_8 v_1 v_10 v_11 v_12 D4.4 v_6 v_7 v_8 v_1 v_10 v_11 v_12 int Nicht vorhanden Den Kopierer nach der Benutzung in den Spar-Modus schalten. Not available Turning on standby after using the copier 1 Nie Never 2 Selten Seldom 3 Gelegentlich Sometimes 4 Oft Often 5 Immer Always 6 int Nicht vorhanden Im Winter die Fenster zum Lüften auf Kipp-Stellung lassen. Not available Leaving the windows partly open for airing the room during wintertime 1 Nie Never 2 Selten Seldom 3 Gelegentlich Sometimes 4 Oft Often 5 Immer Always 6 Not available int Nicht vorhanden Den Kaffee in eine Thermoskanne umfüllen. Putting the coffee into a thermos jug 1 Nie Never 2 Selten Seldom 3 Gelegentlich Sometimes 4 Oft Often 5 Immer Always 6 int Nicht vorhanden Den Computer über Nacht laufen lassen. Not available Leaving the computer switched on over night 1 Nie Never 2 Selten Seldom 3 Gelegentlich Sometimes 4 Oft Often 5 Immer Always 6 int Nicht vorhanden Den PC/ Laptop in Pausen ausschalten. Not available Switching off the computer during brakes 1 Nie Never 2 Selten Seldom 3 Gelegentlich Sometimes 4 Oft Often 5 Immer Always 6 int Nicht vorhanden Not available Den PC/ Laptop in Pausen auf Standby Putting the computer on stand-by mode schalten. during brakes 1 Nie Never 2 Selten Seldom 3 Gelegentlich Sometimes 4 Oft Often 5 Immer Always 6 int Nicht vorhanden Das Stromkabel vom ausgeschalteten und vollgeladenen Laptop bei Nichtnutzung dran lassen Not available Leaving the power adapter connected to the fully charged and switched off computer. 1 Nie Never 2 Selten Seldom 3 Gelegentlich Sometimes 4 Oft Often 5 Immer Always 6 Nicht vorhanden Not available Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 45 X X X Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy v_34 v_84 v_85 v_34 v_82 v_83 int Das Fenster zum Stoßlüften kurz komplett öffnen. Opening the windows completly for a short time for airing. 1 Nie Never 2 Selten Seldom 3 Gelegentlich Sometimes 4 Oft Often 5 Immer Always 6 int Nicht vorhanden Not available Im Winter ein zusätzliches elektrisches Using an additional electrical heater Heizgerät benutzen. during wintertime. 1 Nie Never 2 Selten Seldom 3 Gelegentlich Sometimes 4 Oft Often 5 Immer Always 6 int Nicht vorhanden Im Sommer einen elektrischen Ventilator zur Kühlung benutzen. Not available Using an electrical fan for cooling during summertime. X 1 Nie Never 2 Selten Seldom 3 Gelegentlich Sometimes 4 Oft Often 5 Immer Always 6 Nicht vorhanden Not available Ist der Computer an ihrem Arbeitsplatz energiesparend eingestellt? dupl 1_v_ v_35 35 int Ich weiß nicht v_37 v_38 v_39 v_40 2 dupl 1_v_ 37 dupl 1_v_ 38 v_39 v_40 0 Not quoted 1 Quoted int Nein 0 Not quoted 1 Quoted int Bildschirmschoner 0 Not quoted 1 Quoted int Bildschirm geht in Standby 0 Not quoted 1 int Quoted Computer geht automatisch in Standby 0 Not quoted 1 Quoted Nach der Theorie des geplanten Verhaltens Is the computer at your workplace preset to energy saving mode? I don't know No Screensaver Screen changes to standby Computer changes automatically to standby Theory of planned behavior Ajzen/Fishbein Stromsparen im Universitätsgebäude finde ich... In my opinion, energy saving inside the university building is: v_13 Good – Bad v_13 int Gut - Schlecht 1 D4.4 Gut 2 - 3 | Good Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 46 X Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy v_46 v_44 4 - 5 -> Schlecht Bad int Sinnvoll - nicht sinnvoll Makes sense - No sense 1 v_48 v_46 Sinnvoll - 3 | 4 - 5 -> Nicht sinnvoll No sense int Leicht - Schwer Easy – Difficult 1 v_47 v_45 Leicht v_47 - 3 | 4 - 5 -> Schwer Difficult int Angenehm - Unangenehm Pleasant – Unpleasant Angenehm v_48 - 3 | 4 - 5 -> Unangenehm Unpleasant int Nützlich - Nutzlos Useful – Useless Nützlich v_49 - 3 | 4 - 5 -> Nutzlos Useless int Erfreulich - Ärgerlich Encouraging – Angry Erfreulich 2 - 3 | 4 - 5 -> Ärgerlich Wünschenswert - Nicht wünschenswert int 1 v_52 v_50 Wünschenswert v_51 Encouraging Angry Desirable - Not desirable Desirable 2 - 3 | 4 - 5 -> Nicht wünschenswert Nicht desirable int Hilfreich - Wertlos Helpful – Worthless 1 v_53 Usefiul 2 1 v_51 Pleasant 2 1 v_50 Easy 2 1 v_49 Makes sense 2 Hilfreich Helpful 2 - 3 | 4 - 5 -> Wertlos Worthless int Nett - Nervig Nice – Annoying 1 nett 2 - 3 | 4 - 5 -> Nervig Nice Annoying Ich beabsichtige, in Zukunft so viel Strom wie möglich zu sparen. In the future, I intend to save as much energy as possible. v_14 Not true – True D4.4 v_14 int Trifft nicht zu - Trifft sehr zu Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 47 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 1 Trifft nicht zu Not true trifft sehr zu True 2 3 4 5 Wie wahrscheinlich ist es, dass ihre Kollegen der Meinung sind, sie sollten Energie sparen? How likely is it that your colleagues think that you should save energy? v_15 Probably – Unlikely v_15 int Wahrscheinlich - Unwahrscheinlich 1 Wahrscheinlich Probably Unwahrscheinlich Unlikely 2 3 4 5 Wie wichtig ist es Ihnen, dass Sie mit ihren Kollegen in der Frage des Energiesparens übereinStimmen? How important is it to you that you agree with your colleagues on the issue of saving energy? v_16 Not important - Very important v_16 int Nicht wichtig - Sehr wichtig 1 Nicht wichtig Not important Sehr wichtig Very important 2 3 4 5 Inwieweit Stimmen Sie den folgenden Aussagen zu: Wie wichtig ist es Ihnen, dass Ihr Chef Sie beim Energiesparen unterstützt? v_17 v_171 1 int Nicht wichtig - Sehr wichtig v_54 D4.4 v_17 v_52 How important is it to you that your boss supports you in order to save energy? Not important - Very important 1 Stimme gar nicht zu 1 Strongly disagree 2 2 Disagree 3 3 4 4 Agree 5 Stimme völlig zu 5 Strongly agree Ünterstützt Sie Ihr Chef beim Energiesparen an Ihrem Arbeitsplatz? v_17 v_172 2 int Trifft nicht zu - Trifft sehr zu v_17 To what extent do you agree with the following statements: Does your support you to save energy at your workplace? Not true – True 1 Stimme gar nicht zu 1 Strongly disagree 2 2 Disagree 3 3 4 4 Agree 5 Stimme völlig zu 5 Strongly agree int Um den Energieverbrauch in Universitätsgebäuden zu senken, kommt es auf das Verhalten jedes einzelnen Nutzers an. Reducing energy consumption in university buildings depends on the behavior of each individual user. 1 Stimme gar nicht zu 1 Strongly disagree 2 2 Disagree 3 3 4 4 Agree 5 Stimme völlig zu 5 Mein eigenes Verhalten hat nur wenig Einfluss auf den Gesamtenergieverbrauch der Strongly agree My own behaviour has only little impact on the overall energy consumption of the university. int Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 48 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Universität. v_55 v_53 v_53 v_551 1 3 1 Stimme gar nicht zu 1 Strongly disagree 2 2 Disagree 3 3 4 4 Agree 5 Strongly agree As long as everybody else in the university buildings wastes energy, it makes no sense to take an effort in energy saving behaviour. int Stimme völlig zu 5 Solange alle anderen in den Universitätsgebäuden Energie verschwenden, hat es keinen Sinn, mich dort um einen sparsamen Umgang mit Energie zu bemühen. 1 Stimme gar nicht zu 1 Strongly disagree 2 2 Disagree 3 3 4 4 Agree 5 int Stimme völlig zu 5 Solange mein Arbeitgeber mich nicht beim Energiesparen unterstützt, finde ich es sinnlos mich zu beteiligen. Strongly agree As long as my employer does not support me to save energy, I will not participate. 1 Stimme gar nicht zu 1 Strongly disagree 2 2 Disagree 3 3 4 4 Agree 5 Stimme völlig zu 5 Strongly agree Wissen Knowledge Inwieweit stimmen Sie den folgenden Aussagen zu? v_42 v_41 v_43 v_45 D4.4 v_8c d7f v_33 a16 v_41 v_43 int Ich weiß, wie ich mich verhalten muss um Energie zu sparen. Do you agree with the following statements? I know how to behave in order to save energy. 1 Stimme gar NICHT zu 1 Strongly disagree 2 2 Disagree 3 3 4 4 Agree 5 int Stimme VÖLLIG zu 5 Ich weiß, wie ich beim Heizen Energie sparen kann. Strongly agree I know how to save energy when heating. 1 Stimme gar NICHT zu 1 Strongly disagree 2 2 Disagree 3 3 4 4 Agree 5 Strongly agree I am well informed about how to save energy while using electronic devices. int Stimme VÖLLKOMMEN zu 5 Ich weiß, wie ich bei der Nutzung elektronischer Geräte Energie sparen kann. 1 Stimme gar NICHT zu 1 Strongly disagree 2 2 Disagree 3 3 4 4 Agree 5 int Stimme VÖLLKOMMEN zu 5 Ich weiß, wie ich beim Lüften Energie sparen kann. Strongly agree I am well informed how to save energy while airing a room. 1 Stimme gar NICHT zu 1 Strongly disagree 2 2 Disagree 3 3 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 49 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy v_88 v_86 4 4 5 int Stimme VÖLLKOMMEN zu 5 Strongly agree I am not sure about how to behave in Ich bin unsicher, wie ich mich verhalten sollte, um Energie zu sparen. order to save energy. X 1 Stimme gar NICHT zu 1 Strongly disagree 2 2 Disagree 3 3 4 4 Agree 5 Stimme VÖLLKOMMEN zu 5 Strongly agree Ich interessiere mich dafür, wie ich ... v_29 v_30 v_31 v_32 v_29 v_30 v_31 v_32 v_32 v_321 1 v_32 v_322 2 D4.4 Agree I am interested in getting more information about... ...saving energy while heating. int ... beim Heizen sparen kann. 1 Keine Information 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 More information ...saving energy using hot water int Mehr Information ...bei der Nutzung von warmen Wasser Energie sparen kann. 1 Keine Information No information 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 Mehr Information int ...bei der Nutzung von elektrischen Geräten Energie Sparen kann. 1 Keine Information 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 More information ...saving energy with lightening. int Mehr Information ...bei der Beleuchtung Energie sparen kann. 1 Keine Information No information 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 Mehr Information int ...mehr über das BestEnergy Project an der TUBS erfahren kann. More information ...the BestEnergy Braunschweig. 1 Keine Information No information 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 int Mehr Information ...mich an dem Energiespar Projekt beteiligen kann. More information ...how to participate in the energy saving project. 1 Keine Information No information 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 Mehr Information No information More information ...saving energy using electrical devices. No information project at the More information Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 50 TU Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 4 Raum Komfort Room Comfort Temperatur Die Raumtemperatur empfinde ich im Sommer als: Temperature Please answer the following questions in relation to your own office. The room temperature during summertime is: v_19 Bitte beantworten Sie die folgenden Fragen bezogen auf Ihr eigenes Büro: v_19 int Immer zu kalt - Immer zu warm Always too cold - Always too warm 1 <- Immer zu kalt Always too cold 2 - 3 | 4 - 5 -> Immer zu warm Always too warm Dies wirkt sich auf mein Wohlbefinden aus: This influences my well-being: v_20 v_20 int Sehr gering - Sehr stark Very low - Very strong 1 <- Sehr gering Very low 2 - 3 | 4 - 5 -> Sehr stark Very strong Die Raumtemperatur empfinde ich im Winter als: The room temperature during wintertime is: v_21 v_21 int Immer zu kalt - Immer zu warm Always too cold - Always too warm 1 <- Immer zu kalt Always too cold 2 - 3 | 4 - 5 -> Immer zu warm Always too warm Dies wirkt sich auf mein Wohlbefinden aus: This influences my well-being: v_22 v_22 int Sehr gering - Sehr stark Very low - Very strong 1 <- Sehr gering Very low 2 - 3 | 4 - 5 -> Sehr stark Very strong Die Luftfeuchtigkeit empfinde ich im Sommer als: The humidity in the room during summertime is: v_23 v_23 int Immer zu feucht - Immer zu trocken Always too humid - always too dry 1 <- Immer zu feucht Always too humid 2 - 3 | 4 - 5 -> Immer zu trocken Always too dry Dies wirkt sich auf mein Wohlbefinden aus: This influences my well-being: v_59 D4.4 v_57 int Sehr gering - Sehr stark Very low - Very strong 1 <- Sehr gering Very low 2 - 3 | 4 - 5 -> Sehr stark Very strong Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 51 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Die Luftfeuchtigkeit empfinde ich im Winter als: The humidity in the room during wintertime is: v_60 v_58 int Immer zu feucht - Immer zu trocken Always too humid - Always too dry 1 <- Immer zu feucht Always too humid 2 - 3 | 4 - 5 -> Immer zu trocken Always too dry Dies wirkt sich auf mein Wohlbefinden aus: This influences my well-being: v_61 v_59 int Sehr gering - Sehr stark Very low - Very strong 1 <- Sehr gering Very low 2 - 3 | 4 - 5 -> Sehr stark Very strong Die Luftqualität im Raum empfinde ich im Sommer als: The air quality in the room during the summertime is: v_27 v_27 int Sehr schlecht - Sehr gut Very bad - Very good 1 <- Sehr schlecht Very bad 2 - 3 | 4 - 5 -> Sehr gut Very good Dies wirkt sich auf mein Wohlbefinden aus: This influences my well-being: v_58 v_56 int Sehr gering - Sehr stark Very low - Very strong 1 <- Sehr gering Very low 2 - 3 | 4 - 5 -> Sehr stark Die Luftqualität im Raum empfinde ich im Winter als: v_27 v_271 1 int Sehr schlecht - Sehr gut 1 <- Sehr schlecht 2 - 3 | 4 - 5 -> Sehr gut Dies wirkt sich auf mein Wohlbefinden aus: v_56 v_581 1 int Sehr gering - Sehr stark 1 <- Sehr gering 2 - 3 | 4 - 5 -> Sehr stark Bitte bewerten Sie ihren Raum bezogen auf die aktuelle Woche: Mein Raum ist diese Woche durchschnittlich: Very strong The air quality in the room during the wintertime is: Very bad - Very good Very bad Very good This influences my well-being: Very low - Very strong Very low Very strong Please rate your room referring to the actual week: Generelly, my room is this week : X D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 52 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy v_582 v_562 v_583 v_563 v_584 v_564 v_585 v_565 v_586 v_566 v_587 v_567 v_588 v_568 int 1 Warm 2 - 3 Wohltemperiert 4 - 5 Kalt Cold 1 Trockene Luft Dry air 2 - 3 Weder noch 4 - 5 Feuchte Luft Humid air 1 Frische Luft Fresh air 2 - 3 Weder noch 4 - 5 Verbrauchte Luft Stale air 1 Angenehme Temperatur Comfortable temperature 2 - 3 Weder noch 4 - 5 Temperatur unangenehm Uncomfortable temperature 1 Hell Bright 2 - 3 Weder noch 4 - 5 Dunkel Dark 1 Zugluft Draught 2 - 3 Weder noch 4 - 5 Keine Luftbewegung IchI würde mir wünschen, der Raum wäre insgesamt I wish this room would be more 1 Wärmer Warmer 2 - 3 Weder noch 4 - 5 Kälter Well-temperatured int Neither int Neither int Neither int Neither int Neither No airflow int 8 Persönliche Daten Wie viele Stunden arbeiten Sie durschnittlich pro Tag in diesen Räumlichkeiten? v_76 v_761 1 Int D4.4 Warm Neither Colder Personal data How many hours on average do you work per day in these rooms? 11 Über 10 Stunden Over 10 hours 10 Bis zu 10 Stunden Up to 10 hours 8 Bis zu 8 Stunden Up to 8 hours Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 53 X Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 7 Bis zu 7 Stunden Up to 7 hours 6 Bis zu 6 Stunden Up to 6 hours 5 Bis zu 5 Stunden Up to 5 hours 4 Bis zu 4 Stunden Up to 4 hours Custom Fill in here fill in here Since how many years do you work in this building? Seit wie vielen Jahren arbeiten Sie in diesem Gebäude? v_76 v_761 1 Text Custom In welchem Gebäudeteil befindet sich Ihr Büro: please fill in here In which part of the building is your office located: v_76 v_74 please fill in here Int Gebäude Building 1 Neubau New building 2 Altbau (Hochhaus EG - 4. OG) Old building ( Ground - 4th Floor ) 3 Altbau (Hochhaus 5. - 12. OG) Old building ( 5th - 12th Floor ) 4 In keinem von beiden In none of the above Zum Abschluss noch ein paar Fragen zu Ihrer Person: Finally few questions about yourself: v_81 v_79 Char Alter Age v_83 v_81 Char Beruf Profession int Geschlecht Gender 1 Männlich Male 2 Weiblich Female Geschlecht v_87 D4.4 v_85 Gender Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 54 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 6.8 Questionnaire for post-retrofit assessment for L1 (Spanish version) Percepción y Preferencia Iluminado público en ETXARRIENE Apreciado residente de Etxarriene, Este cuestionario forma parte del proyecto “Best Energy”, financiado por la Comisión Europea. El proyecto “Best Energy” evalúa el impacto de tecnologías innovadoras en el consume energético de edificios e iluminado público. Mediante este cuestionario nos gustaría conocer su opinión sobre el iluminado público en esta zona y en la ciudad de San Sebastián. Si se detectara problemas durante esta encuesta, éstos podrían ser abordados y se podría optimizar el sistema. Rellenar el cuestionario le tomará unos pocos minutos. Sus respuestas serán tratadas de forma anónima. Muchas gracias por su colaboración. Fecha _____._____.2011 Edad ______ Años Género Nivel de educación D4.4 Hombre Primaria Secundaria Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment Mujer Universitaria 55 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q1 ¿En qué planta vive? Q2 ¿Sus ventanas dan a la calle? Q3 ¿Desde cuándo está viviendo en esta calle? Q4 Q5 Muchas personas tienen dificultades de ver por la noche. Tiene problemas de vista por la noche / en la oscuridad? (planta) Sí No (año) Sí, veo mal por la noche. Sí ¿Usa gafas? No, veo bien. Sólo para conducir No Q6 Su opinión como PEATÓN Q6A ¿Cómo le parece el alumbramiento de la calle? Demasiado oscuro Demasiado luminoso Q6B ¿DURANTE EL DÍA se siente seguro en esta calle? No, tengo miedo. Sí, me siento seguro. Q6C ¿DURANTE LA NOCHE se siente seguro en esta calle? No, tengo miedo. Sí, me siento seguro. Q6D ¿DURANTE EL DÍA se siente seguro en las calles de San Sebastián? No, tengo miedo. Sí, me siento seguro. Q6E ¿DURANTE LA NOCHE se siente seguro en las calles de San Sebastián? No, tengo miedo. Sí, me siento seguro. Q7 Su opinión como CICLISTA Uso de la calle: A diario Uso de la calle: Nunca Nunca A diario Q7A ¿Cómo le parece el alumbramiento de la calle? Demasiado oscuro Demasiado luminoso Q7B ¿DURANTE EL DÍA se siente seguro en esta calle? No, tengo miedo. Sí, me siento seguro. Q7C ¿DURANTE LA NOCHE se siente seguro en esta calle? No, tengo miedo. Sí, me siento seguro. Q7D ¿DURANTE EL DÍA se siente seguro en las calles de San Sebastián? No, tengo miedo. Sí, me siento seguro. D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 56 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q7E ¿DURANTE LA NOCHE se siente seguro en las calles de San Sebastián? Q8 Su opinión como Uso de la calle: CONDUCTOR DE COCHE Nunca Q8A ¿Cómo le parece el alumbramiento de la calle? Demasiado oscuro Demasiado luminoso Q8B ¿DURANTE EL DÍA se siente seguro en esta calle? No, tengo miedo. Sí, me siento seguro. Q8C ¿DURANTE LA NOCHE se siente seguro en esta calle? No, tengo miedo. Sí, me siento seguro. Q8D ¿DURANTE EL DÍA se siente seguro en las calles de San Sebastián? No, tengo miedo. Sí, me siento seguro. Q8E ¿DURANTE LA NOCHE se siente seguro en las calles de San Sebastián? No, tengo miedo. Sí, me siento seguro. Q9 No, tengo miedo. Sí, me siento seguro. A diario ¿Cómo le parece ésta calle en general? Q9A Muy atractiva Nada atractiva Q9B Muy ordenada Muy desordenada Q9C Muy aburrida Muy estimulante Q9D Muy tranquila Muy ruidosa Con muy poco tráfico Con mucho tráfico Con muy pocas luces Con demasiadas luces Sí , mucho No, nada Q9E Q9F Q10 D4.4 ¿Ud cree que alumbramiento hace calle más segura? el la Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 57 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q11 ¿Qué medidas harían la calle más segura? Q12 ¿Cómo percibe el color de Demasiad las luces? o frío Demasiado cálido ¿Qué opina sobre la hora de encender las luces? Demasiad o temprano Demasiado tarde ¿Qué opina sobre la hora de apagar las luces? Demasiad o temprano Demasiado tarde Q13 Q14 Q15 MUY ¿Qué opina en general sobre el alumbramiento DEFICIENT público de esta calle? E MUY BUENO Q16 ¿Qué se debería cambiar respecto al iluminado público? Q17 Q18 Q19 Q20 Q21 D4.4 Las reparaciones necesarias se realizan: Muy lento Muy rápido ¿Ud. tiene la posibilidad de informar sobre incidencias? Cuando ha informado sobre una incidencia, éste se solucionó en: Sí 1 día 1 semana 1 mes Más de un mes No Unas semanas Nunca ¿Ud. sabe con quién contactar por cuestiones respecto al alumbramiento público? Sí No ¿Le interesaría recibir más información sobre proyectos de la ciudad? Sí No Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 58 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Muchas gracias por su participación! (Este estudio ha sido desarrollado por el Grupo de Investigación de Psicología Ambiental de la Universidad del Sarre. Por cualquier información relacionada con este estudio contacte con [email protected]) D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 59 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 6.9 Questionnaire for post-retrofit assessment for L1 (English translation) [The original contains the logo of Best Energy and USAAR.] Perception and Preference Public street light in ETXARRIENE Dear resident of the Etxarriene residential area, This questionnaire forms part of the project “Best Energy”, financed by the European Commission. The project “Best Energy” evaluates the impact of innovative technologies in energy consumption of public buildings and lightening. With this questionnaire we would like to know your opinion about the public street lighting in this area and in the city of San Sebastian. If problems were we detected during this survey, they can be faced and the system can be optimised. It will only take only few minutes to fill out the questionnaire. Your answers will always be treated confidentially. Thank you very much for your collaboration. Date _____._____.2011 Age ______ Years Gender Education level D4.4 Masculine Primary school Secondary school Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment Feminine University 60 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q1 On which floor do you live? Q2 Does your window face the street? Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q6A Q6B (Floor) Since when are you living in this street? Many people see worse at nights. Do you have problems seeing at night / in the dark? Your opinion PEDESTRIAN as Q6D No (Year) I see poorly Yes Do you need glasses? I see well Only for driving No a How is the lighting in this street? Use of the street: Daily Too dark Never Too bright AT DAYTIME, how safe do you feel on this street? Q6C Yes I am afraid I feel safe how safe do you feel on this street? I am afraid I feel safe AT DAYTIME, I am afraid I feel safe I am afraid I feel safe AT NIGHTTIME, how safe do you feel in the streets of San Sebastian? Q6E AT NIGHTTIME, how safe do you feel in the streets of San Sebastian? Q7 Your opinion as a CYCLIST Q7A How is the lighting in this street? Q7B Too dark Never Too bright I am afraid I feel safe I am afraid I feel safe AT NIGHTTIME, how safe do you feel on this street? D4.4 Daily AT DAYTIME, how safe do you feel on this street? Q7C Use of the street: Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 61 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q7D AT DAYTIME, I am afraid I feel safe I am afraid I feel safe how safe do you feel in the streets of San Sebastian? Q7E AT NIGHTTIME, how safe do you feel in the streets of San Sebastian? Q8 Q8A Q8B Your opinion as a CAR DRIVER Use of the street: How is the lighting in this street? Q8D Never Too dark Too bright AT DAYTIME, how safe do you feel on this street? Q8C Daily I am afraid I feel safe how safe do you feel on this street? I am afraid I feel safe AT DAYTIME, I am afraid I feel safe I am afraid I feel safe AT NIGHTTIME, how safe do you feel in the streets of San Sebastian? Q8E AT NIGHTTIME, how safe do you feel in the streets of San Sebastian? Q9 What is your general opinion about this street? Q9A Very attractive Very unattractive Q9B Very organized Very disorganized Q9C Very boring Very exciting Very quiet Very loud Q9E Very little traffic Very dense traffic Q9F Too few lights Too many lights Q9D D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 62 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q10 Do you think that the street light makes the street safer? Yes, very much Not at all How do you perceive the color of the street lighting? Too cold Too warm What do you think about the turn-on time of the street lighting? Too early Too late What do you think about the turn-off time of the street lighting? Too early Too late What do you think about the general situation of lighting in this street : Very poor Very good Very slowly Very quickly Q11 What measure would make the street safer? Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 What would you like to change regarding the street lighting? Q17 Q18 Necessary repairs lighting happen: of Do you have the possibility to report any problem? Q19 If you have reported a problem, it was fixed in: Q20 Q21 D4.4 Yes No 1 day 1 week A few weeks 1 month More than one month Never Do you know who to contact with questions regarding the street lighting? Yes No Would you like to receive more information about planned city projects? Yes No Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 63 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Thank you very much for your participation! (This survey is developed by the Research Group Environmental Psychology at the Saarland University. For any information or inquiry regarding this assessment, please contact [email protected]) D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 64 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 6.10 Questionnaire for post-retrofit assessment for L2 (Portuguese version) Iluminação Pública em Almada Caro residente da zona da Av. 23 de Julho, Este questionário dá-lhe a oportunidade de dar a sua opinião sobre a iluminação pública nesta rua e na cidade de Almada. Ao detectarmos problemas neste inquérito ficamos em melhores condições de melhorar a situação. O inquérito faz parte do projecto Best Energy, financiado pela Comissão Europeia. O projecto Best Energy avalia o impacte de tecnologias inovadoras no consumo de energia em edifícios públicos e iluminação. Serão necessários apenas alguns minutos para preencher o inquérito e as suas respostas serão tratadas de forma absolutamente confidencial Muito obrigado pela sua colaboração!. Data _____._____.2011 Idade ______ Anos Sexo D4.4 Masculino Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment Feminino 65 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Em que piso habita? Tem janelas viradas para a Av. 23 de Julho? Sim Não Há quanto tempo mora nesta zona? Muitas pessoas vêem pior à noite. Tem algumas dificuldade em ver à noite ou quando está mais escuro? vejo mal vejo bem Necessita de óculos para conduzir à noite? Sim Não Necessita de óculos para conduzir de dia? Sim Não A minha iluminação como: opinião sobre a pública nesta rua Peão muito escuro muita luz Condutor muito escuro muita luz Ciclista muito escuro muita luz Qual a percepção de segurança que tem nesta rua como: Peão de dia Tenho receio Sinto-me seguro Peão à noite Tenho receio Sinto-me seguro Em geral, qual a percepção de segurança que tem noutras ruas de Almada como: D4.4 Peão de dia Tenho receio Sinto-me seguro Peão à noite Tenho receio Sinto-me seguro Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 66 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Por favor descreva como sente o ambiente geral nesta rua Muito desconfortável Muito confortável Assustador Entusiasmante Pouca actividade Muita actividade Muito sossegado Muito barulhenta Pouco tráfego Muito tráfego Poucas lâmpadas Muitas lâmpadas Muito feia Muito bonita Desorganizada Organizada Incoerente Coerente Pouco actractiva Muito atractiva Desinteressante Interessante Fechada Aberta Foca a atenção É demasiado confusa Muito fria Muito quente Não concordo concordo plenamente Por favor descreva como vê esta rua em termos de paisagem urbana. Acha que esta rua é: Não acho que a iluminação pública faça as ruas mais seguras Se não acha que a iluminação pública traz mais segurança, quais os aspectos que fazem com que a rua seja mais ____________________________________________________ segura? D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 67 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy De que cor é a iluminação pública nesta rua? ____________________________________________________ Com que frequência utiliza a rua como: Peão Muito raro Muito frequente Condutor Muito raro Muito frequente Ciclista Muito raro Muito frequente Genericamente acho que a iluminação nesta rua é: Muito má Muito boa Lenta rápida Quando necessário, a reparação da iluminação pública acontece de forma: Tem possibilidade de alertar para problemas existentes? Se já alertou ou reclamou por causa de um problema na iluminação pública, quanto tempo demorou a resolver a avaria? Sim Não 1 dia 1 mês 1 semana algumas semanas mais de um mês Acha que a altura em, que se liga a iluminação é: Demasiado cedo Demasiado tarde Acha que a altura em, que se desliga a iluminação é: Demasiado cedo Demasiado tarde O que gostaria de mudar na iluminação pública desta rua? __________________________________________________ Sabe quem contactar em caso de avaria? D4.4 Sim Não Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 68 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy A Câmara Municipal informa com antecedência os projectos que pretende implementar má informação boa informação Genericamente, gostaria de receber mais ou menos informação sobre os projectos que se pretendem implementar. menos informação mais informação Muito obrigado por preencher o questionário. D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 69 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy 6.11 Questionnaire for post-retrofit assessment for L2 (English translation) Perception and Preference Public street light in Almada Dear resident of the street Av. 23 de Julho, With this questionnaire you are given the possibility to raise your opinion about the public street lighting in this street and the city of Almada. If we detect problems with this survey, these problems can be eliminated in the future and the system can be optimised. This questionnaire forms part of the project “Best Energy”, financed by the European Commission. The project “Best Energy” evaluates the impact of innovative technologies in energy consumption of public buildings and lightening. It will only take a few minutes to fill out the questionnaire and your answers will always be treated confidentially. Thank you very much for your collaboration. Date _____._____.2011 Age ______ Years Gender Masculine Feminine Education level D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 70 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q1 On which floor do you live? Q2 Does your window face the street (Av. 23 de Julho)? Q3 How long have you lived in this street? Q4 Many people see worse at nights. Do you have problems seeing at night / in I see poorly the dark? Yes No I see well Q5 Do you need glasses to drive at night? Yes No Q6 Do you need glasses to drive during the day? Yes No Q7 My opinion of the lighting in this street as a: Q7A Q8 Pedestrian too dark too bright How safe do you feel in traffic on this street as a: Q8C Pedestrian at daytime I am afraid I feel safe Q8D Pedestrian during the night I am afraid I feel safe Q9 In general, how safe do you feel in traffic in streets of this city as a : Q9C Pedestrian at daytime I am afraid I feel safe Q9D Pedestrian during the night I am afraid I feel safe Q10 Q10A Q10B D4.4 Please describe the general situation in this street, as you currently perceive it. Very uncomfortable Very comfortable Scary Exciting Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 71 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q10C Q10D Not disturbing Very disturbing Very quiet Very loud Little traffic A lot of traffic Too few lamps Too many lamps Not Pretty Very Pretty Disorganized Organized Incoherence Coherence Unattractive Attractive Boring Interesting Closed Open Not distracting distracting Too cool Too warm I do not agree I agree completely Q10E Q10F Q11 Please describe just the view, the picture of the street, as you see it. Do you find the street to be... Q11A Q11B Q11C Q11D Q11E Q11F Q11G Q11H Q12 I do not think that the street light makes the street safer. Q13 If not: What, in your opinion, makes the street safer? ____________________________________________________ Q14 What color is the street's lighting for you? ____________________________________________________ D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 72 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Q15 Q15A Q15B Q15C Q16 Q17 Q18 How often do you use the street as a: Pedestrian Very seldom Very often Car driver Very seldom Very often Cyclist Very seldom Very often Very poor Very good Slowly Quickly In general, I find the lighting situation in this street to be: When necessary, lighting repairs happen: Do you have the possibility to report a problem? Yes No Q19 If you reported a problem, how fast happened the repair? Q20 Q21 1 day 1 month 1 week a few weeks more than one month How do you find the turn-on time of the street lighting? Too early Too late How do you find the turn-off time of the street lighting? Too early Too late Q22 What would you like to change about the street lighting? __________________________________________________ Q23 I know who to contact with questions about street lighting Yes No Q24 The city council makes planned projects public in a timely manner. Poorly informed Well informed Q25 Generally, I would like to receive more information about planned city projects. Less information More information D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 73 Project no. 238889 BEST ENERGY PROJECT Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy Thank you very much for your participation! (This survey is developed by Forschungsgruppe Umweltpsychologie at the Saarland University and AGENEAL. For any information or inquiry regarding this assessment, please contact [email protected]) D4.4 Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment 74