Morehead KY 40351


Morehead KY 40351
Mondays  Tuesdays  5:15 PM
at Jesus Our Savior Church
Gathering Hymn
BB 314: Gather Your people
Penitential Rite: BB 1 & 5
BB 925: Glory to God
Wed  Thurs  Fridays
7:10 AM
at the St. Claire Hospital Chapel
Saturdays  4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Sundays  11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
(Readings in BB, pp. 181-183)
1st Reading: 2 Samuel 12:7-10, 13
Psalm 32:
“Lord, forgive the wrong
I have done.”
3rd Wednesdays at the Chapel
12:00 NN - 12:00 MN
2nd Reading: Galatians 2:16, 19-21
PO Box 307
Morehead KY 40351
Phone: (606) 784-4392
4th Sundays  6:oo PM
during the School Year
Facsimile: (606) 783-0190
Email: [email protected]
call (859) 576-6182
Monday to Friday
9:15 AM - 1:15 PM
BB 926: Alleluia
Gospel: Luke 7:36-8:3
Offertory Hymn
BB 487: Love goes on
Saturday Vigil Mass  5:00 PM
Sunday Mass  10:00 AM
Misa en Español  12:15 PM
BB 928: Holy
BB 930: When we eat this bread
BB 932: Amen
Masses of the Day
7:00 AM  7:00 PM
BB 933: Lamb of God
Communion Hymn
BB 321: Song of the Body of Christ
Sending Forth
BB 161: Alleluia! Love is alive
Rev. Noel F. Zamora
Bill Buelterman
Dan Connell
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Nancy Estes
Susette Redwine
of Religious Education
[email protected]
[email protected]
Darinda Marriner
Director of Campus
& Youth Ministries
[email protected]
Cindi Russell
Teresa Roberts
Music Ministry
[email protected]
[email protected]
77 East Main Street
Owingsville KY 40360
Sunday Mass  8:00 AM
Vigil Mass  5:30 PM
Fr. Noel in Chicago
for Wedding: June 10-12
Mass, 7:10 AM
(St. Claire Hospital Chapel)
Fr. Terrence De Silva celebrating
Mass, 6:00 PM
(Frenchburg Baptist Camp)
Cursillo Mass, 10:30 AM
followed by Cursillo Reunion/Lunch
Confessions, 4:00 PM
Mass, 5:00 PM
Cookout after Mass
for Fr. Terrence
Fr. Terrence De Silva celebrating
Presentation during Mass:
Danna Kristel Landon Garcia
St. Julie Mass, 8:00 AM
10:00 AM Mass
Mass in Spanish, 12:15 PM
Fr. Terrence De Silva celebrating
Mass, 5:15 PM
Parish Council Meeting,
7:00 PM (Glenm ary Room )
Mass, 5:15 PM
Mass, 5:15 PM
Mass, 7:10 AM
(St. Claire Hospital Chapel)
Eucharistic Adoration,
12:00 NN-12:00 MN
Mass, 5:15 PM
Fr. Noel gone to the Philippines
from June 22 to July 6
Word & Communion, 7:10 AM
(St. Claire Hospital Chapel)
Mass, 7:10 AM
(St. Claire Hospital Chapel)
Word & Communion, 7:10 AM
(St. Claire Hospital Chapel)
Mass, 7:10 AM
(St. Claire Hospital Chapel)
Confessions, 4:00 PM
Mass, 5:00 PM
Dcn. Grimes preaching
2nd Collection: Peter’s Pence
Word & Communion, 7:10 AM
(St. Claire Hospital Chapel)
Mass, 6:00 PM
(Frenchburg Baptist Camp)
Fr. Sean Wilson celebrating
St. Julie Mass, 8:00 AM
10:00 AM Mass
Dcn. Grimes preaching
2nd Collection: Peter’s Pence
Mass in Spanish, 12:15 PM
Confessions, 4:00 PM
Mass, 5:00 PM
Fr. Paul Prabell celebrating
St. Julie Mass, 8:00 AM
June 11  5:00 PM
June 12  10:00 AM
June 18  5:00 PM
June 19  10:00 AM
Altar Servers
Mary Melahn
Molly Melahn
Kobe Tran
Cormac O’Brien
Landon Menard
Zach Menard
Angel Nguyen
Peter Melahn
Mark Curtis
Tim O’Brien
Hugh Convery
Madonna Weathers
Mary Berglee
Dave Beutler
Tod Barhorst
Mark Curtis
Sandy Convery
Carol Beitler
Kelli Barhorst
Shawn Thacker
Kate Thacker
Nadine Melahn
Ministers of
Mary Dowling
Holy Communion
Monica Bailey
Mike Menard
Bill Mains
Ann McIntosh
Sr. Jeanne Frances,SND
Launder Church Linens for June: Sandy Convery
Judy Buelterman
Molly Carew
Nadine Melahn
Susette Redwine
Willie Anderson, Becky Davison,
Fr. Simeon Cleves (Sr. Jeanne Frances’
brother), Donna Connell, Sophia Duff,
Dick & Dena Ellington, Fred Ellington,
Mary Ellen Helwig, Leo Howard (Missy
Thompson’s uncle), Jim Maher, Katherine McLoney, Faye McManus, Claire
Melahn (Wil Melahn’s mother), Robyn
Richey-Oemisch (Joyce Marin’s sister),
Tony Pence, Marianna & Tammie Reed,
Angela Roberts, Teresa Roberts,
Katie Schwab, Beth Scott, Judy Semsch
(Molly Carew’s sister), Jo Michelle Shinn
(Paula Stokes’ cousin), Sara Stewart,
John Stokes, Daisy Marie A. Tan
(Evelyn Flanagan’s niece), Cathy Trent
(Judy Buelterman’s sister)
Please call the parish office if you want to include
a family member or friend on the prayer list, or if you
want to have their names removed.
to Bill & Judy Buelterman on
the death of their sister-in-law,
Judy Ann Robers Buelterman,
on June 2 in Cincinnati OH.
May her soul and all the souls
of the faithful departed
through the mercy of God
rest in peace.
Saturday, June 11: St. Barnabas the Apostle
Acts 11:21-26; 13:1-3  Psalm 98:1-6  Matthew 5:33-37
10:30 AM Cursillo Mass  Earl Haubrich
5:00 PM Vigil Mass
 Jerry Beutler
Sunday, June 12: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
2 Samuel 12:7-10, 13  Psalm 32:1-2, 5, 7, 11  Galatians 2:16, 19-21
 Luke 7:36-8:3
8:00 AM St. Julie Mass  Lolita Simpao Lapid
10:00 AM Mass
 Harold & Jeanette Haubrich
12:15 PM Spanish Mass For the Parish
Monday, June 13: St. Anthony of Padua
1 Kings 21:1-16  Psalm 5:2-7  Matthew 5:38-42
5:15 PM Mass
 Lolita Simpao Lapid
Tuesday, June 14
1 Kings 21:17-29  Psalm 51:3-6, 11, 16  Matthew 5:43-48
5:15 PM Mass
 Bill Poage
Wednesday, June 15
2 Kings 2:1, 6-14  Psalm 31:20-21, 24  Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
7:10 AM Mass
 Lolita Simpao Lapid
Thursday, June 16
Sirach 48:1-14  Psalm 97:1-7  Matthew 6:7-15
7:10 AM Mass
 Lolita Simpao Lapid
Friday, June 17
2 Kings 11:1-4, 9-20  Psalm 132:11-14, 17-18  Matthew 6:19-23
7:10 AM Mass
 Lolita Simpao Lapid
Saturday, June 18
2 Chronicles 24:17-25  Psalm 89:4-5, 29-34  Matthew 6:24-34
5:00 PM Vigil Mass
 Harold Haubrich
Sunday, June 19: 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Zechariah 12:10-11; 13:1  Psalm 63:2-6, 8-9  Galatians 3:26-29 
Luke 9:18-24
8:00 AM St. Julie Mass  Lolita Simpao Lapid
10:00 AM Mass
 Gerald L. Stork
12:15 PM Spanish Mass For the Parish
Monday, June 20
2 Kings 17:5-8, 13-15, 18  Psalm 60:3-5, 12-13  Matthew 7:1-5
5:15 PM Mass
 Lolita Simpao Lapid
Hope Pregnancy
Care Center
Please remember to return
your baby-bottles for the
Hope Pregnancy Care
Center on the weekend
of Father’s Day (June 18-19).
We will have box to collect
them in the Church Foyer.
to Irene Van Kersen
for preparing the cake
for Fr. Terrence; and
to our Knights of
Columbus Council for
organizing the cookout in his honor;
to Dcn. Bill Grimes
for building the new
baptismal font at
St. Julie’s.
Tuesday, June 21: St. Aloysius Gonzaga
2 Kings 19:9-11, 14-21, 31-36  Psalm 48:2-4, 10-11 
Matthew 7:6, 12-14
5:15 PM Mass
 Jeff Porter
Those wishing to honor a loved one during the celebration
of Mass—for the living or the deceased, or for prayerful
remembrance of anniversaries, birthdays, and other
special intentions—may call or visit the office.
If there is a particular date on which you want the Mass
Intention, please make the request well ahead of time.
The suggested stipend for each Mass is $5.00.
Being a stranger is disorienting. New places and their
customs make one feel lost. Fortunately, ever since I arrived
in Morehead, you have welcomed me with great hospitality. The smiling
faces of parishioners, the helpful hand of the staff, and the pastor’s good
heart have made feel at home here. Truly, I can say “when I was a stranger
you have welcomed me.”
Certainly, it is true that I am a stranger here, but we are all strangers in
this world. After our exile from Eden, humanity has wandered the Earth
estranged from God and alienated from its identity as God’s children.
Our desire to be the lord of our own lives has only led to unhappiness
and frustration.
In today’s gospel, the Pharisee's dinner invitation seems like a hospitable
gesture. Actually, the setting is more hostile than hospitable because
Simon invites Jesus with the intent of dismissing Him as a false prophet.
In an ironic twist, an uninvited prostitute must stand in as host so that the
Son of God can receive the warm welcome that He deserves. Just as it was
in Bethlehem, the inn of the Pharisee's heart was full, and the humble cave
of the prostitute’s soul was all that was available to accommodate the
world’s Savior.
Welcoming Jesus as a guest in our prayer and daily life, allows Him be the
Lord of our lives. So, let us not “nullify the grace” that Jesus had won for us
on the Cross. The Lord’s yoke is easy and His burden is light. When we let
Him guide us, He leads us to our true home.
Ser un forastero es difícil. Nuevos lugares y sus costumbres nos hace sentir
perdidos. Afortunadamente, desde que llegué en Morehead, ustedes
me han recibido con hospitalidad. Las sonrisas de los feligreses y el buen
corazón del pastor me han hecho sentir en casa. De verdad, puedo decir
que cuando “yo era un extraño ustedes me hospedaron."
Regular Offertory
Carpet Fund Pledged
Carpet Fund Received
Christian Social Services
Building Fund
The Knights are open
to all Catholic men 18 years and older.
Meetings are on the 1st Monday
of every month, starting at 6:00 PM.
Knights of Columbus Meeting
on July 11, 6:00 PM
in the Glenmary Room.
Gary Trent
(606) 776-0420
Wes Hardin
(606) 356-3467
Es cierto que soy un forastero aquí, pero todos somos extranjeros en este
mundo. Después del exilio de Edén, el hombre vagó la tierra separado de
Dios y alienado de su identidad como hijo de Dios. El deseo humano de s
er dueño de la vida solo condujo a la infelicidad y frustración.
En el evangelio de hoy, la invitación del fariseo parece ser un gesto
Hospitalario. En realidad, es más hostil que hospitalario porque Simón
invita con la intención de descartarlo como un profeta falso. En un giro
irónico, una prostituta no invitada tiene que ser la anfitriona para que el
Hijo de Dios pueda recibir la calurosa bienvenida que se merece. Como
en Belén, la posada del corazón del fariseo estaba llena y la humilde cueva
del alma de la prostituta era todo lo que estaba disponible para acomodar
a nuestro Salvador.
Acoger a Jesús en nuestra oración y vida diaria permite que sea el Señor
de nuestras almas. Así que, no volvamos la gracia ganada en la cruz “inútil.”
Su yugo es suave y Su carga ligera. Cuando nos dejamos ser guiados por Él,
nos conduce a nuestro hogar verdadero.
June 12
Richard Mies
June 13
Lily Donovan
God of all creation,
hear the prayers of Your servants
who recall the day of their birth.
Bless them with Your presence
and surround them with Your love
that they may enjoy many happy years,
all of them pleasing to You.