Retinal Diagnostic Center
Retinal Diagnostic Center
Retinal Diagnostic Center Your appointment has been made for retinal evaluation on ____________________________ at ________ o’clock. Brian Ward, Ph.D., M.D. Howard H. Chen. M.D. To avoid multiple visits, facilities are available for any necessary testing. This means that you should allow up to 2 hours for the visit, although your time in the office could be much less. Your pupils will be dilated, however, there is usually no discomfort associated with testing. Clement Chow, M.D. Retinal Referral Form Patient’s Name Address We look forward to your visit. Patrick Monahan, M.D. Amr L. Dessouki, M.D. ______________________________________ __________________________________________________ Phone________________________ ____________________________ (Home) (Work) Diagnosis: ______________________________________________________ Visual Acuity: EL CAMINO REA L 880 101 680 . A GRANT ve. sA AV E. SC OM AVE NUE ON CKS KS . AVE res gue e Fi 87 Jos RETINAL DIAG. CTR. Los Gatos/ San Jose WHIT Other Information REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER OF SAN JOSE KEE Mc . JA NO BA DEN E OA KA VE. OCK MR ALU REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER OF SAN JOSE CAM LAR OS Mc ere nue Ave 17 OD KEE RD igu 280 85 Fundus Area of interest RETINAL DIAGNOSTIC CENTER San Jose eF EL CAMINO HOSPITAL L.E. 20/ Jos ROAD SS YE RR BE R.E. 20/ M ALU CK RO 680 Referring Doctor ______________________________________ Date ______ (408) 937-0928 FAX (408) 254-8954 200 Jose Figueres Avenue, Suite 240, San Jose, CA 95116