HERE - St. Brendan the Navigator


HERE - St. Brendan the Navigator
Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 13, 2015
The Navigator
El Navegante
St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church
Cumming, GA
Go… Baptize… Teach…
Vayan… Bauticen… Enseñen…
Pope Francis’ Prayer Intentions for September
Universal: That opportunities for education and
employment may increase for all young people.
Evangelization: That catechists may give witness by living
in a way consistent with the faith they proclaim.
Practical Parenting—The Answer
Today, Sept. 13th, don't miss this great
presentation given by Fr. Matthew's sister, Ann
Hassett based on her book, "The Answer". Ann
calls on her experience as a Catholic mom to
share her practical approach to raising children
and improving relationships within families. Join
us 6:30-8pm in the Church.
Church Hymnals
Don’t miss this opportunity to help your brothers
and sisters at St. Brendan’s glorify God through
song! Provide a hymnal to fill St. Brendan’s
pews. Many more Hymnals are needed for the
alcoves and rear of the Church. With each
purchase, there is a chance to place an
acknowledgement on the inside cover. Hymnals
are $30, envelopes are in the Narthex.
Prayer and Preparation
The Mass is central to our Catholic faith. In
Mass we receive Jesus’ body and blood in the
Eucharist. We are aware that sometimes, due
to crowds, it is difficult to enter into prayer.
Consider these Mass arrangements as you
choose a Mass that will help you and your
family pray as you prepare to receive the
Saturday: 5:00pm, Ensemble Music
7:00pm (Spanish)
Sunday: 7:30am, Traditional Organ Music
9:00am, Traditional Piano
11:00am, Ensemble
1:00pm (Spanish)
5:00pm Contemporary/Praise &
Worship (beginning Today)
8:30AM Parish Breakfast - Sponsored by the Knights of
Columbus Council 12942
9AM – 5PM Ministry Booth Festivities - Sponsored by your
St. Brendan Ministries
Great food (homemade Mexican, Cuban Sandwiches,
Hamburgers/Hot dogs, Snow Cones, Popcorn, Ice Cream from
our priests, etc.), activities for all ages, and ministry
information. Come and be more connected with your parish
family and learn about all the great ministries that we have
here at St. Brendan’s. Advanced ticket sells through Saturday,
Sept 19th! There will be free flu Shots, blood pressure, and
glucose checks, a master gardener to answer questions, a silent
auction, great music, and a Chance to win $2,500. To volunteer
go to:
Come and join us!
Pastoral Staff
Rev. Fr. Matthew VanSmoorenburg, L.C., Pastor...
Rev. Fr. Octavio Ventura, L.C., Parochial Vicar ......
Rev. Fr. Patrick Langan, L.C., Parochial Vicar …….
Rev. Fr. Jason Brooks, L.C, Parochial Vicar……......
Rev. Mr. Roger Fraser, Deacon ..............................
Rev. Mr. Luis Carlos Lorza, Deacon ……………….
Rev. Mr. Ed Rubio, Deacon ....................................
[email protected], ext. 42
[email protected], ext. 12
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected],
ext. 43
[email protected]
How Do I?
Register at the parish?
Visit or pick up a “Welcome” packet in the Narthex.
Receive personalized offertory envelopes?
Elba Banderas at [email protected] or ext. 10.
Make arrangements for a wedding?
Contact Fr. Octavio, ext. 12 at least six months before an anticipated wedding date.
Contact someone about my interest to become Catholic?
Don Conklin, [email protected] or ext. 40.
Contact a Priest in a Sacramental Emergency?
Phone 678-224-8448, 24 hours a day.
Arrange for Communion to the sick or homebound?
Call the parish office at 770-205-7969.
Arrange to have my child baptized?
Sandy Spera, ext 27 (English), Deacon Luis Carlos Lorza, ext. 43 (Spanish)
Request Baptismal, Confirmation or Marriage certificate?
Luisa Rubio, [email protected] or ext. 15.
Place an announcement in the bulletin?
Online form available at
Receive information about an annulment?
Deacon Roger Fraser, [email protected].
Reconnect with the Catholic Church?
Don Conklin, [email protected] or ext. 40.
Register my child/children for Religious Education?
Stacy Applegate, [email protected] or ext. 33 (English), or Monica Plew,
[email protected] or ext. 26 (Spanish)
Make arrangements for a Funeral or Burial?
Deacon Luis Carlos Lorza, [email protected] or ext. 43 or
Lynne Sterritt, [email protected] or ext. 20.
Schedule an appointment with a priest?
Mary Ann Mallon, [email protected] or ext. 11.
Request a Mass intention?
Elba Banderas ext. 10.
Reserve a meeting space at St. Brendan?
Online form available at
Volunteer in the parish?
Opportunities are updated weekly and listed online at
Seek counseling services for myself or my family?
Holy Family Counseling Center, 678-993-8494 or Catholic Charities of Atlanta, 404-920-7725.
Receive assistance from the St. Joseph’s Food Pantry?
Open Wed. 4:30 – 6:30 pm in the Barn behind the Church or contact Barbara Gordon at
[email protected], 404-431-9924.
Seek emergency financial assistance?
Good Samaritan Hotline: 770-205-2324; leave a message and expect a call back within 24 hours.
Sign up for electronic giving?
Look for the “online giving” link on our homepage at or Laura Myers,
[email protected], ext. 21.
Receive a tax receipt for donations?
Laura Myers, [email protected], ext. 21.
Find out about St. Brendan’s Preschool?
Julie Lahey, [email protected], ext. 19.
Saturday Vigil:
5:00 pm & 7:00 pm (en Español)
7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am,
1:00 pm (en Español), 5:00 pm
Daily Mass
Monday – Saturday: 8:30 am
Tuesday, Thurs. & Fri.: 6:00 pm
Wednesday: 7:00 pm (en Español)
Rosary – after weekday am Mass
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy
en Español
Sundays at 12:30 pm
Eucharistic Adoration
in St. Sebastian Chapel
Tuesday - 6:30 pm – Wednesday
6:45 pm
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. until last person
served and 3:30 - 4:45 pm
Tuesday: 4:30 - 5:45 pm
Wednesday: 5:30 - 6:45 pm English
and en Español
Please note: Mass times may vary on
Holy Days. Check the Mass Intentions in this bulletin or the website
Parish Office Hours:
Oficina Parroquial:
Mon – Thurs
9:00 am – 4:00 pm,
Fri 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Maintenance Personnel
Contact Info:
Mac McKinney – 678-467-6490
Melvin Rogers – 404-313-2330
Alex Ayala – 770-500-9341
St. Brendan the Navigator
Catholic Church
4633 Shiloh Road
Cumming, GA 30040
Phone: 770-205-7969
Fax: 770-205-5040
“All This I do for the Sake of the
In the gospel of Luke, Christ reminds us
that everything we are and everything
we have comes to us as a gift from God.
We must grow our gifts and return them
generously to be used in God’s work.
Gifts of our time, talent and treasure to
our parish and our archdiocese are an
important part of our commitment to
stewardship of God’s gifts. Those who
have also contributed to the
Archbishop’s Annual Appeal are
providing critical resources necessary to
continue the ministries and services of
the archdiocese.
On behalf of Archbishop Wilton Gregory
and the many beneficiaries of the
Annual Appeal, thank you for faithfully
making your pledge payments. Every
gift is important and appreciated.
DIG Kick-Off
Get Grounded! DIG
for men starts with
real food, no quiche. Grab a drink and
then "dig" into everyday issues through
the lens of contemporary media! Join
us Tues. Sept 15, 6:30-9:00pm in
the Social Hall.
Garden Help Needed
The Garden Ministry has one team coach
to tend our garden each week. If you can
lend an hour or two to work at the
Garden, please contact one of our coaches
for their work schedule.
 Rosie Terbrueggen (Sept 13-19) [email protected]
 Viviana Sykes (Sept 20-26) [email protected]
 Kristin McCabe (Sept 27-Oct 3) [email protected]
RCIA Program 2015-16
The 2015-16 RCIA Program begins today, Sept 13th. We meet on
Sundays at 8:30-10:45am in the Faith Formation Center. RCIA is
for adults who are interested in becoming Catholic or who simply
want to learn more about their faith. The best way to reach out to
someone who may be interested is by extending a personal
invitation. So think about your family members and your friends
who are not practicing Catholics and who might be interested and
invite them! Contact Don Conklin [email protected]
for more information.
The Choice Wine: 7 Steps to a Superabundant Marriage
ATTENTION COUPLES! Introducing The Choice Wine. This video
series integrates the latest findings from modern science with the
timeless teaching of the faith and the wisdom of the saints. Please
join us on Sunday evenings from 6:30-8pm in the Faith Formation
Center starting Sept 27th. RSVP for childcare at
For more information, contact Scott Mackie at 678-230-9390.
Grief Support Group, Healing Hearts: Catholic Church of St.
Monica, Duluth, GA.
To begin Saturday, Sept. 19-Dec. 19, 2015 for 12 weeks, from
Thank you to all
who participated in 3:00pm–4:30pm (except Nov. 21 & 28 due to Thanksgiving.) This
EPIC on Aug 30th. It Archdiocese approved program model, by Dr. Alan Wolfelt,
describes ten touchstones that are essential physical, emotional,
was a complete
success! Over 300 teens attended, enjoy- cognitive, social, and spiritual actions to help yourself heal.
ing the music and learning about God's Different topics are covered and discussed each week and require
unconditional love. Our next EPIC night a weekly commitment. The cost of materials, $27.00, is due at the
is Oct 18th. If you are interested in
1st session. For more information or to RSVP, contact Group
supporting EPIC with your time, talent, Facilitator, Linda Lenzi- Masters, MS Counseling, at 678-614or treasure, don't hesitate to contact
7001 or [email protected]. Non-parishioners are welNicole Stone at
come. Pre-registration is required. This is a closed group once it
[email protected].
begins on September 19. No walk-ins.
BeLoved Women's Retreat
What a difference a day makes!
The BeLoved Women’s Retreat is an
unforgettable opportunity that will
engage, connect, and rejuvenate women
of all ages through a personal
experience of God’s love. Dynamic talks,
small group discussions, and time for
prayer will make Christ relevant in your
day-to-day life and personal
circumstances. Join us Oct 3rd, 9am5pm in the St. Brendan’s Social Hall.
Cost: $30, includes lunch and materials.
For details and registration, visit
Questions? Please email Tina Gannon
[email protected]
Register today! Space is limited!
Next Sunday:
Readings for the Week of September 13, 2015
Is 50:5-9A/Jas 2:14-18/Mk 8:27-35
Nm 21:4B-9/Phil 2:6-11/Jn 3:13-17
1 Tm 3:1-13/Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 2:33-35
1 Tm 3:14-16/Lk 7:31-35
1 Tm 4:12-16/Lk 7:36-50
1 Tm 6:2c-12//Lk 8:1-2
1 Tm 6:13-16/Lk 8:4-15
Wis 2:12, 17-20/Jas 3:16-4:3/Mk 9:30-37
St. Brendan's Senior Luncheon
The St. Brendan's Seniors will meet for lunch at
Provino's Italian Restaurant, 1610 Market Place
Blvd., Cumming, GA at 11:30am on Sept 17th. New
members are always welcome. Please RSVP by Monday, Sept
14th to Mary or Chuck Perott at 770-844-8236 or
[email protected]. Please bring a non-perishable food item
to the church for the food pantry.
Senior Adult Luncheon with Fr. Octavio
If you are over 55, we warmly invite you to join with us for our
monthly luncheon with other St. Brendan seniors in the Social
Hall on Friday, September 25th at 11:30am. Appetizers, lunch,
desserts, and drinks provided at $8/person and we are looking
forward to great fellowship. Come and get to know Fr. Octavio a
bit better and hear about additional offerings for senior adults.
Altar Server Fall Training
We plan to play a little Bingo after lunch so make plans to stay
Altar Server Training will start in the
beginning of October. Eligible are All 5th and visit. Please RSVP to Tom and Judy Dorn at
[email protected] or 404-431-8550.
graders and higher, of registered
parishioners, that have received their
First Holy Communion. Three training
sessions are required in order to
serve. Please e-mail one of the
coordinators, before October 1st, with
the following information and you will
receive an e-mail with the
VolunteerSpot web site to sign up for
the three training days required: Child's
name, grade & age, parent's names,
e-mail address, contact phone number &
home address. Contact: Matthew Brech
at [email protected] or Karen
Matuza at [email protected].
Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy
Monthly Cenacles
Pope Francis declared Dec. 8, 2015-Nov. 20
2016 a Jubilee Year of Mercy. In honor of this
year, a Cenacle devoted to God's mercy will be
held on the third Saturdays of each month
from 10:00-11:00am in the Faith Formation
Center. For more information contact
RoseEtta Quinn at 470-239-8639 or
[email protected].
Mom Time: A Group for Moms
Calling all Moms! It is very therapeutic to hear
that you are not alone in your daily struggles, and
this group provides a great forum to exchange
field tested Catholic based parenting methods
Music Ministry seeking
and ideas. Children are welcome, though no
PT Staff Accompanist
childcare will be available. Join us
St. Brendan’s is seeking a qualified
Wednesdays 9:15-10:30am September-April in
person to fill a part time paid position in the Faith Formation Center Sunroom. Contact Sara Sullivan at
our Music Ministry. Candidate must be [email protected] or 404-519-3356 for more information.
able to provide organist/pianist
Shop Online?
accompaniment for two weekend
What if your everyday purchases could help St. Brendan’s
Masses and weekly rehearsals on
Church? With Amazon Smile they can! Go to this link & sign in to
Thursday evenings. Candidate will be
your Amazon account: You
expected to serve at special Masses/
will be automatically linked with St. Brendan’s. A percentage of
Holy Days and at other times of the
any shopping that you do will go directly to support our church.
year. Please send letters of interest to
We recently received a payment of $38.86. Working together we
Laurie Johnson at
should be able to help this number grow!
[email protected].
Our Family Program
The Our Family Program is a welcoming and teaching
ministry that serves Latina parishioners of St. Brendan’s
with high quality literacy education, life skill presentations,
leadership training, computer training, and GED
Our Family Program volunteers live the Gospel through
service to others. They promote dignity, competency, and
personal skill. They support Gospel values of love, mercy,
social justice and compassion and inspire hope.
Teachers and Classroom Assistants teach over 40
students weekly.
Volunteers and guests conduct seven life skill
The program coordinates bus and food pantry services
for students.
Volunteer mentors guide over 40 students and pray for
and encourage students to grow in their personal
relationship with Jesus Christ.
Ministry Leaders: Bill and Rose Kelly
Assistant and Interpreter: Lucy Coutinho
Spiritual Director: Fr. Octavio Ventura, LC
Contact: 404-775-2171 or [email protected]
Peggy Hoover
GED Team
Bill Kelly
4 Teachers,
15 Assistants
5 Members
Mentor Team
Norma Espinosa
11 Mentors
Maricruz Garcia
4 Attendees
Social Events Team
Lisandra Suarez
8 Members
Dial A Ride
Martha Rodriguez
St. Joseph Food Pantry
Rose Kelly
14 Students,
3 Ride Bus
18 Clients
Life Skills
Lola Larson
8 Areas
Basic Students
23 Students
Language Arts Students
19 Students
Please Remember in Your Prayers
Recordemos en Nuestras Oraciones
The Sick (Enfermos)
Chuck Perott, Parishioner
Richard Taylor, Parishioner
June Houck, Sister-in-law of Laurie Johnson
Recently Deceased (Fallecidos)
Jacqueline G Miller
Amelia Riley
Frank J Scanzano
Mirella Cordano
Oportunidades para los jóvenes, Para que crezcan las oportunidades de formación y de trabajo
para todos los jóvenes.
La evangelización de los catequistas, Para que la vida toda de
los catequistas sea un testimonio
coherente de la fe que anuncian.
La Legión de Maria
invita a todas las familias que quieran
inscribirse para llevar la Virgen a su casa por una semana de Domingo a
Domingo. Miembros de la Legión
de Maria estarán presentes registrando a las familias interesadas.
Para todas las mujeres de la parroquia y sus amigas: las invitamos a
nuestra reunión mensual de la
Respuesta. Disfrute una tarde de
relajación, creando nuevas amistaPRIMERO MI PAREJA
des y compartiendo su fe. La reuMinisterio Matrimonial “Primero nión incluye una cena, presentami Pareja” le invita a participar en
ción y ¡camaradería!
nuestro Grupo de Parejas, donde
podemos revivir el entusiasmo de Martes 22 de Septiembre, 2015
estar juntos. Próxima reunión es el 6:30pm—8:30pm Salón Social
Viernes, 18 de Septiembre de 7pm
Acuérdese: nosotros hacemos la
a 9pm Centro de Formación de Fe
cena, solo traiga $5 (cena, postre y
de San Brendan.
bebidas). Para informes llame a
Para más información llame al
(678) 341-9631. o en el correo Mónica Plew.
[email protected]
Tenemos guardería de niños, llame y haga su reservación.
¿Necesitas sacar tu diploma de
GED? Hay varios lugares en el
condado de Forsyth donde puedes
conseguir clases gratis.
Llame a la Sra. Marielos Bond al
(678) 341-6606 para más información.
¿Te gustaría profundizar
en tu fe católica?
¿Te gustaría crecer espiritualmente? ¿Cómo desarrollar las virtudes en tu vida?
¿Cómo entender la voz del Espíritu Santo en tu alma?
¿Haz recibido varios sacramentos, pero… Sabrías explicar lo que es un Sacramento?
¿Eres catequista, o te gustaría ser catequista? ¿Desarrollas algún ministerio?
¿Te gustaría saber más sobre Dios?
Aprende más acerca de tu fe católica
Tenemos el gusto de presentarte
Ofreceremos el curso de “Los Fundamentos de la Fe Católica” en la
parroquia de San Brendan, El Navegante, Cumming, GA
Este curso inicia el 1º de Octubre, 2015.
Horario: Jueves de 7:00 a 9:00 pm
Costo: $20.00 incluye materiales y libro de texto
Información e inscripciones:
Mónica Plew (770) 205-7969 ext. 26
10:00AM - 5:00PM
Ven a formar parte del Grupo de
Danza de San Brendan. El grupo
es responsable de las danzas para
la Virgen de Guadalupe y para
eventos de la Iglesia donde podamos presentar también bailes
folklóricos. Oportunidades para
niños y adultos. ¡Anímate y participa!
Para más información puedes llamar a Mariana Carreño al (678)
800-4061 ó Mariana Loya al
Llame al (770) 205-7969 ext. 10
para hacer sus intensiones de misa y ofrendas florales.

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