Comprehensive Proteccion System for Early Childhood “Chile Crece
Comprehensive Proteccion System for Early Childhood “Chile Crece
Comprehensive Proteccion System for Early Childhood “Chile Crece Contigo” (Chile Grows with you) July 2012 The Origins of Chile Crece Contigo (Chile Grows with you) Presidential Advisory Council on Early Childhood Policy Reform (2006) A broad range of actors participated in the Council Hearings with national and international experts Hearings with organizations and individuals who worked in the matter. Written commentaries of thousands of children and adults via the web site. Ministerial Committe on Early Childhood Law 20.379 Grupo Técnico interministerial Public Policy Proposal Analysis and actions taken 2006 for its implementation 2006 1 2 Comprehensive Protection System for Early Childhood The law wihich put CHCC in effect 2007 2009 3 4 Chile Crece Contigo is designed based on: • • • Scientific Evidence: • Consolidation and universal application of successful experiences and services (national and international evidence) • “Window of opportunity” (high impact of the work done during early childhood) • Return on investment (highly cost effective investment) Broad Consensus: • Unanimous approval of Law 20.379 which institutionalises the Comprehensive Protection System for Early Childhood “Chile Crece Contigo”. Global paradigms: • Social Determinants of Health • Focus on children´s rights. • Systemic – Ecological approach. Principles and Foundations Multidimensionality and Intersectoriality The child´s development is multidimensional. Services and activities should happen at the right time and in a relevant way, according to each child´s needs. • Intersectorial policies allows us to accompany people as they move through different life stages,to improve their personal development skills and quality of life. • Through Chile Crece Contigo, we provide comprehensive assistance, to accompany children´s developmental trajectory during early childhood, which strengthens the impact of our actions. • • Positive enviroment Early Stimulation Nutrition Health and Hygiene How does it work? Personalized follow up of early child development Any contact of the children with the different actors who are part of the system should activate the network if there is any kind of vulnerability The mother enters the System up on her first prenatal check up Biopsychosocial Development Support Program Medical check up nacimiento Ex: Home Visit Program Biopsychosocial Risk identification According to the protocol Healt Vulnerability Social Vulnerability Inadequate Health Ex: Implementation of the Social housing Protection Score Card Lack of nursery attendance Municipality Education Differentiated responses Ex: priority access to housing programs Developmental difficulties Chile Crece Contigo is an comprehensive Service network Public Education system Public Health system Family support unit FAMILIA Other Social Services Chile Crece Contigo Municipal Network Score card review office What does it offer? Support and Services offered by Chile Crece Contigo • Interactive teaching and informative tools • Legislative improvement All Chilean Children(100%) • Biopshychosocial Development Support Program (PADB) • Newborn Support Program (PARN) Vulnerable children (74%) Children part of the public health system (81,6%) • Good quality free nursery school and kindergarden • Home Visits by health temas • Family subsidy • Comprehensive care for children with developmental difficulties • Technical help for disabled children • Preferential access to the social protection system Personalized health plan Alternatives to anesthesia Differentiated Services and Activities About Developmental Difficulties Developmental Difficulties: when a child development process does not follow the pattern that corresponds to his/her age. About 30% of children in Chile shows signs of developmental difficulties before their 4th birthday. This number reaches almost 45% when referring to vulnerable children. Scientific evidence has shown that early detection and response to developmental difficulties allow young children to catch up to the developmental stage expected at their age. San Juan de la Costa Chiloé: traveling service on the medical ship Cirujano Videla Chañaral Mulchen Other Differentiated Services Aimed at the most socioeconomically vulnerable children (according to the law 20.379) Differentiated Services Automatic Family Subsidy Half day, full day or extended day at the nursery school or kindergarden for mothers that are vulnerable, working, studying or looking for work. Preferential access to public social services (level playing field for educational opportunities, work placement, housing, mental health care, among others). Technical assistance for children with special needs. Guaranteed access to the Chile Solidario Program when requirements are met. Aimed at 60% of the socioeconomically vulnerable population as defined by the social protection score card. Achievements Primary Chile Crece Contigo Evaluations • Quasi-experimental assessment of the biopsychosocial Development Support Program on an historical cohort (baseline data already collected) • Experimental evaluation of the three sections of the parenting skills workshop “Nadie es Perfecto” (Nobody´s Perfect) • Satisfaction and usability surveys of the Biopsychosocial Program and the Newborn Program. • National Implementation Survey • Qualitative evaluation of the implementation of the Biopsychosocial Development Support Program. • Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of the Chile Crece Contigo Municipal Networks. Some of our achievements Improvement and increase of the relevant services to support early childhood development: for example, identification of the risk factors during pregnancy, home visits, prenatal and parenting skills workshops, among other. High levels of user satisfaction for biopsychosocial program and newborn program: 81% y 94%, respectively. Systematic budget increase of Chile Crece Contigo, in particular of the funds aimed at supporting local management and nursery and kindergarden education. Lessons we have learn Thank you very much The future of children is always today Gabriela Mistral