Hispania Activos Inmobiliarios, S.A., (Hispania) as envisaged in
Hispania Activos Inmobiliarios, S.A., (Hispania) as envisaged in
Hispania Activos Inmobiliarios, S.A., (Hispania) as envisaged in article 82 of Law 24/1988, of July of the Spanish Securities Markets Law, the Company would like to communicate the following RELEVANT INFORMATION Hispania Activos Inmobiliarios, S.A. (Hispania), through its subsidiary company Hispania Real, SOCIMI, S.A.U. has acquired, in an off-market deal, an office building in the Madrid financial district. Purchase price has amounted to 25 million euro. Madrid, March 30th, 2015. -------------------------------------------------Hispania Activos Inmobiliarios, S.A. LEGAL NOTICE The company was incorporated for an indefinite duration as per its by-laws. However, and according to the prospectus published in connection with the admission of the shares in the capital of the Company on the Spanish Stock Exchanges, the Company reminds its shareholders that the initially proposed Value Return Proposal implies the liquidation of all its asset portfolio within the six (6) years following admission to listing, without the need to submit such initial Value Return Proposal to the shareholders for approval.