Latino vote important in San Diego
Latino vote important in San Diego
34 YEARS of Publication 1976-2010 Vol.XXXIII XXXIV No. 42 Vol. La Prensa Muñoz, Inc., Publications OCTOBER 22, 2010 Latino vote Legalizing Marijuana? A tough question with good arguments for both sides important in San Diego By Mariana Martínez By Pablo Jaime Sáinz It was a race against the clock: To try to register to vote the greatest number of Latinos throughout California. A dozen community organizations in the state, including Justice Overcoming Boundaries and the Human Rights Committee of Escondido, made this campaign over the weekend until Monday October 18, the deadline for people to be able to register to vote for the Nov. 2 election. The California campaign is part of one that spread to 8 states across the country. In recent years the number of new Latino voters has increased rapidly, but the biggest problem remains the low turn-out rate, said organizers of the campaign. In California there are 4.2 million naturalized citizens who can vote. From 2000 to 2008, the Latino turnout in the state increased 85 percent, to 2.9 million voters in 2008. Around 900 people were registered in San Diego this past weekend with the volunteer effort, said Alejandra Ramos, of the Human Rights Committee of Escondido. The campaign in San Diego mainly focused in Escondido for being a city where more than half the residents are Latino, but a small fraction of the electorate belongs to this ethnic group. The event, which was going from door to door registering people, was a success, according to Ramos. ”The goal we had in each city was different but together we registered a lot of people and that’s what counts,” she said. “The goal was to Prop 19 seems to be the star on the upcoming November 2nd ballot. It has been in the public eye because if approved it would make California the first state to decriminalize the use and growth of marijuana for recreational purposes. The proposition would allow all adults 21 or older to posses, and transport up to an ounce of pot, considered for personal use, and allows for the growth of marijuana in a 25 feet lot per household. It leaves a wide margin for local governments to establish their own taxation system and doesn’t earmark revenue generated by taxation for drug use prevention or addiction treatment. If passed, Prop 19 would not alter current prohibition of drug possession in schools, consumption in public spaces or in the presence of minors, offering it to minors or driving under the influence of marijuana. Polls show a close race, with the yes vote ahead. Those who oppose the measure, —including California Sheriffs Association and the Coalition for a Drug (see Prop. 19, page 5) Mexican authorities seized 134 tons of marijuana in Tijuana, this week. The value of the seizure was estimated at $340 million. ¿Legalizar la Marihuana? Una pregunta fuerte con buenos argumentos de ambos lados Por Mariana Martínez La propuesta 19 que se incluye en la boleta de las elecciones próximas el 3 de noviembre esta bajo la lupa y es que de ser aprobada por el electorado en California este sería el primer estado en todo el país en despenalizar el uso y cultivo de marihuana para uso personal y fines recreacionales por primera vez en la historia del país. La propuesta es permitir a la gente mayor de 21 años poseer, cultivar o transportar hasta 1 onza de marihuana, considerada para uso personal. Permite también el cultivo de mari(see Latino vote, page 4) huana en un espacio de 25 pies cuadrados por cada hogar. La propuesta deja un amplio margen que permite a los gobiernos municipales regular y establecer impuestos para quienes la produzcan y vendan y no establece el uso específico de esos recursos para prevención o tratamiento de adicciones. No elimina la prohibición de posesión de drogas en escuelas, consumo en espacios públicos o en presencia de menores de edad, ofrecerla a menores de 21 años y la Por Pablo Jaime Sáinz Voto latino importante en el Condado de San Diego Era una carrera contra el reloj: tratar de registrar para votar al mayor número posible de latinos en toda California. Una docena de organizaciones comunitarias en el estado, incluyendo Justice Overcoming Boundaries y el Comité de Derechos Humanos de Escondido, hicieron esta campaña durante el fin de semana antes del lunes 18 de octubre, la fecha limite para que las personas se pudieran registrar para votar en las elecciones del 2 de noviembre. La campaña californiana es parte de una que acaparó a 8 estados por todo el país. Es que en años recientes el número de nuevos votantes latinos ha incrementado aceleradamente, aunque el problema mayor sigue siendo la abstinencia de salir a las urnas, indicaron los organizadores de la campaña. En California hay 4.2 millones de ciudadanos naturalizados que pueden votar. Del 2000 al 2008, la participación electoral latina en el estado incrementó un 85 por ciento, a 2.9 millones de votantes en el 2008. Alrededor de 900 personas se registraron en San Diego en esta campaña con el esfuerzo de voluntarios, indicó Alejandra Ramos, del Comité de Derechos Humanos de Escondido. La campaña en San Diego se enfocó mucho en Escondido, por ser Free California, claim the proposition has many flaws and goes against current federal policy which might result in the loss of Federal contracts for the state. The cost of enforcing the law regarding the sale or bartering of the marijuana surplus would also come at a high price. Roger Morgan, executive director of the Coalition finds himself deeply worried upon the possibility of a single person being able to grow up to 25 square feet of the drug, the equivalent to 6 thousand joints, much more than average consumption. “Studies have found THC to be dangerous to a developing brain” says Morgan, “but it is precisely that age group from 18 to 25 that consumes the most, followed closely by 17 year-olds; two of the most crucial brain growth periods — the brain doesn’t stop developing until age 25 — its use is linked to psychotic episodes, paranoia, depressions…” For those backing the proposal, — including Law Enforcement Against Prohibition LEAP, Prop 19 will free up valuable resources for a state in a prohibición de conducir bajo el influjo de la marihuana. El margen de intención de votación muestra una población dividida. Los opositores a la propuesta, que incluyen al consejo de Sheriffs de California y la Coalición para una California Libre de Drogas, argumentan que la legislación tiene fallas de origen como es contravenir la legislación federal, -lo que podría resultar en sanciones y pérdida de contratos federales para California. Además del costo de vigilar el cumplimiento de la ley respecto a vender, regalar o hacer trueque con la marihuana cultivada por individuos en sus casas. La Propuesta 19 no exige que los impuestos recaudados de la venta de marihuana sean específicamente destinados a la educación, salud o prevención de adicciones por lo que los políticos locales pueden usar esos recursos a discreción y que esos fondos no sean verdaderamente destinados a programas sociales. Roger Morgan, director ejecutivo de la Coalición se muestra alarmado ante la posibilidad de permitir que una Autoridades Mexicanas confiscaron 134 toneladas de marihuana en (vea Prop. 19, página 14) Tijuana, esta semana. El valor de lo confiscado se estima en $340 millones. Barrage of GOP Bills Would Deny Citizenship to U.S.-Born Kids By Valeria Fernández NEW AMERICA MEDIA PHOENIX, Ariz.—A national coalition of GOP lawmakers is planning a new push to change the interpretation of the U.S. Constitution to deny citizenship to the U.S.-born children of undocumented immigrants. In Arizona, state Senator. Russell Pearce, R-Mesa a longtime crusader against illegal immigration whose legislative efforts include the controversial SB 1070, announced the 14-state campaign at a press conference on Tuesday. He said he plans to introduce an Arizona bill revoking the right of children born in the United States to have automatic U.S. citizenship, regardless of their parents’ status, at the new legislative session that begins in January. This is not the first time that Pearce has supported repealing “birthright citizenship,” which courts have ruled is guaranteed under the 14th Amendment. In 2008, when he was a state representative, he backed a bill by then-state Senator Karen Johnson to deny birth certificates to the children of undocumented immigrants. That bill never got a hearing. But the passage of SB 1070, which has gained notoriety as the toughest antiimmigrant law in the country for its (vea Voto, página 2) efforts to criminalize undocumented immigrants, has catapulted Pearce into the national spotlight and given momentum to his broader agenda. Pearce wouldn’t detail specific provisions of his proposed bill, but did clarify that it wouldn’t be retroactive. If it were, two-thirds of the children born in Arizona would loose their citizenship. The Arizona lawmaker is joining forces with Kansas attorney and law professor Kris Kobach, who was involved in the drafting of SB 1070 and is running for Kansas secretary of state on the GOP ticket. At least 41 other politicians across the country have signed onto the “State Legislators for Legal Immigration” coalition that plans to introduce similar legislation in at least in 14 states. Pearce didn’t hide the fact that the coalition’s ultimate goal is to force the U.S. Supreme Court to rule on the birthright-citizenship issue. At the heart of Pearce’s argument is the original intent of the Citizenship Clause in the 14th Amendment, which was ratified in 1868, after the Civil War. According to the clause, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the States Wherein they reside.” The clause was designed in part to overrule the infamous Dred Scott decision of 1857, which held that blacks could not be citizens of the United States. But Pearce and his supporters argue that Senator Howard M. Jacob, the Michigan Republican who authored the Citizenship Clause, did not intend for it to apply to the children of undocumented immigrants. At the Tuesday press conference, Pearce quoted Jacob as stating that the amendment wouldn’t grant citizenship to “persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers.” ”What we have here is a misapplication,” Pearce declared. “We cannot ignore the damage that comes and the costs to the taxpayers.” The proponents’ main argument for challenging the birthright clause is that it would the costs for government programs and services that now are provided to the U.S. citizen children of undocumented parents. At another press conference in Harrisburg, Penn., state Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, the founder of a national group of legislators critical of illegal immigration, said the 14th Amendment “greatly incentives foreign invaders to violate our border and our laws,” the Huffington Post reported. In addition to Arizona and Pennsylvania, similar bills could also be introduced in Alabama, Delaware, Idaho, Indiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Texas and Utah. Legal experts say that persuading the Supreme Court to reinterpret the birthright clause is a long shot, but would probably stand a better chance of success than attempting to amend the Constitution itself, since that requires a two-thirds vote of the states. The concept behind the bill worries immigrant advocates. “If you are denied a birth certificate, you’ll be in a no man land,” said Carlos Galindo-Elvira, vice president of philanthropic and community relations at Valle del Sol, a Phoenix nonprofit that provides mental health and other services to Latino families and children. He said SB 1070 and a slew of other anti-immigration Arizona laws have already had a detrimental impact on health care access for U.S.born children of undocumented immigrants. A new bill challenging the very concept of birthright citizenship could make things even worse, Galindo-Elvira said. Local immigration activists were quick to criticize Pearce’s latest initiative and briefly interrupted the press conference in protest. “This [new bill] does nothing to prevent or slow the flow of immigration,” declared Lydia Guzman, president of the Somos America coalition. PAGE 2 OCTOBER 22, 2010 LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO Former president running for board at Southwestern College By Pablo Jaime Sáinz A former president wants to return to Southwestern College –as board member. Norma Hernandez, who worked at Southwestern College (SWC) in different positions until she retired in 2006, is running for Seat 4 against incumbent and current board president, Yolanda Salcido. Hernandez said she wants to become a board member to try to repair the deterioration that she said has occurred in the college since she retired in 2006. “Morale amongst faculty and staff is at all time low, and classes for students have been cut by 40 percent during the last year,” she said. “When I retired in July, 2006, Southwestern College was not on probation from WASC. I left the college with a balanced budget; a 7 percent reserve; and a newly established fund for projected retirement obligations. “Since I left, I have seen the deterioration in the relationship between the board, administration, and the faculty and staff. There is evidence of a lack of respect toward shared governance and shared decision making on the part of the board and administration. Hernandez was referring to several issues that have inundated the college in the past few years, including being at risk of losing its accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, the lay-offs of several faculty members after supporting a student protest questioning current Superintendent/President Dr. Raj Chopra, and differences between the administration and the student newspaper The Sun. “Recent administrative actions toward suppressing 1st amendment rights of faculty and students by placing four faculty members on administrative leave and putting barriers on the printing of the awardwinning student newspaper, The Sun, also reinforce the deterioration of the college in fostering an environment of trust and respect for all employees and students,” Hernandez said. Hernandez cites her experience working in different positions in SWC for 31 years as her best presentation card that she is the ideal candidate to become a member of the governing board, a board that has been criticized by faculty and staff for its support of Chopra’s not always popular decisions. “Having worked at Southwestern College for 31 years as a teacher, counselor, administrator, and superintendent/president, I possess vast experience, knowledge, and a keen understanding of the issues that the college is currently facing. I have a proven record of supporting a positive campus climate, and of working collaboratively with all groups to resolve issues and problems,” she said. “I am confident that, as a board member, I can work with all constituent groups to get the college off probation. I also want to restore significant numbers of classes to meet the needs of the students. Most importantly, I want to restore excellence to SWC, and an environment that is collegial and supports teaching and learn- ing.” She said that she’s running against incumbent Yolanda Salcido “because in the past eight years on the board she has consistently contributed to the deterioration of the college as evidenced by the accreditation team’s observations of board micromanagement, oppressive climate for employees, confusion about the board’s role, and the handling of potential conflict of interest and ethics violations.” Hernandez said that, as a board member, she would try to involve “all constituent groups working together in an environment of trust, collegiality, and collaboration. I have a track record for resolving conflict, fiscal crisis, and low morale through processes that respect the voices of faculty, staff, and students.” Hernandez is endorsed by both the faculty and staff unions. The student newspaper, The Sun, has also endorsed her candidacy. “This election will determine the future of Southwestern College, the only institution of Norma Hernandez higher learning in South County. accountability, and transparAs a board member, I will work ency.” To learn more about Norma with faculty, staff, and students, to… reestablish a campus en- Hernandez, visit her website vironment that supports trust, Ex presidenta desea ser parte de la mesa directiva en Southwestern College Por Pablo Jaime Sáinz Una ex presidente quiere volver a Southwestern College — como miembro de la mesa directiva. Norma Hernández, quien trabajó en SWC en diferentes posiciones hasta que se jubiló en 2006, se está postulando para el Puesto 4 en contra de la presidenta de la junta y actual miembro, Yolanda Salcido. Hernández dijo que quiere convertirse en un miembro de la junta para tratar de reparar el deterioro que, dijo, se ha producido en el colegio desde que se retiró en 2006. “La moral entre los profesores y el personal está en su punto más bajo, y las clases para los estudiantes se han reducido en un 40 por ciento durante el año pasado”, dijo. “Cuando me jubilé en julio de 2006, el Colegio Southwestern no estaba en libertad condicional de WASC. Dejé al colegio con un presupuesto equilibrado, una reserva del 7 por ciento, y un fondo de nueva creación para las obligaciones de jubilación previstas. “Desde que me fui, he visto el deterioro de la relación entre la junta, la administración y la facultad y el personal. Hay evidencia de una falta de respeto hacia el gobierno compartido y la toma de decisiones compartida por parte de la junta y la administración”. Hernández se refería a varias cuestiones que han inundado al colegio en los últimos años, incluyendo en riesgo de perder su acreditación de la Asociación Occidental de Escuelas y Colegios (WASC), La Prensa San Diego 651-C Third Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91910 Ph: (619) 425-7400 Fax: (619) 425-7402 Email: [email protected] Web Site: Founded: December 1, 1976 San Diego, California Founder/Publisher: Daniel L. Muñoz Editor: Daniel H. Muñoz, Jr. La Prensa San Diego was adjudicated a newspaper of general circulation for the City and County of San Diego, Fourth Judicial District of the Municipal Court of San Diego. File #4137435 of May 9, 1978. Press releases, photos, and advertisements are accepted. Submit by mail, fax or email. La Prensa San Diego reserves the right to accept or reject material sent. La Prensa San Diego is a wholly owned subsidary of La Prensa Muñoz, Inc. ISSN 07389183 el despido de varios miembros de la facultad después de apoyar una protesta estudiantil que cuestionaba al actual Superintendente / Presidente Dr. Raj Chopra, y las diferencias entre la administración y el periódico estudiantil The Sun. “Las recientes acciones administrativas hacia la supresión de los derechos de la enmienda 1 de la facultad y los estudiantes mediante la colocación de cuatro miembros de la facultad en licencia administrativa y poner barreras en la impresión del periódico estudiantil premiado, El Sol, también refuerzan el deterioro de la universidad en el fomento de un entorno de confianza y respeto para todos los empleados y los estudiantes “, dijo Hernández. Hernández cita su experiencia trabajando en diferentes posiciones en SWC por 31 años como su mejor tarjeta de pre- sentación que ella es la candidata ideal para convertirse en miembro de la mesa directiva, una mesa directiva que ha sido criticada por los profesores y el personal por su apoyo a Chopra, cuyas decisiones no siempre son populares. “Después de haber trabajado en el Southwestern College durante 31 años como maestra, consejera, administradora, y superintendente / presidenta, poseo amplia experiencia, conocimiento y un profundo conocimiento de las cuestiones a las que el colegio se enfrenta actualmente. Tengo un historial comprobado de apoyo a un clima positivo del campus, y de trabajar en colaboración con todos los grupos para resolver cuestiones y problemas “, dijo. “Estoy segura de que, como miembro del consejo, puedo trabajar con todos los grupos. También quiero recuperar un número significativo de clases Voto latino muy importante cambios que se pueden hacer localmente con un solo voto es un paso al mejoramiento del bienestar de nuestras comunidades y cada voto cuenta”. La organizadora dijo que la campaña de alentar a los latinos a salir a votar continuará hasta el 2 de noviembre. “En los siguientes días vamos a hacer 10,000 llamadas a latinos en el Condado de San Diego y vamos a tocar 7,000 puertas en el condado Norte alentando e informando a la comunidad latina sobre la importancia del voto”, dijo Ramos. Como parte de esa campaña, varias organizaciones comunitarias tendrán un foro educativo en la ciudad de Escondido que cubrirá las preguntas más frecuentes que tiene nuestra comunidad sobre el gobierno y el proceso de votar. “Salgan a votar, infórmense de las políticas locales, estatales y federales y si tienen tiempo sean voluntarios y promuevan el voto en sus comunidades”, dijo Ramos. “Hagan que las voces latinas sean escuchadas en las casillas este dos de noviembre”. El foro será el sábado 30 de octubre de 3 p.m. a 5 p.m. en el Escondido City Hall, Salón del Consejo de la Ciudad, 201 North Broadway, en Escondido. Será en español y habrá traducción al inglés si es necesaria. Habrá cuidado de niños gratuito. Para obtener más información sobre el foro, llame al 619.696.9474 o visite www. (con’t de página 1) una ciudad donde más de la mitad de los residentes son latinos, pero una pequeña fracción del electorado pertenece a este grupo étnico. El evento, en el que se iba de puerta en puerta registrando a personas, fue todo un éxito, según Ramos. “La meta que teníamos en cada ciudad era diferente pero en conjunto logramos registrar a muchas personas y eso es lo que cuenta, que pudimos registrar a personas que pueden votar este año”, dijo. “La meta era registrar los más que se podía, ¡y lo hicimos!” Ramos hizo eco al problema que más afecta a los votantes latinos: la abstinencia electoral. “Era importante registrar a más latinos por que es la población que está creciendo rápidamente en este país y que por cualquier razón no se registra y no sale a votar”, dijo Ramos. “Es importante que nuestras comunidades estén cívica y políticamente involucradas en este proceso de mejorar el bienestar comunitario en todos los niveles”. Ramos invitó a todos los latinos que estén registrados para votar que hagan valer su voto. “Es importante que sepamos como latinos la importancia de nuestras voces y el poder del voto popular”, dijo la activista. “El tomar conciencia de los para satisfacer las necesidades de los estudiantes. Lo más importante, quiero restaurar la excelencia a SWC, y un ambiente que es universitario y que apoya la enseñanza y el aprendizaje.” Ella dijo que está corriendo contra la actual miembro Yolanda Salcido “porque en sus últimos ocho años en la junta siempre ha contribuido al deterioro del colegio como lo demuestran las observaciones del equipo de acreditación, el clima opresivo para los empleados, la confusión sobre el papel de la junta, y el manejo de posibles conflictos de violaciones de interés y la ética.” Hernández dijo que, como miembro de la junta, trataría de involucrar a “todos los grupos constituyentes que trabajan juntos en un ambiente de confianza, la colegialidad y la colaboración. Tengo un historial de resolución de conflictos, crisis fiscal, y solucionaré la baja moral a través de procesos que respeten las voces de los profesores, el personal y los estudiantes”. Hernández está avalada tanto por los sindicatos de personal docente y administrativo. El periódico estudiantil, The Sun, también ha respaldado su candidatura. “Esta elección determinará el futuro de Southwestern College, la única institución de educación superior en el Sur del Condado. Como miembro del Consejo, voy a trabajar con el profesorado, el personal y los estudiantes, para ... restablecer un entorno de campus que apoya la confianza, responsabilidad y transparencia”. Para obtener más información sobre Norma Hernández, visite su sitio web Marty Block is an educator. But other than that, no label fits him. Marty votes with Democrats on education. He votes with Republicans on crime. Marty led Democrats to support Republican Nathan Fletcher's fight for Chelsea's Law. Law enforcement unanimously endorses Marty Block for Assembly! • California Association of Highway Patrolmen • California Correctional Peace Officers Association • Deputy Sheriffs’ Association of San Diego County • San Diego Police Officers Association • CDF Firefighters • Peace Officers Research Association of California • Crime Victims United of California • California State Firefighters’ Association • California Professional Firefighters ID# 1315937 | | (619) 284-7800 Elect Marty Block for Assembly 2010 LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO OCTOBER 22, 2010 PAGE 3 Anuncio Político Pagado “Quiero ser Gobernadora de California, porque sé que podemos volver a tener la economía más fuerte y las mejores escuelas de la nación. Sólo se necesita un enfoque diferente y la valentía (el carácter) para desafiar el status quo en Sacramento”. - Meg Whitman Como líder de eBay, Meg tomó un pequeño negocio con 30 empleados y lo convirtió en una de las compañías más respetadas del mundo, con 15, 000 trabajadores (empleados). Ahora quiere ser gobernadora de California, para ponernos a trabajar otra vez, (una vez más) y arreglar nuestras escuelas de K-12avo. (kinder a doceavo, de kinder a la preparatoria) Más Trabajos Meg Whitman Meg entiende que las familias tienen que trabajar y están preocupadas por su futuro. Ella sabe que tenemos que crear más trabajos y tiene un plan para hacerlo. Meg quiere deshacerse de los impuestos sobre las fábricas, que esta causando que se vayan los trabajos de manufactura se vayan de California. Ella simplificará los trámites para que los pequeños negocios puedan volver a contratar. Trabajará muy duro para atraer nuevas empresas (nuevos negocios) y trabajos a California. UN PLAN PARA MÁS TRABAJOS Y MEJORES ESCUELAS Mejores Escuelas Meg quiere que cada niño reciba una buena educación para que puedan obtener trabajos bien pagados (remunerados) en el futuro. Ella sabe que muchas de nuestras escuelas están dejando atrás a nuestros hijos. Como Gobernadora, Meg reducirá la burocracia en Sacramento y enviará más dinero al salón de clases. Calificará a las escuelas de A-F y las hará más responsables. Premiará a los buenos maestros con bonos de pago por sus méritos. “Quiero ser Gobernadora de California, porque sé que podemos volver a tener la economía más fuerte y las mejores escuelas de Más información la nación. Sólo se necesita un enfoque diferente y el carácter para Tómese unos minutos para aprender más sobre Meg y para conocer en dónde está en los temas. Obtenga hoy una copia de su plan para una nueva California en / Latinos. desafiar el status quo en Sacramento”. Pagado por y para Meg Whitman para Gobernador 2010. —Meg Whitman Como líder de eBay, Meg tomó un pequeño negocio con 30 empleados y lo convirtió en una de las compañías más respetadas del mundo, con 15, 000 empleados. Ahora quiere ser gobernadora de California, para ponernos a trabajar una vez más y arreglar nuestras escuelas K-12. MÁS TRABAJOS MEJORES ESCUELAS Meg entiende que las familias trabajadoras están preocupadas por su futuro. Ella sabe que tenemos que crear más trabajos y tiene un plan para hacerlo. Meg quiere deshacerse de los impuestos sobre las fábricas, que causan que los trabajos de manufactura se vayan de California. Ella simplificará los trámites para que los pequeños negocios puedan volver a contratar otra vez. Trabajará muy duro para atraer nuevas compañías y trabajos a California. Meg quiere que cada niño reciba una buena educación para que puedan obtener empleos bien pagados en el futuro. Ella sabe que muchas de nuestras escuelas están dejando atrás a nuestros hijos. Como Gobernadora, Meg reducirá la burocracia en Sacramento y enviará más dinero al salón de clases. Calificará a las escuelas de A-F y las hará más responsables. Premiará a los buenos maestros con bonos de pago por sus méritos. MÁS INFORMACIÓN Tómese unos minutos para saber más en dónde está Meg en los temas. Obtenga hoy una copia de su plan para Una Nueva California en: Pagado por y para Meg Whitman para Gobernadora 2010. PAGE 4 OCTOBER 22, 2010 Angela Ibarra Receives Andrea O’Donnell Award from San Diego Domestic Violence Council Angela Ibarra, Victim Services Coordinator at the City Attorney’s Office Domestic Violence Unit received the Andrea O’Donnell Award from the San Diego Domestic Violence Council. Angela was nominated and voted by the San Diego community to receive the award. The award was presented to Angela on October 9th at the Not to Be Forgotten Rally, HOPE in the Park event to honor domestic violence awareness month and to remember those that have died as a result of domestic violence. The Andrea O’Donnell Award is given each year to an outstanding champion for victims of domestic violence in the San Diego community to honor the kindness, warmth, glowing energy and dedication to activism. We are extremely proud of Angela and her professionalism and empathy in working with victims of domestic violence,” said City Attorney Jan Goldsmith. “Our Victim Services Coordinators are crucial to the prosecution process and are most often the first contact with the domestic violence victim to support and provide information throughout the pro- The Andrea O’Donnell Award was received by Angela Ibarra. cess.” Victim Services Coordinators assist victims with safety planning, connecting them to services that can help with shelter placement, counseling, obtaining a restraining order and other resources. They explain the progress of the case, what to expect at trial and often accompany victims to the hearings. The Domestic Violence Unit, led by Chief Deputy City Attorney Kathleen McManus, is responsible for the prosecution of all misdemeanor domestic violence, elder abuse, and child abuse cases occurring with the City of San Diego, 4S Ranch and Poway. The unit’s mission is to maintain victim safety while holding batterers accountable for their actions and providing aggressive, comprehensive and early prosecution of domestic violence cases. The students, faculty and staff of San Diego City College have established two separate funds to honor Diana Gonzalez, the 19-year-old student found dead on the college campus on Tuesday, October 12. The first account, Funds for the Gonzalez Family, will help defray the costs of Diana’s funeral and other family expenses. The second account, Funds for the Daughter of Diana Gonzalez, will establish a scholarship for Diana’s 9month-old daughter. Check donations should be written to the San Diego City College Foundation; 1313 Park Blvd, San Diego CA 92101. Please designate the name of the account for your donation. Donations can also be dropped off in the City College Student Accounting Office, A-114. Upon hearing the tragic news of this targeted act of violence against a fellow City College student, the outpouring of campus support for Diana began immediately. The Spanish Club created a memorial space in the center of campus and several hundred students, faculty, and staff from throughout the San Diego Community District (SDCCD) gathered on the City College campus last night (Thursday, October 14) for a one-and-ahalf hour candlelight vigil. Latino Vote very important ist. “The awareness of the changes that can be made locally with only one vote is a step to improving the welfare of our communities and every vote counts.” The organizer said the campaign to encourage Latinos to get out the vote will continue until November 2. ”In the following days we will make 10,000 calls to Latinos in San Diego County and we will knock on 7,000 doors in North County encouraging and informing the Latino community about the importance of voting,” said Ramos. As part of this campaign, several community organizations will have an educational forum in the city of Escondido that will cover frequently asked questions from our community about the government and the voting process. ”Get out to vote, get informed of local, state and federal laws and if you have time, volunteer and promote the vote in our communities,” said Ramos. “Make sure that Latino voices are heard at the polls this November 2.” The forum will be on Saturday, October 30 from 3 pm to 5 p.m. in the Escondido City Hall, City Council Chamber, 201 North Broadway, in Escondido. It will be in Spanish, and English translation will be available if necessary. Childcare is free. For more information on the forum, call 619.696.9474 or visit register the most we could, and we did!” Ramos echoed the problem that affects Latino voters, electoral abstinence. ”It was important to register more Latinos because it is the population that is growing most rapidly in this country and for whatever reason they do not register and do not come out to vote,” said Ramos. “It is important that our communities are civically and politically involved in this process of improving community welfare at all levels.” Ramos invited all Latinos who are registered to vote to exercise their vote. ”It’s important that we as Latinos know the importance of our voices and power of the popular vote,” said the activ- San Diego residents are invited to recycle their ‘gently worn’ shoes for people in need Every 9 seconds, Soles4Souls Inc. gives away another pair of shoes to someone in need. The shoe charity has earned glowing endorsements from Hollywood stars and professional athletes, but the people that truly make the non-profit organization effective are those who clean out their closets to personally drop off their ‘gently worn’ shoes at a participating location, such as 12347 Reata Court, San Diego, CA 92128. For a limited time, Soles4Souls and Barbara Marsh will be collecting your gently worn footwear and/or donations. LA COLUMNA VERTEBRAL El Soporte Informativo Para Millones de Hispanos Por Luisa Fernanda Montero La educación es asunto de todos San Diego City College Establishes Two Funds to Honor Student Diana Gonzalez (con’t from page 1) LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO ¡¡¡GRATIS !!! Asesoramiento en Ejecución Hipotecaria y para Compradores de Vivienda San Diego Home Loan Counseling Citas disponibles Sáb y Noches Llame 619 / 624-2330 o visítenos en: Esta semana el presidente Barack Obama congregó a funcionarios, agentes comunitarios y educadores para hablar de educación, y renovar el Programa de la Casa Blanca para la Excelencia Educativa de los Hispanos. La acción es admirable, sin duda, el Programa creado en septiembre de 1990 ofrece pautas sobre asuntos educativos relacionados con los hispanos y pretende generar oportunidades académicas para la comunidad hispana. La verdad dolorosa, sin embargo, es que la educación está en crisis, y como parte del sistema, la comunidad hispana no puede aislarse de ese panorama. De hecho, el tema educativo es una de sus prioridades y eso está ampliamente demostrado, las encuestas, marcan a la educación como una de sus preocupaciones permanentes al lado de temas como la economía y la inmigración. Los millones de hispanos que viven en Estados Unidos, han tenido que adaptarse, de una u otra forma, a un mundo cultural – muchas veces adverso – que les exige un aprendizaje permanente. He visto, en mis años de trabajo con la comunidad hispana, como padres carentes de recursos hacen esfuerzos sobrehumanos para “sacar a sus hijos adelante”, y eso implica, sin lugar a dudas, educarlos, abrirles las puertas de un futuro mejor en el que sus sacrificios encuentren un sentido. He visto triunfar y graduarse de las más prestigiosas universidades a los hijos de humildes trabajadores hispanos, sin ninguna preparación académica. Si, la educación es prioritaria para los hispanos. Pero, aunque ha ido mejorando paulatinamente, el sistema no está creado para ellos. Hoy son mucho más comunes los programas de inglés como segunda lengua en las escuelas e instituciones educativas, y los esfuerzos de inmersión cultural son una realidad en muchas comunidades, pero, falta mucho. Es claro que las comunidades de bajos recursos que no tienen acceso a educación “privilegiada” siguen enfrentándose a la discriminación y a la ineficiencia del sistema y esta es una pelea que debe darse en todos los niveles, pero, el sistema educativo, por sí mismo, no puede garantizar el éxito de todos y cada uno de sus pupilos. Por eso, una gran parte de la responsabilidad recae en los padres. Es en el seno familiar donde niños y jóvenes deben encontrar la inspiración y las herramientas para triunfar en el campo educativo. Si el sistema falla —y ha fallado— el hogar debe ser una especie de fortaleza en la que los valores que niños y jóvenes necesitan para labrarse un mejor futuro, sean prioritarios. Los padres, no pueden descargar la responsabilidad de la educación de sus hijos en la escuela, o en el sistema mismo, deben ser protagonistas per- Luisa Fernanda Montero manentes de la educación de sus hijos. La tarea, no es fácil, pero tampoco es imposible. Tiene que ver con un compromiso afectivo y una disposición de tiempo real. Es bien sabido que muchos padres hispanos se ven obligados a trabajar dobles jornadas y que el tiempo que pueden dedicarle a sus hijos es mínimo; pero ese tiempo, es el mejor legado que pueden darles. Comparta con su hijo, hable con él, escúchelo y llévelo de la mano. Si usted no se compromete con la educación de su hijo, es muy probable que él tampoco lo haga. Tiempo, dedicación y amor, son claves en la búsqueda de la excelencia educativa, y es en el hogar donde deben fortalecerse los cimientos de una conciencia real sobre la importancia del aprendizaje. Sin esos cimientos no hay sistema ni programa que valga. Someone you know is planning her pregnancy. To make an appointment call 1-888-743-PLAN (7526) | Se habla Español Find us on Facebook: LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO OCTOBER 22, 2010 “Save A Life; It May Be Your Own. Get Tested for HIV.” National Latino AIDS Awareness Day October 15th was National Latino AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD). National LatinoAIDSAwareness Day provides communities with an opportunity to encourage HIV prevention, testing and treatment. This year’s theme, “Save A Life; It May Be Your Own,” urges Hispanics/Latinos to get tested for HIV. HIV and Hispanics/Latinos The HIV epidemic continues to be a serious threat to the Hispanic/Latino community. The reasons are not directly related to race or ethnicity, but rather to some of the barriers faced by many Hispanic/Latinos, including poverty (being poor), migration, stigma, and acculturation into the U.S. culture (the process of adopting the cultural traits or social patterns of another group). While Hispanics/Latinos represented approximately 15% of the United States population in 2008, they accounted for 19% of people diagnosed with HIV infection in the 37 states and 5 dependent areas with long-term confidential name-based infection reporting (2008 is the latest year for which surveillance information is available). From 2005-2008, the number of diagnoses of HIV infection increased in Hispanics/Latinos. The increase in the number of diagnoses may be due to increased HIV testing and other outreach efforts. Impact on Hispanic/Latino Communities In 2007, HIV/AIDS was the fifth leading cause of death among Hispanics/Latinos aged 35-44 and the sixth leading cause of death among Hispanics/Latinos aged 25-34 in the US. In 2008, men made up 80% of all Hispanic/Latino adults and adolescents diagnosed with HIV infection in the 37 states and the 5 U.S. dependent areas, the majority of whom were men who have sex with men (MSM). Using data from 2007 to model lifetime risk of HIV diagnosis, it has been estimated that, at some point in life, 1 in 35 Hispanic/Latino men would receive a diagnosis of HIV infection, as would 1 in 114 Hispanic/Latina women, signaling that the HIV epidemic is still a significant concern for Hispanics/Latinos. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), state and local public health agencies, and Hispanic/Latino communities have increased efforts to address the effects of the epidemic. Initiated in 2003 by the Latino Commission on AIDS and the Hispanic Federation in partnership with faith and community organizations, the National Latino AIDS Awareness Day raises awareness of issues concerning HIV/ AIDS with the Hispanic/Latino population living in the United States and abroad. This year’s theme, “Save a Life; It May be your Own. Get Tested for HIV.” speaks to the critical role HIV testing and prevention education play as a result of late testing realities faced by Hispanic/Latino communities. We can promote healthy communities by facilitating partnerships, hosting community events that encourage people to seek HIV testing, counseling and treatment; and by developing and disseminating prevention strategies. What Hispanic/Latinos Can Do: · Learn whether or not they are infected with HIV by getting tested · Seek early medical care if they learn they are infected; · Protect themselves and others from HIV through safer sex practices and not sharing needles if they inject drugs; · Educate themselves and others about HIV; · Get involved in their communities to help prevent HIV or provide services to those in need. National Latino AIDS Awareness Day Resources: · National Latino AIDS Awareness Day 2010: http:// · HHS Office of Minority Health Center: NL-AAD templates/content.aspx?ID= 7010 Prop. 19 a tough decision for the voters PAGE 5 dents, showing a growing acceptance of the use amongst the general public. Every year, California spends a billion dollars enforcing marijuana laws. “But in that same year we have 61 thousand felonies go unsolved; wouldn’t it be better (con’t from page 1) to re-allocate those resources currently used to arrest casual deep financial crisis; increase marijuana users to investigate tax revenue and avoid the fu- other types of crimes?” Kreit tile prosecution of 80 thousand asks. people a year, lowering jail overcrowding. The effect on Mexico They claim marijuana is less On top of the national deharmful than alcohol, tobacco bate, Prop 19 has been debated or prescription drugs, —all le- in relationship to a possible regal, well regulated and taxed. duction in violence in Mexico It is not addictive, not toxic to by changing the current offerthe body and doesn’t prompt demand scheme of internaviolent behavior, unlike some tional drug trafficking organiof the mentioned legal sub- zations. stances. Mexican president Felipe Kathleen A. Staudt, political Calderón has expressed his science professor at Univer- frustration with the possibility sity of Texas, El Paso, points of Prop 19 passing, calling it to pharmaceutical companies “an example of the inconsisas the true drug pushers and tency in US Drug Policy.” claims marihuana use pales in In Baja California, State comparison to the abuse of Prosecutor Rommel Moreno medication. Manjarrez and Tijuana mayor “Educators and addiction Jorge Ramos, have said they experts have warned about a are worried about the measure shift in drug consumption and probable repercussions in amongst Young people; they Tijuana, where many of the are moving away from mari- drugs are stashed and crossed juana to experiment with con- across the border for the US trolled substances” Staudt ex- market. plains. “Legalization or not, any “There seems to be a con- regulation on the matter should stant flow of this drugs and be made in coordination with nobody seems to be paying the neighboring nation; othermuch attention, there is a con- wise it’s suicidal” said Romstant push for the use of con- mel, whose job includes the introlled substances, push, push, vestigation of hundreds of push….they are the true drug- drug-related deaths throughout dealers”. the state. Those already supporting A recent pair of studies by Prop 19 cite the strict regula- the RAND research group tion for alcohol consumption in admits the demand of illicit the US and the steady decline drugs is a factor in the turf war of tobacco use after a strong held by rival drug trafficking orpublic health campaign. ganization, but questions how Alex Kreit, professor at and if the legislation change in Thomas Jefferson Law School, California impacts Mexico. cites the fact that 44% of Among the findings is the Americans have used pot, -in- fact that Mexican drug trafcluding the last 3 US presi- fickers earn no more than 2 billion dollars from California consumers and question the government officials that have stated pot sales represent 60% of the cartel´s revenue. RAND estimates that if passed, Prop 19 would actually result in a loss of revenue for Mexican cartels of just 2 to 4%. This means, if marijuana is decriminalized in California it would not have an immediate influence in Mexican drug cartel or the violence deriving from their activities. Unless California becomes a lead exporter of pot and takes Mexican pot off the market. If so, California grown marijuana sent to other states could in fact reduce the sale of Mexican marihuana by 65 to 85%. Only then would Mexican cartels in fact loose 20% of their profits. “But we have a proposed tax that would raise the price of pot 50% over the current street value; what would be the incentive to legalize an operation? There would still be room for a black market in California even with the law changing” says RAND researcher, Rosalie Pecula. Pecula also warns Prop 19 would allow cities to create their own taxation scheme and might lead to a race to the bottom. Staudt has followed Mexican narco closely, especially in Ciudad Juarez and admits decriminalization alone will not be a determining factor to stop it. Yet the Uuniversity of Texas, El Paso researcher considers Prop 19 a valuable policy shift and an important step towards a more honest drug policy debate. “Decriminalization in the United States could have an effect on Mexico in the long run, but ultimately many other investments have to be made, such as well-paid job creation, education, and gender violence reduction…” she states. El 2 de noviembre, Vote Sí a la Proposición 24 LA PROPOSICIÓN 24 impide 1.3 billones de dólares en recortes a las escuelas y la seguridad pública, y salva miles de puestos de trabajo muy necesarios. REVOCA UN TRATO DE TRASTIENDA acordado por los políticos de Sacramento que dará a las corporaciones más ricas de nuestro estado un nuevo regalo de un billón de dólares en reducciones de impuestos. RESPALDADA POR la Asociación de Maestros de California [California Teachers Association], Liga de Mujeres Votantes de California [League of Women Voters of California], Asociación de Contribuyentes de California [California Taxpayers Association] y la Coalición por los Derechos Civiles de California [California Coalition for Civil Rights]. VOTE SÍ A LA PROPOSICIÓN 24 – porque es hora de ayudar a nuestras escuelas y comunidades, no a las grandes corporaciones. PAID FOR BY YES ON 24, THE TAX FAIRNESS ACT, SPONSORED BY TAXPAYERS AND PUBLIC EMPLOYEE GROUPS. MAJOR FUNDING BY THE CALIFORNIA TEACHERS ASSOCIATION ISSUES PAC AND AMERICA’S FAMILIES FIRST, INC. WWW.YESPROP24.ORG PAGE 6 OCTOBER 22, 2010 LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO Southwestern Community College Board Recommendations S outhwestern Community College has had some tough issues to deal with and it would be naive of us not to recognize this. The number one issue is accreditation, but there has also been the issue of the budget and how the college has changed the way it does business. Perhaps the most volatile issue has been about the Superintendent/President of the college, Dr. Raj Chopra. While not ignoring the tough issues it also important to take notice of positive news, primarily that accreditation issues are being dealt with. Further, the college is still in good standing and operates on budget without having to borrow money during the record breaking budget stalemate in Sacramento. This election year has been particularly emotional. The teachers’ union has backed a slate of candidates to unseat the incumbents - Tim Nader, Norma Hernandez, and Jesseca Saenz-Gonzalez. Also running are William “Bud” McLeroy and Jaime Mercado who, along with Nader, are running to unseat Jorge Dominguez. Running for re-election are: Yolanda Salcido, Jorge Dominguez, and Terri Valladolid. While politicians often take way too much credit for the good things that happen as elected officials, in the case of the accreditation issue way too much blame is being heaped on this board. Some of the accreditation issues go as far back as 2003 - spanning several school boards and administrations. Consequences have come to a head this year. An over zealous accreditation board has notified 45 of the 110 community colleges in the state of accreditation issues, more than any other state by a wide margin. The accreditation board itself has come under scrutiny for their policies. Both Palomar College and Grossmont Community College are dealing with accreditation issues. Even one of the most respected and efficient colleges in the system, College of the Redwoods, has been put on notice. The point is that the accreditation issues are not the sole province of Southwestern Community College but are warnings being felt throughout the state. The good news is that the issues of accreditation are being dealt with in a responsive and effective manner. In regards to the handling of the budget, Southwestern College has dealt with delayed budget issues and more importantly with their budget getting slashed yearly as state government continues to try and balance their budget. Herein lays the main issue with Superintendent/President Dr. Chopra: in order to maintain a fiscally balanced budget Dr. Chopra has had to make cuts and reign in excessive spending, eliminating many of the perks previously enjoyed by the teachers. The tightening of the budget belt has created yet another rift between the unions and the administration. Let us be clear about this election: this year, this election is about the teachers’ union trying to regain lost control over the college by backing a slate of union friendly candidates. In our opinion an effective public organization functions best when there is shared power between the administration, the teachers and classified workers represented by the unions, and the community/taxpayers represented by their elected board members. The primary role of the elected representative is to be the voice for the community and to oversee the budget to ensure that taxpayers’ dollars are effectively and wisely spent. The other equally important role of the board is to hire a Superintendent/President. The incumbents hired a President who came in and reorganized the way the college had been doing business, which was akin to the good old boy system that revolved around political clicks within the college (as noted in a Grand Jury report). This meant a loss of favoritism for some, a loss of power and influence for others. In terms of managing the budget this school board and administration has done a commendable job in cutting excessive expenses and navigating the trouble waters of budget cuts during prolonged periods of receiving no money from the state. All of this while maintaining their core curriculum, salaries, or terminating fulltime teaching positions. For these reasons and more, and to ensure that there is an equal balance between the administration, unions, and community we endorse the re-election of Yolanda Salcido and Terri Valladolid. We do not endorse incumbent Jorge Dominguez, as we agree with the Grand Jury report and believe there is an unhealthy relationship when Sweetwater School Board members are employees of Southwestern College and vice versa (as in the case of Arlie Ricasa and Jorge Dominguez). ¿Movilizarán la SB1070 y la retórica antiinmigrante a los votantes hispanos a las urnas? Por Maribel Hastings AMERICA’S VOICE voluntarios a visitar casa por casa para asegurar que electores latinos con baja propensión a votar sufraguen. Mi Familia Vota registró a más de 25,000 votantes en un lapso de tres meses. Llama la atención la gran cantidad de jóvenes involucrados. Sheila Silverio, voluntaria de Mi Familia Vota, declaró que “es la primera vez que voto. Muchos me dicen que su voto no cuenta, pero les digo que si no les gusta la SB1070 tienen que votar. Soy madre adolescente y hago este trabajo por mi hijo porque sé que hay muchos niños que van sufrir con la SB1070”. Laura Catalina Reyes está en proceso de hacerse ciudadana pero es voluntaria con Mi Familia Vota. “Mucha gente tiene el poder y yo los trato de animar porque es necesario cambiar el sistema… Mi mamá nunca había votado y lo hará ahora por primera vez”. Al día siguiente, domingo, los jóvenes de Mi Familia Vota volvieron a la carga. Nos unimos a uno de los equipos para hablar con los electores. “Son votantes latinos que si no fuera por nosotros llegando a su puerta tal vez no votarían”, afirmó Francisco García, de Mi Familia Vota. El tiempo de registro ya pasó, “pero la SB1070 fue motivación para que se registraran porque es un ataque más cerca a casa”. Algunos electores aseguraron que la forma en que los candidatos manejan el tema migratorio será un factor al votar. “Estoy en desacuerdo con la SB1070", indicó un votante. “Una de las razones por la cual votaré es porque hay mejores soluciones al problema migratorio. Ella (Brewer) no debió hacerlo. Ha causado muchos problemas a Arizona. Y ella la firmó”, indicó. En otro hogar abrió la puerta Saúl, quien aseguró que votará porque aunque es ciudadano, “la SB1070 afecta mi familia porque muchos son indocumentados y viven con el temor de ser deportados”. En la casa vecina colgaba un letrero que leía No a Arpaio y a la SB1070. Abrió la puerta una anglosajona residente y votante de California. La casa es de su madre. Felicita al grupo por su intento de movilizar a electores hispanos y agrega: “Si los votantes latinos se registraran y votaran, podríamos retomar el control de este estado”. PHOENIX – En Arizona, epicentro del debate migratorio, hogar del alguacil Joe Arpaio y cuna de la ley antiinmigrante SB 1070, se anticiparía que los votantes latinos se manifiesten en las urnas en contra de candidatos que apoyen dicha ley y la retórica. Eso está por verse el 2 de noviembre. La lucha por la gobernación tiene como protagonista a la republicana Jan Brewer, quien promulgó la ley SB1070 que generó temor y polémica así como una pelea legal involucrando al gobierno federal. La apelación de Arizona al freno judicial de algunas cláusulas de la ley se escucharía en noviembre. Su opositor, el demócrata Terry Goddard, se anuncia en español diciendo: “Le pido su voto este 2 de noviembre”. El locutor añade “este 2 de noviembre, ya basta con Jan Brewer”. Diversas organizaciones quieren garantizar la participación hispana promoviendo la votación anticipada mediante llamadas, visitas puerta por puerta y eventos, o asegurándose de que acudan a los precintos el 2 de noviembre. Puente Arizona celebró un evento de voto anticipado el sábado. Bajo un candente sol, música, y con la presencia de algunos candidatos demócratas, varios sufragaron. Un joven, Héctor Hernández, votó por primera vez “por las leyes (migratorias) que se están pasando”. “Aunque no me afecta a nivel personal, conozco a mucha gente que sufre y siento que es mi trabajo como ciudadano votar para que esto cambie”. Su mensaje a los jóvenes: “si no les gusta lo que está pasando, sentándose y quejándose no van a solucionar nada”. Celia Arámbula siempre vota y agregó que el debate migratorio “despertó a la gente que no había hecho la conexión de que lo que nos afecta tiene sus raíces en lo político”. Corina Díaz votó “por la situación en la que está la comunidad”. Obama no ha cumplido su promesa de reforma “pero por eso esta elección es importante porque necesitamos elegir gente que apoye esa reforma”. El Comité de Defensa del Barrio (CDB) animaba a la gente a votar. “Nuestra gente está respondiendo. Hay gente que nunca se había registrado y ahora lo hizo”, indicó Jorge Martínez, del CDB. En otro punto de la ciudad, Mi Familia Vota, Maribel Hastings es asesora ejecutiva y movilizaba a varias cuadrillas de jóvenes analista de America’s Voice David Alvarez is the best man for District 8 Jobs are a cure for depression I n the June Primary election we endorsed the election of David Alvarez. And now in the General Election, running against Felipe Hueso, we will re-affirm our Primary endorsement recommending the election of Alvarez as the representative for District 8 in the City of San Diego. For the reasons we had stated: Alvarez’s commitment to serve two full terms, his history and understanding of the community (he was born in Barrio Logan) his work ethic and determination, and now that he is facing the elder Hueso, his fresh perspective and new ideas that he brings to the district. Alvarez also represents the new wave of political leadership and the best hope for District 8. Felipe Hueso on the other hand is just an extension of his younger brother who left the district in his first term so that he could run for higher office. Without By David A. Love the benefit of name identity, Felipe would have not been a serious contender in this election. He brings no new ideas, has only a rudimentary understanding of the issues, and his vision for the district is unclear. And as noted in our earlier endorsement of Alvarez, Hueso does not have the experience or the background to be an effective representative for the community. District 8 is changing, developing, and needs a representative that not only understands the issues but has the sense and sensibility of a homegrown resident who has seen the effect of gentrification on the community. David Alvarez is willing to stand with the residents to ensure that their best interest are of upmost importance. District 8 needs new leadership, not a family dynasty. We Endorse Alvarez for San Diego City Council, District 8. Unemployment is a mental health issue, and we must address it. Clinical depression affects nearly one in 10 Americans, according to a recent survey from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And unemployment is the biggest risk factor causing depression. While 6 percent of people with jobs exhibit signs of depression, 21 percent of unemployed people have symptoms, the survey revealed. This may be why blacks and Hispanics and other people of color are more likely to become depressed than whites, since people of color have much higher unemployment rates. Given the strong correlation between unemployment and depression, it stands to reason that tough economic times will only worsen this major health problem in America. Although the official unemployment stands at 9.6 percent, the real rate is likely much higher, since official statistics do not include people who are underemployed or have given up all hopes of finding a job. A record 20 million-plus were on unemployment at some time in 2009. What’s more, almost 7 million people were counted as long-term unemployed in June — 46 percent of the total — the worst since 1948. With five applicants for every job, and a loss of 10 million jobs in the United States, almost everyone knows someone who is jobless, and the toll that it is taking on them and their families. As someone who was without work for a year during this recession, I can attest to the effect that it can have one one’s mental state, outlook on life and sense of self-worth. Unfortunately, some lawmakers and commentators have made light of the problems of the unemployed by telling them they are lazy and spoiled. But that helps neither their job prospects nor their mental state. If America wants to get serious about stemming the tide of depression and unemployment, we must get our priorities in order. That means more funding for mental health care, and a government commitment to creating jobs for everyone. David A. Love is a writer based in Philadelphia, and the executive editor of His blog is He can be reached at [email protected]. LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO OCTOBER 22, 2010 PAGE 7 Commentary/Opinion Page THE PUBLIC FORUM . . . EL FORO PÚBLICO A Majority Vote Is Needed A rebuttal to the October 8th commentary by National School District Governing Board President Rosie Alvarado President Alvarado states that the budget woes are the cause of the imposition – the imposition of punitive working conditions in the areas of teacher association rights and transfer and reassignment rights have nothing to do with the budget, so why were these anti union items part of the imposition? President Alvarado states that the district is paying 90% of the budget towards employees – the board adopted budget of September 2010 shows that the total they are paying for all employee groups, including a lot of administrators, is 77.38% including all benefits. Does President Alvarado know how to analyze a budget before she adopts one? President Alvarado states that the Association was not interested in talking about the issues – When the Association offered further negotiations dates to discuss the matter the district did not even bother to respond. Was President Alvarado even aware that these dates were offered? President Alvarado states that the Governing Board had the right to impose – but don’t they also have the moral obligation to enter into meaningful discussion with their employees before doing so? President Alvarado states that the district increased the health benefits for all employees – this was a district proposal not an association proposal that cost the employees one furlough day of pay. Did President Alvarado give the teachers the option of which they would prefer? President Alvarado states that there was no increase in class size this year – the previous classroom maximums for 4-6 grades was 32 to 1 not 33 to 1. Is President Alvarado aware of what is actually happening in the classroom? President Alvarado states that it is clear that these working conditions are better than what has been negotiated in other nearby districts – no other surrounding districts have had rights taken away and Sweewater, Chula Vista, San Ysidro, and San Diego took less furlough days. Is President Alvarado aware that National City Teachers are now the lowest paid teachers in the county thanks to her imposition? President Alvarado stated that the teachers consistently blocked the implementation of a school calendar that would align with Sweetwater – for the past two years the teachers have proposed a calendar that had all mid year breaks aligned with Sweetwater. The teachers did wish to continue an August start date because they know that a July start date is not best for younger children first entering Kindergarten many of whom do not reach age five until December. Does President Alvarado honestly believe that she knows more about education than the teachers do? Lastly President Alvarado states that sometimes the Teachers’ Association advocates positions that are not in the best interest of the families of National City – National City Elementary Teachers Association is proud to represent and advocate for the highly qualified professionals who have been responsible for outstanding achievements in education for generations. These are the professionals who teach the students in the classrooms and work with the families of National City on a daily basis. Our Families know we fight for them and their children and I know because I am a fifth grade teacher at Ira Harbison School. My name is Linda Cartwright and I am also the very proud President of National City Elementary Teachers Association. Linda Cartwright National City Meg Whitman stands tall with Veterans As a veteran, I have strong ideas about how our next Governor must address the needs of veterans and military men and women, and I am looking to support a candidate who will help make our state an easier place for all of us to succeed. I liked very much what I hear from Meg Whitman. For Meg, restoring the California dream is making sure every Californian has the opportunity to pursue their passions and excel at what they do best. She understands that the state is failing many of its veterans, military members and their families. California is home to more than two million veterans — men and women who have placed their lives in jeopardy, left their families behind and put it all on the line to protect the freedoms we hold so dear. Today, like so many Californians across the state, our veterans and military families struggle to find good-paying jobs, quality, affordable health care and a top-notch education. And they’re tired of government spending their hard-earned tax dollars with getting so little in return. Meg has a special appreciation for our servicemen and women. Her father was a veteran of World War II, serving in the Air Force in Guam. Her mother volunteered for the Red Cross and was sent to New Guinea, where she repaired jeep and aircraft engines. Meg understands the sacrifices military members and their families make. I am endorsing Meg because I’m confident she’s the only candidate in this race who is making job creation her number one goal, and that is the key to reviving California. Meg understands that our servicemen and women need to have confidence that their family members can get a good-paying job while they serve our country and that there are opportunities when they retire. Perhaps most encouraging is Meg’s hunger to learn more about how she can help our military people. She walks the walk. From Meg’s meetings with veterans, military members and their families to her launching a statewide veterans coalition, Meg is making it clear she wants to include us in her plan to turn California around. Our state is sorely lacking visionary leadership and results-oriented governing. For 30 years in business, Meg has shown inspired leadership, stepped up to solve complex challenges and delivered results. That’s exactly the kind of leadership we need to make our state golden again. Please go to to learn more about her campaign and don’t forget to exercise the cherished right many of us have sacrificed much to protect: the right to vote. Sandra Fichter Oceanside Major, US Army Veteran By Willie L. Pelote Sr. The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) is wary of the recent budget deal signed by Arnold Schwarzenegger and is calling on voters to fix the state’s dysfunctional budget process by passing Propositions 24 and 25 on this year’s November ballot. Brushing aside the wishes of voters who participated in budget forums around the state organized by Assembly Speaker John Perez’s office in April, the new budget plan provides about $200 million worth of subsidies to cable TV companies and the timber industry and a reduction in penalties for corporations that evade their income tax obligations in exchange for smaller cuts to social service programs and education. This is the price for having to kowtow to a minority party that cynically exploits the state’s two-thirds budget rule to manipulate the lives of average citizens in favor of arranging tax subsidies benefiting only the wealthiest one percent. Additionally, Schwarzenegger’s desire to revive a ballot measure that would lock in state spending at unrealistic levels is intellectually dishonest and fiscally irresponsible, especially since voters previously rejected this proposal. Sadly, it is actions like these that are pushing California further into Third World mediocrity. A recent article in the San Francisco Chronicle pointed out that Sacramento could produce an annual budget surplus by simply closing loopholes in California’s tax code, which replicates many federal tax breaks and creates an additional 36 loopholes of its own. Among the many wasteful tax expenditures programs listed were the state’s failed enterprise zone program, which costs taxpayers $500 million a year, and $3 billion worth of tax breaks granted to multinational corporations in 2009 as a condition of passing the state budget. While legislators wisely chose to delay some ($1.2 billion) of these corporate tax breaks during this year’s budget melee, passing Proposition 24 would permanently repeal those tax expenditure programs and generate much needed revenue for the state at a time when 12% of Californians are unemployed. Voters can also ensure that future state budgets are negotiated out in the open and passed in a timely manner by voting for Proposition 25, which would change the requirement for passing a state budget from two-thirds to a simple majority. To date, most state budget deals have been hashed out behind closed doors by a select group of five individuals including the governor, assembly speaker, senate president pro tem, and minority leaders before being rammed through for a vote in both chambers. This practice undermines our democracy and makes a mockery of the state budget process. The common sense reforms above are designed to address the structural nature of California’s deficit problem. Then we can turn our attention back to more important things like figuring out how to put people back to work. Fiorina on the wrong side of the abortion issue. I understand that many Californians disagree on the subject of abortion. But Carly Fiorina has Willie L. Pelote, Sr. is an Assistant Director extreme views on this very sensitive issue. Carly of the American Federation of State, County Fiorina says that if given the opportunity she and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), AFLwould vote to overturn Roe V. Wade. This would CIO. make criminals out of women and doctors. Carly is even endorsed by Sarah Palin who says she’s opposes abortion even in the case of rape and incest! Women should have the right to make their own personal decisions regarding pregnancy. Carly and Sarah’s politics are just too extreme for California. they pass, they Rafaela Frausto By Gustavo Arellano go back to the Latino Advocacy Coordinator Dear Mexican: I’m not the type to let Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest Spanish station. things slide when I see something that FM Fool Why I am ENDORSING two NONstrikes me as ignorant, no matter who it FILIPINO Americans for National City is. When my friend’s mom posted jokes Dear Gabacho: Council seats on Facebook about Mexicans, and her Same reason we “Time to elect a Filipino American to the Na- friends popped up with comments I felt take off our tional City Council!” — is the rhetorical battle were racist, I just had to step in and say sombreros when encountering the same cry by the Fil-Ams And they did. In 1998, the scenario: don’t want to get pulled over for a citizens of National City elected a Filipino something. They responded with “My best friend is a Mexican,” and “I know DWM (Driving While Mexican). American to a City Council Seat — a lawyer lots of Mexicans and I think they’re by the name of Fred Soto. I live in what’s known as the East End One year later, Soto was accused of bilking good people,” and all that. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen it. Why do people in Houston. I love the area, which has a many of his “kababayans” (paisanos) out of their hard-earned money for legal services think it’s okay to say racist things as lot of Mexicans; unlike the ‘burbs, the never rendered, and was subsequently expelled long as they can say they have a area has character, a great urban from the State Bar with charges pending, tar- Mexican friend? Isn’t this kind of like atmosphere, wonderful architecture, and nishing the image of Filipino Americans in San the kid in grade school who tells you, restaurants other than the cookie-cutter Diego. “Hey, I’m going to make you look stupid corporate garbage I was used to. I’m So I ask. Should we let history repeat itself in front of the other kids to make myself curious, however, as to why there’s a this coming Election? look good—don’t take it personally?” used tire shop about every six blocks! I find it ironic, that today a certain candidate, For myself, I can’t fathom calling Do my neighbors never buy new tires? a Fil-Am, running for the same position – Nasomebody my friend then bashing their What’s the deal with the scores of tire tional City Council Seat – for the third time, with culture. It makes no sense to me. What’s shops? questionable character, is again running and your opinion on this? Transplanted Suburban Gabacho seemingly supported by key Fil-Am leaders. The Bailarina Confundida en el Valle Felíz candidate has run twice but did not get elected, and asked for an appointment thrice and did not Dear Gabacho: Simple capitalism, get appointed. This is this candidate’s 6th attempt Dear Confused Ballerina in Happy compa. Houston has no municipal zoning for National City Council. Valley: Of course racists aren’t racists, and code, which creates a libertarian paradise of This candidate, for the record, I took to court how dare you allege that! They’re just saying businessmen opening nearly whatever they while I was the President of The Filipino Cham- the truth! Racists can’t possibly be racists want nearly wherever they want according to ber of Commerce in San Diego, in 2000, for because they have colored friends—and the peculiarities of the market. Since the misappropriation of the organization’s funds those minorities not only agree with their nonHouston’s East End host some of the city’s while she served as the Treasurer. racist amigos, they’re even more non-racist traditional barrios, it follows that negocios The case did not proceed for some techniagainst their own kind and that makes it even catering to a working-class clientele would calities, after the new Board had claimed in a more okay to be truthful! Know Nothings flourish here and in other barrios: segundas resolution that said Treasurer has been “forhave long used this twisted logic to argue that (thrift stores), Laundromats, water stores, given”. their rants are right (witness those lunatics In another case, this candidate was also comtaquerías, fake-documents sold from a cellplained for the misappropriation of the funds who say Arizona’s reprehensible SB1070 phone accessories storefront, and used tire of three other events. She made no attempt to and Most-Corrupt-Sheriff-in-America Joe shops. It’s not that Mexicans won’t buy new show any accountability or transparency. Then, Arpayaso enjoy support from “Hispanics,” tires, or even that we can’t afford it: it’s that she also cheated during the FACC Elections and that the two are therefore not antiwe’re always looking to save dinero, and the — not just once, but twice – and in front of Mexican) in an attempt to shut up opportunity to get a discount is as irresistible two lawyers, Atty. Majul and Atty. Pascual, opponents—I do believe that logical fallacy is to a Mexican as crossing the border without who were present at the second election. She papers. And please don’t think we’re putting has been forewarned of her illegal act by the called appeal to authority. Or is it honor by association? I forget. Anyhoo, ¡A LA the public at risk, gabachos: no one knows two lawyers. CHINGADA CON ARPAYASO Y SB more about the gradations of a balding tire Dishonesty seems to run in this person’s 1070! than a Mexican dad or tío. veins. When she ran for the City Council, several people and I spoke at a Council meeting to Why is it, when Mexicans see a cop on Ask the Mexican at themexican@ask inform the public about her past misconducts. She did not win in the two subsequent elec- the side of the road over giving someone, be his fan on Facebook, tions. As well, she failed to get appointed for a ticket, they change their Spanish music follow him on Twitter or ask him a video question at! the position in spite of her hard efforts. to some American station? Then, after As a candidate, good character is a constitution- must requirement. Her ill-repute might have worked against her while she vied for a TOP Ten Reasons Latinos Live Longer Than Other Americans longevity exceeds all others...our lives aren’t boring government position, if in a smaller venue as Latino By Al Carlos Hernandez, LatinoLA the FACC she was condoned. 10.We live longer but, we are sicker ... we do this to irritate our Spouses. To the Fil-Am candidate’s supporters who say 9. We can’t die until we pay off credit cards by making the minimum payment. “it’s time for a Filipino American” — this is NOT 8. We don’t jump out of airplanes, windsurf, ski jump, or climb outside of buildings. reason ENOUGH! This is NOT a VALID Rea- 7. Our only use of a bungee cord is to hold stuff down in the pick up truck. son. Remember the lesson of Fred Soto. 6. Because of surprise and random family visits we will never be bored to death. After studying the Platforms of those run- 5. Latino cuisine is the oldest in mankind. There would still be Aztecs, if Cortez didn’t ning for National City Council, I’m proud to kill them. say that I fully endorse MONA RIOS AND 4. We never abandon our elders to old folks homes. We honor them. FRANK LOPEZ, two NON – FILIPINOs, 3. We never jog alone at night in the wilderness thinking we have rights. running for the National City seats. 2. Latinos outlive whites by two-and-a-half years and blacks by more than seven years. Edna Concepcion 1. Out-living them is one thing, out-running them, is quite another thing. Chula Vista ¡ASK A MEXICAN! PAGE 8 OCTOBER 22, 2010 LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO 15 Years of Celebrating Day of the Dead at the Center California Center for the Arts, Escondido is hosting a weekend of events to celebrate Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), the traditional Mexican holiday honoring the lives of those who have passed. Beginning in 1995, this rapidly growing event has become a free community tradition for North County residents and beyond, bringing in over 1,500 residents last year. On November 1st from 6-9 p.m., the community is invited to create memorials in memory of loved ones within the artistic frames of “Muerte de todos ofrenda de participacion (Death Comes to Everyone: A Participatory Offering),” an artwork in the Center Museum’s permanent collection crafted by the famed Mexico City artist, Eloy Tarcisio. Guests will enjoy live music, entertainment, art projects for all ages, and traditional Mexican refreshments including Mexican hot chocolate and pan dulce (Mexican sweet bread). This year ’s Día de los Muertos celebration has been expanded to include two additional events: the world premier of “Misa Azteca” on Saturday, October 30th at 8:00 p.m. in the Center’s Concert Hall, and an “Evening with John Phillip Santos” on Monday, November 1st at 7:30 p.m. in the Center Theater. To kick off the weekend, Southwestern College will take the stage on Saturday, October 30th to present the world premier full orchestration of Joseph Julian Gonzalez’ “Misa Azteca” - A concert piece based on the proper and common of Roman Catholic High Mass mixed with verses from post-Columbian Aztec verse (Cantares Mexicanos). By blending Latin and REGISTRAR OF VOTERS LIST OF POLLING PLACES FOR THE Gubernatorial General Election Pursuant to the provisions of sections 12105, 12106, 12107, and 12108 of the Elections Code for the state of California, I, Deborah Seiler, Registrar of Voters for the County of San Diego, hereby certify that the following is a true and correct list of the polling locations assigned for election precincts in the Gubernatorial General Election to be held on Tuesday, November 2, 2010. I further certify that the election precincts are consolidated and designated as published below. LISTA DE CENTROS ELECTORALES PARA LA Elección General Gubernativa En conformidad con las provisiones de las secciones 12105, 12106, 12107 y 12108 del Código Electoral del Estado de California, yo, Deborah Seiler, Registradora de Electores para el Condado de San Diego, por la presente certifico que la siguiente lista de localidades de las casillas electorales asignadas para los distritos electorales en la Elección General Gubernativa que tomará lugar el martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010, es correcta y verdadera. Adicionalmente certifico que los distritos electorales son consolidados y designados como se publican abajo. _______________________ DEBORAH SEILER Registrar of Voters Registradora de Electores ELECTION POLLS NAME POLLS ADDRESS PRECINCT 105000 OAKS NORTH COMMUNITY CENTER-AUD 12578 OAKS NORTH DR 105010 GARAGE-CROW RESIDENCE 18673 LANCASHIRE WAY 105020 GARAGE-MARTINEZ RESIDENCE 18341 ACEITUNO ST 105000 OAKS NORTH COMMUNITY CENTER-AUD 12578 OAKS NORTH DR 105010 GARAGE-CROW RESIDENCE 18673 LANCASHIRE WAY 105020 GARAGE-MARTINEZ RESIDENCE 18341 ACEITUNO ST 105040 OAKS NORTH COMMUNITY CENTER-AUD 12578 OAKS NORTH DR 105100 GARAGE-BEEMAN RESIDENCE 12686 EPICA CT 105210 GARAGE-GILLMOR RESIDENCE 16179 MESTO DR 105380 SEVEN OAKS COMMUNITY CENTER 16789 BERNARDO OAKS DR 105390 RB PACK & SHIP 15721 BERNARDO HEIGHTS PKWY 105410 COMMUNITY ASSOC OF BERNARDO 16150 BERNARDO HEIGHTS PKWY HTS-COMM RM 105420 RANCHO BERNARDO HS-PERF ARTS CTR 13010 PASEO LUCIDO 105430 GARAGE-GEE RESIDENCE 11677 AVENIDA SIVRITA 105700 SWIM TENNIS CLUB 16955 BERNARDO OAKS DR 105910 GARAGE-MUNSON RESIDENCE 12411 FLORESTA WAY 106050 GARAGE-KREITZER RESIDENCE 18184 VERANO DR 106100 SAN RAFAEL PARISH HALL 17252 BERNARDO CENTER DR 106200 THE REMINGTON CLUB 16925 HIERBA DR 106350 GARAGE-PETERSON RESIDENCE 17060 PALACIO CT 106400 WESTWOOD CLUB ADULT LOUNGE 17394 W BERNARDO DR 106440 CASA DE LAS CAMPANAS CRAFT ROOM 18655 W BERNARDO DR 106490 GARAGE-ATTIG RESIDENCE 11470 LUZ RD 106500 GARAGE-CHADWICK RESIDENCE 11499 BOX ELDER PL 106520 GARAGE-MADSEN RESIDENCE 15828 WINDROSE WAY 106530 CAMINO BERNARDO CLUBHOUSE 11395 AVENIDA DE LOS LOBOS 106570 GARAGE-CLARK RESIDENCE 18235 HIGH MESA CT 110000 HILLTOP COMMUNITY PARK-MPR 9711 OVIEDO WAY 110010 GARAGE-LOGAN RESIDENCE 9578 VIA PEREZA 110020 CASA BLANCA CONDOS 9404 TWIN TRAILS DR 110050 GARAGE-SMITH RESIDENCE 10677 BERNABE DR 110100 DOUBLETREE GOLF RESORT- SPYGLASS ROOM 14455 PENASQUITOS DR 110120 ROLLING HILLS ELEM SCHOOL-STAGE 15255 PENASQUITOS DR 110140 CARMEL MOUNTAIN LIBRARY 12095 WORLD TRADE DR 110150 GARAGE-HOPP RESIDENCE 13618 GROSSE POINTE 110190 DOUBLETREE GOLF RESORT- SPYGLASS ROOM 14455 PENASQUITOS DR 110210 CARMEL MT REHAB & HEALTHCARE11895 AVENUE OF INDUSTRY DINING ROOM 110240 CARMEL MOUNTAIN RANCH REC 10152 RANCHO CARMEL DR CENTER-RM 103 110310 THE ARBORS AT RANCHO PENASQUITOS 12979 RANCHO PENASQUITOS BLVD 110350 NEW HOPE CHURCH 10330 CARMEL MOUNTAIN RD 110380 THE ARBORS AT RANCHO PENASQUITOS 12979 RANCHO PENASQUITOS BLVD 110410 GARAGE-WISDOM RESIDENCE 9966 VIA DAROCA 110490 GARAGE-SONNENBURG RESIDENCE 13578 TRADITION ST 110510 GARAGE-STERLING RESIDENCE 12735 HAGERSWOOD CT 110520 CANYON SIDE REC CENTER-GAME ROOM 12350 BLACK MOUNTAIN RD 110550 GARAGE-DAY RESIDENCE 12865 ORANGEBURG AVE 110560 GARAGE-NAZARI RESIDENCE 12595 KESTREL ST 110580 CARMEL MOUNTAIN LIBRARY 12095 WORLD TRADE DR 110600 GARAGE-BROWN RESIDENCE 12405 NONIE TER 110620 PARK VILLAGE ELEM SCHOOL-MUSIC RM 7930 PARK VILLAGE RD 110630 GARAGE-MINERS SCHMIDT RESIDENCE 12115 SALIX WAY 110670 GARAGE-ADAMS RESIDENCE 12712 RIFE WAY 110680 ADOBE BLUFFS ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 8707 ADOBE BLUFFS DR 110690 MESA VERDE MID SCHOOL-LITTLE THEATER 8375 ENTREKEN WAY 110700 GARAGE-STANDARD RESIDENCE 13241 DERON AVE 110740 GARAGE-BELAY RESIDENCE 13885 AMBER SKY LN 110760 GARAGE-HOWE RESIDENCE 8720 DONAKER ST 110770 GARAGE-DOWDS RESIDENCE 14323 BARRYMORE ST 110780 GARAGE-WETHERELL RESIDENCE 13332 ENTREKEN AVE 110800 DEL SUR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-MPR 15665 PASEO DEL SUR 110900 WILLOW GROVE ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 14727 VIA AZUL 110920 GARAGE-SMITH RESIDENCE 7620 MONA LN 110980 GARAGE-MARSHALL RESIDENCE 7385 VIA CRESTA RD 111000 THE RANCH HOUSE AT DEL SUR 15455 PASEO DEL SUR 111100 ASHLEY FALLS SCHOOL-MULTI-USE RM 13030 ASHLEY FALLS DR 111110 PALACIO DEL MAR, 19TH HOLE BLDG 4853 CAMINITO EXQUISITO 111130 SAGE CANYON SCHOOL-MUR 5290 HARVEST RUN DR 111170 TORREY VILLAS RESORT APTS11100 VISTA SORRENTO MEETING ROOM PKWY 111180 SAGE CANYON SCHOOL-MUR 5290 HARVEST RUN DR 111210 TORREY VILLAS RESORT APTS11100 VISTA SORRENTO MEETING ROOM PKWY 111330 GARAGE-KAY RESIDENCE 5146 GREENWILLOW LN 111380 GRACE POINT CHURCH-KIDS POINT 13340 HAYFORD WAY AUDITORIUM 111390 GARAGE-HALVERSON RESIDENCE 13315 DEER CANYON PL 115030 CARMEL CREEK SCHOOL-MUSIC RM 21 4210 CARMEL CENTER RD 115040 GARAGE-LURIE RESIDENCE 4485 OCEAN VALLEY LN 115050 GARAGE-RAMSEYER RESIDENCE 3935 SANTA NELLA PL 115060 CARMEL VALLEY REC CENTER 3777 TOWNSGATE DR 115070 SOLANA HIGHLANDS ELEM SCHOOL- LOBBY 3520 LONG RUN DR 115090 EMERITUS-LIBRARY 13101 HARTFIELD AVE 115100 GARAGE-OSTOVAR RESIDENCE 13231 DENARA RD 115120 CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH 424 VIA DE LA VALLE 115130 GARAGE-BECKHAM RESIDENCE 14153 RECUERDO DR 115150 SOLANA PACIFIC SCHOOL-THEATRE 3901 TOWNSGATE DR 115180 BOYS & GIRLS CLB OF SAN DIEGUITO3800-A MYKONOS LN TEEN RM 115190 GARAGE-GLUCKMAN RESIDENCE 4885 ALBERSON CT 115200 GARAGE-ARAKELIAN RESIDENCE 2331 CORDERO RD 115210 DEL MAR VILLAS RECREATION ROOM 1 PORTOFINO CIR 115280 SOLANA PACIFIC SCHOOL-THEATRE 3901 TOWNSGATE DR 115300 SEA VILLAGE OWNER’S ASSOC CLUBHOUSE 12990 CAMINITO MAR VILLA 115400 ASHLEY FALLS SCHOOL-MULTI-USE RM 13030 ASHLEY FALLS DR 115460 GARAGE-FYBEL RESIDENCE 5044 ASHLEY FALLS CT 115500 SOLANA PACIFIC SCHOOL-THEATRE 3901 TOWNSGATE DR 120000 SOUTH MESA APT COMM RM #9126 9126 REGENTS RD 120010 GOOD SAMARITAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH-HALL 4321 EASTGATE MALL 120020 THE PATRICIAN COMMUNITY ROOM 4025 PULITZER PL 120030 CONGREGATION BETH EL 8660 GILMAN DR 120040 UCSD PRICE CENTER-EAST BALLROOM 9500 GILMAN DR 120041 HALF DOME LOUNGE AT MUIR COLLEGE 10007 N TORREY PINES RD 120050 UCSD PRICE CENTER-EAST BALLROOM 9500 GILMAN DR 120070 WARREN COLLEGE-STUDENT ACTIVITY CANYON VIEW RD CENTER 120080 LA SCALA APARTMENTS 3845 NOBEL DR 120110 FUTURA PROPERTIES REALTY OFFICE 7708 REGENTS RD 120120 DOYLE ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 3950 BERINO CT 120140 VERANO - CYBER NET CAFE 7503 CHARMANT DR 120150 WOODLANDS NORTH HOA 8720 VILLA LA JOLLA DR 120160 EASTBLUFF CLUBHOUSE 3201 CAMINITO EASTBLUFF 120170 LAWRENCE FAMILY JCC - MUSIC STUDIO 4126 EXECUTIVE DR 120190 WESTFIELD UTC-FORUM HALL 4545 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DR CITY SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO ZIP Aztec verses along with various instrumentals, Joseph Julian Gonzalez describes this concert piece as one that “resolves the tensions commonly associated with two seemingly irreconcilable cultures. The theme of complementarity that overrides the assumption that these two worlds must remain disparate, binds everyone in the mutual quest for unity and peace.” On Monday evening during the Día de los Muertos festivities, the highly publicized author, John Phillip Santos will read selected works from his publications offered as a free reading to the public. Known as the first Mexican-American Rhodes Scholar to study at Oxford, John Phillip Santos received numerous awards including the Academy of American Poets’ Prize from Notre Dame, the Oxford Prize for fiction, and was a finalist for the 120200 120240 120310 120320 120340 120380 120420 125000 125050 125160 125260 125450 125550 125750 125850 126050 126150 126160 126310 126320 126350 126550 126650 127210 127250 127300 127310 127330 127410 127540 130030 130070 130100 130160 130170 130190 130200 130210 130230 130240 130270 130280 130300 130320 130350 130370 130380 130400 130410 130420 130470 130480 130500 130510 130530 130570 130590 130610 92128 130620 92128 130640 92128 130690 92128 130710 92128 130800 92128 130810 92128 92128 130820 92128 130930 92128 135000 92128 135010 92128 135030 135050 SAN DIEGO 92128 135060 SAN DIEGO 92128 135070 SAN DIEGO 92128 135080 SAN DIEGO 92128 135100 SAN DIEGO 92128 135110 SAN DIEGO 92128 135120 SAN DIEGO 92128 135180 SAN DIEGO 92127 135190 SAN DIEGO 92127 135200 SAN DIEGO 92127 135220 SAN DIEGO 92127 135230 SAN DIEGO 92127 135240 SAN DIEGO 92127 135250 SAN DIEGO 92127 135260 SAN DIEGO 92127 SAN DIEGO 92129 135270 SAN DIEGO 92129 135300 SAN DIEGO 92129 135400 SAN DIEGO 92129 135420 SAN DIEGO 92129 135620 SAN DIEGO 92129 135640 SAN DIEGO 92128 SAN DIEGO 92128 145000 SAN DIEGO 92129 145100 SAN DIEGO 92128 145500 145800 SAN DIEGO 92128 145900 145920 SAN DIEGO 92129 146000 146600 SAN DIEGO 92129 147100 SAN DIEGO 92129 150000 150100 SAN DIEGO 92129 SAN DIEGO 92128 150110 SAN DIEGO 92129 150200 SAN DIEGO 92129 150410 SAN DIEGO 92129 150600 SAN DIEGO 92129 151400 SAN DIEGO 92128 151800 SAN DIEGO 92129 152000 SAN DIEGO 92129 152200 SAN DIEGO 92129 152410 SAN DIEGO 92129 152800 SAN DIEGO 92129 153400 SAN DIEGO 92129 154200 SAN DIEGO 92129 154800 SAN DIEGO 92129 155200 SAN DIEGO 92129 155250 SAN DIEGO 92129 160000 SAN DIEGO 92129 160300 SAN DIEGO 92127 160310 SAN DIEGO 92127 160500 SAN DIEGO 92130 160700 SAN DIEGO 92129 160800 SAN DIEGO 92127 160900 SAN DIEGO 92130 161000 SAN DIEGO 92130 161100 SAN DIEGO 92130 SAN DIEGO 92130 161210 161300 SAN DIEGO 92130 161400 SAN DIEGO 92130 161500 161700 SAN DIEGO 92130 162100 SAN DIEGO 92130 162500 163100 SAN DIEGO 92129 163200 SAN DIEGO 92130 163500 SAN DIEGO 92130 165050 SAN DIEGO 92130 165100 SAN DIEGO 92130 171000 SAN DIEGO 92130 171010 SAN DIEGO 92130 171040 SAN DIEGO 92130 171060 SOLANA BEACH 92075 171070 DEL MAR 92014 171100 SAN DIEGO 92130 171110 SAN DIEGO 92130 171130 171140 SAN DIEGO 92130 171180 DEL MAR 92014 171200 DEL MAR 92014 171220 SAN DIEGO 92130 171240 DEL MAR 92014 171520 SAN DIEGO 92130 175080 SAN DIEGO 92130 175090 SAN DIEGO 92130 175100 LA JOLLA 92037 175120 SAN DIEGO 92121 175150 SAN DIEGO 92122 175200 LA JOLLA 92037 175250 LA JOLLA 92093 175300 LA JOLLA 92037 175400 LA JOLLA 92093 175410 LA JOLLA 92093 176000 176100 SAN DIEGO 92122 176400 SAN DIEGO 92122 176500 SAN DIEGO 92122 177300 SAN DIEGO 92122 177400 LA JOLLA 92037 180100 LA JOLLA 92037 180400 LA JOLLA 92037 180600 SAN DIEGO 92122 180700 DOYLE RECREATION CENTER-GAME RM SOUTHPOINTE VILLAGE MEETING ROOM NOBEL RECREATION CENTER- MEETING RM NOBEL RECREATION CENTER- MEETING RM GARAGE-DALY RESIDENCE COSTA VERDE VILLAGE APTS NOBEL RECREATION CENTER- MEETING RM UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHURCH HALL GARAGE-HILL RESIDENCE GARAGE-MITTERMILLER RESIDENCE CASA DE MAÑANA RETIREMENT HOME WHITE SANDS OF LA JOLLA- COMMUNITY RM LA JOLLA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP THE RIFORD CENTER-MEETING RM GARAGE-ALESSIO RESIDENCE GARAGE-ZATKIN RESIDENCE UNITED METHODIST FELLOWSHIP HALL MUIRLANDS MIDDLE SCHOOL- AUDITORIUM BIRD ROCK ELEM SCHOOL-CAFETERIA GARAGE-BUSBY RESIDENCE GARAGE-LONGLEY RESIDENCE GARAGE-FLOOD RESIDENCE ALL HALLOWS CHURCH-BUSINESS OFFICE FOYER GARAGE-NICKEL RESIDENCE MT SOLEDAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH GARAGE-DEMOS RESIDENCE MT SOLEDAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH GARAGE-FRANK RESIDENCE GARAGE-VAN VECHTEN RESIDENCE GARAGE-RANT RESIDENCE GARAGE-HILL RESIDENCE LOPEZ RIDGE COMMUNITY PARKMEETING RM 2 MIRA MESA 1ST ASSEMBLY OF GOD HAGE ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM GARAGE-FERRARI RESIDENCE MIRA MESA REC CTR-GAME RM GARAGE-DE HERRERA RESIDENCE GARAGE-DAHLBERG RESIDENCE GARAGE-ROTHSTEIN RESIDENCE MESA VILLAGE APARTMENTS - CLUBHOUSE SANDBURG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-MPR 1ST BAPTIST CHURCH GARAGE-TRICOCHE RESIDENCE GARAGE-NORBRATEN RESIDENCE MIRA MESA 1ST ASSEMBLY OF GOD GARAGE-ENGLISH RESIDENCE GARAGE-HORSTMAN RESIDENCE GARAGE-MALONEY RESIDENCE SANDBURG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-MPR GARAGE-WHITE RESIDENCE GARAGE-KVALVIK RESIDENCE HICKMAN ELEM SCHOOL-RM L2 MIRA MESA REC CTR-GAME RM MIRA MESA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH -CONFR RM GARAGE-HOFFMAN RESIDENCE HAGE ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM CHALLENGER MID SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM MIRA MESA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH -CONFR RM CHALLENGER MID SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM SORRENTO VIEW BUSINESS PARK - STE 503 GARAGE-FLOWERS RESIDENCE MESA VILLAGE HOA-RECREATION RM 1 MIRA MESA HIGH SCHOOL-BUNGALOW SAN DIEGO MIRAMAR COLLEGEBLDG I, FOYER 1ST BAPTIST CHURCH HOURGLASS PARK APTS LOBBY DINGEMAN ELEM SCH-AUDITORIUM GARAGE-FIGUERAS RESIDENCE MIRAMAR RANCH ELEM SCHOOL-FOYER HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS HOTEL SCRIPPS RANCH HIGH SCHOOL-THEATRE JERABEK ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM JERABEK ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM CREEKSIDE ELEM SCHOOL-MPR DINGEMAN ELEM SCH-AUDITORIUM CREEK VIEW AT SABRE SPRINGS DINGEMAN ELEM SCH-AUDITORIUM GARAGE-MILLS RESIDENCE GARAGE-GUERRA RESIDENCE JERABEK ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM GARAGE-CONLON RESIDENCE GARAGE-DE PHILIPPIS RESIDENCE GARAGE-DE SAEGHER RESIDENCE ELLEN BROWNING SCRIPPS ELEMAUDITORIUM GARAGE-SESSIONS RESIDENCE GARAGE-ALSUP RESIDENCE SCRIPPS RANCH ESTATES CROWN POINT GARAGE-COMPTON RESIDENCE BELMONT VILLAGE CARMEL MOUNTAIN RANCH REC CENTER-RM 103 GARAGE-BRANCH RESIDENCE GARAGE-HARTIN RESIDENCE GARAGE-LAUE RESIDENCE GARAGE-KUENSTER RESIDENCE SPRECKELS SCHOOL-ROOM 8 STANDLEY PARK & REC CTR-GAME RM GARAGE-WARNER RESIDENCE GARAGE-NEBIKER RESIDENCE M B MONTESSORI ACADEMY AUDITORIUM GARAGE-GLOYNA RESIDENCE 1ST BAPTIST CHR OF CLAIREMONTAUDITORIUM ALCOTT ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM CADMAN ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM GARAGE-HUBBS RESIDENCE CADMAN ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM GARAGE-JAMES RESIDENCE GARAGE-RYAN RESIDENCE NORTH CLAIREMONT REC CTR- GAME ROOM HORIZON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP-AUD CANYON VIEW CHURCH OF CHRIST HALL CLAIREMONT LUTHERAN CHURCH WHITMAN ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM CLAIREMONT LUTHERAN CHURCH GARAGE-ALLEN RESIDENCE GARAGE-KNOX RESIDENCE CLAIREMONT MORTUARY CHAPEL PACIFIC BLUFFS RECREATION ROOM CLAIREMONT COVENANT CHURCH KOREAN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH RILEY SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM GARAGE-LARSON RESIDENCE GARAGE-ASHBAUGH RESIDENCE GARAGE-COLEY RESIDENCE GARAGE-DOYLE RESIDENCE LINDBERGH SCHWEITZER SCHOOLWEST AUDIT SEQUOIA ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM CHURCH OF NAZARENE GOSS HALL GARAGE-ABEYTA RESIDENCE HAWTHORNE ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM GARAGE-TULLIO RESIDENCE CLAIREMONT CHR OF GOD AUDITORIUM MADISON HIGH SCHL-AUDITORIUM FOYER ISLAMIC CENTER OF SAN DIEGO - MPR ROSS ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM GARAGE-LANGLEY RESIDENCE RAMADA INN & CONFERENCE CTR-BALBOA RM TOBY WELLS YMCA-COMM MEETING RM HANCOCK ELEM SCHOOL-LOUNGE MILLER ELEM SCHOOL-TEACHERS LOUNGE VISTA GRANDE CHURCH - LOBBY EL DORADO HILLS APTS-OFFICE LOUNGE HILL CLUB AT LA MIRAGE-LOBBY VILLA MONTEREY HOA CLUBHOUSE VILLA PORTOFINO CLUBHOUSE TIERRASANTA ELEM SCHOOL-LIBRARY VISTA GRANDE ELEM SCHOOL-FOYER VILLA ANTIGUA CLUBHOUSE GARAGE-BONNER RESIDENCE TIERRASANTA LUTHERAN CHR LIBRARY GARAGE-EHERT RESIDENCE GARAGE-CHRISTENSEN RESIDENCE GARAGE-LEONARD RESIDENCE SAN CARLOS LIBRARY SAN CARLOS LIBRARY ELKS LODGE #168 ELKS LODGE #168 COMMUNITY CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO EAST SAN DIEGO MASONIC LODGE #561 GARAGE-MAPHIS RESIDENCE MOMENTUM MID SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM PERSHING MID SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM MOMENTUM MID SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM SAN CARLOS REC CENTER PERSHING MID SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM GARAGE-WILLETT RESIDENCE GARAGE-HEBERT RESIDENCE ST ANDREWS LUTHERAN CHURCH HEARST ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM GARAGE-DE STEUNDER RESIDENCE GARAGE-COLEMAN RESIDENCE HYDE PARK VILLA REC ROOM Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), the traditional Mexican holiday honoring the lives of those who have passed. National Book Award for this book of poems, “The Farthest ries on the other two major first memoir, “Places Left Un- Home is in an Empire of Fire.” events happening along with finished at the Time of Cre- In addition to offering vibrant Día de los Muertos. ation,” which he will read this live shots of the community cel- For more information on any night along with the sequel, ebrating this traditional holiday, of these events, visit www. “The Farthest Home is in an there are also opportunities for or call the Ticket Empire of Fire” and his first profile pieces and advance sto- Office at (800) 988-4253. 8175 REGENTS RD 8286 VIA MALLORCA 8810 JUDICIAL DR 8810 JUDICIAL DR 10658 VISTA DEL AGUA WAY 8720 COSTA VERDE BLVD 8810 JUDICIAL DR 9595 LA JOLLA SHORES DR 1832 VIKING WAY 7740 LUDINGTON PL 849 COAST BLVD 7450 OLIVETAS AVE 627 GENTER ST 6811 LA JOLLA BLVD 621 VIA DEL NORTE 6346 VIA MARIA 6063 LA JOLLA BLVD 1056 NAUTILUS ST 5371 LA JOLLA HERMOSA AVE 927 VAN NUYS ST 1560 VIA CORONA 1228 LA JOLLA RANCHO RD 6602 S LA JOLLA SCENIC DR SAN DIEGO LA JOLLA SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO LA JOLLA LA JOLLA LA JOLLA LA JOLLA LA JOLLA LA JOLLA LA JOLLA LA JOLLA LA JOLLA LA JOLLA LA JOLLA LA JOLLA SAN DIEGO LA JOLLA LA JOLLA LA JOLLA 92122 92037 92122 92122 92121 92122 92122 92037 92037 92037 92037 92037 92037 92037 92037 92037 92037 92037 92037 92109 92037 92037 92037 1441 SANDAL LN 6551 SOLEDAD MOUNTAIN RD 6130 SOLEDAD MOUNTAIN RD 6551 SOLEDAD MOUNTAIN RD 5454 CORAL REEF AVE 8615 N LA JOLLA SCENIC DR 8686 DUNAWAY DR 7516 RAVEN RIDGE PT 7245 CALLE CRISTOBAL SAN DIEGO LA JOLLA LA JOLLA LA JOLLA LA JOLLA LA JOLLA LA JOLLA SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92109 92037 92037 92037 92037 92037 92037 92126 92126 9696 CANDIDA ST 9750 GALVIN AVE 7686 NORCANYON WAY 8575 NEW SALEM ST 11038 WESTONHILL DR 8683 HYDRA LN 11460 HADAR DR 11355 ZAPATA AVE 11230 AVENIDA DEL GATO 10770 RICKERT RD 8883 ALPHECCA WAY 9380 CHABOLA RD 9696 CANDIDA ST 8814 REVELSTOKE WAY 9230 CITRUS VIEW CT 8283 CALLE CALZADA 11230 AVENIDA DEL GATO 10926 NEW SALEM CT 7435 ANDASOL ST 10850 MONTONGO ST 8575 NEW SALEM ST 8081 MIRA MESA BLVD SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92126 92126 92126 92126 92126 92126 92126 92126 92126 92126 92126 92129 92126 92126 92126 92126 92126 92126 92126 92126 92126 92126 10078 KNIGHT DR 9750 GALVIN AVE 10810 PARKDALE AVE 8081 MIRA MESA BLVD SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92126 92126 92126 92126 10810 PARKDALE AVE SAN DIEGO 5945 PACIFIC CENTER BLVD #503 SAN DIEGO 9195 THREE SEASONS RD SAN DIEGO 10550 CAMINITO FLORES SAN DIEGO 10510 REAGAN RD SAN DIEGO 10440 BLACK MOUNTAIN RD SAN DIEGO 92126 92121 92126 92126 92126 92126 10770 RICKERT RD 9505 GOLD COAST DR 11840 SCRIPPS CREEK DR 10098 MESA MADERA DR 10770 RED CEDAR DR 9880 MIRA MESA BLVD 10410 TREENA ST 10050 AVENIDA MAGNIFICA 10050 AVENIDA MAGNIFICA 12362 SPRINGHURST DR 11840 SCRIPPS CREEK DR 12389 CREEKVIEW DR 11840 SCRIPPS CREEK DR 11046 IVY HILL DR 12430 FIGTREE ST 10050 AVENIDA MAGNIFICA 10796 CHARBONO TER 10842 SUNSET RIDGE DR 12089 LITTLE SILVER CT 11778 CYPRESS CANYON RD SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92126 92126 92131 92131 92131 92131 92131 92131 92131 92128 92131 92128 92131 92131 92131 92131 92131 92131 92131 92131 10434 MC KINNEY CT 14025 ABBY WOOD CT 11441 CAMINITO MAGNIFICA 12605 FAIRBROOK RD 13075 EVENING CREEK DR S 10152 RANCHO CARMEL DR SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92131 92131 92131 92131 92128 92128 7170 ROCK VALLEY CT 6230 LAKEWOOD ST 4461 ROBBINS ST 5971 KARENSUE LN 6033 STADIUM ST 3585 GOVERNOR DR 3285 GALLOWAY DR 6190 TRAVERS WAY 2640 SODERBLOM AVE 2886 MURAT ST 3219 CLAIREMONT MESA BLVD/JUTLAND DR 4680 HIDALGO AVE 4370 KAMLOOP AVE 3355 MORAGA PL 4370 KAMLOOP AVE 2688 HAVASUPAI AVE 5032 PARK RIM DR 4421 BANNOCK AVE 4520 POCAHONTAS AVE 4292 BALBOA AVE 4271 CLAIREMONT MESA BLVD 4050 APPLETON ST 4271 CLAIREMONT MESA BLVD 4402 MT HERBERT AVE 4822 MT CASAS DR 4266 MT ABERNATHY AVE 5326 MT ALIFAN DR 5255 MT ARARAT DR 3520 MT ACADIA BLVD 5650 MT ACKERLY DR 3455 MT CAROL DR 3230 ATLAS ST 6814 ERITH ST 7131 BATISTA ST 4133 MT ALBERTINE AVE SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92122 92122 92122 92122 92122 92122 92122 92122 92122 92117 92117 SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92117 92117 92117 92117 92117 92117 92117 92117 92117 92117 92117 92117 92117 92117 92117 92111 92111 92111 92111 92111 92111 92111 92111 92111 4690 LIMERICK AVE 5185 ACUNA ST 4771 MT SAINT HELENS DR 4750 LEHRER DR 5166 DIANE AVE 4955 CONRAD AVE 4833 DOLIVA DR 7050 ECKSTROM AVE 7470 BAGDAD ST 3570 BUDD ST 5550 KEARNY MESA RD 5105 OVERLAND AVE 3303 TAUSSIG ST 4343 SHIELDS ST 10881 TIERRASANTA BLVD 3828 PENDIENTE CT 6554 AMBROSIA DR 5275 APPLE TREE DR 10690 ESCOBAR DR 5450 LA CUENTA DR 5606 ANTIGUA BLVD 5844 MENORCA DR 5052 CAMINO PLAYA ACAPULCO 11240 CLAIREMONT MESA BLVD 5106 AVENIDA PLAYA CANCUN 4599 VIA PALABRA 6919 CIBOLA RD 7265 JACKSON DR 7265 JACKSON DR 7430 JACKSON DR 7430 JACKSON DR 7811 MISSION GORGE RD 7849 TOMMY DR 6772 MEWALL DR 6365 LAKE ATLIN AVE 8204 SAN CARLOS DR 6365 LAKE ATLIN AVE 6445 LAKE BADIN AVE 8204 SAN CARLOS DR 7202 BALLINGER AVE 7770 LAKE TAHOE AVE 8350 LAKE MURRAY BLVD 6230 DEL CERRO BLVD 5959 OVERLAKE AVE 6419 BONNIE VIEW DR 6924 HYDE PARK DR SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92117 92117 92117 92117 92117 92117 92117 92111 92111 92111 92111 92123 92124 92124 92124 92124 92124 92124 92124 92124 92124 92124 92124 92124 92124 92124 92120 92119 92119 92119 92119 92120 92119 92119 92119 92119 92119 92119 92119 92119 92119 92119 92120 92120 92119 92119 180920 181040 181060 181100 181200 181230 181240 181710 182600 183100 183700 184510 DAILARD ELEM SCHOOL-STAFF LOUNGE GARAGE-SHUMATE RESIDENCE MARVIN ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHR HALL GARAGE-KIRCHNER RESIDENCE MARVIN ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM HEARST ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM ADOBE FALLS CONDO REC ROOM FOSTER ELEM SCHOOL-BUNGALOW #28 THE POTTERS HOUSE GRACE ASSEMBLY CHURCH - ED BLDG ZION AVE COMMUNITY CHRFELLOWSHIP HALL 185320 RANCHO MISSION VILLAS REC RM 185330 NAZARETH SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 6425 CIBOLA RD 5545 RED RIVER DR 5720 BRUNSWICK AVE 6801 EASTON CT 6704 CLAREMORE AVE 5720 BRUNSWICK AVE 6230 DEL CERRO BLVD 5485 ADOBE FALLS RD 6550 51ST ST 6536 ESTRELLA AVE 4660 ZION AVE 4880 ZION AVE SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92120 92120 92120 92120 92120 92120 92120 92120 92120 92120 92120 92120 5900 RANCHO MISSION RD 10728 S D MISSION RD, USE RANCHO MSN 9482 BANTAM AVE 3110 WEST CANYON AVE SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92108 92108 SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92123 92123 SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92123 92123 92123 SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92123 92123 92123 92123 92123 SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92108 92110 92108 92108 92108 92123 92123 92111 92108 92111 92111 92111 SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92111 92111 92111 92111 92111 92110 92110 SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92110 92110 92110 92110 92110 92110 SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92110 92117 92117 92117 92117 92117 92109 SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92109 92109 92109 92109 SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92109 92109 SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92109 92109 92109 92109 92109 92109 SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92109 92109 92109 92109 92109 92109 92109 92109 92109 92109 92109 92109 92109 92109 92109 92107 92107 92107 92107 92107 92107 92107 92107 92107 92107 92107 92107 92110 92110 92110 92110 92110 92110 92110 92110 92103 92103 92103 92103 92103 92103 SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92103 92103 SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92103 92103 92103 92103 92103 92103 92116 92103 92103 92103 92103 92103 92103 92103 92104 92103 92103 SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92103 92104 92104 SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92103 92104 92116 92104 92104 92104 92104 92104 92116 92116 92104 92104 SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92104 92104 92116 92116 92116 92104 92116 92116 92105 SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92105 92116 92116 92105 92116 92116 92116 92116 92115 92105 190200 GARAGE-EDWARDS RESIDENCE 190300 STONECREST VLG MASTER ASSOCBANQUET RM 190500 GARAGE-WILLIAMSON RESIDENCE 3353 STELLAR DR 190510 ST COLUMBA CATHOLIC CHURCH HALL 3327 GLENCOLUM DR 190800 GETHSEMANE LUTHERAN CHURCH 2696 MELBOURNE DR GARDEN ROOM 191100 TAFT MIDDLE SCHOOL-LIBRARY 9191 GRAMERCY DR 192200 JONES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-MPR 2751 GREYLING DR 192600 ANGIER ELEM SCHL-ROOM 9 8450 HURLBUT ST 192910 SERRA MESA CHRIST FELLOWSHIP 2649 MURRAY RIDGE RD 193000 SD FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHR8404 PHYLLIS PL RM 101-102 195020 UFCW LOCAL 135 2001 CAMINO DEL RIO S 195030 PRESIDIO PLACE CONDOS 5645 FRIARS RD 195080 ARCHSTONE MISSION VALLEY 2288 FENTON PKWY 195100 THE PROMENADE RIO VISTA-CLUB RM I 2185 STATION VILLAGE WAY 195120 PORTOFINO CLUBHOUSE 2500 NORTHSIDE DR 200000 SAN DIEGO HEALTHCARE CENTER 2828 MEADOW LARK DR 200200 FLETCHER ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 7666 BOBOLINK WAY 200700 LINDA VISTA BRANCH PUBLIC LIBRARY 2160 ULRIC ST 200800 THE BLUFFS RECREATION ROOM 6450 FRIARS RD 201100 CHURCH OF CHRIST HALL, REAR 7277 FULTON ST 201210 KEARNY HIGH SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM FOYER 7651 WELLINGTON WAY 201300 MONTGOMERY JR HIGH SCHL2470 ULRIC ST AUDITORIUM FOYER 201500 LINDA VISTA ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 2772 ULRIC ST 201700 LINDA VISTA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - HALL 2130 ULRIC ST 201920 CITY SCENE HOA-FITNESS ROOM 7024 CAMINO DEGRAZIA 202100 TWAIN SR HIGH SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 6402 LINDA VISTA RD 202200 PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH HALL 6749 TAIT ST 210100 SDPD CONFERENCE ROOM 5215 GAINES ST 210500 TECOLOTE RECREATION CENTER4675 TECOLOTE RD GAME ROOM 211000 GARAGE-FEILD RESIDENCE 5093 SEPTEMBER ST 211010 ST DAVID EPISCOPAL CHURCH LIBRARY 5050 MILTON ST 211400 BAY PARK 1ST BAPTIST CHURCH HALL 4608 GARDENA AVE 211800 BAY PARK ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 2433 DENVER ST, USE JELLETT ST 211810 BAY PARK 1ST BAPTIST CHURCH HALL 4608 GARDENA AVE 212000 PIONEER OCEAN VIEW CHR2550 FAIRFIELD ST FELLOWSHIP HALL 212500 SORRENTO TOWER - TV ROOM 2875 COWLEY WAY 212750 ST GEORGES SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHR-HALL 3025 DENVER ST 213100 TOLER ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 3350 BAKER ST 213300 SOUTH CLAIREMONT REC CTR-CRAFT RM 3605 CLAIREMONT DR 213700 ST MARKS METHODIST CHURCH-SOCIAL HALL 3502 CLAIREMONT DR 214300 ST MARKS METHODIST CHURCH-SOCIAL HALL 3502 CLAIREMONT DR 220000 BAYVIEW TERRACE ELEM SCHOOL2445 FOGG ST AUDITORIUM 220050 GARAGE-SCARLETT RESIDENCE 1974 LAW ST 220200 1ST BAPTIST CHURCH OF PACIFIC BEACH 4747 SOLEDAD MOUNTAIN RD 220300 WESLEY PALMS AUDITORIUM 2404 LORING ST 221200 BAYVIEW TERRACE ELEM SCHOOL2445 FOGG ST AUDITORIUM 221300 MISSION BAY HIGH SCHOOL-FOYER 2475 GRAND AVE 221900 PACIFIC BEACH RECREATION CENTER 1405 DIAMOND ST -CRAFT RM 222000 PACIFIC BEACH MID SCHOOL-AUDIT FOYER 4676 INGRAHAM ST 222100 PAC BCH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1561 THOMAS AVE 222400 CROWN POINT SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 4033 INGRAHAM ST 222700 PAC BCH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1561 THOMAS AVE 223100 CROWN POINT SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 4033 INGRAHAM ST 223500 PACIFIC BEACH RECREATION CENTER1405 DIAMOND ST CRAFT RM 223900 GARAGE-MARTIN RESIDENCE 1335 LAW ST 224000 GARAGE-THOMSEN RESIDENCE 5234 VICKIE DR 224300 CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH HALL 4761 CASS ST 224510 PACIFIC BEACH MID SCHOOL-AUDIT FOYER 4676 INGRAHAM ST 224600 EARL & BIRDIE TAYLOR LIBRARY 4275 CASS ST 224700 PACIFIC BEACH BIBLE CHURCH-FOYER 4240 GRESHAM ST 224800 EARL & BIRDIE TAYLOR LIBRARY 4275 CASS ST 224810 SANTA CLARA PT REC CTR-MPR 1008 SANTA CLARA PL 225200 MISSION BEACH WOMANS CLUB 840 SANTA CLARA PL 225400 CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH HALL 4761 CASS ST 225410 PACIFIC BEACH CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1074 LORING ST 225900 PACIFIC BEACH CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1074 LORING ST 230310 BAHIA RESORT HOTEL - PACIFIC ROOM 998 W MISSION BAY DR 230900 MISSION BAY MOBILE HOME PARK 2727 DE ANZA RD 231100 MISSION BEACH COFFEE BREAK 2888 MISSION BLVD 235000 OCEAN BEACH WOMENS CLUB 2160 BACON ST 235300 OCEAN BEACH WOMENS CLUB 2160 BACON ST 235500 OCEAN BEACH ELEM SCH-AUDITORIUM 4741 SANTA MONICA AVE 235520 OCEAN BEACH REC CTR-CRAFT ROOM 4726 SANTA MONICA AVE 236300 BEARDSLEY MITCHELL FUNERAL HOME 1818 SUNSET CLIFFS BLVD 236310 ST PETERS BY THE SEA LUTHERAN CHR 1371 SUNSET CLIFFS BLVD 236400 PT LOMA MASONIC CENTER 1711 SUNSET CLIFFS BLVD 236600 BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH 2051 SUNSET CLIFFS BLVD 237100 BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH 2051 SUNSET CLIFFS BLVD 237200 GARAGE-FECTEAU RESIDENCE 4204 NEWPORT AVE 237700 GARAGE-ARNETT RESIDENCE 1463 SAVOY CIR 238300 GARAGE-GARCES RESIDENCE 2078 MENDOCINO BLVD 238800 BARNARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 2930 BARNARD ST 240000 LOMA RIVIERA CLUBHOUSE 3115 LOMA RIVIERA DR 240100 BARNARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 2930 BARNARD ST 240110 GOLDEN LIVING OF POINT LOMA 3223 DUKE ST 240210 POINT LOMA TENNIS CLUB 2650 WORDEN ST 240510 KOREAN UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHR 3010 N EVERGREEN ST 245000 THE ORCHARD APTS POOL ROOM 4040 HANCOCK ST 245200 FATHER JUNIPERO SERRA HALL 2524 SAN DIEGO AVE 250000 GARAGE-WITTY RESIDENCE 3906 ALAMEDA PL 250300 GARAGE-SCOTT RESIDENCE 4275 HERMOSA WAY 251000 FRANCIS W PARKER SCHOOL 4201 RANDOLPH ST 251300 GARAGE-JACOBS RESIDENCE 1669 TORRANCE ST 251400 GARAGE-BLAIS RESIDENCE 1080 W THORN ST 251600 FLORENCE ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 3914 1ST AVE, HANDICAP USE UNIV 251910 GREEN MANOR APTS-HOBBY ROOM 4041 IBIS ST 255000 FLORENCE ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 3914 1ST AVE, HANDICAP USE UNIV 255100 SPRECKLES MASONIC TEMPLE - DINING HALL 3858 FRONT ST 255210 BALBOA NURSING & REHAB CENTER 3520 4TH AVE 255300 MERKLEY MITCHELL MORTUARY 3655 5TH AVE 255900 MISSION HILLS UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 4070 JACKDAW ST 256210 CORAL TREE PLAZA CLUBHOUSE 3634 7TH AVE 256700 SAN DIEGO LGBT COMMUNITY CENTER 3909 CENTRE ST 256710 GARAGE-ROWLEY RESIDENCE 800 MADISON AVE 257100 CALVARY TEMPLE OF SAN DIEGO 1536 BLAINE AVE 257200 FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES 3848 CENTRE ST 257500 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA 1207 UPAS ST 257600 EMBASSY HOTEL 3645 PARK BLVD 258100 BIRNEY ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 4345 CAMPUS AVE 258200 BIRNEY ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 4345 CAMPUS AVE 260200 FELLOWSHIP OF SAN DIEGO 4353 PARK BLVD 260600 LAFAYETTE HOTEL - NEW ORLEANS ROOM 2223 EL CAJON BLVD 260610 GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH 3844 GEORGIA ST 260800 GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL 3967 PARK BLVD/ENTER LINCOLN ST 261210 GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH 3844 GEORGIA ST 261300 ALABAMA MANOR SENIOR APARTMENTS 3836 ALABAMA ST 261400 MORLEY FIELD SPORTS COMPLEX-SR 2221 MORLEY FIELD DR CLUBHOUSE 262200 FELLOWSHIP OF SAN DIEGO 4353 PARK BLVD 262410 CARLS BANQUET HALL FACILITY 2850 EL CAJON BLVD 262600 ACADEMY OF OUR LADY OF PEACE 4860 OREGON ST 263200 CHURCH OF CHRIST, USE ARIZONA ST 2528 EL CAJON BLVD 263400 NORTH PARK SENIOR CENTER 2719 HOWARD AVE 263600 SUNSET TEMPLE - ANTEROOM 3911 KANSAS ST 263800 PLYMOUTH CHURCH HALL 2717 UNIVERSITY AVE 264100 NORTH PARK COMMUNITY CHURCH 3702 29TH ST 265000 GARFIELD ELEM SCHOOL-COMMUNITY RM 4487 OREGON ST 265200 YMCA YOUTH & FAMILY SERVICES 2929 MEADE AVE 265600 COVENANT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH- GYM 2930 HOWARD AVE 266000 OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH4011 OHIO ST PRESCHOOL 266100 NORTH PARK BAPTIST CHURCH 3810 BANCROFT ST 266200 NORTH PARK BAPTIST CHURCH 3810 BANCROFT ST 270000 ST DIDACUS PARISH HALL 4772 FELTON ST 270100 ST DIDACUS PARISH HALL 4772 FELTON ST 270500 CHRIST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - HALL 3295 MEADE AVE 271100 GOOD NEWS MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHR 4106 SWIFT AVE 271200 CHRIST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - HALL 3295 MEADE AVE 271800 GARAGE-OLMSCHEID RESIDENCE 4959 MANSFIELD ST 272610 METRO CAREER CENTER-3RD FLOOR 3910 UNIVERSITY AVE COMM RM 272700 WILSON MIDDLE SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 3838 ORANGE AVE 272900 ADAMS RECREATION CENTER-MPR 3491 ADAMS AVE 272910 NORMAL HTS UNITED METHODIST CHR 4650 MANSFIELD ST 273900 OUR LADY OF SACRED HEART PARISH 4177 MARLBOROUGH AVE 274110 KENSINGTON CHURCH HALL 4773 MARLBOROUGH DR 274300 KENSINGTON CHURCH HALL 4773 MARLBOROUGH DR 274400 GARAGE-PRISBY RESIDENCE 5004 HASTINGS RD 275200 FRANKLIN ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 4481 COPELAND AVE 275410 HOOVER HIGH SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 4474 EL CAJON BLVD 276100 ST MARKS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 4227 FAIRMOUNT AVE LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO OCTOBER 22, 2010 PAGE 9 Día de los Muertos Celebration HALLOWEEN CALENDAR at Bonita Museum On October 28-30, the Bonita Museum & Cultural Center will celebrate Dia de los Muertos with an exhibit of altars set up in remembrance of local residents and Museum volunteers. In addition, visitors can build tissue paper flowers, and there will be special Día de los Muertos coloring pages and word search games for children. The holiday, celebrated in Mexico and Latin America as well as the United States, is a day that focuses on gatherings of family and friends to remember those who have died. The official celebration occurs on November 1st and 2nd in connection with the Catholic holidays of All Saints’ and All Souls’ Days. Traditions include building private altars honoring the deceased, using sugar skulls, marigolds, and the favorite foods and beverages of the de276600 277200 277610 277620 280100 280500 280800 281300 281510 281700 282500 282610 282620 283700 284000 290010 290410 290600 290610 290810 291000 291200 291600 291750 292200 293200 293600 293800 294400 294800 295010 295200 295600 296400 297200 297210 297240 297500 300000 300200 300410 301200 301300 301700 301900 302800 303200 305200 305600 306200 306400 306600 307000 307200 307400 307600 308000 308600 315000 315100 315110 315120 315200 315300 315310 316500 316600 316610 316700 320170 320180 325000 325300 325310 325510 325800 326300 326910 327200 327800 330100 330200 330900 331300 331600 340200 340220 340250 340610 340620 340800 341200 341800 341900 341920 342020 345000 345200 345210 345800 346300 350000 350300 350500 351000 351300 355200 355400 355700 356600 360000 360150 360300 360400 360500 360520 360580 360700 360800 361100 361200 361600 361610 361700 362500 365000 365400 365600 365700 365900 366310 366700 366720 367100 367200 367400 367610 367700 370000 370200 370600 370800 371000 371200 371300 371410 372000 372400 372600 372800 373200 375090 375100 375110 375140 375160 375300 375410 375420 375430 375600 376300 376310 376700 385000 385100 385300 385310 385590 385630 385710 385740 385750 parted. Join the Museum on October 29th at 6:30pm for ‘Día de los Muertos Explained’ an exploration of the customs of this holiday lead by Tamara McCullough, a local resident. Tamara will explain the significance of items that are placed into the altars including the colorful yellow Marigolds, that are know as cempazuchitl, the scent of which it is said is so enticing that it brings the spirits of the dead back to visit the living. The Bonita Museum & Cultural Center is located at 4355 Bonita Road in Bonita. The hours are Wednesday through Saturday, 10am until 4pm. There is no admission fee for the Museum and parking is free. For further information, please call 619267-5141. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST 4101 48TH ST GARAGE-TORRES RESIDENCE 4603 JANET PL WESLEY UNITED METH CHR-WESLEY HALL 5380 EL CAJON BLVD ATRIA COLLWOOD 5308 MONROE AVE WESLEY UNITED METH CHR-LIBRARY 5380 EL CAJON BLVD GARAGE-THOMAS RESIDENCE 4625 YERBA SANTA DR FAITH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-RM 1 5075 CAMPANILE DR BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH-LIBRARY 4540 EL CERRITO DR SDSU AZTEC CENTER - MONTEZUMA HALL 5500 CAMPANILE DR SDSU AZTEC CENTER - MONTEZUMA HALL 5500 CAMPANILE DR FEATHERINGILL MORTUARY 6322 EL CAJON BLVD COLLEGE LUTHERAN CHURCH-LIBRARY 6650 MONTEZUMA RD SDSU AZTEC CENTER - MONTEZUMA HALL 5500 CAMPANILE DR COLLEGE-ROLANDO LIBRARY6600 MONTEZUMA RD COMMUNITY ROOM TUBMAN VILLAGE SCHOOL-OLD LIBRARY 6880 MOHAWK ST ST GABRIEL IND-ETHIOPIAN ORTHODOX 4808 TROJAN AVE COLINA DEL SOL REC CENTER-MTG RM 5319 ORANGE AVE MARSHALL ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 3550 ALTADENA AVE CHRIST CHURCH UNITY 3770 ALTADENA AVE NEW CREATION CHURCH 3115 ALTADENA AVE CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH-AUDITORIUM 3060 54TH ST OAK PARK ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 2606 54TH ST PROJECT NEW VILLAGE 5106 FEDERAL BLVD #103 OAK PARK ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 2606 54TH ST CHRIST CHURCH UNITY 3770 ALTADENA AVE UNIVERSITY CARE CENTER 5602 UNIVERSITY AVE GARAGE-GEITZ RESIDENCE 3935 HUGHES CT CARVER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-RM 3 3251 JUANITA ST UNIVERSITY AVE BAPTIST CHURCH-MEETING RM6060 UNIVERSITY AVE COLLEGE CTR COVENANT CHR-FOYER OF MAIN 4463 COLLEGE AVE COLLEGE CTR COVENANT CHR-FOYER OF MAIN 4463 COLLEGE AVE DARNALL CAMPUS SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 6020 HUGHES ST GROVE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHR-STUDY 1 3552 COLLEGE AVE ROLANDO PARK ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 6620 MARLOWE DR CLAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 6506 SOLITA AVE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH HALL 6745 AMHERST ST NEW ASSURANCE BAPTIST CHURCH 7024 AMHERST ST THE SALVATION ARMY KROC CTR-COMMUNITY6845 UNIVERSITY AVE RM CITY HEIGHTS RECREATION CTR-CRAFT RM 4380 LANDIS ST HAMILTON ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 2807 FAIRMOUNT AVE TRUE FAITH MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHR 4100 POPLAR ST BUDDHIST TEMPLE 3322 CENTRAL AVE SD POLICE DEPT MIDCITY - COMM SERVICE RM 4310 LANDIS ST NEW BETHEL BAPTIST CHR-MTNG ROOM 2924 39TH ST CHEROKEE POINT ASSEMBLY-FELLOWSHIP HALL 3737 WIGHTMAN ST SAN DIEGO CHURCH OF BRETHREN 3850 WESTGATE PL ROWAN ELEM SCHOOL-CAFETERIA 1755 ROWAN ST/ENTER COLONIAL AVE GARAGE-MILLER RESIDENCE 2101 WESTLAND AVE MC KINLEY ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 3045 FELTON ST TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH HALL 3030 THORN ST LIVING ROOM-PARRA RESIDENCE 3127 KALMIA ST ST AUGUSTINE HIGH SCHOOL-RM 101 3266 NUTMEG ST GOLDEN HILL SUBACUTE AND REHABILITATION 1201 34TH ST CHRIST CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO 1355 FERN ST GOLDEN HILL RECREATION CTR-GYM 2600 GOLF COURSE DR CHRIST CORNERSTONE CHURCH 1144 30TH ST POLISH AMERICAN ASSN HALL 1934 30TH ST TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH HALL 3030 THORN ST S D INDOOR SPORTS CLUB BOARD3030 FRONT ST AUDITORIUM S D INDOOR SPORTS CLUB BOARD-CONF RM 3030 FRONT ST GARAGE-MILLER RESIDENCE 3075 CURLEW ST SAN DIEGO PORT DISTRICT OFFICE 3165 PACIFIC HWY ST PAULS MANOR LOBBY 2635 2ND AVE ST PAUL’S SENIOR HOMES & SERVICES 2340 4TH AVE DISCIPLES CENTER - MEETING ROOM 201 FIR ST HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS SAN DIEGO DOWNTOWN 1430 7TH AVE WASHINGTON ELEM SCHOOL-LIBRARY 1789 STATE ST SAN DIEGO WOMENS CLUB 2557 3RD AVE WASHINGTON ELEM SCHOOL-LIBRARY 1789 STATE ST GARAGE-WORLEY RESIDENCE 456 SAN ELIJO ST NEW AMERICAS MUSEUM-COMM RM 101 2825 DEWEY RD GARAGE-CREWS RESIDENCE 2922 EVERGREEN ST PT LOMA PRESBYTERIAN CHR-FAMILY LIFE CTR2128 CHATSWORTH BLVD PT LOMA PRESBYTERIAN CHR-FAMILY LIFE CTR2128 CHATSWORTH BLVD PT LOMA ASSEMBLY CLUBHOUSE 3035 TALBOT ST DANA MID SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM FOYER 1775 CHATSWORTH BLVD LOMA PORTAL ELEM SCH-LIBRARY 3341 BROWNING ST SEA COLONY CLUBHOUSE 2230 SEA COLONY CT 6TH CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 2340 CHATSWORTH BLVD ALL SOULS EPISCOPAL CHURCH-GOODEN HALL1475 CATALINA BLVD SUNSET VIEW ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 4365 HILL ST ST PETERS BY THE SEA LUTHERAN CHR 1371 SUNSET CLIFFS BLVD 1ST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE - BOWES 3901 LOMALAND DR CONF. GARAGE-HOPE RESIDENCE 676 ALBION ST PT LOMA ASSEMBLY CLUBHOUSE 3035 TALBOT ST LIONS COMMUNITY MANOR 310 MARKET ST CHABAD OF DOWNTOWN 472 3RD AVE ARCHSTONE HARBORVIEW-LOBBY 820 W G ST YWCA OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY- AUDITORIUM 1012 C ST YWCA OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY- AUDITORIUM 1012 C ST CHABAD OF DOWNTOWN 472 3RD AVE SAN DIEGO CHESS CLUB 2225 6TH AVE THE SALVATION ARMY FAMILY STORE 901 12TH AVE PERKINS ELEM SCHL-AUDIT/ENTER MAIN ST 1770 MAIN ST ST VINCENT DE PAUL VILLAGE 640 16TH ST #100 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH HALL 1901 JULIAN AVE SHERMAN HEIGHTS COMM CTR-BALLRM 2258 ISLAND AVE SALEM TABERNACLE-FELLOWSHIP HALL 1901 MARKET ST GOLDEN HILL HOUSE 2410 E ST GOLDEN HILL RECREATION CTR-GYM 2600 GOLF COURSE DR SHERMAN HEIGHTS COMM CTR-BALLRM 2258 ISLAND AVE BETHANIA CHURCH SOCIAL HALL 3745 ACACIA ST GOLDEN AGE GARDEN APARTMENTS 740 S 36TH ST GREATER GOSPEL CTR FELLOWSHIP HALL 3570 WEBSTER AVE SOUTHCREST REC CTR-MEETING RM 4149 NEWTON AVE EBENEZER MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1728 S 39TH ST LOGAN ELEM SCHOOL-TEACHERS LOUNGE 2875 OCEAN VIEW BLVD NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH HALL 2205 HARRISON AVE ST PAULS METHODIST CHURCH 3094 L ST ST PAULS METHODIST CHURCH 3094 L ST GARAGE-MC MARON RESIDENCE 278 LOS REYES DR MORSE HIGH SCHOOL-RM B1 6905 SKYLINE DR BETHUNE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-MPR 6835 BENJAMIN HOLT RD PARADISE HILLS REC CTR-ACTIVITY RM 6610 POTOMAC ST BOONE ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 7330 BROOKHAVEN RD BOONE ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 7330 BROOKHAVEN RD HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH 7371 BROOKHAVEN RD FREESE ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 8140 GREENLAWN DR ST PAUL BAPTIST CHURCH HALL 7166 JAMACHA RD TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 7210 LISBON ST TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 7210 LISBON ST AUDUBON SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 8111 SAN VICENTE ST CENTRO FAMILIAR CRISTIANO 903 CARDIFF ST CENTRO FAMILIAR CRISTIANO 903 CARDIFF ST FREESE ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 8140 GREENLAWN DR GARAGE-DELANE RESIDENCE 5431 LOGAN AVE/ENTER HARBISON AVE GARAGE-FARETTA RESIDENCE 412 LOS ALAMOS DR S E PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HALL 210 S EUCLID AVE JOHNSON ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 1355 KELTON RD JOHNSON ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 1355 KELTON RD VALENCIA PARK ELEM SCHL-THEATRE 5880 SKYLINE DR 61ST & DIVISION CHURCH OF CHRIST 6070 DIVISION ST OFARRELL COMM SCHOOL-AUDIT FOYER 6130 SKYLINE DR BAYVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH-AUDITORIUM 6134 BENSON AVE ENCANTO ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 822 65TH ST ENCANTO RECREATION CTR-MTG RM 6508 WUNDERLIN AVE GARAGE-BYRD RESIDENCE 1738 KLAUBER AVE SAN MIGUEL ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 7059 SAN MIGUEL AVE MT SINAI BAPTIST CHURCH 4142 BROADWAY 47TH STREET CHURCH OF GOD330 47TH ST CONFERENCE RM JACKIE ROBINSON FAMILY YMCA 151 YMCA WAY EDUCATIONAL CULTURAL COMPLEX-RM 129 4343 OCEAN VIEW BLVD WILLIE HENDERSON SPORTS COMPLEX 1035 S 45TH ST MT OLIVE CHURCH-ANNEX 4907 A ST OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHR HALL 1370 EUCLID AVE HAMILTON ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 2807 FAIRMOUNT AVE WEBSTER SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 4801 ELM ST HORTON ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 5050 GUYMON ST JACOBS CENTER 404 EUCLID AVE SEA BREEZE GARDENS 4888 LOGAN AVE GARAGE-EVERETT RESIDENCE 5027 PELUSA ST BELL JR HIGH SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 620 BRIARWOOD RD PERRY ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 6290 ORISKANY RD PENN ATHLETIC FIELD-MEETING RM 2555 DUSK DR HILLSBOROUGH RECREATION CENTER 1208 MANZANA WAY HILLSBOROUGH RECREATION CENTER 1208 MANZANA WAY REO VISTA HEALTHCARE CENTER 6061 BANBURY ST PENN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-RM 27 2797 UTICA DR SCHL OF CREATIVE & PERFORMING ARTS 2425 DUSK DR BELL JR HIGH SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 620 BRIARWOOD RD GARAGE-HULBERT RESIDENCE 3056 MT MIGUEL DR UNITED CHR OF CHRIST OF P H-SOCIAL HALL 5810 ALLEGHANY ST PARADISE HILLS SO BAPTIST CHURCH 6038 CUMBERLAND ST ST TIMOTHY LUTHERAN CHURCH-FOYER 2602 REO DR LA QUINTA DE GUADALUPE CATH CHR 938 18TH ST LA QUINTA DE GUADALUPE CATH CHR 938 18TH ST ROBERT EGGER REC CTR-MTG RM 1885 CORONADO AVE NESTOR UNITED METHODIST CHR-FELLOWSHIP 2205 FLOWER AVE EMORY ELEM SCHOOL-CAFETERIA 1915 CORONADO AVE SOUTHWEST HIGH SCHOOL-GYM FOYER 1685 HOLLISTER ST NESTOR ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 1455 HOLLISTER ST BERRY ELEM SCHOOL-LIBRARY 2001 RIMBEY AVE GARAGE-VIA RESIDENCE 1736 WOLVISTON WAY SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO 92105 92115 92115 92115 92115 92115 92115 92115 92182 92182 92115 92115 92182 92115 Carvings and Carnival at Montevalle Center Sign the kids up now for two fun October events at Montevalle Community Center, located at 840 Duncan Ranch Road in Chula Vista. Register by phone (619) 691-5269, in person at any Chula Vista Recreation Center, or online at Pumpkin Carving Day,. Thursday, October 28: Enjoy a great afternoon of pumpkin carving and/or decorating. Children ages 2-6 will decorate their pumpkins with art supplies from 3:30 to 4:15 p.m., while children ages 7-12 will carve a pumpkin with provided supplies from 4:30-5:15 p.m. The cost is $6 per child for either session and includes all supplies. Space is limited; please register early. Little Tikes Costume Carnival,. Friday, October 29: 385790 385810 385820 385910 385990 386010 390100 390200 390210 390220 390400 390500 390600 390700 390710 390800 395000 92115 92115 92115 92105 395010 92105 395030 92105 395050 92105 395090 92105 395110 92105 395170 92105 395180 92105 395190 92105 395290 92115 395600 92105 395610 92115 403500 92115 403600 92115 403610 92115 403630 92115 403640 92115 403650 92115 403680 92115 403700 92115 403720 92115 403770 403890 SAN DIEGO 92105 403910 SAN DIEGO 92105 403930 SAN DIEGO 92105 403940 SAN DIEGO 92105 403950 SAN DIEGO 92105 404000 SAN DIEGO 92105 404010 SAN DIEGO 92105 404040 SAN DIEGO 92105 404050 SAN DIEGO 92105 404060 404070 SAN DIEGO 92104 404090 SAN DIEGO 92104 404100 SAN DIEGO 92104 404120 SAN DIEGO 92104 404130 SAN DIEGO 92104 404210 SAN DIEGO 92102 404220 SAN DIEGO 92102 404230 SAN DIEGO 92102 404250 SAN DIEGO 92102 404310 SAN DIEGO 92102 404400 SAN DIEGO 92104 404500 SAN DIEGO 92103 404510 404600 SAN DIEGO 92103 404700 SAN DIEGO 92103 404800 SAN DIEGO 92101 404900 SAN DIEGO 92103 405100 SAN DIEGO 92101 405160 SAN DIEGO 92101 405180 SAN DIEGO 92101 405300 SAN DIEGO 92101 405400 SAN DIEGO 92103 405430 SAN DIEGO 92101 405500 SAN DIEGO 92106 405610 SAN DIEGO 92106 405800 SAN DIEGO 92106 405930 SAN DIEGO 92107 405950 SAN DIEGO 92107 406000 SAN DIEGO 92106 406030 SAN DIEGO 92107 406090 SAN DIEGO 92106 406200 SAN DIEGO 92107 406210 SAN DIEGO 92106 406260 SAN DIEGO 92107 406270 SAN DIEGO 92107 406280 SAN DIEGO 92107 406340 SAN DIEGO 92106 406370 406380 SAN DIEGO 92106 406390 SAN DIEGO 92106 406400 SAN DIEGO 92101 SAN DIEGO 92101 406410 SAN DIEGO 92101 406420 SAN DIEGO 92101 406430 SAN DIEGO 92101 406470 SAN DIEGO 92101 406500 SAN DIEGO 92101 406510 SAN DIEGO 92101 SAN DIEGO 92113 406600 SAN DIEGO 92101 406700 SAN DIEGO 92113 406800 SAN DIEGO 92102 406900 SAN DIEGO 92102 407100 SAN DIEGO 92102 408000 SAN DIEGO 92102 408110 SAN DIEGO 92102 408150 SAN DIEGO 92113 408190 SAN DIEGO 92113 408200 SAN DIEGO 92113 408230 SAN DIEGO 92113 408300 SAN DIEGO 92113 408360 SAN DIEGO 92113 408400 SAN DIEGO 92113 408440 SAN DIEGO 92102 408450 SAN DIEGO 92102 408490 SAN DIEGO 92114 408500 SAN DIEGO 92114 408510 SAN DIEGO 92114 408520 SAN DIEGO 92139 408550 SAN DIEGO 92114 408560 SAN DIEGO 92114 408570 SAN DIEGO 92114 408600 SAN DIEGO 92114 408620 SAN DIEGO 92114 408670 SAN DIEGO 92114 408690 SAN DIEGO 92114 408700 SAN DIEGO 92114 408720 SAN DIEGO 92114 408750 SAN DIEGO 92114 408780 SAN DIEGO 92114 408850 SAN DIEGO 92114 408900 408920 SAN DIEGO 92114 409060 SAN DIEGO 92114 409080 SAN DIEGO 92114 409100 SAN DIEGO 92114 409120 SAN DIEGO 92114 409140 SAN DIEGO 92114 409170 SAN DIEGO 92114 409180 SAN DIEGO 92114 409190 SAN DIEGO 92114 409210 SAN DIEGO 92114 409240 SAN DIEGO 92114 409300 LEMON GROVE 91945 409310 SAN DIEGO 92102 409400 SAN DIEGO 92102 409410 409440 SAN DIEGO 92105 409460 SAN DIEGO 92113 409490 SAN DIEGO 92113 409520 SAN DIEGO 92102 409530 SAN DIEGO 92105 409590 SAN DIEGO 92105 409620 SAN DIEGO 92102 409640 SAN DIEGO 92102 409660 SAN DIEGO 92114 409670 SAN DIEGO 92113 409680 SAN DIEGO 92113 409690 SAN DIEGO 92139 409710 SAN DIEGO 92139 409780 SAN DIEGO 92139 409800 SAN DIEGO 92139 409810 SAN DIEGO 92139 409830 SAN DIEGO 92139 409860 SAN DIEGO 92139 409880 SAN DIEGO 92139 412000 SAN DIEGO 92139 412070 SAN DIEGO 92139 412090 SAN DIEGO 92139 412200 SAN DIEGO 92139 412280 SAN DIEGO 92139 412300 SAN DIEGO 92154 412390 SAN DIEGO 92154 412400 SAN DIEGO 92154 412440 SAN DIEGO 92154 412530 SAN DIEGO 92154 412700 SAN DIEGO 92154 412710 SAN DIEGO 92154 412750 SAN DIEGO 92154 412760 SAN DIEGO 92154 412770 Plan to attend a night of costume fun with your little ones ages 6 and under. Start time is 5:30 p.m. Plans include arts and crafts, picture taking, carnival games, cake walks, a flashlight candy hunt, and a children’s movie. Please register early as space is limited. Fee is $7 per child. Halloween Fun at Chula Vista Libraries The Chula Vista Public Library has planned some spooktacular events for young and old during the fall Halloween season. All programs are free and open to the public. OnStage Productions will perform a sneak peak of the cult musical horror comedy, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, on Monday, October 25 at the Civic Center Library. The production will begin at 6 p.m. in the auditorium. Halloween Storytimes and Costume Parades will be featured at all Chula Vista library branches during the week of OCEAN VIEW CHURCH-LOBBY 2460 PALM AVE SAN DIEGO HELENA MOBILE PARK - RECREATION RM 2626 CORONADO AVE SAN DIEGO CHURCH OF HIS KINGDOM 950 GARLAND DR SAN DIEGO MONTGOMERY ADULT SCHOOL-PDC 3240 PALM AVE SAN DIEGO GREENFIELD MOBILE CLUBHOUSE 2888 IRIS AVE SAN DIEGO GARAGE-BERNAL RESIDENCE 2844 CORTE CAFETAL SAN YSIDRO MONTGOMERY WALLER REC CTR-MEETING RM 3020 CORONADO AVE SAN DIEGO SILVER WING PARK & REC CTR-ACTIVITY RM 3737 AREY DR SAN DIEGO HOWARD PENCE ELEM SCHOOL-LEARNING CTR 877 VIA TONGA CT SAN DIEGO GARAGE-CAMACHO RESIDENCE 1329 CORNET PL SAN DIEGO SILVER WING ELEM SCHOOL- MPR 3730 AREY DR SAN DIEGO FINNEY, MYRTLE S ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 3950 BYRD ST SAN DIEGO JUAREZ-LINCOLN ELEM SCHOOL-YMCA 849 TWINING AVE SAN DIEGO JUAREZ-LINCOLN ELEM SCHOOL-YMCA 849 TWINING AVE SAN DIEGO GARAGE-MONTALVO RESIDENCE 1129 RANSOM ST SAN DIEGO LOS ALTOS ELEM SCHOOL-YMCA 1332 KENALAN DR SAN DIEGO COLONEL IRVING SOLOMON COMM 179 DIZA RD SAN YSIDRO ACTIVITY CTR SMYTHE ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM STAGE 1880 SMYTHE AVE SAN YSIDRO SAN YSIDRO HIGH SCHOOL-GYM FOYER 5353 AIRWAY RD SAN DIEGO SAN YSIDRO SENIOR CITIZEN CTR 125 E PARK AVE SAN YSIDRO GARAGE-BRESLIN RESIDENCE 1190 COVE VIEW WAY SAN DIEGO MONTGOMERY ADULT SCHOOL-PDC 3240 PALM AVE SAN DIEGO GARAGE-TAYLOR RESIDENCE 1031 SUNSET CROSSING PT SAN DIEGO GARAGE-GONZALEZ RESIDENCE 6257 VISTA SANTA CLARA SAN DIEGO ATLAS STORAGE CENTERS 4511 RIVIERA SHORES ST SAN DIEGO NICOLOFF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-AUD 1777 HOWARD AVE SAN YSIDRO CESAR CHAVEZ COMMUNITY CTR-MTNG RM 455 SYCAMORE RD SAN YSIDRO GARAGE-ADAME RESIDENCE 3786 CORAL SHORES CT SAN YSIDRO BONSALL WEST ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 5050 EL MIRLO DR OCEANSIDE OCEANSIDE FIRE STATION #5 4841 NORTH RIVER RD OCEANSIDE REYNOLDS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-MPR 4575 DOUGLAS DR OCEANSIDE GARAGE-SOUTHWORTH RESIDENCE 47 AVENIDA DESCANSO OCEANSIDE WHELAN RANCH CONDOS REC RM 4275 HUMBOLDT BAY WAY OCEANSIDE GARAGE-CASTLEBERRY RESIDENCE 4597 MARDI GRAS ST OCEANSIDE REYNOLDS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-MPR 4575 DOUGLAS DR OCEANSIDE 5050 EL MIRLO DR OCEANSIDE BONSALL WEST ELEM SCHOOL-MPR GARAGE-FRANCO RESIDENCE 4826 MIMOSA CT OCEANSIDE ALAMOSA PARK ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 5130 ALAMOSA PARK DR OCEANSIDE MISSION MEADOWS ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 5657 SPUR AVE OCEANSIDE ROOSEVELT MIDDLE SCHOOL-LIBRARY 850 SAGEWOOD DR OCEANSIDE ALAMOSA PARK ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 5130 ALAMOSA PARK DR OCEANSIDE GARAGE-SIMMONS RESIDENCE 1485 GOLDRUSH WAY OCEANSIDE SLRV UNITED METHODIST CHR - MUSIC RM 5570 OLD RANCH RD OCEANSIDE OCEANA MISSION CLUBHOUSE #1 911 ROYAL TERN WAY OCEANSIDE OCEANA MISSION CLUBHOUSE #1 911 ROYAL TERN WAY OCEANSIDE OCEANA E UNIT 1 CLUBHOUSE 3801 CINNAMON WAY OCEANSIDE NEW SONG COMMUNITY CHURCH 3985 MISSION AVE OCEANSIDE MOTTINO FAMILY YMCA-LOBBY 4701 MESA DR OCEANSIDE ROOSEVELT MIDDLE SCHOOL-LIBRARY 850 SAGEWOOD DR OCEANSIDE CALVARY CHAPEL OCEANSIDE 3715 OCEANIC WAY OCEANSIDE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS-HALL/SAN LUIS REY 4070 MISSION AVE OCEANSIDE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS-HALL/SAN LUIS REY 4070 MISSION AVE OCEANSIDE MONTECITO VILLAGE APTS - CLUBHOUSE 4302 CASSANNA WAY OCEANSIDE RANCHO SAN LUIS REY MHP PHASE 1 200 N EL CAMINO REAL OCEANSIDE RANCHO SAN LUIS REY MHP PHASE 1 200 N EL CAMINO REAL OCEANSIDE NEW SONG COMMUNITY CHURCH 3985 MISSION AVE OCEANSIDE GARAGE-MORRIS RESIDENCE 144 HERITAGE ST OCEANSIDE GARAGE-TRUNEC RESIDENCE 3212 BRIGHTWOOD CT OCEANSIDE MISSION ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-MPR 2100 MISSION AVE OCEANSIDE CHAVEZ RESOURCE CENTER-MTG RM 605 SAN DIEGO ST OCEANSIDE LAUREL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-MPR 1410 LAUREL ST OCEANSIDE NORTH TERRACE ELEM SCH-CAFETERIA 940 CAPISTRANO DR OCEANSIDE OCEANSIDE CIVIC CTR-COMMUNITY ROOMS 300 N COAST HWY OCEANSIDE 1ST CHRISTIAN CHURCH HALL 204 S FREEMAN ST OCEANSIDE “ST MARY’S SCHOOL, IN BIG HALL” 515 WISCONSIN AVE OCEANSIDE CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST 709 LEONARD AVE OCEANSIDE MOTTINO FAMILY YMCA-LOBBY 4701 MESA DR OCEANSIDE ST MARGARETS CHURCH 4300 OCEANSIDE BLVD OCEANSIDE 1ST BAPTIST CHURCH 240 GRACE ST OCEANSIDE KING OF KINGS LUTHERAN CHR- FELLOW HALL 2993 MAC DONALD ST OCEANSIDE CASITA CENTER-RM 37 260 CEDAR RD VISTA KING OF KINGS LUTHERAN CHR- FELLOW HALL 2993 MAC DONALD ST OCEANSIDE GARRISON ELEM SCHOOL-LIBRARY 333 GARRISON ST OCEANSIDE OCEANA CLUBHOUSE AUDITORIUM 550 VISTA BELLA A OCEANSIDE TEMPLE HEIGHTS ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 1550 TEMPLE HEIGHTS DR OCEANSIDE ST MARGARETS CHURCH 4300 OCEANSIDE BLVD OCEANSIDE GARAGE-GARCIA RESIDENCE 2568 FELINDA WAY OCEANSIDE TEMPLE HEIGHTS ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 1550 TEMPLE HEIGHTS DR OCEANSIDE GARAGE-POURCIAU RESIDENCE 4867 GLENHAVEN DR OCEANSIDE GARAGE-CUTTING RESIDENCE 2906 LINDA DR OCEANSIDE EMERITUS 3524 LAKE BLVD OCEANSIDE PACIFICA CLUBHOUSE 3578 TWILIGHT LN OCEANSIDE GARAGE-PHELPS RESIDENCE 4631 WINGATE ST OCEANSIDE OCEAN HILLS CNTRY CLUB-CLUBHOUSE 4701 LEISURE VILLAGE WAY OCEANSIDE OCEAN HILLS CNTRY CLUB-CLUBHOUSE 4701 LEISURE VILLAGE WAY OCEANSIDE GARAGE-BARTON RESIDENCE 5094 NIGHTHAWK WAY OCEANSIDE MADISON MIDDLE SCHOOL-GYM FOYER 4930 LAKE BLVD OCEANSIDE SUNSET VIEW APARTMENT HOMES-FOYER 2500 SEA CLIFF WAY OCEANSIDE 1ST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-GREAT HALL 2001 EL CAMINO REAL/ENTER OCEANSIDE FIRE MTN RD GARAGE-GENTRY RESIDENCE 3371 TOURNAMENT DR OCEANSIDE SALVATION ARMY-LIBRARY 3935 LAKE BLVD OCEANSIDE GARAGE-GOODWIN RESIDENCE 3814 KELTON DR OCEANSIDE GARAGE-BEATTY RESIDENCE 3974 BROWN ST OCEANSIDE GARAGE-HELLERUD RESIDENCE 1321 CORNISH DR OCEANSIDE 1ST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-GREAT HALL 2001 EL CAMINO REAL/ENTER OCEANSIDE FIRE MTN RD 7TH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 1943 CALIFORNIA ST OCEANSIDE GENERATION CHURCH 1106 WHALEY ST OCEANSIDE 7TH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 1943 CALIFORNIA ST OCEANSIDE MOOSE LODGE #1325 2017 S COAST HWY OCEANSIDE IMMANUEL LUTHERAN FELLOWHIP HALL 1900 S NEVADA ST OCEANSIDE GARAGE-OBRIEN RESIDENCE 7625 RUSTICO DR CARLSBAD LAUREL TREE APARTMENTS 1307 LAUREL TREE LN CARLSBAD LA COSTA MEADOWS SCHOOL-CAFETERIA 6889 EL FUERTE ST CARLSBAD GARAGE-HERSANT RESIDENCE 6153 PASEO PALERO CARLSBAD NORTH CLUBHOUSE #1/6448 CAM DEL PARQUE CAMINO DEL PARQUE CARLSBAD HOPE ELEM SCHOOL-MEDIA CTR 3010 TAMARACK AVE CARLSBAD CARLSBAD BY THE SEA - ROCHAMBEAU RM 2855 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CARLSBAD FIRE STATION #4 6885 BATIQUITOS DR CARLSBAD LAS VILLAS DE CARLSBAD 1088 LAGUNA DR CARLSBAD GARAGE-BARTH RESIDENCE 7918 VIA CALLENDO CARLSBAD GARAGE-KAPLAN RESIDENCE 7324 CIRCULO PAPAYO CARLSBAD AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON-DISCOVERY CENTER 1580 CANNON RD CARLSBAD BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD-GYM 3115 ROOSEVELT ST CARLSBAD LA COSTA PALOMA COMMUNITY ROOM 1953 DOVE LN CARLSBAD LEUCADIA WATER DISTRICT 1960 LA COSTA AVE CARLSBAD LAKESHORE GARDENS MHP CLUBHOUSE 7201 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD SUNRISE ASSISTED LIVING 7020 MANZANITA ST CARLSBAD PACIFIC RIM ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 1100 CAMINO DE LAS ONDAS CARLSBAD GARAGE-TEAL-KUZMACK RESIDENCE 3970 GARFIELD ST CARLSBAD CARLSBAD FIRE STATION #4 6885 BATIQUITOS DR CARLSBAD LA COSTA GLEN 1950 SILVERLEAF CIR CARLSBAD DAYBREAK CHURCH 6515 AMBROSIA LN CARLSBAD GARAGE-FRENCH RESIDENCE 521 CHINQUAPIN AVE CARLSBAD NORTH CLUBHOUSE #1/6448 CAM DEL PARQUE CAMINO DEL PARQUE CARLSBAD GARAGE-HOLMES RESIDENCE 6943 MIMOSA DR CARLSBAD GARAGE-BUCK RESIDENCE 7058 ROCKROSE TER CARLSBAD GARAGE-SMITH RESIDENCE 1011 IRIS CT CARLSBAD PACIFIC BREEZE BAPTIST CHR-FELLOWSHIP HL3780 PIO PICO DR CARLSBAD GARAGE-FINLEY RESIDENCE 1736 ROGUE ISLE CT CARLSBAD CALVARY CHAPEL-SANTUARY 1739 MELROSE DR, STE 102 SAN MARCOS KELLY ELEM SCHOOL-MEDIA CTR 4885 KELLY DR CARLSBAD MAGNOLIA ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 1905 MAGNOLIA AVE CARLSBAD CARLSBAD FIRE STATION #5 2540 ORION WAY CARLSBAD KELLY ELEM SCHOOL-MEDIA CTR 4885 KELLY DR CARLSBAD GARAGE-STAPLES RESIDENCE 6818 XANA WAY CARLSBAD GARAGE-HULL RESIDENCE 3621 HAVERHILL ST CARLSBAD GARAGE-OCONNOR RESIDENCE 4353 TUOLUMNE PL CARLSBAD TIBURON RECREATION CENTER-RM 2 3115 AVENIDA DE ANITA CARLSBAD CARLSBAD FIRE STATION #3 3701 CATALINA DR CARLSBAD BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH 3030 VALLEY ST CARLSBAD WOMANS CLUB OF CARLSBAD-FOYER 3320 MONROE ST CARLSBAD CARLSBAD FIRE STATION #1 1275 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR CARLSBAD N COAST CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHR 3254 EUREKA PL CARLSBAD GARAGE-PYLE RESIDENCE 3751 SADDLE DR CARLSBAD RANCHO CARLSBAD- PING PONG PALACE 5200 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD GARAGE-PATTERSON RESIDENCE 2768 DUNDEE CT CARLSBAD GARAGE-ASHLEY RESIDENCE 3451 CAMINO LARGO CARLSBAD MISSION ESTANCIA SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 3330 CALLE BARCELONA CARLSBAD GARAGE-DENNIS RESIDENCE 6535 PERSA ST CARLSBAD GARAGE-HENSLEY RESIDENCE 2841 ESTURION ST CARLSBAD GARAGE-WHITING RESIDENCE 3205 FOSCA ST CARLSBAD GARAGE-CAMPBELL RESIDENCE 3012 AZAHAR ST CARLSBAD LA COSTA MEADOWS SCHOOL-CAFETERIA 6889 EL FUERTE ST CARLSBAD GARAGE-HOLLENSTEIN RESIDENCE 2225 PAMPLONA WAY CARLSBAD LA COSTA PALOMA COMMUNITY ROOM 1953 DOVE LN CARLSBAD GARAGE-HIMFAR RESIDENCE 2344 LARIMAR AVE CARLSBAD CARRILLO ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 2875 POINSETTIA LN CARLSBAD GARAGE-CORONA RESIDENCE 7919 LA CAPELA PL CARLSBAD GARAGE-REYNOLDS RESIDENCE 2200 CAMINO ROBLEDO CARLSBAD GARAGE-PEARCE RESIDENCE 2732 LA GRAN VIA CARLSBAD OLIVENHAIN WATER DISTRICT 1966 OLIVENHAIN RD ENCINITAS LA COSTA HEIGHTS SCHOOL-MEDIA CTR 3035 LEVANTE ST CARLSBAD OCEAN INN - RM 124 1444 N COAST HY 101 ENCINITAS GARAGE-LAVER RESIDENCE 1881 SHERIDAN RD ENCINITAS GARAGE-HOEHN RESIDENCE 1752 EOLUS AVE ENCINITAS GARAGE-TVERDOCH RESIDENCE 898 HYMETTUS AVE ENCINITAS CAPRI ELEM SCHOOL-MEDIA CTR 941 CAPRI RD ENCINITAS SKY LOFT CLUB ROOM 1743 SKY LOFT LN ENCINITAS PAUL ECKE CENTRAL SCHOOL-MPR 185 UNION ST ENCINITAS GARAGE-LARSON RESIDENCE 602 UNION ST ENCINITAS SAN DIEGO BOTANIC GARDEN-ECKE RM 230 QUAIL GARDENS DR ENCINITAS GARAGE-TURNEY RESIDENCE 467 FULVIA ST ENCINITAS GARAGE-MARQUIS RESIDENCE 2063 WANDERING RD ENCINITAS GARAGE-GARCIA RESIDENCE 1712 ORCHARD WOOD RD ENCINITAS GARAGE-COSTA RESIDENCE 1708 RED BARN RD ENCINITAS ENCINITAS FIRE STATION #4 2011 VILLAGE PARK WAY ENCINITAS VILLAGE PARK RECREATION AREA #2 GLEN ARBOR & MOUNTAIN VISTA ENCINITAS 92154 92154 92154 92154 92154 92173 92154 92154 92154 92154 92154 92154 92154 92154 92154 92154 92173 92173 92154 92173 92154 92154 92154 92154 92154 92173 92173 92173 92057 92057 92057 92057 92058 92057 92057 92057 92057 92057 92057 92057 92057 92057 92057 92057 92057 92057 92058 92056 92057 92056 92058 92058 92057 92058 92058 92058 92058 92058 92058 92058 92058 92058 92054 92054 92054 92054 92056 92056 92054 92054 92083 92054 92054 92057 92056 92056 92056 92056 92056 92056 92056 92056 92056 92056 92056 92056 92056 92056 92054 92056 92056 92056 92056 92054 92054 92054 92054 92054 92054 92054 92009 92011 92009 92009 92011 92010 92008 92011 92008 92009 92009 92008 92008 92009 92009 92011 92011 92009 92008 92011 92009 92011 92008 92011 92011 92011 92011 92008 92008 92078 92008 92008 92010 92008 92009 92010 92010 92010 92010 92008 92008 92008 92008 92010 92010 92010 92009 92009 92009 92009 92009 92009 92009 92009 92009 92009 92009 92009 92009 92009 92024 92009 92024 92024 92024 92024 92024 92024 92024 92024 92024 92024 92024 92024 92024 92024 92024 children’s admission all day with a paid adult, participating museums and cultural attractions will present a wide variety of hands-on activities, crafts, special tours, storytelling, and many other free goodies from 11am to 3pm. Adults can purchase a Stay-for-the-Day Pass, a oneday excursion pass allowing one adult admission to five park museums for one low price of $35. Among the highlights of this year’s park-wide Halloween Family Day is a doggie costume contest at the Spanish Village Art Center, a kiddie costume parade with prizes for best wildlife costume at the Natural History Museum, building miniature Day of the Dead altars at the Museum of Man, trying on historic military uniforms at 2ndAnnual Park-Wide the Veteran’s Museum booth on Halloween Family Day Piles on the Free Goodies the Prado, and creating your own spooky steam engine at the for Trick-or-Treaters Over a dozen museums will Model Railroad Museum. open their doors free to children 17 and under during the 2nd Special Family Day annual Balboa Park Halloween Activities and Offers Family Day on Saturday, Oc- Balboa Park Visitors (see Halloween, page 10) tober 30. In addition to free October 25-29. See your local branch for specific dates and times. Cappella Gloriana, the Cathedral City based choir, will perform at the Civic Center Library on Sunday, October 31 at 2 p.m. in the auditorium. The choral group will set the mood for Halloween by performing scary classics. Come hear a spooky rendition of .Dry Bones and Sleepy Hollow or listen to a tale of gothic horror. Funded by the city’s Performing and Visual Arts Grant program, this unique performance is a first of its kind for Chula Vista residents. Admission is free and the performance is suitable for children and adults alike. 412780 412800 412820 412830 412900 413440 413470 413480 413490 413500 413530 413550 413600 413700 413780 VILLAGE PARK RECREATION AREA #4 HIGH COUNTRY VILLA CLUBHOUSE GARAGE-DRISCOLL RESIDENCE GARAGE-DU BOIS RESIDENCE THE RAMAGE GROUP PARK ENCINITAS RECREATION ROOM THE GRAUER SCHOOL-GREAT ROOM #120 BETHLEHEM LUTHERAN CHR CONF RM SEASIDE CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING SEASIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-STEPHEN HALL EL CAMINO CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP GARAGE-GUTIERREZ RESIDENCE ENCINITAS FIRE STATION #1 ENCINITAS BOXING & FITNESS-COURT 3 GARAGE-SCHNELL RESIDENCE 413900 SEACOAST COMMUNITY CHURCH 413910 ADA W HARRIS ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 2083 PARK DALE LN 174 WILLOWSPRING DR 2535 MEADOWMIST LN 501 SHANAS LN 770 RANCHO SANTA FE RD 444 N EL CAMINO REAL 1500 S EL CAMINO REAL 925 BALOUR DR 1613 LAKE DR 367 LA VETA AVE ENCINITAS ENCINITAS ENCINITAS ENCINITAS ENCINITAS ENCINITAS ENCINITAS ENCINITAS ENCINITAS ENCINITAS 92024 92024 92024 92024 92024 92024 92024 92024 92024 92024 510 S EL CAMINO REAL 327 SPRUCEWOOD DR 415 2ND ST 613 WESTLAKE ST 2003 FREDA LN ENCINITAS ENCINITAS ENCINITAS ENCINITAS CARDIFF BY THE SEA ENCINITAS CARDIFF BY THE SEA ENCINITAS ENCINITAS CARDIFF BY THE SEA CARDIFF BY THE SEA CARDIFF BY THE SEA SOLANA BEACH SOLANA BEACH 92024 92024 92024 92024 92007 1050 REGAL RD 1508 WINDSOR RD 414000 SAN DIEGUITO AMERICAN LEGION POST #416 210 W F ST 414030 TODAYS PIZZA & SALAD 481 SANTA FE DR 414050 GARAGE-SHANNON RESIDENCE 1715 OXFORD AVE 414060 PACIFIC COAST HOMES 2093 SAN ELIJO AVE 414080 GARAGE-GROGAN RESIDENCE 2479 NEWPORT AVE 416000 SOLANA BEACH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-AUD 120 STEVENS AVE 416020 LOMAS SANTA FE COUNTRY CLUB CORNER OF LOMAS SANTA FE DR/HIGHLAND DR 416100 SOLANA BEACH CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 635 S HY 101 SOLANA BEACH 416120 EARL WARREN MIDDLE SCHOOL-LIBRARY 155 STEVENS AVE SOLANA BEACH 416210 PARK DEL MAR CLUBHOUSE 645 SOLANA CIR E SOLANA BEACH 416230 SOLANA BEACH SCHL DIST OFFICE-BOARD RM309 N RIOS AVE SOLANA BEACH 416800 GARAGE-STRYKER RESIDENCE 683 DELL ST SOLANA BEACH 416900 SOLANA VISTA SCHOOL-KIVA 780 SANTA VICTORIA SOLANA BEACH 416920 GARAGE-RANDOLPH RESIDENCE 933 SAN LORENZO CT SOLANA BEACH 417600 SOLANA BEACH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-AUD 120 STEVENS AVE SOLANA BEACH 418200 ST PETERS EPISCOPAL PARISH HALL 334 14TH ST DEL MAR 418400 GARAGE-ANKLESARIA RESIDENCE 1172 CUCHARA DR DEL MAR 418500 CITY OF DEL MAR ANNEX 235 11TH ST DEL MAR 419500 FALLBROOK UN ELEM SCH DIST OFFICE321 IOWA ST FALLBROOK RM 301 419590 CRESTVIEW ESTATES MHP 1120 E MISSION RD FALLBROOK 419700 ST STEPHEN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN 1636 E MISSION RD FALLBROOK CHURCH 419800 LIVE OAK ELEM SCHOOL-RM D21 1978 RECHE RD FALLBROOK 419810 FALLBROOK LAND CONSERVANCY1815 S STAGE COACH LN FALLBROOK PALOMARES HSE 419820 RECHE COMMUNITY CLUB 1319 S LIVE OAK PARK RD FALLBROOK 419900 FALLBROOK COMMUNITY CTR-EUCALYPTUS RM 341 HEALD LN FALLBROOK 420000 1ST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 318 W FIG ST FALLBROOK 420090 FALLBROOK VFW POST #1924 HALL 1175 OLD STAGE RD FALLBROOK 420110 MASONIC LODGE #317 - MEMORIAL DINING RM 203 ROCKY CREST RD FALLBROOK 420200 ZION LUTHERAN CHR - FELLOWSHIP CTR 1405 E FALLBROOK ST FALLBROOK FOYER 420300 PALA MESA RESORT-CYPRESS ROOM 2001 OLD HY 395 FALLBROOK 420310 RAY WHITE CEMENT-RED BARN 2380 VIA MONSERATE FALLBROOK 420330 LIVING ROOM-BERKSTRESSER RESIDENCE 4315 DIEGOS CT FALLBROOK 420490 FALLBROOK UNITED METHODIST CHR 1844 WINTER HAVEN RD FALLBROOK 420520 FALLBROOK UNITED METHODIST CHR 1844 WINTER HAVEN RD FALLBROOK 420600 FALLBROOK FIRE STATION #3 4157 OLIVE HILL RD FALLBROOK 420620 RIVERVIEW EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH 4980 SWEETGRASS LN BONSALL 420670 GARAGE-HOLMAN RESIDENCE 3644 PALOMAR DR FALLBROOK 421600 BONSALL COMMUNITY CTR-MAIN RM 31505 OLD RIVER RD BONSALL 422900 SIERRA VISTA HIGH SCHOOL-RM 101 325 E BOBIER DR VISTA 423000 GARAGE-MALIK RESIDENCE 1565 SUMMER CREEK CT VISTA 423010 GARAGE-DAMBACH RESIDENCE 1210 GRANDVIEW RD VISTA 423040 BEAUMONT ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 550 BEAUMONT DR VISTA 423200 GRACE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1450 E VISTA WAY VISTA 423280 VISTA CASCADE MHP CLUBHOUSE 1600 E VISTA WAY VISTA 423400 GARAGE-BARBERA RESIDENCE 621 CORTEZ AVE VISTA 423500 BOBIER ELEM SCHOOL-CAFETERIA 220 W BOBIER DR VISTA 423510 GUAJOME PARK ACADEMY-OFFICE LOBBY 2000 N SANTA FE AVE VISTA 423700 LIFEWAY CHURCH 1120 HIGHLAND DR VISTA 423900 VISTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 201 WASHINGTON ST VISTA 424100 VISTA LIBRARY 700 EUCALYPTUS AVE VISTA 424200 BEAUMONT ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 550 BEAUMONT DR VISTA 424400 NEW COMMUNITY CHURCH OF VISTA 165 EUCALYPTUS AVE VISTA 424600 NORTH SAN DIEGO FUTBOL CLUB 727 S SANTA FE AVE VISTA 424700 ESTRELLA DE ORO MHP-CLUBHOUSE 220 CAMINO CORTO VISTA 424780 GRAPEVINE ELEM SCHOOL-CAFETERIA 630 GRAPEVINE RD VISTA 424790 OLIVE ELEM SCH-MULTI PURPOSE RM 836 OLIVE AVE VISTA 424890 VISTA VILLAGE 2041 W VISTA WAY VISTA 425000 WASHINGTON MIDDLE SCHOOL-CAFETERIA 740 OLIVE AVE VISTA 425160 VISTA SAMOAN 7TH DAY ADVENTIST-NEW HALL 1175 MELROSE WAY VISTA 425170 GARAGE-KIESEL RESIDENCE 1231 VIA ANGELICA VISTA 425230 CRESTVIEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-MPR 510 SUNSET DR VISTA 425390 MONTE VISTA ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 1720 MONTE VISTA DR VISTA 425420 RHINOS BOXING-FOYER 1411 S SANTA FE AVE VISTA 425450 PALOMAR UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FLLWSHP 1600 BUENA VISTA DR VISTA 425460 PALOMAR UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FLLWSHP 1600 BUENA VISTA DR VISTA 425470 THIBODO COMMUNITY CENTER-MTG RM 1150 LUPINE HILLS DR VISTA 425480 SYCAMORE HILLS VILLAGE APT HOMES 920 SYCAMORE AVE VISTA 425490 HOPE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 1755 THIBODO RD VISTA 425530 CARRILLO ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 2875 POINSETTIA LN CARLSBAD 425560 GARAGE-HOBSON RESIDENCE 2070 RIDGELINE AVE VISTA 425610 GARAGE-ATAYDE RESIDENCE 1313 MONDAVI CIR VISTA 425660 GARAGE-HEGG RESIDENCE 1957 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA 428400 GARAGE-ADAMS RESIDENCE 2365 GUAJOME LAKE RD VISTA 428600 FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH-HALL 700 E BOBIER DR VISTA 429200 HANNALEI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-MPR 120 HANNALEI DR VISTA 429220 GARAGE-TESSICINI RESIDENCE 3001 ORA AVO TER VISTA 429240 GARAGE-PUTNAM RESIDENCE 3443 HOLLYBERRY DR VISTA 429370 GRANDVIEW TERRACE MOBILE ESTATES 718 SYCAMORE AVE VISTA 429400 STONEBROOKE CHURCH-WORSHIP CENTER 145 HANNALEI DR VISTA FOYER 429510 STONEBROOKE CHURCH-FELLOWSHIP HALL 145 HANNALEI DR VISTA 430100 ST MARKS CATHOLIC CHR-HEALY HALL 1147 DISCOVERY ST SAN MARCOS 430290 THE COLONY CLUBHOUSE 1281 RUE SAINT MARTIN SAN MARCOS 430310 THE MOVEMENT CHURCH-CANVASS COFFEE 1370 W SAN MARCOS BLVD #110 SAN MARCOS HOUSE 432000 VALLEY BIBLE CHURCH-HALL 1609 CAPALINA RD SAN MARCOS 432020 PALOMA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-MPR 660 CAMINO MAGNIFICO SAN MARCOS 432110 TWIN OAKS ELEM SCHOOL-CAFETERIA 1 CASSOU RD SAN MARCOS 432140 ROYAL OAKS ADULT COMMUNITY 650 WOODWARD ST SAN MARCOS 432190 ST MARKS CATHOLIC CHR-HEALY HALL 1147 DISCOVERY ST SAN MARCOS 432200 WALNUT GROVE PARK RED BARN 1950 SYCAMORE DR SAN MARCOS 432210 AMF EAGLE LANES 945 W SAN MARCOS BLVD SAN MARCOS 432230 RICHLAND ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 910 BORDEN RD SAN MARCOS 432260 ROYAL OAKS ADULT COMMUNITY 650 WOODWARD ST SAN MARCOS 432300 MADRID MANOR - CLUBHOUSE 1401 EL NORTE PKWY SAN MARCOS 432310 FOOTHILLS OF SAN MARCOS MHP 909 RICHLAND RD SAN MARCOS 432320 WOODLAND PARK BIBLE CHURCH 1093 ROCK SPRINGS RD SAN MARCOS 432350 WOODLAND PARK BIBLE CHURCH 1093 ROCK SPRINGS RD SAN MARCOS 432360 AUTUMN TERRACE APT 251 AUTUMN DR #101 SAN MARCOS 432370 SUMMIT CHURCH 292 E BARHAM DR SAN MARCOS 432400 CASITAS DEL SOL REC HALL 1219 E BARHAM DR SAN MARCOS 432410 KNOB HILL ELEM SCHOOL-CAFETERIA 1825 KNOB HILL RD SAN MARCOS 432450 ST PETKA SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHR-MPR 1854 KNOB HILL RD SAN MARCOS 432490 GARAGE-SAZON RESIDENCE 809 VIA BAHIA SAN MARCOS 432510 VILLA VISTA 2907 S SANTA FE AVE SAN MARCOS 432530 SAN MARCOS LUTH CHURCH-FELLOWSHIP 3419 GRAND AVE SAN MARCOS HALL 432540 SAN MARCOS VIEW ESTATES-CLUBHOUSE 150 S RANCHO SANTA FE RD SAN MARCOS 432580 PALOMAR ESTATES EAST 650 S RANCHO SANTA FE RD SAN MARCOS 432620 CALVARY CHAPEL-SANTUARY 1739 MELROSE DR, STE 102 SAN MARCOS 432660 PALOMAR CHURCH OF CHRIST-LARGE 3345 LINDA VISTA DR SAN MARCOS CLASSROOM 432670 PALOMAR ESTATES EAST 650 S RANCHO SANTA FE RD SAN MARCOS 432740 CAMDEN OLD CREEK BUSINESS CENTER 1935 NORTHSTAR WAY SAN MARCOS 432800 DISCOVERY ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 730 APPLEWILDE DR SAN MARCOS 432840 CAL STATE SAN MARCOS-COMMONS 2-206 333 S TWIN OAKS VALLEY RD SAN MARCOS 432870 SAN MARCOS FIRE STATION #4 204 SAN ELIJO RD SAN MARCOS 432970 SAN ELIJO MIDDLE SCHOOL-GYM FOYER 1600 SCHOOLHOUSE WAY SAN MARCOS 433260 SAN ELIJO REC CTR-TERRACE RM 1105 ELFIN FOREST RD SAN MARCOS 433300 CAL STATE SAN MARCOS-COMMONS 2-206 333 S TWIN OAKS VALLEY RD SAN MARCOS 433330 SAN ELIJO REC CTR-TERRACE RM 1105 ELFIN FOREST RD SAN MARCOS 433980 ELFIN FOREST FIRE HOUSE 20223 ELFIN FOREST RD ESCONDIDO 435010 MONTEREY RIDGE ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 17117 4S RANCH PKWY SAN DIEGO 435020 MONTEREY RIDGE ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 17117 4S RANCH PKWY SAN DIEGO 435030 GARAGE-HUYNH RESIDENCE 15119 DOVE CREEK RD SAN DIEGO 435040 CAMINO BERNARDO CLUBHOUSE 11395 AVENIDA DE LOS LOBOS SAN DIEGO 435360 RANCHO SANTA FE FIRE STATION #4 18040 CALLE AMBIENTE RANCHO SANTA FE 435380 THE BRIDGES AT RANCHO SANTA FE 6670 AVENIDA DEL DUQUE RANCHO SANTA FE 435400 MARANATHA CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS - S BUILDING9050 MARANATHA DR SAN DIEGO 435450 MARANATHA CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS - S BUILDING9050 MARANATHA DR SAN DIEGO 435460 THE CITY CHURCH 10802 WILLOW CT SAN DIEGO 435630 THE RESERVE AT 4S RANCH 10411 RESERVE DR SAN DIEGO 436000 MORGAN RUN RESORT- DERBY RM 5690 CANCHA DE GOLF RANCHO SANTA FE 436050 NATIVITY CATHOLIC CHURCH 6309 EL APAJO RANCHO SANTA FE 436200 FAIRBANKS RANCH CLUBHOUSE 17651 CIRCA DEL NORTE RANCHO SANTA FE 436350 VILLAGE COMM PRESBYTERIAN CHR-LOUNGE 6225 PASEO DELICIAS RANCHO SANTA FE 17025 AVENIDA DE ACACIAS RANCHO SANTA 436660 GARDEN CLUB FE 436800 1ST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST-SCHL RM6165 LA FLECHA RANCHO SANTA FE 438000 EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CTR 199 6TH ST CORONADO 438200 REMAX HOMETOWN REALTORS 112 ORANGE AVE CORONADO 438300 CORONADO BAY CLUB APTS REC RM 1515 2ND ST CORONADO 438500 CORONADO MIDDLE SCHOOL-RM 125 550 F AVE/USE G ST CORONADO 438700 GARAGE-WARD RESIDENCE 961 CORONADO AVE CORONADO 438800 CORONADO PUBLIC LIBRARY 640 ORANGE AVE CORONADO 92024 92007 92024 92024 92007 92007 92007 92075 92075 92075 92075 92075 92075 92075 92075 92075 92075 92014 92014 92014 92028 92028 92028 92028 92028 92028 92028 92028 92028 92028 92028 92028 92028 92028 92028 92028 92028 92003 92028 92003 92084 92084 92084 92084 92084 92084 92084 92083 92083 92083 92084 92084 92084 92084 92083 92083 92083 92083 92083 92083 92081 92081 92081 92084 92083 92081 92081 92081 92081 92081 92009 92081 92081 92081 92084 92084 92083 92084 92084 92083 92083 92083 92078 92078 92078 92069 92069 92069 92069 92078 92069 92078 92069 92069 92069 92069 92069 92069 92069 92078 92078 92069 92069 92069 92069 92078 92078 92078 92078 92078 92078 92078 92078 92078 92078 92078 92078 92078 92078 92029 92127 92127 92127 92127 92067 92067 92127 92127 92127 92127 92091 92067 92067 92067 92067 92067 92118 92118 92118 92118 92118 92118 PAGE 10 HALLOWEEN......... (con’t from page 9) Center: Free gift to kids in costume who are accompanied by an adult (while supplies last). Japanese Friendship Garden: Design your own colorful koi fish mask. Mingei: Take part in a Halloween Art Hunt to find things that are merry and scary – but not very. Also see a live weaving demonstration. Reuben H. Fleet Science Center: Get up close with creepy crawly hissing cockroaches, or participate in toddler-themed activities taking place in the newly renovated Kid City exhibition. Scientists from the Salk Institute will lead DNA activities for all ages with real mutant fruit flies. San Diego Air & Space Museum: Make alien-themed kites and fly them with kid439000 439720 439800 441600 441610 441800 442000 442100 442400 442500 442600 442700 442800 443310 444780 445900 447350 448020 448230 448250 448400 448540 448550 448600 448660 448700 448740 449070 450000 450020 450030 450040 450080 450090 450500 450900 450960 451200 451300 451410 451600 451710 454520 454530 454600 454620 454630 454680 454690 454700 454710 454760 454800 454810 454900 455000 455010 455020 455040 455070 455100 455300 455600 455710 455810 456100 456400 456500 456630 456800 456910 457000 457170 457190 457200 457230 457250 457270 457300 457610 457700 457900 458000 458110 458130 458200 458260 458300 458310 459110 459300 459350 459400 459490 459510 459530 459560 459600 461200 461210 461220 461240 461290 461310 461380 461390 461410 461420 461430 461500 461510 461600 461640 461710 461720 461800 461830 462000 462010 462040 462110 462200 462310 462410 462500 466300 466310 466340 466390 466400 466420 466440 466450 466490 466500 466510 466560 466580 466640 466800 466910 467000 467010 467100 467200 467300 467420 467590 467610 467700 467900 467920 468020 468110 468290 468320 468700 470400 470440 470500 470800 471300 471500 471790 471900 472000 472100 472300 472310 472500 472600 472610 472800 472890 472910 473100 OCTOBER 22, 2010 power in conjunction with the Science of Aliens exhibition at 12:30pm and 2:30pm. Stay for the alien-pumpkin drop at 1:45pm. San Diego Automotive Museum: Discover your inner (scary) car designer with ghost car coloring sheets in the Children’s Art Gallery. Each child will receive a special Halloween toy when they leave the museum. San Diego History Center: Learn the arts of face painting, makeup, and hat making in conjunction with the exhibition Dressing the Part: Costume Design at the Old Globe Theatre. San Diego Model Railroad Museum: Build and decorate your own glow-in-thedark spooky steam engine. Children can also participate in the annual Halloween museum scavenger hunt. Candy will be handed out. The San Diego Mu- GARAGE-DARNELL RESIDENCE 708 A AVE CORONADO 92118 ROEDER PAVILION 1725 AVENIDA DEL MUNDO CORONADO 92118 TRINIDAD CLUBHOUSE 51 PORT OF SPAIN RD CORONADO 92118 YMCA CAMP SURF-WALTERS REEF 560 SILVER STRAND BLVD IMPERIAL BEACH91932 IMPERIAL BEACH ELEM SCHOOL-CAFETERIA 650 IMPERIAL BEACH BLVD IMPERIAL BEACH91932 WEST VIEW BIBLE CHURCH 587 DELAWARE ST IMPERIAL BEACH91932 SEA BREEZE COMMUNITY CHURCH-SANCTUARY 1220 ELM AVE IMPERIAL BEACH91932 MARINA VISTA CENTER 1075 8TH ST IMPERIAL BEACH91932 IMPERIAL BEACH BRANCH LIBRARY 810 IMPERIAL BEACH BLVD IMPERIAL BEACH91932 MARINA VISTA CENTER 1075 8TH ST IMPERIAL BEACH91932 ONEONTA ELEM SCHOOL-CAFETERIA 1311 10TH ST IMPERIAL BEACH91932 SAN DIEGO JOB CORPS CENTER 1325 IRIS AVE IMPERIAL BEACH91932 IMPERIAL BEACH ELEM SCHOOL-CAFETERIA 650 IMPERIAL BEACH BLVD IMPERIAL BEACH91932 RANCHO MONSERATE MOBILE HOME PK 4650 DULIN RD FALLBROOK 92028 RAINBOW VALLEY GRANGE HALL 2160 RAINBOW VALLEY BLVD FALLBROOK 92028 PALA TRIBAL COMMUNITY HALL-OLD HALL 12 PALA TEMECULA RD PALA 92059 PAUMA VALLEY COMMUNITY CHR 32077 COMMUNITY CHURCH DR PAUMA VALLEY 92061 VALLEY CENTER BRANCH LIBRARY 29200 COLE GRADE RD VALLEY CENTER 92082 GARAGE-HINOJOSA RESIDENCE 30318 LILAC RD VALLEY CENTER 92082 VALLEY CENTER BRANCH LIBRARY 29200 COLE GRADE RD VALLEY CENTER 92082 DEER SPRINGS FIRE STATION #1 8709 CIRCLE R DR ESCONDIDO 92026 VALLEY CENTER PARKS & REC DIST COMM HALL28246 LILAC RD VALLEY CENTER 92082 VALLEY CENTER PARKS & REC DIST COMM HALL28246 LILAC RD VALLEY CENTER 92082 GARAGE-AGUINAGA RESIDENCE 14224 MERION CIR VALLEY CENTER 92082 SKYLINE RANCH COUNTRY CLUB BALL RM 18218 PARADISE MOUNTAIN RD VALLEY CENTER 92082 VALLEY CENTER PAUMA ALT ED CTR-LOUNGE 28751 COLE GRADE RD VALLEY CENTER 92082 SAN DIEGO COUNTY SHERIFF STATION 28201 N LAKE WOHLFORD RD VALLEY CENTER 92082 VALLEY CENTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 27301 VALLEY CENTER RD VALLEY CENTER 92082 MEADOWS COMMUNITY CENTER 10141 MEADOW GLEN WAY W ESCONDIDO 92026 GARAGE-CRUZ RESIDENCE 25480 JESMOND DENE RD ESCONDIDO 92026 MEADOWS COMMUNITY CENTER 10141 MEADOW GLEN WAY W ESCONDIDO 92026 UNITED REFORMED CHURCH 1864 N BROADWAY ESCONDIDO 92026 CHAMPAGNE VILLAGE-THE VILLAGE HALL 8975 LAWRENCE WELK DR ESCONDIDO 92026 CHAMPAGNE VILLAGE-CARD ROOM 8975 LAWRENCE WELK DR ESCONDIDO 92026 ST PETKA SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHR-MPR 1854 KNOB HILL RD SAN MARCOS 92069 ST PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH-FELLOWSHIP 1418 BEAR VALLEY PKWY ESCONDIDO 92027 HALL ST PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH-FELLOWSHIP 1418 BEAR VALLEY PKWY ESCONDIDO 92027 HALL GARAGE-LEARNED RESIDENCE 1969 LEJOS DR ESCONDIDO 92025 WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHRCH 1500 S JUNIPER ST ESCONDIDO 92025 BEAR VALLEY MID SCHOOL-STAFF LOUNGE 3003 BEAR VALLEY PKWY ESCONDIDO 92025 GARAGE-BOSS RESIDENCE 2707 CITA AVE ESCONDIDO 92029 GARAGE-CAMERON RESIDENCE 3104 VIA LOMA VISTA ESCONDIDO 92029 A MASTERS TOUCH PET WASH-SELF SERVICE RM 555 W COUNTRY CLUB LN F ESCONDIDO 92026 CITRUS GARDENS MHP 1725 TOYON GLN ESCONDIDO 92026 ESC COUNTRY CLUB-COMMUNITY RM 1800 W COUNTRY CLUB LN ESCONDIDO 92026 GARAGE-KURZWEG RESIDENCE 1428 W COUNTRY CLUB LN ESCONDIDO 92026 REIDY CREEK ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 2869 N BROADWAY ESCONDIDO 92026 GARAGE-BOONSTRA RESIDENCE 335 ELKHORN LN ESCONDIDO 92026 MORNING VIEW TERRACE APTS REC ROOM 455 W EL NORTE PKWY/ENTER ESCONDIDO 92026 MORNING VIEW RANCHO ESCONDIDO LOWER CLUBHOUSE 525 W EL NORTE PKWY ESCONDIDO 92026 ROCK SPRINGS ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 1155 DEODAR RD ESCONDIDO 92026 WOODLAND PARK MIDDLE SCHOOL1270 ROCK SPRINGS RD SAN MARCOS 92069 AUDITORIUM GARDEN PARK VILLAS-HALL 1342 N ESCONDIDO BLVD ESCONDIDO 92026 UNITED REFORMED CHURCH 1864 N BROADWAY ESCONDIDO 92026 GARAGE-BEHRENDT RESIDENCE 1440 N ELM ST ESCONDIDO 92026 GARAGE-WATKINS RESIDENCE 1531 KENT AVE ESCONDIDO 92027 CONWAY ELEM SCHOOL-LIBRARY 1325 CONWAY DR ESCONDIDO 92027 HOUSE OF PRAYER 795 N ROSE ST ESCONDIDO 92027 GARAGE-WOODRING RESIDENCE 1854 CENTENNIAL WAY ESCONDIDO 92026 GARAGE-CLASSIC RESIDENCE 747 SPRINGLAKE PL ESCONDIDO 92027 GLEN VIEW SCHOOL-MPR 2201 E MISSION AVE ESCONDIDO 92027 GLEN VIEW SCHOOL-MPR 2201 E MISSION AVE ESCONDIDO 92027 FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST CHURCH 1111 N ASH ST ESCONDIDO 92027 CYPRESS COURT SENIOR LIVING-ACTIVITY RM1255 N BROADWAY ESCONDIDO 92026 MISSION MIDDLE SCHOOL-ROOM 68 939 E MISSION AVE ESCONDIDO 92025 HOUSE OF PRAYER 795 N ROSE ST ESCONDIDO 92027 ESCONDIDO CARE CENTER 421 E MISSION AVE ESCONDIDO 92025 VILLA MADEIRA CLUBHOUSE 955 HOWARD AVE ESCONDIDO 92029 JOSLYN SENIOR CENTER-ROOM 4 210 PARK AVE ESCONDIDO 92025 SUMMERFIELD VILLAS APTS-CLUB ROOM 1225 E GRAND AVE, ENTER OFF ESCONDIDO 92027 ASH ST PEPPERWOOD MEADOWS CONDOS REC RM 1817 E GRAND AVE ESCONDIDO 92027 TOWN & COUNTRY RECREATION RM 2280 E VALLEY PKWY ESCONDIDO 92027 GARAGE-ZDUNICH RESIDENCE 3285 OAK WOOD LN ESCONDIDO 92027 RANCHO SAN PASQUAL-REC ROOM 3100 HIDDEN OAKS LN ESCONDIDO 92027 ESCONDIDO CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL-THEATER 1868 E VALLEY PKWY ESCONDIDO 92027 CAREFREE RANCH MHP PARK-CLUB RM 211 N CITRUS AVE ESCONDIDO 92027 HIDDEN VALLEY MID SCHOOL-LITTLE THEATER 2700 REED RD ESCONDIDO 92027 ORANGE GLEN HIGH SCH-CAREER CENTER RM2200 GLENRIDGE RD ESCONDIDO 92027 GARAGE-MINGS RESIDENCE 1923 KENORA DR ESCONDIDO 92027 WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHRCH 1500 S JUNIPER ST ESCONDIDO 92025 TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH 845 CHESTNUT ST ESCONDIDO 92025 COMMUNITY OF CHRIST CHR-FELLOWSHIP 1140 S MAPLE ST ESCONDIDO 92025 HALL GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH-NARTHEX ROOM 643 W 13TH AVE ESCONDIDO 92025 DEL DIOS MIDDLE SCHOOL-MPR 1400 W 9TH AVE ESCONDIDO 92029 VIEW TERRACE - CLUBHOUSE 1860 CATHEDRAL GLN ESCONDIDO 92029 GARAGE-HORN RESIDENCE 2206 WILLOWBROOK ST ESCONDIDO 92029 ESCONDIDO FIRE STATION #5 2319 FELICITA RD ESCONDIDO 92029 GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH-NARTHEX ROOM 643 W 13TH AVE ESCONDIDO 92025 GARAGE-THORP RESIDENCE 1253 SIMEON PL ESCONDIDO 92029 GARAGE-MENDOZA RESIDENCE 622 ARROW GLN ESCONDIDO 92027 INFUSION CHURCH 777 W FELICITA AVE ESCONDIDO 92025 BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH-LIBRARY RM 855 BROTHERTON RD ESCONDIDO 92025 EMANUEL FAITH COM CHR-BL 11 FRONT 639 E FELICITA AVE ESCONDIDO 92025 WESTFIELD NORTH COUNTY - COMMUNITY 272 E VIA RANCHO PKWY ESCONDIDO 92025 ROOM WESTFIELD NORTH COUNTY - COMMUNITY 272 E VIA RANCHO PKWY ESCONDIDO 92025 ROOM AEGIS SENIOR LIVING 3012 BEAR VALLEY PKWY ESCONDIDO 92025 GIRL SCOUTS ESCONDIDO CENTER 3050 LAS PALMAS AVE ESCONDIDO 92025 GARAGE-ROSE RESIDENCE 3207 AVENIDA REPOSO ESCONDIDO 92029 POMERADO CHRISTIAN CHR-AUDITORIUM 12708 STONE CANYON RD POWAY 92064 LUTHERAN CHR OF INCARNATION-HALL 16889 ESPOLA RD POWAY 92064 PAINTED ROCK ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 16711 MARTINCOIT RD POWAY 92064 GARAGE-BLOSSEY RESIDENCE 17063 CLOUDCROFT DR POWAY 92064 THE CONNECTION 14047 TWIN PEAKS RD POWAY 92064 GATEWAY RETIREMENT CENTER 12751 GATEWAY PARK RD POWAY 92064 ABRAXAS HIGH SCHOOL-LIBRARY 12450 GLENOAK RD POWAY 92064 GARAGE-SCHULTZ RESIDENCE 12865 PALISADES CT POWAY 92064 POWAY 7TH DAY ADVENTIST CHR 13940 POMERADO RD POWAY 92064 GARAGE-RAMSEY RESIDENCE 12647 CASA AVENIDA POWAY 92064 GARAGE-GEORGEDES RESIDENCE 12734 BOXWOOD CT POWAY 92064 GARAGE-SNODGRASS RESIDENCE 14608 KALAPANA ST POWAY 92064 POINSETTIA SENIOR MHP - CLUBHOUSE 13648 EDGEMOOR ST POWAY 92064 GARAGE-HENNESSY RESIDENCE 13516 EL MAR AVE POWAY 92064 MT OLIVE LUTH CHR FELLOWSHIP HALL 14280 POWAY RD POWAY 92064 ELKS LODGE #2543 13219 POWAY RD POWAY 92064 ST GABRIEL CATH CHURCH LIBRARY 13734 TWIN PEAKS RD POWAY 92064 THE WELL- RM 202 13604 MIDLAND RD POWAY 92064 ELKS LODGE #2543 13219 POWAY RD POWAY 92064 CROSSPOINTE BAPTIST CHURCH 13230 POMERADO RD POWAY 92064 CROSSPOINTE BAPTIST CHURCH 13230 POMERADO RD POWAY 92064 POWAY SENIOR CENTER-ACTIVITY ROOMS 1 & 2 13094 CIVIC CENTER DR POWAY 92064 CARRIAGE ROAD TOWNHOMES-CLUBHOUSE 12800 CARRIAGE HEIGHTS WAY POWAY 92064 MT OLIVE LUTH CHR FELLOWSHIP HALL 14280 POWAY RD POWAY 92064 GARAGE-HOUSER RESIDENCE 14574 HIGH PINE ST POWAY 92064 POWAY BRANCH LIBRARY 13137 POWAY RD POWAY 92064 POWAY SENIOR CENTER-ACTIVITY ROOMS 1 & 2 13094 CIVIC CENTER DR POWAY 92064 SYCAMORE CANYON SCHOOL-MEDIA CTR 10201 SETTLE RD SANTEE 92071 CARLTON HILLS LUTHERAN CHURCH9735 HALBERNS BLVD SANTEE 92071 SANCTUARY GARAGE-VILLEDIEU RESIDENCE 9818 VIA LESLIE SANTEE 92071 WOODGLEN VISTA APTS-REC ROOM 10450 N MAGNOLIA AVE SANTEE 92071 CALVARY CHAPEL OF SANTEE 10920 SUMMIT AVE SANTEE 92071 GARAGE-HAYDEN RESIDENCE 10432 TIMBERLANE WAY SANTEE 92071 GARAGE-KLEINSMITH RESIDENCE 10125 WOODPARK DR SANTEE 92071 GARAGE-MULLER RESIDENCE 10036 STANLEY CT SANTEE 92071 HILL CREEK SCHOOL-LIBRARY 9665 JEREMY ST SANTEE 92071 GARAGE-FINKEL RESIDENCE 10003 W GLENDON CIR SANTEE 92071 GARAGE-GRAUEL RESIDENCE 10412 LEN WAY SANTEE 92071 FRIENDS CHRISTIAN CHURCH 10925 HARTLEY RD, STE K SANTEE 92071 SONRISE COMMUNITY CHURCH 8805 N MAGNOLIA AVE SANTEE 92071 HILL CREEK SCHOOL-LIBRARY 9665 JEREMY ST SANTEE 92071 CARLTON HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH 9225 CARLTON OAKS DR SANTEE 92071 GARAGE-SENTERFITT RESIDENCE 9608 PEBBLE BEACH DR SANTEE 92071 CARLTON OAKS COUNTRY CLUB-ACORN RM 9200 INWOOD DR SANTEE 92071 WEST HILLS HIGH SCHOOL - GYM FOYER 8756 MAST BLVD SANTEE 92071 CARLTON HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH 9225 CARLTON OAKS DR SANTEE 92071 GARAGE-CARROLL RESIDENCE 9023 WILLOWGROVE PL SANTEE 92071 GARAGE-TUPTA RESIDENCE 9748 ABBEYFIELD RD SANTEE 92071 RIO SECO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-MPR 9545 CUYAMACA ST SANTEE 92071 HIGHLANDS MOBILE PARK REC ROOM 7467 MISSION GORGE RD SANTEE 92071 GARAGE-JAFFE RESIDENCE 8307 BIG ROCK RD SANTEE 92071 HARRITT ELEM SCHOOL-STAFF LOUNGE 8120 ARLETTE ST SANTEE 92071 MISSION GORGE VILLA - CLUBHOUSE 8545 MISSION GORGE RD SANTEE 92071 PRIDE ACADEMY AT PROSPECT AVE-MEDIA CTR 9303 PROSPECT AVE SANTEE 92071 SANTEE MOBILE ESTATES REC RM 9459 MISSION GORGE RD SANTEE 92071 GARAGE-BAUTISTA RESIDENCE 8775 RAILROAD AVE SANTEE 92071 GARAGE-GOMBOLD RESIDENCE 11050 CRYSTAL SPRINGS RD SANTEE 92071 PEPPER DRIVE ELEM SCHOOL-MEDIA CTR 1935 MARLINDA WAY EL CAJON 92021 GARAGE-BEASLEY RESIDENCE 9127 FANITA RANCHO RD SANTEE 92071 GARAGE-DURRETT RESIDENCE 2098 VALLEY LAKE DR EL CAJON 92020 SANTEE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 8410 FANITA DR SANTEE 92071 GARAGE-WALSH RESIDENCE 2683 KATHERINE ST EL CAJON 92020 FLYING HILLS SCHOOL-RM 25 1251 FINCH ST EL CAJON 92020 HEARTLAND COMMUNITY CHURCH-FOYER 1012 E BRADLEY AVE EL CAJON 92021 CHURCH OF NAZARENE-FELLOWSHIP HALL 1123 N MOLLISON AVE EL CAJON 92021 BOSTONIA ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 1390 BROADWAY EL CAJON 92021 COUNTRY HILLS HEALTH CARE CTR-DINING RM1580 BROADWAY EL CAJON 92021 GREENFIELD MID SCHOOL-CONFERENCE RM 1495 GREENFIELD DR EL CAJON 92021 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF BOSTONIA-HALL 1025 N 2ND ST EL CAJON 92021 ST MADELEINE SOPHIES CENTER 2119 E MADISON AVE EL CAJON 92019 ST JOHNS LUTHERAN CHURCH-FELLOWSHIP 1430 MELODY LN EL CAJON 92019 HALL NARANCA ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 1030 NARANCA AVE EL CAJON 92021 CHURCH OF NAZARENE-FELLOWSHIP HALL 1123 N MOLLISON AVE EL CAJON 92021 1ST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHR RM 205 990 NARANCA AVE EL CAJON 92021 TIPTON HONDA-SHOW ROOM 889 ARNELE AVE EL CAJON 92020 GARAGE-HOLDEN RESIDENCE 1887 GALWAY PL EL CAJON 92020 FLYING HILLS SCHOOL-RM 25 1251 FINCH ST EL CAJON 92020 FLETCHER HILLS ELEM SCHOOL2330 CENTER PL EL CAJON 92020 seum of Art: Take part in interactive gallery games (for all ages) and receive free treat packages. San Diego Museum of Man: In celebration of Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), embark on a Spooky Tour at 1:00 and 2:00pm in the museum’s Egyptian mummy collection. Crafts and activities include building miniature altars, decorating sugar skulls, skull masks, and papel picacado. San Diego Natural History Museum: Get to know creatures both nocturnal and crepuscular and be surprised by your wildlife neighbors. Halloween crafts and activities include making a bat necklace getting a nocturnal tattoo. Mrs. Frizzle will perform at 1pm and lead the costume parade at 2pm. Judges will award a prize to the best wildlife costume. San Diego Zoo: Free admission to all children through 11 years of age LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO The People’s Post Presents a Discussion on Digital Literacy, Social Media and Online Story Telling The People’s Post (www.the, an online (digital media) resource, will present a discussion on digital literacy, social media, and online storytelling at various public libraries throughout San Diego County. The presentations will include featured videos of individuals who have told their stories through The People’s Post and information about scheduling a personal storytelling opportunity. The dates and times are as follows: Tuesday, November 16, 12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m. LOCATION: San Diego County Library, Bonita 4375 Bonita Rd., Bonita, CA 91902. COMMUNITY RM 473200 FOOTHILLS CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL-RM 10 2321 DRYDEN RD EL CAJON 473600 GARAGE-JENKINS RESIDENCE 1644 PRIMROSE DR EL CAJON 473700 VETERANS MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION-NORTH 136 CHAMBERS ST EL CAJON HALL 473800 JOHNSON AVENUE ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM500 W MADISON AVE EL CAJON 474000 EL CAJON BRANCH LIBRARY 201 E DOUGLAS AVE EL CAJON 474120 JACKSON HEWITT TAX SERVICE 562 E MAIN ST EL CAJON 474210 EL CAJON VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL-DANCE ROOM 1035 E MADISON AVE, ENTER EL CAJON MOLLISON 474310 COTTONWOOD CANYON HEALTHCARE CENTER 1391 E MADISON AVE EL CAJON 475300 EL CAJON ELKS LODGE #1812 - PATIO RM 1400 E WASHINGTON AVE EL CAJON 475310 THE PALMS 212 S 2ND ST EL CAJON 475500 VILLA LAS PALMAS HEALTH CARE 622 S ANZA ST EL CAJON 475600 ST MICHAEL CHALDEAN CHR HALL 799 E WASHINGTON AVE EL CAJON 475700 CHRIST CHURCH UNITY HALL 311 HIGHLAND AVE EL CAJON 475910 GARAGE-MUNDT RESIDENCE 741 PELICAN WAY EL CAJON 476100 EMERALD MIDDLE SCHOOL-LIBRARY 1221 EMERALD AVE EL CAJON 476600 1ST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 772 S JOHNSON AVE EL CAJON 476700 1ST LUTHERAN CHURCH HALL 867 S LINCOLN AVE EL CAJON 476710 CHASE CARE CENTER 1201 S ORANGE AVE EL CAJON 477120 ANZA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-MPR 1005 S ANZA ST EL CAJON 477500 GARAGE-CAMPANELLA RESIDENCE 835 DOROTHY ST EL CAJON 477600 EL CAJON WESLEYAN CHR-FOYER 1500 E LEXINGTON AVE EL CAJON 477610 MERIDIAN SO BAPTIST CHURCH HALL 660 S 3RD ST EL CAJON 478000 GARAGE-HAINES RESIDENCE 1134 CLOVERLEAF DR EL CAJON 479000 MAGNOLIA ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 650 GREENFIELD DR EL CAJON 479010 THE BRADLEY COURT - PATIO 675 E BRADLEY AVE EL CAJON 479020 RANCHO MESA MHP REC ROOM 450 E BRADLEY AVE EL CAJON 479030 GARAGE-OMAHEN RESIDENCE 736 BESTVIEW DR EL CAJON 479050 1ST ASSEMBLY CHURCH 728 PEPPER DR EL CAJON 479090 BOSTONIA CHURCH OF CHRIST-MEETING 1244 SUMNER AVE EL CAJON ROOM 479110 BOSTONIA CHURCH OF CHRIST-MEETING 1244 SUMNER AVE EL CAJON ROOM 479120 HEARTLAND COMMUNITY CHURCH-FOYER 1012 E BRADLEY AVE EL CAJON 479160 W D HALL ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 1376 PEPPER DR EL CAJON 479300 GARAGE-RILEY RESIDENCE 12411 ROSEY RD EL CAJON 479320 GARAGE-GREEN RESIDENCE 12025 THISTLE BRAES TER LAKESIDE 479390 RANCHO VALLEY MHP MEETING RM 12970 HY 8 BUSINESS EL CAJON 481200 UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST OF LA MESA-HALL 5940 KELTON AVE LA MESA 481500 GARAGE-VEATCH RESIDENCE 8460 DALLAS ST LA MESA 481800 SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS LUTHERAN CHR-MPR 9191 FLETCHER PKWY LA MESA 482100 JERICHO ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH 9407 JERICHO RD LA MESA 482410 PARKWAY MIDDLE SCHOOL-COMMUNITY ROOM 9009 PARK PLAZA DR LA MESA 482700 UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST OF LA MESA-HALL 5940 KELTON AVE LA MESA 482800 GROSSMONT GARDENS RET COMM-AUDITORIUM 5480 MARENGO AVE LA MESA 483000 MURRAY MANOR RECREATION RM 5700 COWLES MOUNTAIN BLVD LA MESA 483100 LAKE PARK CONDO RECREATION RM 5700 BALTIMORE DR LA MESA 483120 LAKE MURRAY ASSEMBLY OF GOD5480 LAKE MURRAY BLVD LA MESA FELLOWSHP HL 483300 NEW LIFE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-RM 201 5333 LAKE MURRAY BLVD LA MESA 483600 MARYLAND AVENUE ELEM SCHOOL - RM 5 5400 MARYLAND AVE LA MESA 483700 LAKE MURRAY VILLA APTS - REC ROOM 5757 LAKE MURRAY BLVD LA MESA 484300 TUBMAN VILLAGE SCHOOL-OLD LIBRARY 6880 MOHAWK ST SAN DIEGO 484800 LA MESA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 4426 HARBINSON AVE LA MESA 484900 CALVARY CHAPEL LA MESA 7525 EL CAJON BLVD LA MESA 485090 THE SPRINGS APTS-CRAFT ROOM 8070 ORANGE AVE LA MESA 485200 CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL CHR HALL 8360 LEMON AVE LA MESA 485300 ST LUKES LUTHERAN CHR-CHAPEL 5150 WILSON ST LA MESA 485600 GARAGE-SARDO RESIDENCE 9275 SHIRLEY DR LA MESA 485800 LITTLE FLOWER HAVEN 8585 LA MESA BLVD LA MESA 486300 LA MESA 1ST UNITED METHODIST CHR HALL 4690 PALM AVE LA MESA 486400 GARAGE-BOND RESIDENCE 4315 MAPLE AVE LA MESA 486500 GARAGE-GRAY RESIDENCE 4445 DALE AVE LA MESA 486800 ROLANDO ELEM SCHOOL-KINDER ESS RM 6925 TOWER ST LA MESA 486920 GARAGE-PELLETTERA RESIDENCE 4511 JUDSON WAY LA MESA 487000 WINDSOR HILL BAPTIST CHR-STUDY RM 7485 ORIEN AVE LA MESA 487010 VISTA LA MESA CHRISTIAN CHR HALL 4210 MASSACHUSETTS AVE LA MESA 487030 VISTA LA MESA CHRISTIAN CHR HALL 4210 MASSACHUSETTS AVE LA MESA 487300 LA MESA MIDDLE SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 4200 PARKS AVE LA MESA 487500 LA MESA ADVENTIST FAMILY LIFE CTR 4207 SPRING GARDENS RD LA MESA 492800 SAN MIGUEL FIRE DISTRICT - STATION #21 10105 VIVERA DR LA MESA 492900 CROSSPOINTE LIFE CHURCH - YOUTH RM 8809 LA MESA BLVD LA MESA 493000 SAN MIGUEL FIRE DISTRICT - STATION #21 10105 VIVERA DR LA MESA 493300 CHASE CARE CENTER 1201 S ORANGE AVE EL CAJON 494110 G E MURDOCK ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 4354 CONRAD DR LA MESA 494500 FAITH CHAPEL 9400 CAMPO RD SPRING VALLEY 494640 SANTA SOPHIA PARISH - DANIELS ROOM 9800 SAN JUAN ST SPRING VALLEY 494810 GARAGE-MC DONNELL RESIDENCE 3805 EL CANTO DR SPRING VALLEY 494900 GARAGE-ZASUETA RESIDENCE 4232 HELIX DEL SUR LA MESA 494990 CASA DE ORO BAPTIST CHURCH HALL 10195 MADRID WAY SPRING VALLEY 499100 GARAGE-DARBY RESIDENCE 3619 NEREIS DR LA MESA 499210 FRIENDS COMM CHURCH OF SPRING VALLEY 8955 KENWOOD DR SPRING VALLEY 499400 FRIENDS COMM CHURCH OF SPRING VALLEY 8955 KENWOOD DR SPRING VALLEY 499410 NEW SEASONS CHURCH - HALL 2300 BANCROFT DR SPRING VALLEY 499500 GARAGE-PISCIOTTA RESIDENCE 9421 BARBIC LN SPRING VALLEY 499510 GARAGE-WHITAKER RESIDENCE 9697 QUAILCREEK LN SPRING VALLEY 499600 NEW LIFE BAPTIST CHURCH-2 9255 LAMAR ST SPRING VALLEY 499630 AVONDALE ELEM SCHOOL-LIBRARY 8401 STANSBURY ST SPRING VALLEY 499700 NEW LIFE BAPTIST CHURCH-1 9255 LAMAR ST SPRING VALLEY 499900 NEW SEASONS CHURCH - HALL 2300 BANCROFT DR SPRING VALLEY 500000 SAN MIGUEL CONSOLID FIRE PROTECTION 2850 VIA ORANGE WAY SPRING VALLEY DIST 500010 HATFIELD PARK CLUBHOUSE 10050 AUSTIN DR SPRING VALLEY 500050 MONTE VISTA HIGH SCHOOL-ROOM P11 3230 SWEETWATER SPRINGS BLVD SPRING VALLEY 500070 HIGHLANDS ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 3131 S BARCELONA ST SPRING VALLEY 500100 SKYLINE WESLEYAN CHURCH CENTER 11330 CAMPO RD LA MESA 500110 ATONEMENT LUTHERAN CHURCH 10245 LOMA RANCHO DR SPRING VALLEY 500200 CASA DE ORO TRAVEL 10630 WILLIE BAKER WAY SPRING VALLEY 500210 LA PRESA ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM STAGE 519 LA PRESA AVE SPRING VALLEY 500300 SPRING VALLEY BRANCH LIBRARY 836 KEMPTON ST SPRING VALLEY 500310 AGAPE CHRISTIAN CENTER-SANCTUARY 9655 APPLE ST SPRING VALLEY 500320 LA PRESA MIDDLE SCHL-AUDITORIUM 1001 LELAND ST SPRING VALLEY 500410 HELIX GARDENS COURT ADULT APTS-REC RM 1302 HELIX ST SPRING VALLEY 500500 AVONDALE ELEM SCHOOL-LIBRARY 8401 STANSBURY ST SPRING VALLEY 500800 SKYLINE HILLS REC CTR-MEETING RM 8285 SKYLINE DR SAN DIEGO 500900 LA PRESA MIDDLE SCHL-AUDITORIUM 1001 LELAND ST SPRING VALLEY 501110 LA PRESA ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM STAGE 519 LA PRESA AVE SPRING VALLEY 501190 MT MIGUEL COVENANT VILLAGE-BAILEY CENTER325 KEMPTON ST SPRING VALLEY 501300 GRACE COVENANT CHURCH 9140 AKARD ST SPRING VALLEY 501510 CLOUD 9 WORSHIP CENTER-FELLOWSHIP HALL 8498 PASEO IGLESIA SPRING VALLEY 501530 CLOUD 9 WORSHIP CENTER-SANCTUARY 8498 PASEO IGLESIA SPRING VALLEY 502000 SWEETWATER LODGE MHP-REC RM 10707 JAMACHA BLVD SPRING VALLEY 502200 GARAGE-LUDWICK RESIDENCE 10809 WAGON WHEEL DR SPRING VALLEY 504500 ST JOHNS CATHOLIC CHR AUDITORIUM 8086 BROADWAY LEMON GROVE 504700 LEMON GROVE 1ST BAPT CHR-SONSHINE HOUSE 2810 MAIN ST LEMON GROVE 504710 CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF LEMON GROVE-AUD 6970 SAN MIGUEL AVE LEMON GROVE 505300 LEMON GROVE FIRE STATION 7853 CENTRAL AVE LEMON GROVE 505500 LEMON GROVE UNITED METHODIST CHR 3205 WASHINGTON ST LEMON GROVE 505700 MT VERNON ELEM SCHOOL-LOUNGE 8350 MT VERNON ST LEMON GROVE 505800 NORTH PARK APOSTOLIC CHURCH 2515 LEMON GROVE AVE LEMON GROVE 506000 MONTE VISTA LODGE-AUDITORIUM 2211 MASSACHUSETTS AVE LEMON GROVE 506200 GARAGE-GRACYK RESIDENCE 7031 OAK GLENN CT LEMON GROVE 506500 SUNGARDEN TERRACE REC RM 2045 SKYLINE DR LEMON GROVE 506900 MONTEREY HEIGHTS SCH-MEDIA CENTER 7550 CANTON DR LEMON GROVE 507000 SAN ALTOS SCHOOL-EDP AFTER SCHOOL 1750 MADERA ST LEMON GROVE ROOM 510200 VALLEY VISTA ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 3724 VALLEY VISTA WAY BONITA 510500 GARAGE-AVALOS RESIDENCE 3839 AVENIDA SAN MIGUEL BONITA 510600 SWEETWATER COMMUNITY CHURCH 5305 SWEETWATER RD BONITA 510620 BONITA VIEW CLUBHOUSE 3045 PLAZA ANITA BONITA 510710 BONITA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-AUDITORIUM 5111 CENTRAL AVE BONITA 510720 GARAGE-PHILLIPS RESIDENCE 4251 COUNTRY TRAILS BONITA 511000 BONITA VALLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH 4744 BONITA RD BONITA 515600 CASA DE SALUD-MEETING RM 1408 HARDING AVE NATIONAL CITY 515800 ONE IN CHRIST CHURCH 635 E 7TH ST NATIONAL CITY 515900 FOODLAND GROCERY STORE-CORNER 303 HIGHLAND AVE NATIONAL CITY ENTRANCE 516000 EL TOYON ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 2000 E DIVISION ST NATIONAL CITY 516200 EL TOYON RECREATION CTR-CLASSRM 2005 E 4TH ST NATIONAL CITY 516500 IRA HARBISON ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 3235 E 8TH ST NATIONAL CITY 516700 1ST CHRISTIAN CHURCH-ED BLDG 1800 E 17TH ST NATIONAL CITY 516800 FOODLAND GROCERY STORE-CORNER 303 HIGHLAND AVE NATIONAL CITY ENTRANCE 517200 GARAGE-MACATANTAN RESIDENCE 3110 HARBISON WAY NATIONAL CITY 517400 PALMER WAY ELEM SCHOOL-LIBRARY 2900 PALMER ST NATIONAL CITY 517500 AMERICAN LEGION MEETING ROOM 35 E 18TH ST NATIONAL CITY 517600 KIMBALL SENIOR REC CTR-MTG RM 1221 D AVE NATIONAL CITY 517800 AMERICAN LEGION MEETING ROOM 35 E 18TH ST NATIONAL CITY 518100 LAS PALMAS ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 1900 E 18TH ST NATIONAL CITY 518310 GRANGER JR HIGH SCHOOL-LIBRARY 2020 VAN NESS AVE NATIONAL CITY 518600 OLIVEWOOD ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 2505 F AVE NATIONAL CITY 518800 BONITA VALLEY ADVENTIST CHURCH 3737 SWEETWATER RD NATIONAL CITY 523300 LINCOLN ACRES COMMUNITY CENTER 2717 GRANGER AVE NATIONAL CITY 525100 FEASTER-EDISON CHARTER SCHOOL-MPR 670 FLOWER ST CHULA VISTA 525300 CHULA VISTA MOBILE HOME PARK 345 C ST CHULA VISTA 525500 SOUTH BAY PIONEERS 270 C ST CHULA VISTA 525600 ROSEBANK ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 80 FLOWER ST CHULA VISTA 525810 PACIFIC POINTE RETIREMENT VLG-LIBRARY 171 4TH AVE CHULA VISTA 526100 1ST BAPTIST CHURCH-CHAPEL 494 E ST CHULA VISTA 526400 TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM SOCIAL HALL 208 MADRONA ST CHULA VISTA 526410 1ST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 335 CHURCH AVE CHULA VISTA 526700 TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM SOCIAL HALL 208 MADRONA ST CHULA VISTA 526900 VISTA SQUARE ELEM SCHL-AUDITORIUM 540 G ST CHULA VISTA 527200 CHULA VISTA YACHT CLUB 642 MARINA PKWY #83 CHULA VISTA 527700 HILLTOP HIGH SCHOOL-CAFETERIA 555 CLAIRE AVE CHULA VISTA 527800 ST MARKS LUTH CHR LOWER LEVEL 580 HILLTOP DR CHULA VISTA 528000 SALVATION ARMY BUILDING-BLUE ROOM 648 3RD AVE CHULA VISTA 528200 SENIORS ON BROADWAY 845 BROADWAY STE 105 CHULA VISTA 528500 HILLTOP DRIVE ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 30 MURRAY ST CHULA VISTA 528820 GARAGE-WOTZKA RESIDENCE 482 LAWN VIEW DR CHULA VISTA 528900 HALECREST ELEM SCHOOL-CAFETERIA 475 E J ST CHULA VISTA 528910 JOSEPH CASILLAS ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 1130 E J ST CHULA VISTA 528920 CANYON COMMUNITY CHURCH-FELLOWSHIP 610 PASEO DEL REY CHULA VISTA HALL 528940 1ST UNITED METHODIST CHR-DISCOVERY 1200 E H ST CHULA VISTA ROOM 528960 DISCOVERY CHARTER SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 1100 CAMINO BISCAY CHULA VISTA 528970 JOSEPH CASILLAS ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 1130 E J ST CHULA VISTA 529100 CHULA VISTA ELEM SCHL DISTRICT-RM C 84 E J ST CHULA VISTA 529300 ST JOHNS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 760 1ST AVE CHULA VISTA 529510 SOUTH BAY BAPTIST CHR FIRESIDE RM 960 5TH AVE CHULA VISTA 529520 JACKSON HEWITT TAX SERVICE 1090 3RD AVE STE 2 CHULA VISTA 529700 FUNERARIA DEL ANGEL HUMPHREY 753 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA 529900 HARBORSIDE ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 681 NAPLES ST CHULA VISTA 92020 92020 92020 530110 530200 530400 530500 530510 92020 92020 530700 92020 530710 92021 531000 531090 92021 531110 92019 531390 92019 531400 92020 531720 92020 531740 92020 531860 92020 531870 92020 531880 92020 531890 92020 531900 92020 531930 92020 532100 92019 532120 92019 532190 92019 532200 92019 532210 92021 532290 92021 532320 92021 532330 92021 532380 92021 532470 92021 532500 92021 92021 92021 92021 92040 92021 91942 91942 91942 91942 91942 91942 91942 91942 91942 91942 91942 91942 91942 92115 91942 91942 91942 91941 91942 91941 91942 91941 91941 91941 91942 91942 91941 91941 91941 91941 91941 91941 91942 91941 92020 91941 91977 91977 91977 91941 91977 91941 91977 91977 91977 91977 91977 91977 91977 91977 91977 91978 91977 91977 91977 91941 91978 91978 91977 91977 91977 91977 91977 91977 92114 91977 91977 91977 91977 91977 91977 91978 91978 91945 91945 91945 91945 91945 91945 91945 91945 91945 91945 91945 91945 91902 91902 91902 91902 91902 91902 91902 91950 91950 91950 91950 91950 91950 91950 91950 91950 91950 91950 91950 91950 91950 91950 91950 91950 91950 91910 91910 91910 91910 91910 91910 91910 91910 91910 91910 91910 91910 91910 91910 91911 91910 91910 91910 91910 91910 91910 91910 91910 91910 91910 91911 91911 91910 91911 532570 532580 532600 532610 532620 532630 532650 532660 532700 532710 532720 532760 532770 532790 532800 532830 532860 532870 532900 532920 533020 533050 533060 533080 533090 533100 533120 533150 533180 533190 537700 538300 538410 538600 538810 539000 541500 543300 545500 546410 546470 546500 546510 546600 546630 546640 546710 546720 546740 546800 546850 546860 546880 546950 547010 547040 547060 547160 548380 548800 548890 548910 548940 549010 549030 549050 549100 549200 549220 549260 549310 549500 549700 549720 549800 549900 551510 551600 551690 551800 552010 552020 552030 552100 552210 553100 553110 554230 554300 554320 554330 554510 554600 554610 554700 555800 557410 557460 558480 558490 558500 558510 558610 558640 558650 558670 558680 558720 558730 558750 558800 558910 558940 559400 559600 559630 560000 560140 560150 560200 561500 561510 561530 562900 562910 563000 563300 563390 565400 567070 567210 569170 569180 569290 573000 573100 573110 574100 575060 575100 CHULA VISTA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-HALL 940 HILLTOP DR HAZEL GOES COOK ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 875 CUYAMACA AVE BAY VIEW BAPTIST CHURCH 210 JAMUL AVE PARK HILL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 545 E NAPLES ST CANYON COMMUNITY CHURCH-FELLOWSHIP 610 PASEO DEL REY HALL CHULA VISTA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-HALL 940 HILLTOP DR STARLIGHT CENTER, THE ARC OF SAN DIEGO 1280 NOLAN AVE CASTLE PARK ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 25 E EMERSON ST CASTLE PARK HIGH SCHOOL-STUDENT UNION1395 HILLTOP DR PALOMAR ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 300 E PALOMAR ST ROP CAREER CENTER 1355 2ND AVE CASTLE PARK MIDDLE SCHOOL- LIBRARY 160 QUINTARD ST VETERANS HOME 700 E NAPLES CT HEDENKAMP ELEM SCHOOL-LIBRARY 930 E PALOMAR ST PARKVIEW ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 575 JUNIPER ST HERITAGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-MPR 1450 SANTA LUCIA RD GARAGE-BARRON-RAMIREZ RESIDENCE 1499 LIBERTY CREEK PL MC MILLIN, CORKY SCHOOL-LIBRARY 1201 SANTA CORA AVE VALLE LINDO ELEM SCHOOL-LIBRARY 1515 OLEANDER AVE ROLLING HILLS GARDENS-MEETING RM 2290 MACKENZIE CREEK RD OTAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-MPR 1651 ALBANY AVE GARAGE-VALOIS RESIDENCE 138 TEAL ST FRED H ROHR ELEM SCHOOL-CAFETERIA 1540 MALTA AVE FRED H ROHR ELEM SCHOOL-CAFETERIA 1540 MALTA AVE FINNEY, MYRTLE S ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 3950 BYRD ST BON VIVANT REC ROOM 1544 SONORA DR CREEKSIDE PARK 1331 S CREEKSIDE DR GARAGE-ESTRADA RESIDENCE 1451 NETTLE CREEK WAY EASTLAKE ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 1955 HILLSIDE DR OLYMPIAN HIGH SCHOOL-SEMINAR ROOM 1925 MAGDALENA AVE BONITA-SUNNYSIDE BRANCH LIBRARY 4375 BONITA RD COMM RM. GARAGE-BROWN RESIDENCE 1038 ABETO CT BEACH CLUB PAVILION 2050 LAKESHORE DR BONITA VISTA HIGH SCHOOL-CAFETERIA 751 OTAY LAKES RD BONITA HILLS APTS REC CENTER 1416 RIDGEBACK RD GARAGE-AVALOS RESIDENCE 1361 TIERRA BONITA PL BEACH CLUB PAVILION 2050 LAKESHORE DR EASTLAKE II COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 2405 CLUBHOUSE DR CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC PARISH-BACK 450 CORRAL CANYON RD ROOM TIFFANY, BURTON ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 1691 ELMHURST ST GARAGE-SOLORZANO RESIDENCE 2037 CHATEAU CT TIFFANY, BURTON ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 1691 ELMHURST ST CHULA VISTA FIRE STATION #8 1180 WOODS DR EASTLAKE ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 1955 HILLSIDE DR GARAGE-FIGUEROA RESIDENCE 665 SAN JACINTO PL SALT CREEK ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 1055 HUNTE PKWY CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC PARISH450 CORRAL CANYON RD BACK ROOM 1120 EASTLAKE PKWY/MAIN EASTLAKE HIGH SCHOOL-ROOM 1604 ENTRANCE OLYMPIC VIEW SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 1220 S GREENSVIEW DR EASTLAKE II COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 2405 CLUBHOUSE DR EASTLAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL-OFFICE 900 DUNCAN RANCH RD LIBERTY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-RM 402 2175 PROCTOR VALLEY RD HERITAGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-MPR 1450 SANTA LUCIA RD GARAGE-BANAGA RESIDENCE 1553 APPLEGATE ST GARAGE-CARTER RESIDENCE 1881 VIA CAPRI EASTLAKE HIGH SCHOOL-ROOM 1604 1120 EASTLAKE PKWY/MAIN ENTRANCE VETERANS ELEM SCHOOL-YMCA 1550 MAGDALENA AVE WOLF CANYON ELEM SCHOOL-LIBRARY 1950 WOLF CANYON LOOP OTAY RANCH HIGH SCHOOL-BLDG 200 FOYER1250 OLYMPIC PKWY LIBERTY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-RM 402 2175 PROCTOR VALLEY RD OLYMPIC VIEW SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 1220 S GREENSVIEW DR CHULA VISTA ADULT SCHOOL-201 1034 4TH AVE THE PALOMAR APTS REC ROOM 171 PALOMAR ST PALOMAR HIGH SCHOOL-RM 8 480 PALOMAR ST ORANGE TREE MHP 521 ORANGE AVE SOUTH CHULA VISTA LIBRARY-CONF B 389 ORANGE AVE APOSTOLIC ASSEMBLY CHURCH 257 TREMONT ST WARNER SPRINGS ESTATES 35109 HY 79 WARNER COMMUNITY RESOURCE CTR 30950 HY 79 WITCHCREEK DEPT OF FORESTRY 27330 HY 78 RAMONA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 3394 CHAPEL LN MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH-FOYER 1191 MEADOWLARK WAY RAMONA COMM CTR-MULTI PURPOSE RM 434 AQUA LN JAMES DUKES ELEM SCHOOL-LIBRARY 24908 ABALAR WAY MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH-FOYER 1191 MEADOWLARK WAY GARAGE-HARDING RESIDENCE 26533 LOVE LN GARAGE-YANEZ RESIDENCE 16107 ARENA DR EQUESTRIAN CENTER 16911 GUNN STAGE RD GARAGE-WORRELL RESIDENCE 23633 CALLE OVIEDA EQUESTRIAN CENTER 16911 GUNN STAGE RD FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH-NARTHEX 404 8TH ST RAMONA TERRACE ESTATES 1212 H ST RAMONA VFW #3783 2247 KELLY AVE NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH 424 LETTON ST MONTECITO VILLAGE APTS-COMMUNITY RM 1464 MONTECITO RD ALAMO WEST STORAGE 1037 OLIVE ST CAL FIRE RAMONA FIRE STATN-APPARATUS BAY 16310 HY 67 CAL FIRE RAMONA FIRE STATN-APPARATUS BAY 16310 HY 67 GARAGE-AWBREY RESIDENCE 2958 DYE RD COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ROAD STATION 13115 WILLOW RD GARAGE-COSNER RESIDENCE 11811 VALLE VISTA RD MAPLEVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH 13176 MAPLEVIEW ST LAKESIDE FARMS ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 11915 LAKESIDE AVE HARVEST CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP-RM 101 12150 WOODSIDE AVE GARAGE-LANCE RESIDENCE 10408 ESCADERA DR GARAGE-HIGHFILL RESIDENCE 10152 RANCHITOS PL WILLOWBROOK GOLF COURSE - EVENTS ROOM11905 RIVERSIDE DR GARAGE-RAMSEY RESIDENCE 10944 BROKEN WHEEL RD LEMON CREST ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 12463 LEMON CREST DR LINDO PARK ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 12824 LAKESHORE DR LIVING HOPE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP 9455 LOS COCHES RD LAKE JENNINGS PARK ESTATES- CLUBHOUSE 9500 HARRITT RD LEMON CREST ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 12463 LEMON CREST DR RIVERVIEW ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 9308 WINTER GARDENS BLVD SANTEE-LAKESIDE ELKS LODGE 11633 WOODSIDE AVE GARAGE-BROWN RESIDENCE 8930 EMERALD GROVE AVE RIVERVIEW ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 9308 WINTER GARDENS BLVD GARAGE-DOYLE RESIDENCE 13973 CHERYL CREEK DR LAKESIDE FIRE DISTRICT STATION #3 14008 HY 8 BUSINESS GARAGE-RIES RESIDENCE 9080 CHRISTATA WAY LOS COCHES MBL HOME EST REC ROOM 13217 AURORA DR LAKEFRONT COMMUNITY 9395 HARRITT RD LAKEFRONT COMMUNITY 9395 HARRITT RD CALIFORNIA DEPT OF FORESTRY 9711 FLINN SPRINGS RD 15245 OAK CREEK RD LAKESIDE FIRE DISTRICT STATION #26 ALPINE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP 9590 CHOCOLATE SUMMIT DR OLD IRONSIDES COMMUNITY CENTER 326 HARBISON CANYON RD SHADOW HILLS ELEM SCHOOL-RM 1-2 8770 HARBISON CANYON RD 1ST BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE WILLOWS 3520 ALPINE BLVD CROWN HILLS COMMUNITY REC ROOM 1821 VICTORIA PARK TER AT GENTIAN WAY QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH 2569 VICTORIA DR ALPINE MOBILE ESTATES REC ROOM 2400 ALPINE BLVD GARAGE-DAVID RESIDENCE 2921 VIA VIEJAS OESTE ALPINE LUTHERAN CHURCH 2040 TAVERN RD 1ST BAPT CHR OF ALPINE SANCTUARY 1912 ARNOLD WAY GARAGE-CLARK RESIDENCE 2424 DENOVA DR DEHESA VALLEY VOL FIRE CO BLDG 5425 DEHESA RD SAN MIGUEL FIRE DISTRICT 1811 SUNCREST BLVD CREST COMMUNITY CHURCH HALL 2198 SUNCREST BLVD AVOCADO ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 3845 AVOCADO SCHOOL RD FUERTE ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM STAGE 11625 FUERTE DR GARAGE-BARRETT RESIDENCE 11074 PASEO CASTANADA LA VIDA REAL 11588 VIA RANCHO SAN DIEGO RANCHO SAN DIEGO ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 12151 CALLE ALBARA ST PETER CHALDEAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 1627 JAMACHA WAY RANCHO SAN DIEGO ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 12151 CALLE ALBARA GARAGE-HOFFMAN RESIDENCE 2152 WARWOOD CT ST PETER CHALDEAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 1627 JAMACHA WAY GARAGE-KNOBBE RESIDENCE 4650 JERI WAY GARAGE-WHITE RESIDENCE 1625 HOLLOW PL FUERTE ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM STAGE 11625 FUERTE DR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 1150 MERRITT DR SAN MIGUEL FIRE DISTRICT - STATION #23 2140 DEHESA RD CHURCH OF ST LUKE 1980 HILLSDALE RD FOOTHILLS ADULT ED CTR-STUDENT LOUNGE 1550 MELODY LN SAN MIGUEL FIRE DISTRICT - STATION #23 2140 DEHESA RD MERIDIAN ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 651 S 3RD ST SHADOW MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY CHURCH 2100 GREENFIELD DR GARAGE-BAKER RESIDENCE 13790 BRAESWOOD TER EAST VALLEY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP 14069 RIDGE HILL RD RIOS ELEM SCHOOL-MPR 14314 RIOS CANYON RD JAMACHA ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 2962 JAMUL DR JAMACHA ELEM SCHOOL-AUDITORIUM 2962 JAMUL DR NOAH HOMES 12526 CAMPO RD JAMUL PRIMARY SCHOOL-RM 28 14567 LYONS VALLEY RD OAK GROVE MIDDLE SCHOOL 14344 OLIVE VISTA DR INDIAN HILLS CAMP 15763 LYONS VALLEY RD DEERHORN VALLEY VOLUNTEER FIRE STATION2383 HONEY SPRINGS RD ST PIUS X CHURCH 14107 LYONS VALLEY RD COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHR 633 DIAMOND BAR RD / CHURCH LN JULIAN COMMUNITY HALL - DOWNSTAIRS 2129 MAIN ST JULIAN BRANCH LIBRARY 1850 HY 78 DESCANSO TOWN HALL 24536 VIEJAS GRADE RD DESCANSO TOWN HALL 24536 VIEJAS GRADE RD PINE VALLEY COMMUNITY CLUBHOUSE 28890 OLD HY 80 LAKE MORENA COMMUNITY CHR29765 OAK DR FELLOWSHIP HL CAMPO SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER 999 1/2 SHERIDAN RD LAKE MORENA COMMUNITY CHR29765 OAK DR FELLOWSHIP HL POTRERO VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY 24550 HY 94 BOULEVARD VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT-BAY 39923 HY 94 LIVE OAK SPRINGS RESORT RESTAURANT 37820 OLD HY 80 CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA 91911 91911 91911 91911 91910 CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA SAN DIEGO CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA BONITA 91911 91911 91911 91911 91911 91911 91911 91911 91913 91911 91913 91913 91913 91911 91914 91911 91911 91911 91911 92154 91911 91915 91915 91913 91913 91902 CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA BONITA 91910 91913 91913 91910 91910 91913 91915 91902 CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA BONITA 91913 91913 91913 91914 91913 91914 91914 91902 CHULA VISTA 91915 CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA 91915 91915 91914 91914 91913 91913 91913 91915 CHULA VISTA 91913 CHULA VISTA 91913 CHULA VISTA 91913 CHULA VISTA 91914 CHULA VISTA 91915 CHULA VISTA 91911 CHULA VISTA 91911 CHULA VISTA 91911 CHULA VISTA 91911 CHULA VISTA 91911 CHULA VISTA 91911 WARNER SPRINGS92086 WARNER SPRINGS92086 RAMONA 92065 RAMONA 92065 RAMONA 92065 RAMONA 92065 RAMONA 92065 RAMONA 92065 RAMONA 92065 RAMONA 92065 RAMONA 92065 RAMONA 92065 RAMONA 92065 RAMONA 92065 RAMONA 92065 RAMONA 92065 RAMONA 92065 RAMONA 92065 RAMONA 92065 RAMONA 92065 RAMONA 92065 RAMONA 92065 LAKESIDE 92040 LAKESIDE 92040 LAKESIDE 92040 LAKESIDE 92040 LAKESIDE 92040 LAKESIDE 92040 LAKESIDE 92040 LAKESIDE 92040 LAKESIDE 92040 LAKESIDE 92040 LAKESIDE 92040 LAKESIDE 92040 LAKESIDE 92040 LAKESIDE 92040 LAKESIDE 92040 LAKESIDE 92040 LAKESIDE 92040 LAKESIDE 92040 EL CAJON 92021 EL CAJON 92021 LAKESIDE 92040 EL CAJON 92021 LAKESIDE 92040 LAKESIDE 92040 EL CAJON 92021 EL CAJON 92021 EL CAJON 92021 EL CAJON 92019 ALPINE 91901 ALPINE 91901 ALPINE 91901 ALPINE ALPINE ALPINE ALPINE ALPINE ALPINE EL CAJON EL CAJON EL CAJON LA MESA EL CAJON LA MESA EL CAJON EL CAJON EL CAJON EL CAJON EL CAJON EL CAJON EL CAJON EL CAJON EL CAJON EL CAJON EL CAJON EL CAJON EL CAJON EL CAJON EL CAJON EL CAJON EL CAJON EL CAJON EL CAJON EL CAJON EL CAJON SPRING VALLEY JAMUL JAMUL JAMUL JAMUL JAMUL BORREGO SPRINGS JULIAN JULIAN DESCANSO DESCANSO PINE VALLEY CAMPO 91901 91901 91901 91901 91901 91901 92019 92021 92021 91941 92020 91941 92019 92019 92019 92019 92019 92019 92020 92019 92020 92020 92019 92019 92019 92019 92019 92019 92021 92021 92021 92019 92019 91978 91935 91935 91935 91935 91935 92004 CAMPO CAMPO 91906 91906 POTRERO BOULEVARD BOULEVARD 91963 91905 91905 92036 92036 91916 91916 91962 91906 LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO OCTOBER 22, 2010 PAGE 11 FAMILY FEATURES S care up a happy Halloween party to celebrate the spookiest season. Bring out the orange and black linens, spiderweb doilies and skull coasters ... so easy and effective! The entertaining experts from the Wilton Test Kitchen say it’s easier to mix and mingle if you don’t have to juggle a fork. So cast a spell with a savory buffet starring these deliriously delicious recipes. For additional Halloween ideas and directions for making cocktails, eyeball, skull and skeleton candies, and skull pound cake, go to Flank Steak on Pumpkin-Shaped Rolls Pumpkin Rolls: 2 loaves (16 oz. each) frozen bread dough 1 tablespoon butter, melted Defrost bread dough according to package directions. Brush the cavities of Wilton Dimensions Multi-Cavity Mini Pumpkins pan with melted butter. Cut each loaf into 8 equal pieces; shape into rolls. Place rolls, seam side up, in each cavity. Cover loosely with plastic wrap; leave in warm place until doubled in size (about 45 minutes). Preheat oven to 350°F. Remove plastic wrap from dough. Bake 24 to 26 minutes, or until tops are golden brown. Cool in pan 10 minutes; remove from pan and cool completely. Marinated Flank Steak: 3 tablespoons olive oil 1/3 cup red wine vinegar 3 large garlic cloves, finely minced 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon dried thyme 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1 flank steak (1-1/2 to 2 pounds) In shallow glass dish, combine olive oil, red wine vinegar, garlic, Worcestershire sauce, salt, thyme, mustard and pepper; whisk to combine. Add steak and turn to coat evenly. Cover and refrigerate 4 hours or overnight, turning steak occasionally. Preheat broiler to high. Prepare broiler pan with vegetable pan spray. Remove steak from marinade; broil 6 minutes on each side for medium rare. Cover steak with foil and rest 5 minutes. To make bite-size pieces, cut steak into four strips with the grain; cut strips against the grain into smaller pieces. Cut pumpkin rolls in half, fill with steak and favorite condiments, and serve. Makes 16 sandwiches Spooky Crackers with Savory Cheese Spread Crackers: 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese 1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon minced fresh rosemary or 1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary 1/4 teaspoon salt 3/4 teaspoon black pepper 2 tablespoons water In large bowl, beat butter with electric mixer until creamy. Add cheese, flour, rosemary, salt and pepper; mix until combined well but still crumbly. Add water; mix until dough pulls away from sides of bowl. Flatten dough into a disk; wrap tightly in plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray cookie pan with vegetable pan spray. On lightly floured surface, roll dough to 1/8 inch thick. Cut dough with Halloween Linzer Cut Outs Cookie Cutters, cutting both solid round and round with cut-out crackers. Place on prepared pan. Reroll dough scraps and repeat cutting. Bake 15 to 17 minutes or until crackers are slightly golden at the edges. Cool 3 to 4 minutes on pan; transfer to cooling rack and cool completely. Cheesy Onion Spread: 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 yellow onion, finely diced 1 container (14 oz.) cheddar cheese spread In medium skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat; cook onion, stirring occasionally, until caramelized about 10 minutes. Remove from heat; cool completely. In medium bowl, combine cheese spread and caramelized onions; mix well. Spread on solid crackers; top with crackers with cut-outs. Makes about 3 dozen appetizers Convenience Tips: Serve any remaining cheese with fresh vegetables or purchased crackers. Omit the caramelized onions and spread sandwich crackers with cheddar cheese or herbed cream cheese spread. Magic Polenta Bites 1 1 1 3/4 1/2 1/4 1 cup chicken stock cup milk teaspoon salt teaspoon black pepper teaspoon garlic powder teaspoon ground nutmeg cup cooked, pureed sweet potatoes or canned pumpkin 1 cup cornmeal 1/2 package (4 oz.) cream cheese, cubed Wilton Orange Icing Color, optional Spray 9 x 13-inch baking pan with vegetable pan spray. In large saucepan, combine chicken stock, milk, salt, pepper, garlic powder and nutmeg; bring to a boil. Stir in pureed sweet potatoes; bring back to boil. While constantly whisking, add cornmeal in a slow, steady stream, making sure there are no lumps. If desired, add Orange Icing Color. Reduce heat and continue stirring until thick, about 3 minutes. Stir in cream cheese; stir until melted and smooth. Pour into prepared baking pan. Let set at room temperature at least one hour or refrigerate for longer. Cut into shapes with Mini Halloween Cutter Set. Serve. Makes about 4 dozen treats Convenience Tips: Leftover polenta scraps can be made into croutons. Toss with olive oil and pan fry until golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Slice premade polenta into 1/2-inch rounds and cut with Mini Halloween Cutter Set. Eyeball Candies, Skull Pound Cake, Witches’ Fingers Cookies, Graveyard Mini Cakes with Skeleton Candies, and Skull Candies Sinister Sunset Cocktails, Spooky Crackers with Savory Cheese Spread, Magic Polenta Bites, and Flank Steak on Pumpkin-Shaped Rolls Graveyard Mini Cakes Cake: 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon instant coffee 1/3 cup boiling water 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened 1-1/2 cups granulated sugar 3 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 4 ounces unsweetened chocolate, melted and slightly cooled 1 cup buttermilk 1/2 cup chocolate chips Topping: 1 cup chocolate chips 1/3 cup heavy whipping cream 1 cup chocolate sandwich cookie crumbs Skeleton Candies Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray cavities of Wilton Petite Loaf Pan with vegetable pan spray. In small bowl, dissolve instant coffee into boiling water; set aside to cool. In medium bowl, combine flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt; set aside. In large bowl, beat butter and sugar with electric mixer until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each. Add vanilla, chocolate, and coffee; mix well. Add flour mixture alternately with buttermilk, starting and ending with flour; mix well. Stir in chocolate chips. Pour into prepared pans. Bake 16 to 18 minutes or until cake tester inserted into center comes out clean. Cool in pan 5 minutes; remove to cooling grid and cool completely before icing. In microwave-safe bowl, heat chocolate chips and cream for one minute on 50% power; stir to combine. Continue heating at 30 second intervals until chips are melted and combined with cream. Let stand until thickened slightly. Spread the tops of each cake with a layer of chocolate cream; sprinkle with cookie crumbs, pressing lightly into chocolate. Insert skeleton candies. Makes 18 mini cakes Witches’ Fingers Cookies 1 1-1/2 1 1-1/2 1/2 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened cups granulated sugar egg teaspoons vanilla extract teaspoon almond extract (optional) 2-3/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons cocoa powder Assorted Icing Gels, Candy Melts, Sprinkles, Sugars and Jimmies for decorating Preheat oven to 350°F. Lightly spray Wilton Finger Cookie Pan cavities with vegetable pan spray. In large bowl, beat butter and sugar with electric mixer at medium speed until well blended. Beat in egg and extracts; mix well. Combine flour and salt; add to butter mixture. Beat until well blended. Remove half of the dough from the mixing bowl and set aside. Add 2 tablespoons cocoa powder to remaining dough; mix until completely incorporated. Press dough into prepared pan cavities, filling 2/3 full. Bake 9 to 10 minutes or until light brown around edges. Cool in pan 10 minutes. Turn pan over; lightly tap pan to remove cookies. Cool completely on cooling grid. Decorate cookies with icing gels, melted candy, sprinkles and sugars, as desired. Makes about 3 dozen cookies PAGE 12 OCTOBER 22, 2010 PACQUIAO FEVER HITS BARONA LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO SDIRC Announces, “Immigrants Are U.S.” Video contest calls for stories about positive experiences with immigrants in San Diego The San Diego Immigrant Rights Consortium is proud to announce our, “Immigrants Are U.S.” online media campaign and video contest. According to the campaign’s website, “It is well known that in San Diego, immigrant and non-immigrant families work together, play together, pray together and help each other in times of need*. The stories based on these experiences are historic, abundant and common- place, yet they are rarely shared.” The website, www.immigr, asks visitors to share stories about how immigrants are part of their lives via 3-4 minute videos. The stories must be told by two people and at least one person must be an immigrant. The most compelling story will win a grand prize of two family portrait packages from award-winning Vantage Photography (voted one of the top 5 photographers in San Diego in 2009**). Sharing a story is easy and can be done via webcam straight to our site. The video contest will last between October 19, 2010 and December 13, 2010. Please visit www.immigrants to watch our feature video, Spring Valley Posadas, which is the story of how an immigrant family introduced the Mexican Christmas tradition known as the “Posadas” to a Spring Valley neighborhood, and has since been a unifying celebration for the past 25 years. Manny Pacquiao (pictured) who fights Antonio Margarito on Nov.13 will make a special appearance at Barona Casino on October 24. A huge turnout is expected. Boxing fans are invited to Barona Resort & Casino for a knockout casino floor drawing for Club Barona members featuring a guest appearance by the World Boxing Organiz-ation’s welter weight champion Manny Pacquiao, on Sunday, October 24. “We wanted to offer our guests an exciting and rare opportunity to meet a world champion boxer while having the opportunity to win thousands of dollars in cash prizes and personalized boxing memorabilia,” said general manager Rick Salinas. “It’s also a great prelude to the upcoming Pacquiao vs. Margarito fight.” To kick off the evening’s round of special events, two exciting drawings will be held at 9:00 p.m. In the first, six winners will be selected to receive an autographed Manny Pacquiao boxing glove. Players can enter to win by placing their entry in the tumbler at the Hayloft Stage on the casino floor prior to the drawing. The main event of the night is the grand prize drawing, featuring a package of $3,000 in cash, tickets to the highly-anticipated Pacquiao vs. Margarito fight on Saturday, November 13, and autographed boxing gloves and painting signed by Pacquiao. Guests will automatically be entered to win by receiving one virtual entry for every 100 Club Barona myPOINTS earned between October 17 and October 24, before 8 p.m. Five winners will be selected from the entries and three will advance to compete for the grand prize drawing. The three finalists will throw their best right hook and punch through one of five holes on a punch board, each featuring a photo of Antonio Margarito, Pac-quiao’s upcoming opponent. Four of the prizes concealed behind the photos will be $1,000, and one will contain the Grand Prize. The two players who do not advance to the final round will receive $500. San Diegans who aren’t members of Club Barona can join for free at the Club Barona booth at the casino or online at Season Tickets start @ $99 619.283.SDSU • GOAZTECS.COM * LEGALS * CLASSIFIEDS ~ 619-425-7400 ~ FAX ~ 619-425-7402 * CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2010-00101269-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: YAMA RAHIM, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: YAMA RAHIM to ABDUL HASIB PARWANI THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: NOV 17, 2010. Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: D-25 The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Date: SEP 29, 2010 KEVIN A. ENRIGHT Judge of the Superior Court Published: 10/8,15,22,29/2010 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2010-00079380-CU-PT-SC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: ROCIO BALTAZAR on behalf of EMHIR ALEKZANDER OSUNA BALTAZAR, minor, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: EMHIR ALEKZANDER OSUNA BALTAZAR to HIRAM ELLIOT OSUNA THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: 11/10/2010. Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: 4, 2nd Floor. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, South County Division, 500 3rd Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91910 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Date: SEP 17, 2010 WILLIAM S. CANNON Judge of the Superior Court Published: 10/1,8,15,22/2010 La Prensa San Diego CASE NUMBER: 37-2010-00079624-CU-PT-SC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: PATRICIA CHANTAL MACIAS, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: PATRICIA CHANTAL MACIAS to PATRICIA CHANTAL MACIAS GONZALEZ THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: 11/9/10. Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: 4, 2nd Floor. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, South County Division, 500 3rd Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91910 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Date: SEP 27, 2010 WILLIAM S. CANNON Judge of the Superior Court Published: 10/1,8,15,22/2010 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2010-00078793-CU-PT-SC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: CARLOS RICARDO MEDINA GARIBALDI, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: CARLOS RICARDO MEDINA GARIBALDI to CARLOS RICARDO NAPOLES LOPEZ THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: Nov. 30th 2010. Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: 4. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, South County Division, 500 3rd Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91910 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Date: OCT 01, 2010 WILLIAM S. CANNON Judge of the Superior Court Published: 10/8,15,22,29/2010 La Prensa San Diego CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE PETER C. DEDDEH FOR CHANGE OF NAME Judge of the Superior Court CASE NUMBER: 37-2010-00095862-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: CHRISTINA STANLEY and DAVID SOMMERS on behalf of minor JOHN S. SOMMERS, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: JOHN S. SOMMERS to SPIKE JOHN SOMMERS THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: NOV 18 2010. Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: D-25, 3rd floor The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101, Central Division A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Date: OCT 05, 2010 KEVIN A. ENRIGHT Judge of the Superior Court Published: 10/8,15,22,29/2010 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2010-00070625-CU-PT-EC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: YESENIA GUADALUPE GARCIA DE TORRES on behalf of minor child EDNYA VIANEY TORRES, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: EDNYA VIANEY TORRES to E D N YA V I A N E Y TO R R E S GARCIA THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: 11/15/10. Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: 15 Room 4th Floor The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, East County Division, 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CA 92020 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Date: SEP 23, 2010 Published: 10/8,15,22,29/2010 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME (AMENDED) CASE NUMBER: 37-2010-00079855-CU-PT-SC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: JEMIMA PEREZ AND ROGERIO PEREZ, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: VENUS SHAYLEYN BERNAL to VENUS SHAYLEYN PEREZ THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: 11-29-10. Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: 4. Room: 2nd Floor The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 500 3rd Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91910 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Date: OCT 18, 2010 H. RONALD DOMNITZ Judge of the Superior Court Published: 10/22,29,11/5,12/2010 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2010-00079996-CU-PT-SC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: SHAMIM AHMED, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: SHAMIM AHMED to MOMEN UDDIN SIKDER THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: 12-3-10. Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: 4. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, South County Division, 500 3rd Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91910 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista, CHANGE OF NAME CA 91910 Date: OCT 20, 2010 H. RONALD DOMNITZ Judge of the Superior Court Published: 10/22,29,11/5,12/2010 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2010-00099160-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: AARON LEE POLLARD, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: AARON LEE POLLARD to EHRREN LEE AJANI THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: DEC-07, 2010. Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: 25. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Date: OCT 18, 2010 KEVIN A. ENRIGHT Judge of the Superior Court Published: 10/22,29,11/5,12/2010 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2010-00080004-CU-PT-SC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: MICHELLE MUNGIA AGUILAR, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: MICHELLE MUNGIA AGUILAR to MICHELLE MUNGIA THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: 12-7-10. Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: 4. Room: 2nd Floor The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, South County Division, 500 3rd Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91910 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county CHANGE OF NAME La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Date: OCT 20, 2010 H. RONALD DOMNITZ Judge of the Superior Court Published: 10/22,29,11/5,12/2010 La Prensa San Diego SUMMONS SUMMONS CASE NUMBER: 37-201000058062-CU-BC-NC NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: ZAVALA IRON DOORS, INC., an unknown business entity, doing business a Baja Forge Mexico; and DOES 1 THROUGH 100, inclusive YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: PATTI M. JONES, an individual NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center ( help), your county law library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, as the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money, and property may be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services Web site (, the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (, or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. The name and address of the court is: Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 325 South Melrose, Vista, CA 92081, North County Division The name, address, and telephone number of plaintiff’s attorney, or plaintiff without a n a t t o r ney, is: KEVIN T. CAULEY, Esq. (SBN 105082), LANA U. SHESHINA, Esq. (SBN 249219), SCHWARTZ SEMERDJIAN HAILE BALLARD & CAULEY LLP, 101 West Broadway, Suite 810, San Diego, CA 92101 Date: AUG 09, 2010 Clerk, by M. BATES, Deputy NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: as an individual Published: 10/8,15,22,29/2010 La Prensa San Diego SUMMONS SUMMONS SUMMONS - (Family Law) ners until the petition is disCASE NUMBER: DN162259 NOTICE TO RESPONDENT: CRISTINA ELENA FUENTESACOSTA You are being sued. PETITIONER'S NAME IS: JORGE HUMBERTO GARCIALOREDO You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Petition are served on you to file a Response (form FL-120 or FL-123) at the court and have a copy served on the petitioner. A letter or phone call will not protect you. If you do not file your Response on time, the court may make orders affecting your marriage, your property and custody of your children. You may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver form. If you want legal advice, contact a lawyer immediately. You can get information about finding lawyers at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www. help), at the California Legal Services Web site (, or by contacting your local county bar association. NOTICE: The restraining orders on page 2 are effective against both spouses or domestic part- missed, a judgment is entered, or the court makes further orders. These orders are enforceable anywhere in California by any law enforcement office who has received or seen a copy of them. NOTE: If a judgment or support order is entered, the court may order you to pay all or part of the fees and costs that the court waived for yourself or for the other party. If this happens, the party ordered to pay fees shall be given notice and an opportunity to request a hearing to set aside the order to pay waived court fees. 1. The name and address of the court is: SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, 325 S. MELROSE DRIVE, VISTA, CA 92081 2. The name, address, and telephone number of petitioner's attorney, or the petitioner without an attorney, is: JORGE HUMBERTO GARCIA-LOREDO, 682 Sunningdale Drive, Oceanside, CA 92057 Date: SEP 15, 2010 Clerk, by T. OZENBAUGH, Deputy NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: as an individual Published: 10/22,29,11/5,12/2010 La Prensa San Diego “¿Qué será? Una pirámide sobre ladrillos… o ladrillos delante de una pirámide? ¿Para qué se tatúa si nunca se lo puede ver?” NO PIERDAS TU TIEMPO HACIENDO COLAS. Visita, el sitio oficial del Gobierno en español. Encontrarás los temas que necesitas para tu vida diaria, como inmigración, empleos, salud, negocios, educación, vivienda y mucho más, sin colas ni pérdidas de tiempo. H Conéctate, queremos ayudarte. H o llama gratis al 1-800-333-4636 (1-800-FED-INFO) LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO OCTOBER 22, 2010 PAGE 13 ~ LEGALS ~ (619) 425-7400 ~ CLASSIFIEDS ~ REQUESTING BIDS REQUESTING BIDS REQUESTING PROPOSALS REQUESTING PROPOSALS NOTICE TO BIDDERS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of San Diego will receive bids for work at the Purchasing and Contracting Department, Contracts Division, 1200 Third Avenue, Suite 200, San Diego, California, where bids are to be submitted prior to time specified. Plans and specifications can be obtained from The City of San Diego’s website: A pre-bid meeting and/or pre-bid visit to the work site will be held, if indicated, at the time and place specified in the contract documents. Prospective bidders are encouraged to attend these sessions. It is the policy of the City of San Diego to encourage equal opportunity in its construction, consultant, material and supply contracts. Bids/proposals from small businesses, minorityowned, disabled, veteran-owned businesses, women-owned businesses and local firms are strongly encouraged. Contractors are encouraged to subcontract and/or participate in joint ventures with these firms. The City is committed to equal opportunity and will not discriminate with regard to race, religion, color, ancestry, age, gender, disability, medical condition or place of birth and will not do business with any firm that discriminates on any basis. Contractors interested in bidding projects over $250,000 must be pre-qualified. Please contact DAVE STUCKY of the City’s Pre-Qualification Program at (619) 533-3474 or [email protected] to obtain an application. Sign language or oral interpreting services are available at prebid meetings and bid openings with a 5 business day notice to the Contracting Division at 236-6000. 1. ALDINE DRIVE SLOPE RESTORATION PROJECT Bid No. K114693C. WBS No. S-00865. Pre-Bid Date: November 3, 2010 @ 10:00 a.m. Pre-Bid Location: Conference Room, 2nd Floor, 1200 Third Avenue, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92101. Bid Opening Date: November 19, 2010 @ 2:00 p.m. Construction Estimate: $2,142,219. License Requirement: A. THE GENERAL PREVAILING WAGE RATES AND LABOR SURCHARGE AND CALTRANS EQUIPMENT RENTAL RATES. FEDERAL EQAUL OPPORTUNITY CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS. FEDERAL PREVAILING WAGE RATES. APPRENTICE REQUIREMENTS. THIS IS A FHWA FUNDED CONTRACT THROUGH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. Hildred Pepper, Jr. October 14, 2010 Published: 10/15,22/2010 La Prensa San Diego The San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) is soliciting proposals from businesses (hereinafter referred to as CONTRACTOR(s)) for Plumbing Services. Interested and qualified firms including disadvantaged and women owned small businesses are invited to submit a proposal. The solicitation packet with complete instructions is available for download at If you do not have a username or password for the Onvia DemandStar website, please register at and select the Free Agency Option. San Diego Housing Commission 1122 Broadway, Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92101 Contact: Anthony Griffin (619) 578-7517 Email request to: [email protected] A pre-proposal conference will be held on Wednesday, November 3, 2010 at 10:00am (PST) at the above address. Sealed proposals marked “Plumbing Services (PM-11-6) RFP Documents — Do Not Open” must be received on or before Thursday, November 18, 2010 at 2:00pm (PST). Three (3) additional copies of the proposal and a completed electronic file containing the proposal on CD-R must be submitted with the original proposal packet to the address above. Late proposals will not be accepted. Published: 10/22/2010 La Prensa San Diego CITY OF ENCINITAS PUBLIC NOTICE INVITING BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Encinitas, California, is inviting sealed bids for construction of Engineering Services Projects titled “Melba Road – Northerly Sidewalk Improvements (CMS10B, A Federal CDBG Project)” and “Melba Road South (CMS10E, A State Safe Route to School Funded Project).” State of California Class “A” General Engineering Contractors may bid on this project. Bids will be received at the office of the City Clerk until 2:00 p.m., November 9, 2010 at which time they will be opened and read aloud by the City Clerk. They shall be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed to: Deborah Cervone, City Clerk, City of Encinitas, 505 S. Vulcan Avenue, Encinitas, CA 92024. The outside of the envelope shall be stated: “Melba Road – Northerly Sidewalk Improvements (CMS10B, A Federal CDBG Project)” and “Melba Road South (CMS10E, A State Safe Route to School Funded Project).” BID, DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 2:00 pm., November 9, 2010.” Project Description: All work to be done in accordance with these contract documents including Drawing No.0080SI entitled “Melba Road – Northerly Sidewalk Improvements” and Drawing No. 0082SI entitled “Melba Road South”. The work consists of: • Construction of standard concrete curb & gutter, sidewalk, driveways, street pavement, sidewalk underdrains, curb returns, pedestrian ramps, crossgutters, miscellaneous relocations, grading, and other appurtenant work including retaining walls on the north and south side of Melba Road, from Nardo Road to Bonita Drive. Bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes upon the blank forms furnished by the CITY in the bid documents. Each bid shall be accompanied by security in a form and amount as required by law. The CITY requires the awarded contractor to obtain Payment and Contract Performance bonds, issued by an admitted carrier, qualified to do business in California. See information for Bidders and all other contract documents for bidding procedure and other requirements of the bid. Copies of the bid package will be available at the Engineering Services counter, City Hall, 505 S. Vulcan Avenue, Encinitas, CA 92024 for $50.00 each. Additional bid packages will cost $50.00 each. For further information, contact the Engineering Services Department at (760) 6332770. This project is financed with federal funds. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs), Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (UDBEs), and other small businesses are strongly encouraged to participate in the performance of work financed with federal funds. The bidder shall ensure that UDBEs and other small businesses have the opportunity to participate in the performance of the work that is the subject of this solicitation and should take all necessary and reasonable steps for this assurance. It is the bidder’s responsibility to be fully informed regarding the requirements of 49CFR, Part 26 and the State of California Department of Transportation’s Race Conscious DBE program developed pursuant to the regulations and Chapter 9 of the Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual “Civil Rights and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises”. The City has defined a projectspecific UDBE goal of 7% for this project. All contractors bidding on this project must make a good faith effort to meet this UDBE goal. This is a Statefunded Safe Route to School (SR2S) Grant Project, a CDBG Project, and a CDBGR (Recovery Act) Project, and is subject to the Federal DavisBacon Act. Prevailing wage rates for this locality and project are dependant on the higher of the wage rates, determined by either: the Federal Secretary of Labor or the State Director of Industrial Relations. PURSUANT TO THE STATE LABOR CODE SECTION 1770, ET. SEQ. A COPY OF THE FEDERAL AND STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES SHALL BE POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BY THE CONTRACTOR. THE PRIME CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING COMPLIANCE WITH RELATED FEDERAL REGULATIONS AND LAWS, AS SPECIFIED IN SECTION F OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The City reserves the right, after opening bids, to reject any or all bids, or to make award to the lowest responsible bidder and reject all other bids, to waive any informality in the bidding and to accept any bid or portion thereof. Peter Cota Robles, P.E. Director of Engineering Services Published: 10/22,29,11/5/2010 La Prensa San Diego PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE AVISO DE CANDIDATOS PARA OFICINA PUBLICA SE NOTIFICA POR MEDIO DE LA PRESENTE que las siguientes personas han sido nominadas para la oficina designada a ser ocupada en la Elección General Municipal que se llevará a cabo en la Ciudad de Del Mar el Martes, Noviembre 2, 2010. Para Miembro del Ayuntamiento Vote for Dos JIM TUCKER TERRY SINNOTT LEE HAYDU Las urnas se abrirán entre las horas de 7:00 a.m. y 8:00 p.m. Octubre 18, 2010 Mercedes Martin Date MERCEDES MARTIN, City Clerk Published: 10/22/2010 La Prensa San Diego CIUDAD DE LEMON GROVE NOMINADOS PARA CARGOS PÚBLICOS SE NOTIFICA POR MEDIO DEL PRESENTE que las siguientes personas han sido nominadas para los cargos que se mencionan a continuación para ser ocupados en la Elección Municipal General que se realizará el martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010 en la Ciudad de Lemon Grove. Para Miembro del Concejo de la Ciudad: Howard Cook Tom Clabby Jerry Jones Wayne Love Jerry Selby Lou Melendez Susan Garcia Funcionaria Electoral de la Ciudad Fecha: 14 de octubre de 2010 Published: 10/22/2010 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) is soliciting proposals from businesses (hereinafter referred to as CONTRACTOR(s)) for SPONSOR BASED VOUCHER PROGRAM FOR NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS TO PROVIDE HOUSING AND SERVICES TO HOMELESS/LOW INCOME INDIVIDUALS IDENTIFIED IN THE REGISTRY WEEK PROGRAM SEPTEMBER 2010. Interested and qualified firms including disadvantaged and women owned small businesses are invited to submit a proposal. The solicitation packet with complete instructions is available for download at If you do not have a username or password for the Onvia DemandStar website, please register at and select the Free Agency Option. San Diego Housing Commission 1122 Broadway, Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92101 Contact: Anthony Griffin (619) 578-517 Email request to: [email protected] A Pre-proposal conference will be held on October 28, 2010 at 1:00pm (PST). Sealed proposals marked “SPONSOR BASED VOUCHER PROGRAM FOR NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS TO PROVIDE HOUSING AND SERVICES TO HOMELESS/ LOW INCOME INDIVIDUALS IDENTIFIED IN THE REGISTRY WEEK PROGRAM SEPTEMBER 2010 — Do Not Open” must be received on or before Monday, November 8, 2010 at 2:00pm (PST). Note: The San Diego Housing Commission offices will be closed on Friday, November 5, 2010. Three (3) additional copies of the proposal and a completed electronic file containing the proposal on CD-R must be submitted with the original proposal packet to the address above. Late proposals will not be accepted. Published: 10/22/2010 La Prensa San Diego Clerk of San Diego County SEP 22, 2010 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2010-025640 Published: 10/1,8,15,22/2010 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: A B I G VA N S A N D I E G O SHUTTLE 3433 Sweetwater Springs Blv., Spring Valley, CA, County of San Diego, 91978 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 340424, San Diego, CA 92137 This Business is Conducted By: An Individual The First Day of Business Was: N/A This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: John Rubio, 3433 Sweetwater Spring Blv., Spring Valley, CA 91978 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: John Rubio This Statement Was Filed With David Butler Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County SEP 20, 2010 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2010-025485 Published: 10/1,8,15,22/2010 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: CUNNY KEY PRODUCTIONS 4070 Iowa St. Apt. #7, San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92104 This Business is Conducted By: An Individual The First Day of Business Was: N/A This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Jacob Byrd, 4070 Iowa St. Apt. #7, San Diego, CA 92104 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Jacob Byrd This Statement Was Filed With David Butler Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County SEP 24, 2010 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2010-026012 Published: 10/1,8,15,22/2010 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a. CALIFORNIA SANGAK BREAD b. SANGAK BREAD c. BALBOA SANGAK BREAD 5905 Balboa Avenue, San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 921112711 This Business is Conducted By: An Individual The First Day of Business Was: N/A This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Martin Douglas Wilson, 5905 Balboa Avenue, San Diego, CA 92111-2711 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Martin Douglas Wilson, Owner This Statement Was Filed With David Butler Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County SEP 17, 2010 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2010-025372 Fictitious Business Name: ZOE COMMUNICATIONS 2446 Deerpark Drive, San Diego, CA County of San Diego, 92110 Mailing Address: same as above This Business is Conducted By: An Individual The First Day of Business Was: N/A This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Zoe Gayle Villaroman, 2446 Deerpark Drive, San Diego, CA 92110 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Zoe Gayle Villaroman This Statement Was Filed With Published: 10/8,15,22,29/2010 David Butler Recorder/County La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: BALBOA CLINIC 5925 Balboa Avenue, San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 921112711 This Business is Conducted By: An Individual The First Day of Business Was: N/A This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Martin Douglas Wilson, 5925 Balboa Avenue, San Diego, CA 92111-2711 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Martin Douglas Wilson This Statement Was Filed With David Butler Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County SEP 17, 2010 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2010-025373 Published: 10/1,8,15,22/2010 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: BALBOA SALON 5929 Balboa Avenue, San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 921112711 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 312, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 920670312 This Business is Conducted By: An Individual The First Day of Business Was: N/A This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Martin Douglas Wilson, 5929 Balboa Avenue, San Diego, CA 92111-2711 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Martin Douglas Wilson This Statement Was Filed With David Butler Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County SEP 17, 2010 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2010-025375 Published: 10/1,8,15,22/2010 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: CHIEF TRAVEL 5935 Balboa Avenue, San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 921112711 This Business is Conducted By: An Individual The First Day of Business Was: 1/1/74 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Martin Douglas Wilson, 5935 Balboa Avenue, San Diego, CA 92111-2711 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Martin Douglas Wilson This Statement Was Filed With David Butler Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County SEP 17, 2010 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2010-025377 The First Day of Business Was: 1/1/74 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Martin Douglas Wilson, 5921 Balboa Avenue, San Diego, CA 92111-2711 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Martin Douglas Wilson This Statement Was Filed With David Butler Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County SEP 17, 2010 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2010-025374 Published: 10/1,8,15,22/2010 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: L & M JUMPS 3077 J St., San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92102 This Business is Conducted By: Husband and Wife The First Day of Business Was: 09/17/10 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: a. Miguel De La Vega, 3077 J St., San Diego, CA 92102 b. Lucia De La Vega, 3077 J. St., San Diego, CA 92102 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Lucia De La Vega This Statement Was Filed With David Butler Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County SEP 29, 2010 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2010-026440 Published: 10/1,8,15,22/2010 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: ALF LOGISTICS 1014 Corte Maria, Chula Vista, CA, County of San Diego, 91911 This Business is Conducted By: An Individual The First Day of Business Was: 6/1/2010 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Felipe Alarcon Garcia, 1014 Corte Maria, Chula Vista, CA 91911 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Felipe Alarcon Garcia This Statement Was Filed With David Butler Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County SEP 08, 2010 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2010-024393 Published: 10/1,8,15,22/2010 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2010-026504 Published: 10/8,15,22,29/2010 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: SUNNY CLEAN 5205 La Paz Dr., San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92114 Mailing Address: 5205 La Paz Dr., San Diego, CA 92114 This Business is Conducted By: Husband and Wife The First Day of Business Was: 10-4-10 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: 1. Rodney Saunders, 5205 La Paz Dr., San Diego, CA 92114 2. Gabriela Saunders, 5205 La Paz Dr., San Diego, CA 92114 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Rodney Saunders This Statement Was Filed With David Butler Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County OCT 05, 2010 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2010-026974 Published: 10/8,15,22,29/2010 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: EASY REGISTRATION 6420 Akins Ave., San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92114 This Business is Conducted By: An Individual The First Day of Business Was: N/A This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Desiderio Guerrero, 8237 Palm St., Lemon Grove, CA 91945 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Desiderio Guerrero This Statement Was Filed With David Butler Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County OCT 06, 2010 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2010-027042 Published: 10/8,15,22,29/2010 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: GREEN PEDAL BOAT CRUISERS 1263 Calle Candelero, Chula Vista, CA, County of San Diego, 91910 Mailing Address: 1263 Calle Candelero, Chula Vista, CA, 91910 This Business is Conducted By: Husband and Wife The First Day of Business Was: 10/5/10 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: 1. Jorge A. Borbon, 1263 Calle Candelero, Chula Vista, CA 91910 2. Sara A. Borbon, 1263 Calle Candelero, Chula Vista, CA 91910 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Jorge A. Borbon, Owner This Statement Was Filed With David Butler Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County OCT 05, 2010 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2010-026980 Fictitious Business Name: CORONADO SMOG STATION TEST ONLY 25123 Coronado Ave., San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92154 This Business is Conducted By: An Individual The First Day of Business Was: N/A This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Celio V. Sanchez, Owner I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Celio V. Sanchez This Statement Was Filed With David Butler Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County OCT 14, 2010 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights Published: 10/8,15,22,29/2010 of another under federal, state, La Prensa San Diego or common law. Assigned File No.: 2010-027892 Published: 10/22,29,11/5,12/2010 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: STUDIO MG SALON 2240 Otay Lakes Rd., Chula Vista, CA, County of San Diego, 92115 This Business is Conducted By: A Corporation The First Day of Business Was: 4-7-10 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Studio MG Salon, Inc., 2240 Otay Lakes Rd. Ste. 301, Chula Vista, CA 91915, California I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Maria Sanchez, President This Statement Was Filed With David Butler Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County SEP 08, 2010 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2010-024348 Fictitious Business Name: PACIFIC EXPRESS SERVICES 1442 Highland Ave., National City, CA, County of San Diego, 91950 This Business is Conducted By: An Individual The First Day of Business Was: N/A This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Ferdinand Agpaoa, 1428 Highland Ave., National City, CA 91950 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Ferdinand Agpaoa This Statement Was Filed With David Butler Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County SEP 30, 2010 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights Published: 10/8,15,22,29/2010 of another under federal, state, La Prensa San Diego or common law. Assigned File No.: 2010-026529 Published: 10/1,8,15,22/2010 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: GATEWAY MAINTENANCE SERVICES 5807 University Ave. #5-140, San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92115 This Business is Conducted By: An Individual The First Day of Business Was: 08/16/2010 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Published: 10/1,8,15,22/2010 Francisco Talamantes-Rivera, La Prensa San Diego 5807 University Ave. #5-140, San Diego, CA 92115 I declare that all information in FICTITIOUS BUSINESS this statement is true and corNAME STATEMENT rect. Signature of Registrant: FranFictitious Business Name: cisco Talamantes-Rivera BALBOA BAKERY 5921 Balboa Avenue, San Diego, This Statement Was Filed With CA, County of San Diego, 92111- David Butler Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County SEP 2711 This Business is Conducted By: 30, 2010 The filing of this statement does An Individual FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: ANTIQUE AND ESTATE JEWELRY 17854 Camino de la Mitra, Rancho Santa Fe, CA, County of San Diego, 92067 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 675784, Rancho Santa Fe, California 92067 This Business is Conducted By: A Corporation The First Day of Business Was: N/A This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Baron & Baroness Jewels, Inc., 17854 Camino de la Mitra, Rancho Santa Fe, California 92067, California I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: W. David Leavitt, Co-President This Statement Was Filed With David Butler Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County OCT 06, 2010 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2010-027014 Published: 10/15,22,29,11/5/2010 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: PLAY LOVE LEARN 6213 Avenida de las Vistas #3, San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92154 This Business is Conducted By: A General Partnership The First Day of Business Was: N/A This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: 1. Maritza Mancilla, 6213 Avenida de las Vistas #3, San Diego, CA 92154 2. Belinda Mancilla, 6213 Avenida de las Vistas #3, San Diego, CA 92154 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Maritza Mancilla This Statement Was Filed With David Butler Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County OCT 01, 2010 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2010-026670 tered by the Following: Camilo Carbajal, 1144 13th St. #19, Imperial Beach, CA 91932 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Camilo Carbajal This Statement Was Filed With David Butler Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County SEP 30, 2010 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2010-026481 Published: 10/15,22,29,11/5/2010 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: TOTUS TUUS PRESS 2463 Pointe Pkwy, Spring Valley, CA, County of San Diego, 91978 This Business is Conducted By: Husband and Wife The First Day of Business Was: July 1, 2010 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: 1. Jason Evert, 2463 Pointe Pkwy., Spring Valley, CA 91978 2. Crystalina Evert, 2463 Pointe Pkwy., Spring Valley, CA 91978 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Published: 10/15,22,29,11/5/2010 Signature of Registrant: Jason Evert La Prensa San Diego This Statement Was Filed With David Butler Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County OCT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 15, 2010 NAME STATEMENT The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in Fictitious Business Name: WILL’S TELECOMMUNICATION’S this state of Fictitious Business 1176 27th St., San Diego, CA, Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, County of San Diego, 92154 This Business is Conducted By: or common law. Assigned File No.: 2010-028054 An Individual The First Day of Business Was: Published: 10/22,29,11/5,12/2010 09/01/10 La Prensa San Diego This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: William Rodriguez, 1176 27th St., FICTITIOUS BUSINESS San Diego, CA 92154 NAME STATEMENT I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Fictitious Business Name: Signature of Registrant: Will- AZUL BEAUTY SALON iam Rodriguez 2917 National Ave., San Diego, This Statement Was Filed With CA, County of San Diego, 92113 David Butler Recorder/County This Business is Conducted By: Clerk of San Diego County SEP An Individual 24, 2010 The First Day of Business Was: The filing of this statement does N/A not of itself authorize the use in This Business Is Hereby Registhis state of Fictitious Business tered by the Following: Name in violation of the rights Francisco Garcia III, 1255 Imof another under federal, state, perial Ave. Ste. 120 #117, San or common law. Diego, CA 92101 Assigned File No.: 2010-025984 I declare that all information in Published: 10/15,22,29,11/5/2010 this statement is true and correct. La Prensa San Diego Signature of Registrant: Francisco Garcia III This Statement Was Filed With FICTITIOUS BUSINESS David Butler Recorder/County NAME STATEMENT Clerk of San Diego County OCT 13, 2010 Fictitious Business Name: The filing of this statement does TACOMIENDO 4275 Layla Ct., San Diego, CA, not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business County of San Diego, 92154 Mailing Address: 4275 Layla Ct., Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, San Diego, CA 92154 This Business is Conducted By: or common law. Assigned File No.: 2010-027769 An Individual The First Day of Business Was: Published: 10/22,29,11/5,12/2010 N/A La Prensa San Diego This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Arthur Isaac Herrera, 4275 Layla FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Court, San Diego, CA 92154 NAME STATEMENT I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Fictitious Business Name: S i g n a t u r e o f R e g i s t r a n t : PIÑAS FRUIT SALADS Arthur I. Herrera, Owner SMOOTHIES This Statement Was Filed With 970 Broadway Ste. 110, Chula David Butler Recorder/County Vista, CA, County of San Diego, Clerk of San Diego County OCT 91911 08, 2010 This Business is Conducted By: The filing of this statement does An Individual not of itself authorize the use in The First Day of Business Was: this state of Fictitious Business 9/1/10 Name in violation of the rights This Business Is Hereby Regisof another under federal, state, tered by the Following: or common law. Martina Gonzalez, 707 Woodlawn Assigned File No.: 2010-027352 Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91910 Published: 10/15,22,29,11/5/2010 I declare that all information in this statement is true and corLa Prensa San Diego rect. Signature of Registrant: Martina Gonzalez FICTITIOUS BUSINESS This Statement Was Filed With NAME STATEMENT David Butler Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County OCT Fictitious Business Name: 05, 2010 ROAD MASTER EXPRESS 1144 13th St., Imperial Beach, The filing of this statement does CA, County of San Diego, 91932 not of itself authorize the use in Mailing Address: 1311 4th Ave. this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights #101, Chula Vista, CA 91911 This Business is Conducted By: of another under federal, state, or common law. An Individual The First Day of Business Was: Assigned File No.: 2010-026939 9/30/10 Published: 10/22,29,11/5,12/2010 This Business Is Hereby Regis- La Prensa San Diego CLASSIFIEDS * 619-425-7400 * TRABAJO DE MEDIO TIEMPO SENIOR TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER Limpieza en horas de la madrugada. Limpieza de Restaurantes en ciudad de La Mesa. The Senior Transportation EngiLlamar al 619-677-3605 (de neer will manage and coordinate the design and development of 8:30a.m. a 2:30p.m.). capital projects and investment studies in the region’s transportation corridors. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree with major FOR SALE course work in civil, structural, or transportation engineering, and a minimum of five years of capital project design and delivery, preferably for transportation-reFOR SALE lated projects. This is a limited Free 600 Polo style shirts with term position. SANDAG offers each purchase $1.99 501 Levis competitive salaries and benand other designer brands. Mini- efits. Visit mum order 1200 jeans. Ask for or call (619) 699-1900 for inforJim, English speaking por favor, mation. Closes: November 12, 818-522-9824. 2010. EOE. PAGE 14 Prop. 19 es muy dificil para los electores (con’t de página 1) persona cultive hasta 25 pies cuadrados de esta planta, ya que esto equivale a 6,000 cigarrillos de marihuana, mucho más que el consumo personal promedio. “Se ha demostrado el efecto dañino del THC en el cerebro en desarrollo” dice Morgan, “pero es precisamente el grupo de población entre 18 y 25 años donde más se consume, seguido por el grupo de 17; es decir las etapas donde hay mayor riesgo de daño porque el cerebro no se deja de desarrollar hasta los 25 años de edad, se vincula con episodios psicóticos, paranoia, depresiones….”. Pero los defensores de la ley, entre los que están grupos como LEAP (Elementos de Seguridad Púbica contra la Prohibición) aseguran que aprobar la Propuesta 19 liberaría valiosos recursos públicos para un estado en crisis, aumentando el ingreso por impuestos y evitando el proceso judicial por delito grave de 80 mil personas al año, liberando así la sobrepoblación de las cárceles en el estado. Argumentan además que la marihuana tiene efectos menos nocivos que el alcohol, el cigarro o medicamentos controlados — todos ellos regulados y con mercado legal. No es adictiva, no tiene efectos tóxicos en el cuerpo y no provoca comportamiento violento en la persona, como sí lo son algunas de estas sustancias legales. Kathleen A. Staudt, profesora de ciencias políticas en la Universidad de Texas en El Paso asegura que son las compañías farmacéuticas los vendedores de sustancias más importantes frente a las cuales el consume de marihuana es francamente inofensivo. “Educadores y expertos en adicciones han advertido ya de un cambio en la tendencia de consumo de los jóvenes que están dejando el consumo de marihuana para experimentar con medicamento controlado, hay un flujo constante de estas drogas y nadie parece estar poniendo suficiente atención a está constante promoción de medicamentos controlados” cuenta Staudt. “Son estas compañías los verdaderos vendedores de sustancias que alteran la conciencia, son ellos quienes están constantemente presionando, presionando….” lamenta. Los impulsores de la ley citan la estricta regulación en materia de alcohol en los Estados Unidos y la reducción significativa del tabaquismo a través de concientización de salud. Alex Kreit, académico de la Escuela de Leyes Thomas Jefferson, asegura que el 44% de los estadounidenses han consumido marihuana, — incluyendo los tres últimos presidentes, demostrando una aceptación al menos parcial entre la población. Kreit explica que cada año, California gasta mil millones de dólares para vigilar el cumplimiento de la prohibición de esta droga. “Pero al año también tenemos 61,000 delitos graves sin resolverse y a nivel nacional apenas 12.2% de los robos a casa habitación y 22% de los asaltos son resueltos, ¿no sería mejor liberar esos recursos utilizados para detener a los consumidores de marihuana y poder investigar crímenes de otra índole?” pregunta el académico. El efecto en México Además del debate nacional, la propuesta 19 está siendo debatida en relación a su posible repercusión en la sangrienta lucha del narcotráfico en Mexico, ya que podría cambiar el actual esquema de oferta y demanda en OCTOBER 22, 2010 el mercado internacional del narcotráfico. El presidente de Mexico, Felipe Calderón ha expresado ya su frustración por la posibilidad de que pase la Propuesta 19, llamándola “un ejemplo de la inconsistencia en política de drogas”. En Baja California tanto el procurador del estado Rommel Moreno Manjarrez como el alcalde de Tijuana, Jorge Ramos, han expresado públicamente su preocupación por esta medida y su posible repercusión en esta frontera, por donde cruza un porcentaje importante de la droga que llega al mercado estadounidense. “Legalización o no legalización, cualquier regulación que se apruebe debe de hacerse en coordinación con el otro país; de no ser así sería un suicidio” dice Rommel, responsable de investigar los cientos de muertes que ha desatado la lucha contra el narcotráfico. Un estudio recientemente publicado por el grupo de investigación RAND, admite que la demanda de drogas ilícitas es un factor clave en la lucha de grupos rivales en el narcotráfico y pregunta cómo podría afectar el cambio de legislación de California a las redes de narcotráfico Mexicanas. Entre los hallazgos del estudio RAND está que las ganancias de narcotraficantes Mexicanos por el consumo de California no supera los 2 mil millones de dólares y desestiman los estimados del gobierno norteamericano que el 60% de los ingresos de los carteles provienen de la venta de marihuana. RAND calcula que de aprobarse la Propuesta 19, la perdida para los carteles mexicanos seria apenas de 2 a 4%. Es decir, que la legalización de la marihuana en California no tendría una influencia contundente en los carteles de narcotráfico mexicanos o la violencia relacionada con sus actividades, a menos de que la exportación de marihuana de California saque a la marihuana mexicana del mercado. De ser así, la marihuana proveniente de California a otros estados podría disminuir la venta de marihuana mexicana en un 65 a 85% y es solo así que los carteles mexicanos perderían un 20% del total de sus ganancias por exportar drogas. “Por un lado tenemos que el impuesto que se plantea en algunos lugares sería el 50% del precio de la marihuana, entonces, ¿Cuál sería el incentivo de legalizar para un vendedor? En realidad, seguiría existiendo un mercado negro de marihuana aún con el cambio de ley”, explica Rosalie Pecula, académica de RAND. La academica también advierte que la Propuesta 19 permite a las sindicaturas locales establecer su propio esquema de impuestos lo que podría crear un serio problema cuando la competencia por atraer el mercado haga que condados vecinos cobren los menos impuestos posibles, debilitando la recaudación. Staut, quién ha seguido de cerca los estragos de la guerra contra el narco especialmente en Ciudad Juarez, admite que la despenalización no será un factor que disminuya la violencia en México por si solo., pero asegura que sería un cambio de política pública importante y un primer paso para un debate más honesto sobre el uso de sustancias. “La despenalización en Estados Unidos podría tener efecto en México a mediano plazo, pero sólo si esto se hace acompañado de una serie de inversiones sociales importantes en México, como lo son el desarrollo económico vinculado con la creación de empleo bien remunerado, educación, reducción de la violencia de género…” agregó Staut. Bach Collegium San Diego presents “Latin American Connections: A Bridge Across the Atlantic” with Guest Director Rodolfo Richter Bach Collegium San Diego (BCSD), the city’s only early music performance ensemble, opens its eighth season with a “Latin American Connections: A Bridge Across the Atlantic” on Friday, Oct. 29 and Saturday, Oct. 30, 2010. The second of these is the first official concert to be held at the historic Mission San Luis Rey de Francia in Oceanside in more than 10 years. The concert will be led by guest director Rodolfo Richter, one of the most sought-after concertmasters and leaders of Baroque concerts in Europe today. “It’s been a dream of mine to perform a concert at the Mission San Luis Rey for some time, so when we approached them and they said they’d like a concert featuring Latin American music, we knew this would be a perfect match,” said Music Director Ruben Valenzuela. “We knew Rodolfo Richter through the Academy of Ancient Music in England, whose directors are also associated with our ensemble. We’re very fortunate to have Rodolfo bring this program he developed to the United States for the very first time.” This year, “Latin American Connections” is the kickoff event to the Mission San Luis Rey’s famous Día de los Muertos Festival, the largest and most authentic Day of the Dead festival in California. The festival features a Mercado, great food, dancers, music, children’s activity area, free chalk cemetery and ofrendas (altars) made with thousands of flowers, as well as a wall of blessings. A portion of the proceeds from this concert of 18th-century music will go toward the upcoming retrofitting of the historic mission, one of San Diego’s cultural treasures, founded in 1798 by Padre Fermin Francisco de Lasuen, successor to Padre Junipero Serra, and named after St. Louis IX, King of France. Tickets are $25 or $35. Senior/Student Discount: $15. Student rush tickets may be purchased at the door for $10 if any seats are still available (Student ID required). For more information and to purchase tickets please visit the BCSD website: http://www. home.aspx. LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO Cascada De Flores Performs Music of Mexico and Cuba at Oceanside Library The quartet performs on a dizzying array of traditional instruments. The Oceanside Public Li- music captures the sound of the brary and the Friends of the early 1900s when the golden Oceanside Public Library are age of song first exploded onto proud to present the music of the radio waves in Mexico and Mexico and Cuba performed Cuba. This internationally acby Cascada de Flores. This claimed quartet performs on a concert will be held on Friday, dizzying array of traditional inOctober 29, 2010, in the Civic struments including the tres Center Library Community cubano, guitarra de son, jarana, Rooms located at 330 N. Coast marimbol, and cajón. For this Highway. Performance time performance only, the band will will be 7:30 p.m. Free parking include special stories and muis available in the Civic Center sic celebrating Día de los parking garage. Muertos, the Hispanic rememFeaturing hypnotic and heart- brance of the Day of the Dead. felt vocals, Cascada de Flores Tickets are $15.00 for all ages (“waterfall of flowers”) cel- and are available at the Oceanebrates the uniqueness and di- side Civic Center Library and versity of Mexican and Cuban Mission Branch Library checkfolk music and dance. Their out desks. Doors open at 7:00 soulful and highly energetic p.m. and it is open seating. MANA de San Diego Presenta “La Conferencia 2010, Latina Success – Mujeres Con Éxito” Acompaña a MANA de San Diego a la emocionante conferencia “Latina Success – Mujeres con Éxito”, diseñada para educar a las mujeres en tópicos tales como su carrera profesional, finanzas, conocer su comunidad y salud, con talleres en inglés y en español. Habrá una conferencia de bienvenida grabada de la Secretaria del Trabajo, Hilda Solís. Por favor ayúdanos a promover un evento positivo que permite a las mujeres aprender sobre asuntos importantes que mejorarán su carrera y sus comunidades. CA 92114 QUÉ: MANA de San Diego, “Latina Success – Mujeres Con Éxito 2010” Conferencia (de un día) en Liderazgo de Mujeres POR QUÉ?: La conferencia es de suma importancia para el éxito de los miembros de la comunidad. Preparará a cerca de 300 mujeres a través de los con-dados de San Diego, Orange e Imperial, con herramientas y recursos para ayudarlas a triunfar. MANA de San Diego está colaborando con destacados expertos y organizaciones para presentar la información más exacta, extensa y actualizada que ayude a las mujeres. CUÁNDO: Sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010 – De 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. DÓNDE: Joe and Vi Jacobs Center, 404 Euclid Avenue, San Diego, ORADORES: Apertura: Derene Allen, Asesor Comercial de la Cooperativa WAGES Idea central: Rebecca Aguilar, Periodista ganadora de un premio Emmy, creadora de un “blog” para latinas y secretaria de la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas Hispanos COSTO: $50 miembros, $60 no miembros, $30 estudiantes (hay becas disponibles – favor de contactar la oficina de MANA al 619.297.0115)