Forms - Diocese of Austin
Forms - Diocese of Austin
FORMS 8/28/15 | Version 5.1 AA - 2 Diocese of Austin Liturgy Planning Form To help in the preparation of the Mass in which Bishop Vásquez has been invited to be the Main Celebrant, please complete this Liturgy Planning Form and return to the Office of Worship 30 days prior to the celebration. Please submit the completed form to: Office of Worship, 6225 Hwy. 290 East, Austin, Texas 78723 or [email protected] or fax to 512-949-2429. Fax: 512/949-2520. EVENT: DATE: TIME: PLACE: ADDRESS: CITY: CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: E-MAIL ADDRESS: LOCATION OF RESERVED PARKING FOR BISHOP: INTRODUCTORY RITES: Entrance Song: Penitential Rite: NO Gloria: NO Sprinkling Rite: NO Opening Prayer: YES YES YES FORM (only on Sundays outside of Advent/Lent; Solemnities/Feasts) (Sacramentary Page) LITURGY OF THE WORD First Reading: Lector: Responsorial Psalm: Sung: Spoken: Second Reading: Lector: Gospel Acclamation: If not sung, the “alleluia” or verse before the Gospel may be omitted. (GIRM 63c) Gospel Reading: Proclaimed by: Homilist: Prayer of the Faithful: Read By: Prepared By: Please submit Prayers of the Faithful with this form. LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Preparation of Gifts Hymn: Hymnal/# Holy, Holy, Holy; Memorial Acclamation and Great Amen: (Always Sung) Lord’s Prayer: To be recited Lamb of God: Always sung Com unio Song(s): Hymnal/# Hymnal/# Closing Song: Hymnal/# CONCLUDING RITE Are there announcements Is there a reception after the Mass? NO CONCELEBRANTS AND VESTMENTS Are there concelebrants for this event: Color of Vestments: NO YES YES NO Provided _YES Read by: Location: If yes, how many are expected: by: Parish Updated for parish use by the Office of Worship, Diocese of Austin 2011 8/28/15 | Version 5.1 or Bishop AA - 3 DIOCESE OF AUSTIN CONFIRMATION LITURGY PLANNING FORM 2011 The Worship Office is delighted to be working with you in your preparations for this special celebration. You may submit this form to [email protected]; or mail to Office of Worship c/o Kathy Thomas 6225 Highway 290 East, Austin, TX 78723 or fax to 512-949-2520 60 days before the celebration. PARISH: DATE: TIME: CITY: PHONE: PERSON: E-MAIL: ADDRESS: CONTACT GENERAL INFORMATION Name of Director of Religious Education: Catechists to be thanked: (Please list) Ages # from other parishes: Ages Parish: # of Candidates: Presentation of Candidates by: Will names be read aloud? Yes No For the Anointing, how will the Candidates come forward? one-by-one OR two-by-two Name of Deacon(s) who will assist: Are there concelebrants for this event: Yes No If yes, how many are expected: Bishop will wear vestments furnished by the parish green_ Color of Vestments: red white purple (Lent/Advent Sunday) ORDER OF THE MASS Please Note: There is to be a minimum of 2 altar servers to serve at the Mass. Entrance Song: Hymnal & # Penitential Rite: (recited) Choose Form: A B C Gloria: Yes No (It is SUNG for Sundays outside of Advent or Lent, Solemnities and Feasts) Opening Prayer: (Sacramentary page number) LITURGY OF THE WORD (Please list the readings being proclaimed – the actual book, chapter and verse) First Reading: Lector: Responsorial Psalm: Sung: Spoken: Second Reading: Lector: Gospel Acclamation: (always sung) Gospel Reading: Proclaimed by: Homilist: Bishop Vásquez Prayers of the Faithful Prepared By: Read By: Please submit Prayers of the Faithful with this form. LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Preparation of the Gifts Hymn Hymnal and # Holy, Holy, Holy; Memorial Acclamation and Great Amen: (Always Sung) Lord’s Prayer: To be recited Lamb of God: Always sung Communion Song(s) Hymnal and # Hymnal and # Closing Song: Hymnal and # CONCLUDING RITE Are there announcements Yes No Read by Whom: Is there a reception after the Mass? Yes _No Location: Is there a group photo planned? Yes No Before or After Mass Please indicate where reserved parking for Bishop Vásquez is located: Please be certain to let us know if there are any special needs or instructions for this liturgy. Updated for parish use by the Office of Worship, Diocese of Austin 201! 8/28/15 | Version 5.1 AA - 4 Testimonial of Suitability (for Temporary Priestly Ministry for Diocesan Priests) Most Reverend Joe S. Vásquez, S.T.L. Diocese of Austin P. O. Box 13327 Austin, Texas 78711 Dear Bishop Vásquez: In light of the provisions of can. 903 CIC and can. 703 §1 CCEO, I write to inform you that Rev. [name] is an [arch/diocese/eparchy] of priest of the [location], who currently resides in [place of residence]. He will be [name of the church or exercising ministry at institution] in diocese, on incardinated [location of the church or institution] in your [date]. In regard to Rev. statements: [name], I am able to make the following He is a person of good moral character and reputation. I know of nothing which would in any way limit or disqualify him from this ministry. I am unaware of anything in his background which would render him unsuitable to work with minor children. Respectfully in Christ, Signature of Arch/Bishop/Eparch Date Printed Name: [seal] Title: Effective through 8/28/15 | Version 5.1 AA - 5 Testimonio de Aptitud (Para el Ministerio Sacerdotal Temporal de Sacerdotes Diocesanos) Excmo. Sr. Joe S. Vásquez, S.T.L Diócesis de Austin. P.O. Box 13327 Austin, Texas 78711 Apreciable Sr. Obispo Vásquez: A la luz de las disposiciones de la Ley Canónica 903 CIC y 703 § 1 CCEO, me dirijo a usted para informarle que el Rev. [nombre] es un sacerdote incardinado de la [Arquidiócesis/Diócesis/Provincia] de (lugar), que actualmente reside en [lugar de residencia]. Él estará ejerciendo su ministerio en [nombre de la iglesia o institución] localizada en [domicilio], la cual se encuentra dentro de su diócesis, el día [fecha]. Respecto al Rev. siguientes declaraciones: [nombre] , estoy en la posibilidad de hacer las Él es una persona de buen carácter moral y reputación. Desconozco exista algún impedimento que lo limite o descalifique de este ministerio. Ignoro si existe algo en su pasado que lo considere inapto para trabajar con niños menores de edad. Respetuosamente en Cristo, Firma del Arzobispo/Obispo/Provincial/ Fecha Nombre impreso: Título: [Sello] Efectivo a partir de hasta 8/28/15 | Version 5.1