St. Rose of Lima Parish Parroquia Santa Rosa de Lima In Christ, We are Bread for one another: Broken… we gather. Nourished… we reach out. ……………….....……………………………. En Cristo, Somos Pan para cada uno: Lo Dividimos… nos juntamos. Alimentados… tendemos la mano. The Power of Prayer October 16, 2016 ORDINARY TIME 29 Jesus asks, “When the Son of man returns, will He find any faith le ?” The Lord knows He is not leaving His disciples in an easy world. There is so much that really puts pressure on our faith. An important truth to remember is that for strong faith, we need strong prayer. First, we some mes become red and weary - “spiritual burnout.” It starts to take a great effort to pray regularly. When Moses became red, others came to support him. Do we appreciate the fact that we are supported spiritually by others? Not only do we pray for others, but others are praying for us! That’s why Jesus gave us the Church, a community of faith, to transfer spiritual strength to one another. When we come to Mass, we pray as a body, as a Church. Let us allow the prayer of the Church and of the parish to support us in mes of weakness. When spiritual strength returns, then we can be strong for others. The work of intercession is a powerful work of faith. Secondly, prayer is our word to God. Scripture is God’s word to us. The Holy Spirit gave us the word of God not just to quote, but to penetrate and shape our spiritual life. It can be a great value, for example, to take one of our Sunday readings and let it influence and form our prayer during the week. Scripture can enrich our prayer in many ways. Many Chris ans, to their loss, never even come near Scripture for prayer. Finally, some mes we simply become frustrated. We pray but the world doesn’t seem to change, at least not as quickly as we would want. In the Gospel parable, the Lord tells us that if the corrupt judgewill respond to the persistent widow, how much more will God our Father respond to us. God acts on a huge screen. Our Lord has purposes for us and our life that are larger or different than we o en plan or imagine. If only we could see the grace of God responding and entering people’s lives as seeds of grace slowly growing, it would be an awesome sight, every day, every hour. Although God’s grace comes immediately, its effect takes me. Now the new seeds of grace are just being planted inside people in response to our prayer and those seeds of grace take me to grow. Hard hearts can be pre y hard. But seeds of grace can also be very durable. Will Jesus find strong faith when He returns to the earth? The Lord will find strong faith wherever there is strong prayer. Don’t give up on prayer. The great untold story, not recorded in any history book, is the effect of prayer on people’s lives and ac ons. Through prayer, you and I can affect the future of our world and of individuals around us. 11701 Clopper Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20878-1024 PHONE: 301-948-7545 FAX: 301-869-2170 EMERGENCIES (A er Hours): 301-355-8191 CANCELLATION INFORMATION: x307 WEBSITE: www.strose-parish.org EUCHARIST / EUCARISTÍA Historic Chapel / Capilla Histórica Monday-Friday ......................................... 8:30 am (English) 1er Viernes............................................... 7:00 pm (Español) Sunday ..................................................... 7:15 am (English) 1er Dimanche......................................... 10:00 am (Français) 2nd Sunday............................................... 5:00 pm (Tagalog) Church / Iglesia Saturday Vigil ........................................... 5:00 pm (English) Sunday .................. 8:45 (English + ASL) & 11:15 am (English) Domingo ................................................. 1:00 pm (Español) RECONCILIATION / RECONCILIACIÓN Historic Chapel / Capilla Histórica Thursday ............................. 7:00-9:00 pm (English/Español) Church / Iglesia Saturday .......................................... 4:00-4:30 pm (English) Domingo ......................................... 2:15-3:15 pm (Español) BAPTISM / BAUTISMO Begin classes while pregnant or awai ng adop on. Bap sms will not be scheduled un l classes have been completed. Parents MUST pre-register to a end. Two sessions are required. 2016: Nov. 5 & 12 / Comience las clases cuando este embarazada o esperando una adopción. Los Bau zos no se podrán programar hasta que las clases hayan sido completadas. Los padres TIENEN que preregistrarse para atender. Dos sesiones se requieren. 2016: nov. 5 y 12 2017: enero 14 y 21, marzo 11 y 18, mayo 13 y 20, sept. 9 y 16, nov. 4 y 11 MARRIAGE / MATRIMONIO Couples seeking marriage must make arrangements with a Priest or Deacon a minimum of six months prior to se ng a wedding date. Do not plan a recep on un l you have met with the Priest or Deacon. At least one party must be a member of St. Rose of Lima. / Las parejas que buscan el matrimonio deben hacer arreglos con un sacerdote o diácono con un mínimo de seis meses antes de fijar una fecha para la boda. No planifique una recepción sino hasta que se haya reunido con el sacerdote o el diácono. Al menos una persona debe ser miembro de Sta. Rosa de Lima. NEWCOMERS / NUEVOS MIEMBROS Mee ng - Duggan Room / Reunión - Salon Duggan 2o Domingo ............................................ 12:00pm (Español) 2nd Sunday............................................... 12:30pm (English) OTHER SERVICES / OTROS SERVICIOS Stephen Ministry Ralph Bally, 301-873-0487 / Zita Tepie, 301-519-1527 Accessibility / Fácil Acceso: Hearing systems, accessible sea ng, large print worship guides and ASL interpreta on are available. / Aparatos ampliadores de sonido y asientos accesibles están disponibles. LITURGY SCHEDULE / HORARIO DE LITURGIA th WORSHIP / ADORACIÓN o 20 Sunday in Ordinary Time / 30 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Cycle C - October 22/23, 2016 Historic Chapel: Sun., 7:15 am Fr. Quinn Conners Church: Sat., 5:00 pm Sun., 8:45 am Sun., 11:15 am Sun., 1:00 pm Fr. Agus n Mateo Fr. Quinn Conners Fr. Jus n Huber Fr. Agus n Mateo (español) Scriptures: Sirach 35:12-14, 16-18 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18 Luke 18:9-14 Liturgical Ministers: Team A Bread Bakers: Group 12 CONGRATULATIONS TO THOSE CELEBRATING / FELICITACIONES A AQUELLOS QUE CELEBRAN Bap sm / Bau zo Liam Nikolas Andrade Elijah Jules Ouadje Matrimony / Matrimonio Harrison Quynn Fisher + Stephanie Mar nez Gonzalez MASS INTENTIONS / INTENCIONES DE LAS MISAS † Deceased * Living Mon., 10/17 8:30 HC Tue., 10/18 8:30 HC Wed., 10/19 8:30 HC Thu., 10/20 8:30 HC Fri., 10/21 8:30 HC Sat., 10/22 5:00 CH Sun., 10/23 7:15 HC Sun., 10/23 8:45 CH Sun., 10/23 11:15 CH Sun., 10/23 1:00 CH † † * † † † * * † * Anne C. Dombrofski, by the Pianta Family Rafael & Linda Inocencio, by Bing & Maria Special Inten on, by Yve e Fotso Eugene Cea, by Debbie & Kathy Cea Pratap Chirayath, by Teresa & Doug Danley Teresa Haguin, by Gabriela Prudencio Margarita Truyols Curieses, by M. Ossorio Thomas Balzer, by Olivia & Jason Balzer E. & E. Silagyi, by Mary Ann Szymkowiak Ramona Rodriguez, by Elida Vargas PLEASE PRAY FOR / POR FAVOR RECE POR... Those who are sick / Aquellos quienes están enfermos: Thelma Abad, Cynthia Alexander, Thomas Balzer, Barb Bartle , Clint Botkin, Carmen Cas llo, Chayito Cornejo, Xiomara Cruz, DarLyn Dailey, Steven Day, Daniel Downey Jr., Gloria Emmanuel, Neville Emmanuel, Felicita Enrique, Edy Fonseca, Erina Fonseca, Grace Ann Harrison, Joan Hayes, Bill Janus, Silvana Jordan, Jessica Juge, Colin Komatchou, Pat Lawlor, Deacon John Liu, Milagros Lopez, Jesmary Lugo López, Yanira Mancia, Damaris Marcano, Linda Markle, Henry Marraffa Jr., Cesar Augusto Mar nez, Shaina Mar nez, Josie Ma ero, Chris ne Opdenaker, Gloria Ortwerth, Susan Parro , Flávio Peralta, Freddy Pinares, Lucio Pinares, Elise Raudner, Betsy Rogers, Anne Marie Ryan, Esteban Salazar, Sixto San llán, Leah Sarceño, Patricia Sa alo, Joseph Seppy, Elaine Silver, Charlo e Sorrells, Geovana Teixeira, Kyle Toops, Carla Vargas, Kathy Wessman & Paula Wilson. Those who have died / Aquellos que han fallecido: Fernando Galvin Claude Mar n Jim Nichter Eduardo Ortega Sr., father of Edlouie Ortega Fedencia San llan, sister of Nelia Clark Catherine Shambley, friend of the Hayduk Family Pray the Rosary October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary. Join us at 8:15am in the Church each Sunday this month to pray the Rosary. Legion of Mary A new Legion of Mary group is being formed in our parish. The Legion of Mary is a worldwide organiza on of men and women of all ages. The Legion’s aims are to increase the personal holiness of its members; to foster a deeper devo on to Mary; and to undertake various apostolic works. This weekend, members of the Legion of Mary will be outside a er Masses to answer any ques ons. INFO: Maria Rivera, 215-290-4390; Joseph Regan, 610-804-8054 Prayer & Mass Suppor ng People Living with Mental Illness Sunday, October 16, 3:30pm, St. Ma hew’s Cathedral, Wash., DC. People living with mental illness and their families can find grace and comfort in prayer and the celebra on of the Mass. A endees will gather on the steps of the cathedral and proceed with a pilgrimage walk through the Holy Door. Eucharis c Adora on and recita on of the Rosary immediately follows. Mass begins at 5:30pm. INFO: Department of Special Needs Ministries, 301-853-4560 or [email protected] All Saints and All Souls Masses ALL SAINTS DAY - Tues., Nov. 1 Historic Chapel: 8:30am & 12:15pm (English) Church: 5:00pm (English), 7:00pm (bilingual) ALL SOULS DAY - Wed., Nov. 2 Historic Chapel: 8:30am (English) Church: 7:00pm (bilingual). Photos of deceased loved ones may be brought for a memorial display at the 7:00pm Mass. Jesse Manibusan Concert Friday, November 4, 7:00pm, Church Come enjoy an evening of music and fellowship! Jesse is a well-known, well-loved speaker, singer, and song writer who shares his faith and gi s all over the world. A free-will offering will be accepted at the door. SERVICE / SERVICIO Fall Food Collec on: October 22/23 Dona ons of non-perishable foods will go to St. Mar n’s Food Pantry to help our local families in need. Cash dona ons to supplement pantry goods will also be gratefully accepted. MOST NEEDED: Similac infant formula (blue label), baby food (#1 - all types, #2 - vegetables), disposable diapers (sizes 4, 5 & 6). Please return donated items to the truck located near the main entrance of the Church. Thank you for your generosity! NOTE: Pantry Volunteers (adults) are needed one Monday per month, 5:30-6:30am. INFO: Patrick Burke, [email protected] COMMUNITY / COMUNIDAD Calling All High School & Middle School Students: Hayride & Bonfire at Butler’s Orchard! Join St. Rose Youth Ministry for our favorite night of the season! All High School and Middle School students are invited to join us at Butler's Orchard for a Hayride & Bonfire, 6:00-8:00pm, on Wednesday, 10/26 (for High School students) or Thursday, 10/27 (for Middle School students). INFO & REGISTRATION: h p://stroseparish.org/ym-fallevent Bereavement Ministry Star ng Colecta de Alimentos de Otoño: 22/23 de Octubre Es hora de una colecta de alimentos para nuestros vecinos de la despensa de comida de San Mar n. Por favor traiga sus donaciones de comida y deposítelas en el camión que estará en el estacionamiento cerca de la entrada principal de la Iglesia. 40 Days for Life: Sept. 28 - Nov. 6 St. Rose joins this na onal pro-life mobiliza on effort that consists of 40 days of prayer, fas ng, and peaceful vigil outside local abor on facili es and community outreach. St. Rose has commi ed to providing a prayerful presence on Wisteria Drive near Germantown Reproduc ve Health Services on Sat., Oct. 29, hourly shi s, 7:00am - 7:00pm. SIGN UP: Kathy Fry or Amy Mar nez, [email protected], or h p:// www.signupgenius.com/go/20f084ca9a72ea4fc1-40days2 Catholics Care. Catholics Vote. Register to Vote. In their statement on Forming Consciences for Faithful Ci zenship, the U.S. Catholic bishops remind Catholics, “We are called to bring together our principles and our poli cal choices, our values and our votes, to help build a be er world” (no. 14). In Maryland, the voter registra on deadline for vo ng in the Presiden al General Elec on is October 18, 2016, 9:00pm. h p://www.usccb.org/issues-and-ac on/faithful-ci zenship/ h p://www.elec ons.state.md.us/ “Blessed are those who weep and mourn for they shall be comforted.” Are you looking for support as you grieve the loss of a loved one? We are beginning a new Bereavement Ministry program here at St. Rose. The group will meet on Saturdays, 9:30-11:30am, for six sessions. DATES: Oct. 29, Nov. 5, 12 & 19, Dec. 3 & 10. Space is limited. REGISTRATION (required): www.strose-parish.org INFO cjeff[email protected] Music at the Monastery Enjoy free concerts on one of the city’s best organs at “Music at the Monastery,” a monthly recital series co-sponsored by the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land and the American Guild of Organists (DC Chapter). Upcoming concerts include Nov. 13, Carl Schwartz, All Hallows, Davidsonville; and Dec. 4, the Ron Freeman Chorale. Concerts are at 4:00pm, followed by a recep on, 1400 Quincy St. NE, Washington, DC 20017. Free-willing offering; free parking. INFO: myfranciscan.org or 202-526-6800 x174 Celebrate All Saints Day With Your Family: Mass, Pizza Supper & Ac vi es Tues., Nov. 1. Come to the 5:00pm Mass in the Church, then stay for a Pizza Supper and special All Saints Day ac vi es in the Woodlands Room. This is for families with children of all ages! A free will offering will be taken to help defray the cost of the pizza. INFO & TO HELP: Susan Joseph, [email protected] Job Opening at St. Rose - Buildings & Grounds Worker Seeking a Buildings & Grounds Worker to keep the physical plant and grounds clean and dy for events, services and various church ac vi es. This is a full- me, benefits eligible posi on. Reports to Maintenance Manager. DUTIES: full cleaning du es (floors, carpets, restrooms, windows, furniture, etc.); trash & recyclables removal; mowing & snow removal; general grounds keeping; opera on/maintenance of various tools/machinery; inventory cleaning & kitchen supplies; secure facili es a er hours/events; complete room set-ups for events; maintain posi ve working rela onships with supervisor, parish community, vendors and service providers; other du es as needed. REQUIREMENTS: ability to do strenuous physical work indoors & outdoors, including heavy li ing (60 lbs. minimum) & climbing ladders; wri en & verbal fluency in English; valid driver’s license & clean driving record; sa sfactory background check results. TO APPLY: Submit résumé and three references to: Liz Sullivan, [email protected] or St. Rose of Lima Parish, 11701 Clopper Road, Gaithersburg MD 20878. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Oct. 31, 2016 EDUCATION / EDUCACIÓN Catholic Paren ng 101 – Answers to Children’s Commonly Asked Ques ons Thursday, October 20, 6:30-8:00pm. Join us for wine, cheese, and conversa on to help answer those tough ques ons o en asked as children begin to learn and explore their faith. Led by Fr. Jus n Huber, this is a great “refresher” for parents of children of all ages. INFO: Susan Joseph, [email protected] Moral Principles for Advanced Illness & End of Life Mon., Oct. 24, 7:00-9:00pm, St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church, 1940 Mitchellville Rd., Bowie. Come for an important discussion on the moral, medical, and legal aspects of caring for yourself or your loved ones in sickness and at the end of life. Grounded in Church teaching and the dignity of the human person, this presenta on will explain the moral principles that guide our decision-making when facing advanced illness and death, and what we need to know as Catholics regarding advance medical direc ves. Expert panelists include: bioethicist and professor of moral theology Fr. Daniel Mindling, OFM Cap., STD; medical professor Dr. G. Kevin Donovan, MD, MA; and elder law a orney Elena S. Boisvert, Esq. INFO: Teresa Yao, 301-853-4555 or [email protected] Passion and Purpose for Marriage Fri., Oct. 21, 7:00-10:45pm, St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 520 Veirs Mill Rd., Rockville. Join Dynamic Catholic and Dr. Allen Hunt and discover key ingredients to a healthy and happy marriage. Take your rela onship to a whole new level! TICKETS: $25 - available at www.DynamicCatholic.com/Rockville. Registración de K-6 y RICA Si necesitan clases de catecismo de K-6 o adultos que les falta algún sacramento (como el Bau zo, Primera Comunión o Confirmación), les podemos ayudar registrar para las clases. INFO: Ivonne Salazar, 301-948-7545x234 o [email protected] Are You or Is Someone You Know... ►interested in becoming Catholic? ►a child over the age of seven who has not been bap zed? ►bap zed Catholic as a child, but have not yet celebrated Confirma on and Eucharist? Come together in a small group to learn more about our faith. Sessions focus on the teachings and experience of Church and prepare individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of Bap sm, Confirma on, and Eucharist during the Easter season. INFO: Chris ne Jeffrey, cjeff[email protected] or 301- 948-7545 x230 20/20 VISION LAUNCH Sat., Dec. 10, 2016, 9:00am-3:00pm Come and learn about our new Pastoral Plan and what it means for you and for St. Rose! This special event is for all parishioners. STEWARDSHIP / CORRESPONSABILIDAD Introducing Online Giving! Save paper. Save me. Make your gi s work harder than ever for parish ministries by par cipa ng in our Online Giving program. When you give online, your gi will be transferred conveniently and securely from your bank account or credit card directly to St. Rose. Access your account any me you like—you’re in complete control, and that’s a win-win for you and St. Rose of Lima. Signing up for Online Giving is as easy as . . . 1. Visit our website at www.strose-parish.org 2. Click on the Online Giving link 3. Create your account It's that simple! For addi onal informa on or help se ng up your account, please contact Liz Sullivan: 301-948-7545 x 232 [email protected] Special Collec on This Weekend: World Missions / Propaga on of the Faith All monies placed in the specially marked Poor Boxes this weekend will go to this important effort, which builds the Church throughout the world. Please give generously. TIME & TALENT SALUTE Ministry Fair Visitors Thanks to all who came to the Ministry Fair last weekend to learn about ways to serve at St. Rose. An extra thanks to all who signed up for a new ministry involvement! TREASURE REPORT October 1 - 7, 2016 Your Gi s to the Lord Offertory ................................................................ $20,541 Mortgage Reduc on ................................................. $2,602 Capital Campaign......................................................... $791 Social Ac on Fund ....................................................... $100 Gi Cer ficate Profit.................................................... $216 Our Weekly Tithe Parish Poor Box ........................................................ $1,027 Ac on in Montgomery (AIM) ....................................... $500 Financial Fact St. Rose Music Ministry is very important to the parish. During FY 2015-16, we spent $2,266 on sheet music and copyrights, as well as $562 for piano tuning. PARISH DIRECTORY PARISH OFFICE .........................................................301-948-7545 PASTOR Rev. Agus n Mateo Ayala.......... x 229 / [email protected] ASSOCIATE PASTOR Rev. Jus n Huber ........................ x 224 / fatherjus [email protected] PERMANENT DEACONS Deacon Al Opdenaker ................................ [email protected] Deacon Leo Schneider.............................. [email protected] Diácono Mario Moreno [email protected] PASTORAL STAFF K-5 Religious Educa on / 1st Penance / 1st Eucharist Susan Joseph .................................... x 245 / [email protected] 6-12 Religious Educa on / Confirma on / Youth Ministry Molly Gradowski Herrera ........... x 225 / [email protected] K-6 Educación Religiosa Ivonne Salazar .................................. x 234 / [email protected] Liturgy & Adult Faith Forma on Chris ne Jeffrey ................................ x 230 / cjeff[email protected] Social Concerns Sherry Moitoza ...............................x 228 / [email protected] Music Remi Bauer ........................................ x 235 / [email protected] Youth & Children’s Music Jeannie Vanover ..... 240-506-0258 / [email protected] ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Secretary Mary Carey ....................................... x 221 / [email protected] Administra ve Assistants Laura Lowery .................................... x 238 / [email protected] Tania Murphy ................................. x 223 / [email protected] Bookkeeper Liz Sullivan ....................................... x 232 / [email protected] Maintenance Manager Michael Berceli ............................... x 287 / [email protected] COUNCILS Pastoral Council Liaison Mark Moitoza ............................................... [email protected] Finance Council Chair Paul Riekhof ...........................................................301-990-1815 BULLETIN / CALENDAR / ROOM RESERVATIONS Bulle n items due at noon, 2 Fridays before publica on date! Laura Lowery .................................... x 238 / [email protected] WOODLANDS ROOM RENTAL EVENTS / EVENTOS DE ALQUILER Quinceañeras, Wedding Recep ons, Birthday Par es & More! Maria Cris na Peano............................... [email protected] MARY OF NAZARETH CATHOLIC SCHOOL - GR. K-8 Michael Friel, Principal ............................................301-869-0940 Website ................................................www.maryofnazareth.org CALENDAR / CALENDARIO Not all mee ngs & events appear on this calendar! 10:00 am 11:30 am 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:15 pm 2:30 pm 6:30 pm SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 | ORDINARY TIME 29 K-5 Religious Educa on (CHLL/LR/BR/YC/PCF) K-6 Educación Religiosa (CHLL/BR/LR/YC) Ministros de la Eucaristia (LR) Grupo de Jóvenes (BR) Confessions/Confesiones (CHRR) Formación de Ujieres (STJ) Confirmation Family Session (CH) MONDAY, OCTOBER 17 6:30 pm K-6 Educación Religiosa (CHLL) 6:30 pm 6-12 Religious Education (PCW/LR/BR/YC) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18 6:30 pm K-5 Religious Educa on (CHLL) 6:30 pm 6-12 Religious Education (PCW/LR/BR/YC) 7:00 pm Adult Faith Forma on: The Journey (KD) 9:15 am 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19 Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help (HC) High School MOHO - Ministry of Hanging Out (YC) Fiesta Evaluation (DGN1) Flower of Carmel (DGN2) Liturgical Ministries Committee (BR2) Bishop Barron Series: Pivotal Players (STJ) Pax Chris (STP) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20 9:00 am Eucharis c Adora on un l 9:00 pm (HC) 6:30 pm Catholic Paren ng 101: Answers to Commonly Asked Ques ons (DGN) 7:00 pm Confessions/Confesiones (HCRR) 7:30 pm Yarn Angels Kni ng & Croche ng Ministry (STP) 9:30 am 10:00 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 Bishop Barron Series: Pivotal Players (DGN1) Parish Play Group (OLCC) Taller: Padres y Niños - 1ra Confesión y Comunión (LR/BR) Grupo de Oración (DGN/STJ/OLCC) Taller de Oración y Vida (YC) Maria Auxiliadora Coro Prác ca (KD) 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 4:00 pm SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22 Church Cleaning Ministry (CH/CF) Marriage Prepara on Retreat (LR/BR) Formación para Lectores - Equipo A (HC) Lector Forma on - Team A (CH) Legión de Maria (JE) Confessions (CHRR)
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Bulletin_May 22 2016.pub
REUNIÓN DE NUEVOS MIEMBROS Church / Iglesia 2o Domingo ...................................... 12:00pm (Español) 2nd Sunday ........................................ 12:30pm (English)
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