st. john bosco catholic church
st. john bosco catholic church
St. John Bosco Catholic Church 315 N. Main St. Woodstock, VA 22664 PARISH STAFF Rev. Michael Dobbins, ext.102, Pastor Rev. Richard Ley, Par ochial Vicar Deacon Steven M. Clifford, ext.106 Karen McGrath, ext.100, Secr etar y Sr. Laura Nieves, ext.103, PCI & DRE Sr. Guadalupe Licea, PCI Kandace Leypoldt, ext.101, Admin. Assistant Heydi Rosales, Receptionist Melanie Griffy, Music Dir ector Bill Hassett ext.104, Facilities Manager Kathleen Keenan October 9th, 2016 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Office Hours/Horario de oficina: Sunday: 8:00am to 2:30pm Monday to Friday: 8:00am to 3:00pm Phone: 540-459-4448 Email: [email protected] Website: Catholic Outreach - Hotline: 540-331-7178 MASS SCHEDULE/MISAS: Monday-Saturday: 8:30am Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm Sunday Morning: 8:00am & 10:00am Misa Dominical en Español 12:00pm If you should need a Priest for a Sacramental Emergency please call/ Si necesita algun sacramento en estado de emergencia llamen al: 540-333-7379. CONFESSION SCHEDULE / CONFESIONES: Always by appointment: contact Father Dobbins Wednesday 6:30pm Saturday after 8:30am Mass & 3:30pm Domingo antes y después de la Misa en espaῆol RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) & INQUIRY CLASS Tuesday evenings 7:00pm - 8:30pm in the St. Francis room. If you or someone you know is interested in the Catholic faith, please invite them to attend. SACRAMENTS/ SACRAMENTOS: BAPTISMS/BAUTISMOS: Registered parishioners seeking to have their child baptized need to contact Father Dobbins. (Baptism Class is REQUIRED for Parents/Sponsors who have not attended the class) Miembros registrados en esta parroquia que deseen bautizar a su(s) hijo(s) deben de contactar a la oficina. Clases bautismales son el 1er y 2do domingo de cada mes. Para mas informacion llamar a Joel Carrera al 333-1594. MARRIAGES/ MATRIMONIOS: Please contact the Parish office at least six (6) months prior to the proposed date of the wedding. Favor de contactar al sacerdote seis meses antes de la fecha de celebración de la boda. Our Lady of THE Shenandoah Mission EUCHARISTIC ADORATION/ ADORACIÓN EUCARISTÍCA: Tuesday at 9:30am thru 8:30am on Thursday. “Come and spend one hour with Him.” martes a las 9:30am hasta al jueves a las 8:30am. “Ven y vela una hora con el Seῆor.” 240 Fritzel Way P.O. Box 654 Basye, VA 22810 540-856-2411 Email: [email protected] Perpetual Novena in Honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Mondays after the 8:30am Mass MASS SCHEDULE / MISAS Vigil Mass for Sunday: Saturday at 5:30pm Sunday Mass: Sunday at 8:30am Daily Mass: Mon thru Friday at 7:00am Confessions: Saturday from 4:30pm - 5:00pm or by appointment Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday after the 7:00am Mass Holy Rosary: Wednesday after the 7:00am Mass EUCHARIST FOR THE HOMEBOUND: If you or a Catholic you know who is unable to attend Mass for an extended period of time, please call the parish office for communion to be brought to them. Diocesan Second Collection 2016: World Mission Sunday—October 23 Commissioned by Christ—October 30 The Tabernacle Candle is being lit this week in honor of John Santos. A Note from our Pastor Pope Francis Appoints New Bishop of Arlington Pope Francis appointed Bishop Michael F. Burbidge, 59, to serve as the fourth Bishop of Arlington on October 4th. He was serving as Bishop of the Diocese of Raleigh. He succeeds Bishop Paul S. Loverde, 76, who has led the Diocese since 1999. Bishop Burbidge will assume leadership of the Diocese during a Mass of Installation on December 6th, 2016. Until that time, Bishop Loverde will serve as Apostolic Administrator. More information about Bishop Burbidge and the transition will be posted online at,, Twitter and Facebook. El Papa Francisco nombra nuevo Obispo de Arlington El Papa Francisco ha nombrado Obispo Michael F. Burbidge, de 59 anos, para servir como el cuarto obispo de Arlington en 04 de octubre. Fue el Obispo de la Diócesis de Raleigh. Sucede al obispo Paul S. Loverde, de 76 anos, que ha llevado a la Diócesis desde 1999. Obispo Burbidge asumirá el liderazgo de la Diócesis durante una misa de instalación el 6 de diciembre de 2016. Hasta ese momento, el Obispo Loverde servirá como Administrador Apostólico. Para mas información sobre Obispo Burbidge y la transición será publicado en el website,, Twitter y Facebook. Thank you to all who made the pilgrimage to the Holy Door at the St. Thomas More Cathedral in Arlington. It was a wonderful and prayerful experience. A very special thank you to Karen McGrath, our parish Secretary, for working so diligently in coordinating all the details. May the blessings of that pilgrimage bear fruit in our lives and a deeper devotion to our Lord. God Bless, Father Michael Dobbins From Our Parish Office In Observance of . . . Columbus Day the Parish Office will be closed Monday, October 10th Father Dobbins will be leading a Pilgrimage to Ireland from October 10th through the 21st. Father Ley from OLS will be celebrating the Daily masses. Rev. Antony Savarimuthu from Cross Catholic Outreach will be celebrating the weekend masses. Please pray for our Pastor to have safe travels and a blessed pilgrimage. Father Antony Savarimuthu will be visiting our parish next weekend (October 15th & 16th) to speak at all the Masses on behalf of Cross Catholic Outreach which was founded to create a meaningful link between parishes in America and the priests and nuns working in the Church overseas. SJB MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK OF October 10th —October 16th, 2016 Monday 8:30am Helen Sue Mishler + Tuesday 8:30am Helen Sue Mishler + Wednesday 8:30am Ron & Maureen Shea Thursday 8:30am Edyth Bonato Friday 8:30am Carmillus Lee Saturday 8:30am The Spinelli Family Saturday 5:00pm Dcn.Gene & Pat DeLadurantaye+ Sunday 8:00am Leo Morvillo + Sunday 10:00am Our Parish Family Domingo 12:00pm Joel Carrera Flores Our Lady of the Shenandoah Mission Mass Intentions October 10th—October 16th, 2016 There are Mass Intention spaces still available at OLS. Please contact Fr. Ley directly to schedule. Mass Intentions: Monday 7:00am Micki King+ Knight and longtime Parishioner, John Hickey needs a ride to Mass on weekends. John lives in Greenfield Nursing Home on Ox Road in Woodstock. Even if you can only volunteer once a month; if you can help with this work of charity, please call the Parish Office. John Dickhute, Grand Knight - Cell 540-333-2877 Email: [email protected] Men Of SJB: The Knights strive to live in Charity, Unity and Fraternity in support of our Faith and our priests. Join us in our mission: Become a Member! Questions? Call or drop me a line: [email protected] Join us for our first Pancake Breakfast of the Year! (Oct 9th) in Hanley Hall. After the 8am & 10am Sunday Masses Pancakes, Bacon, Sausage, Apples, Butter, Syrup & Coffee! The next Movie Knight will be on October 14th, 2016 in Hanley Hall. We will be watching “Magnificent 7” (1960) starring Yul Brynner, Steve McQueen and Charles Bronson. A short video for children will begin at 6:30pm followed by the feature film at 7:00pm. Bring your family and friends for a fun night of free entertainment. The Deceased Brothers of Knights of Columbus Mass will be held Thursday, November 3rd at 6:00pm in the Sanctuary. All are welcome. For more information, please contact our Grand Knight, John Dickhute for more info. To learn about Family Promise or to possibly volunteer to help in our upcoming week, our parish coordinators will be available after all Masses THIS WEEKEND (Oct. 8th & 9th) to answer questions and pass out information. After the 5:00pm Vigil Mass and the Sunday Noon Mass they will be in the St Francis Room. On Sunday after the 8am and 10am Masses, they will be in Hanley Hall. The next SJB Family Promise hosting week will be November 13th-20th. The Sign-up board is already available in the vestibule. Please consider to help! Father Frank Papa’s Scripture Study at Loving Arms Assisted Living in Front Royal is every Thursday from 10:30am - 11:30am. Religious Education News We are still in need of parents to bring in snacks for CCD. If you are interested please contact St. Laura. All Saints day Celebration All Hallows Evening Oct. 31st, at 6:45-7:30pm. CCD classes will meet from 6:00-6:40pm then gather in HH for a shared meal. Please bring a kid friendly dish to share. Children are welcome to dress in Saintly Costumes! Fiesta de todos Santos La fiesta de todos Santos será octubre 31 a las 6:45 a 7:30pm. La educación Religiosa se llevara a cabo de las 6:00 a 6:40pm, después nos reuniremos en HH para compartir. Favor de traer un platillo para compartir con los niños. Disfraces Santos! Prayer Requests for/Oremos por Rick Litten, Kenny Klinge, Teague Guy, Michael Ford, Faye Potts, Joanne Salyers, Joe Fleenor, Barbara McDonald, Scott Applegate, Blair Craig, Susan Holt, Patrick Mayer, Vincent & Eleanor DeCerbo, Fr. Luiz Bastos, Thomas Collins, Jr., Suzanne Nelson, K.P., Cathy Sonifrank, Zed French, Dan Bonner, Phil Quirici, Rick Collier, Elizabeth Esquivel, Berthold Sauer, James Jackson, Joseph Linz, Jordan Casperzack, Virginia Ravera, Jacqueline Jackson-Vann, Meghan Henry, Alejandra Esqueda, Margarita Ortega, Beth Wiesner, Kelsey Gibbons, Angela Proctor, Melissa Reynoso, Melissa McFaden, Frank Caeser, Sylvie Morane, Joey Massa, Dick Ritz, Carla Mellette, Ed Markel, Dave Meyering, Kathy Sonifrank, Levi Blank & Hannah, Louise McClelland, Isis Ebright, and Tony Cobarrubia, P.K., & Kim Butterfield that God will comfort them. Military & Their Families Prayer Request Anthony Smith, Lt. JG Troy Bowen, USN, Jeffrey Iannamico, Roberto Reynoso, Joseph Spiggle, Brandon Cain, PFC Robert Olsen, John Kerns, Ricky Cox, Joshua Newton, Maj. Wm. Sullivan, Steven Zier, Ryan John Owen, Fr. Eric Albertson, John McGowan, PFC Justin Tyler Bauserman, Michael Murray, Sgt. Christopher Miller, Capt. Andrew Gibbons, S. Sgt. Vincent Stransky, Lt. Col. Douglas Stransky and all military personnel serving our country. SJB Parish Ministries The Needles and Threads group’s next meetings for this month are October 11th & 18th from 1:003:00 p.m. in St. Francis room. Questions contact Phyllis Arnoldi or Kathy Chunta. We will have our first Marriage Enrichment Class on Thur sday, November 10th in the St Francis Room at 7:00pm. Fr Dobbins suggests that participants bring-your-own wine, crackers & cheese! We will be meeting the second Thursday of each month & will use the “Beloved” program from the website. For more information please contact Laureen White (459-7481), Susan Tully (933-6254) or Annerose Clifford (933-6187). The turn out for the Woodstock Life Chain on Sunday, October 2nd was fantastic! Thank you to all who came out, put faith to their feet and defended Life. You never know, we may have saved a life for standing up for those who cannot defend themselves. Please, keep praying for the unborn! Please join the entire diocese while we pray for an increase in vocations during Vocations Awareness Week, November 6th-12th. There will be prayer cards available in the Parish Office in upcoming weeks. Also, be on the lookout for more information in our bulletin as we get closer to this very important week. Diocesan News Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church in Luray will be holding a Rosary Rally. This will take place on Saturday October 15, on Northcott Street in Luray starting at Noon. All are invited to join us in praying the Rosary and other prayers for our country. We are praying to put God and traditional values back into our country, an end to secularism and an end to anti-religious hatred in our society. We will also be praying for our leaders and leaders to be, to receive God’s strength, grace, and wisdom to solve the many problems we now face. For more info contact Jim Bradecamp at 540-244-1917. Annual Marriage Jubilee Mass Celebrating a silver or golden wedding anniversary this year? Then join our Bishop for the 2016 Marriage Jubilee Mass to be celebrated at 2:30pm on Sunday, October 16th at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More. Paul VI Catholic High School will be hosting their annual Open House on Sunday, October 30th fr om 1:00pm4:00pm in Father Heet Auditorium. This is a perfect opportunity for 6th, 7th and 8th graders and their families to explore the benefits of a Catholic High school education. Visit for more information. For more information regarding any Diocesan activities, please visit their website at