ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH BETHESDA, MD MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK OF December 1, 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8.00 a.m.(K) 8.00 a.m.(TD) 8.00 a.m.(E) 8.00 a.m.(E) 8.00 a.m.(TD) 8.00 a.m.(TD) 5.00 p.m.(K) 7.00 a.m.(TD) 8.30 a.m.(C) 10.00 a.m.(K) 12 Noon(TD) 6.00 p.m.(D) 8.00 p.m.(E) +deceased The Devaux/Wolf Family Palma Sileo + Manuel Carrizosa + Msgr. Lorenzo Albacete + Santiago Vesperoni + For Human Life Palma Sileo + Mass for the People Twee Nguyen & Family (L) Dominik Pettey + The Aramayo/Valderrama Families Sonia Ruiz (L) Ann Abraham (L) (L) living Scripture Readings for Week Of November 30, 2014 Sunday First Sunday of Advent Is 63:16b-17, 19b;; 64:2-7;; Ps 80;; 1 Cor 1:3-9;; Mk 13:33-37 Monday Is 2:1-5;; Ps 122;; Mt 8:5-11 Tuesday Is 11:1-10;; Ps 72;; Lk 10:21-24 Wednesday Saint Francis Xavier, Priest Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23; Mt 15:29-37 Thursday Saint John Damascene, Priest and Doctor of the Church Is 26:1-6;; Ps 118;; Mt 7:21, 24-27 Friday Is 29:17-24;; Ps 27;; Mt 9:27-31 Saturday Saint Nicholas, Bishop Is 30:19-21, 23-26;; Ps 147;; Mt 9:35—10:1, 5a, 6-8 Sunday Second Sunday of Advent Is 40:1-5, 9-11;; Ps 85;; 2 Pt 3:8-14;; Mk 1:1-8 STEPHEN MINISTRY Listening, Comforting, Caring Under direct supervision of Fr. Mark Knestout, this is an ongoing pastoral care ministry. St. Stephen Ministers are members of the parish, intensely trained to care for people who are experiencing a loss, or going through difficult times or life transitions. Please contact: Deacon Julio Blanco-Eccleston for assistance as a care receiver or to get involved in the ministry. Tel: 703-821-1654;; [email protected]. NOVEMBER 30, 2014 UPCOMING EVENTS, CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR’‛S MASS SCHEDULE ST. BARTHOLOMEW CHURCH CHOIR CHORAL CONCERT to benefit Mount Carmel House Shelter Saturday, December 6, 7.30 p.m. SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PAGEANT Thursday, December 18 7.00 p.m. in the Church. All are welcome. ST. BART’‛S THANK-YOU DINNER for all volunteers, Saturday, January 10, 6.15 p.m. CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE Christmas Eve - Wednesday, December 24 5.00 p.m. Children’‛s Liturgy 7.00 p.m. Spanish 9.00 p.m. Vigil 12 o’‛clock Midnight (Christmas Carols begin at 11.40 p.m.) Christmas Day – Thursday, December 25 8.30 a.m., 10.00 a.m., and 12 Noon Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God New Year’‛s Day, Thursday, January 1, 2015 Holy Day of Obligation 5.00 p.m. Vigil , Wednesday, December 31, 2014 10.00 a.m. and 12 Noon, Thursday, January 1, 2015 SOCIAL CONCERNS The Poor Box for the month of December is for Cup of Joe. Through a partnership with the DC city government, Catholic Charities provides protection from the weather and the streets, a bed, a shower, and a hot supper at five shelters. Breakfast is not provided, and clients leave the shelter by 7 a.m. Launched by Father John Enzler, Cup of Joe is a healthy breakfast program for Catholic Charities' five low-barrier emergency shelters, which host more than 1,000 men and women each night. THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE FOR ST. MARTIN’‛S - we are still respectfully requesting your contributions of pasta, sauce, cereal, canned fruits and vegetables, canned tuna and meats, baby formula (milk-based Similac), baby food and disposable diapers. St. Martin’‛s has told us that their stocks are low and demand is great. Baskets will be available in the Church vestibule for food donations. Thank you for your generosity—any questions, call Sally Aitken 301-365-4719. A big thank-you to everyone who was involved in the planning and running of the St. Bartholomew Parish Annual Bazaar/Book Fair and Flea Market Rummage Sale. It was a great success— we gathered the parish as one, as our communities of school, parish family and Hispanic members joined together to make these two days a wonderful community effort. Funds raised will go towards general expenses for the school and Hispanic community. We look forward to holding this event next year. FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT In the pews, you will find envelopes for Christmas Flower contributions in memory of loved ones, living or deceased. If you would like to remember your loved ones in this way at Christmas, please complete an envelope and drop it in the collection basket or hand in to the Parish Office no later than Monday, December 15. We will print your loved ones’‛ names in our Christmas Bulletin. Please note that our Special Occasion Flower Program, where parishioners can sponsor the altar flowers, will restart in January, 2015. SAVE THE DATES! Next Saturday, December 6 @ 7:30 p.m. – for the choir’‛s annual benefit concert of Handel’‛s Messiah for Mount Carmel Shelter. Concert is free, an offering will be taken to benefit Mt. Carmel. Next Saturday December 6, 9.00 a.m.-11.00 a.m. Sweets with Santa, in the Church Hall. Join us for the St. Bart's Annual Sweets with Santa. There will be refreshments, crafts, merriment and of course a picture with Santa! It's an event you will not want to miss. Cost $10. TV Mass to feature the St. Bart’‛s Choir on Dec. 7 and Dec. 21 @ 10:30 a.m.! Our choir was invited to record two TV Masses that will be aired under the auspices of the Archdiocese of Washington on the following channels at 10:30 a.m. on Dec. 7 and Dec. 21 the Mass airs every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on WDCW-50: no cable: Dish or Direct TV subscribers: Ch. 50;; Comcast: Ch. 23 in Washington, DC and Montgomery County;; RCN: Ch. 15;; Verizon: Ch. 3 So if you can’‛t catch the choir’‛s live singing at St. Bart’‛s every Sunday morning at the 10 a.m. Mass, you can now find the choir on TV! We hope our homebound parishioners will tune in. St. Bart's Youth Group: we are a group devoted to learning that our Faith is not about rules but about experiencing true happiness and growing into the best-version of ourselves by simply doing and loving the good things of life! Youth between 5th grade and 10th grade are always welcome! Thought of the week: let’‛s make sure we have our priorities straight—with Jesus, family, and work, in that order. If we love Jesus, we must spend quality time with Him. Eliminate excuses and ask yourself what is really important. from Joyful Witness Fr. Knestout, Fr. Daniel, Fr. Enzler and the staff would like to invite you to a Twelfth Night Celebration in honor of all volunteers on Saturday, January 10, 2015, at 6.15 p.m. in the Church Hall. 12/7 Sports, Advent Wreath Making & Brief Advent Discussion. The group will meet at the gym, 5:45- 7:45pm. Dinner will be provided! St. Bartholomew Parish and School Casino Night will be held at Bethesda Country Club on Saturday, February 28, 2015. vestibule. Please take one. Calling all lectors - your new workbooks are ready for pick-up from the Sacristy. Please note that Year BCycle 1 started at the Vigil Mass this Saturday, November 29, 2014. ** Please join us next Saturday, December 6, at 8:00 a.m. at our Mass for Human Life as we thank God for the gift of human life and pray that we may better respect and safeguard it. ** The Faith and Fiction Book Group will meet next Sunday, December 7, at 1:30 in the parish meeting room to discuss American Dervish by Ayad Akhtar. The Montgomery County Library has ample copies. All are welcome. ** Please see the flyer in this week’‛s bulletin with regards to the upcoming rehearsals for St. Bartholomew Children’‛s Choir which will perform at the Christmas Eve Children’‛s Liturgy on Wednesday, December 24. Please contact Daniel Villar with any questions or to sign up at [email protected]. The Catholic Extension 2015 Calendars can be found near the usher’‛s closet and/or in the Church You are also welcome to take a Little Blue Book Advent and Christmas Seasons 2014-2015 (six-minute reflections). This year, St. Bartholomew Church will combine with Little Flower Church (5607 Massachusetts Ave.) for a Penance Service at 12 noon on Saturday, December 13. Confessions will be available from 9.00 a.m.-12 noon at Little Flower, followed by the Penance Service at noon, then confessions again at 12.30 – 5.00 p.m. Both Fr. Knestout and Fr. Daniel, as well as other priests, will be present as confessors during the day. FOR YOUR INFORMATION This Sunday, as we celebrate the 1st Sunday of Advent, we also begin the Find the Perfect Gift initiative with parishes across the Archdiocese of Washington to encourage each of us, and those who are not currently practicing their faith, to celebrate the joy of Jesus, our Perfect Gift this Christmas. Please visit and explore opportunities to donate time and resources to those in need. ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH BETHESDA, MD NOVEMBER 30, 2014 PRIMER DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO 30 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2014 El tiempo fuerte del Adviento es una llamada a la vigilancia para no perder los dones de la redención y la gracia. Nos dice el Señor en el Evangelio: Mirad, vigilad: pues no sabéis cuándo es el momento. Nuestro destino final es la salvación si somos fieles administradores de los bienes recibidos; o la condenación, si somos infieles. Hemos de vigilar con las armas de los sacramentos, especialmente la Confesión, y la Eucaristía; de la oración asidua, del cumplimiento de los Mandamientos de la Ley de Dios... para estar preparados, pues no sabemos cuándo es el momento. Pero no olvidemos que Dios es el Padre que nos ama y nos congrega en la Iglesia, comunidad de salvación. Que Cristo es el Redentor que se hace hombre y da su vida para que nosotros tengamos vida, y la tengamos en abundancia. Que el Espíritu Santo nos inspira el bien. Si somos hijos fieles, no tengamos miedo: el amor de Dios triunfará definitivamente sobre cada uno de nosotros. Y siempre, no lo olvidemos: Dios es nuestro Padre. Tratemos de vivir como hijos. Tratemos de vivir como hermanos. PAGINA WEB DE SAN BARTOLOME – Ver Comunidad Hispana MISA DIARIA Y EXPOSICIÓN DEL SANTISIMO Lunessábado Exposición del Santísimo a las 7:30 y Misa 8:00 a.m. La adoración es entrar con la profundidad de nuestro corazón en comunión con el Señor que se hace presente corporalmente en la Eucaristía. Vengamos a adorarle. CONFESIONES Domingos: 5:15 - 5:45 p.m. en español El Señor los espera siempre, en especial todos los domingos. REZO DEL SANTO ROSARIO Domingos a las 5:30PM, antes de la Misa de las 6:00PM. EL SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO Para mayor información, favor llamar al Diácono Julio al teléfono 703-821-1654. [email protected] PREPARACION PARA EL MATRIMONIO El programa de preparación para este Sacramento comienza con seis meses de anticipación a la fecha de la boda. El Diácono Julio ofrece preparación matrimonial en español y en inglés. Información: [email protected] Tel: 703-821-1654 INFORMACION PARA EL BOLETIN La fecha límite es el día domingo anterior a la publicación del mismo. Contactar a Rafael Espinosa. [email protected] Para Adviento se coloca una corona a un lado de la Sagrario. Cada domingo de Adviento, una familia se presenta ante el altar y prende la vela o velas correspondientes. La Corona tiene tres velas moradas y una rosada. Las moradas representan el tiempo de preparación; se prenden el primer, segundo y cuarto domingo de Adviento. La vela rosada se enciende el tercer domingo de Adviento; de esta manera es como la Iglesia indica un breve descanso en el trayecto de este tiempo. En este domingo, la primera palabra con la que empieza la liturgia es “alégrense”. CELEBRACION DE LA PASTORELLA El domingo 7 de Diciembre tendremos nuestra tradicional Pastorela acabando la Misa de 6:00 p.m. Si gusta inscribir a sus hijos, por favor mandar un correo a Angelica Smoot a [email protected]. Gracias! NOVENA A LA VIRGEN DE LA MEDALLA MILAGROSA Un camino hacia Dios de la mano de María. Los segundos martes de cada mes a las 7:30PM en la Iglesia de San Bartolomé. Día final: 9 de Diciembre. Rezada en español, con exposición del Santísimo Sacramento. Información con María Lelia Orozco: 301-469-0103. Los esperamos a todos para continuar con esta tradición de San Bartolomé. GRUPO DE JUVENTUD DE SAN BARTOLOME El domingo 7 de diciembre, el grupo de Juventud de San Bartolomé tendrá una tarde deportiva y fabricará Coronas de Adviento. Nos reuniremos en el gimnasio de 5:45 a 7:45 p.m. Para informes por favor Contactar a María Kaufmann. [email protected] MINISTERIO DE SAN ESTEBAN Bajo supervisión directa de Padre Mark Knestout, éste es un ministerio de cuidado pastoral de carácter continuo: Los ministros de San Esteban son miembros de la parroquia, intensamente entrenados para el cuidado de personas que están pasando por el proceso de una pérdida, viviendo momentos difíciles o experimentando asuntos del pasado sin resolver… Contamos con siete ministros que hablan español. Para información, llamen al Diácono Julio Blanco-Eccleston, tanto para recibir apoyo como para involucrarse en el ministerio. Tel: 703-8211654; [email protected]. GRUPO DE ORACIÓN RIOS DE AGUA VIVA El grupo de oración “Ríos de Agua Viva” le invita a compartir un momento con el Señor, los lunes de 10:00 a.m. a 12:30 pm. en la oficina hispana, al lado de la Sacristía. En la primera media hora se rezará el Rosario. Dirigido por Sonia Ruiz, informes: [email protected] PROYECTO RAQUEL ¿Sufre y tiene sentimientos no resueltos después de un aborto provocado? ¿Siente que Dios nunca podrá perdonarla? … ¿No puede usted perdonarse a si misma? El Ministerio del Proyecto Raquel de la Arquidiócesis de Washington quiere ayudarle! El 13 de Enero, 2015 iniciaremos el Grupo de Apoyo “Una Experiencia de Esperanza.” Para mayor información favor de comunicarse con Luz Menjivar al 301-853-4565 ó al email [email protected] ¡ABSOLUTA CONFIDENCIALIDAD FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT St. Bartholomew Parish Office 6902 River Road, Bethesda, Md. 20817 Tel: 301-229-7933 ♦ Fax: 301-229-7998 ♦ ♦ Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.—4:30 p.m. [email protected] Baptisms—3rd Sunday of the month, appointment only. Parents are obliged to take a brief class related to the Sacrament prior to the Baptism. Class is held 1st Wednesday of the month. Registration is required. Call the Parish Office for more information. Weddings—Please contact one of the priests at least 6 months prior to anticipated wedding date. Pre-Cana and instruction are required. Sacrament of Reconciliation—Saturday, following 8.00 a.m. Mass, and 3:30-4:30 p.m.;; Sunday, 5:15-5:45 p.m. (Español), or by appointment. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) - The process of becoming a Catholic Christian. Call the Parish Office for information. Adult Choir—Weekly rehearsals on Wednesday, 8:00-10:00 p.m. Choir sings every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Mass. Pastoral Care of the Sick and Homebound—Please notify the Rectory Office if you know of any parishioner who is sick or homebound and who would like to receive Holy Eucharist or the Sacrament of the Sick so that we can arrange to take him/her the Eucharist or the Sacrament of the Sick. Note to New Parishioners—We extend to you a warm welcome from our Parish Community and encourage you to become active, involved members of the parish. Please obtain a registration form from the parish office, or from the Church vestibule. Please Note: Bulletin notices must be received no later than 12 Noon on the Monday prior to the desired weekend of publishing. ST. BARTHOLOMEW ORGANIZATIONS/MINISTRIES Pastoral Council Finance Committee Altar Servers Bartholomew House Busy Men at Work Group CYO Children’s Liturgy Choir Church Guild Eucharistic Ministers Gabriel Network Home and School Assn. Hospitality & New In the Pew Ignatian Volunteer Corps Knights of Columbus Lectors/Liturgy Committee Hispanic Liturgy Organist Prayer Chain Respect for Life Sacred Heart Camp School Advisory Board Sick and Homebound Social Concerns Sodality Stephen Ministry Ushers Wedding Coordinator Youth Minister Judy Arcidiacono (Chair) ................... 301-461-1893 Hernan Oyarzabal (Hisp. Rep.) .......... 202-714-7622 Valeria Conde (Hisp. Rep.) ................ 301-340-8227 Paul Johnson (Acting Chair)) ............. 301-320-4632 Roberto Garcia-Lopez (Hisp. Rep.).... 301-469-8482 Richard Elliott .................................... 202-686-0263 Vivian Cid-Leighton (Hisp.Coord.).... 301-318-1458 Joe Hanle, Dir .................................... 301-320-6151 Rectory .............................................. 301-229-7933 Tom Serena ........................................ 301-320-0578 Diana Carter ....................................... 301-229-5117 Valeria Conde (Hisp.Coord.) ............. 301-340-8227 Carole Wysocki (Director) ................. 301-717-8850 Maria El-Khouri ................................. 301-897-9005 Ann Kennedy ..................................... 301-229-7614 Selma deLeon .................................... 301-229-6591 Jennifer Bautista ................................ 301-793-1899 Bonnie Perkins ................................... 301-299-8091 Nancy Brouillard McKenzie .............. 301-229-1071 John Vivian ........................................ 301-461-3597 AnneMarie Economopoulos............... 301-365-1233 Hernan Oyarzabal .............................. 202-714-7622 Dave Davies ....................................... 301-229-7396 Susan Schill ....................................... 301-469-4973 Katie Soto .......................................... 301-767-1705 TBD Contact Rectory ................................. 301-229-7933 Tom Carty .......................................... 301-587-8860 Sally Aitken ....................................... 301-365-4719 Deacon Julio Blanco-Eccleston .......... 703-821-1654 Theresa Kowal ................................... 301-320-8876 Mary Ann Chalfant ............................ 301-299-3739 Maria Kaufmann ................................ 240-468-9896