august 16, 2015 ~ twentieth sunday in ordinary time agosto 16, 2015
august 16, 2015 ~ twentieth sunday in ordinary time agosto 16, 2015
AUGUST 16, 2015 ~ TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AGOSTO 16, 2015 ~ XX DOMINGO ORDINARIO MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK NEXT WEEK MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, August 15th AC 5:00 p.m. Infant of Pr ague & +Fr . Ger onimo Cuevas JS 7:00 p.m. Miguel y Her minia Vasques e Hijos y +Dominga Venegas SATURDAY, August 22nd JS 5:00 p.m. +Phil Shellenber ger , +Hipolita Ar ana & +Fr. Geronimo Cuevas AC 7:00 p.m. +Her minio Gonzalez, +J ose Alcantar y +Dominga Venegas SUNDAY, August 16th AC 8:00 a.m. +Goodwin Dana, +Rizzie Phelan & +Daniel Michael Carey JS 9:30 a.m. +Ramon, +J uana y +Fr ancisco Maya y +Padre Geronimo Cuevas AC 11:15 a.m. +Fr ank Hollibaugh & +Richar d Simons JS 1:30 p.m. +J avier Limon, +Dominga Venegas y +Padre Geronimo Cuevas MONDAY: Mar ia Sahagun (Bir thday), +Fr . Mar r on & +Dominga Venegas TUESDAY: +J avier Limon, +Dominga Venegas & +Fr. Geronimo Cuevas WEDNESDAY: +J avier Limon, +Dominga Venegas & +Jose Alcantar THURSDAY: +Luisa Bor ba, +Fr ank Hollibaugh & +Dominga Venegas FRIDAY: +Dominga Venegas, +J ose Alcantar & +Fr. Geronimo Cuevas AC– FR. ALBERTO CABRERA SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Wednesday: Saint John Eudes Thursday: Saint Bernard Friday: Saint Pius X Saturday: The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sunday: Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time SUNDAY, August 23rd JS 8:00 a.m. +Mur el & Teenie Toomey & +Fr. Geronimo Cuevas AC 9:30 a.m. David Ibar ra y Familia, Chr is Ibar r a y Familia y Guillermo Vega y Familia JS 11:15 a.m. Socor r o Simons & Family, Mar ian Vu, Peter Bui & +Frank Hollibaugh AC 1:30 p.m. +Dominga Venegas, +J ose Alcantar y +Padre Geronimo Cuevas Facebook Search: “joseph parish nipomo” TODAY’S GOSPEL John 6:51-58 “‘Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.’” EVANGELIO DE HOY Juan 6:51-58 “‘El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre, permanece en mi y yo en el.’” COLLECTION AMOUNT NEEDED EACH WEEK SANTOS Y FIESTAS DE GUARDAR Domingo: XX Domingo Ordinario Miércoles: San Juan Eudes Jueves: San Bernardo Viernes: San Pio X Sábado: Nuestra Señora Maria Reina Domingo: XXI Domingo Ordinario CANTIDAD DE COLECTA NECESARIA POR SEMANA $7,859.00 WEEKLY COLLECTION ~ COLECCIÓN SEMANAL $7,421.00 Thank you for your generosity ~ Muchas gracias! Upcoming Events/ Proximos Eventos... 8/15/15– Spanish Contemplation & Silent Retreat/ Retiro de Contemplación y Silencio en Español 8/15/15– Saturday 9am Bilingual Mass, Assumption of Mary with “33 Day” Consecration/ Sábado 9am Misa, Asunción de María con conclusión de la “33 Días” Consagración 8/15/15—8/16/15– Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time/ XX Domingo Ordinario 8/20/15– English Healing Mass/ Misa de Sanación en Ingles 8/22/15—8/23/15– Spanish Crecimientos/ Crecimientos en Español 8/22/15—8/23/15– Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time/ XXI Domingo Ordinario 8/27/15– Food Pantry Give Away (4:00-5:00 p.m.) / Entrega de Comida de Despensa (4:00-5:00 p.m.) 8/29/15—8/30/15– Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time/ XXII Domingo Ordinario BAILE DEL RECUERDO Sábado, 29 de Agosto 7p.m.-12a.m. $30 por adelantado $40 en la puerta El Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial les invita Amenizara: Los Muecas y Grupo Aries nicas de cómo mejorar nuestra comunicación y NO NIÑOS y NO BEBIDAS DE AFUERA a vivir un Fin de Semana donde se les facilitara tener un encuentro como pareja, que fortalecerá su relación y ayudara a su familia a vivir mas unida aprendiendo técrela- ción. Si ya viven bien, pues pueden vivir mejor. Próximo Fin de Semana: 18, 19, y 20 de Septiembre en la Misión de San Antonio También invitamos a todas esas parejas encontradas a participar de nuestra Noche de Comunidad los Todos los Martes hasta el 18 de Agosto, se llevaran acabo las “REGISTRACIONES DE CATEQUESIS” en el salón #3 de 6p.m. a 8p.m. Necesitan traer copia de Nacimiento y de Bautizo. La Iglesia de San Jose en Nipomo se complace en invitarlos a una Reunión de Parejas. Todas las parejas están invitadas sin costo alguno el Jueves, 27 de Agosto, 2015 de 7-8:30p.m. en el salón #3. Invitado Especial: Padre Alberto Cabrera– Párroco de la Iglesia de San Jose en Nipomo primeros tres Jueves del mes a las 7:30p.m. en el salón #3. Los esperamos. Para mas información, comuníquense con: Enrique ♥ Susana Cruz al 805-440-6789 El Lunes, 17 de Agosto, comenzara una novena a la Divina Misericordia para pedir que Dios nos bendiga con agua. La novena se llevara acabo todos los días a las 3p.m. en la Iglesia y terminara el 26 de Agosto. Los Esperamos!!! New Altar Servers! Next Training and Pizza Party, August 30th @ 4:30pm… =) Dear Parents, We are beginning a new social-youth group to support this ministry. We will meet four times per year for games, prizes, and continued training. They will only need to commit to serve at least once per month. The next training will be for two hours and will include pizza, salad, games, and prizes. Please email [email protected] for a registration form or pick one up in the office. This will be fun and enriching for our children! Any child after first communion is welcome, and their younger brothers and sisters may come as well. Let us pray for God’s will in life! FREE FOOD FOR THOSE IMPACTED BY THE DROUGHT The Food Bank will hold recurring monthly distributions while Drought Food Assistance lasts: Nipomo– St. Joseph’s Church, 298 S. Thompson Avenue 3rd Monday of each month, 5-7p.m. Call the Food Bank for more information and to ensure Drought Food Assistance is still available: 805-238-4664 or Drought Food Assistance will be made available to households who have been unemployed or underemployed due to drought conditions. (Self-certification on site) Faith: the Next Generation– Pass It On! Boldly go where many have gone before and help pass on the Good News of Jesus Christ and our Catholic faith! This fall, over 100 children and young people, kindergarten through grade 8, will sign up to learn more about Jesus and the Catholic faith. At this time, several of these children and young people have no catechist to teach them. You can help by becoming a catechist for Faith Formation. As you nurture the faith of your young, you will learn and grow as well! As one long-time catechist put it, “I learn so much from the children!” We provide you with training, materials and support. Classes begin September 9. If interested or for more information, contact Kathi, 805-264-1199. St. Joseph’s Church would like to thank the “Friends of St. Joseph” for their hard work in helping raise over $10,000 with the rib sale. All money raised will go towards the building fund. Healing Service and Mass (Eng.) Thursday, August 20th @ 6:30pm Fr. Peter Sanders joins us to lead us in a Healing Service and Mass! All are welcome to come and pray for personal healing, and for the healing of our families, nation, and world. We all have wounds and illnesses that we carry, whether they be spiritual of physical. God invites us to call on him and receive his grace. Fr. Peter is an Oratorian of St. Philip Neri living in Monterey. The healing service will begin at 6:30pm with praise and worship songs, preaching from Fr. Peter, and then intercessory prayer. The Mass will begin at 7:30pm and will end by 8:15pm. Please spread the Word of this opportunity with your loved ones, friends, and neighbors! We wish to thank everyone for their generosity, love and participation in the beautiful festivities and day that we all shared on Sunday, August 9th. With Sincerest Appreciation, Fr. Alberto, Fr. Roy & Fr. Jason NEW DAY AND TIME! Beginning Fall 2015, St. Joseph’s English Faith Formation will be: 5:30– 7:00p.m. on WEDNESDAYS!!! PLEASE REGISTER EARLY!!! REGISTRATION DATES WILL BE TUESDAYS: August 18th and 25th 6-8p.m. in the hall SAVE THE DATE!!! ONLY 8 WEEKS UNTIL SEASON 3 OF ARISE BEGINS!!! In celebration and preparation, the Arise core team is hosting a potluck for all team leaders and participants. Come join us on Saturday, September 5th from 1:30-3:30 p.m. in the hall. Come eat, share stories, and celebrate our small faith communities. More info to come. If you’ve never been part of an Arise small group but are interested, you are invited also– we would love to have you. (New students please bring a copy of baptism and birth certificates) FIRST CLASS IS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH 5:30– 7:00P.M. I.C.F. Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser The Italian Catholic Federation (I.C.F.) at St. Patrick’s Church in Arroyo Grande will be hosting a spaghetti dinner on Saturday, August 29th, from 4-7 p.m. in the church hall at 501 Fair Oaks Ave. The dinner includes spaghetti with homemade 3-meat sauce or marinara sauce, garlic bread, salad, coffee, tea and punch. Soda, beer, wine and desserts will be available for an additional charge. Tickets can be purchased at the door; $8 for adults, $5 for children 6-12 and free for children 5 and under. Proceeds support the I.C.F. Catholic School Registration Assistance Program. For more information, call 805-489-2680 This Monday, August 17, we will begin a novena to the Divine Mercy to ask God to bless us with water. The novena will take place every day at 3p.m. in the Church and will end on August 26. We look forward to seeing you there!!! FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: Deacon Greg and Vickie will be hosting another Adult Faith Formation segment from the acclaimed Catholisism” video series produced by Fr. Robert Barron– the soon to be Auxillary Bishop of the Diocese of Los Angeles. Please set aside Friday, August 28th at 7p.m. Come join us and be blessed. 4 Stages of Marriage– The 4 stages of marriage are: (1)Romance, (2)Disillusionment, (3)Misery, and (4)Awakening. Many marriages experience the first 3 Stages. Marriages that end in divorce never make it to the 4th Stage of Awakening. If your marriage suffers from Disillusionment or Misery please contact Retrouvaille. For confidential information about or to register for the September program beginning with a weekend on Sept. 25-27, call 831-479-1260 or email: [email protected] or visit the web site at Do you feel that God is asking to grow closer to you? Is the Lord encouraging you to come and spend daily time with Him? If so consider enrolling in the Challenge Program. Challenge is a 36 week commitment designed to bring you into a loving contact with the Lord. Both women and men’s groups are available. Registration closes September 4th and the first session will begin on September 14th. For more information contact Miriam Gilles at 929-1481 or Mike Grahek at 481-8621.
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