A4 brochure - Holanda.es
A4 brochure - Holanda.es
Would you like to join this European cooperation? Florien van der Windt Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment M +31 6 15369265 E [email protected] Frans op de Beek Rijkswaterstaat M +31 6 53802507 E [email protected] Photo cover Hollandse Hoogte Cooperative automated cars on the public road. Dutch ambitions on automated and connected driving This is a publication by the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment P.O. Box 20901 | 2500 ex The Hague www.government.nl/automated-driving October 2015 15#314 IenM folder A4 Automated and connected driving_WT.indd 4-1 28-09-15 11:02 Due to the developments in the automotive, ICT and telecom sector, mobility will change more in the next 20 years than it has changed in the past 100 years. Further automation of vehicles and the increase of information provide excellent opportunities to improve traffic flows and make transport safer, cleaner, easier. Therefore the Netherlands welcomes the further development of automated and connected driving! An example of the numerous advantages is that grouping trucks into platoons leads to a 5 to 15% decrease in fuel use, which benefits the environment and also reduces transport costs. The Netherlands welcomes large-scale experiments with connected and automated vehicles In the Netherlands, we believe in a pragmatic ‘learning by doing’ approach. Therefore we have created a legal framework for large-scale testing of connected, automated and autonomous vehicles on public roads. This legislation was put into force early in 2015, which creates the opportunity for testing both on highways and in city areas. Test applications All interested parties with ambitions for testing autonomous or connected vehicles are welcome to submit an application or to contact with the RDW by using the following link: www.rdw.nl/ITS. The RDW will seek contact with applicants in order to jointly explore what the possibilities are for a custom made exemption for testing on public roads. In several process-steps, the RDW will be able to judge if the application is safe or that additional action is required. European Truck Platooning Challenge To support the dialogue between Member States on the subject of automated and connected driving, the Netherlands will be organizing a European Truck Platooning Challenge during its EU Presidency. The Challenge consists of different brands of automated trucks to drive in columns (platooning) on public roads, from different European cities to the Netherlands. It is the intention that this event will bring platooning one step closer to implementation, and thus aiding truck platooning to become a reality in the near future. 15#314 IenM folder A4 Automated and connected driving_WT.indd 2-3 The Dutch Vehicle Approval Authority (RDW) is granted the authority to permit the use of vehicles with innovative and automated elements on public roads. As the applications for testing are diverse in nature, we do not believe in a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Depending on the functionalities that are being tested, the RDW can stipulate more detailed conditions for the applications for exemptions. Experiments may for example include platooning (multiple self-driving trucks forming a ‘road train’), the testing of cars with automated functions operating on the highway, or they can contain autonomous vehicles operating in the cities or suburban areas. Accordingly, custom made exemptions and continuous learning is necessary. static navigation speed advice Joint effort in Europe: Dutch EU Presidency 2016 In accordance with our ambition to support progress in this field, the Dutch government will also position ‘Smart Mobility’ as the central theme of the Informal Counsel of ministers of Transport and the Envrionment during the EU Presidency in 2016. The session with the transportministers will be dedicated to connected and automated driving. The motive for doing so is that the Netherlands believes that making progress on this subject demands a much more intensive international cooperation between the European Commission, the member states and industry. European cooperation on this theme is important for several reasons. Each country is looking for answers to complex issues regarding the consequences of automated, autonomous and cooperative driving on topics such as data ownership, liability, privacy and safety. Where it comes to legislation, a common approach will prevent a patchwork of rules and regulations to arise within the EU, which is an obstacle to manufacturers and road users. An illustration of this fact is that international differences exist when it comes to the legal distances in between cars and the extent to which drive-assist services are allowed. We need to uniform our lane guidance headway advice Connected Cooperative Automated full automation high automation Joint effort in the Netherlands: examples of successful cooperation on Smart Mobility This process of experimenting and testing of automated and cooperative driving is already in full swing. Road users, private companies and governmental organizations are working together and make joint progress. Recent examples are the ‘Practical trial Amsterdam’, a joint experiment of different parties to improve traffic flow in the Amsterdam region by providing drivers with personal advice, and the live testing of ‘Talking Traffic’ technology on the highway A58, where internet/fast data communication with drivers contributes to a reduction of shockwave traffic jams. Furthermore, various experiments on truck platooning are being performed in the Netherlands. In the near future, further testing of automated and autonomous vehicles is expected to take place. Informatization of traffic real-time navigation driver assistence partial automation conditional automation legislation and policies in order to make cross-border driving of automated and connected vehicles, such as platooning trucks, possible. We have work to do! An important lesson was learned with the development of the international rail network, where more than twenty different safety systems came to exist. The current implementation of one universal rail safety system (ERTMS) is a very costly and extensive operation. With commitment within the EU, we can avoid this from happening with regard to automated and connected vehicles. Road users expect that new services and systems will be compatible when crossing borders. In addition, from the perspective of industry, a harmonization of standards among countries is desirable. Compatibility of safety requirements, liability issues, communication systems and services among European countries is needed to facilitate a future market deployment and to improve the competitive strength of Europe. Exchanging views and working together on these subjects, will contribute to an integrated approach on the developments of automated and connected driving across the EU. On the basis of a shared and integrated approach, together we can identify the areas whereupon action needs to be taken. For this purpose, the Netherlands is initiating a dialogue between the Member States, the European Commission, the industry and relevant knowledge institutes. The goal is to set the first step in a process that will continue to exist after the Dutch Presidency in 2016. Automation of the vehicle Facts and figures of the Netherlands •In the Netherlands, a varied and high quality road network is available, consisting of well-maintained highways and busy city areas. The Global competitiveness report of 2014 showed that the infrastructure of the Netherlands ranks as the fourth best in the world. •Good testing grounds: the national and local road authorities are united in the Taskforce Dutch Roads to jointly find the best location for testing. For instance, in Helmond an automotive campus is located, where extensive knowledge in the field of smart mobility is concentrated and where an innovation traffic control centre is available in order to facilitate testing of automated vehicles on public roads, e.g., by providing camera’s to enable live monitoring of large-scale experiments. •The Dutch population has one of the highest levels of acceptation of autonomous vehicles; 54 % is comfortable with the idea of driving an autonomous vehicle (Special Eurobarometer of the EC 427- Autonomous systems 2015). •Traditionally, the Netherlands has been an excellent partner for collaboration and co-creation.: the Netherlands has a vibrant automotive sector that is particularly strong in the areas of Smart Mobility, for example companies in the fields of navigation services (TomTom, Mapscape) and ICT (NXP). But also strong research (TUD, TU/E, TNO). Public and private organizations and knowledge institutes combine and cooperate in the Smart Mobility platform Connekt and the automotive platform AutomotiveNL. 28-09-15 11:02