February 20, 2011 - St. Elizabeth of Hungary
February 20, 2011 - St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday …….…………. 5:00 pm. ………. Sunday, February 20……. 7:30 a.m. ………. 9:30 a.m. …..…... 11:30 a.m. ……… 1:30 p.m. ………. Monday………….…….. 7:00 a.m. ………. Tuesday ……………….. 6:00 p.m. ………. Wednesday…………….. 6:00 p.m. ………. Thursday …...…..……... 7:00 a.m. ………. Friday ……..…….....….. 7:00 a.m. ………. Saturday, Feb. 26 ………. 8:00 a.m. ………. 5:00 p.m. ……….. Sunday, February 27 ........ 7:30 a.m. ………. 9:30 a.m. ………. 11:30 a.m. …….. 1:30 p.m. .……… Mass Schedule for February 20 through February 27, 2011 Virginia Gutierrez † by the Panketh Family Jo Ann Schmidt † by Her Husband, John Schmidt Sheila Adams † by Her Family Rose Thompson by Ray Ryan For the People Special Intentions by the Stowers Family Gerry Russek † by Friends Xavier Panketh † by the Panketh Family Celia Gomez by Belinda Yantis Mary Hue Pham † Eduardo Gutierrez † by the Testa Family Helen & Julius Zraik †† by the Harley Family For the People Gerry Russek † by Friends Sheila Adams † by Her Family Carlos Ibarra † by the de los Santos Family Scripture Study—We invite you to join us as we continue to explore the Pentateuch. We will be covering Numbers and Deuteronomy. We meet every Wednesday mornings at 10:30 AM in Rm 103 in the RE building. For more information please contact; Manuel Moreno at 670-7486. Flowers for the Sanctuary – If you are interested in making a donation for flowers in memory or in honor of someone, please contact the church office @ 251-9838. STEWARDSHIP – A WAY OF LIFE CORRESPONDSABILIDAD – UN ESTILO DE VIDA Many thanks to the 277 families who used their Stewardship Envelopes. Collection…………………….....$15,632.98 Debt Reduction for February …....$1,214.00 Electronic Giving: Collection …………….….….…...$1,185.00 Building Fund ………..….………….$35.00 St. Vincent de Paul ..….……..…..….$65.00 Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Please use your envelopes to insure proper credit. February 20, 2011 WEEKLY SCRIPTURE READINGS Mon. Sir 1:1—10; Mk 9:14-29 Tues. 1 Peter 5:1—4; Mt 16:13-19 Wed. Sir 4:11-19; Mk 9:38-40 Thurs Sir 5:1—8; Mk 9:41—50 Fri. Sir 6:5-17; Mk 10:1—12 Sat. Sir 17:1-15; Mk 10:13-16 Ethics and Integrity in Ministry Workshop A 3-hour Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM) Basic Workshop on child abuse (formerly titled “Protecting God’s Children”) will be held Tuesday, March 8 at 6:30PM in the Parish Hall. This workshop is part of the diocesan Ethics and Integrity in Ministry policies that were adopted in January 2002 and revised in August 2008. All clergy and paid staff, and all volunteers working with youth and vulnerable adults, at any parish or diocesan location, are required to complete a one-time Application for Ministry prior to beginning their work/service and attend an EIM workshop with in 60 days of submitting the application. Please register ahead of time so that adequate material may be available by contacting the church office— 251-9838. Material used in the workshop include testimonies from victims and perpetrators of sexual abuse; if you have any concerns regarding your attendance at a workshop, please contact Emily Hurlimann at (512) 949-2447 to arrange an alternative arrangement to receive your training. Such inquiries shall remain confidential. TALLER BASICO DE EIM El Taller de 3 horas sobre Ética e Integridad en el Ministerio (EIM por sus siglas en ingles) acerca del abuso sexual infantil (llamado anteriormente “Protegiendo a los Niños de Dios”), se llevará a cabo Lunes 21 de Febrero a las 6:30 en el Salon de Eventos. Este taller es parte de las normas diocesanas sobre Ética e Integridad en el Ministerio que se hicieron vigentes en enero del 2002 y fueron revisadas en agosto del 2008. Todos los miembros del clero, personal pagado y voluntarios que trabajan con jóvenes y adultos vulnerables de cualquier parroquia o área de la diócesis, están requeridos a llenar una solicitud, una sola vez, para el ministerio antes de comenzar su trabajo y/o labor de servicio y asistir a un taller de EIM dentro de 60dias de la presentación de su solicitud. Por favor registrese anticipadamente a fin de que el material necesario pueda estar disponible, llamando la oficina 251-9838. Los Materiales utilizados incluyen testimonios de las victimas y autores de abuso sexual. En caso de que tenga usted alguna inquietud relacionada con su asistencia al taller, por favor comuníquese con Emily Hurlimann at (512) 949-2447, a fin de acordar la forma en que usted pueda recibir su capacitación. Tal información se mantendrá de manera confidencial. If you have ever thought about becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, now is the time. Training sessions are on Tuesday, March 8th, at 7PM or on Thursday, March 31 at 6:30PM. You only need to attend one session. If you are in full communion with the church, you are eligible to become a minister. Please contact Maureen Lough, at [email protected] or 512-784-0705 to reserve a spot. Training for all current lectors and for those wishing to join the lector ministry will be held on February 24th from 6PM to 7PM, March 5th from 12:30 PM to 1:30PM and March 8th from 6PM to 7PM. This training is an important step toward a consistent approach to the proclamation of the Word, so please make plans to attend one of these sessions. Please contact Susan Koontz at [email protected] with any questions. PRO-LIFE ACTIVITIES It is not too late to sign up to pray for an hour in front of the abortion facilities! The next Forty Days for Life Prayer Vigil Campaign begins on Ash Wednesday, March 9th. Please go to www.austincoalitionforlife.com and go to the Stand and Pray page to sign up and pray for the end of abortion in Central Texas! Gabriel Project Angel training will be offered on Saturday, February 26 from 9AM to 4:30PM at St. Helen’s Parish, 2700 E. University Ave., Georgetown. Join us if you think God may be calling you to befriend women in need emotional and spiritual support due to a crisis pregnancy. Lunch and all Materials will be provided. Registration is due by Monday, February 21 as space is limited. Please cal (512) 949-2488 o r e m a i l [email protected] for more information or to register. “Cultural trends exist that seek to anaesthetize consciences with spurious arguments. With regard to the embryo in the mother’s womb, science itself highlights its autonomy, its capacity for interaction with the mother, the coordination of biological processes, the continuity of development, the growing complexity of the organism. It is not an accumulation of biological material but rather of a new living being, dynamic and marvelously ordered, a new individual of the human species. This is what Jesus was in Mary’s womb; this is what we all were in our mother’s womb. We may say with Tertullian, an ancient Christian writer: “the one who will be a man is one already” (Apologeticuim IX,8), there is no reason not to consider him a person from conception. “ ~Pope Benedict XVI, Homily, vigil for All Nascent Human Life, Nov. 27, 2010 YOUTH MINISTRY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION “Let the children come to me and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:16 Protecting God’s Youth for Middle School Students! Friday, March 11 / 5 to 8 p.m. Llamando a todos los alumnos de Middle School Únase al grupo “M.I.G.H.T.Y” Viernes, 11 de Marzo / 5 a 8 p.m. DINNER WILL BE SERVED! / Se servirá comida! We’ll discuss ways that you, as a teenager, can safeguard your physical, emotional and behavioral boundaries. As Catholics, we believe that every human being is created in the image and likeness of God. Each of us is sacred and our lives — body, mind and soul — should be treated with respect. Called to Protect for Youth gives you the practical tools, in a language you can understand, to realize this fundamental teaching of our faith. Please RSVP to [email protected] Hablaremos de formas en que su adolecente puede salvaguardar sus límites físicos, emocionales y de comportamiento. Como católicos creemos que cada ser humano es creado a imagen y semejanza de Dios. Cada uno es sagrado y nuestras vidas, nuestros cuerpos, mentes y almas debe ser tratados con respeto. Llamados a Proteger para jóvenes les da las herramientas prácticas, en un lenguaje entendible, para reconocer estas enseñanzas fundamentales de nuestra fe. Por favor responda a: [email protected] PARENTS / PADRES -- For an overview of the program is below, or you may visit / Para mas información del programa visite: http:// www.austindiocese.org/dept/eim/ youth_parents.php . To view clips from the DVD / para ver apartes del DVD http:// www.praesidiuminc.com/ctp_clips.php Any parent who would like to review the DVD prior to March 11, please call Tressi or Laura in the RE Office at 251-9842. The lessons taught in the program are outlined below. / Padres que quieran ver el DVD antes del 11 de Marzo pueden llamar a Tressi o Laura a la oficina de Educación Religiosa al 251-9842. YEAR-ROUND RCIA & ADULT CONFIRMATION If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, we invite you to join us, and ask those questions you may have about what Catholics believe, in an open and welcoming environment. We meet most Thursday evenings at 7PM in the Parish Hall. If you’d like further information — or if you’re a baptized Catholic adult who would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation — please call Jeanne Brunet at 3107932 or email us at [email protected] REMINDER To all Seniors who are applying for a scholarship: The deadline for submitting your scholarship application is fast approaching— February 28 by 5PM. The St. Elizabeth Ladies Club will be having their monthly meeting Tuesday, March 1 in the Parish Hall. All women in the parish are invited to join. Come see how you can become involved in this very important ministry. Smoked and Honey Glazed Hams Prepared by Boy Scouts, Troop 711 Sunday, Feb. 20th The Boy Scouts will be selling hams for $5.50/lb. on Sunday, February 20, 2011 from 8 AM until they are gone. The 3-7 pound hams will be fresh off the pit and honey glazed. To reserve your delicious ham, please contact Rebecca Salisbury at 990-898 or [email protected] Our “Gifts of Faith” store is open after each Mass as well as Tuesday and Wednesday, 4:30— 7PM. Come check out our store wide sale. PLEASE PRAY For the Priests, deacons & religious who serve in our Diocese, especially: Rev. Anthony Odlong Very Rev. James Olnhausen Very Rev. Richard O’Rourke, MSC Sr. Alice Warrick, OSF Sr. Madeline Sophie Weber, IHM Sr. Jean Wesselman, DC Deacon Edward Rositas Deacon Joe Ruiz Deacon Barry Ryan Please also pray for more vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life. The Sewing Circle will meet on Thursday, February 24th from 9AM till noon in the Religious Education Building. Work will continue on our quilt and clothing for the children of Haiti. Please bring your “Show and Tell” items and any totes/purses you have finished. Everyone is welcome, so please bring a friend. Knights of Columbus News The Knights of Columbus will be hosting their annual Casino Night on March 5, 2011. Food, Drink, Games and prizes. Tickets will be $20.00 per person in advance and $25.00 at the door. Tickets will available for sale this weekend or you can call the church office. Babysitting is available at an additional charge. For additional information see the KC website. — www.kofc10373.org/events The Knights will also have the Fish Fry during Lent starting with Ash Wednesday (12 to 8PM) and all Fridays of Lent from 4 to 7PM. Prices are $7 for an adult plate and $5 for a child’s plate. We offer a two day program Tuesday and Thursday from 9AM-1:30PM for 2’s, 3’s, and 4 year olds. We will be holding registration for the 2011-2012 school year for registered parishioners starting on March 1st at 10Am in the R.E. Building in the Pre-School office. Fee; Registration $75.00 Tuition: $155.00. If you have nay questions or would like to come by for a tour, you can contact us at 251-9805 and ask for Martha Lemiuex or MeMe Andre. Legacy of Love Mother’s Group has placed a basket with diapers and other baby needs in the cry room restroom. Please enjoy this as a courtesy of our group and don’t forget our meetings are the first and third Monday of every month in the R.E. Building. MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR FEBRUARY 26/27 Extraordinary Ministers 5:00 PM – Russel Shirley*, Bill Thomas, Brian Chamberlin, Rae Ann Carrizales, David Carrizales, Alice Solis 7:30 AM—Harold Bludau*, Judy Bludau, Zoe Zell, Juanita Anderson, Frank Prezioso, Maria Prezioso 9:30 AM— Carmen Panketh*, Teresa Villarreal, Roque Villarreal, Joe Panketh, Bill Thibodeaux, Brenda Frank, Mario Ramirez, Barbara Njemanze, Peggy Thibodeaux 11:30 AM – Anne Spradlin* , Jaclyn Bouton, Scott Bouton, Pete Brunet, Dorothy Roberts, Andre Leger, Georgina Bouton, Norine Shavitz, Tony Delgado 1:30 PM – Betty Cataño, Jesse Cataño, Adan Lopez, Maria Aguilar *Lead Extraordinary Minister Lectors 5:00 PM— Misty Garriga (A) Manuel Moreno (B) 7:30 AM— Julia Segura (A) Joyce Stech (B) 9:30 AM — Ron Thompson (A) Peggy Simmons (B) 11:30 AM — Paul Kroschewsky (A) Rosie Riddick (B) 1:30 PM— Margarita Muñiz y Graciela Morales Altar Servers 5:00 PM— Jonathan Knapek, Amy Spalik, Daniel Herr 7:30 AM— Brandon/Thomas Gladwin, Lucy Paratore, Connor McBurnett 9:30 AM— John Mester, Jacob Torres, Samuel Perales 11:30 AM—Andrew Kinney, Luke Rodriguez, John Paul Kinney 1:30 PM — Jacob Cataño, Jordan Cataño, Jasmine Zamarron Hospitality 5:00 PM – John Munoz *, Katie Canales, John Barajas, Teresa Barajas 7:30 AM – Karen Gladwin*, Michael Gladwin, Isla Covarrubia, David Covarrubia 9:30 AM — Mary Hernandez*, Leonard Hernandez, Nancy Kogler, Mark Kogler 11:30 AM – Tressi Breecher*, the Breecher Family *Lead Hospitality Minister It is your responsibility to find your own substitute. If you are unable to serve and unable to find a sub, please contact the ministry coordinator.