the bullring - Las ventas Tour


the bullring - Las ventas Tour
a ona
ma on
I- the
III- the show
IV- Le taureau
V- the presidency
VI- the
Discover the Monumental of Las Ventas
1-What is the capacity of the monument?
The current capacity of the place is 23.798
people. These bullrings are the 3rd in the
world in term of capacity after Mexico (Mexico City) and Valencia (Venezuela).
2- To whom are dedicated the statues outside of the bullrings?
José Cubero Sánchez
“El Yiyo”, the last matador
dead by a blow of horn in
Spain (Colmenar Viejo), Madrid
Fleming Many personns will be surprised
seeing Fleming watching the
Plaza de Toros, but it’s true
that the toreros owe a lot
to this man, inventor of the
Before the existence of the penicillin, the
toreros had to fight with bulls but also fight
against infections produced by blows of
The horns of these animals presented a double risk and in numerous cases, although the
blow of horn was not mortal, but the infection yes could be.
c. Luis Miguel
Domingin A tribute to
the torero of Madrid
who went out the
Puerta Grande 5 times.
d Antonio Bienvenida
One of the preferred
toreros of Madrid which
fought the most in Madrid.
3- Who is the architect who built the bullring?
José Espeliu, one of the most famous architect of Madrid did it (he was a friend of
Joselito). Unfortunately, Espeliu died before
seeing the bullrings ended and another recognized architect succeeded to him: Manuel
Monasterio, craftsman of the stadium Santiago Bernabeu, of the Real Madrid.
4- Since when its celebrates bullfights in
these bullrings?
The first bullfight took place in these bullrings on the 17th of June, 1931.Among the
original stories occured in this bullrings,
during the civil war of Spain the bullring was
converted for 34 months in a huge kitchen
The construction is supported by a metallic
mess which also includes the terraces.
6- What means the coat of arms drawn on
the place?
Sur la façade de la place on trouve des armoiries qui chacune représente une province espagnole. Détail curieux, la province
de Cordoue est représentée 2 fois. Il manqué également les provinces de Ceuta et
Melilla qui à l’époque de la construction des
bullrings étaient seulement un protectorat
espagnol d’Afrique du nord.
7- Why the orquesta doesn’t plays during
the show?
In the bullrings of Las Ventas, unlike the other bullrings the orchestra doesn’t play during, there was a curious succession of facts
5- To which architectural style the bullring
which took place during the celebration of
of Madrid belong?
the “ Bullfight of Victoria “, first bullfighting
With a neomudéjar style, the facade is made event which taken place in these bullrings
by bricks and ceramic decorations glazed.
after the civil war.
During Marcial Lalanda’s faena the public
asked for the music to soften the bullfight
with a pasodoble.
On the contrary the faena which Domingo
Ortega realized to the fourth bull, which was
exceptional, swiping almost as a trophy the
tail of the bull, was not accompanied by the
orchestra; tempestuous confrontation
of people favor of the music and those were
against forced the president to make the
irrevocable decision to forbid the music. In
time it was converted into a tradition for
bullfights from Madrid.
8- How is divided the Plaza de Toros?
This monumental place is built on 4 floors:
Tendidos bajos y Tendidos altos, gradas y
Each party is divided into 10 sections divided
into 3 main zones.
SOMBRA (ranks 1,2,9 and 10)
SOL (ranks 4,5,6 and 7)
And SOL Y SOMBRA (ranks 3 and 8)
9- La Puerta Grande of Las Ventas
Go out of the place on shoulders by the
Puerta Grande of any bullring is the biggest award for a torero. In Madrid, this door
opens when the matador cuts at least 2 ears
during the bullfight, the trophies gained
thanks to the gratitude of the public and the
presidency during a beautiful
faena. To the left of this main door we find a
ceramic in honor to the toreros who
made faena.
10- Which toreros went out by Puerta
The torero who managed to go out most
than time by the PUERTA GRANDE is Santiago Martín ‘ El Viti ‘ which accumulates
a total of fourteen exits by the main entrance of the first world place of bulls.
Then we have
Paco Camino 12 times
In bullfighting schools. At the school of the
bullfighting of Madrid form every year about
fifty young people amongwhom some people will be later toreros.
13- There are women torero?
Yes. The first woman who
came to Las Ventas was Juanita
Cruz, in 1936. Until today only
2 women managed to go out
by the main entrance like the
famous matadora
Cristina Sánchez.
14- How much wins a torero?
The salary of a torero depends on its stamp,
Antonio Bienvenida 11 times
on the number of spectators and on the
collected funds adorned for the bullrings.
Andrés Vazquez 10 times
But income is not entirely for the torero. In
the quantity that he receives it’s also the
11- At what age can we be a torero?
The children begin to form at the bullfighting salary of his team.
school from 9-10 years. They will begin their
15 – Are there foreign toreros?
career as professionals from 16 years.
Yes, there are numerous countries which
imported the bullfighting culture. Mexico,
12- Where the toreros learned?
Colombia, Venezuela, and France especially
have big toreros.
16- Why we call the clothes of the toreros
Bullfighter’s costumes?
We name bullfighter’s costume the clothes
which dress the toreros during the bullfight.
Its name answers the reflections which
produces the glitter which cover him.
17- Who is the team (cuadrilla) of a torero?
The cuadrilla is the group made of toreros,
by foot, by horse who attract bulls under
the orders of the matador. It is trained by
picadores and banderilleros.
18- Who does it mean to take the alternativa?
The alternativa is the ceremony thanks to
which the novillero becomes the matador’s
status of bulls.
19- Of what it consists?
The oldest matador is at the head of the
cartel and gives up the bullfight of the first
bull to the new matador, and as godfather,
delivers personally to him in a symbolic way
the “rests” with the sword and the muleta.
The 3rd torero acts as witness.The alternativa can be obtain in any bullrings but it is essential to confirm it in these 3 places: Monumental of Las Ventas of Madrid, the bullrings
of México and in the bullrings of Santamaría
of Bogotá. It supposes a kind of matador’s
doctorate to be then called Maestro.
20- Somebody already died in Las Ventas?
Yes, 1 torero, 3 banderilleros and 1 carpintero after an accident because a bull jumped
into the callejon. Nevertheless, there are numerous the bullfighters who have been hurt
in different bullfighting spectacles in this
Place. Because of it there is so important the
labor of the nursing and the sanitary personnel which we explain the functions here in
21- How many bulls there is during a bullfight?
Generally 6 bulls distributed in 2 for each
22- How long is during a bullfight?
There is no exact duration. It varies between
2 and 2h30.
23- When does the season of bullfights in
Spain begin?
The season starts in February to the end of
24- All the bullfights are the same?
No. There are several sort of bullfighting
-Bullfights of bulls: a course during which
the professional matadors fight with bulls
between 4 and 5 years.
- Novilladas with picadores: a course during
which the professional matadors fight bulls
between 3 and 4 years.
- Novilladas without picadores: a course during which the professional matadors fight
with bulls between 2 and 3 years.
- Rejoneo: bullfight on horse
25 – What is a novillada?
A novillada is a bullfight with young bulls
fighting by young toreros who had not taken
the alternativa yet.
26 – Does sometimes a bullfight is stopped?
With a very very bad weather conditions or
if all the toreros are hurt. For example during the San Isidro on 2014, a bullfight was
stopped because the 3 toreros who participated in it were hurt (David Mora, Antonio
Nazaré, et Saúl Jiménez Fortes). Nevertheless it’s a very rare and unusual event. The
last time it had taken place in Madrid was in
1979. A bullfight in which were hurt Pedro
Fernández, Paco Alcalde y José Ortega.
27-What is the paseillo?
The paseíllo is the parade which begins the
bullfight. It is an essential rite of the bullfight and In the course of which the place of
every protagonist is fundamental.
28- How take place the protagonists during the paseíllo ?
The first ones in the paseillo are the Alguacilillos, men on horseback who traditionally took care to empty the place and give the
keys of the bullring to the president to mark the opening of the
bullfight. Today their role is a simple tradition.
Los toreros are at the head of the parade. Their placement is
made according to their age according to the date of their alternative. In this way, the first one who became torero takes place in
the right, the second in the left and the youngest in the middle.
After the toreros come the cuadrillas. The subordinates, the conscripts also called peones, the banderilleros or torero of silver. The
order of the subordinates depends on the age of the torero which
they accompany. Picadores also is a part of the team of a torero.
Every maestro has 2 picadores, one for every bull. They are always
accompanied by monosabios.
Monosabios are at any moment with the picador while he is pricking the bull.
29- How much weighs a bull?
In Madrid, the regulation indicates that the
bull has to weigh a minimum of 460kg and a
maximum of 700kg
30- How live bulls before the fight?
They live outdoors in protected and privileged breeding.
31- What a fighting bull (lidia bull)?
By speaking about lidia’s bull or bravo’s bull
we make reference to the macho specimens
of a high race, selected for its fight in various
bullfighting shows. It is an autochthonous
race of the Iberian Peninsula and it is characterized by the acute instincts of defense and
the temperaments, synthesized as being of
the bravery, as well as the physical attributes
appearance as the big horns and the power-
ful muscles. A race which would certainly be
switched off if there was not bullfights anymore.
32 – At what age do the bull fights?
Most of the bull are between 4 and 5 years
33- How much does it cost to raise a bell?
Between 3 000 and 30 000
34 – Does the bull ever died?
No it could be pardoned.
35-Why is bull is pardoned?
For its extraordinary bravery, capacity in the
fight. You should not forget that the fundamental of the bullfight is the worship for the
36 – What was the last bull pardoned in Las
Velador, was the only bull pardoned in Las
Ventas. It was fought by José Ortega Cano.
Throughout the History, numerous bulls
were pardoned in Spain.
Its meat is used in numerous typical gastronomic dishes of our country.
Foto: Velador y José Ortega Cano
37-What happens with the pardoned bulls?
It is the bull the most honored with the bullfight. It is pardoned, besides receiving special treatments, it will be dedicated to the
39- What happens for the torero if the bull
is pardoned?
It is most great honor for a torero. He goes
out on shoulders, by the Puerta Grande
40 – Who take these decision?
38 – What happens when the bull died after The president who has the highest authority.
the bullfight??
41- Who is the president?
The president represents the authority
during all the bullfight. His work consists in
making sure that the bullfighting regulation
is respected and that bullfight takes place
normally. In the bullrings of Madrid, it is a
He’s seat with a veterinary assistant, and an
artistic assistant who often is a torero who
finished his career.
42- When did they give an ear?
The first Ear according to the regulation it
gives when there is a majority of spectators
who asks for it.
For the second trophy, the second Ear, it is
the President who decides. Sometimes the
president and the spectators do not agree
and it can give rise to whistling towards to
the palco, the changing room of the presidency.
43- What does other price exist?
Besides receiving ears, the toreros and the
bulls can be rewarded by making a tour of
the ruedo and be greeting by the public who
gives an ovation to them. When the fight
was not very attractive, the torero and the
bull are generally whistled or in this moment, there is no more noise.
44- What does it mean the handkerchief?
With the white handkerchief, the
president indicates the beginning
of the bullfight, the release of every
bull, the change of the timing, and
the trophies (ear and tail).
With the green handkerchief the bull
is sent back in cowsheds when he is
not considered rather capable of the
fight and is replaced by spare bulls.
With the blue handkerchief, we
authorize the tour of the ruedo in
honor to the dead bull, in recognition
of its exploit.
With the orange handkerchief, the
bull is pardoned for its extraordinary
bravery during the fight.
With the red handkerchief, it indicates that they have to put black
banderillas as punishment to the bull
who avoids the fight.
45- What happens when a torero receives a
blow of horn?
He is immediately transferred to the infirmary, the coolest place of Las Ventas but one of
the most important. In numerous occasions,
the doctors look and save the life of the
The infirmary of Las Ventas has 2 operating
blocks, and two rooms of care
and a desk.
Information and reservations
[email protected]
687 73 90 32