Ciclovia in Bogota - MOVE Congress 2015
Ciclovia in Bogota - MOVE Congress 2015
BOGOTÁ Foundation 1.538 Climate 14°C. Population 7´878.783 Height 2.620 m. Area 1.587 Km2 ABOUT CICLOVIA Ciclovía o Cycloway in Bogotá D.C. is the best option at the moment of thinking about Sundays and holydays leisure time, taking place in the city main roads, building up 121 kilometers length. It lasts for seven hours from 7:00 AM. to 2:00 PM, it is exclusively designed for bicycles, athletes, all sort of sport people, families and pedestrians. GENERAL OBJECTIVE • Strengthen citizen’s coexistence. • Family relationship. •The adequate use of free time and public spaces. •Physical activity promotion aimed to improve quality life. CLEAN AIR … MOBILITY… STRESS… HEALTHY FEEDING SCHEMA CHILDREN LACK OF ACTIVITY … SOCIAL INCLUSION… NATURE CARE … NATURE CARE … Foto: Oscar o. Ruiz B. STRESS… Foto: Oscar o. Ruiz B. STRESS … Foto: Oscar o. Ruiz B. BOGOTÁ CICLOWAY 1974 CREATION OF AMERICAS CYCLOWAY NET 2005 CREATION OF AMERICAS CYCLOWAY NET 2005 BOGOTÁ D.C. CYCLOWAY 40 YEARS CELEBRATION Foto: Oscar o. Ruiz B. RECREATIVE CYCLOWAY REPRESENT COST-BENEFIT Fuente: Universidad de los Andes. Bogotá - Colombia RECREATIVE CYCLOWAY A “HELTHY OUTBREAK” Fuente: Universidad de los Andes. Bogotá - Colombia RECREATIVVE CYCLOWAY A “HELTHY OUTBREAK” NAMES… Foto: Oscar o. Ruiz B. CYCLOWAYS ALLOWS: High participation 1.500.000 participants each day Quick implementation no construction or buildings required, no high technology needs Participation for free no special equipment required, it is worth to walk, run, use of bicycle, wheel chairs. Low cost Assumed by government and privet sector Immediate benefits Health, environment, mobility, coexistence OPERATION • Group work 300 Auxiliares Bachilleres 20 Transit pólice 1.200 Social assistants 200 Guards 16 Ruting managers 31 point coodinators 80 Aerobic trainers 2 program delegates 2 administrative technitians 1 general coordinators 13 truck drivers 2 truck drivers supervisors 1 operational coordinator 93 operative drivers OPERATION •City police •Health city department •Mobility department •Education department •Government department •Social economy institution Supporting organisms SERVICES Vet point SERVICES RAFI Modules (Physical activity recommendations) Snacks sell points SERVICES Sell points (Food, drinks and bike accessories) SERVICES • Extreme sports SERVICES Children points SERVICES Toilets SERVICES •Bicycle Parking areas SERVICES • Recreoway SERVICES THEMATIC CICLOWAY Bogotá cycloway focuses itself is specific participants, offering cyclo tracks and events in special country dates; all dedicated to children, women, young ones and afro- descendents. CYCLOWAY ON THE BEACH Enable and give public space (parks, green spaces and avenues) surrounding the cycloway area with proper infrastructure and similar elements one can find in the beach. CYCLOWAY ON THE BEACH CYCLOWAY ON THE BEACH CYCLOWAY ON THE BEACH CYCLOWAY ON THE BEACH Live Music Swim suit models Palenqueras Matches Border tipical food Beach Boleiball Cycloparquing Children recreation CYCLOWAY ON THE BEACH Participants Record 2.400.000 BYCICLE DAY Made to honor and show the importance and values of bicycle use, as means of recreation, transport and sport activity. BYCICLE DAY NO CAR DAY Held every first thursday in February EVENING CYCLOWAY ● ● ● ● ● It was first created for Christmas time in 1.999. 6:00 to 12:00am More than 3,000,000 participants have joined it. The tracks are just the same that sunday and holidays. Stages are located on the roads so that people can enjoy different sorts of shows RECOGNITIONS TO CYCLOWAY Departamento Administrativo de la Función Pública gave the Cycloway Proyecto Público Exitoso (Succesful Public projects) recognition 2003. The program was recogniced as “Fuera de Serie”, out of series in (II Concurso Internacional Ciudades Activas – Ciudades Saludables 2005), 2nd active cities) due to the development and contribution of alternative and efficient physical activity. Cycloway was declared to be a social, leisure and sport interest, based on 386 de 2009 agreement RECOGNITIONS TO CYCLOWAY International Price for sustainable culture, given in the international meeting Rio+20 which took place in Bogotá, august 2014, by the urban settlements global forum and sponsored by UNEP. Price for promoting health and welfare for 40 years by coldeportes in its program HEVS (Hábitos y Estilo de Vida Saludables) healthy life style habits. Bogota city recognition , for being an international model to follow by other nation in the 10th Americas Cycloway net forum. World international organization determined in 2014 that a country with health policies must have at least five cities with cycloways Thanks ¡¡¡ Lic. Oscar O. Ruiz B. Secretario Ejecutivo de la Red de Ciclovías de las Américas 2014 -2015