St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church TWENTY FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2015 “Who do people say that I am?” They said in reply, “John the Bap st, others Elijah, s ll others one of the prophets.” And he asked them, “But who do you say that I am?” “¿Quién dice la gente que soy yo?” Ellos le contestaron: “Algunos dicen que eres Juan el Bau sta; otros, que Elías; y otros, que alguno de los profetas”. Entonces él les preguntó: “Y ustedes ¿quién dicen que soy yo?” Mark 8:27-29 Mark 8:27-29 VIGÉSIMO CUARTO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO DOMINGO, 13 DE SEPTIEMBRE 2015 CLERGY PRIESTS: Rev. Salvador Guzmán Rev. James Yamauchi DEACONS: George Polcer, John Rapier, Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday: Vigil Mass 5:00pm Sunday: 8:00am & 11:30am Spanish: 9:30am & 1:30pm Sid Little, Federico Márquez, Juan J. Hernández Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm Office is closed on Saturday & Sunday After Hours Sick Call & Funeral Request: 469.667.7324 Parish Office: 972-542-4667 Fax: 972-542-4641 Faith Formation Office: 972-542-4685 Mailing Address: 411 Paula Road McKinney, Texas 75069 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Confessions Adoration Thursday 6:00pm - 7:00pm Saturday 3:0pm - 4:00pm Thursday 6:00pm - 7:00pm 1st Friday of the month - 12noon 8:30am Daily Masses Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 8:00 am Tuesday and Thursday: 5:30 pm Mass Readings for September 13 - 20 13 September – Twenty-Fourth Sunday in O.T. Is 50:5-9; Psalm 116; Jas 2:14-18; Mk 8:27-35 Mon., 14 September – The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Nm 21:4-9; Psalm 78; Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 Tuesday, 15 September – Our Lady of Sorrows 1 Tm 3:1-13; Psalm 101; Jn 19:25-27 Wednesday, 16 Sep. – Saints Cornelius and Cyprian 1 Tm 3:14-16; Psalm 111; Lk 7:31-35 Thursday, 17 September – St. Robert Bellarmine 1 Tm 4:12-16; Psalm 111; Lk 7:36-50 Friday, 18 September 1 Tm 6:2-12; Psalm 49; Lk 8:1-3 Saturday, 19 September – St. Januarius 1 Tm 6:13-16; Psalm 100; Lk 8:4-15 20 September – Twenty-Fifth Sunday in O.T. Wis 2:12, 17-20; Psalm 54; Jas 3:16 – 4:3; Mk 9:30-37 I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living. psalm 116 OUR WEEKLY OFFERING Sunday, September 3, 2015 Attendance: Sunday 1st Collection: $13,807.00 Sunday 2nd Collection: $3,445.00 St Vincent de Paul: $2,336.00 (Totals listed above does not include On Line Giving) Our second collection has been designated for the reduction of our monthly mortgage payment. We appreciate your constant giving which allows us to fulfill this obligation. “Prayer with fasting is good. Almsgiving with righteousness is better than wealth with wickedness. It is better to give alms than to store up gold, for almsgiving saves from death, and purges all sin. Those who give alms will enjoy a full life, “ (Tobit 12:8-9) We pray for those in need of healing May the Holy Spirit Light Their Way Milagros de la Torre, John Biancamano, George Nixon, Petra Herrera Garza, Audrey Kinney, Mary Glenn, Raul Lopez Bernal, Pat Guidry, Pam Godie, Marge Rodkey, Connie Aubrey, Berth Godoy-Montecillo, Ana Rodriguez, Sandy Catin, Alan Mesta, Miguel Gil, Evelyn Matias, Walt Simmons, Stephen Kalitta, Lorenzo Vasquez, Margarita Rodriguez, Cecilia Vasquez Carmen Valdivia, Margaret Burns Fincher, Rachel Willis, John E. Deibel, Sr., Odalis Meza, Caiden Meza, Lupe Gomez, Apolina Pacheo, Ronald Primeau, Carolyn Ojeda, Katherina Mercado, Al Frettoloso, Marcie Roberts, Virginia Macias, Moises Trejo, Walker Phillips, Patricia Liseth Bueno, Martha Gonzalez, Celia Pearson, Maria Portillo, Kenadi Pearson, Leticia Glavan, Kristina Ruiz, Claudia Carreño, Maricela Granados, Carmen Galvan, Melissa Rubio Zuniga, Terry Good, Bertha Garay, Juan Arellano, David Thrower, Stella Thrower, Virginia Guzmán, Richard Flores, Barbara Cowart, Ed Kalupa, Lloyd Bryant, Judy Bryant, Jesus Posada, Ricky Balak, Jesus Garcia, Olivia Duplessy, Daniel Carrasco, Beatriz Salas, Abel Chavez, Jose Sanchez, Irma Avila, Kathryn Schmitt, Idolina Gonzalez Santos, Zane Dayton, Kay Dayton, Leonor Dominguez , Alejandro Gomez, Kristina Greer, Frank Stevens, Art Burke , Kathryn Hale, Gavin Warrick, Tabitha Warrick, Joseph Bell , Kay Stevens, Tom Fox , Starnes Family. Andrew Hernandez, Elizabeth Sanchez, Jose Arturo Ramos , Gabriela de la Torre, Susan Heer Jonathan Martinez, Bertha Villasana , Bonnie Wilkerson, Jim Hughes, Maria Faz Hernandez, Casimiro A. Diaz, Madeline Prugh, Priscilla Rodriguez, Cipriano Castillo Aguilar,Cheri Mills To add someone to the prayer list for healing, please kindly call the parish office. Total On Line Giving - Sunday 1st Collection: $1,166.00 Total On Line Giving - 2nd Collection (Bldg Fund): $337.00 We Thank You for your support! Mass Intentions for the Week September 12th - 18th Sat., September 12th 5:00pm Burblis Family Sunday, September 13th 8:00 am Michelle Preciado Morris Lencher 9:30 am Ana Martha Perez Jose Teodoro Hernandez 11:30am Stacie George 1:30 pm Aurora Almanza Jose Oscar Alcantar Mon., September 14th 8am William Penkrot Tues., September 15th 5:30pm Jozsef Fodor Wed., September 16th 8am William Penkrot Thurs., September 17th 5:30pm Neil Mahoney Friday, September 18th 8am Amelia Jara St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry Holy Family Hall Food Distribution is held on the Tues., Wed. & Thurs. Open: 2 - 4pm Second Saturday of the month from 8:30 am-10:30 am *************************** Helpline: 214-314-5698 Email: [email protected] Thrift Store Donation Pickup Hotline 214.373.7837 Due to your continued support and generosity, we were able to help 449 people during the month of August, 2015. Thank you! The twelfth annual McKinney Hike for Life, a pro-life event hosted by the Knights of Columbus to help raise awareness and funds for the Dallas area pregnancy resource centers, will be held on Saturday, October 3, in McKinney, at the Hilltop Pavilion in Erwin Park. By being part of the Hike either as an individual hiker, a member of a hiking team, or by just sponsoring a hiker, you are taking part in the saving of hundreds of innocent babies. Flyers with more information regarding times, locations, and contacts for all Hikes in the Dallas area will be provided in the back of the Church, starting the weekend of September 5 and 6. Join Father, CPLC representatives, and fellow parishioners for pre-hike festivities, the hike itself, and a free BBQ afterwards. Please feel free to pick up a flyer and talk to a representative after Mass. Have your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers sponsor you in this great cause! You can also go to to learn more about the Hike, register online or sponsor a fellow parishioner. Get active--it’s one way we can stop this American tragedy. For any additional questions, you may contact either George Fuchs at [email protected] or call 972-529-6703 or 972-965-6033 (texts welcome) or Charlie Jones at [email protected] or call 214-629-5224. Hope to see you there! A LABOR DAY REFELCTION, by Deacon John Rapier The first Monday in September was just another Monday until September 5, 1882, when 10,000 workers joined ranks and marched with uncommon courage from City Hall to Union Square in New York City in solidarity with their follow workers who had been brutally attacked for organizing for safer working conditions, a living wage and a work week that allowed some time for family life and church services. Just 12 years later in 1894 Congress declared the first Monday in September to be Labor Day in honor of the contributions and achievements of all working men and women and the right to workers to organize for self-protection. Prior to the labor movement in the United States, the average American worked twelve hour days six days per week. Despite restrictions in some states, children as young as six toiled in factories across the country at wages a faction of the meager wages paid to adults. People of all ages, particularly the very poor and recent immigrants, often endured unsafe working areas without sufficient sanitary facilities or breaks. Our Church has a long history as a champion of the dignity of human work. The Catholic Church has stood at the side of the working class, especially the exploited. Catholic teaching is based on the principal that people are more important than things -- that work is for the person not the person for work. Today from the Book of Genesis [1:26-2:3], we learn that we are created in the image and likeness of God and that through work we share in the task of creation with our Creator. This elevates our work from a purely human burden to an activity that connects us with the Divine command to nurture that part of the world that has been entrusted to our care. Pope Leo XIII, St. John XXIII, St. John Paul II and Pope Francis have made important contributions to the social teaching of the Church on the dignity of labor and its importance to human development In 1891, Pope Leo XIII, published Rerum Novarum – Rights and Duties of Capital and Labor. Pope Leo called for decent wages and working conditions for the poor, especially those working in urban factories. Saint John XXIII stressed that workers are “entitled to a wage that is determined in accordance with the precepts of Justice.” Saint John Paul II called work “probably the essential key to the whole social question.” Pope Francis states that “work is fundamental to the dignity of a person, It anoints us with dignity, fills us with dignity, makes us close to God, gives one the ability to maintain oneself, one’s family and to contribute to the growth of our community and nation.” The Gospel today from the Sermon on the Mount [Mathew 6:31-34] is a reminder that we, just like the birds in the air and the flowers in the field, are totally dependent of God. Therefore, we should not worry or be anxious about our temporal wellbeing but seek first the Kingdom of God through a personal relationship with Jesus. For us that means doing the will of God, which we learn in our daily prayer and work. The following poem by Presbyterian clergyman Henry van Dyke, 1852-1933, illustrates the message of both our Church and country this Labor Day. They who tread the path of labor follow where My feet have trod. They who work without complaining, do the holy will of God. Evermore for those who seek Me; I am with them everywhere; Raise the stone, and you shall find Me, split the wood and I am there Where the many toil together, there am I among My own; Where the tired workman sleeps, there am I with him alone; I, the Peace that passes knowledge, dwells amid the daily strife; I, the Bread of Heaven am broken in the sacrament of life. Every task, however simple, sets the soul that does it free; Every deed of love and mercy, done to man is done to Me. Evermore for those who seek Me; I am with them everywhere; Raise the stone, and you shall find Me, split the wood and I am there. Our Lady of Sorrows The Catholic Church celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows on September 15, the day after the feast of the Holy Cross to show the close connection between Jesus' Passion and Mary's Sorrows. For a while there were two feasts in honor of the Sorrowful Mother: one going back to the 15th century, the other to the 17th century. For a while both were celebrated by the universal Church: one on the Friday before Palm Sunday, the other in September. The principal biblical references to Mary's sorrows are in Luke 2:35 and John 19:26-27. The Lucan passage is Simeon's prediction about a sword piercing Mary's soul; the Johannine passage relates Jesus' words to Mary and to the beloved disciple. Many early Church writers interpret the sword as Mary's sorrows, especially as she saw Jesus die on the cross. Thus, the two passages are brought together as prediction and fulfillment. St. Ambrose (December7) in particular sees Mary as a sorrowful yet powerful figure at the cross. Mary stood fearlessly at the cross while others fled. Mary looked on her Son's wounds with pity, but saw in them the salvation of the world. As Jesus hung on the cross, Mary did not fear to be killed but offered herself to her persecutors. Taken from: Faith Formation Please make note of these important date Parent Meeting Monday, September 14th 7pm (In the Church) Please visit our website: and choose the Faith Formation tab for a complete calendar of this year’s dates. For more details, please contact the faith formation office at 972.542.4685. Classes begin on the following NEW dates: Sacramental Prep: Sat., Sept. 19th Confirmation (9th - 12th): Sat., Sept. 19th Continued Faith Formation: Sun., Sept. 20th Confirmation (7th & 8th): Wed., Sept. 16th Official World Meeting of Families Prayer God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love. Through Christ our Lord, Amen. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us! Were you baptized in another Christian denomination and want to become Catholic? Are you interested in learning more about your Catholic faith? Are you unbaptized and want to be baptized into the Catholic Church? You were baptized into the Catholic Church but have not received the Sacraments of First Communion and/or Confirmation? Then the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is for you! First class started last week, please join us. For more information please call St. Michael’s office 972-542-4667 ext. 3. Sagrada Lectura septiembre 13 - 20 1st Prize: $2,000 MasterCard / Visa 2nd Prize: $1,500 Master Card / Visa 3rd Prize: MacBook Air Laptop 4th Prize: Michael Kors Designer Watch (His/Hers) 5th Prize: 55” RCA Flatscreen T.V. 6th Prize: Apple Ipad Air 7th Prize: Fitbit Surge Fitness Watch w/Heart Rate Monitor 8th Prize: Rob Gronkowski Autographed Football (Tight end for the New England Patriots) 9th Prize: BeatsSolo HD Headphones 10th Prize: $100 Wal-Mart Gift Card 13 de septiembre – Vigésimo Cuarto Domingo del T.O. Is 50:5-9; Salmo 116; Stgo 2:14-18; Mc 8:27-35 lunes, 14 de septiembre – Exaltación de la Santa Cruz Núm 21:4-9; Salmo 78; Fil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 martes, 15 de sep. – Nuestra Señora de los Dolores 1 Tim 3:1-13; Salmo 101; Jn 19:25-27 miércoles, 16 de sep. – santos Cornelio y Cipriano 1 Tim 3:14-16; Salmo 111; Lc 7:31-35 jueves, 17 de septiembre – san Roberto Belarmino 1 Tim 4:12-16; Salmo 111; Lc 7:36-50 viernes, 18 de septiembre 1 Tim 6:2-12; Salmo 49; Lc 8:1-3 sábado, 19 de septiembre – san Jenaro 1 Tim 6:13-16; Salmo 100; Lc 8:4-15 20 de septiembre – Vigésimo Quinto Domingo del T.O. Sab 2:12,17-20; Salmo 54; Stgo 3:16 – 4:3; Mc 9:30-37 Caminare en presencia del Señor. en el país de la vida. salmo 116 NUESTRA OFRENDA domingo, 6 de septiembre Asistencia: 1° Colecta: $13,807.00 2° Colecta: $3,445.00 St. Vincent de Paul: $2,336.00 (Estos totales no incluyen donaciones hechos por medio del programa de OnLine Giving) $5.00 per ticket. Wednesday is THE day. Starting with the first Wednesday in September Children's Choir -and Small Group for teens resumes rehearSING. Nuestra segunda colecta es para ayudar reducir el préstamo de la parroquia. Por favor seamos generosos en nuestras donaciones; bien sabemos que el Señor nos dará siete veces más. “Vale más la oración con el ayuno y la limosna con la justicia, que la riqueza con la iniquidad. Vale más hacer limosna que amontonar oro. La limosna libra de la muerte y purifica de todo pecado. Los que dan limosna gozarán de una larga vida.” (Tobías 12:8-9) San Vicente de Paul 4:30 in the Holy Family room. Email Valerie Stagaman for more information at [email protected] It is Well with My Soul A concert to give thanks. This Sunday afternoon 3:00pm in the church. Free to all. Please join us! Despensa de comida cada martes, miércoles y jueves Abierto: 2 a 4pm el segundo sábado del mes de 8:30 am-10:30 am Teléfono: 214-314-5698 CorreoElectrónico: [email protected] También estamos necesitados de más voluntarios. Por favor deje su mensaje al 214.314.5698. Gracias a sus donaciones y apoyo continuo durante el mes de agosto ayudamos a 449 personas. Gracias. Fiesta de la exaltación de la Santa Cruz La Cruz Redentora y el dolor por amor. 14 de septiembre Nosotros hemos de gloriarnos en la cruz de nuestro Señor Jesucristo (Gálatas 6,14) Con la pregunta dubitativa: ¿Quién creyó nuestro anuncio?, comienza el Profeta Isaías el capítulo 53 de su Cuarto Cántico del Siervo de Yahvé. El mundo, con el señuelo y la novedad del progresismo, de la innovación y de la singularidad, resulta más camaleónico de lo que se cree. Le parece que está inventando la historia y produciendo novedades cuando sólo está renovando viejísimos errores en nombre de la nueva cultura. Y junto a la consecuencia directa de la ignorancia, incoherencia y entronización de la carencia de rigor, llega al pensamiento débil y a las ideas heréticas. Salvarnos sin cruz, o con cruces deleitables, es un revivir el epicureismo y el hedonismo pagano. Algunos cristianos tratan de desvirtuar la cruz, rebajando el vino del evangelio con el agua de la mediocridad, o pagando tributo al relativismo, o con la escasa formación acomodaticia de que ya hablaba San Pablo: Los judíos piden señales y los griegos buscan saber, nosotros predicamos un Cristo crucificado, escándalo para los judíos, locura para los paganos, en cambio para los llamados, lo mismo judíos que griegos, un Mesías que es portento de Dios y sabiduría de Dios: porque la locura de Dios es más sabia que los hombres y la debilidad de Dios más potente que los hombres (1 Cor 22). ….. San Agustín dice: "El que te creó sin ti, no te salvará sin ti". Para esta supuesta cultura, la teología de la cruz es una locura o una necedad, como decía el Apóstol, y no duda en preguntar Isaías: ¿Quién creyó nuestro anuncio? ¿A quién se reveló el brazo del Señor?. Para los tales la fiesta de la Exaltación de la Cruz, se ha convertido en devaluación de la Cruz de Cristo. Por: P. Jesús Martí Ballester Catecismo Por favor revisen nuestra pagina web: y oprima Formación de Fe para revisar el calendario completo para este año. Por favor anoten estas fechas importantes: Por favor llame a la oficina de Formación de Fe para mas detalles 972.542.4685. Clases empieza - FECHAS NUEVAS: Preparación Sacramental: sábado, 19 de sept. Confirmación (9 a 12 grado): sábado, 19 de sept. Fe Continua: domingo, 20 de septiembre Confirmación (7 y 8 grado): miércoles, 16 de sept. La parroquia de San Miguel Arcángel Ofrece clases del Método Para Enfrentar Dolor / Sufrimiento Los sábados a las 6:00 pm En el salón S. Drake Inicia el 19 de septiembre En esta clase aprenderás como superar las perdidas emocionales causadas por el fallecimiento de un ser querido, por un divorcio o por cualquier otra de las muchas pérdidas que vivimos como seres humanos. Para más información favor de comunicarse con la Hermana Yolanda Pérez al 972-542-4667 ext. 110 El Evangelio de San Mateo Continuaremos las clases de biblia cada martes a las 11:00 am Salón Drake. Para mas información favor de comunicarse con la Hermana Yolanda al 972-542-4667, ext. 110. Tienes la sed de saber mas de la fe católica? ¿Quisieras saber que se requiere para poder recibir los sacramentos que todavía no has podido? El programa de RICA es para ti. Están invitados a participar en nuestro programa de instrucción. El programa se centra en cuatro áreas esenciales: lo que la Iglesia enseña (lo que hay que creer); cómo enseña la Iglesia; la Biblia; y la espiritualidad. Cualquier persona interesada en acompañarnos este otoño, por favor llame a la oficina de la parroquia, 972-542-4667 x3, y pida hablar con el Diacono Federico. La primer clase fue el jueves pasado, por favor acompáñenos. !Los Esperamos! Nuestra Señora de Dolores Un poco de historia Bajo el título de la Virgen de la Soledad o de los Dolores se venera a María en muchos lugares. La fiesta de nuestra Señora de los Dolores se celebra el 15 de septiembre y recordamos en ella los sufrimientos por los que pasó María a lo largo de su vida, por haber aceptado ser la Madre del Salvador. Este día se acompaña a María en su experiencia de un muy profundo dolor, el dolor de una madre que ve a su amado Hijo incomprendido, acusado, abandonado por los temerosos apóstoles, flagelado por los soldados romanos, coronado con espinas, escupido, abofeteado, caminando descalzo debajo de un madero astilloso y muy pesado hacia el monte Calvario, donde finalmente presenció la agonía de su muerte en una cruz, clavado de pies y manos. María saca su fortaleza de la oración y de la confianza en que la Voluntad de Dios es lo mejor para nosotros, aunque nosotros no la comprendamos. Es Ella quien, con su compañía, su fortaleza y su fe, nos da fuerza en los momentos de dolor, en los sufrimientos diarios. Pidámosle la gracia de sufrir unidos a Jesucristo, en nuestro corazón, para así unir los sacrificios de nuestra vida a los de Ella y comprender que, en el dolor, somos más parecidos a Cristo y somos capaces de amarlo con mayor intensidad. Tomado de: Oficial Encuentro Mundial de las Familias Oración Dios y Padre de todos nosotros, en Jesús, tu Hijo y nuestro Salvador, que nos han convertido en sus hijos e hijas en la familia de la Iglesia. Que tu gracia y amor ayudar a nuestras familias en todas partes del mundo se unen entre sí en la fidelidad al Evangelio. Que el ejemplo de la Sagrada Familia, con la ayuda de tu Espíritu Santo, guía a todas las familias, especialmente aquellas con más problemas, como las casas de la comunión y la oración y de buscar siempre la verdad y vivir en tu amor. Por Cristo nuestro Señor, Amén. Jesús, María y José, ruega por nosotros! Premio #1: $2,000 MasterCard / Visa Premio #2: $1,500 Master Card / Visa Premio #3: MacBook Air Laptop Premio #4: Michael Kors Designer Watch (His/Hers) Premio #5: 55” RCA Flatscreen T.V. Premio #6: Apple Ipad Air Premio #7: Fitbit Surge Fitness Watch w/Heart Rate Monitor Premio #8: Rob Gronkowski Autographed Football (Tight end for the New England Patriots) Premio #9: BeatsSolo HD Headphones Premio # 10: $100 Wal-Mart Gift Card